A Surprise Visit

By John Comstock

Published on Nov 4, 2019


A Surprise Visit 8

If you're not looking for sex -- including authoritative use between guys (over the age of consent), then look elsewhere. Also please be of legal age and can legally read this type of work where you live

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This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal or private copies are permitted only complete, including the copyright notice. Any resemblance to people or places is strictly by accident. This is a piece of fiction in the author's mind that he would enjoy if it could happen to him.

I welcome feedback on this story. Also, happy to receive messages on my bdsmlr page, which a few of you did. Also have enjoyed the correspondence with other faggots as well as Sirs from all over. This faggot does appreciate when Sirs/Masters give this faggot their insight. It has tried to incorporate those ideas in its writing. Always try to respond to Y/you when you contact this faggot.

Please e-mail me at kcamsub@gmail.com Go to my Recon account kcam BDSMLR -- kcolderfaggot https://kcolderfaggot.bdsmlr.com/

Also have written a few other stories on here Scout Rob In Charge https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/scout-rob-in-charge/ The Truckers Inn https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-truckers-inn Haven and Hell https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/haven-and-hell/ A Surprise Visit https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/a-surprise-visit/ San Francisco Transformation https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/san-francisco-transformation

ADDED NOTE `ASV 8' took a little longer to finish up, since daily work got very busy over the past couple of months. It was wants to thank the individuals who have e-mailed this faggot asking for the next installment. Those emails kept this faggot going. It only hopes Y/you are not disappointed. Like always would love to hear from people.


The next morning, I woke up around 5:30. This is usually earlier than I normally do, but I guess my mind is getting more and more into thinking of things like taking care of master. I quietly got out of bed, and then snuck into the bathroom. I figured I would quickly and quietly get myself ready for the day. I shaved first, then took a very quick shower. Once finished, I went back into the bedroom and realized that I had not woken master at all. I knew that my boss liked to be at work around 8 in the morning, so I needed to get him up by 6:30. Since it was coming up to 6, I crawled into the kitchen to make him breakfast. I couldn't believe I crawled without being told, but the brainwashing at the farm was paying off.

In the kitchen, I put together some eggs and sausage. I didn't know how he liked his eggs, so I went safe and just scrambled them for today. Hopefully that would please him. Then I got some orange juice in a glass and made the coffee. Setting the table for breakfast, I would put only the silverware on. I put the juice, along with some fruit I cut up in the refrigerator and once the eggs and sausage done, I stuck them in the oven to keep warm. With everything ready and it being close to 6:20, I crawled back into the bedroom.

There, I got back carefully into bed, so that I would not wake master. Then going under the covers, my mouth went around master's cock. Choosing not to suck, so I didn't wake him immediately, I just enclosed my mouth around his hard cock. Not sure if master does, but this faggot always enjoyed playing with his morning wood. After a couple of minutes, he started stirring. Taking my head, he shoved it down further onto his cock, so, as a good faggot, I started to give him a blow job. This went on for about 5 minutes.

"Damn, that feels so good. Goin' to enjoy that mouth every morning I can," as he held my head in place. "Make it a tight seal, fag."

With that said, it happened. Master started pissing in my mouth, and I was trying to swallow as fast as I could. His piss was bitter, which I remember from the farm that early morning piss is usually more bitter. He pissed a good load down my throat, but as a good faggot, I was able to swallow it all.

"Time for a quick shower, boy. Get the water ready for me."

Again, without thinking, I got off the bed and crawled into the bathroom to start the water flowing. He walked in behind me, totally naked with a semi-hard cock. Pointing for me to get into the shower as well, he followed.

"Start cleaning boy. Masters shouldn't have to think about showering but should let their faggot have the pleasure of doing it for them."

Getting soap and a washcloth, I was ready to go to work. First scrubbing his feet and legs, I worked my way up the body. I made sure to clean both his ass crack and his cock & balls. Finally, I stood to do his chest and back, then ending with a shampooing his hair and cleaning his face. He rinsed off, then said, "faggot, check with your tongue to see if my ass is really clean."

I got back down on my knees behind him and began to rim him. Up to a few months ago, I would have been grossed out thinking about my mouth and tongue in a guy's ass, but now it was in my mind that it was not only a pleasure but turned me on. I stuck my tongue into his hole several times, which he let out a small moan each time. I figured; I was doing it right then. He turned off the water and handed me the towel to dry him off, which I did. Once finished, he told me to dry myself off using the same towel, so that I would have some of his DNA on me.

"Okay cumwad, as this superior gets dressed, get your ass in the kitchen and have breakfast ready when I get out there."

