A Tart in the Bedroom

By Trish

Published on Jun 21, 2021


A Tart In The Bedroom

Part 2 of 2

By Trish

As we undressed I recalled Kellys comment from the kitchen and said laughing, "Kelly asked if I was a tart in the bedroom! You cow!"

Lynn laughed and asked naughtily "And you said?"

"Sometimes" I laughed standing naked in front of her.

"Wanna be my tart now?" She held up her basque from the previous evening.

I laughed again, "She also thought I would look fantastic."

Lynn looked at me with a predatory smile and crooked her finger. "Come here then tart and let Lynn fix you up."

Carried along by the moment I did exactly what she wanted. I felt very strange and excited once she had clipped me in to the sensually restrictive garment.

I could hear the lust in her voice when she whispered, "Stockings and the rest?"

Silently not really believing that I was actively helping my wife dress me up as a tart, I nodded.

The look on her face was like something out of a porn magazine! The stockings felt awesome on my legs, echoing the restriction of the basque, as they pulled on the suspender straps that attached them. The tiny g-string knickers did nothing to hide the evidence of my excitement. Not that they stood a chance anyway because Lynn put the knickers on me in a very unusual way, using the two hands and one mouth technique! It felt amazing! Sliding her strappy shoes on to my feet she fastened the tiny buckle at the ankle. Standing naked and proud she helped me on to my feet before walking to the dressing table and patting the chair enticingly.

Unsteady in the strappy high-heels which offered no support to my ankles at all it took me a moment to figure out my balance before I tottered over to the dressing table and sat. Lynn smiled and kissed me deeply, swinging her body on to my lap and sitting. I felt my as if my whole body was being sucked in to her as she slid down on to me.

"You're going to look so pretty Ree." She giggled kissing me again. Kissing and squeezing as she worked she had soon done my face in a similar way to the way she had done hers last night. My eyelids and lashes felt heavy with shadow, mascara and liner, my lips seemed huge and my face felt as if it was being brushed with feathers. Ever so slowly she lifted off me and in a sudden movement she leapt away! In a trice she hopped on to the bed and crooked a silver tipped finger at me.

The shock when I saw my reflection was even worse than the night before. Then I had looked slightly feminine, this time there was no doubting it. I looked like a high-class hooker! The stiff full cups and the shape the basque gave my body a feminine appearance. My legs made long by the stockings and heels matched my body, on top of which was my whorishly made up face and girlish hairstyle. If I could had passed myself in the bedroom I would not have recognised me! The only real give away was my fully erect and very ready penis jutting out of the tiny g-string!

Lynn laughed at my expression. "That's why I knew Kelly would like you! Come here pretty", she cooed, "I want to see my tart swing her hips and shaking her bum for me!"

The tone in her voice sent sparklers of lust through me as I got on to my heels. Trying to do as she wanted I took tiny steps and placed my feet carefully.

"Oh baby yes, that's the one" She encouraged. Eventually now laughing uproariously I made the bed and was being willingly ravished by my wonderful wife.

Next morning when I awoke and found myself still dressed I was not at all comfortable about it. Feeling sick with embarrassment I jumped out of bed and walked straight in to Lynn's arms as she was coming out of the bathroom. Giving me a big kiss she said. "God Ree you look lovely this morning! Almost as good as you looked last night!" Seeing the expression on my face she added, "What's up love?" Running her hands down my satin covered back soothingly.

"Erm." I hesitated, "this!" I indicated my clothing.

Looking at me strangely as if she did not understand my problem she said. "What's wrong with it other than you look better in them than I do?"

"It's wrong!" I insisted. "I shouldn't be dressed like this. You should!"

Laughing a touch sarcastically Lynn said. "Don't such a sexist, didn't you enjoy last night?"

"Yes," I admitted, "It was a fantastic experience but that was last night..."

"It was wasn't it?" She giggled, "Two nights in a row. Fancy making it three?"

My friend between my legs answered that by suddenly waking up and announcing his presence.

"Oh I see my tart does." Lynn giggled.

Her hand had found my friend and was running up and down caressing the excitement that was barely hidden by the tiny g-string I was still wearing. I felt like all the blood in my head had rushed to my now rigid member and I thought I was going to faint! Then just as I was almost there Lynn released me with a laugh whispering into my ear. "Now what's wrong about that?"

My face must have been a picture, I was begging for it and she had stopped! Gasping I whispered. "Nothing, nothing at all!"

