A Tough Lesson Learned

By Danny Danny

Published on Mar 7, 2014


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"A Tough lesson learned. Part Eight" by Danny D

Seeing Jamie at school the next day was interesting. We'd smiled at each other and I'd feel this tingling in my face and my cock move. He told me that he talked to his parents after he got home. He said his dad said, "He's a good boy. I think you two ought to think seriously about keeping it cool at school. If you decide to come out, you'll probably have a hard time of it, but your mother and I will back you up."

He said that his mother looked stressed. He asked her if she didn't like me. She said, "I like him a lot. He's smart and very respectful. I'm scared for the both of you."

Jamie said to me, "I told them that we didn't have any plans on coming out for now."

"I'm cool with that," I said.

It was hard spending the day with him and not acknowledging what had happened the night before. Typically, at lunch, we'd sit together with friends and joke around. We sat together but not next to each other. And we didn't interact as much as we might have. I wanted so much to touch him.

After lunch, he whispered, "In the locker room, please don't joke or look toward me. I'm really afraid I'm going to get a hard on."

I thought he might be joking, but the look on his face showed stress, "Yeah, sure. I get it." You might have been able to hide a boner under jeans, but there is no way you could hide one in the suits we wore.

We ignored each other in the locker room and then headed for the pool. I said, "I saw my dad this morning but I decided that I'd talk to him when I get home."

When I got home, my dad was up having coffee. "I'm making chicken, rice and veggies for dinner," he said. "Don't forget to get the laundry done."

Ryan was home. He came out into the kitchen. I said to my dad, "Ah, I want to tell you something." My father looked at me. "Ah, I kind of screwed up a little but not bad. But I want to tell you about it and ask you something."

"Okay. You say not bad. Are you in trouble?"

"No. Not at all." I took a deep breath. "Jamie told me that he's gay." We stared at each other. "Here, last night. I told him I'm gay."


"Well, we really like each other."

"I know."

"Anyway. I know the rule about study dates and it started out that way. We really didn't do much. Kissing, touching and"

"Okay, I don't need full details. So, that's the screwed up thing you were talking about?"


"Okay. Well, so you two are going to what? Be boyfriends?"

"Well, he asked me if I could go out on a date. I told him about Ryan not being allowed to date."

Ryan said, "His parents know he's gay and they know that Jamie is attracted to Danny and they really like him."

"First things first," my dad said. "No study dates with Jamie unless I'm home. You can go to his house or the library on the nights I'm not home. This is my house, I'm your father, and there are rules."


He sat thinking. "I'm going to need to talk to Jamie's father. I want to know for sure that this is okay with his parents. I'm not going to be okay with this unless I know they are. How old is he?"

"My age. We'll actually, I'm month older. He'll be seventeen."

"Explain to me how this dating thing is going to work. Are you two going to come out at school?"

"No. For now we're going to keep in on the down low."

"Down low. You mean keep it secret." I nodded. "Then say that. When you say on the down low I think of what married men do, having affairs."

Ryan said, "I think what they mean is that they'll hang out but on a Friday or Saturday night, go to a movie or something like that."

My dad looked at Ryan and said, "I'm not stupid. What dating means is that they'll go to a movie and then come here and quote unquote hang out. And just how are they going to manage that? You bring Jennifer here after your dates. Isn't she going to be aware of your brother and Jamie?"

Ryan said, "First you have to give permission for him to date. Then he and I will figure out a way to make it happen."

My dad sat there for a few minutes rubbing his face and staring at me. "First, I want to talk to his father before I say anything. But let me say this. Your last report card was straight As. I see one B on your next report card and this thing with Jamie is done. You'll be grounded and you won't be allowed study dates."

"Yes sir."

"I'm not adverse to you dating on a non school night, but if dating becomes a distraction from your grades, your chores or anything else, it's over."

"Yes sir."