Again, on my hands and knees, I crawled into the kitchen. I got to work. Taking out the juice and fruit and I placed them on the table. Carefully, I got the plate (which was very warm) out of the oven and made sure everything was still hot. Putting bread in the toaster, it seemed like all was ready. Pouring the coffee and buttering the toast was the final step and I got all this completed, just as he entered. He walked in adjusting his tie as I pulled out his chair. Before sitting down, he asked me a question.

"Do you have any oatmeal or cereal around boy?"

"Yes Sir."

"Then put some in a big bowl and bring it to me."

I had some Rice Crispies, so I poured some into a large serving bowl. Bringing it out to him, he told me to put it on the ground.

"Do you need to pee faggot?"

"I could use the relief Sir."

"Then piss into the bowl, dog."

Getting on my knees, I put my cock up to the bowl, and proceeded to piss in the bowl. He then took out his cock and added another round of piss in the bowl, getting some of his piss on me.

"You can eat down there, dog."

"Thank you, Sir."

As he sat down, I started eating my cereal. Realizing what I had to do, since my experience at the farm told me this, I started eating like a dog. Rice Crispies and Piss for breakfast. I tried hard to slurp up the piss the best I could while eating the cereal. I finally finished, just about the time he did. He got up and told me to clean everything up in the kitchen and it should be clean before he left for work. I got busy fast and it was all clean quickly and put away. As I just finished up, I noticed him standing, leaning again the wall with his arms folded.

"God, I am so much goin' love having a faggot to take care of things. This is better than a wife for sure. I mean with a wife; you must make sure you treat her nice and the sex is so vanilla. But with a faggot like you, I can just be me and not worry about what you're thinking or what I want to do to you. It's great. By the way, this is what you're wearing on the road for this trip."

He was holding a pair of running shorts and a t-shirt. There was a pair of sneakers on the floor next to him that he looked at. This meant no underwear or socks will be worn for this trip. He tossed both things on the dinner room chair.

"Okay faggot, get my briefcase and follow me to my car."

As we walked to the door for the garage, I heard the garage door going up. I didn't realize it, but master had found the extra garage door opener, so he now had access to my...I guess I mean our house. Being totally naked, I just followed him out to his car. He told me to put the briefcase in the back, which meant I could be seen by the whole neighborhood. As I walked back to him, he said for me to kiss his shoes as a sign of saying goodbye. So, there I was again on my hands and knees, my bare ass facing the whole world, kissing my boss's shoes. Everyone could see if they wanted to. Once done, he reminded me to text him often and check my text messages when I could. He got into the car and proceeded to back out and leave. It was now around 7:30 and I needed to be on the road by 8:30. My first appointment in St. Louis was at 2, and I would need time to get changed before that meeting.

I started to get things together. When I reached for my phone, I noticed I already had a text message. It was from my boss. He must have done this either in the car or when I was getting breakfast ready. I stated very simply that I was to change into business attire at the rest stop about 45 minutes out of St. Louis. I was not to use the restroom to do this but change by the car so everyone could see. In fact, the orders stated to park near a semi-truck so the truckers could get a good view. All I could think about was that he was in charge and I would do this. I replied, with a `yes Sir' to make sure he knew I got it. It wasn't even a minute that I received back a message with a thumbs up and an eggplant emoji. I was his faggot.

Finishing up things around the house, such as brushing my teeth and putting on deodorant didn't take that long. I did one final check in my head to make sure I had everything ready. I decided to go out to the car to double check my material for these meetings. I didn't even think twice of the fact that I was naked. As I got to the door, I realized the garage door was still open, but I just went to my car and went through everything, standing there buck naked. As I finished, I looked across the street to see my neighbor who came up to the farm. He saw me and waved. I just waved back thinking what else could I do.

Knowing everything was ready, I put on my traveling clothes to head out. Putting on the shorts first, I realized they had been cut up the seam on both sides about halfway. My mind immediately knew it was my boss who had cut them. The t-shirt had a hole in the top front, which basically went side to side. The hole was wide enough for both of my tits to be shown. Yes, the boss wanted my mind to stay in fag mood as much as possible.

Before hitting the interstate highway, I stopped at a convenience store to get a cup of coffee for the road. I got quite a few unique looks while in there. Once on the highway, I heard the message bing on my phone. Since I was on a stretch with little traffic, I quickly looked at the message. It was quite clear.

`stop at the next rest stop and get naked. Drive that way until the rest stop where you must change clothes. Take a pic standing naked at the first rest stop and send it to me before you take off again.'

I didn't text back, since I rarely ever text and drive. I was only about 10 minutes away from the next rest stop, so I hoped my pic back to him of me naked should be enough. Turned out it was.