"Thought you might say that! Go and have a wash and do your business then come down I am not through with you yet."

The look in her face sent me scurrying to the bathroom as I could see all too clearly that we were not going to be out of bed for long. The excitement that was buzzing in my body still did not halt the sense of 'wrongness' I felt when I saw my head to toe reflection in the mirror. Even after I had washed most of the makeup off my face the defiantly feminine garments drastically altered everything about me. Instead of seeing a long haired, grey-eyed bloke in the mirror I saw a tall willowy redhead with slate grey eyes and I didn't know if I liked or loathed it! I was certain that Lynn was really getting off on dressing me and so figured that a bit of embarrassment was more than worth the benefits. After a moment's indecision, (I was having a lot of them at the time!) I decided to cast caution to the wind and feeling very naughty I borrowed Lynn's short robe and slippers before going down stairs.

I don't think Lynn had expected me to stay dressed because her eyes nearly popped out of her head when she saw me! Handing me a mug of tea she accused. "You total tart!"

"Yes!" I smiled hopefully hiding my own embarrassment. "Your tart!"

Trying to slide enticingly in to the chair. I could see the light beginning to burn in her eyes and it was a heady feeling! She leaned forward over the table and gave me a long passionate kiss before chuckling in amusement. As she spoke her lips were no more than a millimetre from mine and they tickled!

"I love your stockings Hon but your legs need some work as does your chest." Her finger's caressed the top of the basque and my chest as she spoke. "Want me to do it for you before we go for round one?"

"I thought you had work to do?" I teased.

"Oh I do. But from now on you come first. Straight after breakfast lets take a shower and have some fun." Then she laughed and sat back grinning at the surprising thought that was clearly written all over her face. "Since you are the tart, then I can be a chauvinist pig!" Aping the local cockney accent she demanded. "Where's me breakfast, wench!"

Breakfast carried on like that with Lynn behaving like a total pig! The obvious delight I had given her sent what qualms I had about this game of hers packing and in no time at all I was playing the roll of the simpering tarty wife of a chauvinist pig. Once I had washed up she grabbed my hand and all but dragged me to the shower. Excited, I allowed her, teasing as she went, to remove my sexy lingerie. Holding up a stocking she gave me a look of pure lust.

"Trust me?"

"Of course." I breathed wondering what she had in mind? Knowing I was going to enjoy it I allowed her to wind the stocking around my head until it blindfolded my eyes. With my sight gone I had to be helped into the shower and then I felt the warm water followed by soapy body mop cleaning every part of me. My skin became my main sense organ. I felt her cover me with something that was highly scented from my neck down, leaving me awash with strange sensations. It felt very bizarre to be standing in the shower blindfolded while my wife washed and relieved herself next to me. The stuff she had plastered me with felt like some form of deep heat ointment and warmed all my muscles. With a mischievous giggle she showered me off leaving my skin feeling hypersensitive and tingling.

I move to remove the stocking about my head but Lynn laughing knocked my hands down. "Not yet darling." She patted and powdered my body dry before gently guiding me back to our bedroom and sitting me at the dressing table. All the while she had been kissing and caressing me and this continued as she attended to my finger and toe nails. I could smell the scent of nail polish and I knew she was painting them. I could hear her quickened breathing and I could tell from her touch that she was as turned on as I was.

Huskily she whispered teasing the tip of my knob with her fingers. "I had better do something about little Barry otherwise Ree will never fit in her pretty panties!"

"Jesus, Lynn." I whispered as her mouth engulfed me. "We have got to do this more often... Please!!"

It didn't take long before the sensual overload that she had already exposed me to, took it's toll and I came, bucking up and down on the stool in ecstasy. Then my wife's lips were on mine, her mouth still full of my cum, kissing me with her tongue pushed deep in to my mouth! Willingly I accepted the kiss and soon the cum in her mouth propelled by her tongue was residing in my stomach!

In a post ejaculatory haze I felt her gently clean my now relaxing knob. With a light laugh she whispered, "Lets get little Ree dressed for the day." Giggling. "That's if I can keep my hands off her sexy body!"

Totally compliant I willingly stepped in to what I thought at first was the same basque as I held it to my body. Only realising that if was a different garment as she tightened it to me. As she pulled, I found out she was lacing in to something much more restrictive and sexy. The stockings she smoothed up my legs clung to my skin and sent all sort of exciting messages to my brain. I felt Lynn giggle seductively and whisper. "Going to have to get your knickers on Ree, little Barry's getting all excited!"

