A Ticklish Thriller

By A B

Published on May 5, 2022


At The Hotel

Once they got moved to a new room, the couples calmed down and waited for their Papa Tony to arrive. Mikey and Dakota sat side by side and comforted their brothers as they recovered. Adam laid his head back against Mikey's toned but less muscular chest. He was surprised at how safe and protected he felt, feeling his brother's strong heartbeat. Mikey's tears splashed on his older brother's hair. He leaned down and kissed Adam's forehead.

"I love you, Ad. I don't know what I'd do if..." The emotional young man smiled as Dakota's head lay on his shoulder.

Adam smiled and kissed his brother's hand. "I know, baby boy. I love you too, more than you'll ever know." He chuckled. "This is a bit different, huh."

Mikey nodded and smiled. "It does feel good, protecting you and Jai. It's like I'm able to pay you guys back for all the years of being protected."

Adam raised his eyes and looked at his brother. "Mikey, you never have to pay Jai or me back for anything. We love you and are always gonna look out for you. I've loved you since you were born, baby bro." He chuckled. "Don't get too used to it, kid. I'm gonna be back to my usual protective self."

Mikey giggled. "That's good cause I'll always need my two big strong brothers and Cherokee warrior soulmate to protect me."

Jai, Adam, and Dakota looked at one another and started giggling.

"What's so funny?" Mikey asked in confusion.

"Baby boy, you're always gonna be our sweet, loving, and very ticklish Mikey," Jai smirked, and to prove his point, he lightly tickled the younger man's bare foot, causing him to jerk his leg back and boyishly giggle. "However, like you've been telling us, you don't need our protection anymore. Mikey, you can definitely take care of yourself."

Mikey looked at the other three men and wiped his tears. "I know what I always say, but I never mean it. I'll always need your love and protection, no matter how old I get. You guys make me feel safe." Mikey cried as his mate and older brothers wrapped him up in their arms. He giggled and squirmed when Dakota lightly tickled his sides while placing him in his lap. "Umm, guys, I need to ask something."

"What's on your mind, sweet boy?" Dakota asked.

The half Cherokee nuzzled Mikey's neck. The brunet's squirms and giggles only encouraged him to do it more. Adam smirked and did the same with Jai. It wasn't long before the young men's giggling lightened the atmosphere.

"I'm not sure if I want to continue staying here. After what happened, I'd really feel safer, at least until this unsettling event's behind us." His statement was met with a trio of head nods.

"I didn't want to be the first to admit it, but I feel the same way. At least at home, we'd know if someone came in." Adam offered.

"Besides, I'd like to enjoy the trails around and everything this place has to offer without being crippled," Dakota stated.

"Do you think they'll refund the parents?" Jai asked.

Dakota chuckled. "I'm sure they will. They don't want the bad press."

Adam giggled. "And, if they don't issue a refund, we'll sic my big bad baby brother Mikey on them." His statement got the other three hysterically laughing and giggling.

Mikey smiled. "Umm, I've got another suggestion." He giggled and squealed when Jai and Adam lightly tickled his bare feet and toes.

"What is it this time?" Adam chuckled as he and Jai did the same to Dakota.

"What? We wanted you to know you're our brother, just like Mikey." Jai said when Dakota playfully growled at the younger pair.

"This might be a wild idea, and it's definitely unusual. We're already planning a double wedding next year. Why not do a shared honeymoon here at the Hamilton?"

The trio gasped and turned to look at the youngest of them and get really excited.

"Holy fuckin' shit!!!" Adam said.

"Bro, that's genius." Jai giggled.

"It seems brave Cherokee wise man, choose well fall in love with smart pale face angel boy." Dakota's comment had them all boisterously cackling.

Suddenly, the topic of conversation was the double wedding and honeymoon.

Tony pulled into the hotel's parking lot. The entire way, he had Lance fielding multiple calls to the other parents and the precinct closet to the Hamilton. One of the calls was Sean and Will with more info on Janice's involvement with Steve. Tony and Lance were shocked when Will told them Janice blackmailed a guard into killing Steve. Tony shook his head and muttered something about Janice causing a major upheaval among the city's leaders. As well as the possibility of some very good people losing their hard-earned reputations or even worse, facing jail time because this girl discovered their dirty laundry. Lance jumped out of the car the second it came to a stop and ran inside the hotel.

"Fuck, I gotta get back to the gym," Tony grumbled as he did his best to keep up with his youngest son. He finally caught up to his son at the check-in counter. He showed the man his credentials, and once he got the new room number for the guys, he sent Lance on ahead while he made his way to their old room to get briefed on the situation.

"Bros!" Lance hollered.

The brunet burst through the door and ran to his big brothers. The four older men chuckled as they were bombarded by their excited baby brother. Lance's tears dripped down his cheeks as he embraced the young men on the bed and kissed their cheeks.

"Bro, what are you doing here?" Jai asked. He wrapped his arms around Lance, out of love and in an attempt to calm the rambunctious twenty-year-old down.

"How are my guys?" Tony asked as he walked into the bedroom. He stopped and, despite the circumstances, smiled. The sight of the five young men being affectionate and cuddling with each other warmed the older man's heart.

"Dad/Papa!" The guys greeted almost in unison.

Tony walked over and hugged his sons, even Lance, so he didn't feel left out. The patriarch took a minute to assess the four young men and gaze into their eyes. When everyone got situated on the bed, Adam pouted and looked like a sad, lost puppy because he was the only one with no one holding him.

