A Thousand Loves

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jul 26, 2023


Sent: Thu, July 26, 2007 3:52 am

A THOUSAND LOVES, ONE LOVE by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2007 written on October 25, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"A THOUSAND LOVES, ONE LOVE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 6 - A difficult choice

Matteo had a date with Giuliano, but the young engineer had to go out of Rome for an interview, therefore at the last moment he contrived to tell Matteo that for three days they could not meet.

On that same day, just two hours later, Matteo met Fiorenzo. The man told him that the day after he would be alone at home, in Dei Quiriti square, and invited Matteo to go to see him, so that they could spend all the afternoon together.

In those three years, Matteo had been just twice to Fiorenzo's city house, on the occasion of two parties. He had therefore never seen the private part of the house and he was already anticipating the pleasure of seeing it and of spending some hours in intimacy with Fiorenzo. He had already had occasion to sleep three or four times on the director's bed in his villa, but only when all the family was at the city house, even though usually it was Fiorenzo who went to make love with him at his flat, that he had furnished in a very elegant way, with all modern comforts.

When Matteo rang the bell at the Quiriti square house, one of the servants answered the door. He asked for Fiorenzo, telling him he was expected, and was told to wait in the library. After a few minutes the director entered.

"Hi, Matteo. Come with me."

"But... I thought you were alone..."

"Yes, I'm alone; none of the family is here."

"But your servants..."

"Oh, they would absolutely not be a problem. I told them I don't want to be disturbed, and that to anybody asking for me, they have to say I'm not at home. Come, we will pass this way..."

The library had a door that led to an access area of the bathroom, and from there they passed into the private study, that was connected with the dressing room from where they passed to the bedroom. Therefore Fiorenzo led Mateo to his room without passing along corridors and therefore without being seen by anyone of the house staff.

Matteo looked at Fiorenzo's bedroom - it was beautiful. It was a wide room, almost a square, with a round bed in the centre. Two adjacent walls had two windows each, the other two walls each had one door, one leading to the dressing room from where they entered, and the other going to the corridor.

In the corner between the two walls with windows, there was a beautiful and luxuriant ficus benjamina plant. On the other three corners of the room there were three modern statues of white marble representing three life size nudes - an athlete, a ballerina and a man raising a newborn in his arms over his head. All the decor played on the colour white and on various shades of light blue.

"It's wonderful, here. Do you sleep here with your wife?"

"Yes, she chose the decoration. Do you like it?"

"Very beautiful those statues, erotic..."

"A sculptor who studied at the Fine Arts Academy with my wife did them. Yes, they are beautiful." Fiorenzo said drawing near Matteo and starting to undress him.

"Why did you want me to come here, instead of coming to my place?"

"It's a... symbol. On this bed, besides my wife, I never laid with anybody else. You will be the first. You've now been with me for about three years. I always said you that you are the best of the boys I have had, didn't I say so? And this, not only physically, even though I love your body. You never ask me anything, you never demand anything not even for the work, and I like this, I appreciate it. You are like my wife, you give me all I ask of you and never ask me for anything... That's why I wanted you here." Fiorenzo said and caressed the naked body of the young actor.

Matteo untied Fiorenzo's dressing gown and let it glide to the floor. Fiorenzo was already showing a good erection which Matteo caressed while bending down to tease his nipples with his mouth.

Fiorenzo guided him to the bed, sat on its centre, his legs spread. Matteo crouched down between his legs and started to lick his genitals, while the man was fingering between his buttocks, teasing his hole.

"Matteo, I don't know which I like better, your mouth or your ass, do you know?"

"Well, you have both of them, Fiorenzo." The youth answered.

"You like my cock, don't you?"

"Yes, a lot... and also how you use it..."

"My wife, on the contrary, almost doesn't touch it... not to mention licking it, or sucking it... she would rather die. I like making love with her enough, but... I need also this, and you are so skilled. And also at times having a nice pole dancing inside my ass... and she can't give me that, of course."

Matteo knew he was skilled in bed. He know how to give the utmost pleasure to a man, how and where to touch him.

"Sit here on my lap and let it all slide inside your ass, go on... Later you'll suck it some more..." the man panted, fully aroused.

Matteo stood up on the bed, lowered his knees to the man's sides and sat down, girdling his neck with his arms, while Fiorenzo was keeping his rod straight up with his hand, moving it at the right angle to meet the boy's hole. Matteo lowered himself until he was deeply penetrated. He then, pushing on his knees and on his arms, started to spring up and down.

