A Thousand Loves

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jul 28, 2023


Sent: Sat, July 28, 2007 7:44 am

A THOUSAND LOVES, ONE LOVE by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2007 written on October 25, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"A THOUSAND LOVES, ONE LOVE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 7 - Giuliano's new life

When Giuliano got to Auckland airport at Mangere, there was an executive of the firm waiting for him. He drove him with the firm's car to Auckland, a city of half million inhabitants. Here, on the outskirts of the city, Giuliano saw the industrial plant of the firm that had hired him, with the good offices of the Embassy.

He was received by the owner of the Kirk Factories, Mr Michael Kirk in person, a stout man of forty-eight who had been part, in 1948, of the Allied troops who entered Trieste towards the end of the war. The man was able to speak a basic Italian, and was very proud of that.

They talked and Mr Kirk explained their work to him in detail and what they were expecting from Giuliano. Then he showed him his office, introduced him to the secretaries, his future collaborators, the other managers. He also informed him that a party would be thrown in his honour at Kirk Villa, the following Friday. Then Mr Kirk had him accompanied to the hotel room that the firm paid for him until he found a lodging to his liking.

Giuliano thanked him. The welcome had been more superior than he could have expected. He settled in the hotel room, that really was a rather elegant, little suite. He took a shower, then, as he would start his work only on the following day, he called a taxi asking to do a tour to visit the city.

It was an agreeable, modern town at the sea side, the most ancient building dated back only a century. Being on the other hemisphere, it was spring. The climate was really agreeable and Giuliano felt that he would be fine there. He breathed lungfuls of fresh air while walking here and there through the city centre.

On Friday evening a firm's driver took him at Kirk Villa. The party consisted in a barbeque held on the villa garden. There were all the managers of Kirk industries, the owner's family and other guests, the "cream" of the city. Mr Kirk introduced him to everybody and Giuliano was asking himself how could he manage to remember so many names, so many faces. Luckily many had the habit of giving their name cards.

He received many invitations, and amongst them a very pressing one by Mr Harris, the owner of a local bank, who had two rather pretty daughters, one of twenty one and the other of twenty-four, who were literally devouring him with their eyes. Giuliano asked himself if the two girls' father had set his eyes on him thinking he could be a good son-in-law and smiled. But he accepted the invitation for the following Sunday.

Thus, the Sunday he had lunch at Harris Villa and, after the meal, he went to play tennis behind the villa with the two girls, partnered with the younger one, while the older one was partnered with their cousin, Scott Harris, a boy who also had lunch with them.

Giuliano had been hit by Scott when they had been introduced before the meal. He was twenty years old, a beautiful, elegant, refined boy. While eating he spoke very little, but Giuliano got the impression he was clever and blessed with a good sense of humour. He also spoke Italian fluently as he had chosen it as his main foreign language at the university.

Scott had an oval face, with straight and sensual lips, well drawn, a straight, proportioned nose; his lively eyes were of a gilded-hazelnut and green colour, he had long and thick eyebrows, a wide forehead, hair of a light brown with the hair-parting on the left, soft and thick, perfectly in order even while he was jumping on the tennis-court.

During the lunch he wore a dark suit, formal, with a Bordeaux-red bowtie. He changed after lunch, as well as Giuliano who had been advised to take with him a change of clothes to play tennis. The boy was now wearing white trousers and a long sleeved T-shirt, also white, trimmed pea-green. He was moving on the court with remarkable nimbleness and readiness.

After the match, that was scraped home by the older sister and Scott, they went to sit under the pergola, to have a rest and some drinks. They chatted. Giuliano told Scott about himself, his father and his movies. Then Scott talked about himself - his father was the younger brother of the girls' father and the co-owner of the bank that had been founded by their great-grand-father. He was studying English literature at the University. In his free time he did some sailing, tennis and horse-riding. His hobby was theatre... Giuliano was listening fully interested, almost spellbound, and was feeling strongly attracted by that beautiful boy.

Thus, when Scott invited him to go riding with him, he immediately accepted. The invitation was for the following week, on Saturday. Scott offered himself to go to pick him up at his hotel.

Giuliano was feeling thrilled. Scott hadn't given him any sign of being attracted by him, even though he showed to be really kind with him. It could possibly start a just good friendship, Giuliano thought, but that was anyway worthwhile. It was greatly agreeable talking with Scott.

