A Tough Lesson Learned

By Danny Danny

Published on Feb 13, 2014


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"A Tough lesson learned. Part Five"

by Danny D

Sucking on Jeff's cut cock felt like one of the most natural things to do. I loved gripping the firm shaft and the feel of the softness of the head as it moved over my tongue and into my throat. His moans and groans, the thought of being pleasing to him and pleasuring him added to the excitement of giving him head.

I licked the shaft of his cock down to his balls. A musky smell filled my nostrils. I licked and sucked. He moaned, "Oh fuck, yeah. My God, Danny. My God." I remembered that Ryan said that Jeff liked to be bitten. I bit the skin of his scrotum. "Oh yeah," he moaned. I bit the shaft harder. He moaned and moved his cock into my mouth. "Bite," he whispered. I took him as deep into my mouth as I could and bit. As I moved up his shaft toward the head, I bit again and again, scraping my teeth over his cock. He squirmed, "Oh yeah." When I got to the head of his cock, I bit down. He moaned loudly. His body shook and he pulled me up to him and kissed me. "You're going to make me come and I don't want to. I want you to fuck me. Please."

I got up and grabbed a condom. We both looked at my cock. It was pulsating and pre-cum was hanging from the head. I slipped on the condom. "Where's the lube?" I said. He pointed to his pants. I found a small bottle and lubed up my cock. I tossed him the lube. He lubed his ass.

He lifted his legs, spread them wide and arched his back. I knelt and leaned over him. He grabbed my cock, put it against his butt hole, wrapped his legs around me and pulled me into him. I felt his sphincter grip onto my cock. Looking at each other, he moaned and grimaced. I began to back out. "No," he said. "No." His legs pressed me closer toward him. I moved in. All eight and a half inches disappeared. I was balls deep and he seemed to be writhing in pain.

"Are you okay?"

He laughed. "Fuck, you are huge." Again I started backing out. He held me in place. "I'm good," he said and smiled. "Great." He pulled me down on top of him. We kissed. I thrust. We moaned.

I went from worrying about hurting him to focusing on how incredible I felt, kissing, fucking and being held.

"Fuck yeah," he whispered in my ear. "Harder."

I stopped.

"Are you coming?" he asked.

I shook my head. He said, "Close?" I nodded. "Just stay still for a second." I nodded.

I was at that place where one small movement and I would start shooting. Neither of us moved. Moments later, I pulled eight inches out and then hard and fast slammed into him deep. Wide-eyed, he grunted loudly. Slowly I pulled out eight and then slammed into him again. Again he grunted, but this time he laughed. I pulled back, what felt like eight and one quarter inches, and then slammed into him again. He began kissing my neck, biting my ear. Again and again, I slammed into him. Each time he grunted, squirmed and chuckled.

Then I started fucking hard and fast. There was a steady groan coming from deep inside of him. He reached between us and took hold of his cock. I kept fucking him. As I got close, without thinking, I bit down on his shoulder.

"Oh yeah, fuck. Oh my God, fuck yeah." He was stroking his cock. "Bite," he moaned. "Fuck me, hard," he groaned.

My climax hit like someone had shoved a live electrical wire up my ass. I thrust hard into him as deep as I could, using my toes to hold me against him and came and came and came. I collapsed on top of him almost wheezing.

Even though I had stopped coming, my body was still tensing and relaxing as though I was having mini-climaxes. I lay on top of him; his cum sandwiched between us. We kissed gently. My body felt soft, relaxed, easy. My cock was still locked in his ass.

He chuckled.

"What?" I said.

"I thought I was going to have to tell you how to do this. Did you take lessons since last time?"

"I watched a lot of porn." We looked at each other. "I thought it was all acting, but it was pretty intense for me."

He laughed. "Intense? Yeah, I'd say it was intense."

We climbed into the shower, washed each other and dried off. He was dressed before I had my underwear on. "Well, I better go. I'd rather not be here when your brother comes home."