Fiorenzo smiled at him and, for the first time since they were together, he took Matteo's head in his hands and kissed him on the mouth. A deep, intimate, hot, provocative kiss. And long.

"You are the best, Matteo... lie down on your back, now. No, without making it slip out... so... Good, stay still, so I can take you. Good, so... You know that I to fuck you like crazy?"

"More than... with her?" Matteo asked, enjoying the coming and going of that firm pole in his channel.

"Yes, but it is different. I like her too... and I like you."

Fiorenzo was moving into him with calm, almost solemn, slow but virile moves, pushing himself each time very deeply. He was looking at him in the eyes, almost as he wanted to dominate him not only with his body but also with his gaze.

"You like it, Matteo, don't you?"

"Yes, I like it."

"Also the others with whom you have sex, are good?"

"I don't go with others... just with another one, only one." Said Matteo.

"Is he better than me?"

"He's different... I like him, and I like you too." Matteo said repeating the man's words of a moment or so before, who caught the quip and smiled.

Then Matteo asked him, "Are you jealous... of the other one?"

"No, I told you, at least as long as you stay with me. How is the other one?"

"I like him..." Matteo answered and asked himself what the man would say if he knew they were talking about his son, of his only male child.

"Younger than me?" the man asked going on to pump inside him with calm vigour.


"One of the staff? An actor?"


They were connected in that way, united in that strong and calm intercourse, when the dressing room door opened. They froze instantly and each turned his head towards the door. Standing on the threshold, still, pale, his mouth half opened in an exclamation that didn't want to come out, his eyes wide, was Giuliano.

"Matteo! Dad..." at last the young man murmured, closing the communication door behind him and taking a step forward.

The two on the bed didn't move. Their eyes were staring at those of the youth. Then Fiorenzo slipped out of the boy and with a hand searched for the sheet, to cover at least partially their nudity, but the sheet was blocked under their bodies. Giuliano took one more step forward.

"You can also let it go, Dad... I have already seen..." the youth said in a strange voice.

"Giuliano... I... you should not judge me..." Fiorenzo said visibly embarrassed.

"No... not you, Dad. But him!" the youth said, visibly trembling.

"He... he is with me since... for three years... I asked him to..." the director, embarrassed, almost stammered, then went on, "I love your mother, believe me, but... I always needed also... also... this."

"Three years..." Giuliano murmured looking straight at Matteo in his eyes. "You've stayed with him for three years!?" he repeated, almost unbelieving.

"Yes..." Matteo said desiring the bed swallow him. He would have liked being able to disappear.

"And I who believed... who flattered myself... what an idiot!" the young man bitterly said.

"Giuliano, try to understand... since I was an adolescent I feel attracted to both men and women..." Fiorenzo uttered, trying to excuse himself.

"Your life belongs to you, Dad. You don't need to apologize with me. I like only men, I'm gay." Giuliano said, without looking at him, his eyes still riveted on Matteo's.

"You, Giuliano? But then... then you can understand..." Fiorenzo said with a hint of hope in his voice.

But Giuliano was not listening him. He said to Matteo, "And I who wanted to remain here in Rome for you, not to lose you! What a poor idiot I am, aren't I? And you... you were having it off with me and with him..."

Fiorenzo looked at them dumbfounded, "So... So... he's the one that you were... You and him, Matteo? My god what a total mess! And I didn't even suspect it..."

"Why did you do this to me this, Matteo? I was falling for you!" Giuliano said in a reproaching tone, sad and sorrowful.

Matteo was feeling as if intoxicated. A thousand thoughts, a thousand feelings, a thousand sensations were flashing in his mind without his being able stop just one of them, focus on one of them.

"Giuliano, I like you so very much..." he managed to say in a murmur.

"Oh, really? As a fuck I suited you? Who knows how much it amused you, the father and the son at the same time..." Giuliano bitterly answered.

"I... I was already with him when you... when you propositioned me..."

"Oh, and I who believed you were my lover... and on the contrary..."

"You never told me you loved me. And neither did I tell you so. I didn't lie to you. You never asked me if there already was somebody in my life... I never lied to you, I..." Matteo repeated, almost in a despairing tone.

"No, you're right. I've been the one who disappointed himself... the one who believed that his love for you was obvious... who thought you were a honest boy and not one who merrily passes from one bed to another..." the youth said.

Fiorenzo then added, in a reproaching tone, "You never told me that you were having sex with my son, Matteo! That he was the other one!"

"At least you knew that there was another one, Dad..." Giuliano said sharply. "At least you were not deceiving yourself..." he added in a distressed tone.

