A Turn In The Road Chpt

By moc.loa@77ylfrettuBCM

Published on Nov 6, 2001



A Turn In The Road Chpt 1 by MCButterfly77@aol.com

NOTE This is a story about a first time relationship

and all of the sweet, and wonderful akwardness that comes

along with it. My objective is to portray young gay men in

a positive and romantic light, so If you're looking for a

story that's all about sex...sorry this ones not for you :).

All names and places are purely fictitious.

I began packing my things, both my friends and I were

buzzing with excitement. All 3 of us scurrying around like rodents

trying to get our suitcases packed. I remained relatively unvocal

but as I threw my shampoo, hair brush, and other things I could hear

Cheri and Christina yapping away in the other room.

"Uggh, I'm so excited summer is finally here!" Christina said.

"Oh I know!" Cheri beamed as she threw her astrology book

into her suitcase. "The moon is in perfect alignment with Jupiter

so we should have a great time!". Christina shot an "um, ok whatever"

look at Cheri, then smiled and shook her head.

"Well same to you Ms. Non-believer hehe" Cheri playfully jabbed

Christina in the side, then both ladies resumed their packing.

Let me take a moment to introduce myself, my name is Juan.

You've already met Cheri and Christina my two best friends. Summer

has finally arrived and it couldn't have come at a better time. All

3 of us are desperate to escape the drama of our lives and escape and

move on. Cheri and Christina are suffering from the usual summer fever

that college students are afflicted with...burnt out from exams, term

papers and pulling all nighters studying. I however am getting over the

messy situation of angry parents finding out I am dropping out of college

midterm...it just isn't for me. I am very lucky to have 2 of the coolest

friends anyone could ever have, they accept me for who I am,..oh by the

way I just happen to be gay in case you were wondering. Forgive me for

being so stereotypical, but I guess you could say Cheri and Christina

are my "fag hags" or whatever you wanna call them...I call them my angels,

they keep me whole. I have to say though that Cheri, with her crazy,

bubbly, eccentric self makes life a bit more interesting for Christina

and I, but hey Christina has a personality all her own... she's a horse

freak, she loves horses, but anyways back to our vacation...

" Ok guys!" Christina shouted, grabbing one of her suitcases

"I'm gonna..um..go and open up the doors to my AWESOME NEW SUV so we

can start loading our stuff haha" she finished, jokingly bragging as

she stepped out the front door. Cheri and I soon followed anxiously

lugging our bags out front and then telling Christina that 50 times is

QUITE enough to hear about an SUV. After the last bag was loaded, we

all quickly piled into the SUV. I had hardly uttered a word of excite-

ment all morning, but I couldn't hold back anymore.

"Come on Chrissy, fire this bad boy up!! you got 3 months of no

homework ahead of you girl!"

Christina glanced over at me, then at Cheri, smiled and said.."Oh

yeah baby!".

"WOO HOO" Cheri chimed as the SUV rolled out of the driveway and on

the path to relaxation. Our cabin(yes cabin!) was 3 1/2 hrs away, during

that time Cheri dazingly kept her nose in her astrology book, and Chris-

tina coyly gave me a hard time about my non-existent sex life.

"Hey Juan, maybe you'll FINALLY hook up with a cute guy there eh?".

she jested(leave it to Christina, the smart ass to remind me of how

single I am again). I gloated as a good comeback came to me.

"Well, I certainly hope he's sexier than the last ugly fool you

tried to hook me up with, he had bad breath too...and how many gay

guys do you know in the middle of the woods in Colorado anyways?".

Christina quickly snapped back..

"Are you ever gonna let that go?, I said I was sorry haha". She

said looking at me through her rearview mirror on her dashboard with

and air-freshener in the shape of...what else...a horse.

"Uggh, lets just focus on getting there and having a good time ok?"

I said leaning back and letting the air from my rolled down window

blow over my face. As I began to imagine all the great times to be had,

I stuck my arm out of my window as if it was an airplane wing, gently

making up and down motions as images of sun and laughter filled my

mind. I glanced back at both of my friends and smiled. "Here we are..

three 20 somethings on our way to have the time of our lives" I thought

to myself.."This is gonna be a great summer". Little did I know that

my expectations would be blown away, and little did I know..that summer

would change my life forever...

Our anticipation grew as our car pulled of onto Exit 84 towards our

destination...Wilson Colorado. Lucky for us, Christina's uncle was nice

enough to let us have the cabin for the summer..he owns it of course.

