A Trip to the Dales

By bokjay / John

Published on Jan 9, 2019


A Trip To The Dales 1

By John -- bokjay123@hotmail.com

(Some of the words used are to reflect the local way of speaking, and are not spelling mistakes. i.e. Me instead of My for example)

Tim had booked two days off work with the aim to do some painting around the house. The first day was so hot he got a real headache with the heat and the paint fumes. Still, he stuck at it again the following morning. It soon became clear it was going to be even hotter and wielding a brush was really the last thing he wanted to do on such a day. Funny when you get some free time, you imagine there would be a list a mile long that you could fill the time with. But in fact, if he didn't carry on with the decoration he was hard put to think of something else to do.

When it got to 10 o' clock he had had enough. Although at that point not decided on an alternative, he washed out the paintbrushes and rollers and went off to shower.

He ate a slice of toast staring out of the window, looking at the clear blue sky and going over things that would get him out of the house.

"Bugger," he thought, "I'm going for a drive!"

It was only when he sat in the car did he make up his mind about where. Mid-week, the Dales would be fairly empty of people; perhaps it was just the time to visit. Although the National Park was only around fifteen miles away it wasn't often he got to go there. But today would be ideal, hot, sunny and hopefully few tourists.

The traffic was a lot heavier than he anticipated; making him worry about the one town on the route he had to pass through. Sure enough, as he approached the outskirts he had to slow to a crawl. At least it allowed him to lower the windows, which was a novelty. If he thought he was alone in wanting to get out, he couldn't help but notice half the town appeared to be doing likewise, mostly women pushing prams or going shopping.

By the time he had made the centre he was moving one car length at a time, then stopped for minutes.

"Bugger me, the day's going to be over by the time I get there."

On the way out of town, it didn't get any better. Every traffic light seemed to be at red and each zebra crossing was thronged with folk. Slowly he began to think it was a bad idea and wonder if he should turn around and go back home.

He could see another crossing ahead as the traffic came to a halt once more. Lines of people were making their way over the road making him wonder what it was going on. As he edged closer, he saw it was a local park entrance. Now he remembered seeing it many times as he motored past on previous occasions.

The heat was making him feel sweaty. Just outside the park entrance was an ice cream van and instantly he thought he would love one at this moment. On reaching the crossing, a parked car edged out and joined the stream. He immediately pulled over and took the space. A break in the journey would calm him down and what better way than having ice cream to start with.

Rather than sit in the car to eat he strolled through the park gates. To the right, it went straight onto the grassy slopes, to the left a Victorian terrace or promenade. He strolled onto the terrace, admiring the architecture and the view of the park down the hill to the boating lake at the bottom.

A little way along and a youth crossed his path. He took no notice except that he appeared to be staring. His first thought was his fly was open and as inconspicuously as possible he brushed his hand across just to check. Then he dismissed the thought thinking the youth must be looking at something or someone behind him.

He reached the end of the terrace and slowly made his way back. He stopped and gazed down the hill at all the people enjoying the fine day.

"Grand day, `int it?"

He turned to one side and there was the youth he had noticed earlier, leaning on the balustrade. Tim was taken aback as the words were as broad as they came in these parts, yet he was obviously of Asian extract.

"Yes, it is beautiful, especially after all the awful stuff we had last week."

"Brings `em all out like flies," he gestured at the people on the grass below them.

Tim glanced to look him over. Leaning on his elbows his tee shirt had ridden up exposing a good part of his back. His skin was perhaps not as dark as others he had seen, more a subtle tanned hue. His eyes fastened on the top of his jeans, where belt-less there was a considerable gap to his waist, yet they fitted like a glove on his hips and thighs. His eyes were drawn into that gap.

"Including me," laughed Tim.

"And me," joined the youth, grinning.

He looked into his face and Tim noticed his jet-black hair and slightly angular jaw, but he got a shiver when their eyes met and he noticed the extraordinary long lashes. Momentarily it took his breath.

"You're not from round here, I can tell."

"No, I'm not, from Moor Top actually."

"What you doing round these parts?" he asked, typically direct for the local way of speaking.

