A Tops Transformation

Published on May 3, 2022


A Top's Transformation Chapter 3

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"A Top's Transformation -- Part 3 "

by Ryan Rizzler



This story details a series of real events and transitions in my life. However I have changed everyone's name, to respect their privacy.


After what Dan and I had done that day, I may have appeared to be the same cocky jock top, but on the inside, I was kind of freaked out and in a panic.

At the first opportunity, I went out and fucked the daylights out of the first bottom guy I could get my hands on. The next weekend, I did the same thing again.

I fully enjoyed my "top stud jock" reputation and the easy ass it garnered me. I feared Dan would tell people and everyone on campus would be pointing and laughing at me as I walked by. Yeah, a little ridiculous, but that's honestly what I feared. But Dan went back to being his usual quiet, reserved self, and had kept it to himself.

After that afternoon when Dan had fingered me, we went an unusually long time (for us) without hooking up or even hanging out together. I saw him on the way to class sometimes, but that was it.

Maybe we were both afraid it would be weird being around each other afterwards. I don't know what was happening in his mind, but I was still a little afraid of actually bottoming. But yes, also turned on by the idea of it too. Conflicted, I had also beat off several times in the weeks that followed, while thinking about that afternoon.

Another reason we hadn't been hanging out together was that Dan had been spending a lot of time with his friend Kyle. Though Dan came off as straight but just quiet, there was certainly no mistaking that Kyle was gay.

Kyle always made me uneasy. He always looked at me with total blatant lust every time I ran into him and Dan on campus. I wasn't interested, and his constant suggestive comments and wanton looks at me wore thin. He wasn't ugly or anything, just skinny and average looking. He didn't work out, wasn't very masculine and seemed to be in "cruise mode" all the time. So I found him a little creepy.

Then Dan called one Saturday and asked if he could come by. I was pleasantly surprised, since we hadn't hung out since our last hookup. I'd missed seeing my friend and told him to come by and have a beer.

When he walked in later, he pulled off his backpack and dropped it by the front door before going over and flopping down on the couch.

I remember thinking,"Why the hell is he carrying his backpack on Saturday?", but I didn't ask.

I got him a beer, and we caught up on what was going on with each other. It was good to see him. And yeah I admit. He looked pretty great sitting there in just a pair of shorts, a tee shirt and sandals, with that handsome face and that incredible smile.

As we talked, his body language and the way he acted subtly signaled that he was in the mood to fool around. But typical for Dan, he lacked the guts to start something. He was apparently just hoping I would get things started. It would appear we were back to the way things used to be.

As I sat there and calculated making my move, I thought maybe I could use what had happened last time to get him to at least let me finger that hot little butt of his this time in return. Sort of as payback for him fingering me.

After he'd had a couple of beers, I said "Hey man, I'm glad that what happened the last time we messed around hasn't hurt our friendship." I meant it sincerely, and wanted to let my friend know that his friendship was important to me, and that we were still cool.

"Yeah, me too..." he said, flashing that smile and then looking down at the ground, before adding "But..."

"But what?" I said, still acting clueless. I knew where he was trying to go, but I was having fun making him squirm a little. After all, the last time we were together, he made me beg for it as he more or less finger-raped my ass. So now it was my turn to make him squirm a little!

After a long pause, with Dan looking everywhere but at me, he mumbled "Are we through fooling around because of what happened last time?"

"Not as far as I am concerned, why do you ask?" I said. It was fun being in control of our situation again.

"Well...we just haven't gotten together since...," he explained, as if I didn't realize that. "Maybe....you're just busy with some bottom guys or...," he trailed off.

I couldn't resist taunting him a little. "Well actually, I did get laid last weekend...." I said, intentionally being vague.

His ears perked right up. I had him right where I wanted him now.

"It was with Mark," I said.

He knew who Mark was: A cute blonde frat guy I'd met at the gym last semester. He came over once in a while, solely to get his brains fucked out. So Dan knew without asking who did what to whom.

I could see the gears whirling in Dan's brain, weighing the fact that I apparently still liked topping eager bottoms, which left Dan not knowing how to proceed. It was amusing to watch.

