A Trial of Strength

By moc.loa@9876wr

Published on Jan 27, 2022


A TRIAL OF STRENGTH – PART 577 by Rob Williams



There's talk of rodeo cowboy Charlie starring in a Cowboy Calendar. Young Eddie's test photos of the bare-chested cowboy are a big hit, giving a boost to his budding photography career. In a wild sexual celebration Eddie's hunky Arab Marine Hassan and muscled cowboy Charlie trade boys and blowjobs, while handsome Ranger Pete makes tender passionate love with his adoring boy Brandon. ______________________________________________________________________


Their timing was terrible. The lovers – Doctor Chad and the Aussie Adam – were having a fierce, noisy argument at the start of their own dinner party! With their mortified guests watching.

Adam, an airline executive, had just returned from a short trip to Sydney. The hunky fireman Jason had been there also, on firefighting maneuvers with his Australian counterparts.

Jason had stayed the last couple of nights with Adam, and inevitably the two horny men had hot and heavy sex – several times. They came back on the same flight and worked out together in Jason's home gym – which led to another bout of muscle-crunching, muscle-worshipping sex.

Watching them were the cowboy Charlie and his kid brother Ben, who was also Jason's boy. And they were both uneasy about how Chad would react when he found out.

Ben told Charlie, "Chad and Adam are totally in love, but they're different guys. Adam's an old hand at screwing around with guys, cruising the bars in Sydney. For him casual sex is like having fun ... nothing to do with his love life with Chad. But when Chad fell in love with Adam he wanted a monogamous relationship, sort of like a marriage. And that ain't worked out so well. It can get real messy.

Charlie saw just how messy when he and his boys, Vic and Noah, along with Ben and Jason, were asked to the homecoming dinner Chad and his boy Nate were giving for Adam.

When Doc Chad came home from a tough day as a surgeon it was obvious his tension had been building all day. He knew all about Adam and Jason in Sydney, and today in the gym, and now that he came face-to-face with the Aussie, the sparks flew. It was a no-holds-barred verbal brawl, trading insults and accusations.

When it reached a fever pitch Charlie shouted, "Enough!" He leapt to his feet, eyes blazing with the same gypsy fury as his brother Randy. "Let me remind you two that you have guests here, including my boys and my kid brother, not to mention your own boy Nate, and they're squirming with embarrassment. Fuck you both for insulting us all, including Jason, who had no idea y'all had this fucked-up relationship and he'd fall into the same pile a' shit you're in.

"What is it with you guys anyway? You obviously love each other and you have this perfect home together, but it's all built on this cockamamie relationship of monogamy one day and screwing around the next. For god's sake get your act together, guys.

"Look at this place – the house, your boy Nate, your dog, the fireplace – the perfect family life – except, it turns out, not so perfect. Y'all know what most couples would give for a life like this? What I would give if I weren't a wandering rodeo cowboy?

"OK, I know y'all got this dumb rule about not interfering, but I'm a straight-shooting Texan with the same hot gypsy blood in me as my brother Randy. I realize I'm an outsider and have no right trying to knock sense into you boneheads. But to hell with rights. I'm not gonna let my boys sit here and be polluted with your garbage. So we're outa' here.

"But before we go here's some advice. In spite of all the bullshit, you love each – two hot guys who've missed each other and are back together. So get your sorry asses upstairs, or wherever the hell you fuck in this house, and make love to each other."

Charlie looked down at Vic and Noah, gazing up at him in awe as their hero. "Come on, kids, let's go home."

But Chad said, "Wait Charlie, please don't leave. You got one thing wrong. You are not an outsider, you're definitely one of us, and you have every right to knock sense into us. I've been an asshole and I humbly apologize to you all for turning this into the dinner party from hell."

"Too right, mate," added a chastened Adam. "Chad and me have behaved like idiots and we have a lot to settle, but not here, insulting our guests. Like you said, Charlie, the place to settle it is the bedroom. So if you'll excuse us we'll take your advice and do that right now."

Charlie grinned. "That's more like it, dudes. OK, guys, war's over – go make love. Then come back and join us."

The couple went out, leaving an uneasy silence behind them. It was broken by young chef Will's calm, practical voice. "Dinner in fifteen minutes, gentlemen. More cocktails?"

========= CHAPTER 577 =========


Cowboy Charlie was definitely in charge of the room. After the muscular way he had shot down the warring lovers Chad and Adam it was clear that he had all the same dominant leadership qualities as his macho gypsy brother Randy.

Jason, and Charlie's kid brother Ben, looked on him with new respect. As for Charlie's boys Noah and Vic, who already hero-worshipped him, they now sat close together squeezing each other's hand excitedly, feeling more protected than ever by their dominant cowboy.

Young chef Will had his own subtle way of showing his admiration. As he poured the pre-dinner cocktails he asked, "Martini, sir? Or maybe Scotch, straight up?

"You read my mind, dude. After all that, yeah, Scotch – make it a double."

"Double it is, and well done, sir. Randy will be proud."

While Will went back to the kitchen to put the finishing touches to dinner, the guys relaxed with relief and certainty that in the bedroom above them their hosts, Chad and Adam, were making love – the start of a journey of reconciliation that would hopefully establish new workable parameters for their relationship.

New parameters were also on the mind of the newly empowered Charlie, as he turned to Nate.

"Nate, I'm glad we have this lull, it gives me a chance to get a problem off my chest. You know of course of my new involvement with Noah and Vic here, how I now consider them my boys. But I don't want to muscle in on your territory, as the boys have explained how you too have a great affection for them and took them under your wing in a kind of big brother role."