Up my legs slid a very tight pair of knickers that firmly contained 'little Barry.' Which strange as it may seem made it all the more a turn on!

The next thing I felt was her padding out the empty cups at the top of my basque thingy until I could feel the taut material across my chest. Pulling me to my feet she slid a slip over my head that felt like a silken shower on my highly sensitive body. I was almost unaware when she sipped my arms in to a shirt and fastened it up. Still teasing me with caressed and strokes she helped me step in to a skirt. The skirt felt tight across my thighs and bum and ended above my knee. Turning me towards the bed she slid her long towel robe over my feminine finery and fastened it up before sitting me back down with a towel over my legs. She knew I was dying to know what I looked like and was making me anticipate it! Smoothing foundation on to my face she laughed.

"I'll give you a daytime look, if you have that bedroom faceI will never get any work done. Chatting happily she explained about eye shadows, liners and mascara as she used each item. "Just a pretty subdued pink I think?" She teased lifting a lipstick.

I had never known that she had so much of the stuff or that so much thought had to go into putting it on. I had always assumed she didn't use that much makeup anyway because the only time she ever wore it was for work.

"Pity I have no heels that fit you but the slippers will be fine for now. Since it's a housework day. Shall we unveil housewife Ree?"

I stood up eager with anticipation, I wanted to see just how good a woman I made!

"Not so fast. Close your eyes." Once she was certain I had my eyes shut she slipped something on to my head adding, "Half a tick hon."

I was itching to see myself but Lynn insisted I wait until she had quickly dressed in a pair of jogging bottoms and a tee shirt before taking me back to the loo with my eyes still closed. The skirt immediately shortened the length of my footsteps, forcing me to take tiny mincing paces when she guided me to the bathroom.

I felt her fuss with my hair for a moment and then slip the robe from my shoulders then she said amusement bubbling in her tone. "TAR RAH!"

I opened my eyes to see and almost fell over! I looked totally different. My whole appearance said girl! It was as if she had taken an eraser to my male self-image and replaced it with this! "Wow!" I gasped, amazed that the pretty looking thing with pink sparkling hair clips in the mirror was me! The blue pencil skirt and pink blouse combination was nothing dramatic nor was my tastefully made up face but the effect of the all was totally convincing. As much as I hated to admit it and Lynn enjoyed making me admit it, I loved it!

I could tell from Lynn's expression that she had not expected me to be so honest and giggled. "Oh if that's the case you can stay like that for today after we have tidied up if you want? She grinned, "I can get some work done rather than taking my whore back to bed!"

"I can?" I breathed excitedly before suddenly coming back down to earth with a bump. "But what if someone calls?"

"I'll get the door and scare then off for you." She replied condescendingly.

"Well," I hesitated, "if you think I should?"

Letting out a snort of laughter Lynn just managed to say. "No should about it sweets, I want you to!"

"All right then." I shyly smiled and then added, "So long as I get to see the City highlights."

Lynn still laughing said. "If you've done all your chores."

It took about twenty minutes before I realised that I would be able to sort the house out far quicker on my own. Lynn kept getting in my way as I manoeuvred the 'Hoover' about the house. Finally exasperated with her I sent her off to her homework with a mug of coffee.

Just before she went to her computer she lifted her perfume from the mirror shelf in the hall and grinned. "So you smell as pretty as you look," and spritzed me with it. Through the fine cloud of scent I saw her sniff the air with a smile.

The day unfolded with echo's of yesterday because the next time I saw her was when she bellowed for more coffee. I smiled at the mug of coffee I had just made for her when I heard the shout of "Anymore coffee?"

At least an hour before the football I was done and dusted. Feeling a happy glow of self-satisfaction I collapsed on to the settee with a pot of tea and the Sunday papers surrounded by the scent that had followed me since Lynn had sprayed me. I had enjoyed my day so far. The clothes she had given me had been putting a sensual edge on every movement and action. I was especially getting to like the feel of my stocking covered thighs brushing together and the restrictive way my pencil skirt made them feel! I loved how I had to brush the skirt to my legs before I sat down and had to be careful about showing the top of my stockings. I was contentedly reading the match write ups when the doorbell went 'ding.'

