A Tough Lesson Learned

By Danny Danny

Published on Feb 7, 2014


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"A Tough lesson learned. Part Four"

by Danny D

As much as I loved the summer, I was glad to get back to school. Now I don't want to sound like some kiss-ass, I-love-my-teachers kind of guy because I'm not, but I did like the routine, I did like the challenges, I did like most of my classes, I did like swimming competitively (especially the long hot open showers after a good workout). And as much as I bitched about the early morning workouts, I did like that time in the pool. Believe it or not, I kind of zoned out, forgot about a lot of bullshit and enjoy pushing my body. And of course, there was Jamie trying to keep up with me, and the shower after. And I did like my friends. Besides, I wasn't giving up anything, except sleeping in. I still had the beach on Saturdays and I still had my brother. So what was there not to like.

Ryan drove to school Ð the big shot seniors got to drive and park on campus. I was going to have a tough class load that year and the SATs in the spring. I was taking: advanced algebra 3, honors chemistry, honors English, civics (government with Mrs. no-one-gets-an-A Voniff), Spanish, and physical education (cardio and weight training for guys on teams). The only good thing about all of that was that Ryan had all these classes the year before and could help me if I needed it.

I quickly got into the swing of things. Lunch is always interesting. Cliques Ð athletes, surfers, seniors, people like me who kind of fit in here and there but don't like cliques so we have one of our own. Ryan had his own group of friends as did I, but if I needed to talk to him and approached them, they'd grab me, muss my hair, call me kid and baby brother, poke me and tease, until Ryan would say, "Okay, give the kid a break." I liked his friends and they liked me, but I never liked them enough to eat lunch with them.

Jamie and I had four classes together that semester. We arranged it that way. He was excited about that. So was I, literally. And we always ate lunch together, along with other girls and guys, some from different teams who were juniors that year.

I had Spanish, my least favorite class, after lunch and before PE. It was one class that I didn't have with Jamie. Walking from Spanish to PE, I ran into Jeff the Friday of the second week back at school. "Hey, Danny," he called out.

I turned around and waited for him. He had PE also. "How are you doing?"


"You going to the game tonight?"

My dad didn't consider Friday night football games going on a date. "For sure."

He slowed his pace and leaned in toward me, "I can't stop thinking about that night."

"Yeah, it was pretty cool," I said nonchalantly.

"I asked your brother if he wanted to do a repeat. He said, `maybe sometime, but not anytime soon'."

"We can't have people over during the week except to study together."

"Yeah, he said that. I asked him about maybe a Friday after the game or Saturday night. He said he has a date for tomorrow night and I should get back to him." My dad had given Ryan permission to date now that he was a senior and I was sixteen and old enough to be left home alone.

I could feel my cock moving in my pants. "Sounds good," I said.

"Do you have a date for Saturday night?"

"Me? No. I can't date until next year." Actually, I had no desire to date a girl. I was happy for the excuse.

"So, how about if I drop by Saturday night and we keep it on the DL."

I stared at him. "DL?"

"Down low. Just between you and I."

"Ah," I felt nervous. "Why? You mean not telling Ryan or not telling anyone else?"

We were almost to the gym and were catching up to other guys. He leaned in. "Would he get weird?"

"I don't know. Probably not. Why would he?"

He shrugged. "If you have to tell him, tell him. So, we're good for tomorrow night, say around eight?"

"I don't HAVE to tell him, but if I can't tell him then I'm going to say no."

"Fine, tell him. Unless I hear from you, I'll see you tomorrow night," he said. I nodded. He quick stepped it away from me and joined friends of his who were walking into the gym.

Inside the locker room, I saw Ryan. I thought about saying something then, but he was with friends. He saw me and nodded a hello. I waved at him and went to my locker.

Jamie was sitting on the bench near my locker waiting. "Hurry or you'll be late." I pulled off all my clothes in about ten seconds and was standing naked in front of my locker spinning the dial on my lock. "I've never seen anyone undress that quickly."

I shook my ass and said, "You said hurry."

I opened my locker, pulled out my gym stuff, threw my clothes and books into the locker and lock it. I turned toward him, still naked, hoping I wouldn't get boned. First, I pulled on my tee shirt Ð when I pulled my head through I glanced at him. He was staring at my junk. I lifted my leg and pulled on a sock and then the other. I looked at him and smiled as I stepped into my jock. "Engineering feat," I said. He laughed. It was a running joke Ð stuffing all of one's junk into a jock strap. It was high school guy bullshit.

