A Tough Lesson Learned

By Danny Danny

Published on Feb 22, 2014


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"A Tough lesson learned. Part Six" by Danny D

I called Jeff as soon as Ryan left. He warned me again not to trust Jeff. Even though my gut told me that Ryan was right, my head or maybe it was my junk decided not to listen.

Jeff arrived. He was excited and naked before I was half undressed. He lay on my bed stroking his cock as he watched me pull off my briefs. He smiled when my cock burst free. "Let's mess around a little before you fuck me," he said.

He opened his legs wide for me. I lay on him. He wrapped his legs around me. We kissed.

I sighed.

"You like kissing," he said.

"A lot."

We kissed. I thrust against him. The roughness of his trimmed pubes against the underside of my cock felt incredible. I was really turned on. He, with force, turned me over and went down on me. He licked and sucked and played with my balls. He was so good at that.

He looked at me, smiled, kissed me and said, "Your turn." Eagerly, I took him deep into my mouth.

After I put on a condom and lube, I was back on top of him. I held my cock, pressed it against his hole and pressed in. His eyes widened quickly. He chuckled and said, "I'm good. Just go for it." I kept pressing forward. He moaned loudly.

With my cock balls deep inside of him, I said, "You like this?" He laughed and nodded. "Why do you like it? It looks like it hurts."

"At first maybe," he said smiling at me. "But mostly it fells like pressure, except when you do it, you go to a spot that makes it feel even more intense." I pulled about half my cock out and then quickly pressed all the way in. His eyes widened again. He chuckled. "Yeah, that spot. Fuck, do that again." I pulled back about four inches, "More," he moaned. I pulled out so that his sphincter tightened around my cock head. We smiled at each other.

"Ready," I said.

He smiled and nodded.

I slammed into him.

He groaned, squirmed, smiled and said, "Again. Keep doing it."

I fucked him hard and fast. He put his hand between us and began masturbating. I sat up on my knees, held his legs, watched him jerking off and slammed hard into him.

"Fuck," he called out. "I'm gonna come. Harder."

I grabbed his thighs and fucked him hard. Cum exploded from his cock. I kept slamming into him. Then my climax hit. I lay on top of him, pressing deep into him. He held me, whizzing. I kept taking short but hard thrusts into him as I came.

I collapsed on top of him my dick deep inside of him. His body was still climaxing as I held him. I started to pull out. He held me tightly against him with his legs. We kissed.

He held me.

We kissed.

"That's why I like getting fucked," he said.

"Why's that?"

"Even though I'm not shooting my body keeps cumming and cummming."

"You mean climaxing?" I had learned the difference in my health class.

"Yeah, that's what I meant. Fuck, I can't even think yet."

After we showered, he dressed. "I'm glad that we decided this was cool again," he said.

He smiled as he put on his sweatshirt.

"What?" I asked.

"It feels like your cock is still up my ass."

He left. I went to the kitchen and dug through the refrigerator. There was left over chicken from dinner. Harley stood beside me. We both heard the garage door opening. I was naked. It was Ryan. I ran to my room and pulled on a pair of sweat pants. Chicken breast in one hand and holding Harley by the collar with the other, I greeted Ryan and Jennifer. Harley sniffed her. All was good.

I went to my room with Harley. Soon after I could hear them going at it. So could Harley. I put my ear buds in, sat in bed and read Catcher In The Rye for English. I was about fifty pages into it and was not yet sure that I liked it. Liked it or not, I had to read it, so I lay there and read.

Seventy pages later, I still wasn't sure I liked it. Ryan opened my door. He was in his briefs. I looked around for Jennifer as I pulled out my ear buds. "I already took her home," he said.

"Things okay?"

"Yeah, but it's almost one o'clock. Move over," he said. I handed him my stuff. He put it on my desk. I slid over. He turned off the light and got in beside me. "How was tonight?" he asked.

"Okay. Good," I said. "How was it for you?"

"I really like her and the sex is good," he said smiling. We chuckled.

"So can I ask you something real personal?" I said.

"Fuck you," he said and grabbed my nipple and twisted. "Ask anything."

"Have you ever been fuck? You know, in the butt."

