A Tale of Two Subs

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on May 25, 2024


Chapter 15. Sucking lessons.

Patrick gives Luke a sponge bath for the last time. As he looks carefully over the sub's body he can see that most of the marks are well on the way to fading out and there are only three cuts that need to be rebandaged, one under his right arm and the other two on his back. Even they should be fine in just another day or so.

Luke just closes his eyes and soaks up all the attention, realizing more and more about how lucky he is that Patrick found him and decided to keep him. He has his doubts that Patrick will ever be able to get rough enough with him even when and if it comes to punishment. Then while he's still standing in the bathtub, Patrick gets his shaving kit out.

"You've got hairs faintly budding in several places. I want you bare, Luke, as bare as possible. It I were a rich man, I'd get you electrolysis. In the meantime, I'll strip your hair off myself, boy. Stand still and thrust out your groin, boi."

Luke gets into position. "Try not to move," Patrick warns as he lather up the boi's groin then shaves it completely bare. There are only a few hairs on the boi's balls. Patrick uses a tweezer and plucks them out manually, enjoying Luke's little gulps when he realizes what Patrick's doing.

"Bend over and spread your cheeks, boi," he orders, and uses the shaving cream and razor to shave its crack and hole. There's no hair growing there; Patrick just does it for effect. Just the idea the Patrick is taking charge of that part of the boi's body as well as everywhere else drives home an important lesson: the boi has no right to any kind of privacy. Patrick makes his mark on the most intimate spots. Luke keeps reminding himself that he belongs to Patrick now. The idea slowly begins to sink in more deeply.

And as if that isn't enough: "Take a washcloth and was off all the places where I shaved you. Get yourself clean. I don't have to do that any longer unless I want to. I'll be inside. After you've washed, get down and crawl in to me. I want you to suck my toes and clean between them again, boi. It helps you know your place."

Luke's inner sub is quivering as Patrick keeps coming up with words and deeds that are humiliating his sub anew. He'll be shocked to find out what comes next.

When he crawls out of the bathroom, Patrick is sitting in his recliner and is on the phone explaining to a coworker the nature of the "family emergency" he gave as an excuse to take a couple days off from work. ". . . so that's why I'm stuck here babysitting my little cousin until they get everything settled the next couple days. The kid really keeps me on my toes. If I'm not somewhat strict with him, he can be a real brat. Sometimes I'm really tempted to take him over my knee."

With that, Patrick reaches over and pulls Luke by a clump of his hair.

"No, I'm sure my uncle wouldn't object. He's probably wanted to do it himself from time to time. Damn! these kids don't know how easy they have it now. My Dad tells me how his father would make him go outside and cut a hickory switch and then get whupped with it. . . . Nah, I'll be easy-going at first. Then we'll see if it does any good. . . . . oh sure, Nancy. Thanks for calling. I'll see you in three days. Promise."

He disconnects the call. "You can stop. Kneel up, boi."

Luke kneels, amazed at how deeply he gets into servicing Patrick's feet. "Were you eavesdropping on that call, boi?"

"Somewhat, Sir. Couldn't help it."

"I see. Well then, since you heard it, you realize, I'm sure, that I was making an analogy with your own situation."

Luke giggles. "Yes, Sir, but I hope I'll be here for more than two more days."

Patrick also giggles. "You can be sure of that, boi. So anyway, now I think it would be a good idea for me to give my bratty cousin a good spanking so he'll know he wouldn't want to get anything worse." Luke lowers his eyes. Is this really going to happen? From Patrick? Holy shit! Who would have guessed?

"Well, c'mon, boi." Patrick smacks his thigh. "Up here, boi. Over my knees. Just for a sample of what I'll do it you displease me in any way. Might as well set the boundaries right here at the beginning. Come on. UP and over, faggot!"

Trembling, Luke climbs up over Patrick's knees. Sure, he's experienced a lot worse than this, but yet, the thought of Patrick spanking him, nice sweet Patrick showing his "tough Dom" side? For some reason, Luke realizes that every spank Patrick lays on his ass will be far more serious than Duke's whip.

Damn! First Patrick shaved his ass. Now, Patrick is going to spank it as if he were a naughty schoolboy.

