A Tale of Two Subs

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Jun 19, 2024


Chapter 31. What kind of a world do you live in?

When Anthony made arrangements to meet an advisor (they don't use the word `counselor') at Dominion headquarters he was advised that Masters who have business there customarily bring their slaves along. While the Master is occupied the slave is either put to work or locked up in a "dormitory"—one unlike anything found in the vanilla world.

And so, as soon as they arrive aaron is stripped then bound in chains—hands and feet together connected to an iron Dominion collar then locked in a dormitory cage. The "dorm" has ten barred cages where slaves are kept when not being used. aaron's mind is flying and his spirit is deep in sub space as he notices three other bois locked up like him.

It does something to him to realize there are other guys around like him, guys who are owned, guys who are often most at peace when they're feeling totally subjugated, just like he is now. He has no idea why Anthony brought him here today; Anthony never told him anything about it.

Talk is forbidden in the dormitory. Punishment is severe. The room is monitored at all times. No problem here—aaron just wants to sink into his own slave mind and experience everything that goes through his mind, the feeling of the iron collar around his neck for the first time, the chains that rattle whenever he tries to move, the sensation of being locked up like some object in a cramped space along with other subs or slaves while their Masters were occupied.

"It's going to take time and you can't rush the process," the Dominion advisor was explaining to Anthony. "This is a completely new experience. Take a look at the slaves in the dorm," he says, pressing buttons until a view of the four bound slaves in their cages shows on the screen. "Look. Four slaves. Not needed at the moment. Stored away like pieces of equipment. Look at all four of them."

"Never forget that this is all consensual. Each slave is where it needs to be. Very different circumstances, perhaps, but the common denominator is that these faggots are bound and locked up for their own good and they're most likely enjoying some wild head-trips. They're like dogs who are immediately calmed down when put in their cages. Now tell me what you're seeing, Anthony."

"Four of them. All the same. Sure, different bodies and faces, but that's not what matters. It's the collars and the iron and the chains and the locked cages." Anthony's beginning to process what he's seeing. "Consensual, Anthony. What they want. What they need. No one's fighting or begging to get out, are they?"

"no. They really look . . . . content. Wow."

The advisor smiles. "What if we sent you home with one of the other bois and told you to enjoy its service? Would you have trouble doing that?" "No. It would just be like working it over in the Club."

"And what if we sent aaron home with a different Master? Would you have any objections, considering you'd have one of the others as your slave?"

"I . . I guess .. .. oh fuck, this is hard. I don't want anyone else taking my . . ."

"Your what?"


"Why not? It's just a slave, isn't it?"

"yes but we're bonded."

"bonded how? How are you and AARON (he emphasizes the slave name) bonded, considering what you did to this slave yesterday?"

"Master and slave. I own him. No one can have him."

"So then what would happen if you decided you couldn't do this?"

Anthony goes silent, thinking . . . . .

The Advisor presses a bit more . . . "if you quit this, would that slave still be a slave, or would it just revert back to let's say, what it was a year ago? Or would it be casting about looking for someone else to take it and . ."

Anthony cuts him off. "that will NOT happen."

"Only you can prevent that from happening. But just look at the slave bound up in its cage. Remember this, Anthony: it will never agree to giving all this up. It will get owned by someone if not you. And now that it's registered as a Dominion slave, we'll make sure someone will have it. You know, Anthony, to a certain extent we each create our own universe. And that boi, I bet that he's been living almost all his life in a universe where he was meant to be a slave. Hadn't you clued into the kid's submissiveness even before it started in school?"

"come to think of it, yes, I have. Everyone used to order him around—kindly, of course—because he loved doing what we told him to do. There was nothing he'd rather hear than a "good boy!" from one of us." "Especially from you, I'd bet. So anyway, can you see how his world was made? And as soon as it was possible to get sexually active he began the search for a Dom . . . . . even obeying men in their 40s and 50s who would order him to suck their cocks . . . . . "

"And you think that is still going on with him? OH! how stupid of me! Of course it is." Anthony hits himself in the head.

The Advisor has a bit more to say: "right now it's on the verge of creating a new universe for itself. not only a universe in which the boi's a slave, but a universe in which it is YOUR slave, hopefully forever. But if it doesn't pan out, somehow that cute little sub is going to get itself collared by the best Dom it can find because it must be a slave or its universe will collapse."

"I'm the best it will ever have." Anthony realizes what he just said and begins to weep.

"You are, my friend. And a lot of people who really know you and love you know that as well. Not one single person has suggested you give the boi up. Remember that."

