A Tough Lesson Learned

By Danny Danny

Published on Jan 25, 2014


Please do not read if you are not of legal age or if this material is illegal where you live. The author appreciates feedback and comments to dannyd274@yahoo.com.

This story belongs to the author. Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved.

"A Tough lesson learned. Part Two" by Danny D

The butterflies that I felt in my gut the night before were even more intense. But along with the nervousness was excitement. My cock was throbbing. Ryan smiled and pointed at it. I looked down. It was so hard it hurt. Pre cum was dripping. "You're going to cum just standing there," he said. "You'd better get over here."

I sat on the bed between Jeff and Ryan. Ryan told Jeff what had happened the night before and that I thought I was mostly attracted to men and that I had never had sex with a guy before.

"Fuck, you're a baby gay," Jeff said.

"He's hardly a baby with a cock like that," Ryan said.

"Can you suck on your own dick?" Jeff asked me.

"I can just touch the tip with my tongue."

"Can I touch it," he asked. I nodded. He took hold of my cock, wrapping his fingers around the shaft. "Wow, that's a handful." He looked at me. "You want head?"

I nodded. "I think I'm going to cum pretty quickly."

Ryan laughed. "That makes him happy. Sit back," he said to me.

I sat back and leaned against the wall. Ryan sat beside me and began stroking his dick. Jeff bent down and put my cock in his mouth. I moaned. He began bobbing up and down. Both Ryan and I watched. This was nothing like what Lisa had done. When she sucked my cock I could hardly feel her mouth. I felt her hand moving up and down the shaft of my cock as she sucked me. Jeff wasn't using his hand at all except to rub my balls.

As he leaned over me, I noticed the definition of his shoulder muscles. I touched them. My face tingled. I watched as the muscles of his back move. I touched them and then moved my hand to the small of his back and his buttocks. His skin was so soft and his muscles so firm.

"See how much of it you can take," Ryan said to Jeff.

Jeff said to me, "Don't move. Let me work down on it."

Again he put my cock in his mouth and then started working his way down. I watched as all except about two inches disappear and then he took more and gagged.

"Fuck," he said, coming up for air.

Ryan said to me, "How did that feel?"

"Great." I said to Jeff, "Do that again." He and Ryan laughed. And he did. He licked, he sucked, he played with my balls. My toes curled, I thrust into his mouth without thinking. I was really turned on.

Ryan kept stroking and watching. "I'm getting close," he said.

"Me, too," I said.

"Who's going to shoot first?" Jeff asked.

"You want us both," Ryan said.

"Fuck, yeah."

"Take him first," Ryan said. "I want to watch this."

Jeff went back to sucking my cock. My entire body was tingling. "Fuck," I moaned.

"Yeah," Ryan said. "Shoot your load."

"I'm going to come. Fuck." My legs began to shake. I was breathing fast and loud. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," I called out. I could feel Jeff swallow then swallow again and again. I thrust hard into his mouth. He gagged but kept sucking. I couldn't believe the power of my orgasm. My entire body was climaxing.

I pulled him off my cock.

"Fuck, yeah," Ryan said, looking at me and smiling.

Jeff wiped his mouth. "Damn, you just kept coming. That was fucking hot." He licked the head of my cock as he squeezed cum out.

My body was still trembling.

"I'm close," Ryan said.

Jeff moved across me and began sucking on Ryan's dick. I watched as Jeff took most of Ryan's dick down his throat. Then he began bobbing up and down making slurping sounds. I noticed him jerking his own dick. I took hold of his cock. I moved so I could watch him suck and so I could jerk him off. His cock felt good in my hand. The first cock I stroked, other than my own. I wondered what it would taste like, but I knew he was close to coming.

I heard Ryan moan loudly and thrust upward into Jeff's mouth. I watched Jeff swallowing and Ryan squirming through his orgasm.

"Fuck," Ryan moaned. "You are so fucking good at that."