"What a beautiful sight," Patrick thinks to himself as he looks at Luke bare ass up and ready for a spanking. Here's a situation where just the idea that this is going to happen, that Patrick now has this power over this boi, is as pleasing to him as the real thing will turn out to be. Especially since Patrick has never done anything like this before. He can't help but start by simply caressing the pale but delectable flesh being offered up to his hands. He makes sure to stroke the boy's crack with his fingers as well while he explores what it feels like to be touching this slaveboi's ass. He strikes it lightly. And again on the other cheek. Then back and forth, tentatively, slowly, trying to touch every spot, and as he gets going, something comes over him and he realize that "yes, I can fucking do this! I want to! I want to see how much the boi will take from me!" And with those thoughts, he gets started. Before long it turns into a real spanking. Patrick gets inspired.

"This is only a sample of what you'll get if I have to take you over my knees again, faggot." He strikes harder notices how the sound changes when he spanks harder. He begins to hear sounds from the boi as well. Slight hitches in its breath, and now little moans and whines, and Patrick moves around more quickly and strikes like he's really punishing a naughty boy.

Luke can't believe what is happening. The spanking hurts as much as the humiliation and the realization that Patrick intends to take all of this very seriously. And then the spanking starts really hurting! Luke cries out and starts writhing in Patrick's lap, trying as all spanked boys do, to avoid the next blow in a the sorest spot.

Finally it stops. Luke has slight tears in his eyes and won't let them flow. He's crushed. His ass is smarting in a different way than Dukes' whip bit. It's glowing, radiating blasts of soreness. And what makes it worse is that, damn it!, Patrick is back to caressing his ass, applying pressure as if he could squeeze out all the pain. The pressure of Patrick's hands is actually increasing the pain but making it all feel good at the same time. Confusion. What's happening?

And then the biggest realization of all: "Holy shit! Patrick is the Dom! Patrick intends to rule over me! Patrick is preparing me for future punishments.!"

"Get down off my lap. Take out my cock and suck it. Suck it like a servant boy who just got his ass whipped by its owner."

Luke can't get down off Patrick's lap fast enough, then rapidly slides his hands up Patrick's thighs to his groin. Trembling, he manages to open Patrick's pants, get the zipper down then fumble to get his cock out, his very hard, dripping cock. That's how much it turned Patrick on to whip his ass---let's not forget that! "Suck the pre-cum out of my briefs, faggot, then get right to my dick and show me what a cock-hungry slut you are."

Of course, this is not true. Luke has never been a slut. Not really. Just for a handful of guys in high school and foster brothers, and one guy who would invite him to spend the night with him in his beautiful home and double bed, then make Luke lick his entire body from his feet up, then finally suck his cock, forcing himself to gag on it as he sucked fast and furiously. This time Patrick finally took his dick into his own hands then ordered aleff to open his mouth so Patrick could shoot his load right into his open mouth. "Swallow it, faggot!"

Afterwards Patrick let the boi lay his head on his thigh. Patrick ran his hand through Luke's hair and caressed his face and neck. "See what you've caused, boi? Getting me to want to own you and train you and treat you like the slave you were meant to be? And punish you, of course. I don't intend to play at this, boi. This is real for me. Very real. And you better realize that because tonight I discovered that I really like thrashing your ass, little boi. Really like it.

Now get up and get dressed. I want pizza. We'll get it at this place I like. I wanna sit there eating my pizza and watching the look on your face. The face of a cocksucker who just got his ass beat by its Master. I wonder if other guys will pick up on it. I wonder if any of them would like to use you."

As it turns out, that could very well happen. After all they're still in the same town. Luke has been sucking off several fellows from around here since tenth grade. One of them could very well come walking in on them while they're eating their pizza. Or would that be too great a coincidence? You never know. You never really know.

. . . . .

Anthony (Kent) has Barry (brat) get dressed and tell him they're going out for a while but doesn't give any other information. Normally, Barry would just ask where they were going, but brat is afraid he'd get his face slapped if he asked. Anyway, he just puts on what Kent tell him wear and they head out.

