A Tale of Two Curses

By Charles Bozeman

Published on Nov 22, 2016


A Tale of Two Curses – Futanari Vampires

By: The Archivist

Chapter 3 – Older, Younger

We enjoyed it. Perhaps a little too much. Misty kept ordering Angela to do things. Even stupid things, like standing on one foot. Angela did them with aplomb. The perfect example of a newly made thrall, with one small addition.

Well, not SMALL.

Just before sunrise, we duct taped aluminum foil to the windows. Though we were resistant to sunlight, we didn't want to risk it, especially because the bedroom window faced west. As we faded off to the slumber that the sun brings, Misty and Angela flanked me, and each took one of my nipples in their mouths. Their hands held my cock, and I held onto each of theirs. We rubbed each other gently until sleep came.

Once again, our sleep was interrupted by one of those god damned cell phones. This time, Angela's phone was the culprit. She pushed herself out of bed and grabbed her phone from a nearby desk.

"Angela, ignore it and come back to bed with us." I slurred through the haze of sleep.

Angela made an "eep" noise. "I can't! It's my mom!" She answered the phone. "Hi mom! What's... oh, you heard... well..." she glanced down at her crotch. "It's complicated. I had to quit because... something came up. ...it won't go away anytime soon. No! It's not like that!"

Angela continued to argue with her mother. I had enough. As I climbed out of bed, Misty moaned pathetically. I crossed over and grabbed Angela's shoulders from behind.

"Get her here. Tonight. Do it however you can." I whispered.

Angela turned to me, a look of horror on her face. She nodded slowly. "Listen, Mom, I... no I can't talk right now, can we do this over dinner? Yeah, we'll go out and get this thing taken care of. No, my car is kind of making a weird noise, could you come pick me up? Say 7:00? Ok, love you, bye." She looked back at me. "You're not going to kill my mom, are you Mistress Kelly?"

"We will see. From what I heard, she's not a very pliable person." I replied.

"Angie! You could do it!" Misty suddenly shouted.

"Do what?" Angela said, turning back to her.

"Your desert island fuck!" Misty had the most wicked smile on her face.

Angela's look of horror suddenly gave way to that of introspection. She looked at me. "Mistress Kelly, can I... I mean before... oh, this is so embarrassing..."

"She wants to fuck her mom, mistress." Misty explained. Ah, that made sense. Angela shot Misty a look of pure fire. Misty continued. "Yeah, we were playing a game and we decided on the one person we'd fuck if there were no consequences and no one would know."

"Yeah, but this time someone will know! Besides, I don't hear you wanting to fuck Taylor Swift!" Angela shouted.

"Taylor Swift isn't coming over for dinner. And get this, Mistress, Angela's mom owns Curved Images, the modeling company. She's loaded!" Misty replied.

Over the centuries, I have amassed a small fortune from dead husbands, business ventures, and good old fashioned interest. However, my holdings are nowhere near enough to buy an up and coming modeling firm on the cutting edge of fashion and softcore nude photography. Curved Images could provide enough resources to do something I've always dreamed of, but never really thought possible.

I could be Queen of San Francisco.

"Alright, Angela, not only will your mother not be killed; you can seduce her and take her, as you wish." I announced.

Angela's face beamed. "Really, mistress? You'll help me seduce her?"

"Seduce her and more, my sweet. You are going to curse her with that sweet little penis of yours." I said as I stroked her crotch. She became rock hard almost instantly.

"Oh fuck yessssss..."she hissed.

"But!" I shouted. "First, I must do what a good master does to newly made vampires. You must learn how being a vampire works. How to use your will to manipulate a human. How to control your powers. How to avoid your weaknesses. And, finally, how to live as a vampire within our society. Angela, sit on the bed."

Angela did. Misty threw off her covers and scooted up next to her.

"Misty, pay attention to me while I am talking, and compel Angela to pay attention to me." I willed.

"Angela, pay attention to Mistress Kelly." Misty willed.

"Good. I will ask questions of you. The one who gets the most questions right gets to fuck my pussy. The one who doesn't is going to let me fuck her ass at the same time." Both of their eyes widened.