"I also want a commitment from you that while you are dating Jamie, under no circumstances are you to hook up with anyone else. If you were to ever do to him what Jeff did to you, I'd come down on you so hard, your life would not be as you now know it."

He looked at Ryan and said, "And that goes for you too. I know what you were up to last year. Not much gets by me in this town. But this thing with Jennifer isn't that, is it?"

"No. I'm not hooking up with anyone else."

My dad said, "Look, I get the messing around. I'm not concerned with that. I'm concerned with the both of you honoring your word." He looked at me. "Did you learn from what happened with Jeff?"

"Yes sir."

"And what did you learn?"

"To be honest with myself and with others." I thought about my mother telling me that before she passed and tears came to my eyes.

My dad noticed. "What's going on?"

Tears fell. "I just thought of Mom."

I saw tears in my father's eyes. "Keep her in your mind and heart and you'll do fine."

"I love you, Dad," I said, wiping my face.

"I know you do. And I miss her too."

"I know you do."

"Until I talk to his parents, you two are not to mess around. I want to hear from one of them that the two of you quote unquote dating, is okay with them."

"Yes, sir," I said.

Later that night, Ryan and I talked. Ryan said, "He'll let you date. When he does, we'll work out something about one of us coming home."

"Thanks," I said.

"A bit of advice from me."


"I know you're both really horny and he's not wanting to be a virgin, but if you rush it, it might fuck things up." I was surprised to hear this from Ryan. "Each time I fucked right away, it got to be about just sex for me. I know you two are good friends already, but sex could either make it really great or it could fuck it up."


"Yeah. I don't know why, but a lot of times when you jump right into bed, then it feels weird. Maybe it's because you went from being friends to fuck buddies. I mean if you two want to be fuck buddies, that's cool, but if you want to be like boyfriends, like me and Jennifer, maybe you should take it slow."

"You mean like Jeff and I were." He nodded. "I don't want it to be like that."

"Then take it slow. Have fun. You know jerking off and stuff can be a lot of fun."

I smiled and nodded. "Just thinking about jerking off with him and I'm getting boned."

He laughed. "Go do your homework."

I smiled and nodded. I went to my room with a boner.

It was time for Ryan to hear about college admissions. He was watching the mail everyday. He knew he would be accepted to a couple of the colleges he had applied to, but he had his top picks. Also, he was hoping for an academic scholarship. His grades were very good and his SATs were great.

It might come as no surprise that both he and I were interested in science, more specifically biology with an eye on medicine. Ryan wasn't sure if he wanted to be a doctor who practiced. He was thinking about medical research. Number one on his list of colleges was UC San Diego. It was about thirty minutes from where we lived. My dad thought he should go to Berkeley to get away from home, so as to have a college experience. But, Ryan and I had talked. Even though my dad had saved money for college, neither one of us wanted to put a burden on him, nor did we want to take out loans.

But UC San Diego has a very competitive pre-med biology program which is hard to get into. And it is considered one of the top medical research programs. So that is what Ryan was hoping for. His counselor told him that if he was interested in doing cancer research, then he probably should have a medical degree and a doctorate of science. The counselor told him that UC San Francisco had a program in medical research that would give him both degrees and that UCSD was the undergrad program that would help him get to UCSF.

He got a letter of acceptance from the University of Washington, from University of Colorado, Boulder, and from several other colleges. Then came his letter from the University of California. My dad had it waiting for him.

I got home before Ryan. When my dad told me about the letter, I called Ryan. "Your letter from UC is here."

"Shit," he said. "I'm on my way."

He was both excited about getting the letter and dreading it. He had applied to UCSD with UCLA and UC Berkeley as backups.

I was in my bedroom when I heard him enter the house. I went to the kitchen where my dad was sitting, waiting. Ryan took the letter and sat at the table. He stared at it.

"Oh come on, opened the damn thing," I said.

He opened it. His face looked strained. I thought it was bad news. "I got in to UCSD and they're paying my tuition and books for the four years dependent on my grades. They review it each year."

