A Teenage Boys Life

By moc.liamtoh@5_orp

Published on Jun 23, 2008


Disclaimer This story is based on a homosexual boy growing up, the main character Braydon is somewhat based on me and some of my personal memories. The rest of the characters are completely fictional. If you are not here to read about homosexual sex between teens then leave now. If you are not of legal age or it is illegal to read this material in your country leave now! If not enjoy!! :) If you have any questions, concerns, or comments please write me!!! Pro_5@hotmail.com. If you do write me make sure the topic of your email is "YOUR STORY" because your emails will go to my junk folder and I would not want to accidently delete your email. Well enough said enjoy chapter 4!

A Teenage Boys Life Chapter 4 -- The Sleepover

The next morning I met Shawn at his locker. It was so good to see him again, his smile was so alive, even more beautiful than it has ever been before.

"Hey hun, how are you?"

"Amazing, thanks to you".

"That's good", I laughed. "So, I was wondering, would you like to come over on Friday night and spend the night?" I asked nervously.

"I would love to", he replied with a huge smile.

"Ok, so after school on Friday you can come home with me".

"Sounds good to me", he replied.

"So you wanna come try coming to see my volleyball tryouts again tonight?"

"Yeah of course hun, I owe you anyways".

"Ok I'll Come pick you up after your last class and then we'll walk to the gym together".

"K". He said as the bell rang.

School went by really fast. My day was easy and I only got a little math homework. After the final bell rang I went to my locker got my stuff for volleyball and began heading for Shawn's locker.

"Hey Shawn"

"Hey Braydon"

"You ready to go?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm excited to go see my boyfriend kick some ass at volleyball". He said with a huge smile.

"Well then let's get going, wouldn't look good if I was late", I said with a chuckle while smiling back at him.

Tryouts went really good, it looked like we were going to have a very solid team this year. Coach told us that he would be posting the list of who made the team tomorrow. I already knew I was going to be the starting setter though. I couldn't wait for the season to start.

"Wow you had an amazing practice Braydon"

"Thanks" I replied. "So you ready for me to take you home hun?"

"Ugh, it's ok I can walk home by myself", He said with nervousness in his voice.

"Shawn, this is the second time in a row you've refused. Why can't I take you home?" I asked a little concerned but annoyed.

"I umm, It's just out of your way and you must be tired from practice. It's ok I can make it home on my own"

I knew he was lying to me and it didn't make me very happy but I let it go for now. "Ok I guess I understand. But don't think I'm dropping the subject".

"Ok" He said quietly while looking at the floor.

"Come on hun cheer up. Remember you are coming over tomorrow night. So don't forget to bring your extra clothes and stuff".

"Yeah, I can't wait were gunna have lots of fun", He said looking back up in my eyes smiling.

"Yeah we will, we'll I'll see you tomorrow hun".

"Ok, cya babe", he replied with a huge smile.

We shared a long hug before we left in opposite directions. On my way home I got thinking about tomorrow night and how much fun it was going to be.

When I got home I went up to my room and decided to get my homework to get it out of the way. I loved doing math, as crazy as that sounds. I just love solving math problems. Especially ones that make you think, because when you finally solve it the feeling of success is awesome!

The math homework I was assigned wasn't hard at all it only took me about 30 minutes to get it done. After I put my books away my mom called me down for supper.

We were having grilled chicken and rice, it was really good. I ate like a pig because volleyball wore me out. I was so hungry! Mom asked how Shawn was doing. I said he was good and that he would be spending the night tomorrow. She was happy to hear he was coming over again. My younger brother seemed to be a little interested that I was having a friend over.

I guess I should tell you about him. His name is Trevor, he's 12 years old and in grade 7. He's short unlike me, only 5'1", weighs 110 lbs, blond hair and blue eyes. I knew one day he would have the girls hanging all over him, he was very good looking. He has a very quiet personality and does very well in school. He's a good little brother, he doesn't bother me much at all.

After supper I went up to my room and decided to get my math homework done. Just as I was finishing my homework my cell phone began to ring. I recognized it was Shawn's number and answered it.

"Hey hun" I said with a smile on my face.

"Hey baby" he replied back with a slight laugh.

"What's up?"

"Not much just watching some TV. How about you?"

"Just finishing up my math homework"

"Sounds like fun" he chuckled.

"Well it is for me" I replied back. "So you all packed for tomorrow night?"

"Yep, I'm really excited"

"That's good hun" I said with a small laugh.

"So what are we going to do anyways?"

"I dunno, play video games, watch a movie, stuff like that"

"Sounds good to me."

"Well I'm going to get some sleep baby, and you should to mister. I'll see ya tomorrow morning".

"Ok hun, sweet dreams!"

I closed my phone and looked at the clock. It was just after 8, so I decided to play some video games. I put in need for speed carbon. The graphics are so good, even for PS2. A little while later Trevor came in and asked if he could join me, and I happily agreed.

"So what friend are you having over tomorrow night?" Trevor ask

"His name is Shawn, you haven't met him before though. He was here the other night actually, but you were at Dad's".

"Oh, ok. What are you guys going to be doing?"

"Not sure really, I'm sure you can join in some of the stuff too", I said with a smile.

"Aw, thanks your awesome Braydon." He said while giving me a hug.

"Time for bed Trevy, it's getting late."

"Ok bro, Night!"

After Trevor left, I got ready for bed, and decided I would get some extra sleep tonight because I figured I was going to be up late tomorrow night.

The next morning, I woke up in a good mood. I was so excited for tonight! When I got to school I immediately went to Shawn's locker to go say hi to him.

Me and Shawn talked about the sleep over tonight until the bell rang. School went by so slow today. I was so excited for tonight that I just wanted the day to go by fast, but it didn't. It was terrible. Finally the final bell rang for the day and I hurried to my locker and threw my books in it and headed for Shawn's locker.

