A Tough Lesson Learned

By Danny Danny

Published on Mar 1, 2014


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I want to thank everyone who emailed me saying they are enjoying my story. It means a lot and makes the time I put into this worth it.

"A Tough lesson learned. Part Seven" by Danny D

It felt great to get in the pool. I'm not sure how to explain the effect swimming has on me. Someone told me that he thinks of it as meditating. I'm not sure what meditating is really like, but that makes sense to me. I zone out. I clear my mind and concentrate on what my body is doing and then leave that and focus on the water on my body, moving through the water, and what I am doing to move. This is going to sound nuts, Jamie agreed with this, but it's like I'm one with the water.

I left all that had happened with Jeff in the locker room and enjoyed the pool.

Jamie came to my house that night to study. He asked if it was okay to ask what happened. "No," I said.

"See I listened to you. I didn't ask you what happened. I just asked if it was okay to ask."

I smiled at him and said, "Do you really want to fuck with THE MAN." A couple of the guys on the swim team had called me the man.

He laughed. So did I.

That night, Monday night, before bed, I told my dad what happened. He was not happy with my behavior. He's very much against violence. "Don't let it happen again. I promise you next time I won't be kind."

"I promise."

"He deserved it but that doesn't mean you go ahead with hitting him."

"Use my words," I said.

"How's your hand?"

"Good. Hurt for a while, but it's fine."

I talked to Ryan about what happened. He didn't know what Jeff had said. He thought I just walked up to Jeff and slugged him. "He said what? I'm going to fucking kick his ass."

"Use your words," I said, shaking my finger at him.

I was sitting on his bed in a tee shirt and boxers. He was sitting at his desk. Next I saw he was flying through the air toward me. He pounced and before long he had his legs wrapped around my legs and had me in a headlock. Then he started tickling. Before I started trimming my pubes, and he trims his also, he used to pull at them. He'd reach into my pants and yank. He'd always come out with several hairs. I used to get angry because I was sure that since he yanked them out that they wouldn't grow back. He'd just laugh.

Since there were no pubes to grab, he'd tickle. But before he'd let me go, he'd whisper, "the claw is going to get you."

He tickled. I screamed and laughed. Harley barked. She'd get crazy. I was sure her head might explode someday when we did this. Am I being attacked? But she can't attack Ryan. So she runs around and barks. My dad came in. I kept laughing. Ryan kept poking and tickling.

My dad said, "Don't break the furniture," and left.

"No fair, Dad. Make him stop."

"You probably deserved it," he said and went to his bedroom.

Then Ryan whispered, "The claw is going to get you."

He'd tickle and poke his way to my junk. Then his hand would come high above us and swoop down and grab my package and squeeze. He'd let me out of my headlock and squeeze and tickle. I'd squirm and try to get to his junk. The claw didn't let go until I had a handful of his junk.

I finally got a handful. He let go and said, "I'm proud to be your brother."

A couple of weeks went by. Jamie and I studied and hung out. I saw Jeff several times. We ignored each other. The swim team was doing great. I was enjoying competing.

I was again becoming aware that I was attracted to Jamie. I didn't know what to do. I decided to do nothing. Every night, while jerking off, I'd think of kissing him, touching him, imagining his cock in my mouth and mine in his.

One night Ryan and I drove Jamie home. When we got home, I undressed and got in bed. Ryan came in and sat on my bed. "I have something for you."


His hand was at his side. He brought it into sight. He was holding a dildo and lube. I look at it. "It looks big," I said.

"It shorter and thinner than your cock." I felt myself blush. He handed it to me and said, "If Dad finds the lube, he's not going to freak out. You need this if you're using a condom and butt fucking."

"Yeah, but what about this," I said, looking at the dildo.

"So, we'll try it. He's not going to go hunting for a few days. He's working. Besides, you're doing the laundry. But we can throw it away in a day or two."

I kept staring at it. "What do you mean we'll try it? You mean, I'll try it."

"I'm curious."

"Curious to see me do it or curious to try it in your butt?"

"I'll try it in my butt." I stared at him. "I'll even go first, but you can if you want."

"What are you curious about?" I asked.

"Brad and I were joking about getting blow jobs. He said that he loves head, maybe even better than screwing. I said that I love it too. He said that his girlfriend puts a finger up his ass when she gives him head. He asked me if I've ever had head with a finger up my ass. I said no. I said I've jerked off with my finger up my butt. Then he said that his girlfriend bought him one of these and she blows him with this in his butt. I guess she doesn't want to get a stink finger."

