A Ticklish Story

By A B

Published on Mar 25, 2022


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Although Kyle loved running the bingo game for the seniors, his heart and attention weren't all on the game. He continuously checked his watch and got more nervous as time passed. The feeling that Jake was in trouble started the minute Kyle pulled into the parking lot and grew as the evening wore on. The brunet sighed. Halfway through the game and still no word from his fiancee. Finally, the night ended, and Kyle apologized for running out so quickly. He got to his car and almost broke the speed limit getting home.

Kyle skidded to a stop in front of the garage, peered inside the window, and noticed Jake's car was still gone. He locked the car door, armed the alarm, quickly unlocked the door, and ran inside the house. "Jake, are you here, babe?" He hollered as he ran through the rooms. Tears filled his eyes as he felt more desperate and helpless. The need to feel his love and mate's body dominated his emotions and thoughts. "Please, baby, come home to me soon." He softly pleaded into the night sky.

Kyle turned around and walked into the kitchen when a muscular arm wrapped around him, trapping his arms to his sides. "Who the fuck..." The brunet struggled and squirmed in the iron-like grip. He yelped as he was lifted off the ground, his legs kicking uselessly in the air. Kyle loved when Jake picked him up, but that was them being playful, but this was someone he didn't know. "Let me go. Who are you, and why are you...?" He couldn't finish his question because as soon as a needle pierced his neck, his struggling ceased, and unconsciousness took over.

Jake & LM

"Mmmhmm," Jake mumbled as his eyes fluttered open. The first thing that registered was his body was strapped down to a padded table. The second observation was he was only wearing his underwear and his socks. The third, he was gagged. "Where the fuck am I?" He thought to himself.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, my adorable detective."

Jake's eyes focused on the figure coming from the shadows. His eyes darkened, and his body furiously struggled against his bonds. His toes scrunched in his socks as he involuntarily squirmed as much as possible.

"Struggle all you want, Jake, because you're not getting free until I release you." The blonde man chuckled and lightly ran his fingers up Jake's slightly muscular leg as he walked up to the head of the table.

The redhead tried but failed to stifle his giggling, and his body wriggled.

"Don't even try hiding your ticklishness. I already know just how ticklish my little detective boy is." The man giggled as he dug his fingers into Jake's ribs.

Instantly, the captured man's laughter was forced from his lips as he writhed and struggled to get away from the tickling. His head shook side to side as his brain tried telling his body not to react.

"Hmm, I'd love to hear your laughter and screams. It was so cute at your house."

"Who the fuck are you?" Jake asked as soon as he could speak. He lifted his head, so he could see his captor's features. The redhead had to admit, at least the guy was good-looking. He wasn't anywhere close to Kyle's sexiness but attractive nonetheless. The detective judged the blonde to be around his height and weight, maybe a bit taller and more muscular. His eyes darted around the room, looking for any way he could escape. Jake closed his eyes and sighed, wondering how he was gonna get out of this one and, more importantly, how long he'd have to hear Kyle's bragging that he was right.

"You can call me LM, or if you like more formal titles, Laugh Master." The blonde smirked and very lightly tickled his fingers on both sides of the redhead's neck and along the back of his ears.

"Hey, don't do that." Jake blushed as he started giggling like a little kid. His head shook side to side, trying to block the tickles. His toes scrunched, and his feet wiggled in their socks.

"Aww, there's that adorable giggle I wanted to hear." The blonde smiled and ceased his playful attack. "Now, I suppose you're wondering why you're here."

Jake's giggling subsided, and he started calming down. "Yeah, the thought did cross my mind." He continued trying to work himself free.

"It's quite simple, Jakeyboy," LM smirked when Jake glared at him for the cute use of his name. "I make tickle fetish videos of guys being captured and tickled. My targets are men of all types, so when I heard about you being a great detective, well, you piqued my interest. As did your fiancee."

Hearing the word fiancee caused Jake to struggle harder, and his eyes darkened. "If you've hurt Kyle, you're gonna be dead." The redhead roared.

"Please, calm down, Jake. I promise no harm will come to you or Kyle. My interests lie in the ticklishness of guys, not harming them. Just like I captured you, I sent someone to kidnap Kyle. He should be arriving very shortly."

Jake's anger didn't dissipate. However, he found sincerity in the man's voice. Also, there was something familiar about this man's initials, and it was driving him nuts because he couldn't remember why it was ringing a bell. He shook his head and cleared his mind before speaking. "I don't know why, but I'll trust you, for now. Given my current situation, I haven't got much choice. Just know if you're lying and you hurt my soulmate, I will bury your bones in my backyard."

LM's eyes widened, and he gulped. He'd never felt fear from anyone he'd captured before. However, the steel in Jake's voice, mixed with the fire and determination in his eyes, the mogul knew the redhead meant every word. "I promise, the only thing you two will be experiencing is laughter from being tickled for my video."

Jake sighed and lowered his head, nodding. "So, is that really what all this is about? Kidnapping Kyle and me for your tickle video?" As soon as the words left his mouth, the realization hit him. "Holy fuckin' shit. You, are the LM of LM productions?" If he could, he'd slap his forehead. Instead, his boyish giggling filled the room as his belly button was explored by a very stiff feather's tip. "Shit, c'mon, LM, not the feather...It tickles like crazy." Jake squealed as his body bucked and squirmed side to side. His giggles were like a young teenage boy's.

