A Typical Day

By Joseph Foster

Published on Jul 14, 2009


A Typical Day

Chapter 2


Not having parents that acknowledge your existence when you're confused about life's ways can be slightly overwhelming to the already lonely feelings rushing through your head, especially when you've essentially been dumped twice in a day...

I made it an hour with Noah, and a month with Braden before that flopped so he wouldn't screw up his family's financial future, I don't know if I can even call bullshit on that one cause rich people tend to be snobby, and when those people are Italian and old school, chances are he's telling me the god honest truth, that doesn't make it hurt any less though, I've wanted him for so long and when I got him, it was everything I'd hoped for but it last shorter than my pair of contacts, thankfully I could blame red eyes on those soft rubbery satanic contraptions that save one from being the butt of jokes, not that anyone cracks jokes about glasses, unless you've got those ones with the changing lenses that become sunglasses... those are made fun of mainly cause you always see in certain types of mugshots, typically accompanied with a picture of an unmarked white van with painted over windows but that's beside the point.

I was pretty proud of me, I didn't really cry, I did at first, mainly because of the abruptness, but I stopped before going to bed, so whatever, I'm single, and I would love to go after Noah, but all that echoes in my head is "I'm nobody's second choice." Technically he was my first pick, but I wasn't going to deny my real feelings when Braden kissed me, they were simple and finite, and I was a teenager after all, why should I be someone's boyfriend, I don't need that, in high school terms I'd done pretty well with the length of that relationship.

I grabbed my book bag and headed to school, I was sitting in World History when someone tapped my shoulder, "Hey Hayden, do you have a pen I could borrow I can't find one..."

"Here's two, try to hold on to them..." I said to the interesting looking boy, now he was so not my type, I'm one for the pretty jock, but this guy, was kinda dirty looking, grease monkey type, pierced ear and cartilage, gelled hair, cut off shirt with exposed tattoos on his muscled arms, obviously a big fan of the gym, I was getting hard as I turned back around

To be honest I would normally walk to the other side of the road to avoid talking to someone like him... just cause he looked like a douche bag, but it wouldn't be my story if I left out Gavin... known to most as Vin.

When the bell rang we stood up, he has a good three inches on me, and that is what I call tall, I like it, I swiftly walked out the door, "Hey." He called after me

"Yeah?" I turned around

"Don't you want your pens back?"

"No, you need them more than I do dude, I've got a whole pack in my bag, always prepared to help out..."

"So I hear..." He smirked

"Is that a fact, well get in line..." I said much friskier than my usually more subtle invitations...

"I'll see that I do..." he said and gave me a cocky wink before walking away

CALIENTE... Was all I could think as I walked into my next class, honors bio, which I shared with wait for it... Noah AND Braden...I took a deep breath and took my seat next to Noah, and he turned to me, "Hey, I didn't see you this morning..."

"Oh yeah, I could barely pry my ass outta bed early enough to get here today..."

"Anything to do with Brad ending things?"

"Word must travel fast..." I said

"Pretty quick, this school's grapevine must be like super sonic or something..." he laughed, then turned serious, "How are you?"

I gave a half smile, and then Brad walked in, "Better till now..." I said and stiffened as he passed and not in the good way, and looked straight ahead

I heard Brad try to say something to Noah, who cut him off, "I don't care, don't talk to me."

"Noah, come on, try to stay Switzerland..." I said not breaking my stare, I heard a muttered thank you come from Brad

"I'd rather be the US and bomb prematurely and explain later..."

"Just stop." I said

"Alright, for you I will."

"Thanks bud." I said and class began, at lunch I opted to sit alone, I was glad to see Noah coming to join me, and a bit surprised to see Chad following him, but I'd gotten closer with Chad, he was a great guy to work out with

"Hey can we sit?" Noah asked but Chad just plopped down

"Free country..." I said

"How are you holding up with the break up?" Chad asked

"I'd hardly call it a break up, we went out a month..."

"Yeah, but you were involved for a long time even if it was just sex..."

"Jesus.. Noah, you told?!"

"Wait he already knew! I've been hiding it from HIM!" Chad exclaimed and we all laughed

"So you knew about me and Brad?"

"Yeah, of course... I'm his gay best friend, we talk about everything guy related."

"Very good, so I guess he told you why we're donzo...?"

"He was vague, but he basically said if he dates you his family loses everything..."

"I'm going to the computer lab..." I said, and when I got there I loaded messenger

<So how did it go? We haven't talked since before the "study session"> Evan a friend who'd moved to Indiana asked me

<Awesome, we kissed <3 I totally saw stars... lol corny I know, then something more awesome happened, Braden said he loves me, and we went out for a month>

<Why do I not like the sound of this... who's taking my place in your heart now?>

<Nobody could take your place baby, you'll always be my first love, and first time. Unfortunately nobody's even subbing in, Braden broke it off yesterday>

<Nice to know, so you never told me is he hot?>

<Both Noah and Braden are totally gorgeous, but one of those is the kind where only certain people, me included, will find him so totally hot>

<So he's not?>

<It really depends on your taste, to me, he brings new meaning to tall dark and handsome, but he's hilarious to boot, so he's got the personality to match it>

<Um... you're blonde hair blue eyed boy next doorish, if you were actually good looking>

<Yowza, harsh... but back to your probs... I'm sorry, you deserve someone who treats you right and loves you>

<Hey, no matter what those Indiana guys think, you're perfect to me. >

<Aww... Well I've got a paper to write, so I'll ttyl.>

<Yeah, nice talk. <3>

< <3 >

If you hadn't guessed Evan was my first boyfriend, captain of the lacrosse team, I know right, but it was by default, nobody else wanted it, so it wasn't really based on talent... so not as cliché right...

Chad walked up to where I was sitting, "Where's Noah?" I asked

"He went over to talk to the guys, I came to check on you."

"That's cool, thanks, but I'm okay, I've got ten minutes left to write this last half a page of this essay..."

"Cool." He said sitting next to me, when I finished and printed we spent the last five minutes with him proofing my paper...

"You know, this is really good, you'll win the debate for sure."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, this is brilliant, you're like the perfect guy huh..."

"What do you mean?"

"I just mean, you're smart, funny, nice, and hot... God doesn't typically give with both hands..."

"I am not hot..."

"Yeah dude keep telling yourself that, but you're gorgeous..." he said giving me a kiss on the cheek, not sensual or sexual, just a friendly kiss

"Well thanks..." I said and we left the library as the bell rang

I was unwinding on my couch when my doorbell rang that afternoon

GRRRRRRRRRRR I moaned and went to answer the door

"You almost had me fooled!" Noah said and pushed through the door

"Um... what's going on?"