"No. I've had a couple of fingers up there. Sometimes when I jerk off I play with my prostate with my finger, but never had someone fuck me. Why?"

"Jeff really loves it."

He chuckled. "Tell me about it."

"I guess I was wondering what it feels like, but it also feels kind of scary."

"So maybe you'll never do it or maybe you'll try it and hate it or maybe love it. Why don't you start small?"

I looked at him and smiled, "You mean find some guy with a tiny dick. How does that work? I go around checking guys in the shower."

He grabbed my nipple again. "You're as stupid as you look," he said. He laughed.

I started laughing.

"They sell toys. You could use toys."


"Rubber dicks. They have them in all sizes I'd think."

I lay there thinking. "And if Dad finds it?"

"Got me there. I don't know."


He said, "I've seen videos of girls using vegetables. Like a cucumber or a carrot. Something like that. Then you could just eat it and Dad would never know." He laughed. I hit him. "You couldn't flush it down the toilet. I guess you could just put it down the garage disposal."

"Ya think?"

We talked about Jennifer, the basketball team, the swim team and skiing and boarding over Christmas. Talking like this wasn't unusual. I would imagine that most brothers didn't take the time to talk the way we did Ð in the dark in his or my bedroom, in bed beside each other and late into the night. It started after my mother passed away. I'd be sad or scared and I'd go into his room after he'd be asleep, wake him and want to talk about nothing. I just needed him to be awake.

He never pushed me away, made fun of me being scared or told my dad or friends. When I was younger, I'd stay beside him through the night. But as I got older, it changed into us just talking, joking and gossiping once or twice a week. Either I'd go into his room or he'd come into mine. We never stayed the night anymore. He claimed that I was a kicker.

There was always a comfort in knowing that Ryan was literally there for me and I liked him knowing that he had me there for him.

Working out with the varsity swim team was great. The coach was tough, really tough. He had two assistants, women who were even tougher than him. Once in the pool, we never got out. The first two days after practice I thought I'd throw up. It doesn't hit you so much when you're swimming, but then you get out, walk to the locker room and then it hits. The second day after practice, Jamie and I undressed at our lockers. His locker was next to mine. He was standing naked facing his locker. I looked at him as I closed my locker door. He was white. "Sit down," I said. Bare assed, he sat. I sat beside him. "Put your head between your legs." He did. I put my hand to the back of his neck and massaged. "Breathe." I kept massaging his neck. "You feel like you're going to pass out?"

"I did, but I feeling a little better. Keep doing that. It feels good."

"Is he okay," one of the seniors asked as he walked by.

"Yeah. He's okay," I said.

"Keep his head down."

I leaned down and said to Jamie, "Your blood drained from your head. It happens because you've been using all your muscles and then you get out of the pool and walk here and all the blood drains down. Let the blood get back to your head and you'll be fine."

"I know. It's happened before." He chuckled.


"It's happened when I get a boner."

I smacked him on the back of the head. "You're okay."

He turned his head and smiled at me and sat up. "Thank you. Can we sit here a minute." I nodded. He said, "I hate that. It's the worst feeling."

"Getting a boner?"

He laughed. We sat for a while. Then we showered.

The Saturday afternoons parking someplace thing with Jeff got to be a regular occurrence. Being outside scared me but that was part of the excitement. Then I'd call Jeff when Ryan went out and we'd fuck. Then he'd leave.

Arrangements were made to head to Mammoth Mountain. Dad had Sunday off as usual. He thought he'd be too tired to drive there, so we always left on a Monday. We'd stay on the mountain until the next Monday, spending Christmas there. I was excited. We had the same condo as the years before. It was walking distance to the slopes.

I had midterms before we would leave.

Jeff and I did our Saturday thing the weekend before the weekend before we'd leave. I was enjoying our DL relationship. The sex was great. The holding and kissing was fantastic and I didn't mind the time we ignored each other at school. That Saturday night we talked about my leaving and that we could get together the Saturday before I left for Mammoth.

I turned in my paper. My midterms were done. I went into the attic with Ryan and we got all our ski and snowboard stuff, clothes and gear. We laid everything out making sure we had everything. We were packing my dad's stuff too.

