A Ticklish Thriller

By A B

Published on Apr 8, 2022


Mikey & Dakota

Dakota stopped at the apartment complex's entrance and started to turn onto Leigh St. when Mikey placed his hand on the cop's wrist.

"Babe, wait." Mikey sighed and closed his eyes.

Dakota turned in his seat and looked at the brunet with great concern in his eyes. He could see how exhausted Mikey was. "Are you okay, baby boy?"

Mikey nodded and kissed Dakota's hand. "I'm fine, just exhausted. I don't think I need to go to the house tonight." Tears trailed down the young man's cheeks. "I'm sorry for being weak, Kota."

Dakota's eyes narrowed, and his face adopted an annoyed expression. "Mikey Carter, don't ever call yourself weak again." He paused and softened his tone. "At least, not in my presence or earshot." The half Indian's hand softly caressed the younger man's cheek. "You're one of the strongest people I've met. You're not weak for deciding not to go to your house tonight. Fuck's sake, you just earlier discovered a body and dealt with being harassed by an asshole. I don't know if I'd still be as calm and collected as you. I know I wouldn't have been with the security guard." Dakota stopped and wrapped his arms around Mikey, pulling him into the best embrace he could.

Mikey dried his tears on Dakota's shoulder and nodded. "Okay, I'll do my best." The brunet squealed and giggled when he felt his man's fingers start tickling his bare skin where they'd worked their way under his shirt. "Kota." He screeched and wriggled in his seat when the tickling increased.

"You're gonna do what?" Dakota smirked and added some knee squeezes to the side tickles.

The vehicle's interior was filled with shrill laughter from the trapped brunet. "I'm gonna do what you requested." Mikey continued giggling and laughing as he was wrapped in Dakota's arms.

"I love you, my sweet angel boy." The raven-haired man smiled and gently kissed his boyfriend's soft, plump lips.

Mikey's body melted into the embrace, and he closed his eyes, giving in to the feelings of passion that flowed through him like raging river rapids. Heat rose inside of him, and his breath hitched. Mikey's fingers firmly caressed and massaged the back of the bigger man's neck. Finally, the two men broke apart. "I love you too, my sexy warrior. You always know how to make me get out of my head." He paused and laid his sweat-covered head on the other man's broad shoulder. "Thank you, Dakota."

"Anytime, beautiful, anytime."

Dakota kissed Mikey's head and turned the SUV around, returning to his parking spot. He walked around to Mikey's side, opened the door, and carried the giggling brunet to the front door. He set the younger man down, only long enough to unlock and open the door. Then with a mischievous grin, the half-Cherokee grabbed his boyfriend around his legs, hefted him over his shoulder, and carried him inside.

Mikey smiled and kissed his mate as he was gently placed on the sofa. The brunet slightly squirmed when Dakota took his shoes off for him. His signature boyish giggles delighted their ears when the man's fingers started lightly stroking Mikey's sock-clad feet and along the base of his toes. "Kota, not the toes." He squealed and scrunched his toes.

Dakota giggled just as boyishly as his smaller counterpart. "But, Mikey, they're soooo cute and tickly." He mock whined.

Lifting the squirmy feet to his lips. The raven-haired man licked his lips and kissed and nibbled the little plump toes through their cotton housing. He chuckled softly from the sound of happy squeals and giggles Mikey made. Dakota lowered the young man's legs and gently caressed his way upward along the brunet's wiggly body. Love and sheer joy sparkled in the half-Irishman's eyes. "You're the most beautiful man I've ever met, Mikey." Dakota wiped his tears.

"No way, my sweet warrior. You are way more beautiful than I am." Mikey squeaked jumped when Dakota's fingers worked under his shirt, lifting it." "Eeekkkk! Not fair tickling my bare ribs before I'm ready." He screeched. Before he could react, his shirt was removed.

Suddenly, Mikey curled up in a ball, crying and shaking. Dakota stopped playing and shifted into his comforting mode. He had the sobbing brown-haired younger man wrapped in his arms, determined not to let go. "It's okay, sweet boy. I'm here, and you're safe. No one's gonna ever hurt you again." Under his breath, the Cherokee man cursed whoever did this to a sweet and loving person like his Mikey. Dakota's fingers gently stroked his lover's hair, and he kissed his boy's dampened cheek.

"You don't have to pretend to accept me. Just don't stop being my friend, like everyone else." Mikey softly pleaded through his heavy sobs.

"My sweet, sweet love, I'm never leaving you unless you decide you don't want me." Dakota paused. He knew the time was right, and he also realized what Tony meant when he'd said they'd had similar experiences. He sighed and gently lifted Mikey's tear-stained face so he could look into the pair of beautiful eyes. "I need you to see something. It's the reason Papa Tony wanted us together." Dakota closed his eyes and removed his shirt, revealing the scars from his experience.

