A Tops Transformation

Published on Jun 27, 2022


A Top's Transformation Chapter 5

"A Top's Transformation -- Chapter 5 "

by Ryan Rizzler



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This is a true story about real situations and transitions in my life, although I have changed everyone's name, to respect their privacy.


Dan had only sucked my cock a couple of minutes when, between gasps for air and my cock plunging into his mouth, he managed to get out "You ready to fuck?"

WTF? With him being totally oral, I'd figured he was hoping I'd maybe forget what he'd agreed to. But it sounded almost like he was actually looking forward to it.

Before I could answer, he stood up, turned around, and headed toward the bedroom. This was gonna be epic!

As we rounded the doorway into the bedroom, Dan laughed and said something like, "I don't think introductions are necessary..."

It took a second for my eyes to adjust to the dim light in the bedroom. There, leaning back on his elbows, in the middle of the bed, was Mark! He was naked, stroking his cock, and looking a little stoned. On the bed next to him was some lube and a little brown bottle. Lying on the other side of him was a condom and...(gulp) that blue, jelly-like dildo of Dan's.

I stopped myself from reacting when I saw it. To Mark I was a total top stud, who would never even think about bottoming for anyone. I didn't want him to know differently, so I needed to play it cool.

I was a little shocked to see Mark like this or even see him there at all. I'd figured Dan had called me after he'd struck out with Mark. Man had I been wrong!

All Mark said to acknowledge my entering the room was a sheepish "Hey...".

I could tell he had been waiting for us the way he got up and kneeled on the bed when we walked in.

Normally, I would have just taken control of the situation right then. But this was Dan's place. And since he had been nice enough to invite me over to join them, I thought I should probably lay back for the moment.

Besides, I didn't know what they had in mind. Mark had never done a 3-way before, nor had he ever seemed interested in having one. He had always just been into having a bigger jock type guy like me fuck his hot little butt until he came.

I was hoping that maybe they wanted me to fuck them both, or for Dan and I to tag team Mark's ass. But the conservative Mark I knew would have never gone for any of that.

"Mark, are you sure you're up for this? "I said, accidentally slipping into "big bro" mode. Knowing Mark was messed up, I was trying to be a responsible guy. But my hand stroking my rock-hard cock was kind of betraying my half-hearted good intentions.

Before Mark could reply, Dan said to Mark "Show him." It was an order, not a request, and the tone in Dan's voice was familiar...

Mark didn't say a word. He just reached for the brown bottle beside him, raised it to his nose and inhaled.

I was surprised, since this was the guy who usually didn't even drink. And yet he had so easily submitted to Dan's order

As Mark did them, I said to him "I didn't know you did those.

"Before tonight, he never had!" Dan gloated, never taking his eyes off Mark. I recognized the change in Dan's voice. This was the "other" Dan now.

Mark laid the bottle back down and picked up the dildo. Raising up a bit from the kneeling position, he started playing with his hole with the head of the dildo. As much as he no doubt wanted it up his ass, he didn't go in. Instead he just teased his hole with the tip.

I figured he was acting on Dan's orders not to go in.

As many times as I had fucked this reserved, conservative kid, I never would have believed he would ever put on a slutty little show like this. Let alone that he would enjoy doing it. Which he clearly was.

I broke the silence. "Mark, I didn't know you were into toys."

"That's another thing he found out he liked, tonight!" Dan laughed, adding "When I started teasing his ass with it earlier."

I was a little afraid Dan was going to throw in a comment about that dildo having been up my ass too. To my relief, he didn't. He was too into working Mark's mind.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Dan asked, already knowing the answer.

Glancing down, Mark nodded, still a little embarrassed at admitting it. And maybe a little lost in how good his hole felt.

"And you like us watching you like this, huh?" Dan taunted.

Mark nodded again, this time a little less reluctantly.

"And you want to get fucked, don't you?" I asked out sort of out of habit. I've taunted bottoms uestion many times before fu

Mark nodded. This time without hesitation.

"Yeah, I KNOW you do!" Dan chided, adding "But first tell him what you told me, earlier!"

Mark's eyes suddenly opened wide and he looked a little alarmed. Apparently, he'd mentioned something earlier that he thought Dan had forgotten.

Mark didn't say anything. He just kept stroking his cock and rubbing the head of the dildo against his hole.

"You've already said it once. Say it again," Dan ordered.

Mark resisted. He just kept stroking his cock and teasing his hole with the dildo.

"TELL him what your secret FANTASY is!" Dan ordered again, in a more demanding tone.

This conversation was starting to sound familiar. Dan had gotten Mark to divulge his secret fantasies...just like he had once done with me.

It felt weird now seeing Dan do the same thing to Mark. But at the same time, it was hot as hell. Just like when Dan did it to me.

Mark could have stopped it any time he wanted. Just like I could have when it had happened to me. But just like me, Mark didn't. He was loving this as much as Dan was. And as much as I had.

Mark said nothing, still resisting.

I knew that it was futile, because Dan had once had me to that point, too: Where your hole is so fucking hungry, and you want him talking to you and treating you that way. Because you know that if he keeps it up long enough, it will eventually send you over the edge.