"But fucking hell, what could I do? He wanted me, you wanted me... I never asked you two to..."

"And happily there were not others asking you, then! Or are there others?" Giuliano asked, sarcastically.

"No, there is nobody else. And many have asked me, and I was attracted by them. But I was with you two and..."

"And you were contented with just two? Oh, poor Matteo, you also play the victim, now?" Giuliano asked with even greater sarcasm.

"No, I'm not playing the victim. I only hope you can understand. I never wanted to harm you, to deceive you. But you never asked me anything, never told me anything. You never asked me if there was another in my life. You never told me you wanted me to be only yours, or that you loved me... You, like your father... it just seemed that you wanted just enjoy my company and that this was enough for you..."

"Matteo, I wanted you. And, well, possibly I still want you. But at this point you have to make a choice. Me or my father. No, I don't ask you an answer now. Think about it, you have some days to take a decision. I just had a wonderful job offer in New Zealand and was about to refuse it... for you. I will now, on the contrary, accept it. I will leave soon. You have to decide before my departure - you either come with me or... or goodbye forever!" Giuliano said and went to the door leading on the corridor.

A moment before opening it he turned back and said, with bitter irony, "Sorry for having interrupted you, anyway."

"You'll say nothing to your mother, won't you?" Fiorenzo asked.

"No, dad, neither to her nor to anybody else. Your life belongs to you, as I said." Giuliano answered and hastily went out.

Matteo, afflicted, said, "What a mess! What a mess!"

"Let's dress, now... I don't feel like going on, at this point." Fiorenzo said.

They gathered their clothes and put them them on, in silence. Fiorenzo took him to his study.

"Matteo, I'm not upset with you..." the man said, sitting at his desk.

"One at least..." the young man commented, crestfallen.

"But... if you choose him and go with him... you'll have to break the contract and pay the penalty. And I will not help you, in this. The movie is too much important. And I don't know if you will have enough money to pay the damages..."

"I... I went very well with Giuliano. But I am not in love with him. And I too care about ending the movie... and to stay with you, if you still want me..."

"Of course I want you. And then, my son, what can he offer you? With me you have a job that you like, and money, and a home... And if you have sex with others, I won't be a pain in your neck. Even though I would never have guessed that... with my son Giuliano..."

"It was not I to seek him..." Matteo apologized.

"It doesn't matter. But I'm not reproaching you for that. I'm just saying that I didn't expect it. But I did not even know that Giuliano only likes men! Yes, it is true, he never had a girlfriend, but he was so busy with his studies, I thought... And as a father, I never have been very close to him... Cinema absorbs me so much that... Anyway, back to us, you have to take a decision, Matteo. With him or with me, Giuliano is right, on this point."

Matteo passed some days of tension and of confusion. On one side he really regretted loosing Giuliano, but on the other he didn't feel like leaving the cinema, and also paying damages, even if his savings could be enough... And anyway he liked Giuliano a lot ... He wavered several times between the two options, but after all he was leaning more towards remaining.

If only he had a friend with whom he could talk, from whom he could ask advice, an opinion, with whom to open his heart...

He would have liked to talk about it with Giuliano, but he felt that the young man would not agree to discuss anything with him - he was just waiting for his answer. He was waiting for a yes to leave together. But what could he do, in New Zealand? He knew English, but not very well. What job could he do? Being on Giuliano's shoulders? He surely wouldn't have liked that, even if Giuliano agreed to support him.

In Rome he had work he loved, a house...

Thus he told Fiorenzo he had decided to remain, and prayed him to tell his son about his decision. He didn't feel like facing Giuliano again.

When he got to know the day when Giuliano was leaving for New Zealand, Matteo went in secret to the airport. He saw Giuliano, with all his family. He felt a pang in his heart having to look at him from so far, not being able to say farewell to him, knowing that he possibly would never see him again...

"My god, how beautiful he is..." the thought felt like a stab in his heart, and he wept. He went back home feeling terribly sad.

But the sessions for the movie's sequences soon absorbed him again. Fiorenzo was behaving with him as always, be it on the set or when he went to meet him at his home. But he was missing Giuliano very much. He missed his gentle way of making love, his desire to welcome him into himself, his tender preliminaries...

At the beginning of autumn they went to film the exteriors in a small village in the mountains. Some of the boys of the place had been hired as walk-ons. One of them was an eighteen year old boy, dark blond, handsome. He had the eyes of a young deer, of a deep blue, like the sea. Matteo at once felt attracted to him. He buttonholed him and came to know he was a student, attending the last year at the school for land surveyors in Rome. He was living with an uncle, where he would go as soon as they finished shooting the scenes at his village.