"That's what you wanted? Right?" my dad said,

"Yes," he said and smiled.

"Okay, that's great then. So, everything is paid for and I can give you money to live in the dorms."

Ryan shook his head. "Dad, it's 30 minutes away. I don't care about living on campus. If I go to medical school or graduate school, then you can help. I like living here and studying here will be easier than studying in the dorms."

"But I want you to enjoy yourself. Have fun too."

"I will. I promise."

I said, "One thing you don't have to worry about is Ryan having fun."

They both looked at me. I said, "I'm just saying."

"Besides," Ryan said, "Shit head here is going to college next year."

"I'm going to UCSD too. But if Ryan uses the car, I'll need my own car."

They both just stared at me.

Ryan said, "Dad, it's a waste of money for me to live at school. I'll go away when I go to medical school or graduate school. This is really what I want."

"Then I'm buying you a car. That Toyota is old and has over a hundred thousand miles on it. I don't want you missing classes because it broke down. Let me do that for you."

Ryan smiled. "Okay, sure. That's great. Thank you."

"Shit head," my dad said, "can drive the Toyota next year."

"That's fine with me," I said.

My dad went to work, but before he did, I heard him stop in Ryan's room. He said to Ryan, "I'm not sure it's possible for me to be more proud of you. I know your mother would be giddy with pride."

"Thanks Dad," Ryan said. "That's what I want more than anything."

I glanced in and saw them hung.

I heard him on the phone with Jennifer. For some reason, she wanted to attend the University of Texas at Austin. She had family there. She was accepted and planned on attending. Even though he hadn't applied to UT, being accepted to UCSD made things final for them. He talked to her about enjoying the prom, the summer and seeing each other on holiday breaks, but he knew and I knew that things would be winding down for them.

After the call, I went into Ryan's room and sat on his bed. He was at his desk. "You okay. I mean about Jennifer?"

"Yeah, we're good. I like her a lot, but it's stupid to think of this as a long term thing."

"That was cool, what Dad said." He nodded. "I'm proud too." He smiled. "I know it's really selfish to say this, but I'm glad you're living at home. Not having you here is like impossible for me to imagine." He turned in his chair and faced me. "It would suck."

He kept staring at me. "What?" I said. "I said I know it's selfish. But I'd miss you like crazy."

He smiled and then launched himself at me. "No," I yelled, trying to get away. "I just ate." He was on top of me. Harley was barking. He kept poking and jabbing at me and before the claw came down, I reached around and grabbed his junk and squeezed. He laughed and went for mine. Harley kept barking.

He stopped. I said, "Jerk, I could have thrown up my dinner."

He laughed. "You still have the dildo?"

"Yes," I said. "You want to now or later?"

"Now, or I won't be able to study. I'm feeling really up and excited and I'm not going to be able to study. If I jerk off I might settle down," he said smiling. "Or maybe not."

"Maybe we'll have to jerk off twice," I said, getting up. "But I have chem. homework that I have to do and fucking Spanish."

"Let's do it now. Then we'll break for homework and then jerk off before we go to bed."

"Deal," I said. "And you can help me with my chem."

He had bought his own dildo. He and Jennifer were experimenting with it, meaning she was blowing him with it up his butt. We did do homework and he helped me with my chem. I did my Spanish and algebra and then we were at it again. The second time we tried different positions, standing, on our knees with butt in the air and then lying down. We agreed that lying down, legs in the air, was the easiest and most pleasurable.

It has always been hard for me to put into words how important my relationship with Ryan is. Clearly, in ways, my dad was the most important man in my life. He was one of the greatest men I knew. Maybe because he was always there as an anchor and mostly in the background, allowing me to grow up into a man. But he provided boundaries, guidance and support while also allowing me freedom. My father never struck me, he never raised his voice, but I knew never to cross him in ways that matter to him. And he was always clear about what mattered to him.

