A True Frontier Town

By Mark Sherwood

Published on Jul 9, 2024


"A True Frontier Town"

Part 7

"What's happening," said Jeb, friendly but cautious, being around Luke.

"Well, I'll tell yuh," began Luke. - Sam Clarkson started a hooting and hollering when you rode off. He was wide-eyed impressed when you rode Hurricane. That's all he talked about.

I am the ranch foreman now, and offering you top pay to work with horses especially Hurricane to gentle him down. Dang, Sam sent me personally to Dodge to find you." Luke admitted.

"Awe, I can't be doing that. I joined up with my partner here in Dodge, and we are sticking together. He works at the Livery table.

"The Livery Stable! - then he knows horses." clambered Luke determined to get Jeb to the Clarkson Ranch.

"Sure, plus blacksmithing shoeing horses. He doctors animals too. He knows horseflesh, from what I have witnessed." Jeb proclaimed bragging a bit about the feller he loved.

I gotta be going now Luke, and see about the stockyard job," said Jeb.

"Hey bub, you ain't listening. I just offered you top pay, sixty / seventy dollars a month at the Clarkson Ranch and you are looking for a couple of days at two bucks counting steers in a stockyard."

"I'm not leaving Dodge and my partner Austin."

"You don't have to leave Austin, I'm hiring both of you; I am the foreman for Sam Clarkson. The bunkhouse is significant, a big ole place. You can bunk next to each other; that should be an easy fix," said Luke.

"Wait – wait, oh, I know, you're pissed. I owe you an apology for saying you should be the bunkhouse whore, the time you got thrown by Hurricane. I'm sorry; don't know what I was thinking."

"You knew what you were thinking, you wanted me fucking naked. Ah, forget `bout it, I couldn't take all that cock anyway," replied Jeb, now smiling friendly, at ease and feeling better.

"I am going to the livery stable to get my horse." Jeb told Luke.

"We are friends, then?" asked Luke.

"Yep, we're friends, but the clothes stay on."

"Let's go to Delmonico's for breakfast, I am buying," declared Luke, still admiring Jeb's body, but not letting him know, how badly he would like him naked. If you could read Luke's thoughts, his pecker would be deep inside Jeb this very minute, for real, what an unforgettable ass, compact and fine, it just wasn't fair.

"Let' find Austin then go for breakfast, we can partner up about working for Sam, over flapjacks and coffee," suggested Luke.

"My thoughts exactly - I didn't mention how you held my pecker rubbing me down after riding Hurricane, so don't say it."

"You must be confused, t'wasn't me doing anything homo," snickered Luke, being finally an okay dude. Jeb changed his opinion about Luke He liked him.

Austin was the son of a sodbuster family, and had two brothers. They all worked on the farm, but never had much money; in fact, they were dirt poor farmers, with an iron will and determination, to hold on and prosper. Up until now, the house on the farm was the only home that Austin knew.

His brothers married and moved to Topeka and Wichita Kansas. Austin, being the youngest, came to Dodge City to work for his uncle Gus, a horrible mistake, but better than nothing.

Since arriving in Dodge, he experienced living quarters at the livery stable that appalled him. It wasn't the barn, he loved barns. It was living like a saddle horse with critters, running over him while he slept on a bale of straw and hay. His only out, for a real bed, was renting a room at the hotel, which chopped a chunk from the meager wage that Uncle Gus paid him. Nevertheless, that is what he did. He hated it, but such was life.

"At the Livery Stable"

Gus was inside the stable pitching hay for the horses. Austin was unhitching a buggy returned by a cowboy coming from a ride with a girl last evening along the riverbank. There was a gob of dry cum on the seat, and Austin was wiping it off with a wet cloth. It was a big gob, probably from a healthy pecker with big balls. He didn't always say it, but he always thought it.

"Howdy, Jeb, are you here for Charlie, (his horse)? I can have him saddled for you in a minute," declared Austin, greeting Jeb as a regular cowpoke.

This here is Luke from the Clarkson Ranch, and he is taking us to breakfast."

"No kidding, breakfast? Glad to meet you Luke," said Austin extending his hand for a manly shake.

"Saddle yourself a horse and we'll meet you over at Delmonico." said Jeb.

"I'll do that. Let me tell Gus, I'll be gone for a while he won't care. It's not busy now. He doesn't even need me here. The coffee sure sound good, with eggs and those little fried taters. What' the occasion, Austin asked Luke.