Tony shook his head and chuckled as he pulled the younger man to his feet, then he sat down, patting his lap. "Is this better? Ya big kid."

Everyone started giggling when Adam smiled and eagerly jumped into Tony's lap. Tony wrapped his arms around Adam and playfully tickled his sides, causing him to squirm and giggle.

Tony got serious and looked at his boys. "When you're ready, we've got some important things to discuss."

"What's up, Papa Tony?" Dakota asked as he cuddled Mikey and smoothed his hair.

"Of course, Abner's been arrested, and according to the prelim investigation, Mikey's shooting was judged righteous."

The five guys breathed a sigh of relief, and they hugged and patted their mate and brother.

"This is harder to talk about." Tony paused. "Abner was recording and live streaming you four since you got here. Every bit of your playtime together, brotherly bonding moments, and intimate time as couples have been uploaded to various sites around the net."

"What are we gonna do?" Adam asked.

"We're already dealing with all the other issues, not to mention the damage at Barefoot," Jai commented.

Mikey stood up and paced back and forth in front of his mate, Papa Tony, and brothers. "We're getting through this as a family. That's what we're gonna do." He said, looking each man in the eyes. "It's how we always deal with things. I'm guessing my shooting's been plastered across the web also."

Tony nodded as he stood up. "Mikey's right. We're gonna support each other through this difficult time. I've been on the phone with the other parents. They're working on a collective statement for the press."

Lance's tears streamed down his face. "I'm glad Mikey and Dakota were here to stop the physical rape." He paused and looked at Mikey. "I just wish someone had stopped Aaron and Trinie from raping you." The twenty-year-old wrapped his arms around his older brother.

Mikey froze, as did the others in the room. He swallowed hard and then gazed into Lance's eyes. "How'd you find out about that?"

"Mikey, what is Lancer talking about? What rape?" Adam asked with a hint of anger for whoever raped Mikey and disappointment in his brother for not telling anyone.

Tony gasped and gently guided the younger man into his lap. His tears fell on Mikey's head as he kissed his son's forehead. "What happened to you, son?"

Mikey kissed Tony and got up to retrieve his laptop. He accessed the drive attached to the computer in his panic room, then opened a folder with a video file and an email. He then crawled onto the bed and hugged the pillow.

Everyone except Mikey gasped as they watched Adam's old roommate Aaron and Trinie getting high on cocaine. The guys watched and listened to the doorbell ring. Trinie opened the door, and a sixteen-year-old Mikey walked inside. He asked if they knew where Adam was, and after being told he was camping, the boy turned to leave. He'd just reached the door when he was grabbed by Aaron, lifted off the ground, and pinned to the floor. Trinie put some lines on the floor, then she and Aaron forced Mikey's nose into the powder and covered his mouth, tickling him to make the teen snort the drugs. Then Aaron and Trinie proceeded to rape Mikey as he kicked and screamed in agony, trying to escape. Trinie gagged the hysterical teen with her panties and raped him a second time. Adam, Jai, and Lance took turns throwing up in the bathroom.

Dakota's tears streamed down his face. He crawled onto the bed and cradled his soulmate. "Baby, it's okay. You're no longer that boy in

the video.

Tony's face got red as a beet. He immediately got on the phone and told the person on the other line that there were more people to take down and then hung up after telling them he'd be in touch.

Adam and Jai got on the bed with Dakota. They gently massaged Mikey's feet. The brunet's toes wiggled and curled as he softly giggled despite their efforts to not tickle him. Lance worked his way between Mikey's legs and laid against his brother's chest.

"Why didn't you say anything, bro?" Adam softly asked. He was livid after watching the video. The disappointment with Mikey subsided. Now he just felt guilty for not protecting his brother from those monsters.

"I...They made threats." Mikey's voice quivered as he cried onto Dakota's shoulders.

"Sweetie, you've never caved into threats before. Why their's?" Jai asked.

"They didn't threaten me. Aaron and Trinie threatened the entire family." Mikey paused. "It's all in the email they sent."

Tony opened the message, and his anger boiled as he read the graphic threats against his family. "Fuck!" He growled. "They're done. I'm making sure the two of them are investigated and fired." He turned to look at the emotional young man. "Son, this is not your fault. You didn't ask for any of that."

"Mikey, I wish you'd said something. Do you know who those people are now?" Adam asked.

Mikey shook his head no.

"Aaron's on the unit that investigates sexual abuse of minors, and Trinie is a social worker specializing in traumatized and sexually abused youths," Tony said.

Mikey gasped. "I just hope no one else got hurt because of my cowardice."

Dakota wrapped his arms around his angelic boy. "Babe, I've said it before, and I'll say it as many times as possible. You're not a coward. I don't know how you lived all this time, not talking about the hell you endured." He paused and wiped his and Mikey's tears. "I love you, my sweet, baby boy."

"I love you too, my warrior." Mikey buried his face in Dakota's chest as his brothers surrounded the couple and wrapped them in a group hug.

Tony walked out of the room with his phone glued to his ear. He returned and chuckled when he saw the five young men piled together as they slept. The older man pulled the blanket from the bed, then got the one from the other bedroom, covered his sons, and put pillows under their heads. He leaned down and kissed each one. "Sleep peacefully, my angels. I love you, boys." Tony took one last look and smiled at the heartwarming sight.

Next: Chapter 14

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