Dan walked over and picked up the bottle and shoved it under Mark's nose, and Mark inhaled. I could see the effect of it sweeping over Mark.

"SAY IT, MARK! " Dan ordered again, loudly.

"I, uh.....I want...I want to get fucked while someone else watches," Mark finally blurted out.

"Is that all?" I thought, a little disappointed after that lengthy exchange.

"And...?", Dan said, knowing there was more.

"And I wanna be treated like a fucking whore!" Mark finally said with relief. Almost like he was admitting to himself for the first time.

So that was it. Conservative, clean cut, hot rich boy Mark (who'd never even had a 3-way before) wanted to be treated like a whore while someone watched. I never would have guessed it.

Dan's aggressiveness now shifted from just verbal to physical as well. He grabbed the dildo from Mark, threw it aside, and pushed Mark onto his back. Grabbing Mark's hips, he pulled him to the foot of the bed, and then grabbed an ankle in each hand.

Holding Mark's ankles up and wide apart as he stood at the foot of the bed, Dan appeared to be about to mount Mark and pound him into the mattress. But instead, Dan turned his head back toward me and ordered "Get your ass over here!"

I didn't like Dan giving me orders like that, but seeing my opportunity, I wasn't going to say anything about it at the moment.

I stepped up next to Dan, not exactly sure what he expected from me. It didn't look like he needed my help fucking Mark. But then Dan basically handed me Mark's ankles and ordered "Fuck him like the little whore he is!"

Though I was a little shocked, I was way too horny to think much about anything except Mark's hot little shaved hole. I took Mark's ankles and seeing that he already had the condom in his hand, I moved in closer.

Mark knew that I get off on having a bottom put the condom on my cock. Just to show me how much he wants my cock in him.

Without a word, Mark did it and then he gave my cock a couple of strokes, rolling the condom all the way down. He was a little frantic as he lubed up his hole and my cock, and then pointed the head of my cock towards his hole. Man, he wanted it really bad!

I pushed against his opening and the lips of his tight little hole spread open as I slowly eased my cock into his hungry butt. WhenI was fully in, Mark let out a moan, and said "Oh yeahhhh...I love it", almost talking to himself.

" I KNOW you do, you fucking whore!" Dan snarled at him.

I started slowly at first, figuring that once Mark's hole relaxed some, I could start really drilling him pretty hard.

"Take his cock, you fucking little slut!" Dan said, standing to the side and slightly behind me. He was just stroking and getting off seeing two guys he had the hots for going at it.

When I finally started picking up speed, Dan moved in. He laid down on the bed next to Mark, put his head on Mark's abs and began sucking him like there was no tomorrow.

It was so hot looking down and seeing my cock disappearing into Mark's shaved hole, while Dan did a masterful job of sucking Mark's cock at the same time.

By now, I'd sort of figured out that Mark must have initially resisted Dan's advances. Dan knew that Mark liked me fucking him, and that I would gladly fuck Mark if I came over. So Dan had apparently orchestrated all this to get what he'd wanted: To suck Mark's cock.

Between this being Mark's first 3-way, the poppers, the blowjob from Dan, and me really drilling his butt, made Mark was almost delirious. I figured we couldn't go at it like this too long before Mark blew his load. Maybe Dan too.

But then Dan just suddenly got up off the bed and ordered, "Flip him over!"

Mark's hole had relaxed a bit now. I just pulled out, rolled him over, and pushed his face and shoulders down against the mattress, with his ass still up in the air. Then I lined up my cock and just drove it deep into Mark's ass, burying it all the way to the pubes.

Mark let out the moan of a bottom whose hole was in total ecstasy. His hole was totally mine now. I could fuck him as hard and as deep as I wanted. And he would love every inch and every merciless slam that I gave him.

I pounded into Mark's butt like I never had before and harder than I had ever thought he would ever let me. Sometimes I repeatedly plunged it balls deep and then pulling it all the way out repeatedly. He took every inch I could give him, as hard as I could give it to him.

Mark's only response was a moan of pure bliss like I had never heard from him.

"What a fucking slut!" Dan taunted him. "You were too good to even let me suck your dick a few hours ago, and now I could line up four or five guys and no matter what they looked like, you'd let all of `em fuck you, wouldn't you? WOULDN'T YOU?!" he practically yelled.

Mark was too far into heaven to speak, and just moaned and nodded.

"Get a handful of his hair and pull him up on all fours," Dan said to me.

Things were going too well for me to tell Dan to stop ordering me around. I got a handful of Mark's blonde hair, pulled him up onto his hands and knees. High enough that he was up on his fingertips in front.

He was practically hanging by his hair, while I was pile driving his butt as hard as I could. The only contact between our bodies was my cock slamming his hole and my fist holding him up by the handful of his blonde hair. He looked so fucking hot with his back arched, lost in getting his ass pounded, while someone watched and told him what a slut he was.

Working him over like this was mind blowing. I never would have guessed I could go this far with Mark. I knew he'd never been treated like this before, but he took it like a champ.

