A Tale of Other Men

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Sep 3, 2016



An original story, with all rights reserved.

DISCLAIMER and Description: This is a story, an imaginary one. If you are looking for quick sex action, don't read. But If you're curious about a tale of some men and have a few minutes, then keep going. Quality...that's for you to judge. Honestly don't know if it's any good or will prove worth the time to read. Tried to be true to the feel...hope it hits the mark. Reactions and constructive responses welcomed at mddnspnk@aol.com. Complaints..take up with management. ;)


In a time long ago....the mid to late 1970s to pick a range...back when hair was big and long...and a sign of masculine virility. Back when sexual diseases were embarrassing, but not nearly as deadly And our parents didn't talk about it but we still didn't need schools to teach us if you had sex without a rubber the girl could get pregnant. Back when shorts were short and not high water pants...and shirts were tucked in. Back when a Big Gulp was 16 ounces..and was big....and people weighed less because they were more active, portions were smaller when eating out, and more ate at home.

Back when beer could be bought by 18 year olds...and most parents said "you're 18...it's college, the military, or a job, but you're not sitting here all day goofing off. Time to become an adult", pushing them out of the nest even as they continued to help their grown children become functioning adults as they learned to fly. Back when phones were lined, and if teenagers weren't home, their parents couldn't constantly instruct them (connection can lead to less freedom in some ways).

Back when Bruce Jenner was a gold medalist...and Renee Richards changed from a man to a woman...and played professional tennis. And everyone knew that Martina said she was bisexual so she wouldn't be deported, but Chris and Evonne were also highly competitive yet feminine...and it all worked. And some of the pro wrestlers were 'homos', at least as part of their schtick, but we didn't think anything of the other men in their tights being anything but 'regular' men (everything was short and tight, except the fros and the bell bottoms.)

The story opens......

A typically suburban house....Steve and Deb talking over dinner about their just turned 21 year old son Tom...finishing his junior year in college....once again easily listing some of his strengths: smart, bright, easy going demeanor, affable, likes to laugh. Traits that always remind Steve of Deb. And that Deb sees as her son taking after his father, for which she is grateful.

And then, inevitably, they continue to talk about how Tom still doesn't seem to have enough get up and go. He does what's needed...with minimal effort. sometimes gets motivated and gets good grades. other times just skates by. likes hanging out. They're honest enough, and young enough as parents since they got married at 21 and had Tom when they were 22, to know that Tom likes looking at girlie mags, although Steve had told him to keep the mags hidden from his mother. And drinking beer. Being somewhat permissive parents they told Tom he could drink at home when he was 17...they figured he was going to do it anyway. And, whether or not from coincidence....or from his somewhat laid back personality....Tom doesn't drink to get drunk. At least not wasted.

In their contemplation, they each go into their own thoughts. Deb looks at Steve and wishes her son could be like his father in drive as he is in personality. And looks...Deb chuckles how Steve could never deny Tom...both 5'9", 150, 31 waist (Tom's 145, 30 waist...as he ages he'll gain the rest). Steve is lean, fit, trim, runs and plays tennis to keep in shape and with a very cute tush Deb thinks as she chuckles to herself. Real man...his 5incher fully satisfying.

Steve looks inward...and thinks about his early adult years...how slow I was to take the bull by the horns and get serious. Successful in sales now because I like talking to people and doing what they need. But took me a while to become driven internally...to overcome the skating by. Still a struggle sometimes. Tom takes after me in so much. In that too. But no matter how I've tried to explain it to him, to help him understand, he doesn't get it.

So here we are...he's got potential....but it's going to be his senior year in college. As each gets to that point, the almost desperation of parents for their son to show discipline and motivation disrupts their thoughts again. Steve says "we have to talk to him about stepping up next year."

"Yes, but....maybe he needs some help" wonders Deb.

"Yes. I've tried," responds Steve.

Chuckling, Deb continues "yes, hon, we've both tried. But...Tom's an adult now. He doesn't really listen anymore. Hasn't really since he started high school. We're more Mom and Dad. Talking serious equals tune out time."

