A Twist In The Tail


Published on Jan 29, 2002



Disclaimer : This is a work of Adult fiction depicting sexual acts between consenting female adults and is intended for an adult audience only. If it is illegal for you to read Adult fiction please do not read this work.

A Twist In The Tail

Part One


(FF, First)

I am a 28 year-old married woman and less than happy with my lot. My job is okay, dull but its not taxing and the money is fair and that is the best of my life. I married at 17 to Clive, then an up and coming starlet of the IT industry, a good and kind man who never presumed to make demands of me, but as our marriage rapidly began to stagnate I became increasingly frustrated by him. We rarely have sex and only if I instigate it, he seems disinterested in me and my self esteem had ebbed to almost gone, until last year, at a week long training seminar organised by his company. Since it was so long employees were allowed to invite their spouses if they paid for a room upgrade out of their own pocket. I discovered this by accident, Clive had not wanted me tagging along but my friend Helen, who's husband was also booked on the course told me she was going and explained the situation to me, so I was able to cajole Clive into taking me along, on the pretext of being company for Helen.

After three days of total boredom both Helen and I were beginning to regret our decision. We spent the days either in our room or in the restaurant having coffee. We grew closer as friends in our joint boredom and I found myself confiding in Helen just how low and worthless I was feeling and about Clive's disinterest. She was shocked, telling me how attractive I was and how lucky he was to have me. I have to admit the tears began to flow as I told her how that couldn't be true but she cradled my head on her shoulder and told me not to be silly, how beautiful I was and how Clive deserved to be taught a lesson. Over the next few days she hatched a plan to rouse Clive and let him know I was still sexy and needed some loving.

The course was to finish with a party on the Saturday night with a room booked, food drink and music all provided. Helen's idea was that I would attract the attentions of other guests and stir my husband to rescue me and give me what she knew the other men would be only too willing to give. She had noticed a few single men and they had cast appreciative glances in our direction throughout the week, we would play up to them and Clive would react. Helen confessed that her husband allowed her a degree of flirting at these occasions, he liked to see the envious looks on the other guys' faces as he lead her away from them, usually giving her a grope as they went, "to twist the knife" she said and laughed. She let her husband in on the plan and he took Clive to the party while the two of us got ready.

Now, no one had seen the four of us together and only Helen and her husband knew I was married to Clive, the others coming from different offices and firms. I was nervous as I went to Helen's room for her to do my makeup and knocked timidly at her door. I was dressed nicely, in a rather conservative but attractive black dress and the standard unflattering underwear I always wear. Helen opened the door and drew a gasp from me, the neck line of her dress plunged to her waist, making it obvious she wasn't wearing a bra, the fact reinforced by the back which left her bare to just above her buttocks. The dresses hem reaching a couple of inches below her crotch, emphasising the beauty of her long slender legs. She walked me over to a full length mirror and looked me up and down,

"That dress really won't do Karen, let me get you something a little more suitable", she went to her wardrobe and returned with a white Lycra mini-dress with an open back.

She motioned me out of my dress and almost collapsed in laughter when she saw my underwear,

"Well that little ensemble certainly wont help matters along will it?" I blushed profusely, and felt the tears well in my eyes.

"Now we'll have none of that! We don't want your eyes all puffy for your finest hour." She hugged me and told me there was nothing a shopping spree couldn't fix and she could loan me some underwear for the evening. My heart skipped a beat as I felt her hands releasing my bra and sliding it from my shoulders, she was the first person to see my breasts properly in years and she seemed to like what she saw.

"You have wonderful breasts Karen, I wouldn't have guessed by the way you keep them hidden" Her hand lightly traced the sides and under my tingling flesh, causing my nipples to tighten and elongate.

"Oh and such wonderful nipples, how can Clive resist them?" She ran her fingertips across them causing me to shudder with almost forgotten pleasure. I have never had a lesbian thought in my life, not even in my darkest fantasies, but the touch of another person had me approaching sexual ecstasy despite my discomfort at her touching.

She helped me into the dress, turning me to face the mirror in mute disbelief. The material was almost sheer and my nipples forced the tight white Lycra away from my body, drawing attention to them rather than concealing them and there was too little of the dress to cover the sides of my breasts, they were exposed about half an inch on either side and pulled the material so a gap displayed the underside too, I had never felt so naked while being dressed.