"Sir," Nate smiled, "I know where you're going with this and I'm glad, `cos I wanted to chat to you about that. Yes, I love the boys and I'm proud if they look on me as their big brother. We had a great time some weeks ago at the beach where I showed them a few new things that excited them. But since then they haven't seen a lot of me – and that bothers me.

"See, when Jamie asked me to help him with his job as the surfer wrangler on Grady's movie I didn't realize what long hours it involves down at Malibu. I'm having a blast, but it means that I have less time to devote to much else, including the boys. So I was thrilled when you showed up and took a liking to the kids.

"You are definitely more of a master than I could ever be, as we just saw when you sorted out Adam and Chad in no uncertain terms. Those guys and I have a great family relationship and you probably salvaged that by making them see sense and work out their differences. If I know them, that's exactly what they're doing upstairs right now.

"So Vic, Noah, I still want to be your big brother and I'll be here to help you with any problems, while Charlie is away. But you are his boys, if you're OK with that."

Their beaming faces answered for them and Nate said, "Great, that's a load off my mind. Now, if you'll excuse me, mates, I better help Will get dinner on the table as the other two hosts are, er, otherwise engaged," he laughed.

It was a casual meal, served on the large coffee table in front of the fire, and they sat around on the couch or on the floor. Before they started eating Charlie stood up and said, "Hey, guys, y'all know what Randy does before a meal – thanks the chefs. So I guess that's my job this time and I'm proud to do it. "Will, you've done it again. The food looks delicious. Thanks a million!"

In time-honored fashion a beaming Will took off his chef's hat, raised it high and swept it down in a low bow, to loud cheers. Will joined them at table, the wine flowed and the conversation gathered speed.

Ben didn't want his man Jason to be overshadowed by Charlie so he proudly brought up the subject of the famous Fireman's Calendar. Every boy in the tribe had a copy, dog-eared and well-used and often with sticky pages, especially the August page that featured Jason. Nate said, "You wanna see it, Charlie? I got my copy in my room."

He ran out and came back with the calendar open at the August page. Charlie grinned as he stared down at the picture of Jason in all his glory – shirtless and muscular in heavy, yellow fireman's pants and black boots, a hose slung over his bare shoulder, his chiseled features streaked with soot.

"Damn," Charlie said, "so I guess ya'll jerk off over this whenever you're horny and their ain't no men around."

"Too right, mate," Nate said in his Aussie drawl. "And that ain't all. This year's issue just came out and I got it right here. Ta-da! On the cover!

Charlie gasped at the smoking hot cover picture of a bare-chested Jason in action. "Dude, I guess whenever there's a fire people hope you'll be on the crew. They'd mob you."

"Oh, I get a lot of comments, Charlie, but what makes us really proud is that it raises a ton of money for the Fireman's Fund, a charity for widows, orphans, and firemen injured on the job."

"Actually," Charlie said, "the publicity guys for the rodeo circuit were talking about the same kinda calendar – you know, lots of shirtless cowboys on horseback, spinning lariats and stuff.

"Hell, that would make a fortune," Jason said, "eh boys?"

"We'd buy it," Noah said, and Nate laughed, "We'd order in bulk for all our boys."

"Problem is, finding enough hot cowboys who would strip down and have their picture taken. They approached me, but I dunno. Takes a real show-off to do stuff like that – no offense, Jason."

"None taken, dude," Jason laughed. "I am a card-carrying shameless narcissist, as you saw when I made love to the gym mirror."

"You're a show-off too, sir," Vic said to Charlie, "you've said that yourself. You know how many times all the boys have watched that video of you whipping your shirt off and whirling it in the air as you ride round the arena?"

"Ben showed me that," Jason said. "That one right there would make the cover. Hm, you know what you should do, Charlie? You've got a talented cameraman right here – young Eddie. He'd love to take your picture and send it to your publicity office. It might start the ball rolling."

Charlie laughed, always up for a bit of fun. Plus he knew how much it would please his boys. "Hell, why not? If y'all want it kids, I'll do it. I'll give Eddie a call tomorrow, see if he's free and up for that."

"Oh he'll be free, sir," Nate said. "We're not shooting at the beach tomorrow. And boy, will he be up for it. He just loves taking pictures of hot men and he's got real good at it."

The excitement built as they traded ideas on what shots would look best, what clothes Charlie should wear – or not. The merriment continued until Adam and Chad reappeared, with a glow that could mean only one thing – mission accomplished, they had made love.

"Well, guys?" Charlie asked with his usual directness. "Y'all patched up?"

"Were getting there, Charlie. Thanks for helping us stop all the bullshit. We realized we never really settled things after our last fight over cheating and monogamy. We kidded ourselves that everything was fixed, but all we did was kick the can down the road for another time, another blowup. We're just sorry we had to inflict all that on you."

Adam said, "Yeah, we decided we need to have a long couples' shrink session with Doc Steve and talk it all through."

Will had gone to the kitchen and now came back with a tray. "Sirs, I put your dinners in a slow oven for when you came back. Not too dried-out, and I'm sure you're hungry after ... after all that ... activity."

"Good on ya, mate," Adam smiled. "Looks delicious as ever."

"And sirs," Noah blurted. "The other news is Charlie's gonna be in a cowboy calendar."

"Hey," Charlie laughed, "take it easy kiddo, don't jump the gun. The project ain't even sure yet, and even if it is, I might not be their type.

"Sure you will be," Jason grinned. "From where I'm sitting, you're cover-ready, cowboy."


Everyone was all too willing to turn the page on the domestic drama of Adam and Chad, and enjoy the rest of the evening. Talk centered at first on Noah's blurted news about the cowboy calendar. Of course, everyone encourage Charlie to go for it, but he still wasn't sure.