Jeff wiped his mouth. "You came a lot too. You two are incredible."

"Can I jerk you off?" I asked.

"Me," Jeff asked. "Fuck yeah." He sat back.

I began to stroke his cock. "If I suck you, are you going to come right away?"

"Don't come in his mouth," Ryan said to Jeff.

"Go ahead. I'll tell you when I'm close," Jeff said.

I took a deep breath. We all moved around. I looked at Ryan. "Go ahead if you want to."

I'm not sure why, but remembering seeing Ryan sucking on Jeff's cock, made it a lot easier for me to do with him watching. I took Jeff's cock in my hand and stroked a couple of times. I leaned down and moved my tongue around his cock head. He groaned. I took the head of his cock into my mouth and then moved down the shaft.

Jeff said to Ryan, "Damn, this is hot. My cock was the first one in your mouth, and now it's the first in your brother's mouth. That's fucking hot."

I sucked, bobbing up and down like I saw Ryan do to Jeff and Jeff do to Ryan and me. I liked the way his cock felt in my mouth. Even though I had just come, my cock was still hard. I licked the shaft from the base to the head and then down again.

"Lick my balls," he said.

I did.

"Suck one into your mouth."

I did. They were shaved smooth. His pubes were cut short against his body. I licked the shaft again.

"Bite, but not hard." I looked up at him.

Ryan said, "He likes being bitten."

I bit the shaft and then lightly bit down on the head of his cock.

"Damn, you're really good for a first time."

I kept sucking.

He moaned loudly. I sucked him for minutes when he said, "I'm close."

I moved and began stroking his cock.

Ryan said, "You want to see him squirm?"

"Do it," Jeff said, spreading his legs.

Ryan spit on his fingers and then reached between Jeff's legs. He pressed two fingers into Jeff's ass. Jeff moaned and then began to twitch all over. I stroked his cock. He groaned, his legs spread wide, his hands to his head and his abdominals tightening. Then he squirmed and shook as he began shooting streams of cum into the air. I kept jerking him. Ryan kept pressing into him.

Jeff grabbed Ryan's hand and pulled. Then he pulled my hand off his cock, but he kept climaxing, moaning and rolling around.

"Fuck," he said and started laughing. "Fuck."

Ryan looked at me and smiled. "Good?"

I smiled and nodded.

Jeff said, "Good? Fuck that was incredible."

"And we're not done," Ryan said to Jeff. "You're getting fucked."

Jeff smiled and nodded.

Ryan got up, moved his desk chair to his closet, climbed on it and opened the panel to the attic. Jeff whispered to me "Look at him. He is so fucking hot and he doesn't know it."

I looked at my brother and agreed that Ryan was hot, but for me, not in a sexual turn on kind of way, but in an emotional way. Maybe it was because I had seen him like this since I could remember. I watched as he reached in and came out with a wooden box in which he kept his stash. "Why do you hide it?" Jeff asked. "Your dad knows you smoke."

"Yeah, but if he finds it he throws it out."

"Does he give you shit about it?" Jeff asked.

"No. Well I'm sure if I had more that this," he said holding up a baggie with enough for a couple of joints, "he would."

Ryan rolled a joint. "Let's go into the backyard and smoke," he said. When I opened his bedroom door, Harley came running in and than followed us outside. I got her a chew toy so she wouldn't bother us. I tossed it onto the grass. She ran, retrieved it and came and sat beside me.

Sitting on the back steps in the nude, we passed the joint around. We sat in the night air and enjoyed the high. Jeff asked questions about when I thought I was gay and if I was hot for anyone. We talked. I asked him when he knew he was gay.

"I'm not gay. I guess I'm bi curious."

Ryan laughed. "You're still curious. You've been sucking my dick for two years and how much more can you be curious about when it comes to getting fucked. You love it."

"Yeah, I guess. So, I'm bi."

Ryan looked at me and smiled. "All he needs is a woman with a cock and he's set."