"You know exactly what's going on, what, Braden dumps you so you move in on Chad, playing musical cocks or something, I saw you two in the library!"

"You have the totally wrong idea here Noah, nothing happened, we just talked."

"It didn't look like nothing..."

"He's my friend, we've started to work out together, and he was comforting me, and helping me proof my paper."

"Then why did he kiss you?"

"He gave me a compliment, and I didn't take it well, and he just gave me a little kiss on the cheek, just a friend..."

"Oh... you swear you're not into him?"

"Cross my heart..." I said and made an X over my heart

"Okay, I'm so sorry I yelled, you didn't need that..."

"Do you wanna watch a movie with me, I could use the company..." I asked.. kinda hoping to lure him into my bed, hey... he was the one that said nothing serious...

"Why do you wear that cross...?" I asked him as we sat down to pick a movie

"For my mom, after I came out to her, it took her a while, a long while, but she came around, and now we're closer than ever, and she's super religious, so she feels like if I wear it, god will protect me from hate"

"Was it the church that made her react negative at first?" I asked

"Yeah, you know, she told me that she couldn't see how a place that preaches tolerance and all, could be so intolerant, so she decided that if the true will of god is to tolerate and accept, then it should be okay to accept gay people, she was so scared for me, and I never stopped being her son, and she finally realized I was the same person I had always been, but I wouldn't be getting married and making babies... She even jokes now about how at least she doesn't need to worry about me impregnating some girl during high school."

"Haha... if my mother could ever accept me that sounds like something she would say..."

"She could surprise you, your dad could too, you never know..."

"I told them eight months ago, and they just stopped talking to me altogether..."

"I'm so sorry..."

"I'm not, they were always the distant types, my aunt and uncle have been so helpful, they've been loving and accepting, my cousin, Lisa is a lesbian, so they have nothing but contempt for my parents for shutting me out, they are the reason I have clothes and a car and a laptop, they help me with the things parents should be doing, I love them and I even call them mom and dad, my parents have been Helen and Marko for about six months now, they hate it, say it's disrespectful and as the faggot of the family I should just be glad I have a home... I usually just tune them out."

"One day, they'll regret the way they handled it, when you're out of the house and on your own, with grandkids they'll never see..."

"You're right, let's watch a movie."

"Right on, how about Transformers?" he suggested and pulled it out of his bag

"You had that in your book bag?? I take it that's your choice? I've never seen it..."

"WHAT!? Never!? Okay we are so watching it, you'll love it..."

We sat on the couch in front of the plasma the one truly expensive thing in this house, and started the movie, as the opening credits rolled I was already interested..."

Somewhere during one of the action scenes I had unintentionally nestled into Noah, and his arm wound up around me, I looked at him and smiled, he smiled back at me.

We continued watching the movie, I was so into it I was even exclaiming at portions I was sad when it ended...

"Damn dude that was so cool, I wish it was longer!" I exclaimed

"The sequel came out last week; I haven't seen it yet...."

"We HAVE to go!" I enthused

"Are you asking me out Mister?" Noah asked me

"Um... I ... mean... well... If... yo.. no I'm not, we can just go as friends..."

"Like I've said before you are adorable, I'd love to go with you."

"Awesome I can't wait!" I exclaimed he looked at me with his baby blue eyes and pecked me on the lips

I looked at him and he pushed me back on the couch, he kissed me the way I had kissed him in my room a month ago...

He unbuttoned my fly and pulled out my hard six inch dick, taking it in his mouth he suckled on the head and gradually took more and more down his experienced throat and soon was balls deep, and he started contracting his expert muscles in his throat, and I came right then in his mouth, and he swallowed

"Can we go upstairs?" he asked me


We went upstairs to my room and shut the door locking it, and started ripping one another's clothes off, a months desire ripping through up as we mashed together passionately making out as I laid on my back, he pulled a condom from his wallet and I pulled lube out of the nightstand, and applied it to myself and he applied it to his condom covered penis, and aligned his seven inch penis with my quivering pucker hole and in a swift movement planted himself deep inside me and started fucking right away, our chests were pressed together as he gyrated his hips grinding with Kama Sutra like precision I was moaning loud, because he was long dicking my prostate and making me whimper like a porn star, I felt my anal muscles milking and contracting... so that's an anal orgasm, I screamed out, and my dick spurted a few strings of cum between us and our sweaty cum stained bodies glided smoothly against one another, he kissed me deeply and moaned in my mouth as he filled the condom with his seed, he gave one last thrust and grunt and slowly pulled out... throwing the condom in the wastebasket, he rolled over and we fell asleep next to each other...

I awoke in the morning and Noah had his leg carelessly tossed over me and was holding me like a child holds a teddy bear, I looked at the clock, it was six am...

"Noah... wake up..." I said

"Five more minutes..." he said

"Fine, I'll go make breakfast..."

He was obviously still asleep, "Eggs and bacon..." he quietly muttered and sputtered, it was cute

I got to work on breakfast, it didn't take long to make, and I put it on plates and took it up to my room...

"Okay, I gave you twenty minutes, here's some food." I said and placed it on the nightstand, he smelled it and the coffee I'd made for him and instantly awoke

"Ooh.. thank you so much..." he said groggily

"No problem." I said and we ate in silence

"About last night..." he said making his food into a sandwich


"I don't want you to get the wrong idea..."

"Oh, I know..."

"It was a one time thing, I'm not ready for anything else..."

"You see, that's how we wound up here in the first place Noah..."

"What do you mean...?"

"Well the only reason I didn't immediately settle to just fool around with you is because I did want more, and you didn't, it wouldn't have been fair... but I know what I want now..." I said and kissed him lightly

"And what's that?"

"To put it simply... sex... and lots of it, I don't want a relationship, I'm sixteen I've got my 20s for that..."

"So, you wanna be my fuck buddy?"

"That's the lewd way to put it, I call it taking care of your needs, and vice versa, but if you don't want a boyfriend, why did you get so jealous of Chad kissing me?"

"Oh, well, because I thought you were being a jackass, and moving on to the next guy you knew you could have a chance with, and I happen to be seeing him, so he can't know about this..."

"Wait... you mean, I was side work?"

"Not exactly... Chad and I have a non exclusive agreement, but you are actually off limits, by both our requests..."


"Cause we both feel something for you... I guess it would only be fair if you fuck Chad, he's a bottom you know..."