I explained the virtues of vampirism. Obviously, you do not age and live forever. You can heal any injury, save staking, beheading, or sun damage within minutes. Concentrating on a part of your body gives you stronger control, or superhuman abilities like super strength, speed, and senses. Finally, the change magically makes your body whole, if it were not. Old wounds heal, scars disappear, health conditions are cured, and even foreign objects such as artificial bone replacements or tooth fillings somehow disappear and become flesh again, save tattoos and piercings. Misty correctly recited two of these facts, while Angela went one and one.

Next, I explained the curse. Vampires need human blood to survive, and as time goes on, your hunger for blood grows. Let it grow too much and you can lose your mind, becoming an animal until you sate your bloodlust. In addition, you are cold to the touch, have no heartbeat, and don't breathe unless you speak. Concentration can change these things, but any amount of concentration to change your condition makes the hunger grow faster. Your body keeps an image of what you were like when you changed, and always reverts back to that image, so haircuts go away, you can't gain new tattoos, and the like. Misty was confused by the hunger, but Angela paid extra care on the hair section. It was tied.

I explained how to use your will to put compulsions in the mind of someone else. Subtle compulsions worked into larger sentences work better, because the victim is too busy understanding your meaning to feel the pressure of the compulsion. Compulsions can change attitudes over time, which is how I maintain a staff at my mansion without them knowing about me. Compulsions are more easily shaken off if they endanger a victim, go against what they know to be true, or are confusing. However, if a victim is confused by or rejects a compulsion, and you explain it so that it makes sense to them, it will gel in their mind and become stronger. Misty passed with flying colors, as did Angela.

Finally, I covered vampire society. Any vampire that reveals themselves to the media or any other entity is hunted and killed, not just by humans but by other vampires. Secrecy is paramount. Vampires congregate in cities because rural areas are too difficult to maintain a low profile in while drinking the blood of unsuspecting people. Cities have a psychic boundary defined by population density, not by political boundaries. Within the psychic field of a city, if there is not a King or Queen, any two vampires can pronounce a third to be a King or Queen. If a King or Queen exists, this doesn't work; the city only accepts one ruler at a time. The current King of San Francisco is James III, who has ruled for at least a hundred years, and is hated but also feared. A King or Queen can compel ANY vampire to do ANYTHING and they have the same resistance a mortal would have against a vampire. It works even better on mortals, to the point of brainwashing. Hence, Kings and Queens tend to be very well protected by mortal guards and almost invincible because all they need to say is "stop."

Angela lost most of this, getting confused by the city boundaries, which to her credit are confusing. Misty also stumbled, but got one right; we were going to overthrow King James. I picked up Angela, flipped her in midair, and threw her on the bed, face down.

"Whoa!" she screamed as she tumbled.

Before she could get back up I threw myself on her and fucked her ass, hard. She screamed, but soon began humping me back. I felt Misty behind me, and bent over slightly to give better access to my pussy. As she entered me, I felt a jolt shoot through my pussy and up my cock. Giving and receiving at the same time felt amazing.

Misty stayed almost completely still as I rocked back and forth, pulling out of Angela's ass to be impaled on Misty's cock, and then gripping with my kegels as I rammed hard into Angela. We all came hard in record time.

Afterwards, Misty ripped the sheets off the bed and ran them down to the laundry room, while Angela and I worked hard turning her into the most fuckable piece of ass we could. We chose a white cocktail dress that showed off her cleavage and legs, but still had enough to hide her penis bulge. We pulled her hair up and gave it a fancy braid, and gave her a makeover. Misty straightened and cleaned up the apartment. By 6:30 we had all undergone the makeover treatment. Misty and I were significantly more modestly dressed; we wanted Angela's mother to be looking only at her daughter. We rehearsed our plan until there was a knock at the door. Angela bounded up and opened it to reveal her mother.

Angela lusted after her mother for a damn good reason. She was the epitome of MILF. Long, flowing blonde hair that perfectly framed her hazel eyes. Bronzed freckled skin with just enough wrinkles to make her look mature, but not old. Her bust was bigger than mine; possibly fake, but hard to tell through the black sequined dress that contoured her very sexy body. This was a woman who exuded sex, almost as an afterthought.

