A Tough Lesson Learned

By Danny Danny

Published on Jan 20, 2014


Please do not read if you are not of legal age or if this material is illegal where you live. The author appreciates feedback and comments to dannyd274@yahoo.com.

This story belongs to the author. Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved.

I've read several stories on Nifty and have communicated with a couple of authors. Some authors state from the outset that their story is a complete work of fiction while others don't. I wrote to one author and he answered back: "Let's say you're building a brick house. The concrete foundation upon which the house is built and the mortar between the bricks could be the true aspect of my story. The bricks themselves are the fiction."

I liked that a lot. So, that is my answer to how much truth there is to my story:

"A Tough lesson learned,"

by Danny D

A Thursday in August: A day I'll never forget.

I sat straddling my board watching the waves roll in. It hadn't been a very good day for surfing, but my dad had a rule: No surfing during the school year except for one day a week and only on the weekend. Ryan, my brother, and I were starting school on Monday so we were going to spend as much time in the water as we could, good waves or not.

"Danny," I heard my brother call out. He was pointing seaward. "It's getting late. Let's take it in."

Ryan had just turned eighteen and was seventeen months older than me, but only a year ahead of me in school. He made the cut off to start kindergarten by two days, but my parents didn't want him to be the youngest and shortest kid in the class, so they waited a year and kept him in pre-school. Since I was born in April, they started me in school on time.

Ryan had light brown hair that had natural blond streaks during the summer, big brown eyes and a great smile. He was six foot tall, had broad shoulders, a narrow waist and was fit. He would be a senior that year and played high school varsity basketball. I had the same body build, but my hair was darker and I had blue eyes. I would be a junior and was a varsity swimmer.

We both turned our boards toward the beach and began paddling. We caught the wave, but it hardly seemed worth it. I got down on my board and paddled to shore.

"That sucked," I said.

"Maybe they'll be better tomorrow. We'll have to get up at dawn."

I chuckled. He smiled. Sleeping in was our favorite hobby.

We walked to his car. Well, it wasn't actually his car. It had belonged to my mom. My dad never got rid of it. When I was eleven, my mom died of cancer. She had had it before, but I had no memory of that. For Ryan and I it was a monumental loss, but it brought us closer than we had been. I relied on him for almost everything.

We had a fairly normal family before her death. She was an elementary school teacher, therefore, home when Ryan and I were at home. My dad was a San Diego policeman and worked the nightshift. He worked in the gang unit, which meant that he worked ten hours shifts on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. He would get home as my mom was leaving to take us to school and go to work. Each afternoon, before dinner my mom would disappear into their bedroom to `wake him up', which sometimes took almost an hour. They'd emerge from the bedroom in their robes, their hair wet from the shower.

My dad was always very affectionate with her and they made each other laugh. The laughing stopped when my mom got sick and I'm not sure my dad laughed the way I remembered since then.

We drove home, parked in the garage and put our boards away. Our Rottweiler, Harley, barked and jumped against the door leading to the backyard. "Hey Harley," I called out as I opened the door. She ran into the garage, ran around the car and then followed Ryan and me into the backyard. "Did you guard the house, girl." She barked and jumped up at me.

Our dad built an outdoor shower in our backyard off the garage because we were always tracking sand into the house and into the shower. Ryan and I undressed. We stood naked, sharing a shower, rinsing off. "Come here, girl," I called out to Harley. She ran around the yard and barked. She hated the shower. I kept trying to splash her each time she got near us.

"One of these days she's going to bite your cock off," Ryan said.

"My cock could choke a horse," I said and laughed. He shoved me. I slapping my stomach and calling to Harley. She just barked at me.

Ryan and I were similarly endowed Ð four-inch flaccid cut cocks, loose hanging balls. We were both fairly hairless, but I shaved my pubes for swimming and he trimmed his because he claimed the girls liked it that way. Although he was an all around better athlete than me, of which he loved to remind me, I was a better student. And although we were very close, supportive and protective of each other, we were always competing. Everything was a competition. He could do more push up and pull ups, but I could do more sit ups. He had better leg muscles. I had better abs. He stood taller. My cut cock (eight and half by six inches) was bigger than his (seven and three quarters by five and a half). But standing side by side, he could shoot a load about a foot farther than me.