Dan stepped over to the bed, grabbed the poppers, and shoved them under Mark's nose. After Mark finished, Dan got up on the bed and stood in front of Mark, facing him.

Never taking his eyes off Mark's face, Dan ordered me "Pull his head back more!"

I released Mark's hair, cupped his jaw in my hand and tilted his head back so that he was looking straight up at Dan.

I knew where Dan was headed. As soon as Mark's head was as far back as it would go, I shoved a couple of fingers from my other hand into open Mark's mouth.

As soon as Mark's lips parted, Dan plunged his cock deep into Mark's mouth.

When Dan did it, Mark was unprepared for it, and gagged.

Dan pulled out, cock-slapped Mark's face and loudly ordered "Take ALL of it, MARK!" as he drove it back in.

In this last act of complete submission, Mark, the kid who wasn't really into oral, took the entire length of Dan's cock like an expert cocksucker, as Dan drove it in, balls deep.

"Yeah, `atta boy! Just be the whore you know you really are! Swallow the whole thing!" Dan taunted.

Dan kept it buried for a moment, and then began repeatedly doing what I had done to his mouth in the den when I first arrived: Slamming it in all the way to the pubes, slowly pulling almost all the way out, and then slamming it home again. Dan knew I loved doing that, and I think part of it him doing it was for my benefit.

I decided what the fuck, and started doing the same thing to Mark's ass. I repeatedly pulled all the way out, teased his hole with the head, and the sank it all the way in. I knew he was loosened up and flying high enough that he could take it. And take it Mark did, as Dan and I both long-dicked him from both ends. The kid was in heaven.

After we'd thoroughly plunge-fucked Mark's mouth and ass like that. Dan gave Mark's face one last hard slap with his cock and stepped off the bed. Picking up the bottle, he shoved it under Mark's nose again.

Mark was still facing forward and a little lost in getting his ass pummeled. He just silently inhaled.

Then Dan stepped back so that he was sort of behind me, and just watched as I kept pounding Mark.

I knew he was enjoying the view of both Mark's ass and mine, as I continued fucking.

Then to my surprise, Dan stepped over, shoved the bottle under my nose and simply said "Do it.

He knew I wouldn't protest out loud and risk having Mark maybe turn around to see what going on.

I inhaled from the bottle, as I kept slamming into Mark.

Dan lubed up a couple of his fingers and without saying anything.

With Dan's fingers teasing my hole, and the poppers hitting me, my hole was hungry for more. I knew Dan could tell it too. My butthole literally started to pucker from the teasing he was giving it. It was like my hole wanted it so bad that it was trying to come out and swallow his fingers.

Once again Dan had gotten me where I was weak and wanting it. And he knew it. I just kept pounding Mark, who had no idea what Dan was doing to me.

When Dan shoved the bottle under my nose again a few minutes later, I didn't wait for him to tell me to do them. I was afraid if Dan said something again, Mark might turn around to see what was going on and would see me getting my ass played with. Without prompting, I just quickly inhaled, to hurry things up.

As I felt the rush, Dan pushed a lubed finger up my ass, never asking or anything, just taking what he wanted: My hole.

"Yeah, take it up your ass, slut. You know you want it!" and Dan said loudly.

Mark thought Dan was still taunting him. But I knew who Dan was really talking to, as he slowly worked his finger in and out. I was getting force-fingered by one guy, while I was pounding another guy. Yet another totally new experience, thanks to Dan.

A few minutes later, Dan shoved the bottle under my nose again.

When I felt them hit me a moment later, Dan pushed a second lubed finger in. It hurt a little at first, but by now he had my butt really hungry, and I was soon loving the second finger even more. I was totally into it.

Each time I drove my cock into Mark, Dan would shove his fingers deep into my hole too. Between Mark's hot butt swallowing my cock, the bottle, and Dan's fingers, I was reeling.

"You love that! Don't you, bottom slut?" Dan said loudly.

Mark still thought Dan was speaking to him. Mark and I both nodded.

I was totally into hearing Dan talk to me this way, which in turn, was making me fuck Mark that much more powerfully. It was so fucking intense, that just as I started to think I couldn't hold off cumming much longer, all Mark said was "Oh fuck!" as he shot and shot all over the bed.

Mark's hole started contracting and spasming around my cock as he came.

That, combined with the bottle and Dan fingering my ass and talking like he had, was an overload.

I guess Dan could feel with his fingers that my hole was starting to spasm too, and just before I started to cum, he ordered "Shoot on his back!"

I pulled out and barely got the condom pulled off in time, as Dan really drove his fingers up into my hole. I blew an epic load all over Mark's glistening sweaty back.

Watching me hose down Mark's back was apparently all Dan needed to send him over the edge. He pulled his fingers out of my ass, stroked his cock and shot all over Mark's back too.

Even though Mark had already cum, he seemed to enjoy Dan and me shooting all over him, too.

More fulfillment of his fantasy to be treated like a whore that night, I guess.

To be continued...


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I hope you are enjoying reading this and much as I am enjoying re-living it and writing about it. If you would like, you can email me at: ryanrizzler@gmail.com

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