"Who did this to you?" Mikey asked as he lightly traced his fingertips over the raised marks on his man's skin.

Dakota started squirming and giggling, which surprised both men. "Wow! I had no idea my scars were ticklish." He said between his giggles.

Mikey giggled and cuddled into the muscular warm chest and arms. He looked up at his strong warrior and smiled. "I wonder if my scars are ticklish too." Before he could think, he was squirming and giggling as Dakota's fingers lightly traced over his marks.

"Sweet, new Mikey giggle spots." Dakota chuckled, then he hugged and kissed the brunet. "I got my scars last year. I was so traumatized and physically hurt, it took almost nine months for me to return to active duty." Dakota's face displayed a slight smile. "The only good thing that came from it was Tony, taking me under his wing and then having my main patrol focus being you and Barefoot Books." The twenty-seven-year-old paused and wiped his tears. He was about to continue when Mikey's phone rang.

"Hey, Papa Tony." Mikey placed the call on speakerphone.

"Are you guys almost here? I thought you'd be at the house by now." Tony's voice sounded as if he were in the room with them.

"No, Papa Tone, we're at my apartment," Dakota answered.

"I meant to call you, Papa. Right before we left the parking lot, I decided I'd been through enough today, and since you and your men were there, there's no reason for me to go over tonight."

"Okay, who the hell are you, and what have you done with my real Mikey?"

Mikey and Dakota cracked up laughing from Tony's question.

"It's really me, Papa, and I need to thank you."

"What for, son?"

"For working to get Dakota and me together." Mikey paused. "We just discovered why you kept saying we'd had similar experiences."

"You've seen each other's scars." Tony's voice hitched and sounded like the man was trying to hold back his tears.

"Yes, Papa Tony, and I've told Mikey I'm never leaving him unless he wants me to."

"And, so far, I don't want Kota going anywhere. He's my warrior." Mikey blushed, and so did Dakota. That was the first time the pet name was used in front of anyone.

"I knew the two of you would be perfect for one another. I don't know of any other two people who could survive what you've each been through and still be willing to accept love into your lives and hearts." This time, Tony let his emotions come through. "Dakota, Mikey, listen to me. The two of you are the strongest, most resilient people I've met. Don't ever let anyone or anything come between the love I know you two feel for one another. I know the family will be dying to accept the newest son into our lives and hearts." He paused and chuckled. "After Lance puts you through the wringer, Dakota. That boy's fiercely protective of his family, especially his older brother, Mikey."

Dakota and Mikey joined Tony's chuckling. "I'll do my best to be ready for him, Papa."

"Mikey, we reviewed the footage. I'm having the two people and their parents brought in on Monday. I don't want you alone at any time."


"No excuses, or exceptions, young man. Janice Banks and Will Parks vandalized your house, and the notes threatened your safety and elevated the vandalism to a hate crime. On a separate note, Lance was attacked outside his apartment by Will earlier tonight."

"What, and no one thought to call me?" Mikey hollered as he sat up.

"Calm down, baby boy. Lance is fine, and believe me, he's more worried about you, just like you're more worried about him. I'd never expected anything different from the two of you. You and Lance share an incredibly unbreakable bond." Tony paused. "As for not calling you, that was my doing. I told Lance to wait till the morning to start contacting you that way, the two of you can hopefully relax and get some rest. Your brothers are at the apartment with Sean and Lance. And, now that I know you and Dakota are safe and together, I can let the collective parent unit know all boys are safe and accounted for. That includes you too, Dakota."

Dakota and Mikey smiled. "Thanks, Papa. It's comforting and very cool knowing I have a family to love and who'll love me."

"Son. Pam, Bryan, Max, and I will never try to replace your late parents. However, we all want to be considered a second bunch of parents for you to lean on if needed. You're my son, Dakota Buckingham. Just the same as Mikey, Jai, Adam, and Lance are my sons."

"We love you, Papa Tony." Dakota and Mikey replied in unison.

"I... We all love you guys too. Good night, my sweet boys. Sleep well."

Mikey and Dakota wiped their tears and held each other as they internally processed the phone call. "Wow! I can't believe I've got parents again." Dakota whispered as his tears fell down his cheeks.

"And, brothers, don't forget brothers." Mikey giggled and kissed the muscular cop. "I don't want to destroy the mood, but would you continue your story?" The brunet got up, walked to the kitchen, and brought back two beers. He sat with his legs across Dakota's lap and handed the man one of the bottles.

Dakota smirked as he lightly ran the round edge of the bottle's cold bottom along Mikey's bare feet. He giggled when his man's feet wrinkled, then squealed and giggled. Mikey glared at the muscular man, then got a playful gleam in his eyes. He moved quickly and ran the edge of his bottle across Dakota's bare stomach. The Indian yelped loudly, and Mikey giggled when his warrior squealed and squirmed.