At the rest stop, I parked in the trucker area, so I could do this between two big rigs. Once parked, I got out and took a quick piss right there. Stripping my clothes off, I threw them into the passenger seat. Standing back up I was startled.

"Fucking nice ass boy," came from the trucker, who happen to come around the back end of his semi-truck.

Standing in shock, I just froze. What amazed me is the fact that I didn't even try to cover up my junk. There I was standing buck naked and this trucker just looking at me.

"Nice day to be naked boy. Planning on driving like that."

"Yes Sir. Heading to St. Louis for business, but my......huh master told me to get naked and drive like this."

"Your master, huh? He must like you a lot boy."

"He told me take a pic of me naked here Sir. Since you don't mind looking, could you take the pic for me Sir?"

"Mind? Hell no, in fact I'm going to get my phone for a pic of my own boy. Now stand there like your master would want you to stand, while I get my phone boy. You know what I mean...HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD BOY!"

I immediately put my hands there and just stood there, where a couple of other truckers in their cabs were now looking at me. My cock started to stir as the trucker came back around. Smiling big, he took his phone and snapped a couple of pics of me. Telling me to turn around and bend over, he took some more of my ass, even having me spread my cheeks for him.

"I got what I want, where's your phone boy?"

I turned and reached in the car for my phone. Quickly unlocking it, I gave it to the trucker. Standing back in the originally position, he took several shots. Then walking towards me with my phone, he smiled again. As he gave me my phone, he reached with his other hand and grabbed my junk. He was kind of rough with them, including smacking my balls several time.

"Got any time for fun boy?"

"No Sir, I need to get going so I am not late for my business meeting."

"Should be fun showing up in that business suit boy."

"I have my business clothes in the trunk, Sir. I am supposed to change at the rest stop this side of St. Louis, Sir."

"You mean you're naked the whole time until then boy?"

"Yes Sir"

"Well I'll make sure the truckers up the road are looking for you boy. Now get going," as he smacked my ass.

I got into the car and sent the pic to my boss. Taking off for the highway, I was now butt naked for all to see. I noticed down the highway that certain semis would try to stay with me for a short time and even some blew their horns when passing. I guess my trucker friend had passed the word along. I decided to call Jay, since we hadn't chatted since the weekend and see how things were. My surprise was the fact that Jeromy answered.

"Hey faggot, how did it go with the boss, or should I say your new roommate."

"Actually, everything is going well Sir." I was still calling him Sir. "He moved in yesterday and we are doing okay so far. How are you Sir?"

"Doing great for sure. Just settling back into dorm life. I guess you could say back into our routine. So, what has he got you doing fag?"

"Well this faggot is naked, driving down the interstate to St. Louis for a business meeting."

"He wants you to do a business meeting naked?"

"No, Sir. I will stop at the last rest stop before the city and get into my business clothes."

"Excellent. Where are you staying in St. Louis boy?

"He booked me into the Bathhouse for both nights I'm away Sir."

"Really? That is a fun place. I took the slave there a couple of times in the Spring. Wow, two nights of you being used, would love to see that."

"Well that's where I will be. Mr. Manning booked me a room but will have to leave the door open when I am in there, Sir. Should be interesting Sir. Just wanted to check in on how my son was doing after the long weekend as well as seeing how you are Sir."

"I would put the slave on, but right now he is getting used by Bruno, so he's kind of busy."

I heard a knock on the door and the door open.

"Hey Bruno, say hi to Davy."

Then I heard in the distant Bruno say, "hey faggot. Kind busy with your DNA right now and he seems to be enjoying it. Too bad he's bound and gagged at the time."

It amazed me that I didn't get upset at that comment, in fact, I think I might have been a little jealous.

"See Davy. He can't talk right now, but boy can he moan. Listen we will need to get together soon. Say hi to Master John for me when you get back. He did enjoy the time at the farm."

"Sounds good Sir. Chat later Sir," and I disconnected the call. I just kept driving noticing truckers enjoying the view.

Over an hour and a half of being naked, I was finally at the rest stop where I was to change at for the business meeting. Pulling into the trucker area, I was able to park between two semis. As I started to get out, I notice the truck driver of the semi to left, get out of his cab and he looked right at me. Then I realized I had about 3 truckers around my car, just looking at me. I knew what I had to do, but kind of scared at the same time.

Popping the trunk so I could get into it, I got out of my car and said hi to the truckers.

"Shit, Jim wasn't lying to us about a faggot being naked here," said one of the truckers. He continued, "he said you had to change into business attire for meeting in town, but we should all make you feel like a faggot and watch you change, and I'm liking it a lot."