My relationship with Ryan was also important to me but in a different way. He was a partner in crime, a person I looked up to, someone who I could confide in and someone who I trusted completely.

My father called Jamie's father. I don't know what they talked about, but my dad said it was okay with him if we went out one night a week on the weekend. Jamie's father agreed with study dates being just that. He also agreed that Jamie's grades would have to be NOT affected.

Ryan said that Jamie and I could have the house on the coming Saturday night. He and Jennifer were going out with friends and he'd be home a little before 1 am after he dropped her off. Jamie and I decided to get pizza for dinner, go to a movie and then come back to my house. Well, that was the plan.

Ryan took the car and left the house at about five. Jamie showed up at 5:30. I was dressed: jeans, Nikes, dark blue long sleeve tee shirt and a patterned blue long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up. I had a Aeropostale hoodie to take along with me. He was also wearing jeans, Nikes, grey tee shirt, red patterned shirt and a grey hoodie. He looked really hot.

When he arrived, I opened the door and he followed me to my room to get my hoodie. He looked at me. We kissed. We were both breathing hard and turned on. "I'm not going to make it through the movie," he said.

"Skip dinner?" I said. We kissed and began undressing each other.

"We can get popcorn, maybe get something after the movie," he said.

We were out of our cloths and on my bed in seconds. "I jerked off this morning," he said as I took hold of his cock.


"I had to. It wouldn't go down. Besides, I figured I wouldn't be so horny now."

I chuckled. I went down on him.

"Oh fuck," he moaned as soon as I took him into my mouth.

I sucked and licked his cock. I played with his balls. I worked my way down his cock until my nose was pressed against his trimmed pubes. He pulled me up to him. We kissed.

He went down on me. "Oh yeah," I moaned. He bobbed up and down. My body tingled. I relaxed and let him pleasure me. I felt like I was floating. My hips gently thrust upward. He licked and sucked and took me deep into his throat. "You're a lot better at that," I said.

He laughed. He bobbed up and down. I was getting close. The most incredible and intense feeling washed over me. It was like I wanted to thrust hard into his mouth and at the same time lay still and surrender to his hungry mouth.

"I'm close," I moaned. I pulled my cock from his mouth. He stroked my cock. Then I hit that point of no return. "Oh fuck," I groaned. My legs began to tense and shake. Cum pressed through my cock and exploded into the air. "Oh fuck," I called out. He kept stroking. I kept coming. I squirmed. I put my hand on his hand and said, "Stop, please. It's really sensitive."

He held my cock.

I looked down at him. He smiled at me. "Fuck, that was incredible," I said.

We kissed.

"You could have come in my mouth. I've tasted my own."

"I will someday."

"Why someday?"

"Ryan said if we take it slow it might work better. If we go fast with sex, it might fuck things up."

He smiled at me. "Someday, then. Soon I hope."

We held each other. I rolled him onto his back and went down on him. I loved the feel of his cock in my mouth. It was a perfect fit. I sucked him until I felt his cock head become firm. Then I let it slip from my mouth and licked the shaft. He took his cock in hand and began to stroke. I pushed it away. "You'll come when I want you to," I said, smiling at him.

He chuckled.

I brought him close a couple more times. "Please," he said. "I'm so close. It feels like when I came the first time."

I laughed.

I took him deep into my mouth and gentle ran my teeth over the shaft of his cock. "Oh fuck, Danny," he moaned and began shaking. I stroked his cock. Then it erupted sending cum flying through the air.

We lay holding each other. Him on top of me. Me on top of him. We kissed.

I looked at the clock. "Okay, so we can just stay here and do this all night or we can go to the movie and then come back."

He groaned. "We should go to the movie. My mom is going to ask how it was and I'm not sure I want to say I didn't go because I was sucking your cock all night."

I laughed.

"Can we come back after the movie, maybe we can go to Chipotle and then come here and do this again?"

And that's what we did.