He was very organized. I guess it was the policeman thing. He kept a list of stuff we had to bring on his computer. Each year he printed it out and gave it to us. We check everything off and packed it away.

At school on Friday I saw Jeff. "Hey," he said. "I can't make it tomorrow." He seemed very awkward.

"What's up?"

"Oh nothing. Family coming into town. Have to hang out with them."

"Cool," I said. "I'll see you next year."

He half smiled. "Yeah. Cool," he said and walked away.

I thought that was pretty strange. Not the canceling, even though that was a first, but the awkward way he acted and would hardly look at me. I wondered if he was going to end it between us. Maybe he's interested in a girl, I thought. Then I thought, fuck it. I'm going boarding and I'm going to enjoy myself.

We packed the car early Monday morning and off we went. We checked into our condo and then went to dinner. The weather was to be perfect and the snow conditions were ideal. We headed back to the condo. Dad went immediately to bed. Ryan and I watched some TV and then headed to bed. We each had a double bed along side each other (we have queens at home). "Well, I guess I don't have to lock myself in the bathroom to jerk off," Ryan said.

I chuckled. He was naked and on top of his bed stroking even before I was undressed. I sat on my bed facing him, taking off my shoes and socks. He looked at me and smiled, "Come on, get busy."

"Why? Are you shy?"

"Not shy, but it's more fun when you're doing it too."

I pulled off my clothes. I was surprised when he moved over to make room on his bed. "Turn off the light," he said.

I noticed a lock on the door. I pressed it and turned off the light. I lay beside him and started stroking. He got up and grabbed his dirty tee shirt. "Cum rag," he said. "We can't run in and take a shower."

We stroked. We stopped. We talked, whispered joking around, laughing. I said, "Why dirty a tee shirt. You can just flip your legs," and chuckled.

He looked at me and said, "That really does turn you on, doesn't it?"


"Okay, just tonight. And you're going to do it, right?"

"Yes, for sure, if you do."

He stroked his cock. Then he scooted down and flipped his legs over his head. I lay close to him watching. He said, "Doing this is really weird, but having someone watch me is even weirder."

"I'm not someone."

"True," he said. "Here goes," he sighed. And a thick stream of cum shot from his cock, landed on and rolled down his tongue into his throat. He swallowed and opened his mouth. More cum. He swallowed.

He lay flat. I kept stroking. "It's so weird," he said. He looked at me. "I can't imagine letting anyone, anyone watch me do that. I don't know why, but I wouldn't even admit to doing it to anyone else." He scooted back up and looked into my eyes. He smiled. "Your turn."

"Does it turn you on to watch me do it?"

"Yeah, actually I think it's pretty hot. It's weird I guess. I mean I think I'm pretty straight, but I like seeing guys jerking off and it's kind of hot to see a guy shoot his load. I mean in straight porn, you know the guy pulls out, jerks his cock and dumps the load on the girls face or in her mouth. That's really hot. And I've fucked Jeff, and I've been with a girl and another guy. He and I didn't do anything, but I watched him fucking her and her giving him head and he watched me and I thought that was all hot. I've done that with you and Lisa and that was incredibly hot. I still jerk off thinking about that."

"Why was that so hot?"

He smiled. "My little brother all naked, boned, getting head. That was really fun. Watching you fuck her. She kept asking me if we could do that again. Does that make any sense?"

"Yes. I thought it was hot watching you with her and with Jeff. It was exciting that it was you, my brother, my older brother."

I was getting close. I scooted down, flipped my legs and unloaded into my mouth.

Tuesday we were on the slopes. My dad was on skies and Ryan and I were on boards. We always stayed together. The snow was great. The weather was perfect. My dad was having a great time. Ryan was really into it. And I couldn't stop smiling.

Late that afternoon, I started feeling tired. Then I felt chills. Then a sore throat. I didn't say anything. We went back to the condo, showered and headed out to a restaurant for dinner. My throat felt on fire. It was getting hard to swallow.

"You look sick," my dad said.

"My throat hurts."

He reached over and touched my head. "You've got a fever."

