A Tail Tale of Twilight

By Michal Blystone

Published on Feb 9, 2011


A Tail-Tale of Twilight Chapter 5

It came in my sleep; the bear. I felt out of time, but I couldn't tell. This time wasn't so desperate, it was more calm. I could speak to the spirit, feel it's strength, it's power growing inside me. I learned the secrets to my power, the one's the others only wish they knew. I could only feel like a weapon, a weapon that had no opponents. I vowed to the spirits that I would use my power for no personal gain, only to protect myself and others. The things the spirits spoke of shocked me, I was more powerful than those of old could have wished. I was dangerous.

Pain. I felt the flesh rip from my body. No, it wasn't me.

"Wha....JAKE! SHIT!!"

I ran out of the bedroom and screamed, "Billy. BILLY! FUUUCCK. Billy, where's Jake?"

Billy was still awake. How long have I been asleep? Not that long, apparently.

"Billy, wheres Jake? Where is he?"

"He went out hunting, he said there was something bothering him, he went to go investigate. Why, whats wrong?"

"He's hurt, bad. Do you know where he went? Nevermind, I know."

"No, he can't be. The boys would have sensed it."

"No, I never broke the bond. They have no idea. I'm going, get the others, I might need help."

"What are you talking about; the bond?"

"Ill explain later, if I don't hurry, he'll die and I won't be able to do anything to save him."

Just like that, I was gone. At this pace, I'll never make it, the others wouldn't even be fast enough. They say that through desperation comes strength, I was desperate, that I knew. Everything went blank, darkness and light was all I saw. This was different, this time wasn't so hazy. Everything became clear, I could hear the heartbeats of the frightened animals, I could even hear the trees whispering in the wind, I could feel the earth move under my feet; I was one with the Spirits. My speed was in-human; in less than a heartbeat, I was there. Jake was on the ground, blood everywhere; it was one of them, the Vampires. I've never seen this one, he wasn't from home. I could hear his thoughts, he wanted to kill, he was blood-thirsty. He was going crazy.

I calmed and left the Spirits where they belonged. He was going for the last strike; the fatal blow. My blood boiled, my anger took over. It felt like hot steel flowing through my veins, it was painful, a good pain, I let it consume me. Savagery. I roared, my anger showing. The others just got here. Sam yelled for me to stop, I couldn't, it was too late. I lunged forward; time slowed. I needed to kill him. The heart of the bear tore through my skin, I was again amongst the spirits. I held my rage, everything was red. I controlled myself, focusing my anger; I was the savage bear. I could see his weak-spots, they were like bulls-eyes to me, shining brightly in the dark night. He saw me coming, but it was too late. He tried to run, but I was too close. I malled him, throwing him across the forest floor. He slammed into a rock, it was crushed under the pressure. He stood, he was slower now, he was weakening. This is it, I jumped forward again, my teeth ripping into his neck, my claws digging into his cold flesh. It was done, you could clearly see the damage I had done; the bones in his chest showed, the hole in his neck was big enough for a rabbit to walk through. It was over, he was dead; I couldn't hear his thoughts.

The pain retreated my body. I was standing naked. I ran to Jacob, his blood soaked the dirt around him. He was unconscious, but not dead, yet. If I didn't do anything soon, he wouldn't live much longer.

"Take him back." I screamed to Sam and the others.

Sam spoke up, "Kia, there's nothing anyone can do, he'll be dead in minutes."

I formed a bridge to the Spirits, my eyes went white. I glared at Sam and spoke with a thousand voices, "Take him back before I kill you all. He wont die. I won't let it happen."

He knew I was serious. The bear told me that in this state, I retained my physical form while still speaking with the spirits. I could project thoughts to anyone I had a connection with; Jake was that connection. Sam and the others picked him up, carefully carrying him back to the house. I walked through the veil between the Spirits and reality, I was with the spirits again. I ran, ran right past the others and they couldn't even see me. I ran back to the house, put shorts on, and threw the mattress out into the living room.

Billy, who was yelling the entire time, screamed, "What the hell is going on?"

"Billy, back up as far as you can. I told you before, Jake has been hurt, he'll die if anyone questions what I'm doing. The others are bringing him back now. When they get here, I need you to keep everyone back and tell them to keep their mouths shut. If I don't do what I have to, he'll be dead in minutes."

As soon as I finished talking to Billy, the others broke through the door. I told them to set him down on the mattress and to stand back. They were yelling, Billy told them to shut their mouths.