"Shut up," Jeff said. "I don't tease you about sucking my dick."

"You're right. Sorry."

We went into the kitchen and hunted for food. We found a bag of cookies, went back outside and passed it around. Immediately, Harley dropped her chew toy and sat in front of me.

"There are three of us sitting here," Jeff said, "why did she go to Danny?"

"You're kidding. Right?" Ryan said. "He's the only one who gives her stuff like that. My dad yells at him all the time."

"She's such a good girl," I said, rubbing her head. She remained seated, but her hind end was moving back and forth as she wagged her nub of a tail. I gave her a cookie. She about swallowed it whole. I laughed. "Chew it."

"Dumb dog," Ryan said.

"She is not. She's a good dog." She wagged her tail and barked.

Ryan said, "I swear if someone broke into the house and came into my room, she'd go right on sleeping beside your bed. But if some stranger stepped into your room, she'd go right for their throat."

I laughed. "That's because she's knows who loves her."

"I bet if I gave her a cookie she'd love me," Jeff said.

I said, "She wouldn't even take one from you unless I said it was okay."

Jeff looked at me. "Bullshit. She's a dog. She'd take food from anyone."

"Has she ever taken food from you in all the times you've been here?" He stared at me. "Let's bet," I said.

"Sure. What?"

Ryan said, "We get to fuck you for as long as we want and you can't touch your dick at all. When we are done, you put on your pants and go home." He smiled.

Jeff laughed. "Yeah, and if I win."

Ryan said, "I'll blow you and you can come in my mouth."

"And you'll swallow."

"And I'll swallow."

"Shit," Jeff said thinking. "Yeah, sure okay."

I looked at Jeff and said. "Go ahead. Try it with that cookie."

He called to her, "Harley," holding out a cookie. "Come here girl." She looked at him and the cookie, but then looked at me and remained sitting. "Here girl. Come on," he said waving the cookie. "Yum, yum, yum." He looked at Ryan and said, "Shit."

"Good girl," I said.

"You're holding her back," he complained.

"No I'm not." I sat back.

He tried again. This went on for about three or four minutes. Then I said, "Okay, enough. This is torturing her."

Ryan said to Jeff, "You satisfied."

"Fuck. I can't believe she won't take a cookie from me."

"She'll only eat if you give her the command word, or if it's Ryan, me or my dad. We're the only one's who know her command words. If we told you, we'd have to kill you," I said and laughed. "If I used her attack word she wouldn't sit here. She'd be all over you."

Jeff looked at me. "Damn. Really?"

I nodded.

"But why won't she take food?"

"She's trained to be a watch dog. If someone was trying to get in and they tried to feed her poisoned food and she took it, what good would she be? So, she's trained not to take anything."

"Damn," Jeff said.

"She's such a good girl," I said giving her another cookie.

"Well, I think we should get going on Jeff's ass," Ryan said to me. "I'm hard and ready for action."

Jeff followed Ryan and I followed Jeff into the house. I watched Jeff's buttocks move as he walked, each cheek tightening and relaxing as he took a step. I wondered what it would be like to watch him play basketball in the nude. My erection bounced up and down and swayed from side to side as I walked. When we got to Ryan's room, I patted Harley's head and asked her to sit and guard the door. She obeyed as always.

Jeff jumped onto Ryan's bed and then chuckled. He said to Ryan, "It's always about now, looking at your dick, that I think I'm crazy for letting you do this."

Ryan said, as he put on a condom, "I'm not sure I've ever asked to fuck you. If you don't want to do it, I'd be happy with another blowjob. You know that it's always hard for me to come when I fuck you."

"Fuck me for a while and then I'll blow you while he's fucking me," Jeff said smiling.

"Get on your hands and knees and get ready," Ryan said.

I watched as Jeff tossed Ryan a bottle of lube that he brought with him. Ryan spread it over his condom-covered dick. Jeff used his hand to spread lube on and in his ass. Ryan moved toward him, aimed his cock at Jeff's ass and moved in.

