A Tops Transformation

Published on Jun 10, 2022


A Top's Transformation Chapter 4

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"A Top's Transformation -- Part 4"

by Ryan Rizzler


This a true story that details a series of real events and transitions in my life. However I have changed everyone's name, to respect their privacy.


Just like after the previous session with Dan, I went out and drilled the fuck out of some poor guy's butt the next day. And again the following weekend as well. And also just like the previous time, Dan and I didn't hang out for a while afterward.

I think he was maybe doing it on purpose. To let what had happened percolate in my brain for a while. Or maybe so I wouldn't have to face him right afterward.

Then a couple of weeks later, he called on a Saturday afternoon. To see if I was going to a party the Kappa Sigs were having that night.

Since he was uncomfortable in groups, I figured he wanted to make sure I'd be there. To have someone to hide behind. When I told him I was going, he just said, "Okay, maybe I'll see you there!" and hung up. Whatever.

When I got to the party that night, I didn't see him, so I grabbed a drink and walked around. I don't usually drink, but figured I needed one in my hand at a college party. I wasn't particularly looking to score that night, and it was a good thing. There were only a couple of hotties, and they were drunkenly absorbed in talking to chicks.

There were a couple of guys that I suspected might be gay or bi, but closeted. Guys like that usually had trouble looking me in the eye. And to be honest, I loved that. I was tall, muscular gay guy who could easily pass for straight. I've always liked that some guys find a big masculine gay guy like me a little intimidating.

At one point, I turned and went down a narrow hallway toward the kitchen. I almost fell over. Coming toward me from the kitchen was that other top who I had double fucked a bottom with. I was a little shocked to see the guy. I hadn't seen him since that night.

Everyone called him "Big Mike". He was a big, well built guy, around 6 foot (so I was actually a little taller) but he had a huge chest and arms. Nice cock, too. Not enormous, but a little above average, similar to mine. He wasn't handsome, but attractive in a real rugged way. I knew he was a total top, so I had never really talked to him much...until the night we ended up double fucking that guy.

I hadn't seen Big Mike since then. So when we saw each other we both sort of laughed, obviously remembering the wild night we'd had fucking that guy together.

"Hey, man!" he said trying not to laugh, as he shook my hand.

"Hey, how's it going?" I smirked back.

Funny how feeling another guy's cock grinding against yours inside a guy's tightly stretched hole will instantly make two total strangers into friends. It's almost like the kind of intimacy tops and bottoms sometimes share, except that neither of you is bottoming.

The night we fucked that guy, first we took turns. It was really hot seeing Mike's nice cock pounding him, as well as watching Mike's nice butt in action, too. When it was my turn, I pounded the bottom extra hard, so as not to be shown up by Mike. But the absolute ultimate was feeling Mike's cock grinding against mine when we were both inside the guy's hole.

"Seen any potential victims here?" I asked, as I looked around. I wasn't really looking to score, but for some reason, I felt the need to say that.

"Nah. Straight boys, closet cases, and other tops...like us !" Mike said.

We both laughed again.

"Have you ever seen that guy again from that night?" he asked, referring to the guy we'd DP'd.

"Not before or since," I said. "Maybe he didn't survive the fucking we gave him that night!" I joked.

We both laughed again.

"Too bad we don't know where he is tonight. I wouldn't mind doing that again!" he said, his eyes leaving the crowd to cut to mine, momentarily. Was this guy flirting with me?

"Same here, it was pretty hot! "I said enthusiastically.

"Well, then let's agree that if one of us ever runs into him again, we'll get his number and go for round two!" he said laughing. He then gave me a slight wink.

"Deal!" I said.

Okay, what was up with this guy? He knew we were both tops. Maybe, in spite of his reputation, he sometimes bottomed, but didn't like to admit it.

I've fucked lots of guys like that. They'd try to come off like they never took it up the ass, but often want it pretty badly later, behind closed doors. I always make those guys beg, and then really fuck their brains out. I definitely would have gone for it with Mike. I love flipping a top as much as anybody.

"Well, I guess I'm gonna roll, and go to a club", he said. "I'm in the mood to get some butt tonight...How about You?"

I wasn't sure if he was just asking if I was looking to top too, or if that was a feeler to see if I wanted to be his next victim. Either way, he'd made it pretty clear he wasn't looking for a top. At least not that night.

"I'm just gonna hang out here. I'm supposed to meet a friend," I said.

"Later then," he said, squeezing my shoulder and winking again, as he passed by me in the narrow hallway and headed out.


I strolled out onto the back porch of the house. The big backyard was filled with people, so I stood there for a minute, scanning the crowd for somebody to hang with. I spotted not just one, but two such somebodies. Apparently Mike either hadn't checked the backyard very closely, or didn't know Mark's story, because I spotted him hanging out with...WTF?...Dan?