"Y'all are way more stoked about this idea than I am, but like I said, I'll call Eddie in the morning. He may not even be free to waste his time on me."

Actually Charlie was dead wrong there.

The festive meal ended late as they made up for lost time, and everyone was in a far better mood than at the start. They took their cue from Molly whose wildly thumping tail summed up the collective euphoria. Jason drove Ben back down to his house, and Charlie took the boys back to the compound, where they all spent the night in Charlie's guestroom in the Boss House.

In the morning they went down to the buffet breakfast the twins had set up in the garden. Among the stragglers still there was Eddie, eating alone for a change, picking over his food and looking uncharacteristically bored. Vic and Noah made a beeline for him, followed by Charlie.

Eddie brightened when he saw them. "Hey, guys, what's up? We heard all about last night's brawl between Chad and Adam and how you whipped them into shape, Charlie. Wish I'd got that on camera."

Vic said, "That's what we wanna talk to you about, dude. At least, Charlie does."

Vic looked at Charlie who grinned, "Looks like you just threw the ball in my court, kiddo. OK, Eddie, it's probably nothing, but last night we got talking about Jason's pictures in the fireman's calendar and I mentioned casually that our rodeo publicity guys had raised the idea of a cowboy calendar. The kids said I should get some shots of me, but don't get too excited Eddie, `cos ..."

"Don't get excited?! Don't get excited, he says! Dude, that is a fabulous idea, and if you want a cameraman who's expert in that stuff, you're looking at him, sir. Hot men are my specialty, so don't you dare give the commission to anyone else.

"Matter of fact, I'm bored out of my skull `cos the movie is currently shooting interiors at the studio – love scenes and stuff. I could go and watch but I don't wanna see lifeguard Grady humping some big-titted Baywatch babe. I'm an action man, so I'll go back when they're back on location at the beach.

"So in the meantime ... let's see ... first we need a location, some kinda horse ranch out in the foothills, and we gotta work on wardrobe – shirtless mostly of course, but not necessarily – I'm seeing, like, leather vest over bare chest, or a loose shirt blowing back as you ride, exposing your pecs. A wind machine would be ideal, but it's pretty breezy out in the foothills so we'll manage. I'll use a fast lens for the action shots.

"We want a sense of movement, action, a real working cowboy, not those S&M stand-and-model guys who've been photoshopped to death and look like they've spent hours in hair and makeup. Nearest they ever got to a horse was a vaulting horse at the gym. But I'm seeing lots of dirt – on your face, on your old worn jeans slung low on the hips, well-scuffed boots, and ...

"Hey, Eddie, hold your horses, dude," Charlie laughed. "Cool it for a minute. There's no actual calendar project yet ..."

"There will be when they see our pictures, sir, they'll jump-start the whole thing."

"Dude, I don't wanna prick your balloon but maybe the PR guys use their own photographer."

"Not when they see my work, sir. So when do we start? Today? I'm locked and loaded, ready to shoot."

Charlie laughed. "Y'all are a force of nature. Eddie, that's for sure. Matter of fact, the location shouldn't be a problem. There's a guy I know well who helps out with the rodeo when we're in L.A. He has a horse ranch here in the Little Tujunga foothills. I promised I'd try to drop in and visit on my break before I shove off for Arizona, so I'll give him a call."

Just then Eddie's Marine, Hassan, showed up for breakfast and Eddie threw himself at him. "Sir, stupendous news ..."

Hassan grinned, "You mean another super- colossal, mind-blowing project of yours, kid?"

"Could be, sir, I kid you not. I'm gonna be taking pictures of Charlie out at some horse-ranch for a cowboy calendar he's gonna be in."

"Hassan," Charlie chuckled, "your Eddie is shooting from the hip again. There are so many exaggerations in that last sentence. Nothing at all has happened yet and ..."

"But you know what, Charlie?" Hassan interrupted. "It probably all will if Eddie says it will. My money's on him. Trying to rein in my boy is like holding up a wet finger to stop a tornado."

"OK, first thing's first, let me try my buddy. He punched a number in his phone and put it on speaker. "Hey Jacko, it's Charlie. How ya'll doin' out there?" He briefly explained what was up and Jack said, "Cowboy, you chose just the right day. It's kinda slow out here today and I was looking for some action. Hit the road, dude. See you in a few."

"See, I told you," Hassan laughed. "And when you get back, maybe you and your boys would join us later for that long delayed dinner we've been promising you."

So it was settled – except for one other thing. Charlie got up and went into the office where Bob, Brandon and Ryan were already working. Bob smiled, "Lot of excitement out there, Charlie. What's cooking?"

Charlie told him and Bob said, "Sounds like a great project, Charlie. And don't underestimate young Eddie. With all the experience he's got on that movie he's become really skilled. And I suppose you'd like to take Vic and Noah with you."

"That obvious, eh, Bob? But I needed to check with you first. If it's in any way difficult, I ..."

"Charlie, I realize that you have only a limited time with your boys before you leave us, so I've more-or-less written them off while you're still here. What do you think, Brandon?"

"Sure, sir, we can manage. Maybe if they could give us a couple of hours when they get back, just to finish up payroll, that would be good. Also Charlie, Pete and I usually have dinner with our neighbors Hassan and Eddie, and I'm sure Pete would love for us to join you this evening."

"You guys are the best," Charlie smiled. "Thanks a million." When Charlie went out and broke the news to his boys, Eddie said, "Thank god for that. A shoot like this needs a ton of equipment and I've always wanted an assistant. Two is even better. So come on kids, we gotta see what all we need to take – equipment, Charlie's clothes, whatever. Let's hit it."