"He knows you were coming."

"Yeah, I know. But I better go."

Harley sat up and followed us to the front door. Jeff turned and said, "We are going to do this again, right?"

"Yeah, sure."

"You like sucking dick, don't you?"

I nodded, feeling embarrassed by the question.

"You're great at it."

I went to my room. Harley followed. I sat at my desk, trying to decide what to do. I decided on a game on my computer. Until Ryan came home, all I thought about was Jeff and how incredible kissing him, biting him, fucking him, sucking him, feeding him my cock and cum and lying in his arms afterward had been. Even though I had come twice, my cock got hard. Ð that's what being sixteen was like for me and I imagine a lot of other guys. I wished he hadn't left so soon. I wondered if Jeff would want to do it again the next week.

Harley sat up. She was working. I got up and followed her to the back door. She began wagging her nub of a tail. I smiled, marveling at how she could tell that it was Ryan. Probably the sound of his walk. The door opened into the kitchen. Harley ran to him. "Hey girl. Did you guard my baby brother?"

"Eat me," I said.

He smiled. "So, how did you do being home alone?"

"Give me a break. Beside, Jeff was here for a while. How was your date?" I asked following him into his room.

"Good. We had a great time." They went to dinner, a movie and then met up with friends and had pizza. "We're going out again next Saturday."

"Cool." I wanted to ask if he got laid, but it seemed wrong to ask. If this was a pick-up he'd be happy to talk about what he did, but he never did when he had a girlfriend the year before. I just sat in my room and heard them trying to collapse his bed.

He asked about Jeff.

"Same as last time. He wanted me to fuck him without a condom. I said no. But he brought lube, so I fucked him." I didn't say anything about kissing, or holding. I wasn't sure why. But I did think it was strange that he talked about walking with Jennifer, holding her hand and kissing her but said nothing about sex. And I was talking about nothing but sex and leaving out the holding and kissing.

I was lying on his bed. He undressed. Standing naked, he looked at me and then at his computer. "Porn," I said, motioning with my hand like I was jerking off.

He smiled. "I'm really horny." I noticed his cock getting hard. "I suppose you're not."

"Not really horny, but you owe me. Remember?"

He laughed. "Yeah, okay. Get your chair."

When I returned, I was naked. He was already at his computer and pulling up a porn site. His dick was hard and pointing to the ceiling. I felt mine come to life. We watched porn. He looked at me and said, "I'm close. So, I'm shooting for over my shoulder."

"And on your face."

He smiled. "Okay. Here goes." He stroked fast and hard. His balls bounced and then pulled tight against his body. His body was amazing. Broad shoulders, rounded pecs, v-shaped torso, trimmed pubes, egg-sized balls and a nice sized dick. Sitting there, masturbating, he looked better than anyone on any jerk off video I had found. The muscles in his legs tensed. He thrust as the first shot of cum exploded from his cock. It went feet above his head and behind him. Then he changed the aim of his cock. The second shot hit him hard in the face as did the next and the next. The rest landing on his chest.

He looked at me and smiled. "I think I beat you."

"Yeah, I think you did. I moved toward him. His cum is fairly thick. I moved a gob from his forehead and cheek to his mouth. He chuckled and stuck out his tongue. "This is hot," I said.

"This turns you on?" I nodded as I moved another gob to his mouth. "Why?" he said as he moved several thick gobs of cum around on his chest, gathering it all as one.

"I don't know. But I think it's really hot to watch someone eat cum., especially a straight guy."

"Real men eat their own cum," he said. We laughed. I noticed him glance down at my dick, which was hard. "Can you come again?" he asked.

I smiled and nodded. "Why? You want to watch me eat mine?"

"No. Well, yeah, I guess, but I was thinking that I can jerk off again if you're going to."

"Yeah sure," I said. "I can get off again. Let's do it."