At the beginning the boy seemed not to be aware of the interest that Matteo was feeling towards him. Matteo, on the contrary, looked at him very often, delighted to see the nimbleness of his slender body, the delicacy of his skin, the depth of his expression. Matteo was imagining him, naked in his arms, caressing him, enjoying him and making him enjoy, and his desire increased day after day.

Thus, on the last day they filmed in that village, Matteo told the boy he would be very pleased to meet him once again in Rome... to show him the stills of his previous movies... The boy seemed to brighten and accepted without the least hesitation. They made a date.

When, a few days later, at the agreed time, Matteo heard the ring of the door-bell, he felt excited. He asked the boy in. He desired to embrace him, to smell his good scent, to hold him tightly to himself... He was trembling with the emotion.

He showed him the stills, especially those which, for one reason or another, showed his body off better. When they came to the one where he was coming out of the river, his chest naked, the underpants wet and tight showing what was resting between his legs, the boy looked at it with shining eyes, and brushed it with his fingertips, almost as if caressing the actor's chest.

"You are very beautiful, here..." he murmured.

That was enough for Matteo. He brushed him with a light caress, and the boy didn't avoid him. Matteo's hands lingered on his back, then on his sides in a more explicit caress. The boy didn't move, didn't evade him and continued to admire that picture, bending over the desk. Matteo was at his back, so he leaned against him and pushed his pelvis against his ass, and the boy didn't move away, not even when he felt the hard member of the actor throbbing against his buttocks.

He put the picture down, stood up and turned towards the actor who had stepped back. Matteo noticed that the boy's chest was rising and falling rapidly. The boy looked at him and made a shy, light smile.

"I... I hoped you wanted... this. I never did it... you would be my first man... Do you want me?"

Matteo didn't answer, but smiled at him and started to unbutton his shirt. The boy was trembling, and let him do so, panting slightly. Matteo slipped his hands under the boy's tank-top and caressed his back, his sides, his flat and firm belly, his lightly defined pectorals. Matteo's hands seemed to never get enough touching the silky and firm skin of the boy who let him touch with abandon. Matteo pulled out the boy's shirt and lifted his tank-top, then his lips went down to taste the sweetness of his skin, lightly suckling a nipple with desire and passion. The boy trembled intensely, closed his eyes and emitted a low moan of pleasure.

The actor's hands went to open his belt, to unbutton his trousers fly, and brushed the member through the thin cloth tenting his hard-on. He pushed down to half thigh the boy's briefs together with the trousers, so freeing the strong and stiff member of the boy. He brushed it with his fingertips, admiring it. The fresh and silky skin was taut on the hard flesh that was answering to his touches, throbbing, reacting to his light caresses. With both hands he gently seized the boy's genitals, feeling them, and massaged the rod pushing the prepuce gently back, uncovering the beautiful rosy glans.

Slowly, ineluctably, he brought the boy to the threshold of pleasure, until a twinkling, translucent pearl formed on the little slit of the boy's glans. Then Matteo bent on him and caught it with the tip of his tongue. The boy emitted a second long, low moan and again trembled. Then the young actor savoured that tasty member with his tongue, licked it, and took it between his lips and started to suck it determinedly, moving his head back and forth on the beautiful groin of the boy, so young and yet so well developed. The boy quivered strongly, his member seemed to swell inside the welcoming mouth of the young actor, and tightened four, five times, each time making a warm spurt of sweet liqueur leak out. Matteo tasted it, intoxicated.

The boy had a dazed air, his legs went weak and he had to hold himself to Matteo who guided him to his bed, where the boy let himself glide down, falling on his back. Matteo finished freeing him of his clothes, rapidly bared himself and laid at his side. The boy pushed himself against him and Matteo took him in his arms. Their bodies tightly pushed against each other and Matteo caressed him.

"Am I really your first man?" Matteo asked in a whisper.

"Yes... besides a few hand-jobs with my mates... but nothing more, or else they would have made a fool of me... But I always desired something else... I desired this..."

Even though the boy already had the member of an adult, his limbs and his buttocks still had the softness of those of a youth. Matteo caressed him and his fingers went to explore the furrow between the small buttocks and felt the irresistible desire to slip in there, to steal his virginity.