"Moor Top is not exactly the other side of the world, only a few miles down the road. I'm off for the day and got bored at home, so I thought I would go for a drive in the Dales."

The youth laughed as if he had been trying to pull his leg.

"I know you are from round here, but not exactly here if you know what I mean."

Tim noted he had a lovely smile, showing fine white teeth.

"Me too, day off today and `nowt to do, so I thought to have a walk. Mind, the Dales is lovely, been there once on a trip from school," he continued.

"Only once, you are not more than a stone's throw away!"

"Bet you have a car, I don't," he winked.

Tim nodded.

"So what do you do to have a day off mid-week?"

"Shop, work in a shop, and its half day around here."

"They still have that? I thought the town looked busy."

"In town, they don't but out of town they still do, well for shops like ours."

"Which is what?"

"You know, newspapers, off license, grocery, your usual Paki --Indian corner shop," he said, nailing his roots.

"And which might you be?"

He grinned, "I'm British, born and bred. But I know what you mean, me dad's from Pakistan and me moms from around here, I mean English, they met at University."

For all his bluntness, he was very engaging and had a very open face. And his smile was gorgeous. Tim was very taken.

Two people chatting, off work and bored. They seemed to take to each other instantly.

A few words later and they had introduced themselves.

"Me name is Jack" he said, to which Tim raised his eyebrow somehow expecting something quite different.

Jack laughed. "I know what you're thinking. It's Jack Ahmed really, but me mom wouldn't have anything but Jack."

"And your dad?"

"He's just got used to it, now everyone calls me Jack, even me cousins and uncles on his side."

"Well Jack, it's been nice to meet you," he said popping the remains of the ice cream cone into the rubbish bin.

He saw the youth's face drop, and in fact, he was also reluctant to leave, the conversation had been so unexpected and enjoyable.

"But if you fancy a run up in the Dales, you can join me if you want."


He noticed his face light up again.

"What time will you be back?"

"I don't know, but if you need to be somewhere, I can make sure you are back in time."

Jack stood undecided for a moment or two.

"Okay, I'd love to come if you don't mind me tagging along."

"Not in the least, I wouldn't mind some company. It might be a bit boring otherwise."

"I really liked it when I was there before, it'd be nice to see again."

During the remaining drive, Jack kept up his jocular talk and with his comments let Tim know he was in no way "thick" in spite of the broad accent.

"I wanted to be an architect, but my grades were not good enough. Played too much sport."

"And which sport are you into?"

"It was squash, I got to finals of Yorkshire under 18's so I was not so bad. But I don't do nowt now, no time with looking after the shop."

He parked at Grassington and they had a walk around the village. Jack's knowledge of architecture let him date the building styles and could tell of its development. Tim was impressed. Previously he thought it was just one of many beautiful places, now he was pleased to know quite a bit more due to this young man.

They drove on towards Malham, stopping at a café and ate lunch outside. In the few hours, he knew more about Jack than he did with some friends of years standing.

"So you and your sister look after the shop and your mom and dad live elsewhere?"

"Yes, they moved out when me sister came back from Uni, not enough room for all of us once we grew up. So they live down Riverside and look after a small supermarket. Opening another soon as well."

"Why don't you work at the supermarket?"

"The shop was a gold mine till some of the local mills closed down, then the council demolished some of the houses around too. But there are plans to rebuild the area, so although it's not worth much now as it stands, once all the new housing is finished it could be back to as it was before. Well, we hope so, that's why he's hanging on to it."

"You don't miss living at home with your parents?"

"Me? No way. I get on fine with my sis and besides the shop wouldn't last two minutes as a lockup, somebody has to be there and it's not really right for our sis to be by herself. I don't mind, in fact, I prefer it."

"She older than you?"

"Only three years, so we think alike."

They decided to take a walk up to the Cove. The escarpment never failed to impress, there was nothing else like it in the north of England and that in itself justified the trip.

Back at the car park, he didn't feel like driving again as it was quite hot.

"You fancy a walk that way?" he pointed to the sign showing the way to a village that he knew must be a couple of miles away over the hilltop.

Jack grinned and nodded, so they climbed over the stile and set off.

It was only a short while before Tim realised that he was not up to a long walk in this heat.