Like I said, Ryan and I were close, competitive and shared in everything.

When my mom passed away, my dad kept to his night work schedule. He made sure Ryan and I were up and off to school and had dinner before he left for work. But we were left at home alone at night. He had a full security system installed. He got Harley who was trained to be a watchdog. And he carried a cell phone that we were to call if Harley ever alerted during the night and he or someone else who was on patrol would be at our house in minutes.

Ryan taught me everything from algebra and chemistry to jerking off and smoking weed. He was outgoing, popular and according to my dad, always pushing at the limits. I, on the other hand, was the good kid, but never shied away from anything Ryan suggested.

"I'm getting you laid tonight," Ryan said.

I felt my face tingling. "What?"

My dad was strict. Ryan was not allowed to date, or so that was the rule. We both knew that it was because my dad didn't want me left at home alone. So, lately, on a Friday or Saturday night, we'd head out to one of his friends and party. He'd take off with one girl or another for a while and then he'd come back, get me and head home. He had been screwing one girl or another for over a year. Sometimes they'd come to our house and I'd have to put on ear buds to block out the sound of them going at it over and over again.

"Lisa said she'd fuck us both."

"Us? Both of us?" I felt my stomach sinking. "How does that work?"

He smiled. "Tag team. You know."

I swallowed hard. "How do you know she'll want to?"

Since I could remember, I was attracted to guys. I guess I was curious about what it might be like to fuck a girl, but not curious enough to ever pursue it. And, although, like I said, Ryan and I were close and shared everything, this was something that I kept to myself.

"She was the one who suggested it. Actually, she suggested you, me and Jeff."

"You're kidding."

Jeff was Ryan's best friend since third grade. Everything that Ryan did, Jeff did: surf, smoke weed, varsity basketball and they had shared girls before. Jeff was even going to apply to the same colleges as Ryan.

"I didn't tell her you were a virgin, but I figured that with Jeff it might be too weird for you for your first time. So, it'll be just you and me. If you're into it, next time Jeff can join us."

"I don't know," I said, nervously.

"It's okay to be nervous. Everyone is a little nervous the first time. Besides, it's all set up."

We went inside wrapped in towels. My dad had made us dinner and left it for us to warm up. Ryan dished up the stir-fry and brown ice and stood in front of the microwave waiting. Still in our towels we sat at the dinner table. "I thought you might be excited," he said.

I put down my fork. "I," I choked out. I hadn't shed a tear in years. Actually, the year that my mom died I cried a lot. I would lie in bed at night, scared and crying with Harley lying beside my bed. Eventually, I'd get up, go into Ryan's room and wake him. He'd tell me to get in bed with him, put an arm over me and tell me he missed our mom too. It took me months before I could sleep alone in my own bed. Never during that time did Ryan tell anyone, not even my dad that I was crying myself to sleep in his bed.

"Everyone gets nervous the first time."

I sat and shook my head not speaking.

"What's wrong? Just tell me."

I kept shaking my head. "You're going to hate me." I looked at him.

He stared at me looking angry. "You've got to be kidding me. Seriously? You think I'd hate you."

"No," I said, tears welling up. "No, I don't. But maybe you'll feel weird toward me."

"Asshole," he said and sighed. "Just say it. I'm not going to feel weird."

"You know what it is?" He just stared at me. "I don't think I'm attracted to girls," I said looking at him. "Are you angry?"

"I'm angry because you think I'd care." He kept staring at me. "Are you attracted to just guys or maybe girls too? You know, curious about girls or want to try to see what it's like."

"I don't know. You're okay with this?"

"You're my brother. Of course I'm cool with it." He sighed. "Before Mom died she told me that she thought you might be gay."

I felt my face tingling.

"She made me promise that if you were gay that I'd love you, protect you and make it okay for you." His voice cracked. Talking about my mother was difficult for both of us. "I mean even if she hadn't asked me to do it I would, but I promised her. But I thought if you were gay you would have told me already."