"Nice problem."

I smiled as I stepped into my gym shorts. "I've never thought of it as a problem," I said. I was sure I was blushing. I mean we were talking about my junk. Who does that? Guys, I guess.

"Okay then, nice feat."

"So you're into feet," I said, bending and tying my shoes.

"Big feet," he said and then quickly followed with, "You know what they say about big feet."

I looked at him. He began to blush. Soon he was beet red. I wondered if he was having one of those moments that I've had Ð wishing you had edited what you just said. Is he gay? I wondered once again. Probably not. Probably just kidding and took it too far, is what I told myself. I've done that. Except I'm gay. He looked nervous.

I looked down at my feet and then his. He glanced down. "I guess you and I are the exceptions to the rule Ð small feet, big dicks." He smiled but looked awkward. I nudged him.

We stood and started walking toward the weight room. Then I wondered if he thought I was gay, but he was straight and felt weird saying something `gayish' that might make me think he was gay.

Silence. It felt painful. I said, "We shouldn't wait until mid-terms to start studying together. My dad still isn't keen on me being out week nights."

"No, it's cool. I like coming to your house."

"So, let's start next week."

"Sounds great. Algebra is kicking my butt already." He purposely bumped into me shoulder to shoulder. "We cool?" he said.

"We're like best friends, right?"

He nodded.

"Then we're as cool as a witches tit."

"What does that mean?"

"I have no idea. I heard my dad say it. I guess witches have cool tits. Oh wait, I think they have cold tits, not cool tits. And I don't know what that means either."

He laughed.

My dad was making dinner when we arrived home. "Pasta and Italian sausage," he said. He makes his own sauce and it is so good. I had a full plate of Rigatoni and two sausages and then half filled my plate again. "Growing boy," he said.

My dad was cleaning up the kitchen and Ryan was washing the dinner plates while I finished my seconds. Ryan said, "He eats slow and a lot just so he can sit while I do the dishes."

I chuckled and nodded, stuffing my face. "I invited Jamie over to study starting next week. Maybe Monday night."

My dad asked, "You have mid-terms already?"

"No. But with all these honor classes, he doesn't want to get behind and neither do I."

Ryan looked over his shoulder at me and rolled his eyes.

"Good," my dad said. "Ryan, I don't want that boy riding his bike home at night." To me he said, "Tell his mom or dad to drop him off and Ryan will drive him home."

"Okay." I said to my dad. "Thank you, Ryan," I said, in a sing- song kind of way.

"Eat me."

After my father left for work, I went into Ryan's room. He was sitting at his desk. He had to have a good part of his homework done for the weekend if he was going to be able to go out on his first official date the next night. I lay on his bed. "You have a lot to do?"

"Good amount. I want to get some done before we go to the game."

"Jeff told me you have a date tomorrow night."

"He talked to you?"

"Who with?"

"Jennifer Resser." He turned toward me. "You know her." I shook my head. "Yes you do. She's Karen's friend. Dark brown straight hair, pretty, athletic looking. She plays on the girl's volleyball team."

"Oh yeah. She's always hanging out with Karen. Cool. So, is this a date date or a get your rocks off date?"

"A date date. She's not into sports fucking. Or that's what Karen says."

"Girlfriend material?" I said, surprised. Ryan had a girlfriend at the beginning of the last school year. His first real girlfriend. Although he wouldn't admit it, he obviously fell hard for her. But my dad wouldn't allow him to date, so the only time they saw each other was at school, on weekend days at the beach, and parties my dad would allow him to attend, and of course, when she would sneak over to have sex when my dad was at work.

One Friday after school, she walked up to him and said that she thought they should break up. He looked like he was hit by a truck. Later that day, Jeff told Ryan that she was hot for some senior and had started seeing him. He took it badly. That night he woke me and asked me to stay awake with him for a while. He climbed into my bed and cried, but he refused to talk. I lay beside him scared. As far as I could remember the only other time I had seen Ryan cry was when we buried my mother. I put my arm around him and stayed awake until he fell asleep.

"Girlfriend material? Maybe. I don't know. So, what did Jeff have to say?"