"Really?! That actually kinda surprises me." I said forgetting they'd forbid one another of going for me... kinda weird... it pisses me off actually, "So you two just decided that if one of you breaks these rules I'm just gonna have to fuck the other!?"

"Well, no..."

"That's what you said Noah, that's what you meant isn't it, you just came here to use me... that's all this was, I don't believe this..."

"It really wasn't my intention to sleep with you..."

"How can I believe that? I guess this just proves I'm not meant to be a slut like you or Chase..."

"What... you're comparing me to that prancing ballerina whore!?!"

"You think that just because you don't prance around trying to pick up anything with legs and a penis that that makes you any different, you don't have to walk the walk, you should really fuck him, I'm sure he'd love to have my sloppy seconds..."

Noah's eyes glazed over, he was pissed I could tell, I was a little bit afraid, cause even though I'm taller, he's got twenty pounds on me

"I guess I'll just be going then... "

"Oh, and if I do decide to fuck Chad, I'll make sure that its up on the net for you to see it..."

"Chase was right about you..." was all he said and I just stood there, to me that was like ripping out my heart...

"Fuck you!" I said angrily and slammed my bedroom door as he left, I went to my bathroom, I felt cheap, used, and dirty, I turned the water to scalding hot and sat under the stream in the shower not caring I was still wearing my underwear it was there that I began to sob, and the water washed away my tears.


I've gotta say waking up next to Hayden felt so good, I felt so safe and just all around good with him wrapped up in my arms, I just smiled and went back to sleep instead of leaving...

In the morning I seem to remember suddenly feeling cold and then he was gone, I was half asleep it was still early, but a little later I smelled bacon, and awoke, he'd made breakfast, and that kind of freaked me out... I ate the food and drank the coffee, then I told him we needed to talk

The things I said, that's not something I say to anyone, I just felt like I had to hurt him, I know its irrational, but I was so hurt when he told me that he was going to be with Braden, it hurt worse to find out the big confession probably started while I was still in his driveway, then today with seeing Chad kissing him, I know it was just a cheek kiss but Chad was my friend with benefits, and sure I don't feel the way about him he does for me thanks to Hayden... but I can't go back on my word, I swore to him I'm nobody's second choice, so I decided to hurt him... badly...

I didn't mean any of it, and when I saw how hurt he was I was ready to apologize and tell him I didn't mean it, he looked sadder than a little kid who just found out their puppy died... Then when he called me a slut and compared me to that jerk Chase, I lost it, and I gave the finishing verbal blows, something I knew would kill him, figuratively of course, I care about him to much to desire the literal, "Chase was right about you..."

First him knowing I even spoke to jerkface at all would be blow number one, but the `fatal' blow would be that I talked to Chase about him, which I had but he had actually surprised me I remembered the conversation the day I found out about Braden and Hayden...

I was pacing in the courtyard and suddenly I felt a presence, "Hey... are you alright?"

I recognized the slight southern twang anywhere, I turned and there he was wearing a tshirt that was way too tight and jeans in the same respect, I didn't really wanna talk to anyone let alone someone Hayden despises... "I'm fine..."

"It's Hayden isn't it... why do people like him so much? He's fat."

"You know Chase you really need to get over yourself, you may have a nice body and be all in peoples' faces with that and your sexuality, but Hayden is a good person, he is gorgeous, has a great body, and there are two places you differ in that description, I think we both know why YOU don't like him..."

"And why is that?" he asked in a normal voice, he actually had a nice voice with that little accent when he wasn't acting like a flamer

"Because, he has what you lack, he treats everyone with dignity and respect, while you judge based on looks and body type, he's open minded and judges nobody, even you, in the small time I've known him, he's only said anything mean about you when you provoke him, and second he's drop dead gorgeous, and you, well let's be honest dude, you're average when you stand next to him..."

"Wow... blunt much... you're right, and its not that I don't like him, quite the opposite actually, I really do like him a lot, not romantic or anything I did at first but well I'll get there, but I think he's a great guy, but he brushed me off from day one, normally guys are ready to bend to my desire, but there he was completely immune and turned off, and I was stunned, it was the first time a guy had completely ignored me... There were a few times I tried to get his attention, but he was just completely not interested, I think he thought I was flaunting, not flirting, I've never really been good at that part."

"Wait... so you're telling me, you WANT Hayden and that's why you act the way you do to him..."

"I want-ED him to notice me, then other guys started to, and I just kinda forgot about him, but I know the power he can have over you, he's so kind, and strong, but trust me, I've seen the way he is, he thinks he's so different from me, he's not, he just doesn't advertise it..."

"So you're telling me he doesn't really want a relationship?"

"I'm telling you that if someone is burned enough, they will take what they can get for validation."

"You know for a shallow jerk, you're pretty deep..."

"You have no idea..." Chase said and left me to my thoughts, I just laughed at his comment quietly...

I let all this new information stew for like a month, and then one day I decided I was ready to confront him, I was busy talking to my friends during lunch when he left for the library, I would follow later, I didn't even notice Chad gone a few minutes after he did, when I was finished talking I noted that both Chad and Hayden were gone...

"Where are those two?" I asked myself and grabbed my bookbag heading for the library, what I saw pissed me off, I saw Chad with his hand on Hayden's knee talking to him I didn't know what about, then I saw it, and my sight became red, there they were in the middle of the library, and Hayden plants a kiss on Chad, I turned and left the moment I saw him leaning in it wasn't hard to figure out what was going on... I was pissed off for the rest of the day and I went directly to Hayden's to confront the little asshole.

As soon as the door opened I started in on him "You almost had me fooled!" I don't know why I was so pissed, I didn't like Chad that way, I just wanted his bubblebutt wrapped around my dick...

He defended himself, and I wound up looking like a total idiot, he was so nice and forgiving, I couldn't believe it I burst in here accusing him of being so sort of street urchin, and he just brushes it off like it's no big deal, he invited me to watch a movie and I really wanted to spend some time with him so I accepted...

It was after the movie after we talked, he just looked so sweet, so innocent, all excited about a movie, he usually had this façade of strength and confidence... I couldn't help but give him a little kiss, he gave me a look of surprise, and I saw him give me green, so I pushed him back the way he had to me that day after school...

I ended up with him wrapped in my arms, and slept with him the whole night, and breakfast the next morning, and ending with my telling him Chase was right about him...