I concentrated a little to bring my cock back down, as it was about to tear through my panties, drag me across the room, and fuck her.

"Mommy!" Angela shouted and threw her arms around her mother. She affectionately kissed her mother's cheeks twice.

"I've never known you this excited to see me, Angela." She said as she kissed her daughter back once, quickly. "Misty, it's good to finally meet you. Angela has told me all about you."

"Oh, has she?" Misty looked at Angela.

"Yes, who is your other friend here? And has she considered modeling as a career?" Julia said as she turned to me. What a charmer! This was going to be fun. I walked over and presented my hand.

"Kelly, of Moonlight Holdings. I've only just met your daughter today, but it speaks highly of you to have raised such a wonderful young girl. Come in and have a drink with us before we go out, won't you?" I willed.

"I could use a drink. You know what I like, baby." She said to Angela, who swayed off to the kitchen, shaking her ass a bit as she went. Misty quickly plopped down in an armchair and I grabbed a smaller wooden chair meant for guests. That left the couch for Julia, with enough room for Angela when she came back with something clear and bubbly. Julia drank it down almost in one gulp. "Stronger, next time, baby."

"Yes, Mommy." Angela replied, almost by rote. I caught Angela's attention subtly. 'You are a vampire' I mouthed without saying while Julia finished the last sip and crunched a small ice cube. Angela nodded, and steeled herself. However, before she began, her mother spoke up.

"So, what did you bring me here to tell me? No, let me guess! You're gay. That's why you quit the modeling company. You think I'd be mad if you're gay? Shit, even I fuck the models from time to time. You being gay isn't going to keep your career down, so come back and do a shoot. I'll make sure to give you a signing bonus as if you hadn't been with us since you were sixteen." Julia was in full-on game mode. Angela tried to start several times as Julia ran her over.

"No, Mom, I'm... well I do like girls but that's not why I quit." she said.

"No? What other possible reason could you have? Going into nuclear physics?"

"Well, it started when I saw you fucking Lilly in the dressing room. It was so hot I couldn't help watching you." Angela gave a coy smile.

"Why, you little spy! I ought to pull you over my knee like I did when I caught you stealing my makeup when you were four! Did you enjoy the show?" Julia shouted.

"I couldn't stop thinking about it. About you." Angela said as she put her hand on her mother's knee. "I've been attracted to you ever since. And I've seen you watch me at the photo shoots. I know you are attracted to me too."

This was the first gambit. Willing someone to be attracted to you works really well if they are, even subconsciously. But if they are not; say if the taboo of incest makes such a thing disgusting and unbearable, they can fight the suggestion and keep other suggestions from taking hold.

This one was a bullseye from Julia's reaction. "Well... I... you're a very attractive young lady but I would never..." I smiled as this tough-as-nails woman was finally on the defensive.

"It's OK mom, don't feel embarrassed." she willed to calm her mother. "No one here is going to judge you."

Julia sighed in relief. "So, you and your friends have discussed this?"

"A little. It's more that they think I should be honest with you. I quit because I didn't want to be around you when you make me hot. But now I want to be with you. And I think you want to be with me too. You want me. Kiss me, Mommy." She willed.

Julia's eyes closed "Oh, baby, we shouldn't..." but she leaned in anyway. Angela pressed her lips to her mother's softly. They stayed together for moments, kissing for the first time as lovers. As Angela pulled back, Julia pressed forward and kissed her again, deeper. Their tongues danced and their hands began to roam over each other's back. Julia finally broke off.

"Oh, god, baby, what are we doing? This is incest. And in front of your friends, no less!"

"It's OK, Mommy. You can trust them." Angela willed as she unzipped her dress and slid then straps off her shoulders. Her beautiful tits popped out and Julia's breath caught audibly. "Suck my tits, Mommy."

"Yes, baby." Juila said with a dreamy, faraway look in her eyes. She lowered her head to her daughter's chest and took her right nipple in her mouth. Angela moaned and groped her mother's chest in return. Julia sucked hard, making a popping sensation as she switched back and forth between Angela's breasts. "You're so cold, baby."

