A Tail Tale of Twilight

By Michal Blystone

Published on Jan 14, 2011


So this story is actually my first. I read a couple of the twilight spinoffs and got kinda interested in writing one. Im not a twihard of any sort, so if something ends up being off or wrong, don't get mad. I actually haven't read the books and have seen each of the movies a couple times, but I find the story line to be a very interesting one and decided to give it a go. This will turn into a homo-erotic type story, so the disclaimer, if you aren't eighteen, you shouldnt be reading this, or be here; applies. So if you are under eighteen, hit the exit button. I also reserve the right of this story, so no copy and paste crap. My name is Mike, just for reference. =) Oh, almost forgot: this is a fictonal story based of of Stephanie Myers work,Twilight. I do not own the story and am not pretending to.

A Tail-Tale of Twilight Chapter One

My name is Kiaayo Martel, but most people just call me Kia. It's an odd name, but it's one of the only things still connecting me to my mother and father. The women at the orphanage told me it's a Native American name, but since we were in the heart of Italy, no one knew what it meant. My mother was Native American and my father was Italian. I don't know either of their names, but the women at the orphanage said my mother was a beautiful woman and made the women in the village envious, except the women of Volturi. Those women were always in their most elegant dress but looked like they spent too much time inside; their skin was pale white, at some points almost transparent. I never really gave thought as to why their skin was so pale, but I never was interested much in women. The women at the orphanage knew my father, but not by name. He was a local, who traveled across the globe for business; I guess he would have had to meet my mother in America. My father, from what I'm told, was a handsome man; he had olive skin, dark brown hair that was almost black and green eyes. One of the women at the orphanage often "checked out" my father when she would walk past him on the street and said he had gorgeous light-green eyes, almost like a sea-foam blue, much like my own. The orphanage was my home since I was a baby. My father went missing a week before I was born and my mother was sick before she gave birth. There were no hospitals in the local area and my mother spoke no Italian, so she was unable to call for help. She had eventually given birth to me in the middle of the night. This probably took a great toll on her body since she was already sick and heart-broken.

After she had given birth to me, she managed to make it to the orphanage and died on the steps with me in her arms. The women found us in the morning and took me in. Before my father had gone missing, he commissioned a woman in the village to make a baby blanket with my name sewn in. When the news of what happened reached the village people, the woman who my father had hired, brought the blanket to the orphanage explaining to the women that the blanket was a gift from my father and had my name sewn in.

The women made sure that I knew I wasn't abandoned, but only made it seem like I am to be a child of great misfortune. I knew that wasn't their intention, but hearing the story of how they had found my mother was a horrible thing to hear when I was only a child.

Today was the eighteenth anniversary of my birth and my stay at the orphanage would soon be over. It is policy that a child only has one month after their eighteenth birthday to leave the premises. Any child can return to visit the orphanage, but for no more than a day, meaning you could not ever spend the night. As a gift, I was given a voucher for a tour of the Architectural Highlights of Volterra. I loved architecture since I was a child; I was planning to study Architecture when I could get the money for school. The women at the orphanage knew I loved the ancient buildings in the city of Volterra and so it was the perfect gift. The voucher was actually for a group of five and the women wanted me to choose who I wanted to attend the tour with me. I ended up choosing two of the women: Margaret, a middle aged heavy set woman who found my mother and I and Rose, who was an attractive younger woman who was maybe twenty four and was more of a friend than a "caregiver". I also chose two of the younger children I have become a brother of sorts to: Charles and Francesca. Charles was a short red-headed fifteen year old who could have probably laid off the dessert at dinner and Francesca had just turned seventeen and was a bookworm who had too many emotional defenses to make a lot of friends.