We left the restaurant and went back to the condo. He gave me aspirin and made me drink orange juice. I told him I was feeling better and that I just wanted to go to sleep.

Later that night, my dad and Ryan pulled me out of bed and dressed me. They didn't know how high my fever was, but my dad decided to take me to the ER. Ryan had awoken him saying that he checked on me and I was soaked with sweat. My dad said I was burning up. We sat in the waiting room for about an hour. I kept telling them I was okay, but my dad insisted we stay.

Finally, I was called in.

"Do you want us to come with you," my dad said.

"They're just going to say it's the flu," I said shaking my head. But they followed me. My dad gave them the insurance information while they took me into a small room and closed the door. A nurse did her thing and asked questions. She said that my temperature was high. She gave me a gown and told me to undress except for my briefs.

A young attractive male doctor came in. He looked like someone who was on the mountain snowboarding that afternoon. He put on gloves. He looked in my mouth and then looked at me. "Lie down. He felt my neck, front and back. He felt under my arms, my chest. "Take those off," he said. I pulled off my brief. He moved my junk around and pressed into my scrotum. He took hold of my penis, staring at it and then squeezed it. "Stand up," he said. Again he handled my junk, pulling and squeezing my penis. "I'm looking for discharge," he said.

Discharge? I wondered.

Turn around and bend over. He spread my butt cheeks.

"Sit down." I did. "Okay," he said. "I don't think this is Strep. I need you to be honest with me."

"Yeah, sure. What is it?"

"Are you sexually active?"

You know that feeling of sudden anxiety that starts at your stomach and rushes to your face, hands and feet. That's what happened. I stared at him. Tears filled my eyes. "Yes," I said.

"Oral sex?"



"Ah. I always wear a condom."

"Anal sex?"

"No," I said shaking my head. "Well, not me."

"So you're not being penetrated but you are penetrating?" he said.

"Yes, I wear a condom."

"Well, I'm pretty sure what we have here is gonorrhea but I can't be sure without testing." He stared at me. "Was this with a male or female?"

Tears burned at my eyes.

"There is absolutely no need for you to be embarrassed with me. I promise you that. I'm here to help you."

"Male," I said.

"When was your last contact?"

"Eight or ten days ago."

"Okay, well the quick way to do this is for you to give me his name and address."

My eyes widened.

"Here's why. There is a state registry of people who have been treated for an STD. They give the names and what they've been treated for. They also provide a list of people they've been in contact with. That's so the health department can contact them anonymously. He's probably been treated and given your name but they haven't notified you yet. If he's been treated, I'll know what he had."

My head was spinning. Tears fell. He put his hand on my leg. "You're going to be okay. What is odd is that you haven't been notified. They should have gotten to you by now. Give me the information. I'll check and see if he's on there and we'll go from there."

I gave him Jeff's information.

"Your dad is out there. Does he know?" I shook my head. "Okay, well, by law I'm not allowed to tell him anything. I'll tell him we're still checking things out."

He left.

I sat. My body shook. My mind raced. The door slid open. Ryan looked in. "You want company?"

"Not Dad," I said.

"He went to get coffee." He came in.

"Close the door."

He did. "What did the doctor say?"

As I told him. I cried.

He said, "I'm going to kill the bastard. I'm going to fucking kill him."

"Maybe it's not that," I said. "Maybe it's just the flu."

The doctor entered the room. He looked at Ryan. I told him who he was and that it was okay. "Well, your friend is not all that good of a friend," he said sitting. "His name is there and the name of three woman that he's had contact with in the three weeks prior to his being treated. But he did not give your name. He's been treated for gonorrhea and Chlamydia. We're going to do the same."

Ryan said, "What's the treatment?"

"A shot in the butt and some pills to take."

"How long before he's okay?"

"A couple of days and he'll be feeling fine. One more thing. Just as a precaution, I want to do a quick test for HIV antibodies."

"Why?" I asked.

"Standard procedure when we deal with STDs. Just a finger prick and we'll know in fifteen minutes."

Ryan said, "It's going to be negative. He's only been active for three or four months."