Jeff arched his back, lifted his head and moaned loudly. I couldn't tell if it was a painful moan or a pleasure moan. Ryan with about half is cock inside Jeff slowly began thrusting. Jeff moaned again. It sounded painful. Then Jeff pushed back against Ryan, burying Ryan's cock deep in his ass. "Oh yeah," Jeff moaned. "Fuck, yeah, fuck me."

And Ryan did. The room filled with the sound of flesh slamming against flesh and Jeff moaning and calling out, "Harder, faster. Yeah, fuck me."

Jeff looked back at me and said, "Come here, let me suck your dick."

I sat in front of him like I had sat in front of Lisa and watched Ryan fucking. Ryan smiled at me and said, "He's in ecstasy right now. He has a cock in his ass and one in his mouth. He's had wet dreams about this for years."

Jeff laughed and nodded, taking my cock out of his mouth. He moaned as Ryan slammed into him and then went back to sucking my cock. Ryan was working hard and Jeff seemed to love it. Every once in a while he'd look up at me and groaned, "He just goes and goes. He can do this forever and not come."

"Your turn," Ryan said to me. He pulled out and then pulled off his condom. I moved. Ryan opened the wrapper and handed me the condom. He watched as I slipped it on. I thought that this was quintessential Ryan - being the older brother making sure I got it right. He picked up the lube bottle and squirted lube on my condom-covered cock. "Get it all wet with the lube."

I did. I moved behind Jeff. Ryan knelt beside me watching as I pressed my cock against Jeff's hole. As I pressed in, Jeff moaned loudly. I immediately pulled out.

"Just go in," Ryan said, pressing on the small of my back.

"I'm good," Jeff said at about the same time.

I lined myself up again and pressed. Another loud moan from Jeff. Ryan put pressure on the small of my back.

"I'll tell you to stop if it hurts," Jeff said.

"Those are words you'll never hear," Ryan said.

"Asshole," Jeff said chuckling.

I began thrusting a little deeper each time. Jeff was making a lot of noise. "Does it hurt," I asked.

"Yes, but so good, so good."

I stopped. "It hurts?"

"Keep going. I'm fine," he moaned. "Fuck me. Damn, you are big," he grunted.

"Suck on this," Ryan said, sitting in front of Jeff.

I held Jeff's hips and I thrust harder. My face tingled. The muscles on his back were tightly defined. From his shoulders to his hips was a perfect V-shape, all muscle. His buttocks were round and shook each time I slammed into them. He looked amazing.

I ran my hands over his back. Before that night I had never been able to touch a man's body in the way I wanted. I leaned forward and grabbed his shoulders. His body felt wonder against mine. I kept thrusting. I put my hands under him and touched his pecs and his abs. I sighed.

"I'm getting close," I said. I wondered if I should pull out and jerk off.

"Let's change positions," Jeff said. He pulled forward and I came out of him. He rolled over on his back, lifted and spread his legs wide. Ryan moved around and leaned over him, putting his cock back into Jeff's mouth. Then Ryan pulled back on one of Jeff's legs and rolled him upward exposing his butt hole. I leaned over him, trying to get into him. Jeff lifted his left hip and put his leg on my shoulder. I moved toward him, aimed and pressed forward. Another loud but muffled moan.

I held his left leg against me and thrust into him watching Ryan in a push up position thrusting into Jeff's mouth. I looked down at Jeff's chest - tight, defined. His cock was hard and bouncing on his stomach as I thrust. I looked at Ryan. Even though I had seen his naked body thousands of times, I realized that I had never looked at it. As he held himself above Jeff', his arms, back, ass and leg muscles became defined. Neither of them was muscular in a bulked up way, nor did they have much, if any, body fat. They were just normal athletic types with good definition.