<><> THE BIG SHOOT <><>

Charlie saw a whole new side of Eddie. He had previously considered him a charming, chatty, joke-a-minute young man, in love with Hassan and reminding everyone he was a `Marine's boy' every chance he got. But now that he was indulging his passion – photography – he was single mindedly focused and efficient.

He reminded Charlie of many of the rodeo guys. They were raucous, often foulmouthed jokers, kidding around – until they were astride a horse waiting for the chute to open and send them into the ring. Then they had a steely concentration in their eyes, focused intensely on the next few minutes.

Now that he had a mission, Eddie raced to his house across the street and came back toting a large bag containing his camera equipment. He accompanied Charlie and the two boys to Charlie's room and went efficiently through the cowboy's clothes, pulling out the items he thought would work best.

Then he sat down with the boys and engrossed them in explanations of what each piece of equipment and attachment was for. "See, speed and timing are crucial – the right place at the right time – so when I ask for something, like a lens, you have to put it in my hand fast, like a nurse slapping a scalpel in the surgeon's hand."

Great image, Charlie thought, very impressive, and he loved seeing the rapt concentration on his boys' faces. And so it went, as they loaded Charlie's truck and drove north to the ranch country area in Little Tujunga. There was a virile greeting between Charlie and his buddy Jack, then Charlie introduced the boys and explained what they wanted to do.

"Sounds like fun, dude," Jack said. "You've got your choice of mounts, Charlie. Maybe a quiet one for the still shots and something more spirited for the action stuff."

And so the day went, orchestrated mostly by Eddie who knew exactly what he wanted. Charlie stood shirtless beside bales of hay, nuzzling horses, then riding round the paddock. Luckily there was a stiff breeze that gave Eddie the sense of movement he wanted, and conveniently blew Charlie's shirt back from his dirt-smudged chest.

Eddie used all the tips and techniques he had learned from the Director of Photography on Grady's movie, paying close attention to detail. "Push the hat back a little, cowboy ... bit more ... that's it, perfect. Don't hook your thumbs in your pants, looks too posed. Relax, stand naturally ... much better." He addressed Charlie as `cowboy', to look beyond his friend and see just a handsome cowboy in his lens.

He got creative with his clothes, going through an assortment of bandanas to match the mood. Above all, he kept everything light, telling jokes that made Charlie throw his head back with a raucous Randy-style laugh. Great shot, Eddie thought.

Vic and Noah proved to be able assistants and when Charlie momentarily broke his concentration he smiled, watching his fascinated boys learning a whole load of new stuff.

Mindful of Doctor Chad's order, Charlie was careful not to put pressure on his strained wrist, and used his left hand for the active stuff. He removed the compression brace on his bad wrist, as Eddie said that pumping a bandaged wrist in the air would spoil the butch image.

They worked hard for several hours, with Eddie racing around to get as many angles as he could, and Noah acting as wardrobe assistant, sorting through Charlie's clothes for each shot. It was past noon when Eddie said, "OK, that's a wrap, guys. I got everything I wanted."

Jack invited them to stay for lunch, and the boys were fascinated and turned on by all the insider cowboy gossip of the rodeo world. They eventually left after hugs and thanks, and Jack's promise to try and get out to Arizona for the rodeo week there.

In the truck on the drive back, Eddie inevitably talked nonstop. "We got some great stuff there, Charlie, and Vic and Noah you were terrific assistants, made my job a whole lot easier. I wish you could help me on all my assignments. Maybe you'd like to come to my studio that Hassan helped me set up in our house, while I process the pictures and do some photo-shopping."

Charlie laughed. "Hold it, Eddie. You mean I need to be photo-shopped?"

"Sir," Eddie said patiently, "everybody needs to be photo-shopped. I don't mean a complete makeover like those other guys, where you can't tell if it's a photo or artwork. With you it's just a little bit, to touch up the mistakes I made. Won't take me long, then we can shoot them all off to your PR guy."

Eddie was as good as his word. Vic and Noah joined him in his `studio' and were fascinated as he showed them the processes he went through. Charlie took his clothes back to his room in the Boss House where Bob was working in his home office. Bob heard him come in and called out to him.

"Well look at you, cowboy," Bob grinned. "You look like you've just spent all day riding the range – dirt, sweat and all."

"That was Eddie's idea. He said I was the real thing and he wanted the shots to look like the real thing, not those blow-dried stand-and-model guys as he called them. Damn that kid works hard, and his enthusiasm is infectious. Gets everyone on board and just as excited."

"Just what you need in a photographer," Bob said, "keep the energy level up. "I told you not to underestimate him, Charlie. I just wish he could get more jobs like that. He loves working on Grady's movie but he has a fair amount of downtime when they're not shooting at the beach. Of course, he does it all to make Hassan proud of him. He worships the ground that guy walks on."

"And Bob, I've rarely seen my boys so excited, working as his assistants. They're with him now watching him perform his magic in his studio. You know, I treated all this calendar stuff as a joke, a way to pass time. But after seeing Eddie's professionalism I really feel there's something there. Can't wait to see what my PR guy thinks.

"Anyway, I better go and get cleaned up. You know that me and the boys are having dinner tonight with Hassan and Eddie, Brandon and Pete, in their duplex across the street."

"Yes, Charlie, I'm glad about that. Randy and I wanted you to see the whole range of partnerships we've got here. And tonight will be a study in contrasts. On the one hand, Pete and Brandon are the perfect lovers, completely into each other, but they're quiet, keep a low profile, always happy to stay home and just be with each other, watching TV, whatever.

Pete is a forest ranger, a man of nature, while Hassan is, well, a tough-guy Arab Marine. And Eddie – well you know Eddie, sociable, bursting with energy, talks all the time. Only way Hassan can keep him quiet is to shove his dick in his mouth – which Eddie loves, of course. His two major skills – cameras and cocksucking, not necessarily in that order."