The others agreed as I walked to my trunk. Opening it, with them standing around me, one of them slapped my ass real hard. I tried not to show any emotions of being mad or upset. In fact, I wasn't, and my cock didn't lie about that, as it started to grow. I knew I had little time, but I went on ahead and bent over into the trunk to show off my ass and the other two joined the first, each spanking my ass. I finally had to put a stop to it.

"As much as you gentlemen enjoy using this faggot," as I stood and turned around showing my cock hard and dripping, "this faggot needs to get dressed to make it to the meeting on time Sirs. I appreciate your attention to this faggot's ass Sirs."

As I said this, one of the truckers was taking pics of me just standing there. I really didn't care anymore, since I knew I was a faggot. They let me get dress, as they continued to watch me. The hardest thing was my cock, because it was hard. So, when I put my pants on, it didn't go down. I finished dressing asked them how I looked. They all said great but looked at my hard cock and I knew that it was going to be a problem. I was just hoping that the ride to the meeting would give it time to go down.

Once completed, I thanked the truckers and got back into my car. I texted master to let him know I was now leaving the rest stop to go to the meeting. He just texted back, good luck. The drive did help as well as my mind thinking about this meeting. I was shifting my thoughts back to business. Once at the meeting it went smooth and I was even able to close the deal. The best part was the fact that my cock cooperated, even with me feeling the fabric rubbing up against my cock and ass with no underwear.

Leaving the meeting it was now about 4:30. I texted the boss to let him know I was done, and it went well. I got a thumbs up. Then the next text said for me to go get some dinner, but I should be at the bathhouse no later than 7 o'clock. He then sent a second text reminding me to change back into my travel clothes soon. So, I decided to grab dinner first in my business attire. I found a small Italian restaurant and decided to eat there. Taking in my IPad, I decided to check e-mail.

Once there, I asked to be seated in a booth. This way, not only could I check my email, I could even check my Recon account without being spied on too much. After checking my e-mail while I ate a salad, I decided to check the other, turning the IPad so others could not see. When I opened it the first thing I noticed was at the top. Master must have changed it because it said `at StL bathhouse Tues & Wed night'. Then in the bio, he added the fact that I would be staying overnight at the bathhouse both Tuesday and Wednesday nights for all to use. Cum one cum all for fun was added.

After the shock of that, I noticed I had 5 messages. They were from people in St. Louis and all 100% Active, which meant they were top and masters or at least Alphas. I looked at each message, pulling up their profile at the same time. Most were things like, can't wait or see you there. I usually just replied, looking forward to the night. It seemed like I was going to have several `surprise visits' tonight.

After dinner, I ran to the nearest drug store to stock up on goodies to take into the bathhouse. A couple of bottled waters, and some snacks I thought would be good. Then I had to find somewhere to change. Driving around, I found a small park and thought I could do it there. Still being light outside, I decided to take my travel attire and go into the bathroom there. It had a urinal trough and one stall. It looked rather older and run down, but it seemed to all be functioning. I started to strip and change, when this older man about 60 walked in. He was wearing walking shorts and a t-shirt with the St. Louis Cardinals on it. He looked at me as I was dropping my pants right then. He smiled and walked over to the trough and started to piss. I just continued. I got all my good clothes off and had hangers to put them on. Standing there naked, I noticed he was standing there a long time.

I decided I needed to take a piss, so I walked up to the trough, naked, and started to pee. I then looked over and saw an 8-inch boner that was being stroked. He looked over at me, looking me up and down, realizing I was totally shaved.

"Looks like you're some kind of faggot boy," he finally said.

"Yes Sir."

"Well get on your knees boy. This cock ain't going to suck itself."

I quickly got on my knees and found myself sucking an 8-inch cock. He must have been very horny, because it didn't take that long before I could feel his balls tense up. He took his cock out of my mouth then started shooting it all over my face and body. This guy must not have cum for about a week, there was so much cum.

"Wear it good health boy," as he wiped off the last of the cum in my hair. He put his cock away and zipped up and left. I now thought to myself and decided to wear the cum to the bathhouse. What a great entrance for sure. I put on my riding attire and proceeded to gather my stuff. Hanging the clothes in the back of my car then putting everything away, I was ready for the next adventure.

Driving to the bathhouse, thanks to my GPS, I found it, and luck be with me, it had a small parking lot. The time was now 6:35, so I was there before 7. I parked the car and texted master that I was there and about to go in. Again, just a thumbs up was all I got. I got out of the car and got the bag to take into the place. Walking up to the door, the parking lot seemed a bit empty. I just figured it doesn't get busy until later. My heart started to beat faster, thinking about what could happen tonight, but my brain was feeling the excitement as well.