Ryan began to breathe hard. He went from holding himself up resting on his hands to falling down onto his elbows. His body tensed. He threw his head backward and grunted. I heard Jeff moan as if he had just tasted the juiciest steak after not eating for a week. Ryan's entire body shook with pleasure. Jeff swallowed.

Ryan lifted off of Jeff. He looked down at him and said, "You love that don't you?"

Jeff smiled and rubbed his stomach. "I have your little guys running around in my tummy."

Ryan stepped off the bed and said to us, "I'll warm the shower."

"I won't be long," I said.

"No rush," Jeff said.

He wrapped his legs around me and pulled me toward him. Leaning on my arms, I pressed into him and began thrusting. He looked into my eyes. I looked into his. He smiled. "You're cock is amazing."

"I've always thought of it as just a cock."

He pulled me down on him, arching his back toward me. He wrapped his arms and legs around me. I thrust hard into him. "I'm getting close," I whispered.

"Don't pull out. Just go for it."

He held me. I loved being in his arms. I felt tingly all over. My muscles tensed. I could feel cum moving through my cock as my climax took over my body. He tightened his hold on me.

"Yeah, come hard."

I was shaking in his arms, gasping for air and using my toes to press forward deep into him. My face was buried in the nape of his neck. He kept stroking my head. Finally, I relaxed. He held me. He stroked my back, my ass, my hair. You have a great body too.

I laughed and then moved off him. "Great cock, great cum, great body. Right."

"I guess it's okay for you not to think you're hot," he said as we stepped off the bed. "But it's not attractive to put your self down."

We stepped into the bathroom. I took off the condom. Ryan was in the shower. We stepped in. Jeff looked at me and said to Ryan, "You're arms are looking really good."

Ryan glanced at his arms and then said, "Thank you. You're looking good too."

Jeff looked at me and smiled.

I nodded. I noticed Ryan reach over and take hold of Jeff's cock. "We can't let you go home all horned up." He began stroking Jeff's erection. Jeff leaned against the shower wall, closed his eyes and enjoyed the hand job. Ryan said, "You want a finger or are you too sore?"

"A finger is good."

Ryan said to me, "Put your finger up his ass." I moved my hand behind Jeff and found his hole. I slipped my finger in. Jeff moaned. Ryan said to me, "Do you know about the prostate?"

"Yeah. I studied about it in health. It's what makes you shoot cum."

Jeff looked at me and smiled. "It's what feels good when you get fucked and you cum."

They explained where Jeff's prostate was and what it would feel like when he got close and came. Ryan stroked. Jeff got close. I felt his prostate. I moved my finger over it. Jeff groaned. His legs shook. I thought he'd fall as he came. He grabbed on to Ryan and Ryan held on to him. Streams of cum shot across the shower.

After Jeff left, Ryan and I chatted and then I went to bed. Harley lay on the floor beside me. I heard Ryan come through the bathroom and then crawl in bed naked beside me. I chuckled. "Are we going to jerk off again?"

He laughed. "I think I'm done until tomorrow. You enjoyed that didn't you?"

"Yes. A lot."

He turned toward me, lay on his side facing me and said, "Just hear me out."

I felt that nervous feeling in my gut you get when someone says stuff like that. "Yeah, sure." I turned and lay on my side, facing him. "What?"

"Be very careful about telling people that you're gay." He stared at me.

"Because it might get back to Dad?" I asked.

"Dad? No, I wasn't even thinking about that." He seemed to be thinking. "Dad. I don't think Dad would get weird about it. I mean he probably would be surprised but he's not like that."

"Him finding out scares me."

He shook his head. "I don't think you've got to worry about Dad."

"Then what?"

"Look, most of the guys we know would be fine with it, but there are guys, you know. You're going to take shit. I don't know. I mean if I were you, I don't know what I'd do. Maybe I'd say, fuck them, who cares. But maybe I'd just keep it to myself for now."

"Like Jeff."