I laughed.

"He said that he uses it when he jerks off. Then he said, I figure why should only gay guys enjoy their butt holes. I've got one and I love having it played with. So he and I went to where you buy them, this porn store, and he showed me the one he has. They come in colors."

"Okay, I'm up for it" I said and uncovered myself. "Who's going first?"

Ryan looked at my crotch and saw that I had a boner. He chuckled and grabbed for my nipple and twisted. "I'd say you're up for it." I laughed. He said, "Are you nervous about it?"

"No, not really. Maybe a little."

"Okay, you go first," he said as he stood and pulled off his tee shirt and boxers. He wasn't hard. "If you can do it, I'll try it."

He lubed up the dildo. I stood, put one foot up on my bed, reached around and lubed up my butt hole. I pressed one finger in and then two fingers. "Should I do it like this," I asked, "or lying down?"

"I don't know."

I thought about it for a moment and then lay down on the bed and lifted my legs. He handed me the dildo. It was black, kind of floppy, like hard Jell-o, about six inches long and an inch and a half across. It was shaped like a penis with balls.

Holding it in my right hand, I found my butt hole with my left. Ryan sat on my bed with a full view of what I was doing. I put the dildo to my hole and slowly pressed it. It hurt. My toes curled. I pulled it out. "Too fast," I said. I used my fingers again and then the dildo. It slipped it.

"Does it hurt?" Ryan asked.

"No, it's okay." I watched him, staring at my butt. I slid it in further. We made eye contact. "It's still okay. How much more is there?" I asked.

"About half."

I pressed it in further and then further. It was in all the way. "What do I do now?" I said.

"I guess jerk off and move it around. I don't know. That's what I do with my finger."

I began stroking my cock and slowly moving the dildo up and down. "Oh wow," I said.


"Yeah." I stroked and moaned and began moving it faster and further in and out. "Fuck, it's like my cock feels great from jerking off and my butt feels great too. Fuck."

"Okay, let me try it."

"Now. Should I finish?"

"Let me try it and then you can again."

I slowly pulled it from my butt. He stood. His dick was hard. He lubed up his ass. "I can't believe I'm doing this."

"Why? You said you like to use your finger."

"Yeah, I know, but the idea is scary, but it's kind of interesting too."

I smiled at him. "You might like it."

He smiled. "Yeah, I know. That's kind of scary too."

He lay down, lifted his legs and fingered his hole. I handed him the lubed dildo. "Wow," I said, "I've never really seen your butt hole before. It's nice."

He looked at me and smiled, "Of course it's nice. It's mine." We chuckled. "Yours was nice too." He put it to his hole and slowly pressed. In it went. He stopped immediately and lay still taking breaths.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. It feels kind of weird, like I have a turd stuck in my butt, but it's not hurting." He pressed it in further.

"You're at about half." He lay still. "Stroke your cock. It feels really good when you do that."

He began stroking his dick and moving the dildo back and forth and deeper each time until he had it to the balls. "Wow," he said.


"Different." He kept going. "Yeah, wow. Fuck." He kept fucking himself with the dildo and stroking his cock.

"Are you going to stop or jerk off?

"I'm going to just go for it. Fuck, wow. I'm close already."

I watched. He stroked hard and faster and fucked himself faster. "Fuck," he moaned. "Oh fuck." He straightened his legs.

Sitting close to him, I was caught between them. His right leg lay across my lap and pressed my hard on against my stomach. His left leg went behind me. He squirmed. His body shivered and cum exploded from his cock. He groaned loudly and thrashed around.

Then his body relaxed and then quivered again and again. Then he began laughing. "Fuck, what the fuck was that?" he said. He reached around and pulled the dildo from his butt hole. I took it from him. He smiled and looked at me. "Fuck. That was so intense."

"It looked intense."

"Damn," he said, glancing at the cum all over his chest, stomach, and arm. "My aim is usually pretty good."

"You were jerking pretty hard. You got some on my pillow and there's some in your hair and you got the wall over there."

He smiled and then laughed. "Fuck. I can't believe I liked that."

"My turn," I said.

He got up, went to the bathroom and wiped down with a washcloth. When he returned. I was on my back and the dildo was balls deep in my hole. He sat beside me where I had been sitting and watched as I stroked and fucked myself.

He asked about how it felt. I moaned, "Great."

When I got close, I instinctively fucked myself faster and hard and stroked. I moaned. "Fuck."

"Yeah, I know," he said.

I straightened my legs, catching him between them. He held my right leg. "Oh fuck," I moaned.