When he stopped at his hotel to collect him, Scott said, "Listen Giuliano, if you are free this week-end, why don't you bring a tooth-brush with you and stop at my place?"

Giuliano stood for a while on compliments, just pro-forma, but then he accepted more than willingly. He put all he could need in a overnight bag and went with him.

Scott had a sports-car. He drove north out of the town towards Takapuna, he passed through it and continued along the road, until he turned taking a detour leading to the sea, and stopped in front of a low one storey cottage surrounded by a tall white wall.

"Here we are. This is my kingdom. I live here, all alone."

"Alone?" Giuliano asked, interested.

"Sure, all alone."

"With some servants..." Giuliano insisted.

"No, no, really alone."

"But... do you do cleaning, cook your meals?"

"Certainly, I was a boy-scout!" the boy answered in a half-serious tone, "... I need nobody, apart from a good friend... and I hope you will become one."

The house was built of wood painted white, near the sea shore, and was well organized, very light and surrounded by trees. There were two bedrooms, each with a private bathroom and dressing room, a kitchen with the larder, a study in the center of the building, receiving light from the roof, and a wide living room with veranda opening towards a small private beach. It was furnished in a modern and functional way, informal and light, youthful.

"But you, Scott, don't you live with your family?"

"Yes, sure, when I'm in town, I have a room in my parents' house. But I spend all my free time here. My father gave me this cottage for my eighteen birthday. I also meet my friends here when I want to be alone with them. Well, this is your room. Mine is there."

"But... and the horses?"

"Three miles from here there is the family estate, the horses are there. Now, settle into your room, then we'll go and pick up two horses. If you want, you can have a shower after we have had a good ride. We will have our lunch here, then sunbathe out there... And if you want we can also have a good swim before supper."

"I didn't bring my swimming suit with me ... you didn't tell me we could also swim..."

"Oh, here we don't need one, we are all alone. We can sunbathe and swim nude... if it is not a problem for you, of course." Scott concluded as if just thinking of it.

"No... I don't think so. Even though in Italy we are not used to... to nudity."

"Really? Well, it's a real pity. It is so good being able to be nude..."

Giuliano looked at him trying to understand if there was an implicit meaning in these words, but the boy's look was pure and clear.

They rode, went back and took a shower, each in his bathroom. Scott prepared their meal while Giuliano was trying to help him in some ways and chatted with him in Italian, to make him practice. They ate near the glass wall of the kitchen looking towards the sea.

During the dinner, Giuliano said to him, "I guess that you bring your girlfriends here too."

"No. I have no girlfriends. I'm gay. That's why my father gave me this cottage, because he doesn't like me to bring my little friends to our family home, when I feel like having a fuck."

He said this as if it were the most natural thing in the world and Giuliano stopped to look at him, his fork in mid air, astounded.

"You mean that you father knows and that... and that it's alright with him?"

"Yes, sure, anyway he can't change reality."

"And you... you brought me here to..." he added hesitantly but with a hint of hope in his voice.

"Yes and no. Not to fuck, if that's what you mean. I don't know if you are gay or not. And even if you were..."

"Yes, I'm gay..." Giuliano admitted in a low voice, still amazed.

The boy went on, "... and even if you are, it is not certain we would fit well together. I brought you here just to get to know you... and if everything goes well... I like you very much, Giuliano, you are really handsome and seem very likeable too. But I would like to get to know you better, before..."

"Before! You attract me very much too. I would like getting to know you better too. And I would be glad if something serious arose between us." Giuliano said smiling to him and feeling light and happy.

Giuliano helped Scott to wash the dishes and to tidy everything, then they went to relax in the wide living room, with the veranda glass wall totally open. In the living room there was a juke-box playing music at a low volume. Scott offered a cigarette to Giuliano.

"Tell me more about yourself..." he invited him.

Giuliano started to talk, looking at Scott and feeling more and more fascinated by the boy. Then Scott proposed to go out on the beach to sunbathe. Giuliano accepted with a slight shudder of anticipation - in a while he would finally see the boy totally naked! While they were undressing in the veranda, they were openly looking at each other.

"You're beautiful." Scott pointed out without guile.

"You're very beautiful too. You have a perfect body." Giuliano answered, excited.

They laid under the sun on two wide beach towels.

"Have you been aware of being gay for a long time?" Giuliano asked him.