Entering, I went to the window there. The person behind the window was wearing only a jockstrap and looked very appealing. When he asked me how he could help, I told him I should have a reservation, which was already paid for by my boss. Giving my driver's license to him, he confirmed and asked me about tomorrow arrangements. I told him I would leave for the day, since I had business to do, but would return tomorrow night for the second night stay. He told me not to leave anything behind, because I might not have the same room. Handing me the key was to room D, he told me the room was down the hall to my right when I got inside. He then handed me my driver's license and one white towel and then buzzed me in.

Once in, you walked into what looked sort of like a locker room, but very open. They had lockers there for people not using rooms, but I just turned right and started to head to my room. I passed one room with the door slightly ajar, and could see in. There was a guy on his back, legs up, getting fucked by this rather large man, both in his stance and body shape. They were going at it pretty hard. I just moved on to find my room.

Standing at the door marked with a big D on it, I used the key to enter. The room consisted of a queen size bed, with a rubber sheet on it, three pillows again that had rubber sheets over them, a small table and a chair. That was it. I just put my `luggage' on the floor and proceeded to open the bag. Before taking things out, I decided to strip, as Master John had told me to do. Once naked, I then unpacked.

I took out everything he told me to pack for the fun. The jar of lube, I put on the table next to the bed, along with a small towel to use as a cum rag. I took out the dildo, butt plug and anal beads and laid them on the bed. I had a ball gag and a ring gag that I put out there. Also, Master John had me put wrist cuffs in, so I laid them out along side of the blindfold. The only other thing is the tit claps, so everything was now on the bed.

I decided that I better clean myself up and out before the night started. Taking my lube with me, I walked back to the window that was on inside of the buzzed in door. I asked for a 2nd towel to take a shower. The guy looked down at my shaved crotch and just smiled big.

"I'm thinking someone is a pure faggot for fun tonight," he said with that grin.

"Hope to have fun for sure."

"MMM...room D. I'll have to remember that one," as he handed me the towel.

Taking the towel, I started to walk around looking for the shower. It didn't take me too long as I walked into a gang shower area. There were two poles in the middle that each had 4 sprayers on them. The room itself was not that big, and to move around it when there were more than 3 or 4 would mean lots of touching. I guess that is why it is this way.

Getting under one of the sprayers, I started to take a shower. The water was lukewarm at best, but for a faggot like me that was great. I quickly clean myself on the outside, then saw the spray nozzle attached to each pole for that special clean. I went on ahead and started to clean out the ass. It took about 5 or 6 tries but felt pretty good. I then lubed up my fingers started to lube the butt canal for future use. My fingers felt great up there and I knew I was back into faggot thinking and ready for the night. I finished, cleaned the nozzle and then dried off.

I decided to look around at the layout of the bathhouse, which didn't seem all that big. Walking past the lockers, I took the other hallway that wasn't to the rooms. It almost immediately opened to a big rec room/den like with a big screen TV and several couches and stuffed chairs around. Since no one was in there yet, I passed it and came upon a room that had two slings and a fuck bench in it. To the side, it looked like a multi-purpose exercise machine, but I was sure it could be used for more. To the right was a door to the sauna. I opened it and came upon two men, one of which was giving a blow job to the other, so at least I know there would be action. At the back of the hallway there was a dark curtain. I decided to investigate what was behind there. In this room, there was a St. Andrew's cross on one side and chains with a pulley system on the other. This room looked like a lot of fun.

As I started to head back towards the den, I could hear voices. As I came into the den, there were three men in towels turning on the TV (which immediately had gay porn), and sat down, two on one of the couches and the other in a stuffed chair. I did draw attention instantly, being that all I had on was the towel over my shoulder. All three stared at me, and one even mentioned I had a nice ass. I just kept walking and heading to my room.

Deciding to try to take a little nap, I put one pillow under my midsection, so my ass was up and facing the door, and used another for my head. I thought what else but to try and sleep a little, because it could be a busy evening. I set my phone to ring at 7 a.m. for a wake-up call tomorrow so I could take a quick shower and head out to Springfield. As I got into bed and fell asleep almost instantly. Not sure how long I was out, but the next thing I remember is someone feeling my ass and hole. It really didn't startle me too much, and it really felt good.

"Mighty fine ass you got there boy," said the stranger.

I looked around and it was someone that I had not seen before. He was late 40s to early 50s with a touch of gray in his hair. He was still wearing his towel, but I could tell his cock was starting to tent. Taking both hands, he spread my cheeks and spit on my hole. Rubbing his spit in, he did this several times.

"Not really ready to cum just yet but am ready to start fucking boy and it looks like you're ready to be fucked. I think I can help you there."