I remember thinking "How could this possibly be the same guy who had ordered me around and forced me to take his fingers up my ass last time?" It just didn't seem possible.

He tried a little one-upmanship disguised as casual conversation, in a weak attempt to control the situation: He mentioned that one night he and Kyle had recently gotten drunk at a club, and ended up fooling around.

I usually took an interest in Dan's life, but I didn't even ask how it was, since I wasn't the least bit interested in anything sexual involving Kyle.

Not the response Dan had probably hoped for, if he was trying to get me aroused.

Another pregnant pause.

By this time I'd decided okay, I'd had my fun. He'd squirmed enough, and I was ready to fool around. I went over and sat down next to him on the couch. I looked him in the eyes and said "Dan, what happened with us last time surprised the hell out of me. But if that was going to happen, I'm glad it happened with a friend like you, okay?"

His eyes just cut down to the floor and he just nodded.

It was starting to get a little too "tender moments" for two horny college guys, and he still didn't know I wanted to play too. So shifting gears, I said "Man, your legs look hot as shit in those shorts," and brushed my hand against his leg, signaling that I was in the mood, too. I expected him to maybe laugh nervously, and then I'd make the first overt move, as usual.

But it was like a switch had suddenly been thrown in Dan. In one move, he just abruptly stood up, unbuttoning and unzipping his shorts as he rose, and pulling out his cock, which was already getting hard.

I looked up at him standing there, no doubt with a shocked look on my face.

Looking me in the eye with absolutely no emotion on his face, he pushed the head of this cock against my lips. "Open your mouth," he said in that same voice I recognized from our last session.

As I did, he grabbed the back of my head and pushed his cock all the way in as far as it would go. No asking or anything. He just took my mouth.

Just like that, I went from being in control of the situation, to being under his control.

Unprepared to take him all the way, I started to gag. He sensed it, and held my head in position with his hands, so I couldn't pull off .

"Just relax," he said almost under his breath.

I certainly wasn't going anywhere. And man, his voice sounded so sexy like that!

I did my best to relax in spite of having a cock forced all the way down my throat and my face being buried in Dan's pubes.

After a moment, he slowly pulled his cock almost all the way out of my mouth to where the head was just barely in and paused. He looked me in the eyes again and said " I've been thinking about doing this to you for weeks."

Hearing him say that not only turned me on more, I knew what was coming next.

In one quick move, he pushed it all the way down my throat again, balls deep.

Trying to take it all again, I was almost choking on it, but also incredibly turned on by seeing this side of him again.

What the hell was going on with me? This was not only twice I let this guy treat me this way, but I was digging it so much that I was already hard and still fully clothed!

We went on like that for several minutes, as he rammed his cock all the way down my throat, holding the back of my head, not caring that I was nearly gagging on it. Then again he'd slowly pull it almost all the way out, only to ram it in again.

With my head cocked back, his eyes were locked on watching my mouth take his cock and no doubt enjoying seeing the bewilderment and arousal in my eyes.

Then he suddenly pulled out, and laughed. "Okay, my turn." He dropped to his knees and pushed me back on the couch and pulled my shorts off. Man, when he was like this, he was totally unpredictable. And NOT like the Dan I knew!

When he did that, part of me thought, "Thank God! He was about to choke me!"

But in reality, I'd loved it more than any time ever I'd sucked his cock before. And I knew what was different about it, though I didn't want to admit it: This time I hadn't been so much sucking his cock, as he'd been raping my mouth!

I leaned back on the couch and he went to work sucking my cock as I pulled off my shirt.

Being oral only, Dan had always been incredible at sucking cock, and this time was no exception.

About the time I figured we would stay like this until he made me cum, he just pulled off of my cock and then stood up. "I need some lube to stroke my cock with," he said, as he headed for the front door.

What the fuck?!

He had never just left me hanging like that before! I wanted to yell, "Hey, get your ass back over here and suck me, you little fuck!" But I was curious about where the hell he was going.

Dan walked over, grabbed the backpack he'd left by the door, and brought it back to the couch. After he pulled some lube out of it, he laid the backpack on the floor in front of the couch.