He looked so broken as I stood on the opposite side of the door, I heard his shower turn on and I was walking down the stairs when I heard it, and my heart contorted into all sorts of shapes it hurt me to hear it... the loud wailing sobs that were muffled a bit through the walls and the shower, I sat on the stairs and cried "What did I do?" I quickly left and pulled out my Blackberry I didn't know who to call, I scrolled through my contacts, Chase Cassidy's number was highlighted... I hit the send button

"You got him..."

"Chase, it's Noah."

"Oh, hey, what's up?"

"I need to talk to someone..."

"And you call me... that's a new one..."

"You're the only one who knows about the whole situation..."

"Great, I get to spend my entire afternoon talking about that fat fuck... wonderful, be at my house ASAP before I change my mind..."

I made the short drive to the next town over, see the way our school was set, up, people living two seconds from the school go there, as well as people living twenty minutes from the school go there... I had been to Chase's house only once to drop him off after a flat tire stranded him at school, but it was easy to remember...

I knocked on the door of the tasteful one story house, he answered the door in a tank top and basketball shorts, he looked good... that's for sure...

"Okay, come in." he scoffed

We made our way into the living room

"So what happened now that you were in such a pickle you'd call me?"

"I did something, something really bad..."

"You wore green and yellow in the same outfit?"

"Very funny, I slept with him..."

"With HAYDEN?!" He was obviously shocked

"I heard he's harder to get in than Harvard, how'd you swing that one?"

"I wasn't trying to, we were just watching a movie, and we kissed, one thing led to another..."

"That's hot... anyways, tell me what brings you here."

"I was getting there... anyway, he got all like, attached this morning, he made me breakfast in bed and was like, nice..."

"Oh wow... this is serious, he's, he's a monster, how dare he be so considerate, am I really gonna say this... dear god I am... Hayden is a great catch, do you understand I have never had a guy invite me to stay over, and breakfast forget about it, and how rare it is to find someone so willing to do something so genuine... dear lord i can't believe I'm gonna say this... you are an IDIOT for reacting like this, what boneheaded thing d'ya do next?"

"I kinda tried to let him down easy and wound up cutting him off at the knees, making him cry."

"I hate you for making me be the one to tell you this... you don't deserve him, please get out of my house, I may be an ass to him for my own reasons, but that's just low, even for me, and I'm a bitch..."

"I thought you were gonna help me..."

"You can't be helped, you shot down a guy that treated you like a king, if you didn't want to be with him, couldn't you have at least waited until you were not still in the tussled bed from the night before, you treated him like dirt, and even worse, you've made me defend him and think more highly of him than you."

I was shoved out the door, "Delete my number, I have no desire to be associated with you, that boy hates me enough."

I was so dejected I just got in my car and drove to my house...


I was still dwelling on the memories of the short time Hayden and I had together, we'd seen movies, a concert, bad tv shows, all for the sake of spending time together, I'd never had so much fun, and here I was alone in my bedroom, single, and loathing every moment of it, not knowing what he could be doing, probably still hates me...


"I just want to be alone please." I could barely manage above a hushed tone and I heard my mother on the other side

"Alright son."

What I couldn't hear when the sound of her high heels disappeared and I heard a door shut...

"Do you think we did the right thing?" Isabella asked her husband

"What do you mean amore?" Franco replied absorbed in his work

"Lui ama cui ti amo." [He loves him the way I love you.]

"Egli è giovane." [he is young] He puts down his work and looks at his wife, "e non può amare." [and cannot love]

"Se è così in grado di amore che è il mio amore, egli non può amare noi." {If he is so incapable of love, he cannot love us]

"che è diverso!" [that's different!]

"l'amore è amore." [love is love]

"I do not wish to discuss this further, we lied to our son, per il meglio." [For the best]

"He may not speak with us anymore."

"A chance worthwhile, we cannot taint the Kisano name amore."

"I am not ashamed of my son, ma i seguirà il vostro desiderio." [but I will follow your desire]

"You think I am ashamed, no my love, I am scared of the life he chooses. Pericoloso."

"It is no longer a taboo to be like him."

"My son is not a queer!"

"I love my son, queer or not, if you don't then that is okay, but do not sit there and dictate how I must feel, and do not dare tell me you love him when you make up such a devious lie you know my parents died and we never told him we have all that money from them, we do not need your dirty Kisano legacy dictating our son's lifestyle."

SLAP, "Non parlare della mia famiglia in modo!" [NEVER SPEAK OF MY FAMILY IN SUCH A MANNER]

"Lay a hand on myself or my son ever again and you will lose it, I swear this to god himself." Isabella said threateningly and he husband knew she'd meant it... he'd never raised a hand to his wife or child, he'd also never had a problem with anyone's sexuality, or even he prospect a child of his may like the same sex, as of late though, he'd been discovering similarities between himself and his own father...

"I am sorry..." he said and left the house


I am not a crier but today really overloaded me with emotion, I have a long history of heartache, I have parents who hate me, a never ending cycle of friends that have let me down one way or another, I can't keep a fish alive, and now I have to add boyfriendish types that always seem to be assholes to the mix, and I do not like it.

I turned off the water, which had turned cold, waking me up, I stood dropping my underwear and went to my bedroom, I grabbed my cell phone and dialed Evan's number

"Hey babe."


"I know that sound, I'm gonna come over."

"You're two hours away."

"I don't care it sounds like you need me."


Over the past couple years it seems Evan has become not only my best friend, but the only boyfriend who has ever managed to really care for me, he loves me, and I love him, and the distance may not be that big, but four hours of driving is a bit too much and once or twice a week wouldn't be much of a relationship... not with these gas prices.

I fell asleep and was awoken by a stroking on my hair, I opened my eyes and there he was my first love, looking me in the eyes, and what I saw surprised me, he has shaggy hair and his blue eyes seem to glimmer more now than ever, and I can tell by his shoulders that he's definitely changed.

"Hey baby." He said kissing my lips, I returned the soft polite kiss


"What happened, you never greet with just hi."

"It's Noah."

"Wait, I thought it was Braden."

"Well it was Braden, well it was, now it's Noah, I mean, well it was technically never Noah, we just kinda you know, well we, um, I had sex with Noah."

"That took a minute to get out, so you had sex big deal, unless it meant something."

"It did to me, I even made him breakfast."

"Aw, babe, that's so sweet."

"Apparently it's not sweet enough, because he totally burned me and then left me here crying."

"He made you cry...?" Evan said angrily as his chest puffed up.. yeah.. a lot different...