"For a little more than three years. One of my school mates made me understand it."

"And you... you at once told your family?"

"Yes, of course, first of all my father. We discussed it for a long time. He asked me to take one more year to be certain. He advised me to try it with a girl. I did...and it didn't work. So then my father bought me this cottage so that I could have my life, my privacy."

"And... have you brought many boys here?" Giuliano asked raising himself on an elbow and turning to look at him.

"No, you are just the fourth. The fourth with whom I try, I mean."

"And... up to now... I'm passing the test?"

Scott smiled, "This is not a test. I just want to know you some more before trying it with you. Admitting that you too are interested in trying it with me."

"How were the others?"

"The other three? None of them was my Mr Right; although at the beginning I was under the illusion they could be. But after all each of them gave me something. The first one... was a reporter of twenty-eight. We were together for about six months. But he was haunted by the idea the others could come to know about him, about us. Thus he didn't want us to meet in town, we always had to meet in hiding... At the end I could stand him any more... even though in bed I liked him a lot. Therefore I left him.

"I then knew a twenty-four years old boy, a really agreeable number, self-assured, likeable. Making love with him was also really good, but he was crazily jealous. I could not have any male friends, because he..."

"Are you a faithful person?"

"Certainly yes. Aren't you?"

"Yes. I told you the reason why I left my boyfriend, didn't I?"

"Right. Well, with him I went on just for four months. Then I met the third one. He was a dancer of twenty-five, really sexy and of a very agreeable company. We were really fitting well together..."

"But finally you abandoned him too."

"No, he abandoned me. While he was on tour he fell in love for another dancer and so... So I am alone again."

Giuliano and Scott met at other times and they were becoming more and more close, until one day, while they were sunbathing on the small beach in front of Scott's cottage...

Giuliano went into the house to bring two glasses of citrus squash from the fridge. He went out again and noticed that Scott was looking at his body up and down, or rather, was admiring him. Giuliano handed him a glass then laid down on his belly, near him, on the beach towel. Scott was still looking at his beautiful naked body, at his nice, round and firm ass. They exchanged a few words but both of them were feeling a strange tension on the air.

Scott leaned a hand on Giuliano's shoulder and caressed him, going down along his spine. They went on talking and his hand glided down to his buttocks which he caressed and fingered with clear pleasure. Giuliano rested his head on his folded arms and a silence filled with anticipation enfolded them.

Scott sat up and then leaned over his friend and kissed his buttocks, licking them, until his tongue penetrated into the furrow slipping up and down several times, to finally stopped on his hole. He accurately wet it with his saliva, pressing and licking, then introduced into it a finger, two fingers...

"I want you, Giuliano... I like you too much, I can't resist any more!" he murmured gently massaging it with his fingertips, inside and outside, "Let's make love, please..."

Giuliano turned to admire his friend's beautiful member, fully erect, majestic and firm. Scott laid on one side and the two youths finally started to suck each other, united in a fantastic sixty-nine, while Scott was going on to knead his buttocks and to tease his anus. Also Giuliano tried, at first hesitantly, his young friend's anus, and Scott made it spasm several times in answer. Giuliano then went down to lick it to well lubricate it with his saliva then, while he went back to suck again the beautiful member, stiff and shuddering, started in his turn to penetrate Scott with his fingers.

When they felt they were dangerously approaching their orgasm, almost by common agreement, they stopped. Scott turned upside down and they tightly embraced and kissed.

"Do you think everything will go well, between us two?" Giuliano asked in a whisper.

"I hope so... We can but try, at this point..." Scott answered and in his voice resounded his emotion.

They didn't start to make love again at once. They just caressed, explored each other with their hands all over their bodies, learning to get acquainted with each other's body. Then Giuliano pushed Scott to lie on his back, raised his legs and knelt in position to penetrate him. But he didn't enter inside him immediately. He first brushed his hard rod in the furrow between Scott's buttocks for a long time, making him feel it, every now and then teasing his friend's hole with its glans, while he caressed all of his body, folded in two under him, from the face to the feet, until Scott, overexcited, begged Giuliano to take him.

Then finally Giuliano joined him, insinuating his rod into him with gentle force. Scot, receiving it, shuddered.