With increasing comprehension, Steve considers 'yes, he needs some authority over him. Who will work with him...but not as a boss employing him. I know I could have used it. Wonder if there's a way to bring some of the military to him....'

. . . . . . .

Unknown to his parents, Tom was thinking along those lines too. He likes his parents.. sees that his parents let him make his day to day decisions, even when he's at home...and likes that. but...tried during junior year to be more motivated...Which didn't really turn out. Like his friend Bill who's been trying to lose some weight and get fit/strong....would work for a bit, all motivated, but then next party....or football game...and motivation goes. His Dad's tried talking to him. But while Dad is right, he's not a stern father, but a friendly Dad. Which is great. Yet.....

So after some discussions at junior year Christmas break...and then after finish of junior year, Tom finally said he didn't know how to stay with it. Steve then called the school, explaining the need, not sure what they could do. But...the school had been considering the problem of too many young men not pushing to get better while in school. And had devised a plan: a dorm with RAs who have more responsibility...the responsibility to train the rising seniors to reach their potential. At least in terms of effort, consistency, responsiveness, and respect for authority.

'Perfect' thought Steve. 'Just perfect for a more passive, go along type of guy.' Which is not quite the wording he used when explaining it to Tom. But, since he was already feeling the frustration of not being able to sustain the motivation, Tom was willing to look in to it.

. . . . . . . .

"We have a new floor opening up for the fall semester. Originally we had completed the allotment, but there has been additional interest from parents such as yourself. So we have put together one other grouping, if you would like to join, Tom," said Dean Adams.

"But it would be the same plan...same idea...the RA would help motivate me to study, be organized, get things done on time...?" asked Tom.

"Well, he's more than an RA. Much more actively involved...more planning, describing, directing, inspecting. He's Coach. But yes, same plan, same expectations as we had described before."

"Well, I could use the help. And a cheerleader would be nice...someone to remind me of things...help me get on top of things. Give me a clap of encouragement sometimes...pat on the back for getting it done..... Ok, I'm in," said Tom.

"Well, he'll give encouragement to do your best and meet expectations and pats when you've earned them. I'll leave the actual discussion for him to have with you, since each Coach has his own style and approach."

"Ok. Which program is he in?" asked Tom.

"Program?" queried Dean Adams.

"Yeah...which grad program is he in?" responded Tom.

"Oh, he's not a grad student," explained Dean Adams.

"Oh...we thought this program used grad students," joined Steve, "we didn't realize he wouldn't be a student."

"No...he is a student. But not a grad student."

"What? You mean this guy's an undergrad like me?" huffed Tom.

With a trace of a smile Dean Adams replied "well, yes, Coach Getz is a senior. But he's not like you Tom. He's an honor student who is a double major, has been active in different clubs, has participated in studies and projects with professors, directing several, and is exceedingly well-organized and efficient. He is the first undergrad we've had as a Coach. But he's eminently qualified. Having worked with him, I can assure you that he is most qualified to be Coach. Why don't you meet him and see?"

"I don't know...having another senior so involved..."

"Maybe it'll work out," joined Steve. While disappointed that his son wouldn't get the older, experienced hand he had hoped, nevertheless he was concerned that Tom get past his sluggishness...and not take several years after school like he had. With a little encouragement..and a little pleading in his voice...his standard voice with Tom over the last several years, Steve said "you could at least meet him and then see."

Responding habitually to being asked with that little pleading thrown in...Tom started to reject the plan, thinking to himself 'I don't want to have to deal with another senior. I wanted someone who would command respect. Push me a bit. It's so hard to stay motivated. ..... ummmm..... I don't want to go through senior year struggling alone.... Well....maybe I'll meet him and see if he is at least a good encourager. "Coach" huh...well, a little rah rah might do it.' "Ok, I'll meet with him," said Tom finally.

"Good. I'm sure you'll find your place with Coach Getz," oozed Dean Adams. "Here's the dorm...he said to send you over there when we were through. He'll meet you in the common room."