Charlie laughed. "Two completely different couples, eh? But what they have in common is they're all crazy in love?"

"You said it, cowboy. Same applies to everyone here. So many ways to love, but it's the magic potion that keeps this whole wild bunch of guys together.


It took Charlie a while to shower, clean up and put away all the clothes and gear they had used on the shoot. When he came out of his room he almost collided with Will who was carrying a big tea-tray. It was a ritual every afternoon for Bob to have a tea-break in his room while he worked, and now Charlie held the door to the master suite open for Will.

"Hey, come and join me, Charlie," Bob said, and in a few minutes the two men were sitting at the small tea table. It was a civilized domestic scene, chatting over afternoon tea, but they didn't have much chance to enjoy it before there came a frantic knocking at the door. "Sir, sir, is Charlie in there? We've got the pictures."

"Now I wonder who that could be, Charlie," Bob chuckled. "Come in Eddie."

Eddie burst in with Noah and Vic. "Here they are, sir," Eddie beamed, holding up a flash drive. Then, seeing the tea table. "Oh, sorry to interrupt, sirs, but we thought you'd wanna see them, they're spectacular ..."

"... colossal, amazing ...?" Charlie grinned. "OK if we check `em out Bob?"

"Of course. Use my computer over there, Eddie."

Eddie sat at the desk, inserted the flash drive, and the others gathered round for the slideshow. They watched in awed silence for a while until Bob said, "Eddie, these are really excellent. Unlike the other calendars, they don't look posed at all ... just a real cowboy at work, and very sexy. You've got a good mix of quiet farmyard stuff and action shots, and somehow it looks only natural that Charlie's mostly shirtless. And the closeups ... stunning."

Eddie kept up a running commentary as they all watched. "Look at this one coming up, guys." It was the shot of Charlie roaring with laughter. "See, guys, a shoot has to be fun. Makes it look real, much sexier, as if the guy's about to step off the page. You never see a guy roaring with laughter like that in a calendar – too busy trying to look macho. Some of those guys act so butch they wouldn't crack a smile if you danced naked in front of them – and there are some things even I wouldn't do to get the shot.

"That's why Grady is so easy to shoot – he don't take himself seriously. That laughing one is like the shot I got of Grady breaking the surface of the water and laughing like crazy – the one the studio's gonna use on billboards and in the publicity. OK, sir, so pick a shot for the cover."

"Hmm ... let's see," Bob mused. "Go back to that one of Charlie on horseback wearing the brown leather vest open over his chest. Yeah, that's it ... that's the one. That has cover-shot written all over it. What do you think, Charlie?"

"I ... I'm humbled Eddie. Even I, show-off that I am, never thought I could look that good. You know, after I showered I called our PR man, who's already in Phoenix doing advance work, and we had a long conversation. Turns out they had been thinking about doing a calendar, like the firemen's, though they haven't got as far as photography yet.

"He was intrigued when I told him what we've been doing and he's eager to see the result. He asked me to transmit the photos to him ASAP. Here's the address he gave me. Can you do that, dude?"

"Piece o' cake. OK if I do it from here, sir?"

Bob agreed and in a few minutes it was done. "Our guy sounded hot to trot," Charlie said, "so I have a feeling we'll get a pretty quick reaction."


Eddie was really hyped-up, knowing his work was good, an opinion now backed-up by Bob and Charlie. Noah and Vic were also excited for their buddy, not to mention totally turned on by these macho pictures of their man.

Dinner tonight was to be held in Pete and Brandon's house – their half of the large side-by-side duplex, each self-contained with its own entrance. Eddie was ostensibly helping Brandon but he was too excited to concentrate, the opposite of his intense concentration at the photoshoot.

When Charlie and the boys arrived it was obvious Eddie was no help in the kitchen so Noah said, "OK if we take over from Eddie, sir?"

"You better, kids. It's pretty clear that, as a cameraman, he'd never make a chef. Can't stand still long enough – or stop talking. Prob'ly driving Brandon nuts."

Pete came out and shook Charlie's hand, with a warm, gentle smile. "Thanks for doing that Charlie. Your kids and Brandon have always worked well together."

Hassan came home from the Marine base and Eddie threw himself at him, pulling him into an ecstatic hug. "Hey, hey, kid, you're even more hyped than usual. How'd it go today?"

"Let me show you sir – can I sirs, can I show you the pictures. I brought my laptop with me."

"Guys," Hassan grinned, "we'll have no peace until he does." Pete brought drinks, and he and Hassan stood behind Eddie at his laptop, watching the slideshow. They were, of course, genuinely impressed and Hassan said, "Kid, I'm real proud of you. This is great work."

That was the praise Eddie wanted to hear – from his Marine.

When dinner was on the table at last, and they were about to eat, Charlie's phone rang. "It's my PR guy already. OK if I take it, guys?"

"Yes, yes ... take it, take it," Eddie pleaded.

"OK, quiet everyone, I'll put it on speaker. Hey, Paul, so what d'you think of the pictures?"

"They are exceptional, Charlie. I showed them to the other managers here and it's just the kind of thing we want. If we do a calendar we don't want the usual kinda stuff – you know, muscle-hunks with clean faces standing around and posing. We want real working cowboys, tough enough for the ranch and the rodeo. Your photographer has captured that perfectly – dirt, sweat and all." He chuckled. "You look like you've just come in from herding cattle. And that one of you in the brown leather vest, wow, perfect for the cover.

