A Teenage Boys Life

By moc.liamtoh@5_orp

Published on Feb 7, 2008


Disclaimer This story is based on a homosexual boy growing up, the main character Braydon is somewhat based on me and some of my personal memories. The rest of the characters are completely fictional. If you are not here to read about homosexual sex between teens then leave now. If you are not of legal age or it is illegal to read this material in your country leave now! If not enjoy!! :) If you have any questions, concerns, or comments please write me!!! Pro_5@hotmail.com. If you do write me make sure the topic of your email is "YOUR STORY" because your emails will go to my junk folder and I would not want to accidently delete your email. Well enough said enjoy the story!

A Teenage Boys Life Chapter 1 - A New Beginning

I awoke to my alarm buzzing in my ears, annoyed as I remembered today was my first day of high school. I leaned over and gazed at my alarm clock as it flashed 6:30am and sighed to myself. I rolled back onto my back and closed my eyes again, having that feeling every teenager has on a school day `just five more minutes'. I dosed off quickly again.

I was startled by my mother yelling up to me to get up or else I was going to miss my bus. I leaned over looked at my clock again and realized I had fallen asleep for another half hour.

"Shit! I can't be late, not on my first day" I said scowling myself quietly.

I now had only 30 minutes left to get ready for school and have breakfast before my bus would be here. I quickly made my way to the shower, turned on the water and got in. The warm water felt so relaxing, I was pissed because I only had enough time for a five minute shower. I quickly washed my hair, rinsed off, got out and dried off. I wrapped a towel around my waste and made my way to my room to get dressed.

I closed my door and walked over to my dresser. I looked at myself in the mirror and was very much pleased with my looks. I am 14 years old, I have medium length brown hair, and light blue eyes. I loved my eyes, they are my best physical feature. I am 5'10" and weigh 165 pounds. I had a very solid build, my muscles were well toned even though I have never worked out before. I stayed in shape from playing volleyball for the past four years.

I snapped out my daze as my mom yelled up that I only had 15 more minutes to get ready. I quickly dropped my towel to the floor, grabbed a pair of boxers and slid them on. I open another drawer, pulled out my favorite jeans out threw them on. I grabbed my deodorant, rubbed some on under my arms and sprayed myself with axe. I grabbed a shirt from my closet and headed downstairs.

For breakfast I had two pieces of toast smothered with peanut butter, and a large glass of orange juice. It's my favorite morning snack. As I was eating my breakfast I started to think about my first day of high school and began to get nervous. All the stories I've heard about bullying the grade nine's, initiation, it terrified me.

I came back to reality and looked at the clock and noticed I only had five minutes to get out the door. I threw my dishes in the sink, brushed my teeth, and put on my shoes.

"See you tonight mom" I shouted.

"Have a good day Braydon" she replied.

I grabbed my jacket as I headed out the door to catch the bus. A few minutes later I saw the bus coming down my road, I got on and sat in the middle of the bus. During the ride to school I became more and more nervous. My high school was going to be a lot bigger then my elementary school, there was going to be so many new people. I hate meeting new people because I'm a really quiet person, and extremely shy.

The bus arrived at the school 15 minutes later. I made my way into the school, and saw some of my friends from my previous school. I talked to them for about 15 minutes when, an announcement came over the intercom instructing the students to begin going to their home rooms. My home room teacher was Mr. Smith, his room was on the second floor, room 224.

I sat down in an empty desk near the front of the classroom. I looked at the clock and saw it was only 8:20 and I had five more minutes till the bell rang. I looked around the room and saw a few familiar faces, some from my previous school, others from playing volleyball and a lot of people I had no idea who they were.

"Hey Braydon", I heard a girl's voice say.

I looked up surprised having no clue who she was, "Ugh, hey" I replied back.

The same thing happened a few more times as people came in the room. I was surprised cause it seemed like almost everyone knew me, but yet I didn't have a clue who anyone of them were.

The bell finally rang, and Mr. Smith interrupted everyone, "Good morning everyone, and welcome to grade nine. My name is Mr. Smith and I will be your home room teacher for your next four years".

Mr. Smith talked about the basic school rules, and then handed out a bunch of forms to be filled out by our parents. We also received our locker numbers, mine was located on the second floor, B485.

Finally we received our schedules for the year. This semester I had Phys Ed, English, Math and Geography. Next semester I had Business, French, Family Studies and Science. I was pleased with my schedule, it was well balanced between both semesters.