Giuliano was really enjoying making love so, in the open air, under the sun, with the gentle noise of the waves on the shoreline and the caresses of the sea breeze on their naked, hot bodies. It was a long time since Giuliano had made love, thus his pleasure soon became uncontrollable, and burst in fiery waves and he revelled inside his friend with a set of low moans. But Giuliano didn't yet feel fully satisfied...

"You take me now, I pray you. I want to feel you inside me."

Scott slipped out from under him, making him stay on his knees, and knelt at his back. Giuliano guided his friend's member with his hand until it started to enter him. Scott penetrated him slowly entering in his friend's channel that, anyway, was not offering the slightest resistance. Then, in a calm and regular rhythm, he started to slip in and out of the hole while pleasure was again rapidly increasing in both of them. Scott embraced his friend's torso pulling it tight against his chest, and while he continued taking him in a fast rhythm, he licked his neck, nibbled his earlobes.

At each of Scott's lunges, Giuliano pushed back with a thrust of his loins, to give more vigour to their union, until he felt Scott shudder, pant stronger and at last empty inside him with long spurts in an intense orgasm that it seemed would never end.

They slowly parted and let themselves fall down on the towels, exhausted. They again embraced and kissed.

Giuliano moved to Scott's cottage. He bought a car to go to his work place. Scott introduced Giuliano to his family telling them he was his new lover. They made love often and seldom on their bed. They were happy. In their free time they practiced sports together, mainly tennis and riding. They went together to see movies or to the theatre. Giuliano started also to know and go round with Scott's friends.

They were happily living together for seven months, when a very serious accident occurred. Scott was going back home from the University in his fast sports car. He was overtaking a car when one of his tires burst. His car veered, the car he was overtaking hit it and made it go on the opposite lane. A lorry coming from the opposite direction could not brake in time and collided with Scott's car head on making it fly out of the lane, into a field, against a tree.

Scott was not dead. He was immediately transported to hospital. The boy was unconscious, had a rib and one femur broken, and various other wounds almost all over his body. He underwent surgery, his fractures were set, he was subjected to intensive care. But he didn't recover consciousness. He remained in the hospital for two months, in a coma.

His body was reacting well to the care and was healing. The fractures were knitting well, the wounds were healing up perfectly. But Scott wasn't coming out of the coma. At last Giuliano obtained the authorisation to bring the boy back home He was motionless; he almost appeared to be sleeping, if it wasn't for the tubes used to feed him. Giuliano hired three nurses to work shifts at his lover's bedside.

His family, friends came to pay him visit, but Scott, whose body was regenerating rather rapidly, was still in a deep coma. Every day the doctor also came to examine him. They tried everything possible to bring him back to consciousness, but all seemed useless.

His family members, his friends, even the doctors reduced their visits. Giuliano at times passed hours looking at him in silence. Then he withdrew to the other room, flung himself on the bed and tried to sleep, while the nurse on shift was watching that lifeless body, alive and yet more like a vegetable than a living being, but for its appearance.

The nurses washed him, regularly changed his position on the bed to prevent him from getting bedsores, gave him proper massages, regularly shaved him, combed his hair, changed the bottles of nutrient solutions.

Periodically the doctors went to see him, examined him - all his organs were properly working, but Scott was always immersed in his coma, from which he made no sign of emerging .

Giuliano was going to see him less and less often, and each time he was spending less time in Scott's room. He urged the nurses to call him immediately if Scott gave a sign of coming back to life. But Giuliano couldn't resist staying near him. The body he had loved was now seeming to him to become, day after day, more alien. It was no longer his Scott, it was just an empty shell, an ever paler ghost.

So Giuliano, when he came back home from his work, showed himself in Scott's room, exchanged two words with the nurse on duty, and went in the other room to look at the sea, to read a book, to listen to some music.

He ate out, downtown, and stopped in a pub until late. He went back home, threw a look without any more hope into Scott's room, and went to sleep in the other room.

At times, before falling asleep, he masturbated. He was missing sexual contact more and more. He was feeling more lonely every day.

Thus, pressed also by the common friends, he started to go in the evenings to some premises where he heard it was possible to make interesting encounters... And he started to find boys with whom to go along, with whom he could take his fill.

At the beginning, after one of these encounters, after having sex, he felt guilty, he felt some remorse. But gradually this also ceased - he was not cheating on his lover, but just on a body devoid of life...

The boys he found were often hustlers. The fact he had to pay them, in some way, attenuated his feeling of guilt towards Scott. He had discovered that in the "King's Arms" pub there were young and handsome hustlers and that hooking them was easy. One evening...