I knew Dan had been hot for Mark. Now here they were hanging out together and looking pretty chummy. For some reason it made me a little uneasy that they were.

Even more surprising was that Mark had a beer in his hand. He always said he didn't drink.

They saw me, and Mark waved me over.

Pretending I hadn't seen them, I acted like I was still scanning the crowd as I tried to figure out what to do. I didn't appreciate Dan maybe trying to cut in on one of my steady (and best) pieces of ass. But Mark and I had no commitments. If Dan and Mark wanted to hook up, I didn't want to be a cock blocker, either. But I also didn't want to appear to snub Mark and possibly alienate him.

By this time, Mark yelled my name, and motioned again for me to come over. No excuse now. I waded through the crowd, over to them.

They were both a little drunk.

"Mark, I thought you didn't drink!" I laughed, pointing at the bottle in his hand.

He giggled and said, "Yeah I can't drink...or else I kind of get out of control."

I resisted the urge to laugh at his nonsensical explanation, since he was in fact drinking and buzzed.

He and Dan seemed glad to see me. But since Dan had gotten Mark to drink, I figured Dan was probably looking to score.

A few minutes of watching them confirmed it. Dan was lusting after Mark big time and could hardly take his eyes off him.

In a way, I couldn't blame Dan.

Mark was your classic clean-cut all-American blonde type. He had a nice bod (not super muscular but really cut) with a handsome face, and the hottest little tight butt. His asscheeks were like two perfect little cantaloupes. That's why I'd made a move on him at the gym the semester before.

He was from a conservative family with money though, so he was pretty closeted. Sometimes he had a slight air of entitlement about him, but he was basically a nice kid, though kind of straight-laced. Sexually, he wasn't into oral at all. But man, he loved getting screwed and was a hot little fuck!

Mark seemed oblivious that Dan was lusting after him. In fact Mark was flirting with me. I was getting the vibe that he wanted to hook up with me, instead. This could get a little awkward.

I figured Dan was only interested in sucking Mark's cock. And Mark was only into getting fucked. So surely Dan would understand if I took Mark home and gave him what he really wanted, right?

I'd just about rationalized myself into believing that when out of nowhere, Dan's creepy friend Kyle walked up.

"Hey Dan, Hey Mark," Kyle nodded to them casually. Then after slowly looking me up and down like I was a T-bone steak, he leered "Hey stud, how's it hanging, tonight?". Then he intentionally licked his lips.

All three of them giggled.

Between the Mark/Dan undercurrent and now Kyle's appearance, I took it as my cue to head out, and made an excuse to leave. Mark tried to get me to stay, but I figured it was best to go. If I cockblocked Dan and then hooked up with Mark, it would cause trouble. There wasn't really anything else going on at the party anyway, so it was time to split.

Driving home, my mind was a whirlwind of questions.

Dan knew I fucked Mark regularly, so what did it say about his respect for our friendship, that he was trying to hook up with Mark?

Then again, why did I care? I didn't own Mark or Dan. But why did Dan ask me if I was coming to the party, if he was going to go after Mark? Why didn't he just do it when I wasn't around to see it?

If they did hook up, would it finally be Dan's first attempt at topping? (It sure wouldn't be Mark's first time to bottom!) If Dan was ready to try to top, then why was he taking a long shot with Mark and not with me? I'm not saying I would have gone for it, but I was a little disappointed that Dan didn't at least make an attempt. Especially since he had recently developed a minor obsession with my ass.

I finally concluded that Dan probably just wanted to suck Mark's cock, since oral was all Dan was really into. I briefly felt relieved. But then it dawned on me: Why was I okay with it if Dan just

wanted to suck Mark's cock, but not if he had wanted to fuck Mark? Why would that make any difference?

I went to bed, and had a little trouble getting to sleep, but finally drifted off. Sometime later, after I was asleep, my phone rang.

When I picked it up, all I heard was "Hey, what's up?", but I instantly recognized the voice.

"Fuck! I was asleep, Dan!" was about as cheery a greeting as I could manage.

"Sorry...You were acting a little weird and then left the party early. I just wondered if you were okay."

I sensed Dan's genuine concern, but didn't acknowledge it. I didn't respond at all, and for a moment there was an awkward silence. I could tell he was trying to figure out what to say next. It was typical of most conversations with Dan, but I lacked the patience at the moment.

"So, what's UP?" I said, in a tone that made it clear I was really saying "What the fuck do you want?"

I was a little pissed to be woken up and still a little irritated about seeing him going after Mark at the party. He didn't have to do it right in front of me.

"I just thought I'd call and see what you were doing," he said, as if I hadn't just told him I had been asleep. As I got less groggy, I was starting to realize that Dan's voice sounded like he was horny. Apparently, things with Mark hadn't gone as he'd planned.