"He told me that he only wanted sex, see I had talked with his boyfriendish guy and he kissed me on the cheek, just a friendly peck, nothing spectacular to write home about or anything, but then he came over here flipping out, we watched a movie, made out, and had sex, he stayed over, I cooked, he flipped out about not wanting a relationship, then said that I was supposed to be off limits or something, I mean WHAT is that... two guys were deciding my sex life without me even having a clue... and then he goes and says that Chase Cassidy was right about me, and not only does that mean that that little scum sucking road whore thinks bad about me, but that asshole Noah was talking about me to said road whore! GOD why can't life just be easy again!?"

"Oh hon... life sucks, I didn't get all of that, but hell we all deal with this kinda shit daily, well except me, because I don't date, or have sex, or even really jack off much anymore; mainly because I spend my days thinking about how great my life would still be if you were more a part of it."

"all these guys you seem to attract don't see you for the beautiful person you are on the inside, they see this gorgeous specimen you've become on the outside, which they don't even understand is actually a perfect representation of how you are on the inside, beautiful and special."

I kissed him once more, "Evan, you're the only boy I've ever loved for real, no conditions, I'm so glad you're my friend."

He kissed me again and I enjoyed this kiss, "You have no idea how badly I want to be with you Hayden."

"Probably as much as I wanna be with you Evan." I said kissing him

"But, you're vulnerable, and you are too good to be a quick blowjob or fuck session once a week."

"Thank you." I said, very pleased

"For what?"

"For putting my feelings ahead of your desires, nobody's ever done that..." I said and burst into tears...

"Baby, look at me, look at me now..." he said and turned my head by my chin "You are too good for these guys you attract, I mean come on, they don't appreciate the little things, how many guys do you know are nice enough to make breakfast after a one night stand... not many right?"

"I guess not..."

"You need a real man, one who knows how to treat you well, will make YOU breakfast, and of course has beautiful brown hair and a huge dick..."

"Stop describing yourself, it makes you appear cocky."

"You know I would do just about anything for you right?"

"Would you move home, and be with me..."

"As soon as we graduate."

"I know it can't happen now, but one day if we ever meet again, down the road, and it's still real, I will know, and so will you."

"I know the world thinks I'm too young to know what love is, but I feel such a beautiful feeling when I'm with you, I know I love you Hayden, and I know that you love me, I see it when you look at me, and if we are both single after we graduate, we will get a place and start a life together, go to college and just love each other for a long, long time..."

"Don't you mean forever?"

"I don't make a promise I can't guarantee, we can't predict what will happen tomorrow, let alone thirty years from now, forever is a word that was created to give a fairytale illusion to everyday life, making little boys and girls everywhere hope for a happy ending, but there are no happy endings, happy endings just mean the story hasn't finished yet."

"You don't believe in happily ever after."

"I do when I'm with you... but other than that, not so much."

"You know, I've never known the way it feels to love without the love you showered down upon me, warm as the sun, melting away the rain giving me strength to face another morning..."

"You remember...?"

"Of course I do Evan, how could I forget the song we lost our virginity to..."

"My band and I did a cover of that song, I dedicate it to you at every show..."

"Are you serious?"

"I am, you should come to a show... I do the vocals, I don't do them the way she does, cause that wouldn't exactly be rockin'... Actually, you probably need to get out of here, come spend the weekend with me, and come to a show tomorrow night, I'd love to have my muse there..."

"Sure... Lemme just pack my clothes..."

I've always been able to count of Evan in my time of need, even before we started dating, he was always there for me.

So I packed my clothes while Evan called his mom for permission, "She said and I quote, you tell that little fucker to get over here, I miss that boy, took you two long enough to get him to come over..." Evan said from my bedroom

"I guess someone else would like to have me around..." I said from the bathroom

"Oh you don't know the half of it, she actua--- well, she did something amazing, but I'll let her talk to you when we get there." When I came out of the bathroom, Evan handed me my phone, and tucked his away in his pocket

"Wouldn't want you to forget anything..." he said innocently, he'd done something, but I didn't know what, I checked my phone and the only different thing was he'd apparently taken a shirtless picture of himself and made it my background

"Nice body..."

"Thanks, let's book though, mom wants to see you ASAP."

We made the two hour drive to Hammond Indiana, it didn't take quite that long cause he was speeding, we pulled up to an old style white house, with small columns on the porch, it was pretty, and we walked in...


I couldn't believe it, the one person I thought that could understand the situation thinks I'm a total fucking moron, not that I blame him... hell I think I'm a fucking moron right now, I blew off the nicest guy I've ever met for seemingly no good reason...

I just kinda chilled in my bed, I got a text message, I didn't recognize the number, "You make him cry again and I'll make sure you pay."

"Who is this?" I sent back, but got no response

I didn't know who it could be, I had Chase's number, he's not talking to Braden, and Chad's number was also stored in my phone, maybe his friends Quinn or Clare did it... I don't know... I was slightly intimidated by it

I took a shower hoping that would calm my nerves, but it just relaxed me, I fell asleep thinking about how stupid I am, I was awoken by the doorbell


I checked my phone, I had a new text message, "I don't know what you did to him, or why, but stay away from Hayden, he deserves better."

I thought in my head

I grabbed my car keys and I drove over to Noah's I'd seen him driving home before and I followed him wanting to see if I could catch a glimpse of Hayden, I know it sounds stalkery, but I couldn't let him go, not like this.

I parked outside the cookie cutter home, that matched the other houses around the block, just different customizations that I knew to be his from the Barnes on the mailbox

I rang the doorbell and kept ringing it until he opened the door wearing a wife beater and gym shorts, "Can I help you?" he asked sarcastically

"Tell me why you sent me that text and I'm glad to leave..."

"What text?"

"Don't play dumb, the one telling me to stay away from Hayden..."

"Um, I didn't send any texts, but I got one, did you send it...??"

"No, I don't even know your number..."

"And I don't know yo--- wait, Braden, what's the number?"


"That's the same number that sent me a text too..."

"Wait, so what did you do to get a text..."

"You're not gonna like it..."

"Try me..." Braden said

"I slept with Hayden..."

POW... right to the left eye, "We've barely broken up for two days and you get him in bed?"

"Hey, he was perfectly willing, I didn't force anything, I don't know what you did to him, but he was all up on me while we watched a movie..."

"You're lying, he's not like that..."

"Oh, dude, Hayden is a lot less innocent than you think he is... I mean come on, he's not exactly the virgin mary..." POW once more

"Do you think you could try NOT hitting me..."