The enjoyment I had been feeling a moment earlier vanished like it had never existed. I could hear Lynn banging away on her computer in the next room oblivious to all distractions. This was not unusual in any way for Lynn. On more than one occasion when I had got home late after a City match in Manchester I had found her slumped asleep in front of her PC at 3am.

"Lynn! I called in a frightened voice, get the door! I am a little indisposed."

"Uh? Okay!"

Through the door I could vaguely hear her talking to someone and then the door shut and I half sighed with relief until I heard her walk up to the front room door saying. "He's in here, Kelly."

Like a deer caught in a headlight beam I was frozen in place watching the door open as if it was in slow-motion. Thankfully Lynn entered first and abruptly stopped on the doorway. Her face said it all. "Oops!" She had forgotten what we had been doing that morning. Trying to back out in front of Kelly hiding me from her view but it was to late. Kelly had seen me.

"Ree?" She pushed past Lynn. Looking at both our appalled expressions she laughed and said lightly. "I can see who wears the trousers in this marriage!"

Lynn who like me had been frozen to the floor suddenly relaxed and giggled. "Jesus Ree, I'm sorry! Look Kelly this isn't what you think."

Kelly laughed and said. "What a pity! I'm not offended at all. In fact I entirely approve!"

Lynn who had been watching me glanced at her friend. "Somehow I thought you might."

"Oh yes one of my best ever office girls was a preop TS," Kelly again giggled, "You have dealings with her current employers account I think?" She saw the question on Lynn's face and quickly added. "No I'm not going to tell you who Lynn, but if your pretty friend over here wants her number I'll think about it."

Finally finding my tongue I said the first thing that came to mind, "Cup of tea Kelly?"

"Why yes please," she smiled at me, "I'm not going to bite. Relax for god's sake! Dressing is supposed to be fun, isn't it?"

Red faced with embarrassment I nodded back and headed for the door, needing to escape her coolly assessing eyes. I slipped past and headed into the kitchen feeling her gaze locked on to my body.

"Actually it's Ree I came to see Lynn. I have to pop up to the office and I wondered if she" Kelly stressed the feminine pronoun, "Wanted to come along and get some idea of where everything is?"

In the sanctuary of the kitchen I took as deep a calming breath as the basque would allow and told myself to be calm. It did not look like Kelly was going to be nasty about finding me dressed as a housewife. By the time the kettle clicked I had calmed down to some sort of emotional equilibrium. I was just about to carry the tray I had put the tea on when both Lynn and Kelly walked in.

"What do you call her?"

"What do you mean?" my wife asked.

"What's her femmie name?" Kelly reiterated her question.

"Just Ree why?"

"Well Ree is a contraction, but of what, Bree? Which in its self is a contraction of Sabrina?" Kelly winked at me her face alight with merriment. "You look like a Sabrina!"

Lynn who was also now looking at me merrily said "Okay then I'll leave you with Sabrina. I'm certain that after tea she would love to come with you, but she hasn't got any shoes."

"What size?"

"Seven," Lynn replied telling me with her eyes that if Kelly wanted my company I had better go along with her and look like I was enjoying myself!

"My driving shoes will do until we get to town. I'm a 6 1/2. I'll go and get them now and then pretty Sabrina here can have a chance to get used to the higher heel," Kelly suggested.

"Well then!" Lynn enthusiastically said. "That's settled. If you girl's don't mind I am going back to my homework. Bring me a coffee before you go will you Bree?"

I can tell from her inflection that from now on when I was in a skirt my name was going to Bree. I noddedsilently and minced over to the kettle and brewed up a fresh pot of coffee. I could just about hear Kelly and Lynn briefly chatting in the hall behind me before they went their separate ways. When Kelly got back she had a strange glint in her eye that I found more than a bit worrying!

"Here you are Sabrina."

The shoes were a pair of plain women's low heel sandals, which I realised, did give my legs a more feminine look.

"Go and take Lynn her coffee and the we can have our little chat and get off."

Trapped by my agreement with Lynn to get and then keep this job she had found for me, I had little choice but to agree which is why some twenty minutes later I was shaking like a leaf at the front door. About to be taken shopping for some new shoes and 'a few bits and bobs' by the woman I was about to start working for. She was very nice about asking if I wanted to be taken out dressed as a girl but she also clearly indicated that if I wanted the job I had better come with her dressed as I was.