"I think we'll be dead before we get back, how about just climbing up here and take a rest?"

"I were thinking same, not used to hiking over moors."

They left the path and began climbing directly up the hill. It was not far to the top but nevertheless, he felt out of breath.

"Rest time," he collapsed on the grass. Jack did the same.

"Now look at that!" He pointed out the valley below them.

"See, how about that silence? You'd think we were on another planet to all that traffic earlier on. We can't be more than ten miles away from your place, yet there's not another person to be seen."

"The peace and quiet are amazing," echoed Jack. "It's really beautiful here, I love it."

Tim removed his shirt and used it to lie on, Jack doing the same with his tee shirt. They were absorbed with their own thoughts for a while gazing across the vista.

After a while, he turned on his side towards Jack.

"So what do you do for fun? Have a girlfriend?"

"No time for that. We used to shut at ten, now it's eight but still not really any time to be out and about if you know what I mean."

"How about today, you are off right?"

"Yeah, but everyone else is working, that I know anyway. It's okay, it doesn't bother me."

He pulled a blade of grass and put it in his mouth and gazed off into the distance. Tim looked him up and down closely and came to the conclusion, not the first time since meeting that he was really good looking.

"I thought the girls would be queuing up for you," laughed Tim. "I mean, you're not bad looking, got a really decent body as well."

Jack looked at him and laughed. "You need glasses or something? Me half decent?"

"You are," argued Tim. He reached between them and traced a finger around his pecs. Jack didn't flinch and his gaze followed.

"You have great definition, must be all that sport you played. Great pecs and I can even see a six pack."

He moved down and with the palm of his hand circled around his stomach, yet nervous he had gone too far.

"Most people have to go to a gym to look like you."

"You reckon?" asked Jack, looking quizzical.

"I like the smooth body too, but every guy I've seen from Indian or Pakistan is a bit hairy but not you."

"Me cousins are," then he began to laugh. "But me aunty is from Pakistan, so does that mean it's the woman that gives the men a beard and stuff? I mean, me dad and me uncle are brothers, right? And me cousins are like you just said, but not me. Must be because of me mum."

The idea really tickled and he kept laughing as he turned the thought over.

With focusing on his stomach the only thing Tim could now see was the gap between the waistband of his jeans and his stomach, just as he noticed at the park. He felt like he was being drawn into the space.

"But hang on a minute. You've got a happy trail, does that mean instead of body hair, you got a great big forest of pubes?" He ran his fingers across the trail but couldn't feel anything, as the hair was so fine.

"I have not!" he said defensively. And then startling Tim, he pushed his hand down to his waistband and sent the buttons popping open. He finished by pushing down his briefs so the elastic was at the root of his dick.

"See, I'm not hairy, well, not that hairy," he laughed.

He was right, his bush was a neat small crop, but what immediately took Tim's attention was the straight hair rather than curly. He reached down and pulled it through his fingers to find it was also silky smooth. Jack moved his hand out of the way and allowed him to explore.

"I'm impressed, you are right."

Before the words were even out of his mouth, he now noticed his dick appeared to be really large and first thoughts was it was hard. As deftly as possible his hand laid over the part of his underwear and was surprised to find it quite soft. He had already imagined what he looked like naked and now bit-by-bit he was finding him not to be anything like. He thought his dick would be around six inches erect but he could see it must be that now across his thigh and definitely flaccid.

"Rather big in this department?" he nudged it through the briefs.

"Am I?"

"Looks like it from here." He lightly ran a finger down the length, emboldened by the previous touching of his body. "I can tell you are circumcised," he grinned.

"Course I am".

"Can I see?"

Jack just raised his eyebrows as a yes.

Carefully Tim lifted the waistband elastic and then pushed them down to reveal a length that quite shocked. With no signals to stop from Jack, he lifted it up.

"Quite a stallion! Never imagined you would be packing this size of equipment!"

Jack grinned at the compliment.

"Is it a grower or does it just get hard at the same size?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well some people can be quite small but when they get hard they grow really big, others don't alter the length much but just harden up. Does yours get even bigger when you are hard?"

Jack shrugged, "Some."

"How much is some?"

"I don't know, never measured it or anything."