Jamie came to my house to study while my dad was at home. At first Jamie seemed a bit stressed, but soon he seemed to relax around my dad again. I went to Jamie's house one night when my dad wasn't at home. I then understood why he felt stressed. I had always felt comfortable around Jamie's parents, but knowing that they knew that Jamie and I were dating did make it a bit awkward for me at first.

His mom called me aside. "I like you, you know that. And I trust you. You and Jamie are young and this is the first time either of you have dated." I listened, feeling nervous. She said, "Be gentle with each other. Be patient with Jamie. He doesn't have a brother as you do. I'm not sure he understands fully what it means to have a close peer relationship other than a friend. I'm sure having an older brother has taught you a lot about the ups and downs of close intimate relationships."

"Ryan has always been there for me no matter what," I said.

"I'm sure you've been there for him." I nodded. She said, "Jamie doesn't fully understand the give and take of that kind of relationship."

"Okay," I said.

My seventeenth birthday wasn't really anything I was interested in celebrating. In truth, since my mother passed away, I never enjoyed celebrating my birthday. It seemed odd to celebrate without her there. After all, it was a day that she remembered, not me.

But, Ryan, my dad and Jamie decided otherwise. My dad took Friday off and took us to dinner and my favorite Thai restaurant. When we got back to my house, many of my friends were there waiting. It was a surprise and fun. My dad ordered a dozen pizzas at nine o'clock. It was exactly the kind of party a parent has for his son. Not the kind of party friends have when parents are not around.

Later that night, Jamie gave me a gift.

Except when I swam on the team, I wore a hemp ankle bracelet. It was a San Diego surfer thing. He gave me a black Hemalite ankle bracelet. I loved it.

"I have something else for you if you think it's okay," he said.

"Yeah, and what's that."

"I want to give you a real blow job."

I smiled. "A really blow job. What were the ones you were giving me before?"

"You know, one with the grand finale."

I laughed. "You just want a mouthful of my cum."

He laughed and nodded.

"So this is a birthday present?"

"Yeah, don't you think you'll enjoy it?"

"For sure. I was just thinking that it's three weeks until your birthday. I guess you'll get your first real blow job then."

"It's a deal," he said.

"Nah, you don't have to wait that long," I said.

"No, I think that's great. I can count the days. Maybe I won't jerk off for days before. Then you can give me two or three for my birthday."

I laughed. "Deal," I said.

The next time we could be alone, he pulled me onto my bed. I laughed, "You're so the man," I said.

"If I'm sucking cock am I the man?"

I smiled, "It takes a man to suck my cock."

He laughed. "No, just someone with a big mouth."

He pulled my clothing off of me. I watched him undress. I loved his body - smooth, trimmed pubes, nice shoulders and arms, pecs and a tight, flat stomach. When he pulled his briefs off, his cock strung free.

I lay on the bed waiting. He smiled at me. "You ready?" he said.

I smiled and nodded. He lay beside me and kissed me. I pulled him on top of me. We kissed. He kissed and licked his way to my cock. Looking up at me he said, "I'm getting pretty good at this, aren't I?" I nodded. "You're not coming until I say so," he said, holding my cock.

I laughed, "You the man."

I signed loudly as he took me into his mouth. I watched him bobbing up and down, licking the shaft of my cock to my balls and then moving then around with his tongue. I loved that he enjoyed pleasuring me as much as I loved pleasuring him. He'd glance up at me. He was stroking his cock as he sucked mine. We'd make eye contact and he'd smile. I put my hand on his head and stroked his hair as he working my erection. It was then that I first thought that I had fallen in love with him, my first love.

He brought me close several times. Each time, he looked up at me and smiled. I tried hard not to let on that I was close, but he had become good at telling. Finally, he took me over the edge. I tensed, squirmed, quivered and quaked as he took my load, swallowing over and over. He squeezed the last drops of cum from my cock and licked me clean and kept stroking his cock.