"I love him, I don't even care if what you're saying is true, but if you go around defaming my boy--- my--- well if you keep talking like that I will wire your jaw shut..." Braden said and straightened up

"Look, we slept together, and I pushed him away the next morning, I called him out, and I laid down the law on what I don't want, him being part of that... he didn't take it well... now we're both getting rather protective sounding texts from some number from a strange area code... Google?"

"Fine, let's do it..."

We went over to the computer and Googled the area code, not wanting to pay a tracing fee, just yet...

"Who do we know in Hammond Indiana?" We both said at the same time and looked at one another inquisitively

"No one for me, you?" I asked

"Nobody." Braden responded

"Well, that narrows it to Hayden, if he knows this person, they must have gotten our numbers from his phone, question is, does he know they got it?"

"No telling..."


I was dressed pretty nice, I was waiting to see Evan perform, I had never seen it before, and here I was, about to see the only guy I've ever loved perform our song, live, I was already feeling a bit emotional...

They came out and the crowd went crazy, these people must love local bands

"Has anyone here ever been in love?" the people went nuts, screaming yes and some just screaming, "If you're lucky enough to be able to answer yes to that question this one is for you, but mostly this is for the love of my life, Hayden Wilson, who's always been `There For Me'"

"I never have known the way it feels to love, without the love you showered down upon me, baby it's warm as warm as the sun, melting away the rain giving me strength to face another morning So many times I've felt afraid I turned to you to find a way I reach inside and find you there, you are with me everywhere OOOH, it would take all, all of my life, my life, my life, yeah To find someone more there for me, And I'm never alone because in my heart I know you're always there for me I, I won't let go, oh, oh, oh, of the precious memories they are the light of hope, that burns inside me Every time I lose my way you shine for me and I, I, I, I am okay, you lift me way beyond it all, and you never let me fall--------- it will take all, all of my life to find someone more there for me, and I--- I am never alone because in my heart you, you're always there for me, and will always catch me when I fall, ALL--------- it would take all, all of my life to find someone more there for me, and I------`m never alone because in my heart I know, you're always there for me me, my love---------- my love, you're always there for me, just you and me... I love you Hayden."

He said looking directly at me as he finished the song, it was definitely different than the version I still listen to on occasion, but because it was him singing it, changing it the ways he did, I felt special, and loved, I instantly forgot about my problems, and smiled as he jumped off the stage and kissed me in front of everyone, and it was only after he pulled away leaving me stunned, I noticed the gay pride flag on the wall, we were in a gay teen club...


When Braden showed up and accused me of sending him a text, my mind went into overdrive, and when the google search returned and Indiana area code we were more confused, that certainly broadens the spectrum of people it could be...

"Why don't we just call Hayden..." I asked

"Well we could, but what if he's with whoever sent the text, what if they're unstable..." Braden said grabbing his head

"Dude, chances are if they are sending texts like that, they aren't looking to hurt Hayden, they don't want him to hurt, at all."

"you're right, sorry, I'm not thinking..."

"Just like I wasn't thinking when I pushed him away, I was so mean..."

"You couldn't have been that bad..."

"I practically told him I've been talking to Chase Cassidy about him..."

"Oh, that'll be an instant KO when it comes to Hayden, they hate each other..."

"Wanna know a secret?" I asked Braden, trusting him a bit more now


"Chase doesn't hate Hayden, he's jealous of him, and actually has a little crush..."

"I thought that whole he's only mean to you cause he likes you thing was something parents told their kids to get their rocks off on their kids inevitable downfall in love..."

"I thought so too, but I was with Chase, and he told me the truth, he really liked Hayden, but Hayden had no interest so Chase started being a jerk to him..."

"That's fucked..."

"Let's call..."


I heard my phone ringing but I was too busy making love to Evan in the backroom of the club, I was sitting in a leather chair while he balanced himself on the back and rode me like a cowboy...

"God Hayden I missed your dick... I've saved myself for you..."

"I love you so much Evan."

"I never stopped loving you baby." Evan said as he ground his perfect bubblebutt on my dick, I felt my balls churning, and soon I was filling the condom with my cum and spasming like crazy, it felt so amazing, this was not Noah and I and meaningless sex that meant nothing, this was deeper, we're connected, we really love, I know I seem like a slut for doing all of this, but I have really had feelings for everyone, so it's not that bad, this was like, feel better sex... okay judge me if you want, but it was so amazing to feel real love and to hear the one person you've ever been with for more than a month, sing you the song you shared and tell you they love you in front of an entire auditorium of people, when others can't even tell their family..

We made out in the chair I was still buried inside him, "That was, so... by far, the best sex ever."

"I know it wasn't the ideal setting, but I had the perfect partner, so that's something..." he replied to me

"I don't care... the setting... we have each other, we're together, for the time being anyhow, and that's fine with me if it's just this once..."

"I know this is gonna seem a little odd, feel free to say no..." Evan started

"Go on... I won't say anything till you've said your piece..."

"What about a long distance open relationship..."

"You mean like we would still like, be with others?"

"Well you know our distance isn't that far, so it may not be entirely necessary at all times, but we'd have the option to date others but still be committed to each other..." Evan suggested

"Aren't we kinda already doing that... I mean we never really broke up..." I responded as Evan got off my dick

"Wow... I just realized you're right.. we never did break up..." We both laughed as I peeled the condom off and threw it in the wastebasket.

"So we've technically been dating while we've been with others... So if that's what you want I'm okay with it, but we have to swear right now we won't hold anything against each other..." I said

"Sure, as long as you don't screw any lacrosse players, that was my crew..."

"You're the only lacrosse player I've ever even wanted..."

"You're my lacrostitute..." Evan joked, and I laughed my ass off

"I'm cool... As long as you promise to only bottom for me... I want to know that something special is left only for me" I said

"Agreed, as long as you promise to only top me, that way you've saved something especially for me..." Evan said

"Ever the power bottom are you..."

"Only for you baby..."

"Agreed." I said and we shook hands and sealed it with a kiss

"So I guess we should get back, mom will want to grill you..." Evan said and we left the auditorium, people looked as if they knew exactly what happened backstage, and maybe they did, so what...

We sat around the table with Evan's mom, and we got talking, about our relationship, what I've been up to the past year or so, and I explained it, then she said something that shocked me...

"You know, I actually, went to your parents apartment, and I got them to do something, now this is your choice, since you're old enough to make this decision..."


"I got your parents to sign custodial rights to me, they've always treated you like shit, now, they've agreed if you don't wanna move, you can stay in the house until you're eighteen, and they've also signed over your college fund."

"I have a college fund..."

"Yes, a pretty substantial one actually."

"My dad always said I didn't have any money for school..."