Kelly smiled at my unease saying "Come along dear. We don't have all day," before confidently strolling down the path to her car. Opening the passenger door for me. She giggled lightly at my attempt to enter the car one leg at a time as I always had in the past. The amusement was still there as she instructed me on how I should get in without showing my knickers and suspenders off! The drive to the town centre was scary. I felt like I was the main exhibit in a freak show, on display in a sporty car setting.

If the drive was scary then the steady walk across the car park and in to the shopping centre was one of pure terror. I was that frightened I could feel my whole body shaking like a leaf.

"Just relax, take a deep breath Bree, then hold it and release." Kelly encouragingly whispered, "And again. That's it. Calm thoughts, no one will notice you are not what you appear to be, so long as you stay relaxed."

I don't know how long we just walked around the crowded arcades but it must have been a fair old time. The walk although truly terrifying at first did allow me to calm my emotions and understand that no one at all was looking at us strangely. Throughout this shocking acclimatising period she kept up a steady whispered stream of reassuring conversation. Slowly I calmed and began to even start to enjoy what we were doing. I had never done anything like this before, just wandering along browsing the various shop windows. Kelly had obviously taken a roundabout route because just as my toes were about to become painful she guided me in to a shoe shop. Straight away I began to feel tense and anxious again but after a few glance's in the mirror's dotted about the shop I started to see what any other person would see, just two women looking at shoes. I nearly wet my self when a deep polite voice said.

"May I be of assistance ladies?" It was the manager of the shop.

"Why yes, young man." Kelly said brightly. "My niece here needs a new pair of shoes for work and we wondered if you had pair like these. She lifted a pair of court shoes, "with a slightly lower heel."

He looked at the shoe and then said. "In what size madam?"

"What size are you Bree?"

"Size seven." I replied in a quiet tone.

When we left the store I was three pairs of shoes better off. Not only did she get me the work shoes but also she had bought a pair of high strappy heels similar to what Lynn had got me to wear the previous night as well as the higher heeled version of the pair I now had on my feet. Like the sandals they showed my painted toenails through my stockings which I thought was kind of cool! Laughing as we left she whispered that I should wear the strappy pair, she called them 'fuck me' shoes, when I whored up for Lynn that evening which brought an excited and embarrassed blush to my face!

Having got me some shoes we again returned to browsing along the halls. Giving me time to become accustomed to the two-inch lift to my heels we meandered along until she led me in to a clothing shop. In quick succession she purchased me two working girl blouses, a fine silky translucent blouse in a deep red colour and a brown leather handbag, which was soon dangling from my shoulder.

By now I had more than come to terms with being treated differently, it was nothing in the way I was treated that I could put my finger on but it was different and I knew I liked it! By now we were both clutching a few garish shopping bags and I was beginning to wonder if we should drop some off it at the car when I realised we were back on to the same level and heading in the direction of the car park signs. I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw the signs thinking I would soon have a chance to consider the afternoons activities but Kelly had not done with me yet.

"Lets go in here." She said with a smile and led me in to a nail salon. When I emerged forty minutes later I had ten perfect long feminine nails painted in a very vivid pink polish and pierced ears!

Once inside she had told the girl behind the counter that her niece wanted her nails done for a 'hot date' tonight and her ears pierced. The process was over so fast I hardly had time to raise any objection before she had put the first ring in my ear. It was done so smoothly. Numb the lobe and aim the piercing gun, 'click,' and the ear was pierced. Three more time's did she click my earlobes until I had a sleeper in each of the bottom holes and gold studs in the top ones.

Once my ears were done she told me to keep them in for a month and to clean them every day with TCP. The girl who did it was called Mandy and turned out to be the Transsexual Kelly had mentioned earlier. Throughout the process of forming my nails she simply chatted, not commenting about my being cross-dressed or anything, giving me the impression that she thought I was a real girl! Slowly I relaxed and started to even answer some of her questions when I noticed that Kelly had left. Anxiously I looked around but she was nowhere to be seen. Mandy, understanding what I was doing said, "Your aunt said I was to tell you to go back to the car when you are ready."

Hesitantly I stood outside the nail salon and looked around hoping I would see Kelly but it was in vain. Taking a deep calming breath I looked at my reflection in the window in front of me and praying I would not make a fool of my self tried to briskly walk to the car. The effect of my tight skirt and two-inch heels turned my brisk walk in to a high speed mince, having to take tiny rapid paces to even approach my normal walking speed. Yet as I walked my eyes kept picking my reflection out and although I was still scared silly I beginning to enjoy both the reflection and the ringing click, click of my heels upon the hard polished stone floor.