He moved up toward me. We kissed. And then he moaned and came all over my stomach. We held each other, something he learned that I enjoyed and wanted after I came. He looked at me and said, "I really like you a lot."

I smiled. "I like you a lot too."

We both chuckled and held each other.

I thought about saying I loved him, but I felt awkward, scared and too vulnerable.

Jamie's birthday came. His parents were asking him what to get him for his birthday. He said that he wanted money. I told his father that Jamie had talked about wanting to learn how to surf. I told them that Ryan and I would love to teach him. They thought it was a great idea. I told them what type of board he needed and where they could buy one and that he'd need a body glove shorty spring wet suit. His dad went to the surf shop and bought him a gift certificate so he could pick out the board and suit he wanted.

They invited both his sets of grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins to a birthday dinner. I was also invited. Jamie's mom told me that everyone except her parents knew that Jamie was gay and knew not to mention it to them. She also told me that they also knew that Jamie and I were dating. Knowing that, my anxiety level was high at dinner.

Everyone was wonderful. Jamie was excited to open his gifts. When he saw his gift certificate he stared at it, then looked at me and laughed. I said, "I have a couple of gifts for you." I gave him his official hemp ankle bracelet. Jamie's mother's father shook his head in disapproval. Jamie smiled. "The other gift is from Ryan and I. We're taking you out as soon as you get your board, which will be this week. You're going to learn to surf."

He was excited. After everyone left, he drove me home. He came in. "I'm so horny," he said. "I could come in my pants just standing here."

"When was the last time you jerked off?" I said taking his shirt off him.

"Forty-nine hours, thirty-two minutes and seven seconds," he said looking at his watch.

I laughed, putting my hand on his junk. He was rock hard. By the time I got him naked and to my bed, he was dripping pre-cum. We kissed. He moaned. I licked his nipples.

I glanced down at his erection. It was pulsing and there was a small pool of pre-cum on his stomach. I said, "You're going to come quickly, aren't you?"

"Yes," he moaned. "I should have beat off."

"We have a couple hours."

I put my mouth on his cock. "Oh fuck," he moaned. I bobbed up and down a few time, ran my teeth gently over the shaft and felt his cock head swell and become firm. Then he exploded into my mouth. I swallowed. He kept coming. I swallowed again and again. He squirmed, twisted, shook and moaned and I kept swallowing.

"Fuck," he groaned, as I let his cock fall from my mouth. "Fuck," that was incredible.

I kissed him. We held each other.

I touched his cock. He was still hard. Again I wanted to say that I loved him, but I didn't. I said, "I really like you."

He laughed. "I really really like you."

He gave me head and swallowed as he had been doing. Then I gave him head again. We hung around my room talking about surfing. He was nervous about being out there where everyone knew what they were doing. "Everyone had to learn. You're a great swimmer and you've skate boarded and snow boarded. It will take time to get the idea, but you'll do okay."

We stood in my room naked, make believe we were surfing.

Then we were at each other again. I smiled at him and said, "I've got something for us to try."


I got up, went to my closet and dug around a pile of junk and got my dildo. I held it up and showed it to him. "Oh my God. Have you ever used it?"

"Yeah. It feels pretty good when you jerk off. But I thought we could try it and give each other head."

"Oh my God," he said, taking it from me. "It's so big."

I glanced down at my dick. He noticed and smiled. "Yeah, okay, not so big. I guess this is practice, right?"

I smiled. "Yeah, practice."

"Okay, I'll do it, but you go first. I'll give you head," he said, handing it to me.

He watched me lube up my ass and the dildo. I lay down and lifted my legs. "Can I put it in," he said.

I handed to him. "Go in slowly. It takes a few seconds to get used to it."

I pulled my knees to my chest. He got in close to my butt and put the dildo to my hole. "Tell me if I hurt you," he said.

"Don't worry. I will."

He pressed it in slowly. "Stop of a second," I said. He did. "Okay, go in slowly."