. . . . . . .

Walking into the new dorm, Steve and Tom found their way to the right wing on the right floor...and then the obvious common room with its couches, chairs, and a couple of tables. A little narrower entryway at the door, then opening up to the large room. No frills, but functional as a large study area, meeting space if they held meetings as a hall (Steve remembered that from his school days), or as a social space. And saw a note on the table "Had to take care of a situation with another trainee. Wait here until I get back. Coach Getz."

"See....asks us to meet him here...and he's not here," exclaimed Tom.

Wondering why he said 'trainee' instead of 'student'...'Dean Adams did say he had done other programs, maybe he's doing multiple things...that'd be good for Tom to see, that kind of drive and activity', Steve then suspected some nerves underlying his son's peevishness and responded easily "well...now...sounds like something came up. You want someone who gets on things right away. We can give it a few minutes, can't we?"

A bit mollified, but still holding on to the perceived insult, Tom declared "alright a few minutes."

Having casually checked his watch, Steve started to become a little concerned as it indeed took a few minutes. Knowing that Tom, while sometimes laid back in motivation, would act out his dissatisfaction quickly. And then where would they be.

"Ok. I've waited longer than a few," declared Tom (although they were still within Steve's definition of a few), as he started toward the doorway.

"Wait...now...." said Steve to his son's back as he began to follow him to the door.

Just before Tom was at the door they heard a deep voice down the hall a bit "I'll be back later to check that you've done what I told you to do." followed by a quieter voice "yes Coach." Tom stopped....waited...while Steve held his breath hoping his son would wait and not bolt....and then, when they heard footsteps coming down the hall, turned around and came back in to the larger part of the room, passing Steve.

Steve looked at his son's back as he passed...exhaled...then turned his head to the right as he heard the footsteps come in to the room. And took a sharp, audible inhale and pulled back slightly as he saw a huge apparition filling the doorway. So tall he had to duck to come in. So broad it seemed at that first glance that he angled a bit just to fit through.

Wondering what that was about, Tom, who was now several steps further into the room, turned around. And involuntarily opened his eyes wide...and his mouth dropped open...as he stood looking at the enormous man, absorbing without consciously thinking the powerful build...incredibly broad shoulders, thick chest, long arms, full arms, and massive quads. Bigger than Matuszak, taller than Too Tall.

Waiting a beat, using his appearance to overwhelm, Boris slowed his movement...still moving, but as slowly as the brains of the two smaller men were processing, taking 2 more steps in. Then raised his left hand a bit toward the closer one, Steve, and motioned with his fingers toward himself while saying "I'm Coach Getz" slowly raising his right hand up to shake, keeping his elbow bent and in at his side, so his hand was close to his body.

Eyes understanding without conscious thought, Steve felt pulled toward the big man, and stepped toward him, compelled to reach out and shake hands as a man always does when offered. Finally getting close enough to reach up and put his hand in the big man's. Which was immediately swallowed up by the huge paw. Momentarily held and frozen.

Waiting a moment, then easily....yet somehow demandingly...Boris said "...and you are?" as he gazed down at the older man, noting a few flecks of gray in the otherwise medium brown head of hair.

"oh...uh....Steve. Steve Edwards. Nice to meet you," stammered Steve, finally recovering his sales practiced interacting skills.

"Nice to meet you, too, Steve," said Boris easily, sincerely, and with natural charm and warmth as he casually moved his hand to the right, maneuvering the awestruck Steve 90 degrees, putting him just 2 feet in front of the wall. Then he released Steve's hand, turned his shoulders back to the large part of the room, lifted his right hand toward Tom, and motioned the same way with his left hand for Tom to come to him.

Having seen his father step toward the big man, Tom also responded automatically when called over, taking the several steps to be able to reach his hand up and shake. Only, right before Tom could put his hand in the huge hand, Boris moved his forward quickly and completely captured Tom's hand. And held him, letting Tom feel captured. Which he was. Eyes staring down into the wide eyes of the smaller man, noting that his mouth still had not closed.