He got on the bed in between my legs and put his cock to my hole. I felt it start to enter. It had a very nice head and I soon found out it was a good size mushroom head on this cock, as the head past my hole into my rectum. No condom, and he just started to pump. With the lube from early and his spit, it was just enough to make it feel good. He went for about 4 or 5 minutes then stopped.

"Told you boy. I didn't want to cum yet but might have to in that nice ass a little later."

He got up and wiped his cock. Wrapping his towel around him, he just left. I looked at my phone and it was already 8:30, which meant I had around an hour sleep. Figuring the place was getting busy, I needed to make my rounds like my boss told me to do. Leaving everything behind, except my key so I could lock up, I started to explore some. Thank god the key was on a bungy type of wrist band, that way I could just put it on my wrist so I wouldn't lose it.

Deciding to walk the other way down the hall of rooms, I passed one doorway, with a guy about 6 feet 7 inches tall with just his towel (barely) wrapped around him. You could tell his cock was in proportion to his size. He looked down at me walking naked and smiled. I nodded but kept going since I wanted to see what else was in this area. At the end was the area for the toilet. This was good for me, since I knew that most of the people would probably walk down the hall, past my room, to have to use it, so that meant good possible action tonight. In the room were three toilets with very short and small partitions, giving the image of privacy, but there would not be. There were several sinks on the back wall. Kind of next to the `stalls' was an old fashion bathtub, which I am sure was used for bathing in piss. Beyond that was a dark curtain. Peeking through the curtain, I realized is entered the room with the chains in it from another way, so the place had the feeling you could make a loop to look for action. At the other side of the toilet area was a tiled area with what looked like a drain in the middle of it. I assumed this would be for pissing since there was a guy there with his back to me taking a piss, or even better this area could be used for being the one pissed on.

I went through the room with the cross and headed for the den type room. There were now more people around, and I was the only one who had not covered up my junk with a towel. I mean a man in his forties is making guys in the 20s and 30s as well as 50s and 60s, take notice and they were taking notice. In the den, there was a guy in his 30s or 40s with a small belly sitting on the couch, legs spread wide, looking like an Alpha. I decided to make my first move. He looked directly at me with that look of `yes I am interested' as I walked towards him. Spreading his legs even wider so I could see his half erect cock, he looked at me, then down to the ground. About 3 feet away from him, I got down on all fours and crawled up to him. He opened his towel and I was devouring his cock as fast as I could. We drew attention very quickly, as I had my ass somewhat up in the air. Several of the men, started to play with my ass as I ate this massive cock, which was now a hard 8 inches long. I even had one man put a couple of fingers in my hole to help loosen it up some.

As I tried to look around, I could see out of the corner my eye, a couple of guys sitting in the chairs and they were stroking their cocks under their towels. Seeing behind them, I could make what looked like another faggot given a blow job to a guy who was standing looking at me do my work. I probably worked that cock a good 5 or maybe 10 minutes, then I started to hear that famous heavy breathing of being close. It was very soon after that, I was tasting the nectar of this Alpha's sperm in my mouth and it tasted great. Taking his cock out of my mouth, he wiped the remaining cum on my face and got up and left.

I stood up and realized that my cock was super hard, but it was also dripping lots of pre-cum. I swiped it with my finger and put it in my mouth, which I am sure everyone there enjoyed the faggot doing. Walking out of the room, back towards the sauna, I decided to stop in there. That place was really hopping now, with 8 or 9 people in there. Two other faggots were already busy, one giving a blow job and the other getting fucked. The one doing the blow job was a fat pudgy man who was blowing this older Alpha gentleman, who seemed to be enjoying it. The one getting fucked was short mid-20 faggot who was getting plowed by a guy who was over 6 feet tall. I noticed the condom wrapper next to him, so I figured he only played safe. Thinking my boss likes me to take the loads, I knew he would not be on my list.

On the top row, two guys were sitting with just enough room in between them for me to sit. One looked like a football linebacker, the other was a stereotype businessman. I stepped up to the ledge and plopped myself in between them, with really no room to spare. They both immediately started to touch my body. It wasn't just my crotch they wanted to touch, but my tits, my underarms, my stomach, just feeling me up and down. I decided to take on the linebacker first, as I reached under his towel. He wasn't that long, but he had a cock of massive girth. He leaned in and whispered.

"Think your ass can take this cock boy?"

"Would like to try Sir."

"Then get into position boy," as he stood up, so I could get on all fours on the bench.

This put my head right near the business's tits. As I felt the guy fingering my hole to open it up, I started licking the other guy's tits. He leaned in to let me get to both of them. As I am doing this, I felt the head of the guy's cock at my hole. Then he started to enter, which the feeling of the girth was truly amazing. He continued to enter me as the businessman worked at swinging around so that I could suck on his cock. When he opened his towel, I was kind of disappointed. His hard cock was maybe 5 inches if that, but it was perfect in shape. As a faggot, I knew to go down on any Alpha sir who wanted his cock sucked, so I did.