"This is gonna be my best video to date. I've seen how ticklish both you and Kyle are. I've never had a fiancee or boyfriend pair. I'm very excited." The mogul giggled along with his captive, then after a minute more, he set the feather down. He looked at his watch and smiled. "Speaking of your Kyle, he's just arrived. I'm having you moved into the bedroom upstairs in a few minutes. After visiting with your soulmate, I'll have him sent to you." LM giggled and lightly tickled Jake's sock-clad arches on his way out the door, which sent the redhead into a child-like fit of giggles and squirms.

Kyle & LM

"Ugh, what the fuck hit me?" Kyle asked himself as he came back to consciousness. "Where..."

"Ahh, nice to see you awake, Kyle."

The restrained man's head turned in the direction of the voice. "Who the hell are you, and why am I tied up?" Kyle fumed.

LM chuckled. "It seems you are a perfect match for young mister Jake." The blonde man smiled and walked up to his captive's defenseless sock-clad soles. He licked his lips and lightly stroked his fingers up and down Kyle's curved arches.

"Oh, shit." Giggles flowed from the brunet's lips. His toes curled, and his feet wriggled in the restraints. "Please, not the feet first." Kyle's high-pitched plead fell on deaf ears.

LM chuckled and ceased the foot tickles. "Now, I've already spoken with Jake." He paused and gently placed a hand on Kyle's shoulder. "Don't worry, he's very safe and even watching us now." The mogul pressed a button on a remote in his pocket, and a giant screen rose up from the entertainment center. After pressing another button, Jake's red locks and bright smile filled the screen. "I see you're enjoying your environment, my young detective." LM giggled as Jake's excitement shone in his eyes.

"My sweet boy, are you okay, Ky? They didn't hurt you, did they?" Jake's concern was prominent in his voice.

"I'm fine, just...umm, confused...and..."

"Tickled?" Jake giggled and finished his fiancee's sentence. "LM tickled your feet, didn't he?"

Jake's smile was gleaming brightly on the screen, and his child-like jovial tone brought a smile to both Kyle and LM's faces.

"Babe, calm down. You're way too adorable. You're supposed to be a rough, tough detective guy."

"Oh, right, rough, tough, I got this." Jake tried to harden his facial expression and growled. Unfortunately, the growl and hardened scowl became a boyish smile and giggles.

Kyle shook his head and closed his eyes. "I'm still wondering how he became a good detective" Kyle's statement earned him a hearty round of laughter from LM and a Christian child commercial-worthy pout from Jake.

"I was gonna play with you a little bit more, but the two of you need to be together. I'm very sorry for making you worry about one another. I know you don't have any reason to trust or believe me, but I'm not a bad guy. And, after you've had some time to talk, I'll have dinner ready for us. We can eat and chat in your room. I'm sure you're curious about the three hundred thousand dollars in your accounts right now.

"Three Hundred Thousand Dollars?" Jake and Kyle hollered at the same time.

Jake & Kyle

"Babe, I was so worried about you." Those were the first words out of Jake's mouth when he and Kyle rushed into each other's arms. The redhead yelped when his mate gripped his arm, twisted it behind his back, and pinned face down on the bed.

"I'm coming with you next time, mister." Kyle grinned behind Jake's back and used his free hand to tickle the redhead's hip.

"Fuck!!! Not the hip." Jake screeched as he writhed and kicked his legs. The boisterous laughter filled the air in the room as he was tickled into hysterics. "You got caught too."

"So, maybe it would've been different if we'd have been together." Kyle giggled and wrapped his arm around Jake's kicking ankles. Slowly, his nails dragged up and down the soft, pinkish wrinkling soles.

Jake was too tickled to talk. He pounded the bed with his fists and desperately tried escaping his man's tickle torture on his helpless bare feet. "Okay!!! I give I'll bring you next time." Jake yelled out.

Kyle let him go, pulled the panting, giggling redhead into a loving embrace, and kissed his forehead. "I love you, more than I could ever express, Jake." The brunet said as Jake laid his head in his lap.

"Ky, have you figured out who we've been caught by?" Jake asked as he lazily drew circles around Kyle's ankles.

Kyle's feet squirmed and wriggled as his yelps and giggles escaped him. "No, I just figured he's some rich crackpot." Kyle's giggling increased as Jake moved the lazy stroking to his heels and arches.

"Think about our favorite tickle videos." Jake giggled and lightly stroked along his man's toes and their bases.

The new spot made Kyle jump and scrunch his toes. His giggles came faster and louder. "Babe, not my toes." He squealed and tried moving the bigger man but found himself trapped. Suddenly, he thought about what Jake actually said. "Wait, did you just tell me to think of our favorite tickle videos?"

Jake giggled and nodded as his arm wrapped around Kyle's ankles, and he started sucking and nibbling his fiancee's toes.

Kyle shrieked and writhed under his mate's weight, trying to pull free. "Jakey, not the toe nibbles and licks." He giggled and tried curling his toes. "Are you saying he's the LM of LM productions?"

"Yeppers." Jake giggled and wrapped his arms around Kyle. "I love feeling your body in my arms. Promise me, you'll never leave me, Ky." Jake's tears fell down his cheeks and splashed on Kyle's shoulder.

"Hey, ya big oaf. You're stuck with me. You make me smile, feel loved, and safe." Kyle wiped Jake's tears and gazed into his eyes. "I can't wait till we're married, my big strong detective."

Next: Chapter 3

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