Angela flushed as she concentrated on warming her body. "Then you better warm me up, Mommy."

"Oh, yes, baby. Let me taste you" Julia slid off the couch and began to peel Angela's dress up.

Here comes gambit number two: will Julia be put off by a penis that she knows her daughter wasn't born with? Julia gasped as she saw Angela's bulge.

"Are... are you wearing a strapon?" she asked.

"No, Mommy. This is the other reason I quit." Angela lifted her ass off the couch and pulled down her lacy white panties. With her dress hiked up, her cock was on full display. "You like it, don't you Mommy?"

"Yes, but... HOW?" Julia exclaimed.

"You don't need to know how. Suck me, Mommy." Angela willed. I could tell from the strain in her voice and on her face that she put a lot of effort into that one.

Julia didn't hesitate. The awkwardness faded away as she popped her daughter's cock into her mouth. Both of them moaned loudly. Julia slurped and licked all up and down Angela's penis. She had amazing technique. I mentally gave her some applause. I looked over to Misty and nodded. Misty knelt before me, took my cock out of my panties, and took me all the way down her throat in one lunge.

"Stand up, Mommy." Angela willed. Both of them stood, and Angela shed the remnants of her dress. "Let me take off your clothes." Julia stood passively while Angela peeled her like a banana. Naked, Julia was even more impressive. Her tits defied gravity, and her cleavage was peppered with more freckles like the ones on her face. Her hips and ass were round, big, and firm. She had a bit of a jelly roll, but based on her muscle tone, she worked out often. She had a sandy blonde bush that matched her hair color, and puffy labia that stood out from her pussy. Angela gently laid Julia down on the couch.

"I'm going to taste you now Mommy. I'm going to get you all nice and wet. And then I'm going to fuck your pussy with my dick. You want me to fuck you, don't you Mommy?" Angela willed.

"Baby... I..." Strange that Julia would balk now. "Mommy's not on the pill, baby. You could get Mommy pregnant."

Angela chuckled. "Mommy, I'm a girl. I don't have balls. I can't get you pregnant. Spread your legs for me."

Her objections overridden, Julia laid back and put one leg up on top of the couch, the other as far as it could go, exposing her pussy to her daughter, who licked her lips in anticipation. Angela wasted no time and covered her mother's pussy with her mouth.

"Oh, YES, BABY!" Julia shouted. Angela roughly ground her face into her mother's crotch, then pulled back and opened her pussy with both hands. She extended her tongue and slipped it inside the pussy she was born from. Julia moaned like a whore. Angela ate her mother's pussy for about a minute, then stood up, face glistening with her mother's juices.

"Are you ready for me?" she asked. Julia nodded. "Tell me to fuck you." Angela willed.

"Fuck me, baby. Fuck me as hard as you can." Julia said without hesitation.

Oh dear. She was going to regret saying that tomorrow.

Angela leaned forward, rested her breasts on her mother's and gave her a long, slow kiss. She reached down and positioned her cock on her mother's cunt. She rocked back and forth, coating her dick with the ample lubrication spilling out. Then, she placed the head up against the entrance and pushed. Hard.

Julia shrieked with pleasure and arched her back as she came instantly. Just like I did when Misty first entered me. Her legs wrapped around her daughter and her hands gripped the sofa, tearing it. Her howl deepened and then cut off as she inhaled deeply. Then she screamed again. Her back relaxed and she shuddered and breathed shallow in and out quickly.

Angela held still until her mother recovered. "Did you like that?" she asked.

"Oh, baby, I've never come that hard. Especially not at first. You made me feel so good. I love you so much." she said between gasps.

"Just wait." Angela said with a smile. She began to move in and out. Julia moaned and writhed underneath her. She slowed, and went shallow, then slammed in hard all the way. Each thrust was accompanied by a grunt from Julia. They increased in pitch with each thrust, until they blended together into another long howl as she came again.

This time, however, Angela didn't let her mother recover. She grabbed Julia's heels, held them apart as far as they would go, and began sawing in and out. Her tight little butt was flexed and taut as she pounded her mother's pussy. Julia's second orgasm melted into a third. Her toes curled around Angela's hands and she banged at the couch with her fists. Her face was a solid sheet of sweat, and her entire body was flushed.