"You never put a tape measure on it! I don't believe, every guy measures himself at some time or other."

"Not me, I never done that."

Tim gently pulled it and gave a few squeezes but it didn't change.

"Go on, make it hard, I would love to see how big you really are."

Jack took hold and pulled and squeezed for half a minute.

"Don't think it will, not out here in open," he made a face.

"There is nobody for miles, it's okay."

"It's just fresh air, I mean it feels different outside, you know what I mean?"

Tim was not ready to give up and wondered how to coax him further.

"I bet I could get it hard, no problem," he said thinking Jack was going to put it back in his briefs.


"Never mind how, just let me try, okay?"

He shrugged and let it fall back to his stomach.

"Close your eyes!"


"So you can concentrate, that's all."

He put his arm at the back of his head and lay back, closing his eyes.

It's now or never thought Tim, he can only say stop and walk home if he gets angry.

"Keep `em closed, okay?"

He leant further across and took the head of his dick into his mouth.

"What you doing?" Jack lifted his head and stared.

"Just making it hard, never fails doing this."

He didn't move and so he put it back in his mouth as he looked on. His cock began to harden and as it did so, Jack gave a groan and let his head fall back onto the grass.

Tim sucked him up as far as he could, making the length increase by inches and now quite formidable. With one hand he stroked the smooth ball sack.

Tim broke off to catch his breath. "Must be around ten inches. Will it go any bigger?"

But he didn't wait for an answer and let it plunge into the back of his throat. His ear caught sounds of Jack's groans and he could feel his hips clench trying to send it home further.

He began to think about the cum that was going to fill his mouth when Jack abruptly pushed his head away. For a split second Tim thought he was going to get hit but quickly realised Jack was laughing.

"You going to get us cumming if you're not careful. I don't believe it, you get us up here and me almost bollock naked! How about you?"

With that, he lunged for Tim's crotch.

"All this talk about me having a big cock and you feel like you're massive. How about you showing, fair do's and all that."

Greatly relieved at not being in a punch-up, he opened up his jeans and pushed down his underwear, letting his hard dick spring forward.

"That's what I call big," murmured Jack as he grabbed and began pulling it around.

They might well have been around the same size, but Jack's was on a small frame so looked obscenely out of proportion.

Jack was engrossed in feeling Tim, so much so he noticed his cock had gone down a little.

"Hang on, let's do this right, I want to see you big again."

He spun around head to tail with his head opposite Jack's crotch. Not leaving room for any argument, he took his dick straight back into his mouth.

Moments later it was hard again and drawing moans from Jack. He stopped playing with Tim's dick and when he checked, his eyes were closed and his dick was resting across his face.

Tim kept trying to deep throat and Jack slowly began to respond by gently humping into his mouth. He could feel he was soon going to blow his load and sensed his dick become steel hard and red hot. Jack's hand grabbed his thighs to hang on and his moans got louder. He looked down again and saw Jack's face up against his balls. He reckoned he wouldn't be aware, just hanging on for dear life as the sap began to rise.

Moments before he came he clung tightly and lost control, humping harder and harder. Tim clamped his hand around his bum letting him drive deep into his throat. When he came he had to force himself off a little to get some juice in his mouth as he was firing straight down his gullet and he really wanted to taste him.

He kept it in his mouth after he finished shooting and felt it begin to soften a little. It seemed a long time before Jack made any sign of moving and very slowly pulled it from his mouth.

They sat up and looked at each other.

"Phew! That were mind-blowing."

Tim grinned. "On a scale of one to ten, how did it compare?"

"Compare? That were me first, never done anything like it before, never!"

"Really? Your first blow job?" Tim was flabbergasted.

He nodded. "Me first time!" he grinned. "It was incredible though. Amazing!"

Jack didn't appear to suffer any remorse at what they had done and chatted just as he had before. They stopped at the same café and Tim had a coke to clean his mouth as well as to take off a thirst.

On the way back they stopped in Skipton as the market was on that day. Tim bought some cheese from a stall as they had a walk around. To celebrate the remarkable day Tim crossed the road to buy some chocolates from the famous shop in the market square, an indulgence warranted solely on the meeting up with Jack.

"So what do you have to get back for?"