"I was too afraid."

He sighed. "I understand. There's stuff I haven't told you."

"Really? What?"

"I'm into girls, like really into girls, but I've been curious about sex with guys and I've done stuff and haven't told you."

"Really? What did you do and with who?"

He smiled and went back to eating dinner. He shrugged. "You have to promise not to tell anyone."

"You know I'd never t tell stuff about you."

"No, not about me. About who I did stuff with."

"I won't tell. I promise."

"Jeff," he said matter-of-factly. "Jeff is really more into guys than girls, but he's into girls too, I guess. I don't know. I kinda think if it wasn't for his father, he'd be more into guys." Jeff's father was a real conservative man and thought gay people were subhuman and should be put in jail.

"Wow. Jeff." I watched Ryan eat. I started eating. "I guess I could have figured that out if I knew you tried stuff. I mean I can tell he really likes you a lot."

Ryan chuckled. "He likes my dick a lot. And there's a lot to like."

I looked at him and smiled, reminding him that I was bigger.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, shut up, asshole."

"What did you guys do?"

"Everything ? Well, not everything everything. We've fucked girls together. " He smiled at me. "He's given me head?"

"Was the girl there?"

"No. I've given him head. I've fucked him. But one thing I'm not interested in is getting fucked by a guy."

"You guys did stuff just once?" I asked.

"Once? No. He's given me head many times. I fucked him probably a dozen times. He really likes getting fucked, but I'm not so much into fucking him. But he begs a lot," he said and smiled. "I mean for me fucking a girl is more exciting. I've given him head probably a dozen times. He was the first one to ever give me head. It was over two years ago." He chuckled. "He's really good at it. The best head I've ever gotten."

I felt my cock getting hard. "I'm not surprised by him but maybe surprised that you did stuff."


"Well, in a way I am because you're so into fucking girls. I mean I've heard you. But I'm kind of not surprised because," I said smiling, "you'll do anything when it comes to sex." Ryan taught me to jerk off when I was twelve and we had played several jerk off games: who could shoot the farthest, shoot the most cum, shoot the fastest and who could go the longest without jerking off. Since then he never tried to hide his erection or was shy about jerking off. And neither was I.

He laughed and nodded. "Yeah, I guess that's true." He stood up and opened his towel and shook his erection up and down and then covered up and sat down.

I laughed.

"You're hard aren't you?" I blushed. "Come on, stand up."

I stood up and opened my towel. My cock was pulsing.

"I thought so. So, you want me to call Lisa and cancel or do you want to give it a try? You know, once that thing of yours gets hard like that it stays hard."

"But what happens if it doesn't get hard?" I said.

"Just watch me fucking her and you'll get hard and then you can dive in." He smiled at me and winked.

I laughed.

"We'll figure out how to get you hard."

I sighed and nodded.

"We'll use condoms," he said.

"So she doesn't get pregnant?"

"She says she uses birth control but just to play safe and also so we don't get anything. She says she isn't fucking anyone else, but who knows."

My dick stayed hard through the entire dinner. Finally, while we were cleaning up the kitchen, it went flaccid.

I went to my room and put on briefs, shorts and a tee shirt. He called Lisa. On our way to pick her up, he said, "You know, Jeff thinks you're really hot. I told him if he put a hand on you I'd kick his ass, but if you think you'd be into it, you and I could do him too."

Again my face tingled and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Or if you want to just be with him alone, I could tell him."

"No," I said. "Not alone." That felt scary. "You think he'd want to be with both of us?"

He chuckled. "Does the Pope wear red shoes."

"Yeah, that would be kind of cool," I said.

We parked outside of Lisa's house and talked about what we'd do and how he thought I'd be sure to get hard. He went inside while I waited in the car. I pressed my hand into my crotch hoping that it would come alive. I thought about having sex with Jeff. My cock moved. That was our plan when I was with Lisa Ð think about Jeff.