"Ohhhh... baby... baby... baby..." Julia babbled. She kept repeating it as Angela picked up speed again. I looked at Angela's face. It was pure concentration. I've seen that on the faces of a few, young men that wanted to impress me with their skills. She was holding off. I motioned Misty to cease sucking me, and gave her the signal we prepared to begin our endgame. I went up behind Angela and gently grabbed her shoulders.

"There's no need for this. Do you want to come?" I asked her.

"Yes, Mistress Kelly."

I looked down at Julia. Despite the sweat and chaos, she was still beautiful, especially with her daughter's cock buried halfway in her pussy, slick with her juices. "Do you want your daughter to come inside you?"

"Oh, yes, baby, come inside me. I need it..." she moaned.

"Show me how much you love your mother. Fill her up." I ordered.

Angela nodded and began to move again. As she fucked, I undressed behind her. She began to use her concentration to speed up faster than anyone could go. She was a blur of motion and then suddenly still as she threw her head back. Julia's back arched one more time as the mother and daughter screamed and came together. Thick jets of hot, white cum sprayed out around Angela's cock as it spilled out of her mother's overfull pussy.

It was done.

Angela stepped back, a look of pure bliss on her face. Misty told me converting a woman to a futanari was one of the most pleasurable feelings she had ever felt. Angela was definitely feeling it. She stumbled back, trying to get clear; she didn't want to be anywhere near this. I watched in fascination. I had undergone this change, but I'd never seen it happen to another woman.

Julia's breathing slowed. She tried to sit upright, but fell back down. "Oh, I've never been this satisfied. No man has ever made me feel this good. Why did we wait so long, baby? I've wanted you since..." she cut off.

Her vagina began to turn red and swell. Just as I did she clawed at her burning nethers, and held her clit as it swelled, grew, and became her brand new penis. As she took her hands away, I marveled at the new appendage she had grown. It looked almost exactly like Angela's.

"Breathe slowly and calm down." I willed as I concentrated on raising my body temperature.

"Wh... what happened? I feel so hot... This can't be happening." She muttered.

I gently moved her legs back together, and then straddled her, rubbing the wetness of my pussy along the length of her new cock. She pushed her hips up a bit, involuntarily. As I rocked back and forth, she whimpered.

"Does this feel real to you?" I asked.

"Oh... yesssssss..." she hissed.

I squeezed her tits gently. I was right, they were implants. Not for long, though. She moaned and bucked against me again. I reached down and grabbed her new penis, aligned it with my opening, and sat down slowly. Her eyes, half shut in denial, shot open. Her mouth became an "O" of surprise.

"Let me make you feel good." I willed.

I began to rock my hips back and forth. I fucked her slowly, grinding my pelvis against hers. When it seemed that she was enjoying it, I slowed down. When her breathing became relaxed, I sped up. I teased her and edged her with my pussy, sometimes clamping with my kegels rhythmically to jack her off from inside. She actually began to drool a bit. I squeezed her nipples and she moaned again, loudly. She was getting close.

Now, for the last gambit. I stopped. She looked up at me in confusion.

"Do you know why your daughter called me `Mistress Kelly'?" I whispered?

"Wha..." she fumbled as she was brought out of her sexual haze. "N... no... some kind of BDSM thing?"

"Almost." I said with a smile. "Angela, Misty, show her."

Julia's head turned, and she looked across the room where Misty and Angela were naked and in each other's arms. Their tongues exploring each other's mouths, their hands roaming over each other in a passionate embrace. They parted, slowly, and smiled wickedly. Their mouths opened and their fangs grew from the normal human canine size to the deadly, sharp point of a vampire. Misty took Angela's arm and slowly, so that Julia could see, bit into Angela's wrist. Angela's head lolled in ecstasy. Misty made a few loud slurping noises, and then pulled off, showing her mouth covered in Angela's blood.

During this encounter, Julia's cock twitched inside me, but she remained frozen in shock. She slowly turned her face to mine and as her eyes found my eyes I, too, extended my fangs. I reached up and gently caressed her face, then gently leaned down towards her ear.