Our village was just outside of Volterra but not close enough to walk and make it in time for the tour. Our orphanage had one van, an old lemon, in the most literal sense possible. It was yellow, a sickly yellow, it had a bad attitude and would only run on its terms and it smelled like something died inside. But, it was all we had, so it was this or nothing. To everyone's surprise, Lemon started right up and drove the way a decent vehicle should. Today was one of the rare days we had rain. The sun wasn't out and the clouds covered everything. The tour was inside for the most part, so it didn't bother anything. I was more excited than I have been in a long time, actually more excited than I have ever been. I was only ever in the city once before for some kind of celebration about expelling the Vampires... I have never believed in the folklore, it all sounded like a bunch of mumbo-jumbo to me, but I guess if I ever saw one, then I could believe it. The tour was simply amazing, everything was so large and the architecture was, well, gorgeous. The city had buildings that seemed like they were ripped straight out of a history book. There were buildings carved into the hillsides, there were buildings that incorporated the columns of the Greeks, there were castle-like buildings and in the center of the city was a vast church like building. Its towers seemed like they stretched towards the heavens and was so vast that it could be the center of the universe. A pale girl walked up to our pretty large tour group. She had an odd look in her eyes, her red eyes. She introduced herself as Jane and told us that she "works" in the large main building. "Would you all like to see the inside? It is simply to die for." The tour leader, a middle aged man named Carlos was surprised by the offer. He looked more flabbergasted than anything. Carlos spoke "y..y..yes. That would be amazing Miss Jane." "Please just call me Jane. I don't like formalities and I am far from a Miss." Jane spoke. "T..Thank You." The group said almost simultaneously. She led us inside the two large doors. She was right, it was to die for. It was breathtaking. Jane spoke about the history of the building, telling us it was the home to the Vampires of Old, but after their expulsion, the humans used it as a reminder of their victory. I found the way she referred to the event, saying "humans" instead of "our people", or simply "us". I didn't give it much thought though; I was too interested in the building. "If you all would follow me, I would like to show you one of the restricted areas. Personally I find it to be the most wonderful room in the building." Jane said. We all followed her through a long corridor and made a right into this wide open room. A woman sitting at a desk welcomed us, and gave Jane the right of way. The way the woman addressed Jane was almost like she was royalty, but I've never heard of her in any of my studies, so I just assumed she was the woman's boss. We walked into a large done shaped room, much like the Cathedral in Florence. On the ceiling were pictures of man and woman, beast and angels. It was like I was looking into Heaven itself. Jane went on telling the stories of what were depicted on the ceiling. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw three men approaching us. They were dressed oddly, but I didn't pay much attention to their clothing. One man seemed like he has lived a few years, one had long blonde hair and the other was pretty average looking; middle aged, jet-black hair and was wearing a suit. All three of the men had deep black eyes, much different than the red eyes that the others here had. The man in the suit spoke: "Ah, Jane. My dear, I see you have brought some visitors. What an unexpected surprise." "Yes, Master Aro. They were touring the local buildings, studying the architecture. I hoped you could entertain them" Jane spoke. "Jane, I would be more than pleased to "entertain" these people" said Aro. Jane retreated and posted herself at the doorway, almost looking like she was watching so nobody would leave. Aro then stepped forward and took Francesca's hand. She stepped back, but then almost like she was in a trance stepped forward to her original position. Aro smiled and bent down to kiss her cheek. No. He wasn't going to kiss her, he was biting her! Screams erupted from every angle as more of the Volturi walked in. Each of the Volturi started attacking, lunging for people's throats, biting them, feasting on their humanity. I began to feel hot, I don't know if it was the terror of what I was seeing, or if it had been something else, but I got dizzy and fast. Everything became a blur; faces became nothing more than streams of colors. The room was just a cloud that I couldn't see through. Out of the "cloud" I saw a large figure walking towards me. I was afraid, I was terrorized. I couldn't move, couldn't breathe, and couldn't think. As the figure moved closer, the more terrified I became, but something was odd. I was afraid, but not afraid of dying. I knew I was surrounded by monsters eating my friends, but I was dreaming amongst all of it. As the figure moved closer, I could tell what it was; a bear. All my friends were being eaten alive and I'm dreaming of a bear. When the bear was close enough for me to touch it, my fear was gone. Something inside me was telling me it was alright, but I still couldn't comprehend it. I began to hear a voice, one that I have only heard in my dreams. It was a raspy voice, a dark soothing yet strong voice. The bear was talking to me. "How" was all I could think. "Child, you need not to be afraid." The bear spoke.

First people start eating my friends, and now a bear is talking to me. What the hell is going on? My head was buzzing, but I could still sense things around me. The bear spoke again: "Kiaayo. You need to listen. Right now, a great evil has surrounded you. You need to listen. If you want to live, you are going to have to embrace your heritage, the destiny that is in your blood. You are a Blackfoot, a noble tribe of Hunters. In your heart is the spirit of the noble bear. You need to hear my words. I will protect you for now, but am unable to do so for long. You will travel as a spirit to a brother clan, a powerful clan of shape shifters. Though they do not share the same bear spirit as you, they house the spirit of the cunning and loyal wolf. They will help you and in return you must help them. You have a long journey ahead of you child, but you need not to be afraid, they are our brothers. We must go now, or it will be too late and the flame inside your heart will be extinguished. " Almost instinctively, I bowed touching my forehead to the bears. There was a flash of white, brilliant light. I could feel its power envelop me as the bear roared. I could tell what the light was, it was life and death, creation and destruction, heaven and hell; the spirit world. Everything around me was a blur, I could see objects appear and then stream away like ribbons, disappearing into the distance. It was amazing; I was a spirit, racing towards my destiny, a destiny that is yet to unfold.

So, uh how was it so far? I live off of feedback... hit me up! timeisafleeting@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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