"Well, not like him. He's dating girls and fucking them and he says he's into them but I don't know if he really is or if it's just to cover his ass."

I sighed and nodded. "I'm not really ready to tell people," I said. "I guess that makes me a coward but"

"Stop that shit. You're not a coward. When you're ready, you're ready. If Jeff is gay and not bi curious like he says, then he's the coward because of what he's doing with girls. Just don't do that. If he really is bi, then he's just doing his thing, which is fine."

"Do you think you're bi? What did you mean when you said you can't come when you fuck him? I did."

"It doesn't turn me on at all. I mean I'm almost turned off fucking him. I have no problem fucking girls and coming," he said and smiled. "But I don't know. I know he loves it. That's kind of cool. I think I get into that. But if loving to get a blow job from him means I'm bi, then I guess I'm bi."

"Do you like sucking his dick?"

"Yeah. I guess. I mean it seems kind of kinky and I've tried to suck my own," he said and smiled. "And if I could, I'd be sucking on it instead of jerking off. That's for sure. So, I figure, if I'd suck mine, and he's my best friend, I'd suck his."

"But you wouldn't just see a guy and think, I'd like to suck his cock."

He laughed. "No." He laughed again. "No. But I see girls and think I'd like to suck on those tits, or eat her pussy, or fuck her until she can't walk."

He poked me in the stomach. We both laughed. "And it's cool with me if you don't feel that way and feel like when you see a hot guy you'd like to fuck him, and suck his dick and have him suck yours."

"And hear him plead with me to fuck him harder."

We both laughed. He reached over, mussed my head, pulled my head toward him and kissed my head. "I love you, Danny. And I'll kick anyone's ass if they give you shit."

"I love you too."

"One more thing."


"Jeff. He's a player. I love him and I guess I'm a player too, but I'm feeling scared that I fucked up bringing him over for us to fuck with." I stared at him. He said, "Two things. I'm not going to tell you what to do, but if I were you, I'd stay away from him - sexually. But if you don't, remember he's having sex with other people. He says I'm the only guy, but I'm not sure he'd tell me if there were others. And I know he's fucking girls. So you've got to be safe with him." I nodded. "And don't have feelings for him. He's not the kind of guy you should have feelings for."

I drew in a deep breath and my chest quivered. I felt disappointed but not sure why.

We lay in bed and talked about whom we thought was gay. He agreed that Kevin, a senior on the swim team, was probably gay and that one of the guys on the JV basketball team might be. We went through everyone we knew. We talked about the girls he was attracted to and whom he thought might go out with him. We laughed. We teased. It was almost four in the morning.

"We can stay up until Dad gets home, sleep for a while and then head to the beach or we can crash now and go to the beach," Ryan said. "It will be our last summer Saturday."

I looked at the clock. "I'm hungry," I said. "Dad won't be home until seven or so. Let's go outside, smoke some weed, get something to snack on, wait for Dad and make breakfast for all of us. Then we can sleep a while and then go to the beach."

We smoke, snacked and talked and watched the sky turn to day.

To be sure that he'd be on his way home, at 6:45am I called my father and told him we were making breakfast. He was ten minutes away.

We made coffee, bacon, pancakes and scrambled eggs. Making him breakfast on a Saturday morning was not unusual. During the school year, when we were used to waking early in the morning, we'd get up on a Saturday, make breakfast for the three of us and then Ryan and I would head to the beach. But this was the first Saturday this summer that we were up this early in the morning.

He was happy to sit and eat with us. "We're back in the swing of the school year," he said. "Good. Tomorrow, let's spend time together."

Sunday was his turn around day. He'd come home, shower and then stay awake all day and then crash Sunday night so that he'd be awake during the day until Wednesday when he'd be at work again. Our Saturday breakfasts were always something that I enjoyed. And I knew he enjoyed them because I remember that when my mom was alive, we'd always have Saturday breakfasts together.

Next: Chapter 3

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