I checked his vitals, his eyes were dull, but he was still Jacob. I had three minutes to do this, any longer and he'll die. My eyes went white. I could feel his pulse, it was weak. A Spirit Woman walked behind me, she placed her hand on my shoulder, it was warm, she was love and life. She spoke, "Child, it is not time for this one to die. Your futures are intertwined, more than most I have known." She disappeared. She gave me knowledge, I knew what I had to do.

I placed my hands on his wounds. His ribs were broken, his abdominal area was tore open, the muscles in his legs were tore, and he was cut everywhere. I could feel his pain, it was horrible. Its a wonder that he wasn't dead already, but I could feel something else; his power, his life, was still strong.

I delved deeper into the spirit world, I let it overtake me. I could feel the energy of everything around me. I focused. I absorbed it, I took the energy from everything around me. I let it flow through me, it coursed through my veins. I took in all I could, anymore and it would poison me. I bit my finger, letting the blood drip.

I let the blood drip into his body, making sure it got into all of his wounds. If I didn't do this right, it would kill us both. I made sure my blood was into his bloodstream, I could feel it. My blood would heal him. I only had to activate it. Of all the knowledge I now possessed, the only thing I didn't know was how to activate the blood. I screamed for her, she came forward.

I spoke to her, almost crying, "how do I make it work? Please tell me, hes running out of time."

"Love is the only thing that can save him. Show him your love."

With that, she was gone; fading into the void. Show him my love? I was lost. There was only one thing I could think of. I bent down in front of him, I grabbed his hand, he was cold. I lowered my face, inches away from his. I moved forward, placing my lips on his, letting mine enclose his. I could feel the energy flow from my body; my life entangling with his. I retracted, staring at him. I could feel the life resonating from his body. I did it. I bowed over, my head resting on his chest.

I left the Spirits once more, it was done. I could see my blood fixing him. The chaos of everything hit me like a bolder; my head ached. I was nauseous, but I stood.

Everyone was shocked, I couldn't tell if it was because I had brought someone back from the brink of death, or because I just kissed him. Either way, I did what I needed. I saved him.

Now I was truly exhausted, but I wanted to wait until he woke. After his body healed, I carried him back into the bedroom. Sam brought the mattress; we both sat in silence staring at Jake. Eventually, Sam spoke;

"You're lucky you know."

"How do you figure?"

"Well, for one, yesterday you didn't even know about your powers, and today you had enough strength to kill a Vampire, by yourself. If that had been one of our boys, they would have been killed easily. And secondly, you have the ability to heal, not many of our people have the ability to heal anymore. You brought him back from the other world, you healed his body, you knew how to do it." By the way, how did you know how to do that?"

"I didn't really. When I was sleeping, the bear came in my dreams. It explained my powers, in more detail than I would have wished. It taught me the ways to harness the powers and what I was capable of. I have to say Sam, I am afraid of myself, I am a weapon."

"That all depends on you, Kia. If you don't want to be a weapon, you don't have to be. Unlike myself and the boys, we have to use our power; you can choose whether you want to use them or not. Its all up to you."

"I'm not entirely sure of that, Sam. When the bear visited me the first time, it told me I needed to help you and your people. I don't think I have anymore choice than you do. But, if it means keeping your, our, people from dying, I'll do whatever I have to. I want to protect Jake, he may be strong, I've never seen him in action, but everyone always needs a shoulder to lean on."

"You have a connection with him, don't you? When Jake found you on the beach, we all lost our bond with him, for the most part. We can tall where he's at and such, but we couldn't feel when he was fighting. I'm thankful you had that connection, he'd probably be dead right now if it weren't for you."

"When the bear was in my dream, it spoke of a Bond' and said it was similar to Imprinting'. It didn't explain what either of them were before I felt Jake's pain.I never had the chance to learn about them."

Sam went to speak, but Billy called him and myself out into the room.The others, including the Elders were sitting around the room. Everyone was staring at me again, it didn't bother me this time. Billy eventually spoke,

"Kia, tonight you saved one of our strongest warriors, my son, from death, and for that we are all thankful. You have the power to destroy and create, not many have ever had those powers. Thankfully, you have a stable head on your shoulders, a strong one, which brings peace of mind to our people.We need you more than we would like to admit. Although our tribe has brute force, it isn't always enough. Also on the other hand, I think Jake needs you; a friend to keep him in line. You are welcome here for life, if you wish to leave, then do so, but know you will always have a home."

Thats it for chapter five guys! Also, sorry for the wait! My grandmother, who raised me since I was six months old passed away unexpectedly, and it took a lot out of me, I didn't have the energy to write anything. If you liked the story, send me some feedback! timeisafleeting@gmail.com

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