Finally with a relaxed, almost smiling visage Boris said slowly, deliberately, and with effortless and easy demand "...and........you..?"

"uh...um..." as Tom struggled to get his mouth closed and voice working "Tom".

"I have been looking forward to meeting you," said Boris honestly and convincingly as he again moved his hand, causing Tom to step in response, putting Tom right next to his father. Then, releasing Tom's hand, Boris looked down on the son and then the father, smiled, and said "for a moment I thought I was getting a twin set," prompting both Tom and Steve to laugh in a bit of tension relief. Shaking his head in amusement, Boris said "I was glad to get one more to work on", which touched Tom inside as he felt the sincere excitement and acceptance from the big man. "And then thought when I walked in....alright, I got a bonus!" as he chuckled warmly, which washed over Steve ('I'm a bonus?...chuckle...wow....what enthusiasm....working with him would be great....')

"I mean, look at you. The same build...everything....looks like the same height..." processed Boris. "here, let me see. Stand back to back" directed Boris while motioning with his fingers. Which Steve and Tom did...a little sheepishly since neither had been measured this ways since they were kids. Which for Steve was decades ago.

"hmmm, it's close. No, now, I said back to back," continued Boris as he saw space between them. Seeing them move just enough to seem to listen, but without actually doing it, Boris took matters into his own hands. He put one hand on Steve's upper stomach, which with his spread fingers covered from below his belly button to above the middle of his chest, his other hand on Tom's, with the same spread, and slightly pushed them together so that they each took a very small step backwards and their backs up and down were pressed against each other. Very faint "auh" sounds came from each as they felt the huge hand cover so much of their stomach and chest, and then the pressure of their body twin pushed up against their backside.

Then, putting his right hand across the top of their heads to measure, Boris said "Steve might be just a little taller. Wait, Steve has great posture. Match him, Tom" as he used his big left hand to cover Tom's stomach again...and then pressed up, pushing Tom into proper erect posture. "auhuh"

"There...that's it, Tommy. Yes....I've got two right here the exact same height!" declared Boris. "Same build...same height.....same good form. A lot for me to work with" enthused Boris as he laughed and ruffled their hair, causing them both to laugh also.

"Alright, I'll go over more later. But I have to go take care of another trainee. So first thing for you is to get moved in," said Boris, deciding immediately to review things with Tom later. Get him in and talk to him within the program. Leaving him no mental option of not having to participate. "Come...I'll show you where you'll be" continued Boris as he turned heel and went down the hall at a brisk pace. To the two shorter men his very brisk pace. Who scrambled to keep up, Tom's peevishness now past.

Moving into the room, Boris said "these rooms are new and larger than regular dorms" as he pointed out the beds and desks and dressers...with some floor space remaining...very high ceilings of old dorms when ventilation mattered...and then the door to the bathroom. "You'll be in here also, This one is your desk...dresser, and bed. Here is your closet. Go get your stuff and get unpacked and set up while I take care of some things," directed Boris.

"I'll be back in one hour, so work quickly. Even in the heat I think you can do it" encouraged/expected Boris to give them a target..and some encouragement that he thought they were capable of achieving what he wanted. Even though he knew an hour would be a push. Especially with the distance to the car and the heat. Good first challenge.

Seeing them both still processing, looking at the room, thinking...when they should have already responded to his instruction, Boris quietly but definitely sharpened his tone and said "Go get your stuff". Which moved the two toward the door, then down the hall, each in his own thoughts. Although neither was particularly coherent...only a small part of Tom's brain registering surprise that he was so quick to follow instructions. Only a small part of Steve's brain wondering why he accepted being told what to do by such a young man, when Tom was the one who needed it.

In the room Boris was thinking clearly, 'Yes, this is the right pair. Glad I asked for one more. And Steve really is a bonus.' chuckled Boris as he moved to work with his next trainee.

. . . . . . .