"So are you ready to leave Shawn?" I asked.

"Almost, just have to grab my bag for tonight".

"Here let me take it", I offered.

"Aw, thanks Braydon".

"No problem, now let's get outta here and go have some fun!"

"So what do you wanna do first?" I asked.

"Ugh, well what's there to do?"

"Well we can play some PS2, shoot some hoops, watch TV, or watch a movie".

"Well, hmm let's play some PS2. I don't have one of those, and I love playing them so much".

"Sounds good to me, you can choose the game".

Shawn picked `Call of Duty 3'. I guess he really loves shooting games, because he was really good. He actually beat me most of the time. I could see he was really enjoying himself, he was so cute!

We were interrupted when we heard a knock at the door.

"You can come in."

Trevor walked into my room, "Ugh, hi, I was wondering if I could maybe hang out with you guys or something", he asked shyly while looking at the ground.

"Yeah, you can Trev", I replied. "Oh yeah, Shawn this is Trevor, Trevor this is Shawn"

Shawn walked over to Trevor and put out his hand and they shook hands. Something shocked me though. There was something in Trevor's eyes, I didn't quite understand it, but I think he was amazed by Shawn's looks. I laughed inside, I was glad I wasn't the only one in the family that was gay and thought Shawn was hot. I was shocked but I knew what I saw in his eyes, I guess I'll have to talk about this with him later.

We decided to go play some basketball since Trevor loves it so much. He's not really good at it but he try's his best. Shawn wasn't good at it at all. He tried his best though, he was so cute! Shawn and Trevor got along really good, which made me happy, because Trevor doesn't have a lot of friends at school. I think it will be good if Shawn and Trevor are able to become good friends. There really quite alike actually.

We eventually started getting tired and we were really thirsty, so we decided to head back inside.

We each grabbed a coke and sat down and decided to watch some TV. We talked about basketball, who was best, who had the greatest shot and joked around making fun of each other. It was really quite funny. You know how we boys are always so harsh on each other. Just love to tease and make fun of each other.

It was just after six when my arrived home with pizza. She got Capri pizza, my favourite pizza ever! By this time we were all starving and pigged out.

After supper Shawn and I decided to go up and watch a movie. We laid down on my bed and rest our backs against the wall. Mid way through the movie I felt Shawn move over and rest his head on my chest. It was so awesome, as soon as he touched me I felt a shot of electricity shoot through me. I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him in tight to me. We stayed like this until the end of the movie. I was so into the movie I hadn't even noticed Shawn had fallen asleep. He was so adorable when he was sleeping.

"Shawn, hun, the movies over", I said quietly while giving him a soft nudge. I didn't want to startle him too much.

He let out a soft moan while rubbing his eyes. "I'm sorry I feel asleep babe".

"Aw, its fine you were so cute sleeping. You looked so peaceful".

He blushed a little, "I was peaceful, because I was in your arms".

I almost cried from Shawn's words. I looked him deeply in the eyes, and leaned in close to him pausing for a second. I kept looking deeply into his eyes and continued to lean closer to him before closing my eyes and kissing his lips softly.

It was just a short kiss, but it was so amazing. It was my first kiss, and it was the most special feeling in the world.

We both pulled away quickly while looking into each other's eyes deeply. When we both saw something in each other's eyes and quickly brought our lips together again. This time much more forceful and passionate. I suddenly felt Shawn's tongue slide into my mouth. I sucked on it softly before he allowed me to slide mine into his.

We continued to make out for the next several minutes before we finally pulled away and hugged each other tightly. We were both breathing heavily. Both amazed with what had just happened.

"Wow, that was amazing Shawn!"

"I know", he replied with a smile.

"So it's getting kinda late, you wanna get some sleep?"

"Yeah, I'm really tired".

"Thought so. Goodnight baby". I said while pulling him in tight and kissing his lips quickly one last time.

The next morning I woke up just after 8, I turned over to look over at Shawn but he wasn't there and my heart dropped and I got worried. I sat up and saw Shawn playing PS2 and was relieved.

"Morning sleepy head", he said with a grin on his face.

"Morning, when did you wake up?"

"Just after 6", he replied looking at the TV.

"What? Why so early", I asked

"I dunno. I just don't need that much sleep I guess".

"Oh ok. So what do you wanna do today?"

"Well actually, I should be getting home", he said quietly.

"Oh, umm, that's ok", I replied trying to hide my disappointment, but I knew I didn't. "Well I'll walk you home then".

"No, ugh, that's alright. You get some more rest. I can walk home by myself".

"Shawn you can't keep doing this. Why won't you let me walk you home?"

"It's nothing, really it isn't.

"Fine, whatever Shawn. I'll see you on Monday"

"Braydon...", he sighed. "Ok cya Monday".

I was really upset and bothered why Shawn wouldn't let me walk him home. I can't stand it anymore. I slid on my shoes and walked out the door.

I fallowed Shawn until he made his way up to a house. It was older, and looked in bad shape. I snuck up to a window and looked in. I could see Shawn, he was turned away from me. He moved slightly and I could see a woman lying on the floor, she was passed out. There were a bunch of bottles on the floor.

It all made sense now why Shawn wouldn't let me walk him home. His mom was an alcoholic. I felt so bad now, I didn't know what to do. When I looked back in Shawn was gone. All of the sudden I felt a tap on my back. I turned around to see Shawn standing in front of me.

Well that's all for chapter 4, hope you liked it, more to come of course! If you have any questions, concerns, or comments please write me!!! Pro_5@hotmail.com. If you do write me make sure the topic of your email is "YOUR STORY" because your emails will go to my junk folder and I would not want to accidently delete your email.

Next: Chapter 5

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