I watched as he scooped up his cum. I thought he was going to eat it, but instead he reached toward me and let it drip onto my cock. I watched. Then he spread it around my cock head with his fingers and onto the shaft. "It makes great lube," he said. Then he used the rest to spread over his cock.

I stroked my cock, sliding my hand up and down. He stroked his. The room was filled with the sound of us wet jerking and the smell of cum.

"How about some porn?" he said. "Gay porn?"

"Yeah. Sure." I used my other hand and the mouse to locate my favorite site.

"Sucking stuff," he said. "I don't know why but the butt fucking stuff doesn't really do it."

"How about sucking and coming on a guys face?"

"Yeah, that's hot."

We watched several videos before we each sat back and came. He smiled at me as he moved his cum around his chest and stomach. I laughed and did the same. "Do it," he said. I smiled, nodded and scooped up my cum and ate it. I watched as he did the same.

Then it was to the shower and then to the kitchen for a snack. We made sandwiches and sat naked in the backyard. He talked more about Jennifer. He really liked her. I wanted to say something about my feeling about Jeff and how I liked the intimacy of kissing and holding, but I didn't. I knew what he would say. Jeff's a player. Be careful.

I studied with Jamie on Monday and a couple of other nights that week. And we started swimming. Tryouts for the varsity swim team were just weeks away. He brought up homecoming again. I lied, which I always hate to do. Before my mother passed away she made me promise to be honest with myself and especially with my dad and brother, two people she insisted I could trust. I told Jamie that my father wouldn't allow me to take a date to homecoming. In actually, my dad had asked me if I was interested in going to homecoming since Ryan was going. I said no.

Jamie said, "Well, if he won't let you bring a date, why don't you come alone? A lot of people go alone. They'll be girls to dance with. Fuck, I bet half the girls with a date would rather be with you than who they're with."

"You are so full of shit. Besides, I'd feel like a jerk going when everyone I know is going with a date," I said angrily. He looked surprised by my tone. I think it surprised me too. "I'm not going. And talking about it with you and my brother doesn't make any of this easier for me."

"Okay. Sorry." He looked embarrassed.

Generally, I'm a very affable kind of guy, so people are often surprised when I get angry.

Jeff had come over a couple of times on a Saturday night before the homecoming weekend. He wasn't dating anyone in particular, but I knew he and his friends would be on the hunt at the dance. Before he left, while we were in the shower, I asked him about it.

He said, "Fuck yeah, we'll be looking. After last nights game, Gary and I hooked up with two girls. It was pretty hot."

I felt that gnawing feeling in my guts.

"Your brother and I used to cruise for pussy, but now he's got his junk in a locked box."

"Don't talk about my brother," I said, glaring at him. I got out of the shower.

"Okay. Okay. I was joking," he said following me. "You know your brother and I are tight."

He dressed. I put on a pair of boxers. In the past, I wished he would stay longer. This time I wanted him to leave. I stood there waiting, staring at him.

"You're pissed," he said.

I just stared.

"You know, it's not like we're boyfriends," he said, pulling on his pants.

"I didn't say we were."

He gathered his stuff and left. I felt sad, very sad. I crawled into bed. When Ryan arrived home, I was still awake. He came into my dark bedroom, stood beside my bed and whispered, "Danny." I lay there with my eyes closed and didn't move. He went to his room.

I went to the homecoming game. We won. I enjoyed myself, but was very aware of not being with a girl. It sucked.

There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think of my mother, but at times like these I missed her terribly. After Ryan told me that my mother thought I was gay and that she was okay with it, I often lay in bed talking to her and trying to imagine what she would say.

I tried really hard to act excited for Ryan. Things seemed to be working out with Jennifer.

They had a talk. They enjoyed being with each other and really liked each other, but they were applying to different colleges and had different goals. "We're being realistic," Ryan said to me. "This is our senior year. We want to have fun, enjoy each other and then feel sad when it's time to say good bye, but without regrets."