"Just being neighborly," declared Luke, mentally drooling at how appetizing Austin looked. No wonder Jeb was not about to leave him.

Jeb and Austin were distinct cowpokes standing together. Luke couldn't decide who was hotter. Austin radiated hotness like a heat wave. Although Luke thought, one had to be a homo to feel it. It didn't matter; he felt it, but said nothing. The last thing he wanted was to scare Jeb and Austin away. He truly wanted them on the Clarkson Ranch, and so did the big boss Sam Clarkson.

Luke was not a delicate man. However, he was hot looking, but far from lovely. He projected masculinity and strength, along with some bullshit and dirty thoughts. Just a hard working cowboy with a good body filling out his jeans extremely well, was Luke.

Hot comes in degrees and doesn't mean the same thing to everybody. When something obvious is staring you in the face, which makes for a tough argument.

Jeb and Luke were tying their horses to the hitching rail with Austin right behind them. He got off his horse smiling.

"Well, that was easy," he exclaimed. "The old man (Gus) told him things were so slow not to rush back. " I think I just got fired," said Austin, going into the restaurant with Jeb and Luke.

The sat together at a table near the kitchen that Austin chose. He loved the smell of breakfast after coming from the manure laden stable. It was silly, but Austin constantly shoveled horseshit, silly seemed just fine with him.

The boys ate as if it was their last meal. Jeb had a full plate, but Austin put away" so much food, that he leaned back saying to Luke, "great partner."

I sure do appreciate that breakfast. How are you and Jeb friends," inquired Austin. "I know you're from the Clarkson Ranch, so you two must have hit it right off friendly like," mumbled Austin.

"Well, I'll tell you buddy, if you promise not to breathe a word of it," said Luke.

"Oh, I promise – I promise."

"I wanted to fuck your boyfriend here, Jeb, and he would have no part of it. He split and came to Dodge to be with you."

"What makes you think Jeb is my boyfriend?" replied Austin.

"Hold on – hold on, can I get a word in here," stammered Jeb.



"No, repeated Luke.

Austin placed his hand over Jeb' hand. "It looks like we are playing a game here. Don't fret, Luke, Jeb and I are not crazy queers, just good-natured homos, of course he is my boyfriend.

Jeb does have a great ass, doesn't he? Sorry, but it belong to me," giggled Austin.

"Would you two STOP, you are talking as if I am not even here. Tell Austin about the job at the Clarkson ranch. Dumb fuck, Luke, stick to business," blurted Jeb perhaps a little too loud being in a restaurant.

The dining room was clearing out and nobody paid any attention to them, however, they did speak quieter.

"I am Sam Clarkson's ranch foreman and the hands work for me. I hire and fire cowboys and set up the work schedules. I was funning with Jeb when I massaged his sore hip after being thrown by Sam's prize horse, Hurricane.

"He didn't like me wanting him naked and I can't blame him, my mistake. We have become friends, so that is behind us now.

"Here's the deal. Would you and Jeb accept a job on the Clarkson Ranch, for top pay, working with mainly horses?" asked Luke.

"Sure," replied Austin. Hell, I can leave right now, and won't have to pay for a room tonight."

"Thanks Luke, that solves a huge problem for us," added Jeb.

"It solves a problem for all three of us," added Luke. Sam told me to get the cowboy Jeb, back here to work with Hurricane. You saved my job for me."

"I finished the job at the livery stable this morning, so Clarkson has saved me too," added Austin.

"Okay boss, we are working for you. If everybody played their cards right, coming out winners, was possible by going to work on the Clarkson Ranch.

You have us," stated Jeb. "I'll strip this once as a thank you, if you want?

"Jeb does have a great ass," giggled Austin. I'll strip also if you want." For once Luke was speechless. He never expected these offers and it affected him. His crotch swelled thinking of two hot naked cowboys next to him, and it fucked with his mind. Stuff like that happens somewhere in Kansas, but not on the Clarkson Ranch, and not to him.

Being aroused was strange watching Luke's crotch turn into a hulk. It took willpower not to run off with him in order to be raped and drilled into the dirt like a captive whore. However, they were all decent wranglers, in real life.

Anybody watching could see they were gentleman cowboys. Oddly enough nobody gave a damn about decent.

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Next: Chapter 8

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