"I tell you, Charlie, these pictures have really got us stoked on the calendar idea, in aid of our benevolent fund for families and kids of injured riders. We wanna get right on it and get pictures of the other guys when they arrive out here the day before we open.

"And, er, that brings me to another thing. That guy of yours is obviously talented and has just the touch we're looking for. He gets it, Charlie, thinks the way we think. So we were wondering if he'd be free to come out here for a day or two and do shoots with the other guys.

"I'm sure a guy that good don't come cheap, but if we can agree on a fee we'll cover his and his crew's expenses – flight, hotel, per-diem, all that stuff. Can you find out if he'll be free, Charlie?"

"Well," Charlie said, "he's currently working on a big-budget Warner Studios movie, but ..."

"Jeez, you go right for the big-time, don't you, dude?"

"... but I think I might persuade him. I'll talk to him and get back to you, Paul – early tomorrow morning at the latest.. Glad you like the pictures. Dude, I'm getting just as stoked as you are about the project. Till tomorrow then, buddy."

He hung up, there was a stunned silence and then a piercing shout as Eddie flung his arms round Hassan. "You hear that, sir? I'm the big time ... he said I'm the big-time."

"I always knew you were, kiddo. And now it's official."

There was a whole lot of talking with the mouth full as they dug into the food and excitedly batted around ideas.

Hassan said, "First thing is the fee your guy mentioned, Charlie, and I have a suggestion. It's uncharted territory for us but I know the best guy to ask ... Bob. He's a money guy, after all, and has a ton of contacts. If he don't know the going rate for stuff like this, it's a sure bet he can find out. He's probably having dinner right now, but we gotta find out fast, so I think it's worth interrupting him.

"When the Marine captain took charge, he was in charge. He called Bob's cell and put it on speaker. "Bob, it's Hassan. Look buddy, I hate to interrupt your dinner but something pretty terrific has come up and we need help."

"Sounds like it," Hassan, "with all that noise. What's up – the stagecoach just pulled into town?"

Hassan briefly explained Charlie's conversation and the help they needed. "I figured you might know how much Eddie should ask for. We don't want to sound amateurish about this."

"Don't worry, guys. Matter of fact, one of the companies I give financial advice to is an advertising agency in New York. They set rates like this all the time, so I'll check with them. We don't want to be pushy, but we don't want to undersell Eddie either.

"The, er, usual thing is for the photographer's manager to do the negotiating on behalf of the talent, and if you like I'd be happy to assume that role, `cos my life is all about drawing up contracts, I'm a contract attorney. Just to get it straight, we're talking about a one- or two-day shoot with Eddie and a crew, right? I think a two-man crew is usual, presumably Noah and Vic.

"We have to work fast as you say Charlie's calling them back tomorrow morning. New York's three hours ahead so I'll call my guy real early. Charlie, tell your guy we just might be able to pull Eddie off his movie for two days – you gotta give me some bargaining chips here. Tell them I'll call him and we'll hammer out an agreement. We have to be professional about this as I have a feeling this will be the first of many such deals we'll be putting together for our boy.

"Eddie, congratulations, kiddo. You deserve it, your work was dazzling. You're on your way, kid. Hassan must be real stoked and proud of you. Now if you'll excuse me, the twins have just brought some salmon steaks that are screaming to be eaten. So we'll talk early tomorrow."

They all yelled their thanks and looked at each other trying to grasp it all. Brandon smiled at Vic and Noah. "Er, from what I heard, it seems you two will be requesting more vacation days, is that's where this is going?"

The boys looked nervously at Charlie, then at Eddie who, of course, was the first to speak. "Of course you gotta come dudes. Project like this you can't just have a solo cameraman jazzing around, dropping equipment all over the place like some amateur klutz. We worked great today, dudes, and we got a few days to get our game plan together. I'll give you a crash course. There'll be a bunch of stuff to schlepp on the plane."

"Not necessarily," Charlie grinned. "See, I'm gonna be driving to Phoenix so you three could hitch a ride and load your gear. I'd welcome the company. It's a five-hour drive so I was thinking about breaking it up, stopping a night somewhere like Palm Springs. `Course, the rodeo would pay your airfare so if you prefer ...

"No, no," Vic said, "we wanna come with you, sir ..." He blushed, "That's if we can go at all, depending on ..."

"Of course, you're going," Brandon smiled. "If Eddie wants you, who are we to say no? He seems to be the big-shot around here these days."

Ranger Pete added a suggestion. If you do stop over in Palm Springs, Charlie, you gotta drop in on Uncle Mike and his boy Larry. I'm sure your brother Randy's talked about Mike. He looks on him as the father he never had, and I know Mike would love to meet you."

Brandon excused himself to go to the kitchen and get the dessert and coffee. "And I'm coming to help you, Brandon," Charlie said. "I need a breather from all this excitement."

In the kitchen Charlie watched as Brandon wheeled himself effortlessly around, pulling on the higher shelves to get the bowls. "Hey, those pull-down shelves are way cool, Brandon."

"Yes, sir. Your brother Randy installed them for me, like he installed all the ramps in the compound. Makes it so I can do whatever all the other guys do. He's been so good to me. When I lived alone Eddie saw me trundling up the hill to my little bungalow. He was my first friend and he asked Randy if one of his crew could help install pull-down shelves there.

Randy himself came to do the work. Then Bob alerted the other guys and the tribe swung into action. Mark came to install security stuff, then Zack came with two air-conditioners as my place was so hot. And then I met Pete and we fell in love, and after that Bob made me office manager and ... well. So you see, sir, I owe everything to Randy and the tribe."

Not for the first time, Charlie's eyes got moist as he thought of all those macho guys banding together to help this brave young kid in a wheelchair, living all alone. "And I owe a lot to you, Brandon, for being so kind and understanding, giving my boys all this time off."