"Yeah, go for it."

My climax hit hard. My hips thrust upward. My legs tensed and shook. As the first shot of cum exploded from my cock, my head and shoulders lifted off the mattress and then slammed down as my hips thrust upward. "Fuck," I groaned.

Cum went everywhere. I was breathing hard. "Oh man, fuck," I said. I pulled the dildo from my ass. "Fuck."

He took it from me and smiled at me.

"Fuck." My body kept climaxing. He sat watching me and smiling, rubbing my leg.

We cleaned up the wall and the pillowcase and sheets. Then we went to the shower. Standing under the stream of water, facing him, I said, "We can't throw that away."

He smiled. "I was just thinking the same thing. But Dad knows every hiding place there is."

"Yeah, and if we bury it in the backyard under one of the bushes, Harley will probably dig it up and think it's a chew toy."

We laughed as we talking about my dad finding Harley with a half chewed dildo.

"Let's think hard about a hiding place," he said. We dried off. He pinched my nipple.

"Ouch," I said. "What was that for?"

"You're cool."

As he turned to go to his room, I pinched his butt. He laughed. "I know I'm cool."

"You are," I said.

He went to his room. I went to mine.

Lights out.

He yelled, "Good night, Danny. Good night Harley."

I chuckled. "Good night, Ryan. Good night, Harley." Harley was lying in my room. She got up and came beside my bed. "Say good night." She stared at me. "Speak, girl."

She barked.

"Good girl. Lie down." She did.

I lay in bed thinking of Jamie. What would he look like naked with a boner? What would kissing him be like? Would he lie on top of me or want me on top of him? I imagined myself on top of him, kissing him, touching him, pressing against him. I imagined him on top of me. What would he taste like, smell like? I imagined my face between his legs, licking and sucking.

I yelled out, "I'm hard again."

Ryan laughed. "Go to sleep." I laughed.

It was a school night, and it was late, but he walked into my room naked. We both sleep in the nude. So does my dad. "We have school."

"I know," I said.

"You going to do it again?"

"No. I keep thinking about Jamie."

"Jamie," he said, getting in bed beside me. "What about him?"

"I'm really attracted to him. I kept wondering if he's gay and if he'd be attracted to me."

"I can see why you'd be attracted to him." I looked at him. "Well, he's a really nice guy Ð smart, funny, attractive for sure, good body, and he likes you."

"You mean as a friend."

"Well, for sure as a friend."

"You think he might like me like being attracted to me?"

"He's definitely attracted to you, but I don't know if it's sexual." We lay there in silence. "If he's gay, then he's hot for you. I mean does he spend more time with anyone else? You guys are always together."

"Yeah, but I spend a lot of time with Michael and Jamie and just Michael."

"If he gay he's hot for you. If he's not gay then he's hot for you as a friend." Silence. "Look, I'm not blowing wind up your ass, but you're a great friend to him. You've always been a great friend to him. So, it's hard to tell if it's that or if he's jerking off every night thinking about you."

"I hate this."

"Are you going to do anything about it?"

"I'm scared. What if it's just being friends and I tell him I'm gay and he doesn't want to be my friend?"

"That won't happen. He's not like that. Is he?"

"Weird about gay people? No." Silence. "No, not at all. But maybe being my best friend might be weird for him if he knows I'm gay."

"It is fucked up." Silence. "You going to be able to sleep?"

"Yeah. I'm not hard anymore."

"Later," he said a he left my room.

Everyone heard that I punched out Jeff. They called me "the man". I just shook my head, trying not to respond. Of course, they'd ask what it was that he said. "None of your business," I said.

On the bus home from one of our swim meets, Jamie and I were sitting together talking to Connor, a guy who was also a junior. There were two guys on the team that I didn't like Ð Dylan and Tyler, seniors and friendly with Jeff. Even before I punched out Jeff they had been giving me grief. They were just those kind of guys. They thought they were hot shit because they were seniors.

Connor was talking to Jamie about a girl Connor asked out that was a good friend of Jamie's. Tyler interrupted and said, "I didn't know you gay boys dated girls. Do you do it so you can talk to them about the latest styles."

"Only in your dreams are we gay," I said to Dylan. That got a chuckle from a few guys.

"Eat me," he said.

I said, "I see we're still talking about your dreams."

"Fuck you," he said.

I laughed and pointed at him. "Still in your dreams." More people laughed.

"You're a smart ass," he said. I just stared at him. "Try that shit with me that you tried with Jeff and I'll beat you silly, you asshole."