"Get back? Nothing much really."

"No plans for tonight?"

"Watch some telly for a change, been all of one day since last time," he laughed.

"I'm not a great cook, but you are welcome for dinner if there is nothing special for you to do."

"I hadn't thought of eating but sounds good to me. Just no curries though, that would be a big let down, know what I mean?"

Tim laughed and promised it would be something else. He found him very amiable and even more, surprised that what happened up on the hill appeared not to have any effect on his manner one way or another. He hoped they could remain friends, even if nothing more developed.

"Mashed potatoes, steak pie and veg sound okay?"

"Sounds great to me."

"You want to watch some TV or movies while I prepare. Shouldn't take long, the pie is from the supermarket so I just have to do the spuds."

"Sure, anything," said Jack, sitting on the sofa.

As Tim switched on the box and made to leave for the kitchen, Jack looked as if he wanted to say something.

Thinking he didn't want the TV on, "You want a movie instead?"

He looked a bit shy and hesitant. "Have you got any porn, I never see that kind of stuff living at home or with me sister."

"Sure, got loads, what would you like?"

A look of relief swept over his face.

"Owt, I leave it up to you."

Tim wondered if he would be into gay movies and plunged for bi sex just in case. He put it into the player.


Jack looked shy all over again.

He put the pie in the oven and looked back in the lounge. Jack was sat riveted to the movie, so he didn't interrupt and went back to the kitchen. After peeling the potatoes and dropping them into the boiling water he went back to check again. Jack was so engrossed he didn't notice him stood at his side for quite a few moments till Tim reached down and felt his crotch.

"Looks like it must be a good movie by the feel of this."

Jack didn't flinch or jump, just grinned as he gave it a few squeezes.

"I don't know about you, but I'm a bit sweaty from today so I'm going to take a shower while the spuds are doing. How about you?"

"Me too!" he sniffed his armpits. But almost immediately his gaze was back to the screen as some guy got his ass pounded.

"You can pause it you know, it will be still here when you get back."

Jack laughed. "Yeah, sorry."

He followed Tim upstairs and completely uninhibited, stripped off his clothes.

Tim washed his back in the shower noting he seemed to like being touched. He even washed his dick, making him laugh. He grabbed Tim back but they didn't get sexual.

"If you want to wear some clean stuff, I can lend you some. Mind, they will be a bit on the large size!"

"That would be good, no fun putting me old stuff back on."

He fished out his smallest bikini briefs, but they just hung off his hips. He didn't mind though, even with a tee-shirt that went halfway to his knees.

"You know in them films, can anyone do like that?"

He didn't say want he was referring to but Tim could make a good guess.

"Sure they can, you don't need a license! You know the best things in life are free."

He laughed, "I didn't mean that! I mean how do they do it? It doesn't hurt or anything? They just shove it in and the guys are loving it!"

"Practice, plenty of practice!

Jack screwed up his face, not understanding.

"Well you know a girls pussy, you wouldn't think that could open up for a something the size of a baby to pop out, but it does. On every female! A guy is the same given practice, you can open up easily when you learn how to control all your muscles down there. Plus a bit of lubricant doesn't go amiss."


"Absolutely, when you get the hang of it. You want to try or something?"

Straight away Jack looked embarrassed. Tim could see his mind turning over.

"Does it hurt then?"

"To tell the truth it does the first time, or it's more likely to the first time."

"Why is that?"

"Okay it's like this, you are really hungry, right? And someone is going to put food in your mouth, but you don't know what it will be because you are blindfolded. So, this food pushes up to your lips and you are like hoping it will be chocolate or something you really like, but at the same time you are nervous it might just be a fucking red hot chilli or a big piece of garlic say.

Well, that is the same as your first time, you are nervous no matter what anyone says. But when you find out it's all chocolate or whatever you love, well there is no problem after that."

He digested the words and began to grin.

"I've always wondered how they did it, now I think I understand."

"So you want to try?"

"I don't know, but I was wondered what it would be like, especially after seeing that film just now."

Tim sensed he wanted, but was still perhaps too shy or nervous.

"So, give it a go. You should try everything once or you might regret never doing otherwise, and now is as good a time as any."