Coming back in to the room, seeing the father and son just putting down their loads, Boris declared in a booming voice that startled the two "now that's what I wanted to see! Teamwork, efficiency, and achievement," as he pushed and yet praised them for their effort. "Good job, boys!" which made Tom and Steve each smile, basking in the enthusiastic praise, knowing it was deserved because they had hustled to get it done. Only a silent part of their brains questioning. Steve thought 'haven't been called a boy in a long time' and chuckled to himself, enjoying the novelty of the title.

"Tom, you have to go back to Dean Adams' office and confirm that you're done moving your stuff in. He'll then review some things with you," explained Boris.

"Oh...go back the whole way over there? I'm all hot. I need to cool off first," objected Tom.

"He won't be there. His office will be closed. So what you need (slight emphasis by the voice coming down from above Tom) is to take care of all parts of meeting with him. Including the conclusion. That's why I only gave you an hour to move your stuff in. I had told him to wait for you to come back, so he's waiting."

"awhh" started Tom in complaint.

Spreading his huge hand, Boris took Tom by the back of the neck...very lightly for him...firmly for Tom...and took a few steps toward the door, guiding Tom to the exit. "Go on and take care of the real need first...then you can cool off," continued Boris in the easy, clear, directing, yet seemingly undemanding tone, which nevertheless conveyed his expectation. Then he released Tom's neck, reached down, and gave Tom a firm swat on the butt. The surprising sting conveyed the demand...and Tom jumped forward and out the door, no more complaints.

Turning back to Steve, Boris said with a smile "Now, for the helper's reward....time to get the dust and grime off from moving him in. Hop in the shower."

"Um...well..no, that's ok...I don't have any clean clothes." demurred Steve as he looked in the direction of the bathroom.

"You just brought in a load of clothes. You'll put on something of his. You're the same size...it'll fit." explained Boris.

"Hmmm, well, that's true," chuckled Steve. "But he doesn't really like anyone else wearing his stuff."

Standing still....waiting for Steve to look at him, Boris caught his eye...and held it in a slowly intensifying gaze as he very slowly angled his head down...and held it a few beats longer before finally saying "You will wear something of his...if he has any problems with that, I'll deal with him on it" Eyes flashing just a bit at the end, Boris let that linger in the air as he held Steve a moment longer.

Looking up at the big man, Steve gulped...and thought 'um...well...yeah....that is the idea, isn't it....he'll deal with Tom. and...hrmpf...he sure seems like he'd be able to. ok...yeah...getting cleaned up would feel good.'

Right at that moment, voice sharpening imperceptibly, yet somehow noticeably, Boris said "Now, go on and hit the shower" as he motioned with his head and then watched as Steve responded immediately by going to the bathroom.

Completing papers defining the relationship and commitment, Boris listened to the shower running and thought 'time to increase the training focus and show him Tommy's not the only boy who needs training.'

Then Boris pulled out a pair of standard white briefs from Tom's drawer, took them into the bathroom, scooped up Steve's dirty clothes, then went back out and dropped Steve's clothes in the laundry basket. Once he heard the shower stop, Boris yelled out "I want to go over something with you. So dry off and come out here."

"Ok...be right there," responded Steve as he quickly dried off. Then realized he hadn't brought clean clothes in the bathroom. 'why didn't I remember to get them? guess I really wanted to get cleaned up.' Then he noticed the clean underwear on the counter. Relieved, he put them on, thinking they were just a little tight, feeling well encased as he pulled the briefs up completely, wondering where the shorts and shirt were. Then wondered if he should wrap the towel around too. 'hmmm, either the towel...or the underwear...right?...no women around, so don't want to seem like a prude, afraid to be in underwear around another guy... and since I've already got the underwear on, I'll just go out like this and get some shorts.' thought Steve. And then he jumped a bit hearing the sharper call "What's taking so long?"

Opening the door, Steve walked into the room clean and refreshed...and just in the tighty whities. Feeling Boris' gaze on him as he stepped in, Steve started toward the dresser, but saw Boris motion with his fingers....'um..no...wait...need shorts...um...well....don't want to seem bashful...we're men...and....he has been waiting'....so Steve walking toward the seated man...and then saw those long, thick fingers point imperiously to the spot right next to him. As Boris' gaze went back to the papers, Steve moved beside him....not much taller than him even though the big man was seated. 'man...he is huge.'