"I can offer you want you want, Julia. You are a beautiful and powerful woman, but I see you have already started to fight aging. All of your money is worthless when death comes for you. But I can give you eternal life. You can live forever, like your daughter. You can fuck her every night, and have power beyond your wildest dreams." I whispered these sweet promises into her ear as Misty and Angela came and knelt beside the couch.

"Say yes, Mommy. I want you to live forever with me. I want to taste you every night, and fill you with my cum. I want to be your sweet baby fuckdoll forever and ever." Angela whispered.

"Your daughter's blood tastes so sweet. I gave her eternal life. Mistress Kelly can give it to you. It feels so good to love someone enough to make them live forever." Misty whispered, and then kissed Angela on the cheek.

"Join us. Together we will rule the night and take this city as our plaything. All you need to do is say `take me, Mistress Kelly' and I will make you mine." I finished with a long, slow kiss on her lips.

Julia paused. Clearly she was overwhelmed. After what seemed like an eternity, she said "You'll kill me if I say no, won't you?"

I laughed. "I knew you were very perceptive. You are going to be a powerful ally. Yes, Julia, if you say no, then I will give you the best night of your life, and then you will die. I won't take you against your will because I need you. We need you."

"Please, Mommy..." Angela pleaded.

Julia paused again. She was deciding.

"Alright." She said.

"Alright... what?" I teased her.

"Please... take me Mistress Kelly. Give me eternal life." She said loudly and confidently. I kissed her again, pushing my tongue into her mouth. I began to grind her again, and she moaned into me. I sat up.

"Then, come for me, my new beautiful thrall. Come for your Mistress. Come as hard as you can in my pussy. Come now." I willed with all my strength as I ground harder and harder on her cock.

"Oh, FUCK!" She shouted. I felt my insides filled with warmth as she coated my womb with her cum. I came with her, moaning as I felt her semen drip out onto our thighs as I milked her cock. As I came down, I gently pushed her head aside, and kissed her neck. She shuddered both in pleasure and fear. I gently touched my fangs to her neck and she shuddered again. Then I slowly bit in, piercing her neck and tasting her blood. Just as with Misty, it was more delicious than ordinary human blood. It had a vitality to it regular blood lacked, and an aftertaste that made my cock throb.

Misty and Angela joined in on cue. I felt Misty's hair graze my ass as she bit into Julia's thigh. Angela lightly kissed her mother's wrist and then bit into it. As they did, I felt Julia's cock, softening after her orgasm, go hard and pulse. She came again instantly, shooting another load inside me that made me moan into her neck.

I drank her slowly. Misty and Angela, not as patient, gulped greedily and drained her faster than I hoped. Soon, Julia's cock flagged, her heart slowed, and her breathing became ragged. I struggled hard to pull myself away from her neck. I wanted to continue, to drain her all the way to her heart's blood, but I had to do something. I bit my wrist, and put it in her mouth. Before I could will her, she grabbed my wrist with her other hand and drank my flowing blood. I leaned back in and lapped at her bleeding neck. As we drank each other, I felt her cock begin to rise inside me as her newly grown fangs bit into me. I pulled off and moaned as the bite marks in her neck healed. Misty and Angela stood up and began making out with the last remnants of Julia's mortal blood, swapping it back and forth. I shook off the pleasure of the bite and managed to get Julia's teeth out of my wrist. Then I leaned down and kissed her. My tongue danced around her fangs, as hers did mine.

I broke off the kiss. "Welcome, my sweet." I said as I stroked the side of her face. "You will call me Mistress when addressing me, but you will not be my slave. You will be my lover, my ally, and my business partner. Together, we will rule this city. Does that please you?"

She smiled a wicked smile that showed off her fangs. "Yes, Mistress." she whispered. "That makes me rock hard."

She was right. It did. I sat back down on her.

Copyright 2016 by The Archivist, all rights reserved. Do not repost or redistribute without prior written permission of the author. One copy may be saved for private use, insofar as that use does not extend to personal or financial gain by use of the author's work without consent.

Next: Chapter 4

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