Jack grinned at him but didn't say anything.

"Come on" he caught his arm and pulled him to the bed. "I won't do anything, I leave it all up to you so you can stop whenever you like."

"How do you mean?"

"I mean for the first time, you are going to sit on it at your own speed, that will help you not to be so nervous."

Tim reached for the tee-shirt to remove it and pulled on his briefs. Jack took them off himself as Tim shed his own.

He reached to the bedside cupboard and took out his gel.

"What's that stuff?"

"Strawberry gel eases the path wonderfully."

He poured some on his fingers and ran it into his crack. Jack didn't flinch. But as he tried to work it into his hole, it was padlocked tight against his finger. Not a good sign. He finished up on his own dick and put the bottle down.

"Now sit on me and ease yourself at your own pace, just as fast as you like."

He stroked Jacks dick, which was hard in expectation. But try as he might, he could not get the end of Tim's dick to even line up properly never mind enter. Tim took it from him and put it to his hole. But each time he tried to lower himself it slid to the side. He soon realised that however eager, he was so nervous he couldn't open up at all. He coaxed and advised but nothing happened. He tried again with the gel but his fingertip was nearly nipped off when he put on some pressure to enter. Tim began to accept it was not going to work.

"I'm knackered." Jack moved forward and sat on his stomach, finally giving up. "They make it look so easy though."

"Never mind, you are probably trying too hard."

He pulled him down onto his chest and stroked his back. Every now and again he would let his stroke run down the crack and across his hole, even stopping to circle the muscle with his finger. He could tell Jack liked it, but it must have been too big a mental leap from a fingertip to a dick.

Slowly he could feel the tension leave his body as he gently traced his fingers up and down.

"You like that, don't you?"

"It's lovely, makes me feel sleepy."

For a while, they didn't talk as he continued massaging. It gave Tim time to run over the day's events from first seeing him, the surprise of allowing him to run hands over his body, sucking his dick and now him trying to fuck himself. He was so open and unreserved it was uncanny. He couldn't think of anyone like him.

But if he were so nervous, he couldn't imagine when would be a good time. Totally drunk perhaps, but that would not be enjoyable for Tim.

His finger passed over his hole once more and immediately felt it soft, allowing the tip to slip in half an inch. First thought was he had fallen asleep but as his fingers ran up his spine, he felt him flinch ever so slightly at the tickle. An idea came to him, but at first dismissed it and then thought perhaps it might be just the thing.

Carefully he ran his fingers down his crack again and he was still relaxed when he circled the hole. Slowly he moved back up to his shoulders and as he did so, raised his knees. The thought of what he was going to try gave him a hard-on. Down his back once more, sliding down his crack. At the end of his reach, he took hold of the end of his dick and at the same time circled Jack's hole once more.

Finishing the circling, he put the head of his dick to the mark. Raising his knees a bit more he gave a sharp shove and at the same moment hugged Jack tightly so he couldn't move.

He was in, the head of his dick was being strangled as Jack moaned, being jolted from his daydreams.

"Fuck, shit it hurts."

"Keep still, keep perfectly still and the bad feeling will go away. Don't move!" he whispered as Jack tensed his body and fought against the intrusion.

"The worst bit is over now, you've done it," he coaxed. He stopped trying to struggle and Tim resumed his back stroking to help him calm down.

"Give it a couple of minutes and you will be fine. Just try not to move until your body gets used to it."

Gradually Tim could feel him throttle his dick less and less.

"You remember how your dick felt in my mouth, well my dick feels even better, you are all hot and tight and feel absolutely amazing."

"It's not hurting so much now."

"I told you so."

He felt the slightest of pushes back onto his dick, only to hear him to gasp sharply.

"Just a little while more, take your time."

He gave him half a minute, then taking him by surprise again held him tightly and pushed his dick further in by a few inches.

"Oh fuck!" he moaned, but he didn't fight it.

"Now is the time for you to push back. Go on, try."

Each go drew a gasp but it didn't stop him, each time taking a shorter rest period between trying another small shove. Tim told him how good it felt to be inside and each compliment brought back another effort to spear himself.