Back at our house, in Ryan's room, I watched as they kissed and he rubbed her tits. She looked at me and smiled and then pulled me toward her. I thought she was pretty Ð one of the cheerleaders at school. She pressed her lips against mine. Ryan stepped aside and the next time I looked he was naked and hard. He began undoing her clothing as she and I kept kissing. Soon, she too was naked.

I was nervous. I felt my insides shaking.

She took my hand and put it on her breast. I still wasn't hard.

Ryan stepped between us. "Get undressed," he whispered as he moved her to his bed. I slowly undressed and watched as they wrapped around each other. I stepped out of my briefs and began pulling on my still flaccid cock, thinking about Jeff. Ryan was licking Lisa's tits and rubbing her pussy. She was moaning. I stood and watched.

Ryan moved and knelt over her face. She stroked his cock and then began sucking on it. I watched as she stroked and sucked. "Come here," Ryan said. I moved closer. Ryan stood beside the bed. Lisa knelt on the floor. I stood beside Ryan. He put his arm around my waist and pressed his hip against mine. Lisa took my cock in her mouth and then took Ryan's cock in her mouth. She was sucking us both.

Minutes later I was fully erect. Lisa held my cock in her right hand and Ryan's in her left. She looked up at me and said, "You've got a beautiful dick."

My ears felt like they were on fire.

Ryan put his hand behind her head and pressed her deep against my cock. She sucked me as Ryan put on a condom. He looked at me and smiled. The three of us moved to the bed. Ryan told me to sit with my back against the wall across his bed. Lisa got down on all fours in front of me and went back to sucking my cock. Ryan stood behind her and began fucking her.

He and I looked at each other and smiled. He was right. Watching him fuck her really turned me on. Several times, he leaned forward, pulled her hair out of the way and watched her giving me head as he fucked her.

She kept moaning.

Then he stopped. He grabbed a condom and handed it to me. Standing beside Ryan, I tried to tear open the wrapper. He took it from me, used his teeth and then handed me the rubber. I fumbled with it and began to unroll it.

"No, this way," he said. He took it from me. He grabbed the tip, put the condom over the head of my cock and rolled it down the shaft. I watched. "Lie down," he told Lisa. She moved and lay on her back. I knelt between her legs and lowered myself holding my cock with one hand. I moved into her. She moaned, wrapped her legs around my hips and pushed up toward me.

Resting on both my arms, almost in a push up position, I began to fuck her. While I did, Ryan put a pillow under Lisa's head, knelt and squatted beside her. She turned her head and began sucking his cock. He started fucking her mouth. That was hot to watch.

Again, Ryan and I looked at each other and smiled.

He rubbed her tits. She moaned. Then he moved his hand to her pussy. I watched as I thrust into her and he ran his fingers over the top of her vagina. It was then that her entire body began to shake and she moaned so loudly it sounded like muffled screams. The same muffled screams that I had heard coming from Ryan's room many times before. She was climaxing. Then he was back inside her and then it was my turn again. Again he rubbed her while I fucked her and again she ciimaxed.

"I'm getting close," I whispered as Ryan had told me to do in the car.

"So am I," he said, stroking his cock.

"I want to see you come," Lisa called out. "Please."

Like Ryan had told me, I pulled out, pulled off the condom and moved so that I was straddling her hips. She half sat up. Ryan and I knelt beside each other, hip to hip, stroking our cocks, aiming our cocks at her breasts.

Ryan started coming first. Shot after shot splattered against her breasts and rolled down her side and stomach. Watching him got me over the top. My body shook as I began to come. But my aim wasn't that good. First I hit Lisa in the face and hair. Then trying to correct my aim, I shot onto Ryan's arm and hand and then finally onto Lisa's tits.

Breathing hard, I said, "Fuck, I'm sorry."

They both laughed.

I was surprised when Ryan pulled me down with him on top of Lisa and we both kissed her cum wet face and lay on her cum wet body. The three of us held each other.

In the shower, Lisa gave us both head again but neither of us came.

