A Tale of Two Subs

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Jun 10, 2024


Chapter 24. Kent introduces the slave to his friends.

The past couple weeks, aaron's been frequently messing with his hair. He was always fastidious about how his hair looked and always went around perfectly coiffed. In his mind he's terribly overdue for a haircut but Kent hasn't said anything about it. Finally, just a few days ago, aaron finally asked permission to go get a haircut.

"No," said Kent. "I want it to grow out a lot more. No more preppy haircuts for you. You're not a prepper. You're a slave now. You no longer have any choice about what you will look life. You'll look the way I want you to look. And while we're on the subject, from now on you can only shave on Mondays and Fridays. I like seeing you a little scruffy. It makes you look more like a Dom and I get off on that, knowing that I have the power to enslave someone who looks like a Dom.

"Now don't give me any attitude about this. If you do, I'll shave your head. I'll probably do that some time just to see you'll look like bald. But not right now. You've got enough to get used to. But the next time you start feeling annoyed that your hair's such a mess, just remind yourself that it's not your hair any more. It belongs to me. Every single thing about you belongs to me."

Of course, aaron did pull attitude about this. It was really pushing his buttons, more so than the collar or the cage. Maybe others wouldn't have been so upset, but Kent knew from experience what aaron was like about his hair. He was constantly asking to get a haircut when he was with his uncle. In fact, Uncle Anthony had planned on it every two or three weeks. But that was the past, about him and his nephew. That's no longer the case. Nonetheless, Kent patiently chooses to ignore it when the boi slips and called him "uncle." No. Now it's Kent and his slave aaron. That's how it will always be. Master and slave. And the slave doesn't get to say what its hair looks like.

Kent lets the boi get away with pulling attitude, just this time, because he wasn't done introducing new elements into its life. In fact, he was planning a special "ceremony" to introduce the new slave to several of his Dom friends, who had been urging him to make aaron his slave ever since the boi's father passed away. "Take the orphan and enslave it, Anthony. Make it yours now."

For breakfast this morning, Kent fed aaron a special slave gruel--a concoction with vitamins and special "herbs" mixed in--sold only at Evander's. He showed the slave how to fix it because it would be doing so from now on. When it was finished, he had the slave itself lay the bowl on the floor and then immediately make Kent his breakfast. This gave the gruel time to cool down, he explained.

While Kent ate he made aaron suck his toes under the table for a while. Once he finished his breakfast, he ordered aaron to crawl to its bowl and eat its breakfast without using its hands. Kent kindly allowed aaron to add cinnamon and cream and sugar as a reward for being a good boy. But then aaron acted like the brat he had been, he had to eat the bland porridge withhold the special seasoning. He also tossed in something that would mellow out the slave's snarky attitude lest it be punished.

Kent pushed his plates away, sat back and watched the slaveboy eat. "Eat it all, boi," he orders. "It you're not done in five minutes I'll go get that red whip again and see if it can help speed you up." aaron managed to get all down quickly. When he came up from the bowl, his face was a mess with bits of gruel stuck to it. Kent looked at him. "Clean your face with your hands then lick them clean. Do that from now on before you kneel up again, brat!" More humiliation. Damn! They haven't even been up for two hours already.

"When you're done cleaning the kitchen, meet me in the dungeon. NO shower for you this morning."

"Yes, Master," aaron said, making sure not to annoy the Master by the tone of his reply. "I'm learning," he says to himself. "He's training me in so many ways." aaron never knew how talented his Master was at this because Anthony never shared any of his life as a Dom with him, even when he caught the 15yo boy at a bdsm Frat party. Nothing until the boi was 18 years old, and only a little then until at last his uncle finally agreed to become his Master. aaron likes to refer to that as "the decision" in his own mind. So now. Dungeon.

It's not even 10 am. With a bit of trepidation, aaron slowly descends the stairs leading down to the dungeon. He's already put on his knee pads, anticipating a lot of time on his knees for the rest of the day. As he crawls into the dungeon, head lowered because this is the way the Master wants him to approach on, he can smell that the Master is freshly showered.

"There you are. Good. Eat my ass while it's fresh and clean," orders Kent as he bends down over a low table. "Crawl right up into me, faggot." aaron never gave a rim job until Kent made him do it, and several lashes with the short strap helped convince him that he wanted to do a good job. Licking, sucking, salivating and licking up the saliva from the Master's asshole. Kent moaned with pleasure. "that's right, slaveboy. Eat a man's ass. Get the hairs in there wet as well. Eat me out, fag."