"Okay, we're even," Dakota said as he blushed. He picked up his brunet and carried him and the beer bottle into the bedroom. "I think we need to be comfortable and in each other's arms for this discussion." He said while walking down the hall.

"That's an amazing idea."

The two men got comfortable, laying head to foot in the soft but firm queen bed. Mikey's fingers gently caressed Dakota's bare feet. He loved the warm skin and strength that coursed through the soles. The brunet placed soft, loving kisses on each of Dakota's toes. Dakota softly purred as Mikey showed his favorite body part some affection. The burly cop giggled and curled his toes when Mikey's fingers sneaked a couple of tickles in. He smiled and kissed the brunet's toes giving him the same affection. The Indian couldn't stop the soft snickering when he also returned the tickles he was given.

"Babe, I can sense your hesitation." Mikey sucked on the cop's big toe, causing the room to fill with the sound of pleasured moans. He gently massaged Dakota's heel and his off-white wrinkling arches. "My first boyfriend, Steve, gave me these scars. A nice guy who goes by Master Paul introduced us. Steve was one of his apprentices." Mikey paused and softly moaned when Dakota's fingers worked their magic on his arches. He sharply inhaled and giggled when he felt the dark-haired man's warm moist tongue lick and caress his toes, then slip between and under them. "Steve's been the only man I've been with the last two years. I've just been throwing myself into work and helping others."

Dakota slowly licked Mikey's sole with the broad of his tongue. The slight musky smell of the brunet's soles and very faint sweat taste turned him on so much he was constantly readjusting himself. He glanced at his mate and noticed Mikey doing the same body part rearrangement. "So, this guy introduced you? How nice could he have been if he trained this sick bastard." Dakota couldn't, nor did he want to keep the anger and judgment out of his voice.

"Kota, Paul is one of the most respected Doms in the city. He was completely fooled by Steve. Hell, I was too." Mikey paused and moaned as he mirrored Dakota's actions by licking the bigger man's feet. He giggled along with Dakota's tickle-induced giggles. "Steve didn't start out mean and sadistic. Although, I think he always was, and he just pretended to be loving and nurturing so he could lull guys into a false sense of security."

Mikey paused and wiped his tears as he shivered slightly. "It happened about six months after we'd met. I was closing up the bookstore side and had just left the building. I'd left a message with the bros that I was heading home and would call when I got there. I didn't have time to react. The second I ended the call, I was grabbed in an almost neck-breaking chokehold and started going down. I desperately tried struggling free but couldn't breathe and was out in seconds.

Dakota shifted positions and had Mikey wrapped protectively in his arms. He didn't say anything, just made sure the brunet knew he was loved and safe as he rocked the two of them back and forth.

"Steve kept me tied to a bed in a cottage he rented on Paul's property. The house couldn't be seen from Paul's home, so he had no idea I was there. For two days, he beat me with a metal-tipped whip. It had been heated in a firepit. Steve also tickled me almost to the point I literally couldn't breathe. He also poured saltwater on my wounds and made me drink my piss and forced my own waste down my throat." Mikey paused and visibly shivered. "It was Paul and Lance who found me. Paul released me, and Lance was so livid, he beat the shit out of Steve. I'd never seen my baby brother so focused on causing someone pain. My ex wasn't a small guy, he was maybe a little bigger than you, but Lance actually beat him down without a weapon." Mikey broke down sobbing and pressed himself hard into Dakota's comforting embrace.

"My sweet angel boy." Dakota's tears fell on Mikey's hair. "Where is he now, your ex?"

"He died in prison. I'll never prove or ask about it, but I'm sure Papa Tony had something to do with having it done." Mikey wiped his tears and kissed Dakota's lips. "So, what happened with you?"

Dakota closed his eyes. "I was dating this guy, Will. I had no idea he was following his family's footsteps and joining a gang that all the men of his family were in. Apparently, I was his initiation. I'd just gotten off work and walked into the apartment. He caught me from behind by slipping a rope around my neck. As soon as I was unconscious, Will and his brothers had me tied to my bed with my own handcuffs." Dakota paused and sniffed back his tears. "When I regained consciousness, they began tickling my feet and everywhere else while Will instructed them on how best to make me scream. Once that was done, Will started stabbing me in random spots while his brothers periodically tickled my feet and toes. They drenched me in not only their piss but mine as well. Then, they whipped me with their belts and slashed my arms and upper legs. Luckily, I blacked out from the pain." Dakota completely broke down and sobbed into Mikey's shoulder.

"I love you, Dakota Buckingham. You're the bravest guy and will always be my hero."

"I love you too, angel boy. You're my perfect mate. I know in my heart, we're gonna be together till death."

Next: Chapter 6

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