I stayed behind when he drove Lisa home. When he got back, I was in the kitchen looking for something to eat. He opened the freezer, took out a pizza and turned on the oven. He opened two beers and handed me one. "So, you're not a virgin anymore."

"Yeah, well, I feel the same."

"So, what do you think?"

"It was kind of hot. I mean with you being there and everything like that."

"So would you do it again?"

"With you? Yeah I guess, but"

"It wasn't like she really turned you on. Her mean her being a girl, her body."

I sighed. "Not really."

He reached over and put his hand on the back of my neck and squeezed and then shook my head and pulled me close to him, our cheeks pressed against each other's. "Well, none of that matters," he said. "I love you and I'm glad we got to do that together."

"I know you love me," I said as we sat down. "Really I do. But are you disappointed or did you feel weird because I thought it was fun because I got to watch you."

"We have to figure out how to convince you that I couldn't care at all. And to tell you the truth, I thought it was really hot watching you, watching me, watching you."

I laughed.

We drank beer, ate pizza and talked.

I undressed and climbed naked into bed. Minutes later, Ryan stepped into my room naked. "You going to jerk off?"

I chuckled. "Yeah, I could."

"Move over," he said. "We haven't done this in two or three years."

"We just did it tonight."

"Not like this."

We lay beside each other jerking off and talking about Jeff. Ryan said, "He's good to have sex with but don't get feelings for him because he'll never be like a boyfriend."

"No, I get it," I said.

I was the first to get close. I began stroking hard. He seemed to slow down and watch. I moaned. My legs stiffened and began to shake. This orgasm was going to be powerful. As cum shot from my cock, I lifted my hips and then slammed against the mattress. Cum seemed to fly everywhere. Once I came off my climax, I glanced over at Ryan and noticed him checking out his chest. I saw a glob of cum sitting on his left pec. I laughed.

"That's twice," he said stroking. I watched. Then suddenly he turned on his hip toward me and started coming. As he came he laughed, shooting his load all over me.

I laughed. Then he squeezed the last drop of his cum out of his cock and wiped it on my arm. Very quickly, I grabbed him and fought to roll on top of him. He laughed and we began to wrestle. Of course, he was stronger. But all I wanted to do was get him wet with cum. And I did, getting it on his chest, face and in his hair.

We laughed as we lay on the floor.

Back into the shower we went.

As we dried off, he said, "Promise me that you'll never worry about me feeling weird around you."

"I promise."

The next day, Friday, neither of us was up before noon. Before we left for the beach, Ryan called Jeff. "Hey were heading to the beach, you want to join us?" He looked at me and shook his head. Then he put it on speakerphone and put his finger to his lips. I nodded. "Do you have a date for tonight?" Ryan asked.

"No, but maybe I can get one. You want to do something?" Jeff said.

"Ah, well, I was with Lisa last night. Got me thinking about how much I enjoy a good blowjob. She sucks at it."

"Sucks at it. That's funny," he said and chuckled. "So, is that an invitation?"

"Yeah. Danny is going to Kyle's so why don't you come here after dinner."

"Yeah, sure, sounds great."

Ryan hung up and said, "So you're going to lose your virginity again tonight."

We headed to the beach. And, again, the waves sucked. But we made the best of it. I couldn't stop thinking about what was going to happen that night. I was sure that Ryan didn't give it another thought. On the way home, I asked, "Are you really into this?"



He glanced at me. "I like getting head and he's damn good at it."

"What makes someone good at it?"

"Ah, well, I don't know actually. Maybe it's that he likes doing it so much." He stared at the road ahead as he drove. "Maybe because he has a dick and knows what feels good." He seemed to be thinking. "Most the girls I've had head from don't like swallowing. Jeff loves swallowing and swallowing and swallowing." He looked at me and smiled.

"If it wasn't for me. I mean, for what we talked about yesterday."

"You being gay?"

"Yeah, that. If it weren't for that, would you call him to have sex with him? When was the last time you messed with Jeff?"