"He wants to get together tomorrow night."

He stared at me. "What do you want?"

"I said okay."

"Okay." We stared at each other.

"What? Just say it."

"Be careful with him."

"I know. He's a player."

"Okay, listen. He'll suck you off and then he'll want to get fucked."

"Yeah, well, that's cool."

"Remember what Dad said. Condoms." I nodded. "But you have to use lube and plenty of it or they break."

"I don't have any."

"Yeah, well. Look, he's going to want to get fucked without a condom."


"I don't know. I never kept lube here because I figured Dad would find it. I know every place you can hide stuff', he said, mimicking Dad. "I figured he'd find it and ask me why I had it. I didn't know what I'd say. I like to use it when I jerk off, or I fuck girls in the ass'. I just didn't think he'd be all that excited by it."

"Girls don't need lube?"

"Ah, that's what foreplay is for. They make their own lube when they're excited."

"He brought the lube last time," I said.

"Yeah, but sometimes he doesn't and still wants to get fucked. When he'd do that, I'd just tell him to suck my dick or let's head home."

"Where did you guys do this?"

"There are places at the beach where you can park or hide out. Sometimes his parents went out of town. Your lucky to have a brother who is cool with this."

"Yeah, well, you had one who was cool with it, too."

"Well, I didn't know that. All I'm saying is don't let him talk you into going bareback."


I played on my computer until it was time to go to the game. Our team was pretty good that year.

As soon as we got to the bleachers, Ryan went his way and I went mine. I found my friends - Michael, Jamie and others. Jamie was sitting beside Amanda. As I made my way toward them, Michael and Jamie made run for me between them. The game was great. We won. I screamed a lot. We all did.

Saturday we were up early. Off to the beach. The weather was great and so was the surf. Everyone was out there. When I paddled in to take a break, I ran into Jamie sitting on the beach. "Hey," he said. "You were doing good."

We sat and talked. I drank a full bottle of water and ate an orange. "Come on out," I said.

"Nah. I can never get up on a board."

"You body surf?" I asked.

"Yeah, some, but it's pretty busy out there."

We headed up the beach away from where everyone was on boards. We were in the nude beach area. I had left my board with friends but had my towel with me. He had his. "You swim nude?" I asked.

"I have. You good with it?"

I said, "Love it," as I took off my board shorts. When I was younger, my mom and dad would take Ryan and me to the nude beach. My dad, Ryan and I would strip down and head in. My mom always wore a suit. Those were good times.

Jamie took off his shorts and off into the surf we went. We swam. We body surfed. We tread water and talked.

"I love swimming nude," he said.

"Me too." I motioned to him to come closer. I whispered into his ear, "Fell how the water is a little warmer here. Well, I'm taking a wicked piss right now," and laughed.

He laughed. "You are so gross." He tried to swim away, but I followed him. We kept laughing.

I arched my back and went head first into the water, making sure my ass broke the surface. Then I swam toward him. He saw me coming and tried to swim away, but I grabbed his leg and pulled him under. Then I grabbed him by the waist and pushed him farther down. I came up for air and waited for him. He broke the surface, took a breath of air, smiled and came at me. I turned and tried to swim away but he pounced on my back and wrapped his legs around my waist and hung on. I could feel his junk against my butt. I started tickling him and trying to dunk him. We both went down. We came up, took air and then I pounced on him. I didn't know he was ticklish. He was pushing my hands away, laughing. He turned from me, trying to get away. I wrapped my legs around his and my arms around his chest. Now I had my junk pressed against his ass. We went under as a wave broke over us.

I released my grip. We tread water. He smiled. "You're funny," he said.

We floated, face up, taking the sun. I glanced toward him. I thought his junk looked so `suckable'. My cock moved. I went back to treading water.

Walking back to where our friends were, he said, "Are you going back out?"

"Nah. I'm just going to hang out. And I'm starved. I brought sandwiches."

We sat and talked. I gave him one of my sandwiches. I knew I was attracted to him, but sitting beside him, I realized that I was beginning a major crush.

Ryan joined us. "I want to get back early," he said. "So I can get some stuff done before I go out tonight."

As I got ready to go, Jamie started packing up his stuff. "You leaving," I asked.

"Yeah," he said.

"How'd you get here?" Ryan asked.

"I road my bike."