Seeing he had brought lube with him, I said, "So you DID have this planned when you came over here!", expecting him to grin sheepishly.

My comment didn't even register though, as he knelt down and went back to sucking my cock with wild abandon. Okay, THIS was the Dan I was familiar with!

As he kept sucking, he lubed his cock and started stroking it. For several minutes, the only sounds in the room were his occasional slurp on my cock, and the sound of him stroking his lubed cock.

Then he stopped stroking himself and reached into the backpack on the floor, as he kept sucking on me. As his mouth briefly came up off my cock, up to his nose went a brown bottle and he inhaled deeply. He pulled the bottle away, and plunged his mouth down on my cock deeper than I think he ever had gone on it before. Dan was an incredible cocksucker, but those things made him even more ravenous! It felt incredible to be sucked by a guy who seemed as though he didn't care if he choked to death while doing it. I swear, it was the best head he had ever given me!

As he kept sucking me, Dan made a ring around my balls with the thumb and first finger of his free hand, and gently stretched my balls down toward my ass. At first I thought it was going to hurt like hell, but Dan seemed to know exactly how far to go so it still felt good. Then after keeping them stretched like that for a while, he would let them pop out of the ring made by his fingers. He would then start slowly stretching them down again.

I had never had anyone do that to me before. And that, combined with his incredible mouth on my cock, had me in a whole new heaven. As many times as he'd sucked my cock before, this felt completely different and incredible.

He wasn't even touching his own cock as he worked on me, one hand stretching my balls, while the other hand jacked my cock as he sucked.

Every once in a while he would come up off my cock, inhale deeply on the bottle, and then go back to sucking, and that's when he realized something was very different with me.

"You shaved your HOLE!" he almost yelled, in shock.

I looked away, a little embarrassed and didn't respond.

Dan knew from our many foreplay talks that I always liked it when a bottom guy shaved smooth all around his hole, so I could see my cock going in and out of it better.

The smell from the bottle was dredging up all those hot memories of the last time we'd got together. That and what he was now doing to me had me totally in bliss, and I knew he could tell.

Then one time, when he came up off my cock he said "Do these." He shoved the bottle in my hand as he went back down on my cock again.

When I hesitated, he pulled his mouth off my cock and looked me in the eyes while he stroked me, and ordered "Do them.....NOW !"

As worked up as he had me, he knew I was weakening.

I open them and inhaled, as he went back to deep throating me. After the effect hit me, he started teasing my hole with a finger.

I jumped the first time he did it, but only out of surprise.

He knew what I was struggling with in the back of my jock top mind, because once again, his finger playing with my hole was making me crazy and weak.

I knew he was getting off on seeing me squirm, and yet I was digging everything he was putting me through. Here I was twice this guy's size and build and not only did he have total control of my body, I was loving that he did.

He pulled his mouth off my cock, sat back a bit, and pushed my legs apart. Then he put the tip of his lubed finger at the entrance to my hole as he stroked my cock with his other hand.

I knew what he wanted. And I inhaled deeply on the bottle, so that I would want it that much more. As they started to hit me, I started to close my eyes.

"Look at me," Dan ordered, as his finger started to enter me.

I cut my eyes to him. The last time he had fingered me, his eyes almost never left my hole. But this time I could tell Dan wanted to watch the expression on my face, as his finger entered me. I knew that was what he wanted to see, because I'd always gotten off on watching a bottom's expression whenever I entered them too.

Nothing but my fantasies had been there since the last time Dan had done this to me, and I was pretty tight. I let out a little gasp as his finger slowly went in. After all, depending on your interpretation, you could say I technically still had a virgin hole.

Dan paused once he was all the way in. "You're really tight," he said, sounding more like the old Dan.

But then as he flashed that killer smile at me, he gloated, "You'd never know that four of my fingers were once up there with you loving it, huh?"

I didn't respond, and thankfully, he let that one pass.

"As tight as you are, you'd better do some more of those and relax," he said, nodding to the bottle.

I did as I was told, and he slowly started working my hole with his finger. The effect hit, and I let out a barely audible little moan.

"Yeah, you're liking that now, huh?" he said, as his finger moved in and out. "You can just nod your head for now."