"You're a bit bigger than I am up top, but there's enough coverage there for you to get away with it. Now we really have to do something with your knickers too I think." She was right of course. I looked down and saw the heavy material beneath the dress, showing through, advertising to the world that my stomach was as well covered as my crotch, I felt frumpish and ugly just them, but the contrast between my top and bottom thrilled me, almost as if I were a sculpture in progress, a sexy woman being born from the raw material of indifference. As I watched Helen stood behind me her head looking over my shoulder. I watched her hands run their way under the dress to my waist, causing the material to bunch about her wrists, almost exposing me. I was again dumb as I watched her hands moving back down, bringing my large cotton knickers with them. They reached mid thigh and slackened, prompting Helen to allow them to fall to my feet, she smoothed the Lycra back into place gazing at my crotch. Her puzzled expression gave me a little thrill, she was obviously trying to fathom why she could not see the shadow of my pubic hair through the material as she stretched it, now she was beginning to realise my secret, I have always kept myself smooth everywhere. She was gently rubbing the fronts of my thighs and looking directly between my legs, wondering. I have to say that I have never felt so erotic in my life before, I knew I was wetter than I could ever remember and where the courage came from I still do not know but I slowly raised the hem of the dress to answer her question.

To describe the look on her face as my bald pussy was revealed to her is still difficult for me. Shocked? Yes, definitely but the lust in her eyes was so powerful I could almost feel it wash over my flesh. Her hands still rubbed the front of my thighs, although now on bare flesh and they trembled slightly as they journeyed up and down. For a moment I feared she was going to rape me, her gaze was so intensive, her eyes so dark and animal. She thought about touching me because her hands circled the tops of my thighs before descending again. Our eyes met and she seemed almost unconscious, her eyes were on mine but her mind's eye was still riveted on my crotch. Blushing crimson and shaking myself now I placed my hand over hers and drew it slowly to where I knew she wanted it. I almost wet myself when I felt her soft fingers glide over my baby smooth pubis. Both our eyes closed now as her hand, now free of mine, explored the baldness of my pussy and her left found its way into the gap in the top of the dress and onto my eager nipple, I let out a groan and sank back into her as her fingers sank deep into my wet valley. Her lips traced my carotid artery with butterfly kisses and deft licks as her fingers delved deeper between my legs and lightly pinched my nipple,

"Look in the mirror Karen!" Helen breathed into my ear as she kissed, licked and nibbled it. The vision brought on my orgasm, more powerful than any I had been able to induce myself during my marriage. Her right hand curled into my dripping vagina, I watched her fingers piston slowly, rhythmically into me, her left inside the top of my dress her fingers pulling at my nipple. I let out a low, throaty, guttural moan that rose into a panting, writhing wail as my legs matched the rhythm of Helen's probing fingers. Her lips brushed my cheek as I shuddered my way back from bliss, her breath hot on my cheek and her fingers brushing my lips, coaxing them open to taste myself for the first time, I sucked my own cum greedily from her slender fingers.

Helen pulled the hem of my dress back into place and walked to the mini-bar, pouring us both a long stiff vodka. She handed me my glass, smiling coyly at my reddened face,

"Was that the first time?" she whispered. I nodded my head eyes searching the floor to escape my embarrassment.

"You looked wonderful, I cant believe Clive has wasted you all these years". I gulped at my drink, still aroused and filled with shame of what I had allowed to happen, but it had been so wonderful, watching her make me cum in the mirror and tasting myself had sent a rush of wicked euphoria through me, I wanted to take thing s further but it would have to wait until I had resolved the turmoil I now felt.

She sat me at the dressing table and applied my makeup, highlighting my features rather than masking my face as I thought she would. She finished her handiwork and we both looked at my new look in the mirror, both dumb from the change she had achieved.

"Mmm beautiful!" she cooed then pecked me lightly on the neck. She patted my shoulder, "Time to go!" She placed her glass down and marched to the door,

"But I can't go down there without any knickers on!" I wailed, "Its bad enough hanging out everywhere up here!" I pulled the material at my cleavage and allowed it to snap back against my flesh.

"Hmm," she seemed to consider then a wicked grin lit her face, "I think I have just the thing!", she opened a drawer and handed me the smallest, most sheer white g-string I have ever seen,

"Put these on" I just stared at her in disbelief.

"Go on, or we'll be late!" I stepped into the loop and pulled the strip of material up my legs, Helen shaping the band over my waist, causing the gusset to nestle between my labia and rub my clitoris. I gasped and rearranged them to cover me rather better although I was glad at that moment that I shaved, the band covering less than half the area of my pubis. I pulled the dress back into place and viewed myself in the mirror for a final time, the narrow triangle showed through the dress, as did my dark, hardened nipples and the shadow of cleavage at my rear plainly showed I was wearing next to nothing beneath. Taking a deep breath I followed Helen out of the room and into the corridor, shaking visibly as we made our way to the party.

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