"I want to review this with you about how I'm going to work with Tommy. But first...I can see some of Tommy in you," said Boris conversationally. To which Steve listened...not quite following...thinking 'he doesn't like being called Tommy...made that clear when he was 13..I should tell him...don't want him to learn the hard way..'

"One thing I could see right away, and which you had explained to Dean Adams, is that Tommy doesn't always pay attention to instructions. Which...he needs to learn to do...listening...then following the instructions as given. Not leaving anything out. Not adding anything."

To this Steve nodded....agreeing...quickly caught up in the clear understanding of what his son needs...'well, he'll deal with it when he calls him by Tommy...although....hrmph...somehow seems to fit when he calls him by the boyish version..' .........answering "yes, that would be so good for him to learn."

"Well, I will train him in that," declare Boris simply and so casually authoritatively.

"Yes, that'll be good. He needs it," agreed Steve further, relieved to hear the clear and direct focus, which he hadn't been able to enforce...which his son needs. Relieved of the weight of burden by the strong man who already seemed to get his son.

"Yes, he does," continued Boris. "He also needs to see models of listening and following directions, doesn't he?"

"Well....yes," agreed Steve, although a bit puzzled.

"Then..what's this.." asked Boris as he reached behind Steve and pulled on the waistband of the underwear.

A bit startled....suddenly reminded that he was just in underwear...and feeling somehow like a boy as the big man held him by the underwear....Steve's mind went blank.."um.....uh...." as he nevertheless felt he needed to answer the direct question.

"I told you to dry off and come out here," patiently explained Boris.

"um...well...yeah....but...thought this would be better than the towel wrapped around me" explained Steve a bit self-evidently.

Pulling just a bit on the tight waistband, Boris looked Steve in the eyes...held him for another beat...and said "Did I say anything about the towel either?"

Eyes flashing in dawning comprehension, Steve understood...and froze....'he didn't say either.?!.the towel..or the underwear..?...so what....I was to come out.....naked?!?'

Watching Steve process, reading his mind...Boris held him one more beat...then tugged on the waistband again and said in a voice that brokered no dissent "Go back in....and follow instructions." Then released the waistband to a snap.

Face red, mind flooded with conflicting thoughts, including '...well...no....you didn't say get dressed......man.....was thinking about not being a prude....and here he was already there that we're just two guys, no need to be bashful... which...well....'. Steve nevertheless responded to the clear command and went back in to the bathroom....took off the underwear...and with embarrassment...went back out...naked. And saw again Boris motion to him to come over and stand beside him.

"No covering," instructed Boris in a calm, clear voice. Not having realized he had automatically covered, Steve quickly moved his hands to his side, just like he did in the locker room as a teenager when acting like he wasn't embarrassed by being naked. Which is what he felt like...'I'm 43, feeling like a boy next to this 21 year old?!........this 21 year old..man. this massive....powerful...all-man.'

"Now....that's what I said," intoned Boris as he reminded Steve...while also somehow praising him for listening. "Even though he's grown, your son needs models on how to follow instructions. You can't tell him what to do any more...but as his dad you'll be able to encourage your grown son to listen to what I say...and only what I say. He needs to know that it can be done. Like you just did. Look at you...standing here the way I want you. That's not so hard, is it?"

Somewhat abashed for not having listened....vulnerable standing stark naked next to the seated giant of a man...yet reassured by the pleased tone that told him he had gotten it right, Steve thought 'well...no...it isn't soooo hard'. But, seeing the expectant look, suddenly wondering if the powerful man would know he was being a little snarky, and....knowing he needed to answer, he finally said "um....no Coach, it's not." And seeing the big man's smile, Steve relaxed just a bit as he felt a warmth down deep..and an involuntary flex in his groin.

To be continued....

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