Connor who is bigger than Tyler or Dylan called out, "Keep it up and we'll see who gets beat silly."

Jamie sat next to me not saying a word. Connor was sitting in the seat in front of us and turned back toward us while talking to us but faced forward when talking to Dylan and Tyler who were in the seat in front of him. Dylan and Tyler were turned in the seats and facing the back of the bus. Tyler stared at Jamie and said, "Are you going to defend you're crush." Jamie sat silently and then began to blush. "Yeah, right," Tyler said. "You're crush."

I said, "Is that why you're defending Dylan?"

The coach, who was sitting in the front of the bus, must of heard some of what was going on. He got up and started toward the back of the bus.

"Fuck you," Tyler said.

"Maybe you ought to just turn around," I said, glancing toward the front of the bus. But neither Tyler nor Dylan took my advice. They just glared at me. What I said seemed to piss them off even more.

"You're telling me what to do?" Tyler said.

Dylan said, "You little faggot."

When he said that I glanced up at the coach who was standing feet from them. The coach said to Dylan, "That's going to cost you."

Tyler and Dylan spun around in their seat.

"You know my rule about that kind of talk. No pool time for the next week and that means next week's competition."

"Coach," Dylan complained. "You need me next week and it didn't mean anything."

"One more word," the coach said walking to the front of the bus, "and it will be two weeks." He stopped and looked back. "I was clear about this at the beginning of the semester. And you're a senior."

I said, "Coach, we were just joking around."

"Do you want a week suspension?"

"No, sir."

We got off the bus and headed home. Jamie was quiet. "You're not going to let that shit bother you, are you?"

"What? Them? No. Just thinking about school."

He seemed okay after that. Practices were good. Tyler ignored us. When Dylan returned to the team he stopped me in the locker room. "Hey," he said. "That was stupid."

"No problem," I said. "I get that Jeff is your friend. But he was my friend and my brother's best friend. He pulled some nasty shit, which I don't want to talk about."

"Yeah, I know he can be a jerk. Anyway, sorry for the shit."

Midterms were coming up again. I invited Jamie over for dinner and to study. After dinner my dad left for work. Ryan headed out to spend time with Jennifer. It was a school night so he'd have to be home by ten and had to drive Jamie home.

We sat at my desk doing chemistry. I noticed him glancing at me. I looked at him. I said, "You seem weird."

"How so?"

"Stressed. Quiet. Sad. I don't know."

He sighed. "Can I tell you something?"


He sat back. "We're good friends, right?"

"Good friends. No we're best friends."

"This is really a stupid question I guess because I'm sure I know the answer," he said. I stared at him. He sighed. "You're okay with gay people? I mean, I know you are. But if someone told you they were gay would you keep their secret?

"Of course I would," I said. My heart was pounding. Was he going to tell me he was gay?

He sighed. "Could you have him as a friend?"

"For sure."

"You're best friend?"

"Yes, of course. Could you have a gay guy as your best friend?"

"Me? Yeah, sure."

We stared at each other.

"Why are you asking?" I said. Tears sat on his eyelids. I said, "Are you gay?"

He nodded. "Yes. I guess I should have told you," He seemed stressed but maybe more sad than stressed. I guessed that he thought I was going to reject him.

"So am I," I said.

He stared at me. "No you're not. Are you?"

"Ah, yeah. I wouldn't say I was if I wasn't."

"Damn," he said. "Really? Wow." He looked nervous, really nervous. "I was pretty sure you were straight." He blushed. "Does anyone know?"

"My brother and my dad and another guy who won't say anything. Who knows about you?" I felt my cock move.

"My parents. My dad's parents who are cool with it. My mom had a hard time with it but is cool now. Her parents don't know. They're pretty anti gay. Some other people in our family. No one else knows."

I nodded. "You don't look like you're happy you told me."

"No, I'm happy." He seemed more stressed than before he told me.

"What's going on?"

He shook his head. "Nothing."

"Really? Because you seem more stressed now."

He shrugged. "Don't be weirded out, okay?"

"Okay. What's wrong?"

"I don't know if I should say this." He looked at me. "I'm attracted to you."

I smiled. "First, of course I'm not weirded out. Second, I kind of knew you were, but I thought you were straight and it was just as a friend. Third, I'm attracted to you, too. Fourth." I thought for a moment. "I guess there's no fourth."

"You are?" He smiled but kept staring at his hands. "You mean like attracted like sexually."

"Like that, yeah."

He smiled and blushed and glanced at me.