"We can tie it to the roof with the boards. I'll drop you off."

We walked to the car. Jamie asked Ryan, "You got a date?"

He nodded. "With Jennifer Resser."

"Oh wow, she's hot." Silence. Jamie said to me, "Will your dad let you go to homecoming?" I looked at him. "I mean its homecoming."

"Are you going?" I asked. He hadn't gone to the dance the year before.

"Yeah, I'm going with Amanda."

I noticed Ryan glance at me and then Jamie. "Are you dating her?" he asked.

He smiled. "Yeah, I guess."

I felt that sick feeling in my guy and a rush of tears to my eyes. Ryan glanced at me again. I could feel the tension in my face that I was sure he could see. We drove Jamie home and then headed home. "You okay," Ryan asked.

"Yeah." I breathed in hard. "I guess."

"It doesn't mean he's not gay. Maybe Dad will let you go to homecoming."

I sighed. "I'm not sure I want to go." My breath quivered in my chest.

"I think he's gay and I think he likes you. Don't rule him out."

I nodded.

When we arrived home, we stripped down and showered in the backyard. "This is one of the fucked things about being gay," he said. "It would be easier if gay people had blue eyes and straight people had brown eyes."

"Then Jeff would have one of each," I said. We smiled at each other.

"No. My guess is that they'd be blue Ð very blue. Are you really okay?"

"Yeah. It's weird. I mean I kind of knew I liked him like that, but I didn't think it would bother me." I breathed in. "I'm okay."

Ryan looked at me with concern.

My dad came out. I was surprised he was up already. "Did we wake you?" I asked.

"No. How was it out there?" My dad surfed.

"Good this morning. Kind of flattened out some at noon. The tides."

Ryan turned off the shower. My dad asked Ryan about Jennifer, where he was going on his date and if he needed money, as we dried off. We headed into the house. Ryan wrapped his towel around his waist. I bare assed it in.

After Dad left for work, I sat on Ryan's bed and watched him get ready for his date. He seemed nervous and excited. I've seen him pick up girls and leave a party with them. He never looked nervous. I thought that this date was important to him Ð he must like her.

"I look okay?" he said after the fifth trip to the bathroom to check his hair.

I looked him over. "Shirts good. Turn around." He did. "Pants are great. Ass looks good and," I pointed, "your junk makes a nice bulge."

He glanced down at his junk. He smiled. "Shut up."

It was just Harley and me at home. I sat at my computer playing a game waiting for Jeff. It was almost eight. I was excited but not overly so. I kept thinking about Jamie.

Harley was lying beside me. Suddenly, she sat up and stared toward the front of the house. Then she was on all fours and growled. I thought it must be Jeff. I sat and watched her. My dad says when she does this that `she's working'. She came to me, her body tense, and nudged me with her noise and then barked. She knows to do that so that if I were a sleep, she'd wake me or Ryan.

I got up. Part of her training was always to be between me and danger. She walked ahead of me toward the front door. If it were a stranger at the door, she would growl but never let the stranger get between her and me. She wouldn't attack unless I gave the command word or if the stranger raised a hand or weapon.

I glanced out the front window. Jeff had parked his car in front of the house and was walking up the driveway. Harley was at the front door at alert. "It's okay girl," I said, stepping toward the front door. I took her by the collar and opened the door. "It's okay. It's Jeff."

He knew to greet her. "Hey Harley. It's just me." He held out his hand for her.

She smelled it. He walked in. Then she stuck her nose right in his crotch. She was happy. When I'm in the house I never put her into the backyard Ð she barks if she knows I'm home. I had her lie down outside my room and told her to stay. I closed the door.

When I turned around, Jeff was sitting on my bed taking his socks off. "I've been so horny all day I had to jerk off this afternoon." He stood, pulled off his tee shirt and then his jeans and underwear. His cock was hard. "Come here. Let me undress you," he said and smiled.

I didn't feel as excited as I had the last time we got together, but my cock, deciding on it own, began to get hard when I saw his erection. By the time he took off my tee shirt my cock was straining against my shorts. He pressed his hand against my junk. "Oh fuck," he said and chuckled.

"Oh fuck?" I said as he unzipped my shorts and let them fall to the floor.

He pulled down my briefs. My cock sprung free and stuck out in front of me. He stood. My cock was along side his. Mine was thicker and longer. "That's oh fuck," he said.

