A True Frontier Town

By Mark Sherwood

Published on Jun 22, 2024


"A True Frontier Town"

Part 2

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They were by the river's edge drinking coffee. "I owe you, for doing me," Austin told Jeb. Partner, you emptied my balls.

"Naw, stuff happens, don't worry about it."

"C'mon, let's take a bath," said Austin.

Jeb peeled off his shirt exposing a broad chest flushed with soft blond fur tapering down to his waist. He handed his shirt to Austin, who tossed it on a rock.

"Can I touch you?" Austin asked.


"Its daylight, you don't think anybody is watching us, do you?"

"Only if they're looking!"

"That's not what I mean. Okay dumb question, I'll figure something, let's go into the water." Austin mumbled.

Jeb removed his gun belt and took off his pants. He was rather average looking fully clothed, but naked Jeb was a tale of two men, and the naked version was something to brag about. His cock hung downward packed and ready to compete with anybody.

Austin stripped and Jeb did the same thing. They went into a calm spot in the river and began washing and splashing water. Austin had a bar of soap he took from his saddlebag and lathered himself including his hair.

They did not touch each other except for Austin giving the soap to Jeb. He washed his rock hard body including the sandy blond hair, on his head, chest, and cowboy crotch. He would duck headfirst under the water coming up next to Austin. He claimed he was rinsing the soap from his hair, but he really liked Austin's prize pecker shrinking into a weeny. Of course, the same was happening to him, bathing in cold water. They just laughed.

The morning was warming and the warmth felt good on their naked wet bodies. They sat on blankets letting their skin air dry. Jake, pulled his legs up and rested his arms on his knees. The wet fur around his cock glistened with water drops drying moisture on low hanging balls.

Austin already dressed showed a friendly bulge of meaty cock behind denim fabric. However, that didn't concern him. He was, instead, fixated looking between Jeb's bare legs. Jeb was dry now and his cock growing to a decent size getting warmth from the sun. It looked like two legs on a playground. Austin wanted to get his face in Jeb's crotch but didn't know how to go about it.

Jeb rolled up his underwear and stuffed it into his saddlebag. He was going commando today, the same as Austin. Yep, this would be a good ride.

They mounted up, heading back to the Santa Fe Trail, feeling good. The horses were watered and rested. Jeb felt relaxed and Austin was hungry for his partner's cock.

They passed through a canyon riding clear into cattle country. The road divided once again with a large sign reading, "Clarkson Horse Ranch," five miles. Dodge City, straight ahead.

This is where we part," said Jeb. "I hope I get the job at the ranch. I hear Clarkson is a decent place to wrangle horses and the pay is good. Sam is tough, but fair," continued Jeb trying to be convincing.

"How do you know that?" Austin asked.

"My pa knows him. They ain't friendly or nothing like that, but he knows him from Texas, where they were in school together. Pa says he's rich."

"It was good riding with you, for two days, even though short, you're a good friend," continued Jeb, stretching his arm to shake hands with Austin.

Austin took Jeb's hand and held it with little movement. They looked at one another like schoolboys, who were moving away never to see each other.

"You probably will be coming to Dodge for supplies and things for Sam, after you settle in. Maybe I'll run into you. The beer is on me," smiled Austin.

"More than likely."

"Yup, that's what I say too, more than likely," agreed Austin.

They separated with Jeb riding towards the horse ranch, and Austin approaching the town of Dodge.

As Jeb rode along, he thought continually about Austin. The more he pictured him naked, the more aroused he was becoming bouncing up and down on Charlie, his buckskin horse.

He thought about sleeping with him waking up with his pants open and his hand on his pecker. He remembered how sweet his pecker behaved in his mouth and how good he tasted. That just about did it, he was getting pecker fever becoming harder and harder. Jeb left the trail, riding his horse into a clump of trees where he no longer could be seen by anyone on the road. Jeb slid off the animal to the ground and leaned against a tree.

His cock was throbbing hard and he fumbled frantically getting his pants down around his ankles. Leaning against the tree, he jerked, jacked, and pumped his pecker, thinking about Austin. "Oh buddy, fuck, he mumbled.

Gaud, worked up, and hot needing to dump a load, He continued to mumble, "Take it - take it," which seemed ridiculous, but felt good, with his balls cooperating.

Jeb and Austin rode together for two days, had sex once, bathed in the river together, and ate vittles by the campfire. Jeb didn't know Austin very well yet, so there was no demand for anything other than what was between his legs. The truth of it, Austin had disturbed his thinking badly and his behavior even more so.

Jeb could feel cum simmering in his low hanging, squeezed balls. His pecker was a fucking tool, but his balls were priceless and full of cum.

An older man, once told Jeb when he was sixteen years old, that his balls were priceless. At sixteen, you tend to believe what sounds good to you.

Jeb never bragged, but a mirror doesn't lie. The dang blasted cowpoke was easily convinced that naked he was a fucking stud.

Jeb's pecker cream was traveling with a slight warning, before shooting a blast, followed by a couple more "roll over" gobs of white sauce hitting the ground. He watched his juice land on the stones and weeds, setting him free of Austin, for at least the time being.

Jeb flipped his balls, as his pecker rested. The last bit of cum he milked from the head of his cock. He was finally calm.

There were gobs of milk left on his hand, which Charlie, his horse, licked off.

Back in the saddle, with his balls feeling lighter, and his pecker once again sleeping in a patch of warm fur, he continued towards the Clarkson Ranch. Jeb didn't have much further to go.


Austin rode quietly along Front Street in Dodge. He moved slowly reading signs looking for the livery stable. Common sense suggested the edge of town; however, Austin did not want to miss anything, preferring to know where different business were located. He was a fast learner by planning in case something didn't work out.

Some young women had children running wildly in the street in front of Austin's horse, terribly upsetting. Horses would barrow directly over them, if the rider wasn't watching.

"Dag gone natives think they own the town." He thought, but said nothing. Shore `nuff, the building at the edge of town, had writing above he barn door reading – Trust with Gus – LIVERY STABLE."

He hadn't seen his Uncle Gus, since he was a boy, but knew he would recognize him from a recent photo shown to him by his ma.

In front of the stable, Gus was talking to a cowboy. Austin realized he was leaving when he shook hands with Gus, mounted a horse, and rode off.

"What can I do fer yuh," asked Gus, giving Austin a quick going over.

"Howdy, I'm Austin."

"Austin who?"

"Your nephew, Austin Blake" he replied, putting his arm around his shoulder.

"Dang it, back up, don't be hanging on me boy, folks could be looking."

"I need a job. I rode a "fer piece" to get to Dodge." He told Gus who seemed not too friendly.

"Huh, you came to Dodge City lookin for work, that's a good one. Cowpunchers come here with a month's pay lookin to drink, raise hell, and poke a whore. You lookin to poke a whore, are yuh?"

"Nope, just looking for a job and something to eat," Austin replied.

"Yuh got any money," asked Gus.

"A little."

"Good, get yourself something to eat, then come back here. I have a job for you," commented Gus, walking back into the stable.

This place was the hard edge of reality and Austin didn't like it. He didn't like his Uncle Gus either.

He saw life a certain way and this surely wasn't it. However, Austin was a survivor.

Part 3 – "Used and abused"

Next: Chapter 3

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