"Bree!" Kelly called out from a coffee bar near the car park entrance, "Over here!"

As I smoothed my skirt into place and sat, she waved the waiter over and said. "A diet coke for my niece please." With that assessing look up on her face again she nodded and smiled. "Your nails look adorable dear as do your pretty earrings. Do you like them?"

All I could say was, "Yes auntie Kelly." Holding out one my pink tipped hands for her inspection. Once the waiter had returned with my coke, I reached out with my free hand noticing the dramatic contrast between the dark liquid and my pink nails. The glass was half full of ice and had a childish bendy straw sticking out of it. I started to remove the straw but Kelly faintly shook her head so I just played with the ice for a moment to cover the action before sipping at the straw. Sitting in the coffee bar turned out to be much, much worse than walking, as I felt once again like I was on display.

However as with everything Kelly had made me do that afternoon, she allowed me long enough to become accustomed to the environment before upping the ante again. On finishing our drinks she led me back to the car and we were off again, this time stopping at a small office block perhaps ten minutes drive round the one way system, or two minutes walk away from the shopping centre.

"Come along in Sabrina, this is where you start work in the morning." Guiding me about the office she showed me the photocopier, the files for customers, suppliers, delivery and invoices. Explaining how they kept track of what went in and what went out before she led me in to a small staff room.

"This however for the first week or two will be your main function!" She pointed to the kettle, "Since you are going to be the office girl." Opening a cupboard she riffled through the plastic covered contents removing four packets. "Here are your staff uniforms, I got you the blouses this afternoon. I expect to see you here bushy eyed and ready to work in the morning, wearing your new clothes and shoes."

I looked at her in shock. "You have got to be joking?"

"No." she said firmly, "I don't think you have any choice because if you come dressed as a man how are you going to explain your pretty kevlar nail job, double pierced ears and hairstyle? Any one of them yes, but not all of them. I don't think you realise that you now would look a like proper pansy if you tried to look like a bloke!"

She laughed mockingly at the expression on my face when the truth of her comment hit home. How was I going to explain this to the lads down the pub? I knew they would be expecting to see me soon because of City getting promoted and the free pints I had won from it. The answer was easy enough. Stop going to the pub - something I didn't like the thought of at all. While I had been thinking Kelly had still been talking and it took me a second or two to catch up with her.

"Your Lynn obviously knows me better than I thought she did because she did a fantastic job on selling your abilities and then making you attractive last night. I wonder how she knew?" Disregarding her musing she smiled thinly at me, "Because she knew I do not like men in my office, she made you just a little androgynous looking last night, which I liked and when I saw you at home today? I saw the solution, simply keep you in a dress. In your case I will adjust your employment contract so that it's written in that you have to dress and behave as Sabrina for work!"

I could see where the whole afternoon had been leading now and knew I had no other choice except to do as she had bid, and accept the implications. Leaving me motionless in shock, Kelly punched a few buttons on a machine inside the cupboard and pressed a green pad which lit up and gave a high pitched buzz for a split second. Then, with a click, the green light went out and Kelly removed a plastic tag.

"There you are, Bree your own company name badge," pushing the still warm object in to my hand.

Looking down I saw a name badge with Kelly's business logo 'Nature Girl' emblazoned across the top. Beneath was 'Ms. Sabrina Harrison'. She had put Lynn's surname on my new name badge, obviously thinking that since Lynn went by Mrs. Harrison at work it was also my name. Eventually I croaked. "Oh my god! What's Lynn going to say?"

Kelly laughed at that. "Not a lot. I asked her. If you are interested, she did a very good job of mimicking Lynn's faintly scouse accent.

"Good! The sex is better since I have dressed him!" Which got my face blushing all over again. Still laughing she added, "Lynn actually asked me to get your nails done a pretty pink. The earrings are my idea but I don't think she will be upset somehow."

Lynn probably would not be angry with this but I was!

Kelly saw the look on my face and snapped. "And you can wipe that look off your face young lady!"

"Now look Kelly!" I spluttered. "No bloody way! I'm not doing it!"

"Don't you dare take that tone with ME! It's either Ms. Westbrough or auntie Kelly." She snapped.