"He blew me about," he thought for a moment, "about three weeks ago, maybe four. It was this summer. Would I call him to get a blowjob tonight? Probably not. But you wouldn't have fucked Lisa last night if I hadn't suggested it." He looked at me. "Don't get weird about this. I'm sure if it weren't tonight, he'd be sucking my dick before long. Besides," he said, grabbing his junk. I glanced at his crotch. He had a boner. "I'm looking forward to it."

Again we showered in the backyard. This time we were both sporting wood. We had dinner. Jeff called. We went over our plan.

Ryan answered the door still in his towel. I dressed and hid in my bedroom. "Danny left," Ryan said as they went into his bedroom.

Our house was a three-bedroom, two and a half bath. My bedroom was separated from Ryan's by our bathroom. He had a door from his bedroom into the bathroom and I had one from mine. We always kept the doors open and walked into each other's room through the bathroom. With the doors open, I could hear everything that went on in his room and from the bathroom I could see most of his room as he could see into mine.

I stood in my dark room and nervously watched and listened. I saw Ryan walk by the bathroom door naked. Jeff was holding the towel. Ryan sat on his bed. Jeff sat beside him and put his hand on Ryan's flaccid cock. "Get undressed."

"Really?" he said standing. He pulled off his shirt as he stepped out of his Nike shoes.

"You're getting fucked tonight too," Ryan said and chuckled.

"Yeah, you say that, but after I blow you, you tell me to jerk off and then you're done."

"Stuff up or I won't let you suck my dick."

They laughed. I saw Jeff standing naked, his back toward me. He was as tall as Ryan. He had broad shoulders, a tight waist and a great round ass. He had straight blond hair, blue eyes and straight white teeth. He had been at our house so many times it was like he was part of the family.

I watched as he sat beside Ryan on the bed. His dick was hard and pointing toward the ceiling. It was cut and looked smaller than Ryan's. He took Ryan's cock in hand and said, "Let me get you hard."

I thought about how Ryan was hard when he undressed with Lisa last night and I wasn't until she started sucking me. Now Jeff was hard. I was hard, but Ryan wasn't.

Ryan still wasn't hard as Jeff stroked his cock. He moved, leaned down and took Ryan's cock into his mouth. Ryan sat back and relaxed. Jeff bobbed up and down. I watched as Ryan's cock thickened and got hard.

Ryan glanced toward the bathroom. I moved just a bit. He saw me and smiled. Jeff kept bobbing.

When Ryan was hard, he pulled Jeff up and then leaned down into Jeff's crotch and starting giving him head. I watched Jeff lean back, close his eyes and relax. After a few minutes, Ryan moved Jeff so that he was lying down on the bed. Ryan moved around, kneeling over Jeff's face and began sucking Jeff.

"Really? 69. This is a first. What's gotten into you?"

"Shut up and suck or I'm going to just jerk off."

"Okay. Okay."

I waited a minute longer and then made noise in my room and called out. "I'm home. Kyle is grounded."

I watched as Jeff tried to jump up, but Ryan wouldn't move. "Your brother is here," Jeff whispered loudly, trying to move Ryan. I stepped through the bathroom and into Ryan's bedroom. "Oh fuck," Jeff said, looking at me from under Ryan.

Ryan looked at me and said, "Hey. You're home. Cool. Get undressed. Join us."

"Yeah, sure," I said, taking off my shirt.

Jeff lay on the bed staring at me with Ryan's dick still over his face. "You're kidding me," he said. "Fuck."

Ryan started laughing. He moved and sat beside Jeff. Jeff moved and sat up. "What's going on?" Jeff asked.

My face warmed as I pulled off my pants. My cock was rock hard, nothing like it was the night before when I undressed in front of Lisa. I looked at Jeff. He was staring at the bulge in my black boxer briefs. I grabbed the waistband and as I pulled down my brief I bent forward to the floor and then stepped out of them. When I stood up straight my cock was so hard it hurt.

"Oh fuck," Jeff said. "He's bigger than you."

Ryan chuckled. "How do you think that's going to feel up your ass?"

"Fuck, I don't know, but I'm happy to find out."

Ryan said to me, "I told you he loved it up his ass."

Next: Chapter 2

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