"She's nice," I said. "I like her a lot." I had been hanging out with them some at school and on weekend days at the beach or the library. He hadn't brought her home when my dad wasn't there as he had the year before with his other girlfriend. "You don't have to answer this. And I'm not being a creep looking for info, but you haven't said,"

"Last week for the first time. It was great."

"Oh, cool."

"I wanted to tell you last week. I almost did."

"Why didn't you?"

"Ah. Not sure." He stared at me. "Look, I know how much this homecoming thing is bothering you. It bothered me when I couldn't go. And Jamie has a date. I just,"

"Okay, so I get it," I said curtly.

"Don't get pissed off."

"Don't not say stuff. I want us to tell each other stuff. I can be excited for you."

"Okay, but then you can't `not say stuff''. I know you're not tell me about you and Jeff."

"Go to homecoming. If you want to bring her here afterward, it's really cool with me. Really, Ryan." He stared at me. "Ryan, really. I'm happy for you. Besides, I like hearing you trying to destroy your bed."

He smiled. "Only if you promise that we'll talk. Really talk. Brother to brother."

I smiled. "Promise."

I watched him get dressed. Twice he changed clothes. Finally, with my help he left looking really hot, but before he left his room he handed me one of two joints he had. "Smoke it outside. Dad's nose is like a dope detector."

We had a picnic table in our backyard. Often Harley climbed on it so as to get the extra height to look beyond our property. We keep it far enough away from the fence so she can't use it to jump over the fence. I went outside, lit the joint and lay on the table, staring up at the stars. Harley joined me. She rested her head on my chest. "Good girl. I'm okay," I said, petting her.

If I lay down on the floor, or grass, or on the picnic table, Harley would lie down beside me and rest her head on my chest. One day my dad noticed us on the lawn and said, "She's working".

"Working? How?"

We had gotten Harley when my mom became sick. She was with us for many reasons Ð guard dog, as an aide and a pet. "If you were to fall to the floor, or if she were to find you on the floor, she would first rest her head on your chest. When you breathe, your chest moves. She's trained to see if you are breathing."

"And if I'm not?"

"She'd start barking and wouldn't stop until someone came and she wouldn't attack."

"Yeah, and if I'm breathing. Let's say I fell asleep."

"She'd check your chest and then lick your face and bark until you responded. If you didn't respond, she'd go into barking continuously."

"Damn, Harley. You're smarter that my brother," I said. He was sitting nearby.

I scratched her head Ð she loved it when I'd run my finger from the area just above the space between her eyes, down between them and then down the length of her nose. If I stop, she'd wait a moment and then nudge my hand with her nose. I took several hits and then squeezed off the head of the joint.

I lay there talking to my mother: This is fucked. It's not fair. I can't tell people that I'm gay. I guess if I did, I'd probably meet people who are, but no one is really out at school. Well, two girls I know are and there's that one guy who everyone knows is gay. Besides, Ryan is right. I'd just take a lot of shit and the people that didn't give me shit would just ignore me and I'd be here with Harley talking to you anyway. And I know what you'd tell me about Jeff. I'm going to tell Ryan everything tomorrow. I already know what he'll say Ð Jeff's a player. I told you not to have feeling for him. But how do you stop having feelings for someone.

She never answered. I mean these conversations were always in my head and I'd get answers in my head, but they weren't from her.

Tears filled my eyes when I tried to remember what her voice sounded like and couldn't.

Sometimes I wished Harley could talk. She'd probably say the same thing Ryan said. "Wouldn't you girl?"

Eventually, after smoking most of the joint, I went inside and put a pizza in the oven. Harley loves pizza, especially the crust. We shared. Then I went to bed. I thought about jerking off, but uncharacteristically I wasn't in the mood.

Harley woke me with a growl. I listened. She was on all fours and tense. She growled again and then her nub waged. It was Ryan. He called to her. My bedroom door was closed. She ran through the bathroom, into his room, down the hall and into the kitchen. I heard him say, "Say hi to Jennifer." I listened. He said, "Let me put her back in Danny's room."