I said, "You know you blush."

"Yeah, and I hate it."

"You turned on?" I asked.

He nodded and smiled. "You?"

"Yeah," I said. "You ever do anything with another guy?"

"No. Not with a girl either. I hate being a virgin." He smiled. "In my dreams I'm not and neither are you." We laughed. "What about you? You ever do anything."

"Yeah. But it was nothing important. Just experimenting with a girl and with one guy."


He said, "Can I ask you out on a date?"

I chuckled. "Yeah, you can ask. But I'm going to have to talk to my dad. He wouldn't let Ryan date until this year."

"Wait," he said. "But everyone knows that Ryan was hooking up with girls last year. Wasn't he?"

"Yeah. For sure. I mean my dad let's us go to games and parties and stuff but he wasn't supposed to be dating. And now, he's not allowed to bring Jennifer here during the week, school nights. School nights are just for study dates."

He looked disappointed.

"We can hang out a lot," I said and smiled. "Is it okay if I tell my dad that you asked if I could date you on the down low?"

He smiled. "Down low. That's funny."

"You don't want anyone to know, do you?"

"Yeah, I guess not. I guess I'm kind of nervous about it."

"Are you going to tell your parents?"

He smiled and nodded. "My parents know that I'm attracted to you."

"Really? You told them?"

"Well, when you'd come over for dinner and stuff. They'd see the way I acted toward you. My dad asked. But he said that he thought you were straight and that you seemed like the kind of guy who would be fine having a gay friend but might feel weird knowing that I was attracted to you."

I said, "Can I kiss you?"

He smiled real big, "Yeah, sure."

I leaned toward him. He leaned toward me. Our lips touched. He sighed. I pressed my tongue against his lips. He opened his mouth. Our tongues met. He sighed loudly. We kissed and kept kissing. My dick went from being semi hard to rock hard instantly. He was breathing hard. So was I. He sucked my lower lip into his mouth and then ran his tongue over my teeth. I bit down on his lip. "Fuck, Danny," he sighed, putting his hand behind my head.

I smiled and said, "I'm not that easy." He laughed.

I put my hand on his leg. He put his hand on mine. We kissed. I moved my hand up his leg, close to his basket. He took my hand and put it on his junk. I felt his erection. He went for mine. He was rock hard.

I pressed my hand hard against his cock. He moaned. While we kissed we struggled to unbutton and unzip each other's jeans. Finally, I undid mine and he undid his.

I kissed his neck and his ear. "Oh fuck," he moaned and began licking and kissing my neck.

He put his hand in my briefs. He chuckled. "Fuck."


"You're huge. I mean I figured you were big but, fuck."

I smiled at him. I ran my hand over his chest, down his stomach and then put my fingers inside his briefs. He was breathing hard. "I'm really turned on," he said.

"I can see that." I took hold of his cock and pulled it away from his stomach and glanced down. "Nice," I said and ran my fingers down the shaft and over the head. His cock was cut and much like Ryan's, about seven or seven and a half inches and not as thick as mine. Staring down at his cock I moved my hand to his balls. "Nice," I said and smiled at him. I ran my fingers over his cock head.

"I'm really turned on. You'd better stop."

I smiled at him and ran my fingers over his cock again.

"Really," he moaned. "Oh shit."

His body jerked and he began coming.

"Oh fuck. I'm making a mess," he said.

I could feel shot after shot of warm goo hitting the palm of my hand as I held his cock. "Make a mess," I said and kissed him.

We kissed. His body quivered. He was kissing me and breathing hard. "I'm sorry," he said. "It usually takes me a while to come. But,"

"Don't be sorry," I said and smiled. "I think that was kind of hot." He chuckled. I glanced down at my hand. His cum was thick and white. "Nice load." I smiled at him. "Looks tasty," I said.

He smiled. His hand was still on my cock. "Can I make you come?"

"Yes," I said. I sat back and leaned into my chair. I pulled my jeans and briefs down to my knees. My cock lay pressing against my stomach.

"Wow," he said. "It's even bigger like that."

"No actually, it's the same size. It's just an optical illusion."

We laughed.

"You have the best body on the swim team," he said, taking hold of my cock.

"No I don't. Not even close."

"I think you do." He began stroking my cock.

My hand still was covered with his cum. I wiped his cum over my cock head and then on the shaft of my cock. "Use it as lube," I said. I wiped the rest of it onto his hand.

He gripped my cock and squeezed as he stroked. I moaned. He kissed me. I didn't want to come, but I was getting close quickly. "I'm going to come," I moaned.