He kissed the boy on the mouth, enjoying his freshness. His finger tried the boy's anus, pushed lightly on it then, after he wet it with saliva, tried again. When the finger penetrated a little, the boy's rod immediately sprang back to life once more. Matteo then took it in his mouth again and the young student's pole definitely regained all its vigour and firmness, swelled against his tongue, brushed against his palate. The boy then started to move as if to push it down his throat. But Matteo moved his head away and started to lick the young student's testicles, then under them, reached the furrow, opening his way with the tongue on the velvety, smooth skin, until finally he reached the inviolate rosy flesh bud and teased it with his tongue tip.

The boy instinctively spread his legs and raised them to give Matteo more ease, and again strongly quivered and moaned with a low and tremulous wailing.

Then finally Matteo slipped between the young student's legs driving his pole, now tense to the spasm, to wedge between the small buttocks towards the sweet virgin hole, throbbing with desire, and rested the tip on it.

"Yes..." the boy murmured in a beseeching tone.

Matteo then started to push with gentle vigour and felt the flesh ring open, docile, tender, welcoming. He very slowly slipped inside, filling the smooth, hot, virgin love channel.

"Oh, yes..." the boy excitedly panted, feeling it enter him, "... finally..."

When Matteo was totally inside him, he stopped moving, caressed the boy's face and the boy opened his eyes and gave him a radiant smile.

"Everything's alright?" the young actor asked him in a tender whisper.

"Yes. It's... it's beautiful..." the boy murmured making his sphincter tighten.

Then Matteo started to move back and forth in that adorable little ass he had just conquered, in a rhythm gradually more vigorous, and brushed the boy's nipples. The young student again closed his eyes enjoying his first, virile covering, tossing his head left and right, and incessantly caressing Matteo's back and sides.

The boy's member, imprisoned between the two tense bellies, brushed at each pelvic motion of the young actor, shuddered and ejaculated for a second time.

Matteo lowered onto the boy and kissed him in the mouth, going on to fuck him with shorter but faster and stronger strokes, and teasing his nipples. The boy was moaning, sucking the young actor's tongue, and his hands brushed and teased Matteo's nipples, who finally raised his torso stretching it like a bow and, submerged by an intense pleasure, emptied inside the boy, pushing into him as deeply as he could, feeling his warm buttocks pressed hard against his groin.

Matteo let himself relax on the boy and again kissed him in the mouth, waiting for the calm to come back to their bodies, still tightly united. His member slowly withdrew from the tight channel he had just conquered, gradually becoming soft again.

"Thank you..." the boy murmured, opening again his eyes and gladly smiling to him.

"What for?" Matteo sweetly asked him.

"For having taken me with so much gentleness. I'd heard that the first time it hurts, but on the contrary..."

"Did you enjoy it, then?"

"Yes, very much. Will you take me again?"

"Sure. I like you."

"I too like you. You're a really sexy and virile man..."

"And you a really sweet boy."

After that first time, they meet again regularly.

Matteo was feeling good. The movie shooting was coming to the end, they had to film only the last winter scenes. To avoid bad surprises, he told Fiorenzo about the student who after school every so often was passing by his home to make love with him. Fiorenzo understood and decided to have the telephone installed in Matteo's house, to be able to tell him in time if he went to see him and avoid embarrassing situations. Matteo felt grateful to him for that.

Yes, Matteo was really feeling very well, now. He liked the young student, and continued making love with Fiorenzo, he acted in the movie and his name on the playbill would move a step or two upwards, approaching the first status position.

He was feeling good and yet he continued to feel he missed Giuliano. Not in a sharp way like at the first times, but incessantly. Mainly when he was making love, whether it was with the young student or with the director... He was starting to be aware that Giuliano didn't give him only his body, didn't give him just hours of pleasure, of intense enjoyment, but something more... something slim but precious, something that neither Fiorenzo nor the young student seemed to be able to give him...

And he missed this indefinable something (but wasn't it possibly, simply love?) and he didn't know where to look for it, or from whom, or how...

Matteo celebrated his twenty-third anniversary, again twice, once with his student boyfriend and once with Fiorenzo... he got beautiful presents... but he could feel he was missing something to be fully serene, really happy. He almost caressed the beautiful lacquer pen that Giuliano gave him the year before... without being aware that this unconscious gesture was really directed to the handsome young man who gave it to him, and who was now so far away, even at the other side of the earth.

The movie sessions came to an end and now Matteo had much more free time. Fiorenzo on the contrary was still busy with the editing, with the soundtrack and with the thousand things still needed to give to the movie its definitive shape, so that it could be shown to the press and the critics for its launching, and finally to the public.

Matteo tried to fill up his free time meeting his little student more often, who didn't ask for anything better. But he also, the young actor became aware, wasn't asking him and giving him but moments of pleasure. Beautiful moments, for sure, but...


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 7

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