The two of them were getting me from both ends and others watched while others were getting action for themselves. As the two were going hard, suddenly I felt something on my back. Then I realized someone was pissing on me as I was being worked over. I could feel my cock rock hard and this point. This went for a while until I could hear the businessman panting. Then I tasted his cum, but he pulled it out with the second squirt, so the rest of it was all over my face. He quickly got his towel and then left. The guy fucking me at this point I could tell was about to blow and blow he did. It was several strong squirts, one right after another and it felt like he filled me up good. Keeping his cock in me, I then felt something different. He was pissing in my ass now. As he was finishing this up, he leaned over to my ear.

"Faggot, you need to go to the toilet to release that, so when I remove the giant from your hole, you better squeeze tight."

He slowly withdrew his cock, and as he did, I squeezed my ass as much as possible. Once out, I got up and exited the sauna and headed to the toilet through the `cross room'. I made it to one of the toilets and just let it go. It was a ton of piss that was up there, and it felt great to use that piss to clean me out.

I decided at this point to head back to my room. As I was going down the hall, the door where the 6-foot 7 guy was earlier was slightly open. I peeked in and saw that this guy was fucking some 20 something twink hard. He was shoving his cock in fast and hard. When he saw me peeking in, he motioned for me to come in. Then he pointed to one of his nipples, with that look of you know what to do faggot,' so I moved in and took his nipple in my mouth. It was huge in size, but really proportional to his size. Sucking hard on the nipple, he used his hand to hold me there. With the other hand he reached down and grabbed my junk and started to squeeze hard. Then he starts slapping my balls, which only made my cock get very hard. The breathing got heavier and his pumping got faster. With one sudden jerk, he shoved his cock so far up this guys ass, that I was surprised that when he shot his load, it didn't come out the twink's mouth. Slowly he withdrew his cock, which was the first time I could see this monster and monster it was. It had to be at least 10 inched long. Once out, he turned to me and with a few words of clean it fag,' I got on my knees and cleaned his cock, which still had some cum on it from the ass. It tasted great.

Once done, I got up and left the room, with the tall guy just smiling and nodding his head like `I'll see ya later'. Going to my room, I got on my bed with a pillow under my mid-section, so my ass would be up and ready. With the door wide open and all my toys on display it wasn't long before business started to happen. For the next couple of hours, my ass and mouth were used many times. With rubber sheets on the bed, I got pissed on several times as well. It seemed like an endless parade. Not much talk with each person, but in those hours, I think I had about 7 cocks up my ass, at least the same amount if not more in my mouth, most of them leaving cum in one hole of the other and I had to have been pissed on over a dozen times. I was a slut.

There was a lull, for about 30 minutes, which I just laid there on my bed and tried to relax. I must have started to doze off, when I felt a cock at my asshole. My blindfold was tossed from behind to me, so I quickly put it on. This guy wanted to fuck me while I was blindfolded. Then I felt the cock start to enter my ass. Thank god for the earlier cum shots in there because this guy had a cock with some girth to it. It wasn't quite as round as a soda pop can, but I swear it felt like it to this faggot. He then started pumping and wasted no time on picking up the pace. He had to have entered the room primed to release, because it was only 3 or 4 minutes, then I felt this gallon of cum in my ass. I knew not to take off the blindfold until he left, since he had tossed it to me. As he got off the bed, he slapped my ass hard. Then the surprise I wasn't expecting.

"Hey Dave, great presentation this afternoon and even a greater one this evening."

I knew the voice but couldn't place it with who I saw at the presentation earlier, but I knew it had to be one of the guys from that meeting. Yet, I remembered all five guys were not the type that I thought would be into this kinky scene and even more surprising was the fact that all five guys there were wearing wedding rings. One guy was about 300 pounds and was balding, another was around 5 foot and kind of pudgy, another was average height and weight, but seemed like the family guy, especially since he was showing the other guys pictures of his family when I walked in. The other two were not anything to sneeze at, but not that great either, one being just over 6 feet tall with a small belly, but I did notice his cock in the outline of his pants. I thought that it couldn't be him, since the guy who fucked me had an average to a little less than average cock, in length. The fifth guy was just under 6 feet and seemed to have worked out some. But he was flirting with the two women that were in the meeting. I tried to remember each voice to see if I could determine it. Finally, I thought I might leave the room and walk around and see it I could spot the guy.