Kent is driving to Henry's place. "I made a decision today when I found out that no one's ever given you a blow job. I decided that you need to get one so you understand what you have to do to be a good cocksucker. So I'm taking you to a friend's house and you're gonna get a blow job from one of the best cocksuckers around here. That way you'll understand."

"Then, after you cum, I'm gonna make you suck a cock and demonstrate you learned your lesson. You'd better do a good job. I know it's harder to put out after you just got to shoot your load, so to help you get back in the mood I'm gonna spank your sweet little ass to give you incentive. I've wanted to spank the daylights out of you right from the moment I decided to make you my faggot. And one more thing: you're gonna be blindfolded so you won't know who sucked you off. That would be terribly embarrassing to the guy if others found out that he had sucked the cock of a faggot being trained as a slave."

Of course Kent is talking the truth, and he's deliberately talking in a way that's guaranteed to make the boi spring the hardest hardon he's never had, just in time to get a blowjob for the first, and maybe only, time in his life as a sub. And it works like a charm! The boi's dick was tenting his pants. He reached to put is down and Kent slapped his hand. "don't touch it!" So that's the condition the boi was in when they walked in the door.

Henry greets them. He'd met Barry at the now-famous brunch. Now the boy is introduced as brat and ordered to get naked as quickly as possible. Now the boy understands why Kent wouldn't allow him to wear underpants. He only had two things to pull off and was in flip flops as well.

Still he's hard. Henry and Kent lead brat into a side room all set up for brat to side down comfortably and spread his legs awaiting something he'll never forget. They time it perfectly. Then can hear sounds from the other room. The person who was going to do the deed is here. Kent puts the blindfold on brat. The way it fits, there's no possibility that he'd be able to see anything around the edges.

The door opens. Henry brings in timmy, naked, blindfolded and on his hands and knees. Henry attaches a leash to his collar and leads him into the room, bringing the slave right up between brats's open legs. timmy easily realizes where he is. He raises his hands and finds brat's thighs. From there, the blindfolded cocksucker easily makes his way to the cock and balls he's there to service as if it were the most desirable cock in the entire world, the cock of the one person most loved by the boi whose going to suck it and give it as much pleasure as possible.

Henry backs off. It sounds like there are other men there, but they remain silent so brat doesn't really know for sure. But it doesn't matter. soon brat is experiencing more pleasure than he ever thought possible. "Don't forget, boi," says Henry to brat. "You're supposed to be studying technique. You not getting a bj for your own pleasure. You're getting it so you can learn to be one of the best cocksuckers ever. You're getting your dick milked now so you can become learn how to give the best possible blow job to any man who wants to use you."

Of course those words just turn brat on all the more so they're accomplishing their purpose. He almost cums but the one who has his cock in his mouth backs off right away, giving him some chance to settle down. Don't forget, now, the cocksucker we're talking about is timmy. And timmy has his instructions.

On the way over Jonah starts explaining their "mission."

"I'm bringing you to a friend's house. There's guy there I want you to suck off. Not just suck off, I want you to give this guy the best, hottest, wettest most perfect blowjob you've ever given anyone including me. It's got to be your very best. Don't disappoint me, timmy, because this is very important for reasons you don't need to know. The guy you're sucking off will probably be ready to cum right away. Back off. Edge the guy three, maybe four times if you can. I want this to last as long as possible. And oh yeah: you're gonna be blindfolded. You can't ever see who it is you're blowing this way. You can leave your pants on but not your shirt. My friend will lead you in and get you kneeling where you need to be. He'll put your hands on the guy's legs and you can take it from there. Don't forget baby: the very best you can give. Edging a few times. Got it, boi?"

"Yes, Master. Promise I'll make you proud of me."

"You do that, baby. You do that." Jonah takes timmy's hand and puts it to his lips for a little kiss.

When Jonah brings timmy into the house, only Henry is there. Kent is still in the side room with brat so timmy doesn't see him. As noted above, timmy is stripped and told to get on hands and knees. The blindfold is put on, Henry attaches the leash, and so things proceed as described earlier.