He and Harley came into my room. "Sorry to wake you," he said.

"It's cool." I got up, got my phone and ear buds. "I'll fall back to sleep listening to music."

I closed both doors. I got into bed, put music on and my ear buds in. Harley was standing at the door to the bathroom, which lead to Ryan's room. "Come here. They're okay." She lay beside my bed. I curled up and eventually fell back to sleep.

It was another late Sunday morning for me. My day to sleep in. Sunday is Dad's day to keep busy so that he can stay awake. After breakfast he headed to Costco. He asked if I wanted to go with him. "Homework," I said.

I went to my room and started an English paper. American Literature - Essays by Emerson. Transcendentalism. I think he was my kind of guy. He believed that people are inherently good. It's organized religion and political parties that corrupt society.

Ryan came into my room. Time for a talk. "We were pretty quiet last night," he said.

"I fell asleep."

"So, is there anything you want to know?" I stared at him. I shook my head. "What's going on with you and Jeff?" he said.

I explained everything. "I know you said not to have feelings. I didn't think I was. But," I sighed. "It's stupid."

"It's not stupid. Remember last year with me. I knew it was just a thing until she moved on or I moved on, but I got in over my head. My head said one thing and my heart wouldn't listen."

"I tried not to have feelings."

"I believe you. It's the kissing and the holding and being lonely and that talk," he said.


"You're wonderful. You feel so good. Especially, the talk after sex while you're holding each other. When I'm into it for just getting off, I never say much and no kissing and holding after sex. You know what they say. Wham Bam thank you Mam. In your case it's thank you man."

I laughed. He was right.

He said, "Jeff is never going to be there just for you. He's never going to be your boyfriend."

"I don't know if I want a boyfriend. I mean I don't see myself walking around school holding hands with some guy. I'm not sure I'm ready to come out, so I get that he doesn't want to either. I'm okay with that. I don't know. I'm confused."

"You want him for yourself, someone you can count on, someone who won't be with you one minute and then with someone else the next. And worst of all, talk to you about being with someone else."

"You mean having sex?"

"Having sex."

I sat thinking. "Yeah. I mean I don't care if he doesn't say a word to me at school. Really I don't. It's just hard to think about him having sex with everyone else." I sighed. "I guess that's stupid."

"If that's what you want, then that's what you should have. But with Jeff, if you tell him that's what you want then he won't be with you. Believe me. I've been where he's at. There were girls who wanted me to be with just them. I just moved on. I wasn't ready. He's not ready."


"Would you rather it be the way it is with him or stay friends but cut out the sex?"


I said, "Stay friends and cut out the sex."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I was happy before this and I'm happy jerking off and maybe I'll find someone who wants it like I do. On the DL, but just him and me."

He chuckled. "DL?"

I smiled and nodded.

He said, "Get back to your paper. I've got pre-calculus that's kicking my butt."

He left my room but immediately returned. "Dad's going to crash after dinner, it's Sunday. I've got a lot of homework but later tonight, you want to do some porn." He smiled.

"Sure. I didn't even jerk off yesterday."

"Really?" He chuckled. "You think you can hold back until tonight?" I laughed and nodded. He said, "Okay, so no long shower."

My dad did go to bed early. I spent all day on my paper, Spanish homework and algebra. Actually, my paper wasn't due for over a week and I was a week ahead in algebra. Spanish, just keeping up.

We did jerk off that night, sitting at his computer. I had found several videos that I thought he'd enjoy. We watched some gay porn, mostly guys jerking off, sucking themselves and sucking each other. I'm not sure why, but he really enjoys the ones of guys self-sucking. He had straight and bi porn with two guys and one girl. I came first and shot my load all over my chest and stomach. With some trepidation, I scooped up my cum and dripped it onto his cock and then spread it around.