Then with cold fury apparent on her face she slapped me! My face exploded in pain and she continued. "Carry on like this and I will damn well take you over my knee and give you a sound spanking! Now!" she bellowed slapping me for a second time. "Do you understand me Sabrina or would you rather walk home?"

The anger collapsed in side of me like a fire deprived of oxygen and I hung my head abashed, feeling as if the extra weight in my ears was a mark of my new lifestyle. The thought of her spanking me was scary and I knew she would do it, her eyes told me! My body shook and I felt like I was going to burst in to tears as I whispered. "Yes auntie Kelly."

She nodded, "Good! Then we can put this silly incident behind us then. However, I think that for the foreseeable future you will be working here only as the office girl part time. Once you have learnt your place, I will consider promoting you. I cannot however risk you having a tantrum in front of a client. The pay will be commensurate with the position of course."

"Lynn?" I whispered, almost to my self, "Now what's she going to say?"

Amusement replaced the anger in Kelly's eyes when she answered my question. "Not much I expect. I think she likes having a wife wait on her. Now fix your face. I put some make up and feminine fripperies in your bag while you were getting your nails done."

The amusement in her tone was much more preferable to the scary anger she had shown only a minute or so earlier and I was already searching the handbag for a compact when she said with a gay laugh, "Powder your face Sabrina and I'll take you home. I think I want to have a private word with your partner."

"Yes auntie Kelly" I whispered defeated, hating myself. I opened the compact and using the mirror like I had seen Lynn do on more than one occasion, powdered my nose!

The back seat of Kelly's car was full of plastic bags. I could not believe that we could have bought so much in such a short time. Seeing my expression she laughed.

"Oh - I got you a few bits and pieces while you were getting your nails done Bree. Shouldn't you say thank you about now?"

"Thank you auntie Kelly." I replied with out meaning it in the slightest feeling both physically and emotionally shattered by the afternoon's activities.

I guess she must have understood how I was feeling because throughout the ride home we were largely silent.

Lynn opened the front door the second the car drew up and walked down the path towards us. Her eyes went wide with shock when she saw me swivel on the seat and stand up beside the car with my bag dangling from my shoulder.

"Oh wow!" She giggled in ecstatic amazement.

"Hello Lynn," Kelly boomed, delighted by her reaction. "I seem to have misplaced your hubby so I brought you my niece Sabrina instead, sorry about this, but well! Doesn't she look pretty?"

Lynn did not reply, her eyes fixed upon my form then, with a sudden shake of her head she smiled and said conversationally, her eyes widening as she saw my ears, "Come on in. I have just put the kettle on and pretty Bree here can make us all a cup of tea. I can't wait to have a close up look. Have you had your ears pierced as well Hon?"

Silently I nodded and bit my lip.

Lynn grinned at my discomfort and said teasingly, "Well go and see to the tea then I will help your auntie with the car". Adding crudely as I passed and running her hand over my bum, "I am going to shag the arse of you tonight!"

Kelly who had heard her comment added, "I've got you a few little items you might find useful later." And then said something more quietly that made Lynn laugh crudely.

Without wanting to trip on the worn paving of the steps, the walk up to the door felt like it took an age. When I finally reached the kitchen I leaned my back to the door and breathed a sigh of relief. Without thinking of anything I just watched the wisps of steam coming from the kettle. My silent meditation was suddenly broken by the sound of Lynn and Kelly talking as they approached the door.

"Kelly, I just don't know how to thank you?" Lynn was saying as she entered the room, "An office girl, part time that's just perfect."

"Don't worry about it, I enjoyed myself. I haven't shopped like that in years and having Bree with me just added a little spice to it all" Kelly answered

They both slid into chairs at the table leaving me to serve them their tea before joining them. Kelly watched my expression carefully and told Lynn about how she would put 'Sabrina' in to my contract of employment and that she had given me a staff uniform to wear. Lynn, who was delighted to say the least, happily agreed to have 'Sabrina' ready for work in the morning. Throughout this conversation I remained calm and sat silently listening. Although I did blush when Kelly told Lynn of her threat to spank me!

Lynn's eyes found mine and she smiled. "I'll remember that, if she ever gets uppity on me."

"Ops! Not a good development!" I decided immediately.

Kelly who had been watching my face turned to Lynn and said. "Why don't we let Sabrina go and put her pretty new clothes away and we can have a little chat Lynn?"

Lynn did not even look at me she just said. "Go and put your clothes away Sabrina." Dismissing me as if I was a child.