"Are you alone?" he asked a boy with Oriental features.


"Do I bother you, if I sit at your table?"

"No, on the contrary... Are you too alone?"

"No more, now..." Giuliano answered with a winning smile.

"Do you want me?"


"Do you have a place?"


"Come with me, then."

On the road they agreed the price. When they got to his house, the boy noticed, slightly alarmed, "But... there is somebody at home."

"There is only my boyfriend, severely ill, and his nurse. But there is no problem. We will go to my room and nobody will disturb us."

"Ah, if it's alright with you..." the boy said following him to his bedroom.

As they were in, the hustler rapidly undressed and laid on the bed.

"Would you like a drink... before?"

"As you like. I'm not in hurry."

Giuliano went to get two beers from the kitchen. Here he met the nurse who was preparing himself tea for himself.

"How is, Scott?" he asked him.

"As usual, nothing new."

"Ah. Well... I'll go to my room. Good night."

"'Night." The nurse answered looking at him going out with two beers and two glasses and making an understanding little smile.

Giuliano went back to his room and gave a beer and a glass to the young hustler. Then undressed. He drank his beer and laid down near the boy.

"You are not a New Zealander, are you?" the hustler asked him starting to caress his body.

"No, I'm Italian."

"Wow, a Latin lover, then."

"And you?"

"My father is Australian, my mother Burmese."

"You're handsome."

"Thank you. You too. What do you like to do?"

"Everything, as I told you... Make me enjoy..."

"Yes, sure. You have a really beautiful cock. Put it all in my mouth, as a starter, handsome Italian, go on..."

Giuliano didn't need to be begged. He knelt astride the handsome Oriental boy's chest and presented his hard rod to his lips. The boy parted them and, taking the testicle sack in one hand and gently kneading it, let the young man fuck his mouth for a while. Then Giuliano slipped out of the boy's mouth.

"Go on all fours, now, I want to shove all of it into your ass."

"Oh, yes, fuck me! Shove all it inside!" the boy said swiftly changing his position and offering him his small and firm buttocks.

Giuliano seized his hips and aimed the glans onto the hole so offered. With one only pelvic movement he was all inside the boy without meeting the least resistance. He then started to ride him vigorously. The boy was tossing under him to better enjoy that strong fuck and started to masturbate.

"No..." Giuliano said, pulling his hand away from the member, "You have not to come. Afterwards you have to fuck me..."

"As you want, stallion!" the boy under him panted.

Giuliano hammered inside him for a long time, giving him strong strokes that the boy received with clear pleasure, until he spurted inside him in a constellation of agreeable sensations.

Giuliano slipped out, still shuddering and aroused, and laid on his belly spreading his legs, feeling almost the urgency not to interrupt theirs sexual games. The Oriental boy understood and at once spread himself on top of him. Made his hard and strong pole slip between Giuliano's buttocks, who raised his pelvis, in a silent and urgent request to be fucked. And finally the hustler impaled him with a strong push.

Giuliano moaned, "Ah, so... yes, so! Fuck me, go on!"

The boy started to hammer inside him with the same energy he had been fucked just before. He went on for a long time, seemed inexhaustible, and this pleased Giuliano. That boy who just till few minutes before had seemed gentle and submissive, was now showing himself to be strong, decisive, powerful and this was gratifying for Giuliano as well. He in fact didn't want gentle sex. It was not love but only the way to give vent to his natural need for sex.

But at last also the skilled hustler was no longer able to control himself and reached his orgasm, unloading into the welcoming ass of the john.

They dressed almost immediately. Giuliano paid him and drove the boy back to the town.

"I would like to meet you again..." Giuliano said to him, realizing he didn't even know his name.

"With pleasure. You can find me there, at the King's Arms, every night around ten. If you come after that time, you will still find me. I'll willingly come again with you, any time you want."

"Yes. As long as my boyfriend doesn't recover. I need an outlet, you understand..."

"Yes sure. I'll give it to you, don't worry. You will not miss the possibility to have your release, with me. You have a really good body and also a really beautiful ass."

Giuliano, driving back home, asked himself if all the beauty that was in him was just a cock and an ass... But however, what can one expect from a hustler? Anyway, it was good that he didn't tell him he had a very beautiful wallet!


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 8

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