"Sit up now as you were before." Tim pushed him upright. "Now, sit down on it. Don't try and do it all at once, lift yourself up a little and then down, each time going a bit further."

He followed instruction precisely.

"How much further is there to go?" he asked

"You are about halfway in."

"Only halfway! Feels like it will be coming up my throat any second."

"I see, now you are making jokes."

They laughed until Jack lost his balance a little and dropped down too sharply, bringing forth a curse.

He was leaning forward, hands each side of Tim's shoulders. He took his arms and made him sit upright. It lessened his control, as he had to rely on Tim keeping him steady. He gave him a few moments and then raised his hips off the bed, sending his dick up by at least two more inches.

Letting go of his arms, he reached for his hips to hold him in place and gave another little thrust, then one more and then another.

Jack wailed but didn't fight.

Tim then began to lift him off.

"What you doing?" he asked, a note of panic in his voice.

A moment before the head of his dick slipped out, he pulled him back down again, at the same time raising his hips.

"Oh fuck, shit, shit!" he shouted.

Tim didn't stop, but did it again, and again. Jack began to respond, doing the moving himself so that Tim didn't worry he would jump off the bed or anything. Each stroke impaled him a fraction further.

On each movement, the tone of the expletive changed by degree from complaint to lust. Jack's head was up, his mouth open and eyes closed. Fucking himself.

"How does it feel now?"

"Oh, it's amazing. I can't describe, but it's wonderful." He didn't even open his eyes as he spoke.

"Good, because it's amazing for me too, so I'm going to cum any moment now."

With that, he took over and humped into his ass, not too hard but enough to do the trick. He stopped thrusting as he exploded. Jack was shocked at the feeling of him erupting and grabbed his dick and wanked himself to orgasm in a matter of moments.

His cum flew up Tim's chest over his face and the bed head. He finished and collapsed back down onto Tim who resumed stroking his back, feeling him continue to tremble with the aftershocks.

"So tell me, chocolate or chilli?"

Jack pushed himself up and grinned. "Fuck, how can you ask that? Chocolate of course."

"Just checking, don't do a number on me."

Jack laughed and lay back down, pressing himself tight. Tim put his arms around and gave him a hug.

"I have to warn you, I am a bit of a chocoholic actually."

Jack pushed himself up again. "Really? Me too, can't keep my hands off it."

"Oh shit, thinking of eating I left the spuds on! How about dinner, are you ready for food yet?"

The potatoes had disintegrated and the pan boiled dry, but luckily he had put the steak pie on a timer in the oven so that was okay. He fell back to using instant mashed potatoes instead and was able to serve up a half decent meal within ten minutes.

"Jack, do you want to eat or are you glued to that TV?"

"It's okay for you, I bet you've seen these films a million times, but me I've never seen stuff like that before."

After eating Tim suggested he resume his movie watching while he washed up. Jack was only too ready to accept and planted himself back on the sofa and quickly became mesmerised.

Tim was soon back and sat next to him on the sofa. Jack turned excitedly.

"Have you seen the different ways they do it? It's unbelievable!"

"Do you mean you want to try them all?"

Jack turned away from the screen and looked at him and grinned.

"Do I take that as a yes?"

He didn't answer but Tim reached under the tee-shirt and found his dick hard and pushed past the elastic.

"Which particular position did you have in mind?"

Jack didn't mind the joking and quickly reversed the film some way.

"Look at that! Can we try something like that next time?"

"You are a right horny so-and-so, I can tell."

"Look!, I've done nothing for years and today I found what I have been waiting for all this time, right? What's wrong with wanting to get stuck in and do some catching up?"

"Nothing at all, in fact, I'm glad to hear. I've been a bit of a hermit for a while, so you are not going to enjoy it any more than me."

He grabbed him. "Come here you little nymph!" He put his arm around him and pulled up the tee. Jack fell into him laughing.

"But things are going to change to how I like doing them."

Jack frowned. "Which is?"

"Like this."

He pushed him down on the sofa, finished taking off his tee. He tugged at the briefs and Jack obliged lifting his hips, grinning wildly in expectation.

Once naked Tim dropped on him, immediately sucking his nipples. Jack let out a shocked gasp. He didn't let up though, nibbling and licking them into firm peaks before letting his tongue taste its way slowly down his stomach and follow his happy trail.