"Sir, I'm thrilled for them. They've been transformed since they met you, I've never seen them so happy. Now, I'm not gonna ask you for shelves or air-conditioners, sir, but there is one thing you could do for me. You could schlepp in the ice-cream and berries in while I bring the coffee and brandy.

"And then you better get ready for the entertainment, sir. There's bound to be entertainment after an exciting day like today. And I warn you ... it's always an audience-participation show."


They moved into the large living room for coffee and brandy, and the euphoria, stoked mostly by Eddie, cooled a bit from the pitch it had reached. The wine at dinner, and now the brandy, helped mellow them out.

Vic and Noah nuzzled up to Charlie, while Brandon had eased himself out of his wheelchair and now nestled close to Pete on their favorite couch. Hassan had his brawny arm round Eddie who had climbed down from his high, and realized who he had to thank for starting the ball rolling. If it weren't for Charlie he would never have had this opportunity to strut his stuff.

Eddie knew he was good at what he did – his work on the movie proved that – but like many talented creative artists it was hard to find a way of publicly demonstrating his skills. He said to Hassan, "Can you believe it, sir? This is it, I'm taking pictures that'll be published in a calendar."

"It's more than that, kiddo. You'll get the photographer's credit and this will be your calling card – you'll have a real portfolio to show people. As Bob said, you're on your way kiddo."

Eddie smiled, "Sir, I'm so happy, and it's all really thanks to Charlie. It was him agreed to let me take pictures of him, and it snowballed from there. I haven't even thanked him properly yet."

"Well, this seems like as good a time as any. Hey Charlie, Eddie's got something to say to you."

All eyes turned to Eddie and for once he felt uneasy being the center of attention. "Er, guys, I just wanna say a great big thanks to Charlie. Dude, you agreed to let me take pictures of you and send them to your guys at the rodeo. A lot of guys thought of it as a kind or lark, a bit of fun, but I took it seriously and it's turned into something much bigger. Charlie, you're such a hot dude you were the perfect subject for me. I wish there was some way I could thank you."

That comment landed with a thud. They all knew they had heard it before, and the result had always been the same. Pete laughed, "Well this is a first. Eddie don't know how to thank a guy, when he's thanked so many men in the past in exactly the same way."

Eddie frowned, then gave his cheeky grin. "Oh right, you mean one of my special blowjobs. That always works a treat, but not this time, `cos Charlie don't swing that way. If he was into sex with guys, no problem, but he's not, so ..."

"Hey, wait a cotton-pickin' minute here, dude. Don't you remember how you blew me while I watched Mark make love to Jamie? Sure, unlike all you guys, I don't fuck men or get fucked and I don't suck dick. But as my boys will tell you, I'm not above sitting back and letting a guy work my dick so I can get my rocks off. I'm cool with that, provided the guy knows his stuff."

"Knows his stuff?" Eddie blustered. "I practically invented the blowjob ... at least I perfected it." He stood up and addressed Charlie formally. "OK, so ... Sir, I'd like to thank you for what you did for me today. Please would you let me do that in the way I know best?"

Charlie looked at Vic and Noah who nodded enthusiastically and shuffled away from him a little to give Eddie room. Charlie grinned, "OK, dude, if Hassan don't mind, go for it."

Eddie said, "How about that, guys? I get to do a photo shoot of a musclehunk cowboy ... and then get to suck the cowboy's dick. Hell, who needs to get paid when you can do that? It's what millions of guys are gonna wanna do when they see the calendar. I doubt if ..."

Hassan cut him off. "Eddie, as I've told you so often in the past ... shut up and suck, kid."

"Oh, yeah right. OK, cowboy – brace yourself." As Eddie dropped to his knees, Charlie took off his shirt, sprawled back on the couch, hands linked behind his head, legs manspread, and looked down at Eddie who opened Charlie's jeans and pulled out his semi-hard cock. Eddie licked his lips, as if salivating before a feast ... which, in fact, he was.

Charlie tensed as he felt Eddie's warm mouth clamp over his cock. "Fuck, yeah, I remember that now - awesome. Give it to me, boy."

He closed his eyes and moaned in ecstasy as Eddie worked his magic, using all the tricks he had learned over the years. His face buried in the cowboy's pubes, he clamped his lips tight and pulled back up the cock, as if drawing his juice up from his balls. When Charlie was about to cum Eddie teased him by backing off, leaving him sexually frustrated and hungry for more.

When Charlie opened his eyes he saw Hassan on the couch opposite, shirtless now, a roguish smile on his dusky face as he rubbed the bulge in his pants watching his boy work.

Charlie said softly to his boys, "Hey, kids, I think our buddy the Marine captain over there could use some of what I'm getting. You wanna take care of that?"

"Definitely, sir," Vic said, grinning at Noah. They stood up, went across to Hassan and knelt between his manspread legs. In the past they had always been somewhat intimidated by the dominant Arab soldier and didn't dare even fantasize about servicing his huge cock. But Charlie had asked them to do it and that gave them confidence.

Their nervousness was dispelled by the smile on the soldier's dark, stubbled face and his deep voice. "So, you gonna help me get my rocks off, kids? You OK with that?"

"Yes please, sir." They had watched Eddie do this often, and now tried to copy him. Together they licked the bulge in Hassan's pants, then Vic yanked the fly open and Noah pulled out his cock. It was already hard from watching Eddie work on the cowboy, and the boys were awed by the long, thick shaft. But they went to work on it with gusto, one licking the cock while the other boy clamped his mouth over his sweaty balls.

"Hey, cowboy," Hassan grinned, "your kids really know their stuff."