Finally, Kent had him stop. "Up on this table, all fours," he ordered, indicating a table with adjustable height. At the moment it was low and easy to mount. Kent connected the slave's ankle manacles to the table with short adjustable chains, and the same with its hands. In addition, three straps were locked over the boi's lower legs. Its collar was clipped to a chain that hung down from the ceiling and Kent adjusted the length of the chain to get the slave's head where Master wanted it. Then a blindfold.

"there's nothing you need to see, aaron. Just be aware of how your Master is binding you. Men are coming to view you soon and you'll present a perfect picture for them."

Kent lubes up a couple fingers and uses them to penetrate the boi's ass. He'd fucked the slave last night so it was still reasonably open. This will be simple. He takes a 6.5 inch dildo and slowly fucks the boi with it, paying close attention to the noises it makes as he varies the speed and the depth until it's fully seated inside the slave's body.

"A good slave is a well-fucked slave," Kent says to him. aaron opens his mouth to say something but Kent quickly slaps a hand over it. "No more talking for you now." He sticks the end of a five inch penis gag into the boi's mouth and fastens it tightly around the back of its head. Then, just for the fun of it, he starts toying with the slave's hair.

One final adjustment. He puts a block about one square foot underneath the slave's carriage and then adds a large pillow on top of it. This will take strain from the slave's arms and legs because it can actually collapse on top of the new support. This is important because aaron will be in this position for a couple hours. Kent decided not to explain anything about this. Let the slave experience it all as an example of how the Master gets to make all the choices about his slave's body whenever he wants.

He runs a brainwave program through his sound system, all frequencies to calm the boi down and help put it into a dream state. aaron is fighting a battle within himself, a battle between his submissiveness and his stubbornness. He knows he must either submit or suffer. He's completely bound, both his mouth and his ass are filled with dildoes shaped like cocks. He cannot see, cannot speak, and his ears are filled with hypnotic sounds. Submission will take the boi into another dimension and that's what eventually happens and the boi experiences exquisite invasions of mind and senses.

Time goes by, immeasurable time and the slave slowly becomes aware that there are several people in the dungeon—he assumes they are men—and he is being touched lightly by all sorts of hands in all sorts of places and he can't make sense of how many men are there. Two hands are pulling aaron's nipples. He feels the bite of weighted clamps and rides the waves of the pain.

"Nipple pain makes a true slave submissive and eager to serve real men," Kent tells him. The penis gag is removed. Someone inserts a small candy in his mouth. "Eat it." It hydrates his mouth and somehow increases his desire to have his mouth filled again. Soon enough it is, this time by someone's hard cock. It feels so good in there! aaron slobbers and gives the cock as much pleasure as he can until at last the salty taste tells him that this cock has ejaculated into his mouth. He swallows. Another penis, this one much thicker, takes his mouth and throat and he's forced to hold it entirely in his mouth for what feels like an endless amount of time before the penis begins fucking his mouth and finally cums in his mouth, forcing the cum down his throat as he rams it into him one last time.

The penis gag is replaced. The slave, like a true faggot, is disappointed there's not another cock to suck. If he could scream he would, because the dildo was quickly yanked from the slave's ass and just as quickly he is assaulted by a hard cock and he knows it's not his uncle's. What gives? Kent said he'd be the only one to fuck the boi. Seven times a cock is shoved all the way up his ass, held there for a few seconds and then withdrawn. Seven different cocks get to know what it feels like to be inside the boi's ass.

The pain in his nipples is getting more and more intense and the slave has no way to beg the clamps be removed or to use a safe word. Hoping someone would understand, he tries to shake his torso from side to side. He's whipped with a strap several times. "Calm down, faggot. I know it hurts. I want it to hurt. Take the pain. That's all a slave can do." Kent's voice subjugates the slave all the more.

Relief! Someone takes off the nipple clamps. aaron makes the most awful sound in response to the electric jolt of pain he suffers as his blood re -enters his swollen nipples. "Yes, slave. That's what it's like. It always hurts the worst when it come off."