I knew that was a thinly veiled order. I nodded, embarrassed. But then if I was so embarrassed and humiliated, why didn't I make him stop fingering me and talking to me like that? I was loving it. Both the finger and the talk. I had admitted it last time out loud to Dan. But I was still having trouble admitting it to myself.

Dan was fast becoming good at knowing when I was relaxed enough to take more. And when I had, I felt the tip of a second finger teasing me.

I wanted it in me too. It was obvious, as my breathing got a little heavier. I didn't wait to be told, I knew the routine, and inhaled the bottle again.

"Yeah, that's it. You're wanting this one in you too, aren't you?" he teased.

I nodded.

"No, say it like you did last time," he said flatly.

I both nodded and said, "I want it in me."

He pulled the first finger entirely out of my hole, and then slowly pushed BOTH all the way to the knuckle.

I let out a loud moan from the mixture of pleasure and pain that was running through me.

"Oh, come on," he teased. "You had a lot more than this in you last time! Besides, you need to be ready for what's next," he taunted, as he slowly worked his two fingers in and out.

What the fuck was he planning next? I inhaled from the bottle again, half afraid of what was to come, yet turned on even more by not knowing. After a few minutes, I was really enjoying just laying there, taking Dan's two fingers. My hole had relaxed and the two fingers going in and out felt good, and that was all I wanted. Not three or four or whatever. I just wanted these two fingers until I came.

But Dan had more planned.

"Okay," he said almost laughing, "Are you ready for your surprise?"

He didn't even wait for me to answer as he reached into his backpack with his free hand and held up a fucking dildo! It wasn't big or anything, but it was blue and looked like it was made of jelly or something.

"Dan, I don't think my ass can take anymore today," I protested. I didn't want to break the hot mood we were both enjoying, but I was unsure of this latest development.

"Well, then we'll put it to use somewhere else!" he shot back half laughing, and pushed it into my mouth. I'd never had a dildo in my mouth (or anywhere else) before, and it tasted weird. Instinctively, I started to reach up to take it out of my mouth.

When Dan saw my hand start to go up, he yelled, "PUT YOUR FUCKING HAND DOWN!"

When I dropped my hand, he pushed the dildo in until I almost gagged on it.

"Yeah, that's it. Now suck on it, man!" he ordered, as he slid it in and out.

Sucking this thing was humiliating as hell, but I reluctantly played along.

"I've never seen you suck anything other than my cock, and its HOT to see. Take it!" he said fucking my mouth with it and continuing his running taunt. "Yeah, this so hot to see your jock ass spread open, taking my fingers and this could be some other guy fucking your face! You need to do some more of those party favors, and get more into this!"

When he pulled the dildo out of my mouth, I complied. I admit, his enthusiasm and him being so turned on over me was intoxicating.

When I pulled the bottle away a moment later, the blue dildo was shoved back into my mouth. He was driving it pretty deep into my throat.

I relaxed my throat and also reached down and started stroking my cock. And yeah, it was pretty hot laying there putting on this show for him, and seeing him so turned on at seeing me this way. With my eyes closed, I imagined it was Dan I was sucking while some other guy was fucking me.

As I did that, he slowly repositioned, using his fingers in my ass and the dildo in my mouth. I was now laying length wise on the couch.

No one had ever had the balls to do that to me before. And yet Dan hadn't even given a second thought to doing it. To my surprise, being repositioned by him like that was hot as hell. It confirmed that he was in control.

"Yeah, I can tell you're getting into it now!" he said, as he watched me sucking the dildo and moving my hips to his fingers. "We need to make this happen with a couple of real cocks sometime, because it's so fucking hot to see you all spread out and you just laying there taking it!" His voice was strong and commanding and filled with lust.

After a few more minutes of my being lost in this new experience, Dan abruptly pulled the dildo out of my mouth and his fingers out of my hole.

"Man, I could have just cum like that, " I confessed.

"But you're not going to...," he said in that dominant voice, while holding the dildo up, so I could see he was lubing it up.

"Dan ...." I started.