The bell rang and I began making my way to the gym for my first period class. While I was making my way to the gym I continued to get people saying hey to me and girls smiling at me. I thought to myself `if they only knew the real me'. It was really awkward for me, I didn't have any idea who they were, but it seemed like everyone knew me. To be honest it freaked me out.

I entered the gym, immediately seeing a few of my friends. I went over and talked to them for a few minutes before we were interrupted.

"Braydon can you please come over here for a minute" I turned around and saw it was Mr. Kent, my Phys ED teacher who was calling for me.

I walked over to Mr. Kent, "ugh, is there something I can do for you sir?"

"I would like you to meet Shawn, he just recently moved here from Windsor" replied Mr. K. Windsor is a city that is located 20 minutes away from Essex.

"Hey Shawn, I'm.." before I could finish Shawn cut me off.

"You're Braydon" Shawn finished

"Wow who doesn't know my name, I don't get it?" I asked flattered.

"Dude you're the best volleyball player in the district, who wouldn't know you!"

"Well, I don't know about that, I'm alright I guess".

"Your just modest dude", Shawn said smiling softly.

There was something about his smile that gave me butterflies in my stomach. Shawn was a very attractive boy. He was short, only about 5'4", skinny build maybe around 120 lbs, and medium length blond wavy hair. He was gorgeous!

I was interrupted from my thoughts by Shawn, "well it was really nice meeting you Braydon".

"Oh, ugh, yea same with you Shawn", I replied extending my hand.

Shawn shook my hand, "I'll see you around I guess".

"Of course man, doesn't be a stranger now. Here's my cell number, give me a text or call sometime if you wanna hang out".

"Oh, are you sure?" he asked quietly looking into my eyes.

"Yeah, don't be shy man, we can hangout sometime or something".

"I'd like that", he responded quietly.

With that Shawn walked away, and out of the gym. I was a little confused why he left, but coach said he had to go do some more paper work in the guidance office for the school. When he looked me in the eye I almost melted, they were the most beautiful things ever. He had the most wonderful hazel eyes I've ever seen. I really hoped he would call me sometime, there was something about him that had me very interested.

The rest of the day went by fairly quickly. In gym class we just played a few games of dodge ball for the period. In English we talked about the books we were going to be reading over the semester. I wasn't looking forward to reading Shakespeare, I'm sure that'll be fun. Lunch was boring, I just had cafeteria food, and it was real shitty. In math we went over some review from grade eight, and in geography we just discussed the different areas of Canada's landscape.

On my way home on the bus I began to think about Shawn. I was a little sad I didn't get to see him again. I was beginning to think I was developing some sort of crush on him or something. I thought about him a lot today during my classes, for some reason I just kept, seeing his smile, his beautiful eyes, they kept giving me butterflies.

When I got home, I went up to my room, threw my bag on the floor, and fell onto my bed. I sighed out load to myself and began to think about how my day went. I was relieved that it was over and nothing bad happened.

My thoughts turned to Shawn, his smile, his voice, and those amazing eyes. I began to wonder what he would look like without his shirt on. I began to rub myself through my jeans and let out a quiet moan.

I unbuckled my belt, unbuttoned my jeans and pulled down my zipper. I sat up and threw off my shirt. I laid back down and pulled my now semi-erect cock out of my boxers and wrapped my hand around it. I began to think of Shawn again, I pictured him naked in the locker room having a shower. The hot steamy water splashing off of his smooth skin, and running down his back. I began to stroke my cock faster, and I began to let small moans of pleasure out of my mouth. I closed my eyes and continued to picture Shawn in the shower, his perfectly shaped body. My eyes moved down to see his wonderful round butt. The thought of his ass pushed me over the edge and my cock exploded several spurts of my young teen cum. It shot all the way up to my neck, I've never had an orgasm as powerful as the one I just had. I was in complete bliss, my thoughts were interrupted when I heard my mother calling me.

"Braydon supper will be ready in 15 minutes".

"Ok mom, I'll be down in a few minutes", I responded.

I sighed and grabbed my cum rag from under my bed. I cleaned myself, pulled my jeans up, threw on my shirt and headed downstairs for supper.

Well that's all for chapter 1, hope you liked it, more to come of course! If you have any questions, concerns, or comments please write me!!! Pro_5@hotmail.com. If you do write me make sure the topic of your email is "YOUR STORY" because your emails will go to my junk folder and I would not want to accidently delete your email.

Next: Chapter 2

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