He did. I stroked my cock.

"It's in all the way," he said. "What now?"

"Move it back and forth about halfway." He did. "Okay," I said. "Now you can give me head and keep doing that."

He took me into his mouth and moved the dildo inside of me. I moaned and groaned and pleaded and praised him. He sucked and thrust the dildo faster and harder. "I'm close," I groaned. "I'm going to come." And I did, thrashing around in complete ecstasy. My legs shot out and tensed. My body shook. I thrust into his mouth and then collapsed on the bed.

I reached around a pulled the dildo from my butt and melted into my mattress.

He held me, his head on my chest. "You're heart is going a mile a minute."

I feel like I drank ten cups of coffee. My body is tingling and floating and shaky.

He looked at me. "That was hot."

I smiled at him and nodded.

Then it was his turn. He was excited but nervous. He had put his finger up his ass, but looked at the dildo as a challenge.

I had him get on his knees, his head down on the mattress. "I'll take it really slow. Then you can roll over." I lubed up his butt. First I pressed on finger in. I felt his hole clamp down on it and then relax. "Play with your cock, while I do this." He did. Then it was two fingers. He moaned. "You like that?"

"Yeah, it feels good." I moved my finger in and out and around. "This is practice for when you fuck me, right?"

"Yeah, practice."

"When are you going to do that?"

"You should see if you like this first," I said. "Then we'll talk about screwing."

"You want to, don't you?"

"Yeah, of course. While have to use condoms."

"Why? It's not like I can get pregnant."

"Do you really want to talk about this now?"

"No," he moaned as I tried a third finger.

I lubed up the dildo. "Okay, relax." I put the head of the dildo to his hole. He tightened. "Relax," I said.


He did. I slid a finger in. "That doesn't feel so big."

"That's my finger."


I put the dildo to his hole as I slipped my finger out. I pressed it in. The head disappeared. "You okay?"

"Yeah. It feels like there's something in my butt."

"There is." I pressed it in further and stopped. Slowly I inched the dildo forward until it was balls deep. "That's all of it."

"Really? Wow, it feels weird but," I began moving it back and forth. "Oh wow," he said, stroking his cock.

"Roll over," I said. He did.

"I'm not sure I'm going to come. This will be my third time."

"You'll come." I took his cock into my mouth. He was hard. I moved the dildo. I sucked. It took a while, but then I felt him getting close. "Oh God," he called out.

He grabbed my head and thrust into my mouth. I kept fucking him with the dildo. "Oh God, Oh God, Oh God," he called out. And then his body hit climax and he unloaded again into my mouth. "Oh God."

He removed the dildo and lay beside him. He started laughing. "Oh my God, that was fucking incredible." He looked at me. "You've got to fuck me."

I laughed.

We noticed the time. It was late. He got dressed. I put on a pair of sweat pants. When I opened my bedroom door to the bathroom to pee, I saw that Ryan's door was open and his light was on. Jamie followed me into the bathroom. We both stared into Ryan's room. He was sitting on his bed in his briefs. He smiled and said, "Someone found God."

Jamie said, "Oh fuck."

I said, "He tried the dildo."

Ryan laughed. "Yeah, I thought that was what was going on."

Jamie said, "Shit."

"Don't sweat it dude," Ryan said. "I've used it. I've had my Oh God moments."

I looked at Jamie. He was bright red.

Ryan said, "So, I hear we're teaching you to surf."

"Yeah. I'm going to get a board."

"If you want Danny and I will come with you and show you want you need."

"Yeah, I'd love that."

I walked Jamie to his car. He said, "He used the dildo?"

"Yeah. He bought it. A friend of his told him it's great to get a blowjob with it in your butt. So, he got one for himself and I guess he and Jennifer are using it."

"Fuck, Danny, Ryan is like the coolest straight guy I've ever met. You are so luck."

"I know."

Next: Chapter 9

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