He watched me do it and then went right back to staring at the screen, and jerking off. I started beating off with my cum. He leaned back in his chair, moaned while he stroked hard and fast. I stopped jerking off and watched. He groaned. His legs went straight out in front of him and tensed. His cock went from being aimed at his chest to being pointed at me. It wasn't until I saw the first gob of cum exploding from his cock that I realized I was the target. The first shot got my forehead and hair. My reaction was to pull away and laugh. But he's a distance kind of guy. He turned his hips toward me and kept firing. I got hit on the shoulder, the arm, the back and the leg.

I laughed. He laughed. I'm not sure why it was funny, but I kept laughing and so did he. I went to the bathroom and wiped myself clean and kept laughing. "You are so dead," I kept saying. "I'm going to drown you in sperm."

When we went back to jerking off we'd start laughing again, because we both knew that he was going to be my target. When I got close, I turned to him. He said, "I'm not even going to run." He sat staring at me and smiling. I stood beside him. He laughed. "I wasn't this close." I kept jerking. When I came, I shot my load on his chest, stomach and junk."

"Fuck, that's your second load and you've got that much," he said, running his hand over his chest and stomach. Then he started masturbating.

"I skipped yesterday," I said.

He came. We showered separately.

Midterms were upon us. Michael joined Jamie and me to study for algebra and chemistry. We studied hard, but both Jamie and Michael are cut-ups and so I am, but I wasn't feeling it. I had English with Jamie. Our papers were due. I read his and he read mine.

"You're such a good writer. And I suck at it," he said. "I need the grade so tear it up all you want."

He had good ideas but he was very unorganized in presenting his arguments. I moved a lot of paragraphs and sentences around, but hardly changed anything he wrote. When I gave it to him to read, he said, "Wow, the way you did this makes it so much better. I really owe you."

"No you don't. We're best friends."

He stared at me. "You're not pissed at me."

"What? Why would you think that?"

"I don't know. You seem like you're upset or angry or," he hesitated.

"Say it."

"Like you're not joking around like you always do. You know, saying stuff."

I knew what he meant. "Just a lot of stupid stuff going on. But we're good."

"I don't think Amanda and I are going out anymore."

"Why? What happened?"

"I kind of got behind in school and my parents said if I did `no more dating'."

"You weren't behind. You're doing okay. Aren't you?"

"Yeah, but I did get behind. It's okay. It was just for homecoming. They gave me a choice. Ð swimming or dating. They said I couldn't do both."

"Friday is varsity tryouts," I said.

"You'll make it for sure. I hope I do too," he said.

"If I do, you will."

Ryan drove Jamie home. I told him what Jamie told me about dating. He looked at me and said, "Interesting."


"He likes you." He glanced from the road to me and back. "I wonder if he thinks that his date with Amanda bothered you."

"What are you saying?"

"I just wonder if he's telling you that he's not interested in girls and interested in you because he thinks you're attracted to him."

"That's bullshit. I think he's just saying that he feels bad that Dad won't let me date and that he's not able to date for a while. You know, we both can't date so I shouldn't feel bad. It's not he's gay and he's wanting to blow me."

Ryan smiled. "Yeah, maybe. Maybe I just want you to have a boyfriend. You know a DL boyfriend. Are you going to say anything to Jeff?"

"When he says he wants to hook up. Then I'm going to."

It wasn't long before Jeff approached me. And the way he did made it easy for me to say what I wanted to say. It was after school. Ryan offered to drive me home. He was with Jennifer. I told him that I would walk home with Jamie. I did. He lives closer to the school so we went to his house first and then I started walking home. Jeff lives a couple of streets from Jamie. As I walked to my house, Jeff drove by. He stopped and said he'd drive me home. "I'll be over Saturday night, but I can't stay long. Gary and I are going to a party later."

"Don't bother."


"I'm not into this anymore."


"This all makes me feel like shit. I don't like feeling like shit. So, I'm not into it anymore."

"I don't get it. I thought you were into the sex. I mean you seemed really into it."