"Apparently your grandparents, may they rest in peace, set it up... You're dad only signed it over because he found out only you can actually use the money, even though his name was on it too... to continue what I was saying, if you want to move, you can move here, with us, and live, until college, away from your folks, and away from the horrid people of Springwood Falls..."

"Are you shittin' me..."

"No, I actually got them to do this before we moved away, but you were always so busy, I never got a chance to talk to you, then we thought maybe it had been too long, and maybe now you were too settled, but here you are, so I just felt I had to ask..."

"Well, mam... as much as I would love to live with you guys, I have friends, and I don't want to transfer schools, but I will definitely keep it in mind if things become too much to handle..."

Needless to say this all came in a whirlwind, I was dumbfounded, here I had thought nobody wanted me, and now I have my boyfriend back [kinda] and his mother wants me to come live with them, but my life is never that easy, something always gets fucked up, I don't want to fuck up the only two people I love as my family, so I had to say, "Thanks but no thanks, but like I said, I'm going to keep it in mind, I love you guys..."

In a matter of days things had spun out of control, only to come to a screeching halt, and here I was at a crossroads, I could live the life I always wanted with the perfect guy, and a mother figure who really loves me and risk losing everything, or I can have my long distance boyfriend, and no parents, and keep things the way they've been running for a solid eight months now...

Well if I chose the fairytale route my story wouldn't be much of a read now would it, being as damaged as I once was I of course didn't believe someone could want me to live with them, I've dealt with so much rejection, even from my own parents, it took everything I have not to deny my feelings for Evan all together.

On Sunday, Evan drove me home and I went in my house and cried, my perfect weekend, was over, it was back to a reality, a reality that wasn't what I wanted it to be, one where nobody sees me for who I am, but who I can't be, and won't ever be, and what I don't want to be seen as.

I realized at this moment, reality fucking sucks, but it's real, and very hard, so it's best not to dwell on the bad, and try to focus on the good, it was decided I would begin to spend my weekends in Indiana with Evan and his mom, so that's a good point... a bad point, is having to face Braden, Chad, and Noah tomorrow.


As feared when I pulled into school, Chad, Braden, and Noah, were waiting by Noah's Ford Explorer, had they driven together, was this a dream, fuck my life why me!?

They walked up to me, obviously planning an ambush

"Who's number is this?" Braden asked me with a blank expression on his face

"Okay... hey to you too... that's Evan's number."

"Who the fuck is Evan and why is he planning to make sure I pay for what I've done...?" Noah said

"What..." I asked, not very happy about this situation

I read their respective texts and snorted, "Well, thank god one person in this world has a true consideration for the well being of others... If you think that I'm gonna submit to your will because there's three of you, you're wrong, I'm not scared, and I am actually pretty thrilled that someone is taking an interest enough to scare the pants off you two..."

"You aren't gonna do anything?!" Braden asked

"Of course not, you two didn't do anything for ME! Why should I give two shits about you two..." I said and walked away, I felt confident at that moment I texted Evan, "Thanks for sending those jerks a scare."

"Lol... I have no idea whatever you mean..." he jokingly responded via text with a little devil emoticon

School that day was pretty normal, after school I decided to go work out in the gym there was no sports practice, so I called Chad, and he said he'd meet me there...

While I was spotting him I pushed the bar down to his chest, "If I ever hear that you've been deciding my sex life again, I will hurt you." I said in his ear

"Okay... Okay... I'm sorry let me up..." I did and he coughed a little, "Okay let's talk, you're obviously pissed..."

"How could you do that Chad, you and Noah, just decided to start offering me up to share if one of you `slipped' up and decided to fuck me, what the hell is the matter with you?"

"I've liked you and Noah since the first time we had lunch, but I was pursuing Noah, and he was a little infatuated with you, so he made me promise I wouldn't go after you, and in return he made the same promise, and I'm sorry if it seems like we are actually trying to decide your sex life, we weren't we just both promised we wouldn't sleep with you..."

"Well in case you missed the memo, Noah did... and then proceeded to tell me the only way you guys would be cool is if you fucked me too, then he started acting really rude, and even said Chase was right about me, what the hell is that?"

"I think it means as it sounds, they obviously talked about you and Chase bad mouthed you, or wouldn't it be a nice dramatic twist if he talked you up..."

"Dude the only way that guy can talk is down to people, I hate that guy..."

The night progressed with no intense drama, thank god, cause I am so drama-ed out, as I was finishing up some homework... The doorbell rings, and I go to answer it, on the other side is a casually dressed in a loose fitting hoody and track pants, Chase Cassidy,

"What do you want?" I asked surprised since he was the last person I expected to see

"Hey, we need to talk..." Chase said as he pushed through my door

"Hey... simplex one, what could we possibly have to talk about?!"

"I didn't say anything bad about you! GOD this sucks... could you be nice for just a few minutes..."

"Five and counting... So Chase, how are you today?"

"Okay, I know you hate me, and I know now you are hating on Brad and Noah, they screwed you over, and you were able to see their true colors, they will never want you for anything more than sex..."

"Why are you here? For someone who hates me you are making it difficult to despise you for the moment..."

"Look I may be a bitch, but what I'm gonna say is important, nobody, and I repeat, nobody, and I mean nobody... even you... deserves all the shit these guys are putting you through, don't get too thrilled I don't wanna be your new besty or anything, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for any role I've played in their actions, if any, I'm never sure if I influence people as much as I think I do..."

"Oh you do, for example, Noah told me that you were right about me, care to share what you've been saying behind my back...?"

"Oh.. that... how much did he tell you?"

"He pretty much left it at `Chase was right about you' yeah... that was it... so what was it, I'm easy? I'm a slut? I'm just like you? Well??"

"You kinda hit the nail on the head... except, there's more to it though, I said that you and I were not so different, I was just more blunt about my intentions than you are..."

I was so offended at that moment, was I really just like this boy I had grown to despise over the past year, was I really similar to him at all?

"I know you're wondering to yourself if I am telling you this just to piss you off, the answer is no, I truly believe that you and I are not so different."

"We are very different..." I said in my defense, and held up a hand when he tried to speak, "I do not enjoy emotionless sex, I had real feelings for Braden and Noah, and then I had those feelings thrown in my face in rather different ways, but still thrown at me, Braden couldn't choose me over money, such a strong relationship right..." I snickered a little at that bitter thought, I didn't actually hold that against him, it was that he wasn't even cordial to me anymore that really gets to me...

"And Noah?"