The doctor said to Ryan, "You two are close." Ryan nodded. "Good. Well, let's do it anyway. What I'd suggest is that you get it done again in three months and then again in six months."

He took my hand with his gloved hands and pricked my finger. "I'll be back with your shot," he said. He left.

"HIV," I said. Tears fell. "Fuck, I really fucked up."

"It's just what they do. I'm sure you're okay."

"Three months and then six months. I'm not going to know for six months." More tears.

The door opened. The doctor said to my dad, "Your other son is with him. We'll just be a few minutes. You can have a seat there."

"Fuck," I said. "Dad. What do I tell Dad?"

Ryan just stared at me and shook his head.

The nurse came in and handed the doctor a slip of paper. "You're negative for HIV antibodies. But like I said, just to be safe, you should get tested again." I nodded. He looked at me and said, "Do I have to give you the talk about safe sex?"

"No," I said and sighed. "I just thought I could trust him."

"Well I'm sorry to say that you can't. I entered your name in the database. The law requires that I do that. But don't worry. The data is not public. No one but health officials can access it."

"Okay," I said.

He had me lie down and roll over. That shot was no fun. It hurt when I got it and it hurt for days after.

Before he left, he said, "Is your dad someone who would react badly to you being sexual with someone of the same-sex?"

I looked at Ryan. He said, "No, I doubt that's what he'd react badly to."


"He knows Jeff. He'd be pissed as hell that Jeff never told my brother."

The doctor said, "As he should be." The doctor said to me. "You should think seriously about being honest with him. He's going to want to know what you were treated for."

I breathed in. My entire body quaked.

The doctor took off his gloves, put out his hand for me to shake. I shook his hand. "Take this as a wake up call. Be careful who you trust." He handed me a prescription for antibiotics.

"Thank you," I said.

"Thank you, Doctor," Ryan said.

The doctor left. I looked at Ryan. Tears.

Ryan said, "Okay, I get that your scared and upset, but you better be angry too, because I want to fucking kill him."

Ryan handed me each piece of my clothing, as I got dressed. "Should I tell Dad?" I asked.

He sighed loudly. "Look, Danny, you're going to have to tell him sooner or later. I mean about you being gay. He's going to ask you what this was about. Are you going to lie to him and later someday tell him? Plus you have to go to the drug store to fill your prescription. If you lie to him about this then when you tell him you're gay are you going to tell him about this."

"If I don't tell him now, then no, I'd never tell him that I got a STD. What would you do?"

"You really want to know?" I nodded. Again he breathed in deeply. "I'd tell him."

As we walked out my dad said, "What did he say? Why didn't he talk to me?"

"I have to fill this," I said.

He looked at it. "What's it for? Are these antibiotics? Do you have Strep?"

We got to the car. I went to get in the back, but Ryan pushed me aside and got in. I slid into the front passenger seat. My dad got in. I was cold. I still had a fever. I was scared and I started crying.

My dad said, "What's wrong? Danny you know you can talk to me."

"Please don't be angry at me."

"I'll try."

"I have gonorrhea."

"Oral?" he said sounding surprised. I nodded. He sat staring at me. "Okay. You're using the condoms?"

"Yes," I said.

"He gave you a shot?" I nodded. He started the car. "I bet that hurt. So, these pills are for that?" I nodded. He pulled out of the parking lot. "Why would you think I'd be angry at you? You're just going to have to be a lot more careful."

I sat. My innards were shaking. "These's more," I said.

"Okay. What's that?"

Ryan said, "Dad why don't you just pull over for a minute."

He did. "What's going on?" He sounded worried.

"I got it from a guy." I glanced at him. He was staring at me. "I had oral sex with a guy not a girl."

"Were you experimenting or,"

"I'm gay, Dad."

He exhaled loudly. "Okay. Okay. Well," Silence. "Okay, well, your mother mentioned it to me. She said she didn't know but she thought it was a possibility. I have to say that I am surprised."

"Are you angry?"

"No. Not at all. It's just,"

"You're disappointed."

"No. Don't put words in my mouth. I'm not angry or disappointed. I love you. You're my son. It's just that I was preparing you for straight sex, now I have to think differently."

"It's not that much different," I said.