"Yeah. The sex is good, but,"

"I told you I'm not into the boyfriend shit," he said driving up to my house. "This has to be on the DL."

"I'm fine with the down low stuff, but I'm not okay with being one of someone's hook ups. So, let's just stop."

"I don't understand."

"Really? I just explained it." Saying this felt really hard for me. I had never done anything like this before. I wanted to get out of the car.

"But it was fine before. Why can't we just do what we were doing?" He reached over and put his hand on my leg, but very close to my basket.

"Because it's bothering me."

He pressed one finger into my junk. "Come on. You know you enjoy it."

"I said the sex was good, but I feel bad."

"But I told you this is the way it was going to be."

"Yeah, I know, and I thought it was okay, but it's not."

"How about if I come over Saturday night and we'll talk about it."

"No." I shook my head and put my hand on the door handle.

He pressed his hand hard against my junk. I moved it away. "Danny, I really don't understand."

"Really?" I said angrily. My face was burning and I felt like I was going to cry. "Then you're as stupid as you look."

I opened the door and got out. I guess I'm nasty not just in the morning and not to just my father. I felt embarrassed about saying I couldn't handle this. I felt awkward in `breaking up' with someone. And I felt stupid about being a guy who couldn't just fuck like Ryan had for months and like Jeff was doing. So with all of that going on, I verbally attacked him.

My dad was home. We chatted a bit. I told him I had a lot of homework to do.

I went to my room and lay on my bed. Harley sat beside my bed staring at me. "What?" I said. She acted happy. "Yeah, I like you too, but leave me alone. Go lay down." She did.

After dinner, I told Ryan about my talk with Jeff. He laughed when I told him what I said. "He understood. He just didn't want to give up something that he was enjoying a lot." He laughed again. "Good line Ð as stupid as you look."

Jamie and I made varsity. I made out like it was nothing, but it was great. When I told Ryan that night, he attacked me and wrestled me to the floor. Harley ran around my room barking at us. Ryan held me down, tickled me and then did something that he's done since I could remember. He stuck his tongue in my ear and got it wet with his spit. He jumped off me and laughed. "You are so fucking gross," I complained trying to wipe the spit from my ear. What was always unfair about this was that I often tried to do it to him when he did something cool, like make varsity basketball, but I was never strong enough and it would get turned on me.

I told my dad. "Congratulations," he said. "I won't be able to make your meets, but pick one that you'd like me to come to and I'll take time off."

"Thanks Dad," I said. He did the same thing with Ryan and basketball.

My dad worked on Thanksgiving. But one of the wives of one of the men he worked with invited us over for an early dinner. They have three younger children who were in middle and elementary school. We've had holiday dinners at their house before. It's always good. My dad brought pies Ð apple, pumpkin, pecan Ð for dessert. We had a good time.

He always works Thanksgiving so that he can get Christmas off. We celebrated Christmas at home a couple of years after my mom passed away. It was very sad. Since then my dad thought we'd have a better time if we went away for Christmas. We started going to Mammoth Mountain and decided that that would be our way of celebrating Christmas. He'd take a week off which meant that he would have ten days off Ð Sunday through Tuesday. He would book a two-bedroom condo for seven nights.

Ryan and I loved spending the time with our dad and especially snow boarding and skiing. I was looking forward to going away.

The Friday after Thanksgiving, Jeff called me. He wanted to come over and talk. I told him that I was going to Jamie's house that afternoon and was invited for dinner. He suggested Saturday afternoon. He'd pick me up.

Ryan took off early that day. He was doing something with Jennifer. I was waiting for Jeff when he drove up. It was raining. November is the beginning of the rainy season in San Diego. And a rainstorm that comes down from the north is great news because that means it's snowing in the Sierras.

I wasn't sure why I said I would talk to Jeff, especially like this. He could have just said what he wanted to say at school. I was going to be on my guard.

"What do you want to talk about?"