"Trained by the best, soldier. Your own boy."

Charlie was getting off watching his enthusiastic boys service the Marine, while Charlie himself was getting the same treatment from the Marine's boy. There was a kind of macho brotherhood to the whole thing, the soldier and the cowboy swapping boys and blowjobs. Hassan was used to giving military commands and Charlie was even more turned on watching his boys eagerly obey his orders now.


Meanwhile, Brandon was still snuggled against Ranger Pete, both of them enjoying the show. "Looks like you're stuck with me again, buddy," Pete smiled.

"No one in the world I'd rather be stuck with, sir." Brandon looked down at the Ranger's bulging pants. Would you like me to take care of that, sir, like the other boys?"

"Er, not exactly like them, kiddo. I want more than a blowjob. I wanna make love to my boy – I always wanna make love to my boy. Do you mind that we've got an audience?"

"Sir, I'd make love to you in the middle of Grand Central Station if you wanted it. And anyway, the floor is softer here." Brandon expertly disentangled himself from Pete's arms and slid down onto the thick hearthrug. He pulled off his shirt, lay on his back and held his arms up to Pete who stood towering over him.

They quickly lost sight of the others as Pete unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it off. Brandon stared up at the handsome, muscular Ranger. "Yes please, sir. I'd like some of that."

"You're gonna get it, boy, like it or not, `cos you know what? I'm gonna fuck your sweet ass."

He knelt on the floor and pulled down Brandon's shorts. "I like my boy naked when I make love to him." Pete leaned forward and bent low, their faces inches apart. "Grand Central or not, kid, I wouldn't care if we were the last two guys left on Earth. In fact I'd rather go for that."

"He bent lower and their lips met, lightly at first, then building into an increasingly passionate kiss. Brandon reached up and wrapped his arms round Pete's back, loving the feel of his muscles rippling under his touch. Then he ran his hands over his neck and up to his face. Pete pulled back and Brandon traced his fingers over the handsome features as they stared into each other's eyes.

Pete's blue-gray eyes were moist as he said softly. "I love you so much, kid. He pulled back, straight up on his knees. "D'you wanna feel me inside you?"

"I thought you'd never ask, sir. Just let me pull my stupid legs back." He reached down, curled his hands round behind his knees and pulled them back. It was only his legs that didn't work, and he never let that stop him. Everything else – everything – worked just fine.

Pete pulled the boy's legs up and draped them back over his own broad shoulders. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his stiff cock. "Look familiar?" he grinned.

"Er, vaguely," Brandon frowned. "But I'd kinda like to get re-acquainted."

"Good idea." Pete spat on his fingers, reached down and moistened his boys ass. Brandon squirmed. "Umm, next best thing to a penis," he grinned.

"Yeah but we don't go for next-bests around here. You get nothing but the best." He spat in his palm, wrapped it round his cock, then eased forward and pressed the head between his ass cheeks. Slowly, tenderly he eased his cock inside and saw a single tear trickle from Brandon's eye and down his cheek. "Thank you, sir. I feel so good when you're inside me."

As the gentle fuck started, Pete smiled down at his boy, making love to his eyes as well as his ass, and Brandon ran his fingers through the hair on his man's chest.

They were in their own enchanted world, unaware that Charlie was watching ever move they made, hearing every word they whispered. And he was mesmerized. He thought he had never seen a couple as in love as these two – a quiet, gentle passion that wrapped round them. Tears ran down Charlie's cheeks as he witnessed love in it's purest form between man and boy.

His own boys were having a blast with the Marine, whose muscles flexed as he felt their eager young mouths on his cock. And Eddie was sending jolts of pleasure through Charlie's body. But Charlie knew that nothing could match the intensity of the Ranger and his boy. Theirs was truly a match made in heaven.

Once again he felt his climax approaching, but this time Eddie didn't tease him – he knew exactly when to make a man cum. Charlie felt the intense sensation in his cock, but more than that, he was spellbound by the ecstasy shining on the faces of Pete and Brandon. He knew they too were approaching their climax as they smiled lovingly into each other's eyes, a love so intense it filled the room, and reached out to Charlie.

In a sensual daze he watched Pete tense and heard Brandon laugh as they came together. Hassan uttered a guttural moan as he gushed semen into the willing mouths of first Vic then Noah. And an awestruck Charlie lost his load and poured his juice deep in Eddie's throat.

Howls of ecstasy filled the room and Eddie whooped as he jumped up and jerked off over Charlie's bare chest. Vic and Noah, always keen to copy Eddie, stood and stroked each other off, their warm juice splashing down on the bare-chested Marine.

Hassan and Charlie laughed and hugged the boys. But Pete and Brandon were oblivious to the raucous celebration. Pete had wrapped Brandon in his arms, the boy's blissful face resting contentedly on the Ranger's chest. Still drifting in their own word, they fell asleep.

Hassan pulled a couple of blankets off the couches and gently covered the sleeping lovers. "Best leave them where they are, in their own little heaven. We'll walk you out.

Outside, the cool breeze in their faces brought them back to earth and Charlie said, "Wow, that is an experience I won't forget. Thanks Hassan, you too Eddie. And in a few days, boys, we'll be off to the rodeo ... by way of Palm Springs and Uncle Mike.


TO BE CONTINUED in "A Trial Of Strength" –Chapter 578

Hey guys, this is Rob Williams. I hope that chapter turned you on, and I welcome your comments and suggestions, which can be very helpful in planning future chapters. E-mail me in confidence at rw6789@aol.com.

ALSO, I invite you to visit my own Web-site www.atrialofstrength.com. You can read the whole story, with extras including pictures and biographies of all the characters.

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Next: Chapter 578

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