Depressed I slowly slid to my feet and without a sound submissively walked away. Kelly's mocking tones calling to my ears. "Now don't open the presents I have bought you. They are for when you are both alone."

"But Sabrina?"

Almost in tears I turned and said as politely as I could. "Yes auntie Kelly?" Hating how girlish I was sounding.

Lynn grinned at the auntie prefix.

"Why don't you try on your uniform and higher heels for us once you have put it all away?" Kelly said.

I knew how she wanted me to react and I did not disappoint her. Trying to sound enthusiastic I said. "Thank you auntie Kelly I would love to!"

Lynn was giggling and enjoying every moment of my humiliation, but in her eyes I could also see a burning fire of lust every time her eyes met mine. That look changed the emotion I was feeling from pure humiliation to a volatile mixture of repressed sexual energy and humiliation. The depression I had been feeling since I had found out how far Kelly had moved the goal posts vanished as if it had never existed. I won't say I walked to the parcels feeling on top of the world, but I knew that at some point fairly soon I would!

It took me three trips to cart everything up to our bedroom. The presents were easy to pick out. One largish parcel wrapped in pink paper marked with an S. The other one perhaps half the size wrapped in dark purple paper marked with an L. Setting them on the dressing table I returned to the other pile and unpacked my shoes and blouses. Opening the uniform wrappers I saw the plain dark blue straight skirt andmatching jacket that I was going to be wearing for work.

Moving on to the other bags I found that Kelly had been busy because soon in front of me were a small collection of rings, bracelets and a necklaces accompanied by a small lady's watch. She had also bought me a short blue skirt that matched the uniform and a slightly longer smart black dress. Two packets of knickers, three matching bra's, six pairs of tights and two pairs of stockings came from a large green Marks and Spencer bag. The bras I noticed were to fit a 36b cup and inside the last box I found the filling for them, two realistic false breasts sized to be a b-cup on a 36 inch chest.

I held the objects in my hand and felt their movement, then almost ripped my blouse off. The thought of what they would do to Lynn made me shiver with anticipation. I removed the blouse, and it was quickly followed by my skirt and slip. Turning to the mirror I saw I was wearing the boob lifting and waist-nipping corset that Lynn had needed for her Bride's wedding gown. The stiff cups on the corset were soon emptied of the knickers and stockings that had filled them and I could feel the difference the second the falsies were in place.

They bobbed and moved as I did even though the stiff cups on the corset tightly confined them. Turned on now, I could feel my knob pushing against the tight girdle that confined it. I picked up one of the plain blouses and slipped it on, having to struggle slightly with the buttons being on the wrong side and the clumsiness of my extended nails. Deciding to be a bit disobedient I picked up the short matching skirt and fastened it about my waist, I didn't think they would mind the free leg show I would be giving.

I slipped my feet in to the 3 inch heels and stood with my back to the mirror, picking up the matching jacket and sliding it on. Looking at the jewelry, I put the rings on my fingers and slid the bracelets on to my wrists before buckling the watch about my right wrist cursing my new fingernails softly. Finally I opened my bag and removed the nametag, which I pinned on the left side of the jacket where the lapel would have been if the jacket had one. Then I turned to the mirror and loved/hated my reflection. I looked if I say so myself, fantastic - the perfect slightly tarty office girl. "Christ!" I whispered when I turned to look at my profile. "This skirt is bloody short!" The part of me that had been hating what I looked like packed up and left town, I was hooked!

The reaction on Lynn's face was even better than I had hoped. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head when I walked in saying brightly. "Well how do I look? Auntie Kelly what's the verdict?"

She smiled and replied deprecatingly. "Not bad at all Bree, not bad at all."

"You are not wearing that skirt!" Lynn cried catching a glimpse of my stocking top as I preened in front of them.

Looking at her with a sexy light in my eyes I walked towards her, "Oh don't you like my legs anymore?"

Kelly reading the look on my face as I moved towards Lynn said with a sly giggle. "I think I had better get off. My niece has designs of an intimate nature towards you if I am not mistaken. I'll see you in the morning Bree, 8.30 prompt!"

Its now six months later and I still cannot believe how its all worked out. Our marriage may not be particularly normal but I doubt that many are as committed to each other as we are. Did you say. "What about the present from Kelly? Well now that would be really telling - and a girl has got have some secrets, even from you, huh?

The End -----------------------------------------------------------------------

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