He was heading to the beach. "I said that I didn't understand what was going on with you but I really do. It wasn't bothering me like it was you, maybe because I was the one hooking up with other people."


"Girls. Just girls." He said quickly. "But it's been bothering me since we stopped."

"Bothering you?"

"If I stop hooking up with girls," he hesitated. "We can't be boyfriends, but I could stop hooking up. I mean I'll still hang out and stuff and we'll still do the same thing at school."

"Make like we don't see each other."

"Yeah. I know that's fucked up, but,"

"No. I get it," I said, feeling excited and nervous. "You'd really do that?"

"Yeah," he said and parked the car. We were at the beach. There were a few guys out surfing, but not many and there was no one parked near where we parked. "I'm really not gay. I mean, I really like you and being with you. If you were a girl and we were having great sex like we were then I'd be saying the same thing. I just don't know any girls that I want to be with more than once or twice."

"So you're saying you're not going to have sex with anyone else?" He nodded. "You're sure you really want to do that," I asked, half believing him.

"Yes. I really missed you."

He reached over and pressed his hand into my junk. He smiled when he felt the stiffness of my cock. "We can do it here," he said.

I looked around. "Here? It's daytime."

"I used to blow your brother here during the day." I felt my face tingling. He said, "We'll, blow each other. While I'm down on you, you keep an eye out. When you're down on me, I'll watch. But no one comes down here to park when there's parking over there."

I was rock hard. I glanced around. Anyone who wanted to park near us would be seen before they got near us. He kept pressing his hand into my crotch. I looked at him and nodded. He tried to unzip my jeans. I pushed his hand away and got my cock out. His head went down. The warmth of his mouth felt amazing. I was surprised at how quickly I was near to orgasm. He stopped and sat up.

I watched as he unzipped and pulled his cock from his pants. He put his hand to the back of my head. I glanced around and then went down on him. "Oh fuck, Danny," he said. "I've jerked off every night thinking about this."

I sucked his cock. He had his hand on my head.

"Yeah, just like that. Fuck, you're incredible."

I missed sucking his cock. I bobbed up and down. I licked and sucked. He applied pressure to the back of my head, pressing me down. His cock went deep into my throat. He moaned loudly. I bit down, ran my teeth over the shaft and then he head of his cock. He groaned, keeping his hand on my head. I felt his cock head get firm. I thought he was about to come. I started to lift off him. "No, I can get it all over me," he said and pressed me down hard. But, in truth, I didn't need much encouragement. Although, I hadn't swallowed his cum in the past, I had wanted to.

"Oh fuck," he moaned. He came and I swallowed.

Sitting up, I said, "I didn't know you were going to do that."

"How would I explain cum all over my clothes?" Then he went down on me. I glanced around. No one in sight. I relaxed and gave myself over to what he was doing. Ryan was right. He gave incredible blowjobs.

Perhaps it was the thrill of being outside. Perhaps it was how good he was at giving head. Or perhaps it was the fact that I hadn't had sex with someone in over a month. But whatever it was I came fast and hard, very hard and I came a lot and he swallowed and swallowed and swallowed.

Sitting up, he wiped his mouth and said, "Fuck, you are incredible. Giving up girls to do that again is worth it," and laughed. "I just wish we could fuck here."

"I don't have a condom."

"I know. Besides," he said as he zipped up, "it would be too cramped in my backseat." We looked at each other. He smiled. "I mean the backseat of my car."

We laughed.

He drove me home. "I can come by tonight. You can fuck me."

I stared at him. "Yeah, that would be good."

"Is Ryan going out?"

"He said a movie with Jennifer and friends. Then I'm sure they'll be coming back to the house."

"Okay, so when he leaves, call me. But I'll have to be gone before they get back. Is that okay?"

I took a deep breath. It wasn't the way I really wanted things to be, but I said yes. I knew that he was worried about Jennifer finding out. "Yeah, it's fine."

Next: Chapter 6

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