A Teenage Boys Life

By moc.liamtoh@5_orp

Published on Feb 22, 2008


Disclaimer This story is based on a homosexual boy growing up, the main character Braydon is somewhat based on me and some of my personal memories. The rest of the characters are completely fictional. If you are not here to read about homosexual sex between teens then leave now. If you are not of legal age or it is illegal to read this material in your country leave now! If not enjoy!! :) If you have any questions, concerns, or comments please write me!!! Pro_5@hotmail.com. If you do write me make sure the topic of your email is "YOUR STORY" because your emails will go to my junk folder and I would not want to accidently delete your email. Well enough said enjoy chapter 3!

A Teenage Boys Life Chapter 3 -- Finding Happiness

I picked Shawn up and carried him in my arms to my mother's car. She had a look of concern on her face, "Braydon what happened?"

"I found him in the change room two guys where beating him up"

"Why were they doing that?"

"I dunno, just picking on him because he is small I guess", I lied. There was no way I was telling my mom the real reason.

I sat in the back of the car so I could continue holding Shawn in my arms on our way home. As my mom was driving us at home I was looking down at Shawn the whole ride home. I had one arm under his head and the other one was holding his hand tight. He was so beautiful, it felt so good to have him in my arms.

When we got home I brought him upstairs to my room and laid him on my bed. I ran downstairs and grabbed two ice packs for his injuries to keep the swelling down. I ran back up stairs to my room and placed an ice pack on his left cheek and left side of his stomach. It was starting to swell already, I just hope the ice would help.

I heard my mom coming up the stairs so I went to go meet her. "Who is that boy Michael?"

"That's Shawn actually", I smiled slightly.

My mom looked at me a bit surprised, "Oh, it's a shame I had to meet him like this".

"Yeah it is", I heard a quiet moan suddenly and looked back into my room at Shawn.

"Go be with him, if you need anything I'll be in my room honey", my mom smiled.

I went over to Shawn's side and smiled at him, "How you doing man?"

"Ugh my body aches" He replied quietly.

"Well you did take quiet the beating"

"Yeah I guess, umm about that..."

Before he could finish I cut him off by putting my finger to his lips, "Dude take it easy you need to rest. We can talk later if you want".

"Ok, but where are we?" he asked looking around my room.

I replied with a laugh, "My room silly, now get some rest I'll come and check up on you in a little while".

"Oh ok, you have a cool room by the way", he said smiling as I was walking away.

"Thanks. Now get some rest dude".

I went back downstairs, grabbed something to eat and watch some TV. I was interrupted by my mother:

"How's he doing?" She asked.

"Pretty good, he's just resting. I just hope the swelling isn't too bad"

I looked at the clocked and realised it had almost been two hours since I left Shawn in my room. "Speaking of Shawn I should go check on him".

I smiled looking down at Shawn while he was sleeping, he looked so cute. I shook his shoulder, "Hey, how you feeling dude?"

"Better I guess"

"That's good. So do you wanna talk about what happened?" I asked cautiously not wanting to upset him.

"I'm not really sure to be honest", he replied quietly.

"Come on dude, just talk to me you'll feel better trust me!"

He let out a sigh, "It's true".

"What's true?"

"That I'm a fag! Look I better go I know you don't wanna be friends anymore and I understand", he said with a sad look on his face as he began to get up.

I pushed back down onto my bed and sat beside him, "Stop it Shawn, I was already beginning to wonder anyways".

"What? How?" He said in a shocked voice.

"I saw you looking at me in the change room this morning".

"Oh god, I feel like a complete idiot. I bet you hate me don't you Braydon. I mean you're the star volleyball player I could ruin your reputation. You don't wanna...."

Before he could finish I cut him off beginning to get pissed off, "Listen Shawn I don't care about my reputation, and I do want to be your friend".

"But why?"

I looked at him and put my hand on top of his, "Because I liked it when you were looking at me"

"Wait are you saying you're..."

"YES" I finished for him.

"Wow" he said shocked.

I took his hand in mine and locked our fingers together. He looked up at me and smile, his face was red from blushing.

"So ugh, does this mean...."

"Yeah it does Shawn, I wanna be your boyfriend" I said with a huge smile on my face.

He instantly wrapped his arms around me, "God, you make me so happy Braydon".

"So do you Shawn" Wrapping my arms around him. "But can I ask you a question?"

He leaned back and looked into my eyes, "Of course, you can ask me anything".

"How did they know you were gay?"

"Oh, at my old school someone over heard me talking to the school counsellor", he said with a sad look on his face. "That's why I moved here".

"Oh, well you have nothing to worry about anymore hun, I promise nothing will happen to you ever again" I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around him.

He leaned in and rested his head on my shoulder and began to cry.

I rubbed his back with my hands, "What's wrong hun?"

"You...You called me hun, no one has ever called me that before. It makes me feel so good inside."

"Well as long as those are happy tears there ok".

We continued to embrace each other in silence. It felt so peaceful, so right, I couldn't stop smiling. I could feel Shawn's happiness, just in the way he held me and was breathing. I knew he felt calm and safe.

A couple minutes later Shawn looked at the clock, "Wow it's getting late, I really should be getting home now".

"Well I can walk you home hun".

"NO! He said with a bit of force. "It's ok I'm fine".

I gave him a puzzled look, "Are you sure, I really don't mind at all."

"Yeah, I can handle getting home by myself, you've already done so much for me today", he smiled back at me. I walked him to the door, said our goodbyes and he was gone.

I was just a little puzzled a little why Shawn didn't want him to walk him home, but I let it go and began to think about everything that had happened today. I was very happy inside, I haven't felt this good in a very long time. I glanced at the clock and decided to go to bed early because I was so emotionally exhausted from today.

As Shawn was walking home he was relieved Braydon didn't push the issue anymore about walking him home. He was terrified of what he would think about his mother if he knew her problem. `Why did I get stuck with a mother like her', he thought to himself.

When he got to the front of his house he was terrified to go in, because he was afraid what would happen if he did. He walked into his house and saw his mom passed out on the floor, a very common place he usually found her.

He sighed to himself and walked over to his mother, "Why mother? Why are you like this?" He said to himself quietly as he grabbed the bottle of vodka and put it back in the fridge.

Shawn went up to his room and closed the door behind him. He sighed and fell onto his bed. He was still shocked form today's events. He felt his face and winced, it was swollen a little. He then thought about Braydon and he smiled, he felt so lucky, better than he's ever felt before. He stripped down to his boxers shut off the light and before long he passed out.

Well that's all for chapter 3, hope you liked it, more to come of course! If you have any questions, concerns, or comments please write me!!! Pro_5@hotmail.com. If you do write me make sure the topic of your email is "YOUR STORY" because your emails will go to my junk folder and I would not want to accidently delete your email.

Next: Chapter 4

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