He stared at my cock and stroked me hard. My legs tensed. My body shook. I moaned loudly. "Fuck." And I began coming. The first shot hit my face. The rest covered my chest and stomach.

"Damn," he said. "That's a lot of cum. Fuck. I'm sorry I got your face. I didn't realized,"

I smiled. "I do that all the time. It's kind of part of me shooting a load."

He leaned toward me. We kissed. He ran his hand over my chest. He licked the cum on my face. "It's tasty," he said.

" I know," I said.

We smiled at each other and then kissed.

"Let's get in the shower," I said.

We had showered together hundreds of times but this was very different. We soaped each other, stood under the shower and kissed. I ran my hands down his back and over his ass. "You've got a great ass," I said.

We kissed.

He whispered, "I'm not a virgin anymore, right?"

I laughed, looking into his eyes. "Yeah, I think you kinda are."

We kissed and held each other. I loved the way he felt in my arms. We stroked each other's cock. He kissed my neck and then my pecs. He kissed my stomach. He held my cock as he got on his knees. He looked up at me and said, "I'm probably not very good at this."

"You will be," I said.

He smiled and then opened his mouth and took me in. I felt that incredible feeling wash over my body, that tingling that makes takes your breath away and makes your toes curl. He was actually pretty good at what he was doing. He sucked. He licked. He played with my balls.

I pulled him to his feet and got on my knees. I took his cock into my mouth and began bobbing back and forth taking him deep into my throat.

"Oh fuck," he moaned. He leaned into the shower wall. I licked the shaft of his cock and then his balls. "Oh wow." I stroked his cock and sucked one of his balls into my mouth. "Oh yeah," he groaned.

There was a knock at the bathroom door.

"Who's that?" Jamie whispered.

"Don't worry, it's Ryan."

The door opened. Ryan stuck his head in. "You guys go for a run," he said smiling.

"Yeah, sure, a run," I said. I turned off the shower. I said to Jamie, "Don't worry about it. He's completely cool."

He closed the door. I stepped out of the shower and gave Jamie a towel. Jamie asked, "Is he going to be angry?"

"Absolutely not. You know Ryan. He's completely cool, I promise."

We wrapped towels around ourselves and went to my room where Ryan was sitting at my desk doing something at my computer. He turned around and smiled. "What's up?" he said, glancing at the tent in Jamie's and my towel.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I said.

"You told him?" Ryan said to me.

"He told me and then I told him," I said.

Ryan said to Jamie, "Sorry I interrupted, but I think you guys lost track of time."

Jamie and I looked at the clock. It was after ten.

"Oh wow," Jamie said.

We both stood in my room and dried off and got dressed. Ryan said to Jamie, "I'm glad you two talked. I think you guys will be good for each other."

I said, "He asked if I could date, but I told him that Dad would probably say no."

"Dad likes Jamie." He asked Jamie. "Do you parents know?"

"Yeah and they know I'm attracted to Danny but they thought he was straight."

We got in the car and headed to Jamie's house. Ryan said, "Will your parents let you date?"

"Yeah," he said, "but they'd probably be happier if we kept it on the down low."

Ryan chuckled. "Well, if Danny can't date, I can give you ideas about how to spend private time with each other."

I chuckled, "Private time? Is that what you call it?"

We got to Jamie's house. He said to Ryan, "I always thought you were cool, I mean everyone does, but now I think you're even cooler."

Ryan smiled. "I like you too. And you've got a big dick."

Jamie laughed. "It's not as big as Danny's."

I said, "He said that because yours and his are about the same size."

Jamie smiled and fist bumped with Ryan. "It is really really big," Jamie said.

We all laughed. Jamie was sitting in the backseat. He got out of the car. I opened my window and called to him as he started to walk away. He came back and said, "What?"

I grabbed his shirt and pulled him to me and kissed him. Our tongues met. I let go of his shirt.

"Damn," he said, "How do you do that? You've got me boned again."

We laughed.

He said, "Am I still a virgin?"

Ryan laughed and said, "What did you guys do?"

"Just jerked each other off and then gave each other some head in the shower."

Ryan said, "Yeah, I'm afraid you're still a virgin."

"Damn," Jamie said. To me he said, "Can you make me not a virgin sometime?"

I smiled. "I'd love to."

Ryan kept poking me and mussing my hair on the drive home. "I really really like him," he said. "And he really likes you. You know that?"

"Yeah," I said. " I like him a lot."

Next: Chapter 8

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