The Advisor sits and provides Anthony the space he needs to weep and sob, and one can't help but compare this to what happens to a boi when at last he realizes that for once and for all, he's crossed a line and broken with his past. He has become a slave. The damn breaks, just like it is happening right now in Anthony's experience.

Before Anthony is ready for this session to end the Advisor tells him that it is always possible for the Dominion to place a slave temporarily in a different situation, both to help the slave's metamorphosis and its Master's continued time for reflection. But just the thought of this causes Anthony to say "I could never let that happen to this slave. It would be too cruel."

"Keep that in mind," says the Advisor as he gets up to shake Anthony's hand and to invite him to have coffee with other Dominion members in their lounge. "We know you are not a cruel man."

. . . . . . . .

When Patrick unlocks the door the next morning, aleff falls down backwards when the door opens. He was sitting leaning up against the door, apparently. Patrick gets right down on the floor and runs his hands over the boi's face then its body, helping soothe out its tired and cramped body.

"You're a good boy, aleff. You didn't freak out or start pounding the door begging to be let out. I wasn't sure you'd be able to handle it." "But I did, because you wanted me there, Patrick. I did to show you I'm your boy and you can do what you want."

"You shouldn't say things like that, boy. You'll make me get carried away. I can't do whatever I want with you, so get realistic. I can't have all your teeth pulled so you can give better blow jobs. I can't have your junk cut off to turn you into a eunuch. I can't sell you to a Chinese potentate and have him bring you to some rural province in northern China as a farm slave."

"Ok, ok, I get it," says aleff, who sticks out his tongue at Patrick. Patrick grabs the boi from behind and pulls him close so they're both sitting up. Patrick kisses and nibbles on the back of aleff's neck while also toying with its nipples with one hand. aleff makes little noises and puts his hands over Patrick's to hold him steady. Patrick reaches around with his other hand and really tweaks the other nipple—good and hard until the boi cries out "Please no!"

"Then help me up," says Patrick. "showers," he says.

When they get into the bathroom Patrick motions for the slave to kneel down in the tub. He pulls his boxer briefs down and takes his cock in his hand. "I'd never make you drink piss in the morning, but I still want to give it you. Keep your eyes closed, boi," and he pisses all over the slave's body including in its hair. That's going to take a lot of washing out!

aleff lowers his head and says quietly, "thank you. Master, for your piss." Some of it drips down to his lips when he's speaking. aleff looks up into Patrick's eyes . . . and licks the piss from his lips! Then makes an awful face. "Ewww. Horrible!"

Patrick laughs at him as he turns on the shower to rinse the slave's body. He gets in himself and helps the slave to stand. He puts it right under the water and proceeds to shampoo the boi's hair three full times and then wash its entire body with his large soapy hands.

"do you give baths like this to patients now?" aleff asks him about his new position at the hospital.

"Once in a while, but only for men who ask for a male to wash them. But not nearly as intensely as I wash my own slaveboy," answers Patrick.

"Have you ever washed a real young guy, like a teenager or even younger?"

"Nope. They all prefer it from a female. Even the gay guys do for some reason."

"Sure. It would really threaten their sexuality if you did it and they got hard. I bet they'd be afraid of that happening."

"You've got such a dirty mind, aleff! One of these days I'm going to wash your mouth out with soap. Next time I hear you say `fuck,' that's what's going to happen. I'm serious about this. Got it, faggot?"

"Yes, Sir," says aleff in a hurt voice, because he says that a lot. Damn! Not this Master is beginning to control even the way he speaks. Ulp!

"Hush, boy. Let me enjoy washing your body."

So aleff hushes for the duration of the shower. When they're done, Patrick has the slave lick the water off his feet—he likes that a lot---and them dry him with a big towel. As usual, the slave must dry itself after the Master leaves the bathroom, and has to use the Master's damp towel to do it.

Once he's mostly dry, he brushes his teeth to get the taste of that little bit of piss out of his mouth then decides to get down on the floor and crawl out of the room because he's feeling really submissive after the way Patrick just spoke to him before. Much to his surprise, Patrick hasn't gotten dressed yet, but is lying on the bed with his hands behind his head.

"Get up here. Lick me from the bottoms of my feet right up to the tip of my cock then suck it like the cock-hungry faggot you are.." And aleff's tongue begins a long slow journey which is actually more like an act of worship for him. This feeling just continues to grow now that Patrick has become even more of a Master to him.