He pushed his face into his dick and pubic hair and then licked the length of his long cock and at the end, ran his tongue repeatedly around the ridge. Jack threw his head back into the cushions moaning loudly. From there he lapped his balls, revelling in the smooth folds of skin.

From his balls, he pushed his knees back to his chest and let his tongue feather its way under behind the sack and ever so slowly, down the crack and over his red and puffy hole.

Jack writhed and it took Tim some force to keep him pinned so that he could rim him properly. It made him into a moaning, gasping wreck.

Satisfied with indulging his fantasy, he reversed back the way he came but not content with biting and licking his nipples, he moved up to his face and did the same to his chin, ears and finally his lips.

Jack responded after a few moments and gave back equally. Only at that point did Tim guide his cock into the waiting tunnel and push himself into Jack. He gasped and braced himself, but Tim kept his weight onto his folded body to keep him in place.

Jack was moaning non-stop as he felt himself being speared.

"Push it all in," he whispered desperately. "All of you inside me, give us it all."

This time Tim moved it up a notch, not quite battering into him but almost. He stopped just once to lift Jack's head.

"Look, you can see me going in." He pulled nearly all the way out and then in one slow lunge filled Jack up.

"Oh fuck!" gasped Jack, "It's unbelievable, all that going inside."

He groaned more and louder. "Do me, do me good."

Later they sat watching a normal film on the box.

"You want a beer?"

"Great, thanks."

Tim brought him one.

"You not having one, I don't want to drink on me own."

"No, it's okay if I am driving you back later."

"You know, I can stay the night if you want. You can have a drink then, can't you? I just have to phone our sis and let her know I won't be home. You could drop us in the morning on your way to work."

It was more than Tim had dared hoped. The day had been one surprise after another.

"I'm sorry, I don't have a spare bed, so you will have to sleep with me," he said seriously.

Jack looked at him for a moment and then began to laugh.

"I really like you, you're so funny. Really nice, you know that?" he added.

"Not half as nice as you though." He gave his thigh a good squeeze before Jack's hand closed over the top of his.

"I've really enjoyed today, been one of the best days of me life I reckon," he said after a while.

"I'm glad you have; been one of the best for me too. Should be a pretty good night as well."

It had been a long day and it felt so good to cuddle up in bed with Jack. It felt as good as sex which in fact was just not necessary. Only in the morning did Tim go under the covers and wake him by sucking his dick.

As they ate some breakfast, Tim asked a few questions.

"You have never done anything like this before?"

"Never. I always knew I was not too much into girls. Like I've had girlfriends, still have, but really as friends not anything else."

"Am I the first guy you met then?"

"Yeah, I reckon you must be. Mind, I think our Tariq likes the fellers too."

"Who is Tariq?"

"Me cousin. He's more like you were saying before, more Pakistani than me. A bit of hair on his chest, arms you know. Typical if you ask me."

"What makes you think he likes men?"

"A couple of stuff. He goes to the gym and always takes care of his self. Don't bother with girls like his brothers. And one time he gave me half a sex magazine, told me he didn't want it around as someone might find it. The bit he'd kept was all them impossible letters about sex, you know the kind. But half of them were about sex with men. He told me not to throw it and he still asks for it when he comes around sometimes, always has a quick read."

"You've never messed around with him?"

"No never, not with anyone till yesterday," he grinned. "You might like him, I should ask him to come along one time, that is if you going to see us again," he raised his eyebrows.

Tim winked.

"And he's got a big dick, saw it once in the shower. You might be able to have some fun with him!" He laughed. "Do the same to him as you did to me. But if he does come with us, don't let on about us, you know?"

"Don't worry, I would never say anything to anyone about what goes on in the bedroom."

Jack smiled, "Good, thanks."

"He's alright our Tariq, I think you'd like him," he said as an afterthought.

"Maybe, but not as much as I like you. Now we got to go, work and all that."

He began pushing him towards the door, nipping his arse and making him jump.

"Next Sunday afternoon then, that be okay?"

All comments are welcome to John -- bokjay123@hotmail.com

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Next: Chapter 2

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