"Relax man," he said. "I'm not gonna go in, just gonna rub your crack with the head, while you lay there and jerk off and dream about getting fucked by the football team or DP'ed or whatever, until you get off!" he laughed.

I'm sure I turned red at that point.

Before I could say anything, he was already rubbing the lubed head of the dildo up and down my crack, as his other hand started working my chest and nipples. He knew my nipples are real sensitive.

Fuck, it felt good! I grabbed the bottle, inhaled and lay there watching his handsome face, as his eyes were glued to seeing that dildo at my butt cheeks.

His cock wasn't getting any attention, so as I continued to stroke my cock with one hand, I reached out and started stroking his with my other hand.

He didn't respond. He was too transfixed on seeing the dildo rubbing my crack. This all felt way too good, although he was rubbing it a little too hard with too much pressure. I scooted up a little, and we continued on, both getting more and more turned on.

After a couple of minutes, he started rotating and twisting the dildo, the tip of the head right at my opening. The nerve endings at the opening of my hole were in overdrive, and I was in another world. I had never been so turned on in my life. But after a few minutes, I noticed he was using too much pressure again. He needed to be more careful as the head was really pressing into my hole quite a bit, and if he wasn't careful...

My eyes shot open and I looked at him.

He was staring at my face now, and I knew that look. The same look I had seen earlier, and the same look I had given countless guys as as I 'd mounted them, watching their facial expression while I slowly pushed my cock into their ass. At that moment he didn't have to say anything, we both knew what was about to happen.

I quickly inhaled the bottle again. When they took effect, he applied a little more pressure, and as the head slipped in, I let out a loud moan.

"Yeah that's it, man!" Dan announced with glee. "THAT'S what this whole afternoon has been about! Though you didn't realize it, this was what you wanted. I've been dying to come over here and do this to you. I was hoping you would resist a little. And lucky for me, you did!"

I wasn't angry or mad at him for sort of tricking me. As I laid there lost in the pleasure/pain of what it felt like to have a dildo penetrate my ass for the first time, I realized Dan was right. This was what we both needed and what we both wanted!

I moaned out as he slowly inched more and more of it into me. The room was spinning, my hole was being stretched open more and more, and I was loving being totally under his control. When it was all the way in, he stopped to let me relax and adjust.

After I inhaled the bottle again, Dan eased the dildo out a bit and then slowly started to fuck me with it. Several minutes silently went by as he fucked me with the dildo, and I jacked us both off. Me lost in this newfound incredible feeling, and him watching the dildo disappearing into my ass.

I thought we would probably keep this up until we both came, but Dan had one last little surprise in store for me. Without saying anything, he swung himself up and around into a 69 position and laid down on top of me, pushing his cock into my mouth, and then began fucking my mouth.

Being a smaller guy, Dan didn't weigh enough to be real heavy, but feeling the weight of his body on top of me was incredibly hot. He was sliding the dildo in and out of my ass and humping my mouth with his cock, and I was loving it.

Neither of us had ever cum in the other's mouth before, but I soon could tell he was there and I was about to be forced to take it, like it or not. Another new experience at the hands of Dan. He started to shoot, and he just kept fucking my mouth, as he laid on top of me, shooting shot after shot down my throat.

I swallowed and swallowed, and he also continued to fuck my ass with the dildo.

Once he had finished pumping his load down my throat, Dan swung back around, so he could both have a better angle to fuck me with the dildo, and so he could take in the sight: Here I was, his big top stud friend with a dildo disappearing up my ass, and cum running out of the corners of my mouth and down the sides of my face, as I lay there gasping and moaning in total pleasure.

He knew I was so close, and showed me no mercy, as he started really plunging the dildo deep into my ass and pulling it back almost all the way out. I was being "long-dicked".

I loved that he was doing this to me, that it was turning him on so much to do it to me, and I loved the new feeling of the dildo stretching my hole open.

I couldn't take any more. It was too much. I not only shot a tremendous load, the first couple of shots hit me in the face. Some hit the couch, and lots of it went all over my pecs and abs, as Dan pummeled my hole with that dildo that day.

To be continued...


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Feel free to write me at ryanrizzler@gmail.com if you would like.

Next: Chapter 4

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