The slave feasts on its Master's body. Isn't that the way it always should be? Sadly, however, a lot of subs can't seem to understand that if they only thought and acted that way when with a Dom, no matter what the scene was like, they'd get a lot more pleasure out of it and they might even get surprised about how much it empowers the Dom to drive them right into subspace with just a few words. So many subs have a lot to learn. Reader take note if the shoe fits.

"That's right, faggot. Spill out your guts over my cock then lick it all up again. Find new places on my dick to arouse. Give your Master every single bit of the pleasure you'll never again be allowed to experience. Your rolel in this family is to give pleasure, not to take pleasure. Suck it good, faggot. Gag yourself just once, boy, show me you'll go all the way down when I order you to. Good boy. Do it again, aleff. Imagine we're at the club tomorrow night and you're naked and sucking my cock just like this while the other doms are watching and commenting to each other about what a total faggot I've trained you to become."

Shit! That turns aleff on more than any jerking off ever could. He sighs deeply and goes at his Master's hard cock with even more vigor.

Finally, Patrick stops him. "Go make my breakfast. Blueberry pancakes and you can mash up one and put it in your bowl with the gruel. Go, slave!" Patrick bends his knee then uses a foot to push aleff back up off his dick and off the end of the bed. He gets up. `CRAWL!!!" Patrick shouts and he falls right back down to the ground and scurries out of there. Good thing, because Patrick started looking for his strap. When he found it, he wrapped it over his neck and wore it into the kitchen, just as a warning to the slaveboy.

aleff is mixing the batter when Patrick comes up behind him, lays his hands on the slave's waist, then kisses its shoulders then underneath its ears. "You're gonna make me get the batter everywhere, Patrick," the slave whines out.

"sorry, SIR," says Patrick jokingly, then goes to sit at the table.

"I was talking to Jonah last night. We've made arrangements to bring you and timmy to the Inferno tonight. I'm saving my load for tonight. I want to drown you in it while others look on. Then let them see you drink my piss. Do you think you'll be able to do that in public tonight?"

aleff thinks about this. "If we go tonight and I can't follow through like that, will I be punished?"

"Of course you will. Listen, faggot, I'm giving you a wide open chance to safeword things in advance. (a) you'll be naked and on a leash, crawling if the floor is clean. (b) they're gonna watch you suck my cock and hear you gag and choke on it. (c) they're gonna watch you gulp down my piss the way I trained you to do. So speak now or expect for all of this to happen. I'm warning you in advance this time."

aleff puts the plate of pancakes on the table for his Master and puts one in the gruel which he leaves out to cool. "can't guarantee c, Master. just not sure. it's all so new."

"then you know what I want from you, slaveboy?"

"What, Master?"

"after I shoot my load, if the mood strikes you I would really like it if you could openly beg me for my piss."

"wow. Really pushing, Master." aleff can't help chuckling.

"I know. If you beg me for it I'll give it to you. Otherwise you'll do it at home after I whip your ass."

The tone of Patrick's voice tells aleff that all discussion about this has come to an end. Either way the slave will go to sleep with a belly-full of Patrick's piss again tonight. Maybe with a striped ass again. aleff puts his own bowl on the floor then gets under the table and opens his mouth to take Patrick's big toe into his mouth when Patrick raised his foot in the air. This is the best way the slave has to let its Master know that it's doing okay with everything that's happening and is being turned on by submitting to all of it. All of it.


Note the following:

  1. Please write me at subkodak25@gmail.com; let me know what you think of this story.

  2. Chat with me on Telegram. My name there is sub_kodak. Look me up. Say hi!

  3. Please donate to Nifty so we can keep this awesome site going. Please see https://donate.nifty.org

  4. I've selected a pictures to represent Patrick and aleff, Kent and aaron, Jonah and timmy. Ask for them if you want.

  5. I'm now listed on Nifty's Prolific Author page. You can find ten of my stories listed there.

  6. You can also find my other stories just by scrolling down in the gay/authoritarian channel to the dates listed below to find all the chapters of my complete stories.

  1. The Alex Chronicles 9/25/2022

These four are connected:

  1. Sweet Subjugation 1/15/2023 3. Brandon's Bosses 4/3/2023 4. Brandon's Brothers 5/29/2023 5. Total Subjugation: 5/25/2023

These are stand-alone stories:

  1. Tommy Loves His Sub 8/17/2023 7. Training Toby 12/31/2023 8. Breaking Me In 3/10/2024 9. The Brothel Slave 3/31/2024 10. Jonah Takes Charge 5/9/2024

Next: Chapter 32

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