"How long have you been," he hesitated.

"Active," Ryan said. "Since August."

Dad turned to look at Ryan. "Of course you've known about this."

"Dad," I said. "I had to talk to someone. I was scared to tell you. Ryan said I should but."

"No, I like that you two talk. I just wish you knew you could talk to me." I looked at him. He said, "But you have now."

Ryan said, "Go ahead, tell him."

I told him that it was Jeff and that he knew and was treated and didn't tell me.

He gripped the steering wheel tightly. He was pissed. He said, "Tell him to stay out of my sight." He looked at me. "You're not going to see him anymore are you?"

"No," I said. "Well, just to tell him that I hate his guts and I think he's a coward."

We drove to the drug store and filled the prescription. When we got in the car, I said, "They did an HIV test for antibodies and it was negative but they said I have to get tested again and again."

He sat there staring at me. "You're going to worry aren't you?"

Ryan said, "I'm sure he's fine."

"You're going to worry, aren't you?" he repeated.

I nodded.

He started the car and drove out of the parking lot. We were heading back to the ER. "Why are we here?" I asked.

"There's another test they can do. Get out," he said.

He asked the nurse if she could tell the doctor I saw that we had a question. We sat and waited. The doctor came out and waved us in. My dad walked up to him and had a conversation. The doctor waved me to follow him.

"What's going on?" Ryan asked the doctor. Our dad was at the desk. I saw him take out his credit card.

"You're dad is a police officer?" the doctor said. I nodded and followed him into a room. "Well, police and health workers can sometimes come in contact with blood. There's a test that tests for the presence of the actual virus. By now, if you've been infected with the virus we could measure it. It if shows negative, then you are definitely negative."

"Why don't they just do that test on everyone?" Ryan asked.

"It's very expensive. Insurance won't pay for it unless it's a health worker or someone like your dad. But he said he'd pay to have it done for you and he's paying to have a rush put on it. You're lucky to have a dad like that," he said. "The nurse will be in to draw blood."

He left. Ryan looked at me. We sat. My dad entered the room. Ryan said, "The doctor told him about the test."

I said, "Thank you, Dad," and then started sobbing.

I was sitting on the bed in the room, my legs dangling. My dad stepped up to me, pulled me against him. I wrapped my arms around him and cried. "I love you, Danny."

All I could do was nod.

They drew my blood and we left and went back to the condo.

I lay in bed, Ryan in his. I said, "That was great that Dad did that."

"He loves you, Danny. He'd do anything for you."

"He loves you too."

"I know. Believe me."

I said, "Thank you."

"For what?"

"I know you love me too. I know I'm lucky to have you and Dad. I never say thank you."

"You don't have to. And I feel the same about you."

I slept until noon the next day. When I woke they were gone. They left a note saying they'd be back for lunch. I lay on the sofa and read.

Days later, I skied with my dad before we left. We went back to the condo for lunch. While we were eating, my dad's phone rang. "Thank you," he said.

I looked at him.

"No virus. You're fine."

Ryan reached over and mussed my hair.

"Thank you, Dad," I said. "The doctor said that I was lucky to have a dad like you. I already knew that."

My dad said, "Okay, worry gone?" I nodded. He said, "Your chores now include the inside of the house also. You and your brother are still responsible for the yard work, but for the next six months you collect the dirty laundry and sheets. You do the wash and dry. You fold and you put Ryan's clean clothes in his room and mine in my room. I want this done once a week. If your Saturdays are fucked up, that's just too bad."

"Okay," I said. "That's fair."

"This isn't a punishment. This is payback for the money for the test. Twenty-four weeks of laundry duty should do it. Are we good?"

"More than good," I said.

"I'll help you," Ryan said.

My dad said, "If you have time on your hands I can find stuff for you to do too."

"No, I'm good."

"This is his responsibility to take care of. And," he said to Ryan, "I know you're wanting to take care of Jeff, but your brother has to learn to deal with shit like this. Stay out of it until after he deals with Jeff. Then you can do what you want. Just stay out of it until then."

"Yes, sir," Ryan said.

My dad said to me, "I wondering if you've learned anything from all of this."