"Hell, I figured you and Mark would be going at it by now," I said, rubbing in that he'd struck out. And letting him know I didn't appreciate him moving in on one of my steady bottoms.

"Yeah, well..." he trailed off, meekly.

So he HAD struck out with Mark!

Another long pause, but now I could hear the sound of him stroking his lubed cock during the pauses in our conversation. I was gradually getting more and more awake. Hearing him doing that started waking up my cock a little, too. Even though I was irritated, I was starting to get hard.

Finally after a few more moments, he barely managed to get out "So....You want to come over?"

Part of me wanted to say "You struck out with Mark, so now you're calling me? Fuck you!"

Then hang up on him.

I was fully awake now though, and saw an opportunity. I waited for a while without saying anything. I knew the longer I waited, the more control of the situation I had.

"YOU called me and woke me up, so you'd have to come over here."

I made sure my tone sounded like I didn't care if we hooked up or not. Even though my cock was now fully awake and getting hungry.

There was another long pause, where the only sound was of him stroking his cock.

"Come on over, man....It'll be hot...I promise," was all he managed to get out, practically begging.

I had him now, and I could tell he was really horned up, so I made my move. "Only if I'm gonna get some butt for you waking me up," I said flatly.

I figured this was my best chance to finally get to fuck Dan's hot little virgin hole. And it was also a chance to re-establish the pecking order in our friendship. I fully expected him to resist at first, and then maybe slowly give in. I was totally shocked when he quickly replied "Okay."

I made it to Dan's place in record time.

On the way over, my mind was racing. I couldn't believe Dan had given up so easily and agreed to

let me fuck him, after all this time. It was payback time now, for him dominating me before. And man was he going to pay with that sweet little hole of his!

Hey, I would never hurt the guy, he was my best friend. But this was a chance to put him in his place.

Yeah, I had let him stick a dildo in my ass. But I was still the alpha male he secretly had a crush on.

Yeah, I knew Dan had a crush on me. But crush or not, now I was gonna take his cherry.

When I knocked on Dan's door, I expected him to open it. Instead, I heard him say "Come in!"

I did, and there was Dan naked and stroking his cock, kneeling in the middle of the living room. Seeing that, I figured maybe he was having second thoughts about getting fucked. No fucking way. However, I decided to play along for the moment. Just to get things going.

Without saying anything, I walked over and pulled my cock out of my gym shorts. I knew he wanted it, so I intenionally stood out of reach and stroked it. With my other hand, I pushed a couple of fingers into his mouth. He didn't say a word. He just looked up at me in surprise as my fingers fucked his mouth.

After a minute, I added the other two fingers and pushed them pretty far in, forcing his mouth open as wide open as it could get. Though he'd sucked my cock plenty of times, I'd never done anything like that to him before. Seeing the mixture of wide-eyed surprise, lust, and a little fear in Dan's eyes just made me that much hornier.

"Who's in control now?" I sneered.

Dan didn't respond.

Once I was rock hard, I pulled my fingers out of his mouth and shoved my cock all the way in. I grabbed the back of his head with both hands and buried my cock to the pubes.

When he started to gag, I held his head in place until he relaxed. Just like he had done to

me, the last time. Though he had sucked my cock a million times before, this time I was more or less raping his mouth. I was so gonna own him for making me beg for his fingers in my ass earlier, and for making me take that dildo, too.

With both of my hands gripping the back of his head, and my cock down his throat, his head was totally under my control. I started really long-dicking that handsome face of his. And he was loving it like the mouth slut I knew he was.

I was driving it all the way to the pubes, holding it there, then slowly pulling it all the way out, teasing his lips with the tip, and then slamming it all the way back in again.

He tried sort of pushing against my legs with his hands, trying to keep me from going too deep, but it wasn't really helping him much. If he started to gag, I just held onto his head and made him relax and take it.

"Remember doing this to me?" I taunted him. Though I was punishing his mouth, I knew he was enjoying it, gag reflex and all.

He'd only sucked my cock a couple of minutes when, between gasps for air and my cock plunging into his mouth, he managed to get out "You ready to fuck?"

WTF? With him being totally oral, I'd figured he was hoping I'd maybe forget what he'd agreed to. But it sounded almost like he was actually looking forward to it.

Before I could answer, he stood up, turned around, and headed toward the bedroom. This was gonna be epic!

As we rounded the doorway into the bedroom, Dan laughed and said something like, "I don't think introductions are necessary..."

It took a second for my eyes to adjust to the dim light in the bedroom. There, leaning back on one elbow and stroking his cock, was Mark! He looked a little stoned.

On the bed next to him was some lube and a little brown bottle. Lying on the other side of him was a condom and...(gulp) that blue, jelly-like dildo of Dan's.

To be continued...


I hope you are enjoying reading this and much as I am enjoying re-living it and writing about it. If you would like, you can email me at: ryanrizzler@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 5

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