As the first signs of Wilsons quaint houses and buildings came into view,

I took in the serene sights of the small town atmosphere. Christina knew

exactly where to go and didn't waste anytime finding the small back road

leading to the 3 lakeside summer cabins a little ways deeper into the

woods, one of which was all ours. The strangest feeling that something

major was going to happen, like a premonition...that sort of thing never

happens to me..hell..that sort of thing is Cheri's bag. Christina parked

the SUV in front of our cabin..

"Chereee..wake up girl we're here!" Christina jolted as she rudely

woke up Cheri from her nap.

"Hmmpphh.. huh?..what?...oh..were here!" Cheri sprang up..quickly

getting over her sleepiness.

I bolted out of the SUV and turned around and looked at the cabin in


"Damn!...this place is the bomb!" I shouted.

"Ahem, um could you guys maybe give me hand here with this stuff??".

Christina said standing by the open trunk grabbing bags. Cheri and I

began taking out suitcases and setting them on the ground. Just then

I heard light footsteps behind us followed by a young male voice.

"Hey, do you guys need a hand with all that stuff?"

Startled, I turned to see who was talking and got saw the sight of

a very handsome brown haired young man slowly coming in our direction.

I noticed Cheri and Christina giving him the "who the hell are you look".

"I'm sorry if I scared you all, my name is Marcus I live in the cabin

next door to the left" The young man said.

"Well..um yeah..we could use a hand with this big cooler, it is pretty

heavy..right Cheri?" I glanced over at her hoping she would say ok,

she obviously had her fag-hag ESP in effect. She sized Marcus up with a

confident look on her face.

"You do have a positive aura about you...sure..we need to get to know

eachother since were neighbors I guess.." Cheri let out a small smile.

"I'm Cheri by the way, this is Christina..aannnd this is our other best

friend Juan" Cheri said...her smile getting even bigger when she said my

name to him...what a matchmaker.

"Hey what's up man, nice to meet ya" Marcus said shaking my hand. I

I had to admit I was swept away by his brown eyes and great smile, I

went through my usual "oh my god please be gay" thoughts as I replied..

"Yeah nice to meet you too man, hey I appreciate your help..what do

you say we get it over and haul this monster inside?"..I couldn't believe

I was being this trusting of a total stranger, but hey he was cute..yeah

yeah, I know..

As we lugged the cooler out of the trunk I couldn't help but notice

Marcus' strong build as we lifted the cooler and got it into the cabin,

then set it down. I quickly thanked him.

"Hey thanks dude, that was really nice of you"

"No prob..anytime hehe" Marcus said catching his breath momentarily

"Hey!" Christina excitedly shouted " How about we all have a barbecue

tonight at about 7..we can have a hot dogs and all that mess...why don't

you come too Marcus?" (I loved her for saying that right then)

"Sure that sounds like a plan!, well I gotta go do a lil shopping

so I'll catch you guys later..and welcome to the neighborhood!" He said

as he stepped out of the cabin.

I turned around to face Christina and Cheri smirking at me, I mouthed

the words "oh my god" to them which made them giggle.

"Oh my god Juan that guy was sooooo checking you out!!" Cheri laughed

"I'm sorry but he is soo gay"

Christina chimed in..

"I'm sorry, I have to agree..hehe"

I was a overcome with giggliness as I looked out of the window to

get another glimpse of Marcus walking back to his cabin

"Man..he sure is friendly.." I dazily said

"Yeah..uh I noticed that when he was like checking out your ass

Juan!hahahaha" Cheri busted out with laughter then proceeded to sing..

"Juan and Marcus sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!"

At this disgusting display of immaturity I rolled my eyes at her..

"Oh god Cheri, the last time I heard that was 2nd grade!!" I stuck my

tongue out at her

"Ok Ok hahaha...but John..you know me and how I am and everything,and

I have to tell you that I got some very interesting celestial vibes from

him..call me crazy.." then I playfully interrupted..


"WHATEVER!! hee hee let me talk please, Juan I suggest you seriously

check him out..in every way when he comes over for the barbecue"

I sighed and glanced out the window again at Marcus's cabin and


"Yeah...the good ole gaydar really went off the charts with that one"

I heard no response from either of the two which didn't phase me as

that strange feeling came over me again. Something very powerful came

over me once again. I told myself " I know I just met this guy and all..

he's cute but damn...wow..something is definitely happening this summer..

but what?". I didn't want to think about it too much..I'd have driven

myself insane anyways. I hopped off the windowsill and got to unpacking

while the girls chatted about what to have at the....barbecue.

**Hey guys, I know it was long and all but I hope you enjoyed it :).

I love getting feedback from readers. I'm planning on making another

series with this story. Let me know what you thought of it. E-mail me

at MCButterfly77@aol.com for feedback:) Have a good one**

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