I sat quietly. "Ah, well, I already knew that I could tell you anything, but," I sighed. "I guess I learned that I really can." He stared at me. I sighed. "Well, it's weird. I never think twice about trusting you and trusting Ryan. I really don't." I sat staring at my hands. "I wanted to trust Jeff. I made myself believe I could. Ryan told me to be careful with him."

"This isn't just about Jeff," my dad said.

"I know. I can't just trust anybody."

"Danny," my dad said, "Trust is something you give slowly. Some people are very trustworthy others are not. It takes time to know the difference. Don't give your heart, your body, your life to another person unless you are sure you can trust yourself enough to deal with the consequences if they let you down." I nodded. He said, "You knew Jeff was not trustworthy. You didn't really trust him, but you put your body on the line because you were horny. You're not alone in that," he said, looking at Ryan.

Ryan said, "What?"

"All guys think with their cocks and that's a quote from your mother. Learn who you can trust and even then, be careful."

I nodded. "Got it."

"And think about how you want to deal with Jeff."

I tried to figure out the best way to confront Jeff. Should I call him? Ryan said no to that. Should I call him and say I want to meet with him? He'll just blow you off knowing what it's about. I decided to wait to see him at school. Get him alone and tell him. I was angry but not crazy angry. I just wanted to tell him that he was a coward and asshole for not telling me and then walk away.

I called Jamie and we hung out. I started my laundry duty. I never realized how much work that was. There was a weeks worth of dirty clothes from out trip and then the sheets and dirty clothes at home.

Then it was back to school.

I spotted Jeff at lunch, but I knew it would be impossible to talk to him in private. I knew what building he had his class before PE, so I waited for him. When he saw me, he again looked awkward.

I felt very nervous, almost shaking. And angry. People were walking to class. I walked up to him. He said, "You gave me the clap?"

"What?" I said.

"Gonorrhea. When you gave me head," he whispered, his face close to mine. "I had to get treated."

I was shaking. "I gave it to you? You gave it to me. How the fuck would I get it? You're the only one I've done it with? And you got treated before I did."

"How do you know when I got treated?"

"Health department. When you got treated. When I got treated they looked and you were on the list already."

He shrugged and sighed. "Oh well, can't blame me for trying. Just figured you were probably getting it somewhere else too." He looked at me very awkwardly.

"You got it and got treated and you didn't tell me."

"Oh well," he said almost smirking.

I don't remember thinking it out. And he was standing too close to me and he had this smug look on his face. I closed my fist and swung and connected with his jaw and he went down. His books went flying. He jumped up, never taking his eyes off of me. We glared at each other.

People saw what happened. They stopped and watched us. He became aware of them as I did. A friend of his and Ryan's walked up to us. "What's up?" he said to Jeff.

I just stared at Jeff. "Ah. Nothing. I just said something stupid about," he glanced at the guy. "About his brother. It was a stupid thing I didn't mean. It's cool."

The friend looked at me and said, "Here comes your brother."

I looked at Ryan. I could see he was pissed. As he approached, I said, "It's nothing. He mouthed off and I knocked him on his ass."

Ryan glared at Jeff. Jeff looked embarrassed and said, "It's cool," and started walking away.

Ryan said, "You're fucking lucky he hit you, because if he hadn't, I was going to and you won't have gotten up."

Jeff was about twenty yards ahead of us as we started walking toward the gym. I was still feeling shaky. Another of Ryan's friends ran up to us and said, "Damn, Danny, you fucking took him down in one punch. Good for you. He's a fucking asshole."

Ryan said, "You lucky a teacher didn't see, you, you'd be suspended."

The friend said, "Yeah, you should wait until after school."

When I got to my locker, Jamie was waiting for me. I started undressing. He said, "How's your hand?"

I stared at him. "It hurts. Were you out there?"

"No, someone just came in and said you flattened Jeff. Half the people in the locker room laughed and cheered. I thought he was your friend."

"I don't want to talk about it," I said.

I hope you're enjoying this story. It's nearing an end, probably one or two more chapters. I want to thank everyone who emailed me. It's good to know people are reading my story.


Next: Chapter 7

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