Jonah's trained timmy how to edge a guy, so timmy knows how to bring the man to the brink of orgasm and then quickly back off, letting things settle down again. Nonetheless, timmy has never done what he does now while servicing this very lovely cock to the best of his abilities. He managed to edge the poor victim three times!

Kent wrapped brats mouth in electrical tape so brat couldn't speak clearly and his mumbles would never give away his identity. Good thing because the last time, brat was begging for release.

Now, when it happens, it sounds like brat is letting use a string of curses while tears are coming down his face. timmy swallows the guy's load and as soon as he's finished, Jonah takes the leash and leads timmy out of the room again, closing the door behind them. He helps his boi stand and quietly tells him to get dressed quickly. They leave and Jonah regrets not being able to see the aftermath. As it turns out, not only has brat gotten his first blow job, but he's also about to receive his first spanking from the man he begged to become his Master.

Barry (brat) has often fantasized about this happening, him bare-assed over his uncle (kent)'s knees ready to get spanked for the first time. Sure, he'd been caned before by Keith, but this is a totally different experience and means a lot more because the boi is over his uncle's knees, and his uncle will be spanking him for the very first time. Kent knows this is no virgin over his knees so he doesn't hold back at all.

Right away he starts spanking the boi good and hard right over the boi's cheeks that still shows the faded traces of the caning he had received. The boi's cries come quickly and the tears flow rapidly. His uncle is thrashing him soundly, just as he would thrash any other boi he was taking control of. He finds it easy to forget their past relationship.

This is a sub's ass he's beating, a sub who richly deserves to be put in his place. This is a potential slave. Anthony wants it to realize that he means business. The boi had begged to become his slave. Now the boi can feel what that means. There's nothing like a good hard spanking to get a boi into the right frame of mind. This barely legal little faggot has to learn right from the beginning what he's in for.

At one point, Kent stops hitting him. "In case you're wondering why I'm thrashing you right now," says Kent. "I'm spanking your pretty little ass so you can get your mind off the blow job you just got. I'm spanking you to remind you that you begged me to become your Master. I'm beating you so you understand that I have no intentions of going easy on you. I hope I'm getting through to you, brat."

"Now you're going to suck Henry's cock just like you got sucked before. As a rule, subs always suck cock better after a thrashing. Get off my knees. faggot. Crawl over to Master Henry and show us what you learned about being a good cocksucker. Suck his cock. Make it as good as what you got before. If you don't, I'll just keep on spanking you until you improve. Now go, boy. Go suck!"

brat wipes his tears with the back of his hand and crawls over to Henry who's sitting with his legs spread wide, toying with his hard cock. "Get going, boy. Show us what you learned. Suck my cock and make it good, boi, or I'll take my strap to your sore ass."

And indeed brat demonstrates that threatened by the lash, he is indeed a quick learner. The night was a big success. When Kent got the boi home, he had it lie on its bed, bottom up, and Kent used special oils that relieved most of the pain and turned what remained into pleasure. Masochistic ecstasy. Then he fucked his slave right into the mattress before he allowed it to go to sleep.


Note the following:

  1. Please write me at subkodak25@gmail.com; let me know what you think of this story.

  2. Chat with me on Telegram. My name there is sub_kodak. Look me up. Say hi!

  3. Please donate to Nifty so we can keep this awesome site going. Please see https://donate.nifty.org

  4. I've selected a pictures to represent Patrick, Kent, Jonah and timmy. Ask for them if you want.

  5. I'm now listed on Nifty's Prolific Author page. You can find ten of my stories listed there.

  6. You can also find my other stories just by scrolling down in the gay/authoritarian channel to the dates listed below to find all the chapters of my complete stories.

  1. The Alex Chronicles 9/25/2022

These four are connected:

  1. Sweet Subjugation 1/15/2023 3. Brandon's Bosses 4/3/2023 4. Brandon's Brothers 5/29/2023 5. Total Subjugation: 5/25/2023

These are stand-alone stories:

  1. Tommy Loves His Sub 8/17/2023 7. Training Toby 12/31/2023 8. Breaking Me In 3/10/2024 9. The Brothel Slave 3/31/2024 10. Jonah Takes Charge 5/9/2024

Next: Chapter 16

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