More time passes. Several hands begin removing the chains and straps binding the slave. Finally he's lifted and placed on a higher platform with a cushioned top. The boi is made to kneel then sit back on its heels, legs spread wide, hands clipped behind its back. It is still plugged and gagged. The blindfold is removed. The room is dark. One candle is lit, then two, both between the slave's spread knees. Gradually its eyes adjust to the light from the candles. The room is lit with blue light.

The slave realizes it's looking into the faces of five men it's never met before, each of them staring intensely into its eyes. aaron is overwhelmed with shame, that it has been the playtoy of these five strangers for as long as this session has lasted. Each of the is holding a short leather strap similar to the one that Kent frequently employs. Kent begins to speak.

"Each of these men has had an opportunity to make use your body today but there is much more to come. For the next five days you will serve each of them as a houseboy slave, one each day. Five days of slave labor will help you understand more about what I intend to do with you. And now before each of them leaves he will tell you his name and land his strap somewhere on your body."

"I am Master Bill," says the first as he lashes the slave on the inside of its left leg.

"I am Master Vincent, says the second, lashing the other leg.

"You will call me Master Whip, says the third, lashing it above the left pec.

"Master is my name. You need nothing more," says number four, getting the right pec.

"And I am Daddy. Gentlemen, please expose the slave's ass to me so I can spank it." Quickly he lays five lashes across the boy's ass. aaron cries out. "Yes, slaveboy. You're learning how to sing for your Masters."

This little "ceremony" is followed by a cookout in Kent's lush back yard, the slave naked (of course), crawling and rolling around, being summoned by one of the Masters and when it was a good boi, it got fed bits of food from their plates.

This too became an ordeal because they kept making the slave guess their names. When it guessed correctly it was fed a piece of meat or a French fry. If it was wrong it got hit. This was a fun way for them to help the slave learn their names. Master Bill, Master Vincent, Master Whip (which the slave feared the most) and the Master who didn't give it his name but told it to simply call him "Master."

Needless to say, the slave got to wash down the food it was fed by the loads of cum it was made to suck from their cocks. Finally, in order to show them all who was its Master, Kent fucked aaron while they all looked on.

The Masters finally said goodbye to Kent as he walked them to the front door. The slave was left behind to clean up the mess they had made during the meal. When it finished cleaning up, Kent let it take a shower. Time for romantic cuddling is a reward for everything it had endured and all the tears it had shed.

"I am the only man who will ever cum in your pussy," Kent assured the boy as he kissed him and allowed him to suck his spit from his mouth. "I might allow others to plug your hole with their hard cocks as a way of driving home the message that you are a slave to every Dom I share you with, but they will never fuck you the way I do. That is for my pleasure alone. And for your pleasure as well, sweet boi."

That evening Kent took aaron to the diner for supper and allowed it to order whatever it wanted, a special treat indeed. "Uncle Anthony," the boi said to him while they were waiting for their food, "thank you for owning me as your slave, and thank you for finding such a wild way to introduce me to your friends. You must be the wisest and most creative Master who has ever lived and I'm the luckiest slave of all."

Throughout the meal the slave's eyes looked upon its Master in adoration, these eyes that had been reddened throughout the day by copious tears. Let it not be forgotten that aaron likes it when something makes him cry. So does his Master.


Note the following:

  1. Please write me at subkodak25@gmail.com; let me know what you think of this story.

  2. Chat with me on Telegram. My name there is sub_kodak. Look me up. Say hi!

  3. Please donate to Nifty so we can keep this awesome site going. Please see https://donate.nifty.org

  4. I've selected a pictures to represent Patrick and aleff, Kent and aaron, Jonah and timmy. Ask for them if you want.

  5. I'm now listed on Nifty's Prolific Author page. You can find ten of my stories listed there.

  6. You can also find my other stories just by scrolling down in the gay/authoritarian channel to the dates listed below to find all the chapters of my complete stories.

  1. The Alex Chronicles 9/25/2022

These four are connected:

  1. Sweet Subjugation 1/15/2023 3. Brandon's Bosses 4/3/2023 4. Brandon's Brothers 5/29/2023 5. Total Subjugation: 5/25/2023

These are stand-alone stories:

  1. Tommy Loves His Sub 8/17/2023 7. Training Toby 12/31/2023 8. Breaking Me In 3/10/2024 9. The Brothel Slave 3/31/2024 10. Jonah Takes Charge 5/9/2024

Next: Chapter 25

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