"He treated me like a whore, and then proceeded to tell me that the only way he could make up sleeping with me to Chad, is by having me fuck Chad... As if I am some sort of whore he can pimp out for kicks..."

"Whoa seriously he said that?" Chase asked me genuinely surprised

"Yeah he said that, and that's why my boyfriend sent them threatening-ish texts this weekend, but I didn't know about it, then the three of them had the nerve to ambush me in the parking lot like it was somehow my doing that they were getting those, I don't even know how they got Chad to do that, doesn't seem like his deal..." I explained, finding it odd to be so open with Chase

"Wait, you have a boyfriend?" He asked, a little bewildered

"Yeah..." I said handing him my cell phone, the backlight lit up and his eyes widened a bit

"Wow, he's gorgeous, you are a lucky guy."

"Thanks, but I like to think he's the lucky one." I smiled at my joke, and to my surprise Chase returned the smile

"Do I know him?"

"Thankfully no..." I said regretting my word choice, I saw a hurt look on Chase's face and I covered, "I didn't mean it like that... well to be perfectly honest I did, but you know, I'm used to you kinda well, I'm used to the predatory you, where you don't care if someone's in a relationship, I'm really sorry, but being friendly with you is new to me."

"No worries dude, if I were you I'd hate someone like me too, you know, thin." He smiled, so I knew he was joking.

"Well, if we're gonna be friendly I should tell you, I don't think you're ugly, by any means..."

"Okay, well if we're playing that game, I don't really think you're fat..."

"It's just I'm really self conscious..." we both said at the same time and looked at one another smiling, it was like making a new friend, it didn't feel weird either which surprised me more.

"Why do we hate each other?"

"Probably cause I've slept with every gay guy in our school, and some straight guys too, and flaunt a sexuality you can barely admit to yourself at times, that about right, I'd hate me too..."

"There you go again, have you ever thought about a bit of humility?"

"But my cockiness is part of my charm..."

"And part of the reason I've hated you for so long, how do you do that, overcome your insecurity and have such an overly confident attitude all the time?" I asked

"Honestly bud, I'm just a good actor, I mean look at me, I've been jealous of you for over a year now..." Chase replied and kinda covered his mouth like he hadn't meant to say that

"What does that mean?" I asked him

"It means exactly what it sounds like, you are the single most gorgeous boy I've met, and so what, you have an imperfect body, you don't have mediocre looks that you have to compensate for, you have a great body, and a perfect face, how can I compete with you, do you know every guy I've boned in our school, has asked me at some point if I could hook them up with you, you hold more cards than you think and I hate you for it, because I have to work at it, and you were blessed with it..."

"You have the one thing I've always wanted..." I said to Chase

"What's that?"

"First off, the body of an Adonis, and second of all you have such a sparkle about you, and I don't mean that as a gay reference, you have your way of lighting up a room when you walk in, and I've always admired that about you, the way you command the attention of everyone." Chase looked as though he may cry

"That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me, and it's coming from the one person in this world that has been my nemesis for so long now, how fucking sad is that...?" Chase actually began to cry, "I've never told anyone this, but my parents died when I was six, and I've been living with my aunt and uncle since then, they don't like me too much once finding out I'm gay, I don't hear many nice things, and I think that's part of why I was always so willing to jump into bed with any guy who show me any form of attention, until you... you ignored me, and I liked it, I was conditioned to only pursue the readily available, and willing, then I met you, and you were so distant, I tried and tried, I wore tighter clothes, acted gayer, all for you, I hoped, I prayed you would notice me, and then I would have the guy, the guy that was what every woman and gay man pray for, tall dark, handsome, and with such an amazing personality, but you hated me, never showing me any interest... and that made me want you more, but then you kept doing it, and I couldn't take it, so I decided to treat you the same way you were treating me... it didn't work, and eventually I was accustomed to doing things to make you say mean things to me, because those were the only moments I felt true to heart honesty from anyone... Not someone trying to get in my pants, just someone speaking their mind, I've never hated you, I've admired you from afar, and I appreciate your honesty, but I have to ask... What is it about me you've never liked?"

I was at a loss for words, I had not expected this when I opened my door and found Chase there, he was pouring out his heart and I didn't do well in situations like this, and to this day I still don't do well, I have no idea what to say...

"I've never hated you, but I've never liked people so overtly in your face about their lifestyle, I've always felt that people like you are the reason that the world has such a view of our way of life, being gay is not a choice yes, but being a flamer is a choice, some guys choose to wear flashy clothes, and talk with a lisp, not that you're a flamer, but you do have a lot of overtly gay tendencies and as a fairly masculine guy it makes me uncomfortable, and I'm gay so you can imagine how the straight people must feel sometimes..."

"I guess you're right, I do have those tendencies, but I'm only human, at my base, nothing is different from me to you or any other guy on this earth..."

He was such a deep guy it was surprising me, "You are smarter than you let on aren't you?" I asked him

"I try not to broadcast my smarts, not that I have too much, I'm just a thinker is all."

"Thinker or not, you shouldn't hide any sides of you, they make you a whole person."

"And you say I'm smart, geez, you should be some kind of therapist or something." He said to me thoughtfully

"Hell no I hate shrinks, my parents sent me to one when they found out I'm gay..."

"Wait, they did what?"

"Well, they sorta found out in a way I don't care to discuss with you, or anyone for that matter, but I denied it completely, but after talking with the shrink, I confessed to them thinking it was for the best, and now we don't speak..."

"That's horrible."

"Yeah, I never really see them and when I do, it's mainly just to threaten police action if they so much as touch me, then they leave, I live here on my own, they stop by once a week to drop off money..."

"They must care on some level to do that..."

"They're just afraid I'll go to the cops..."

"I'm sorry about your family." He said sincerely

"I'm sorry about yours." I said, we talked more and we hugged goodbye

"Take care." I said to him and when I turned back to my living room I just thought everything through, I had just spent well over an hour discussing my life with Chase, he'd confessed something deep to me, my skeletons were all out for everyone to see, well almost all of them... One in particular was now at the forefront of my mind after my talk with my nemesis, the only one I had, buried deep in my mind for so long, when my parents found out I'm gay... Yeah I know it seems like a strange one to hide, but it's how they found out that makes things in my life a whole lot more understandable...

To Be Continued...

As this is a true story I'm going to forewarn you about Chapter three, it is a very deep personal chapter, completely based on fact, and will be very hard to write and do justice to, please don't be alarmed if it takes longer to be posted.

Stories4evry1@yahoo.com please send me feedback, or whatever :)

Next: Chapter 3

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