I went down the hallway to the toilet area first, and there was one guy sitting by the drain getting pissed on by two other guys. In the `cross room,' nothing was happening. I looked in the shower area and saw four guys showering and cruising each other. A quick peek in the sauna, and six guys in there, in what appeared to be a massive orgy. The den area was very busy, with two guys getting fucked and another guy giving a blow job. But none of these guys were people I had seen at the presentation this after.

I went up to the window where my guy who signed me in was there in just his jock strap.

"Did Mr. Johnson find you Sir?"

I was always shocked that being called `sir', which just didn't feel right. I asked, "Mr. Johnson?"

"Yes sir, the man saw your name on guest signed in and I told him your room. Hope that was okay."

"Sure," was all I was able to say. Which one was Mr. Johnson from the presentation this afternoon? This was killing me. My attention got diverted when I heard jockstrap guy.

"Just to let you know that the office will close in about 10 minutes. We don't let any new clients in after midnight. If you choose to leave, understand there will be no one to let you in until 6 in the morning."

"Thanks." I started to head towards my room, bewildered, when I looked in the locker area and saw the guy who was around 5 feet tall and pudgy. He was naked and about to put on his clothes. That's when I could see his cock, which in my mind should grow to the same girth, I just experienced. All I could remember about him was his name was Randy, but he didn't see me, so I moved away and back to the window.

"Excuse me, I must have missed Mr. Johnson. Does he come here often?"

The jockstrap guy said, "He's a regular. His wife doesn't put out, so he comes here to fuck men. I think he was hoping to fuck you to be honest."

"Oh, I think he did, but I don't think he wanted me to know who he was. Since I am from out of town, I was here doing some business, and I think he might have been someone I did business with earlier." My mind started thinking about the scenario and even though he was not someone I would normally seek out; I was turned on that he sought me out and fucked me anonymously. A great surprise visit and a big thrill for me. My cock was starting to grow again, and with no towel, it was very obvious.

"MMM... looks like someone is excited," said the jock strap men.

I looked down, then looked at him and just smiled. "I best be getting back to my room, but thanks for noticing."

As I looked back, the man had his cock out and was stroking it and it was a fucking nice cock. I got back to my room and got on the bed again in the same position as per orders of my boss. It wasn't long before someone was feeling my ass. I didn't turn around at first, but I slowly turned around. A little surprised, but glad at the same time, it was my jock strap man. He must have closed the office and now was ready to fuck me.

"Glad you're staying overnight, because I think I want to use you more than once, and not just for fucking, faggot." His voice was now a very dominant Alpha voice and he was taking control. He fucked me first and didn't waste much time. He probably had been playing with himself all day, because he came quickly. But he was not through. He put the collar on me, with the leash and told me to follow him. This guy didn't just know how to be dominant; he was a Dominant Sir. With leash in hand, we went to the toilet. Making me sit near the drain, he let loose with a ton of piss on me and some in me. Then he took the leash and tied it to the poll nearby. This guy was taking over. He went into the cross room and about 3 minutes later, he came back and got me. Crawling into the cross room, he had me stand and then he strapped me to the cross with my back to the cross.

"Time for a little torture stress relief faggot."

Tying something around my junk making the balls and cock separate. I could feel the rope like thing hanging between my legs. He had a couple of weights, that looked like about 2 pound each. He tied these to the rope and gently let them fall. I could feel them pulling on my balls. He kicked the weights a little to make them swing, which cause my balls to be stretched even further. As they were swinging, he took clothes pins and attached them to my cock, then to areas around and on my nipples. Then producing a crop whip, he started to try and hit each clothes pin to make it come off. This caused the weights to swing even more. We were drawing a crowd, so he offered anyone who wanted to try to hit a clothes pin to step up. Several of them did so and each time someone would hit one and make it come off, it about killed me. But I must have liked it, because my cock was not only hard but dripping like a leaky faucet. This went on until all the pins were off. He walked me back to my room, well me crawling. Once there, he fucked me one more time, leaving a second deposit in my ass. He finally left, saying he had to get home to slave. Just that line made my cock jump again.

It was now about 1 o'clock. I just laid there on my bed relaxing, when my tall man from early came in.

"Before I head off to bed, I need some tension release and your ass looks perfect."

With that, his 10-inch cock entered my very used asshole and he proceeded to fuck me. He was not as ready to cum as the others were earlier. He fucked me for seemed like hours but was more like 20 to 30 minutes. Finally, his breathing got faster and then a huge explosion in my ass happened. He fell on top of me, crushing me to the bed, cock still in my ass. I just laid there and fell asleep, with his cock in my ass.

I am not sure when he left, but he was the last one for the night, since the next thing I heard was my phone alarm going off around 7. I was now ready to face the new day.

Next: Chapter 9

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