"You've seen it before," I said.

"Yeah, but I thought maybe my memory of it was different from what it was really like. It's just like I remember." I chuckled. He moved us to the bed. He put his hand against my chest. I lay down. He lay beside me. "Can I touch and look?"

"Sure. I guess."

He ran his hand over my chest, stomach, cock, balls and legs. "You're body is incredible."

"It's like yours and Ryan's."

"Your brother has great shoulders and arms, but so do you. Your abs are better than his. Much better." He ran his hand along my hip. "You have this athletes girdle. He doesn't."

I glanced down. "I have what?"

"This," he said. "The furrow, this groove on each side that runs down from your hip to your junk."

He lifted my erection off my stomach and began stroking it. He scooted down. I could feel his breath on my cock, then his tongue. He licked my cock from the head to my balls. He licked my balls and stroked my cock. Then he took me into his mouth. The warmth of his mouth sent a shiver through my body. I moaned, put my hand on his head and pressed him down. I lay, breathing hard, moaning quietly and fighting not to come to quickly.

I pulled him off. He looked up at me and smiled. He licked my stomach. "Fuck," he moaned. "You are so hot." He kissed my pecs and then licked my nipple.

I groaned and without thinking, thrust my hips upward and began to squirms. "Fuck," I said.

"Ah, you like that," he said. He licked and nibbled at my nipple. I tried to grab my cock and stroke. He wouldn't let me. Again he took me into his mouth. This time I wouldn't stop him. I wanted to come. He played with my nipple with his fingers and bobbed up and down on my cock.

I grabbed the sheets. I thrust upward. My legs began to shake. Cum pulsed through my cock. My climax hit and hit hard. I came. He swallowed. I moaned and groaned and called out, "Fuck," over and over, my head and shoulders lifting off the mattress and then slamming down again. I kept coming. He kept swallowing.

He let my cock fall from his mouth, moved and lay on top of me. He was stroking his cock and almost immediately I felt the wetness of him cum on my stomach. He collapsed on top of me, breathing hard. "My God you are incredible, fucking incredible."

We were both breathing hard. He looked down at me, staring into my eyes and then pressed his mouth against mine. He held my face in his hands. Our tongues met. My first kiss from a man. My body felt on fire. He rolled me on top of him. We kept kissing. My cock was still hard. I began pressing into him. My cock slid against the wetness between us.

"Danny, you're incredible. Fuck." We kissed. I didn't want to stop. He bit at my neck. He licked. I moaned and thrust. He bit my ear. I moaned loudly and I thrust. "Don't come," he whispered. "I want you to fuck me."

I nodded and stopped thrusting. I was breathing hard. We held each other not saying a word. He just stroked my back and head.

"Fuck me," he said.

"I'll get a condom," I said not wanting to leave his arms.

"You don't need one."

"Yeah, I do."

"I'm not going to get pregnant."

"No condom, no fuck," I said into his ear.

He sighed his disappointment.

"Can we just stay like this for a while?" I said.

We held each other. I relaxed into his arms with my head resting on his shoulder. He stroked my back. He said, "I've been attracted to you for years."

I looked at him. "You're into kids?"

"No. I mean when you were twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen and I was just a couple of years older. So, I was a kid too." I nodded. "I mean I think your brother is hot, but all that time I was hot or you, but I never thought we'd end up like this."

I took a deep breath. "I thought about you too."

He looked at me and smiled. "Since the last time, every time I'd see you look at me I was wondering if you were thinking about what we did." He stroked my shoulder. "You know what would be really hot. At school, when we see each other. How about you think of me with your cock in my mouth, just when you start to come."

I lifted my chest off him, rested on my elbow and looked at him. "Why?"

"I'll think the same thing and we'll get bonded. I'll know you're boned up and you'll know I'm boned up." He chuckled. "I think it will be hot."

"Okay," I said.

I lay down again. I liked being in his arms. He kept stroking my head, my back and my shoulders. I could smell his cum between us and wondered what it would taste like.

He said, "Suck my cock for a while, get me good and hard and then fuck me."

I smiled, nodded and scooted down. His stomach was still sticky with cum. I liked the smell. It excited me. And there was the taste of his cum on his cock, which excited me even more.

Next: Chapter 5

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