A Surprise Visit

By John Comstock

Published on Oct 13, 2019


A Surprise Visit 7

If you're not looking for sex -- including authoritative use between guys (over the age of consent), then look elsewhere. Also please be of legal age and can legally read this type of work where you live

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This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal or private copies are permitted only complete, including the copyright notice. Any resemblance to people or places is strictly by accident. This is a piece of fiction in the author's mind that he would enjoy if it could happen to him.

I welcome feedback on this story. Also, happy to receive messages on my bdsmlr page, which a few of you did. Also have enjoyed the correspondence with other faggots as well as Sirs from all over. This faggot does appreciate when Sirs/Masters give this faggot their insight. It has tried to incorporate those ideas in its writing. Always try to respond to Y/you when you contact this faggot.

Please e-mail me at kcamsub@gmail.com Go to my Recon account kcam BDSMLR -- kcolderfaggot https://kcolderfaggot.bdsmlr.com/

Also have written a few other stories on here Scout Rob In Charge https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/scout-rob-in-charge/ The Truckers Inn https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-truckers-inn Haven and Hell https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/haven-and-hell/ A Surprise Visit https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/a-surprise-visit/ San Francisco Transformation https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/san-francisco-transformation

ADDED NOTE `ASV 7' has been a slow writing effort for this faggot due to work. Sorry it has taken so long to finish it, but hope you enjoy this. Will try to start next part soon. But Y/you continued support and encouragement helps this faggot to write. Have really enjoyed the Sirs/Masters that have been so forth coming in what they would like to see, and even a few who have suggested things they would like to do with this faggot. Also want to remind readers that this faggot is American and is writing using terminology that is more American, but it feels most of you understand that. Please let this faggot know how you feel and on it bdsmlr page, can respond if Sirs require, on the thread and not just in messages. Have fun reading.


Waking up the next morning, I really realized I had to face the world looking more like a faggot. They hadn't seen me, at work, since Wednesday, and now my head was completely shaved. A little hair was growing back, but nothing like before. Thank god they couldn't see under my clothes. I rolled out of bed at the usual time and headed to the bathroom to clean up for work. I should have woken up earlier, realizing I hadn't taken a true shower of my own since Thursday. I really scrubbed down and tried to make sure no sign of the weekend, either smell or sight, was there. As I got dressed, I thought about underwear, but decided against it, since I had not worn any since last week. I figured that Jeromy would want it that way. That's when I realized how conditioned I had become. I was now thinking in terms of what would `MasterJ want or say.'

A quick breakfast of cereal and milk with a banana to get me going. I again thought how ironic I was eating a banana after all the bananas (cocks) I had taken in my mouth this weekend. Finishing up, I brushed my teeth, the first time since Wednesday and even that felt strange. I got to my car and there was a post-it note on my steering wheel. It was from Jeromy and all it said was have fun with your BOSS today fag.' He wanted me back in the frame of mind of the weekend and to be ready for Mr. Manning today. What will I do if I see him before this afternoon's meeting or what if he says something in front of people requiring me to answer with Sir'? It really scared me, but I could feel my cock stirring in my pants, and since no underwear, I need to stop thinking about it. I didn't want to walk into the office showing a boner on a Monday morning.

By the time I got to work, I was thinking about other things and singing to the radio...whew no boner. I made it past the security guard and towards the offices. Once in my office, I felt a sense of relief. As always, my secretary (which I share with three others) brought in my coffee. I know people think having a male secretary doesn't seem right, but John was really good at what he does for the four of us, especially since he does not have a college degree at all.

"Thanks John."

"Your welcome Mr. Durham. How was your weekend Sir?"

It seemed strange to have someone calling me `sir' after this weekend, but I tried to respond as normal as I could. "It was very enjoyable. Yours?"

"Mine was great. So, may I ask, why the new haircut. I mean I think it makes you look younger and sexier sir."

"It was a bet and I lost, so I followed through. You really do like it?"

"Sure, I think you should keep it."


John left the room and I thought I was going to be okay with my new bald head. I was really terrified on what people were going to say. John help put my mind at ease. I then got busy looking at my emails over the past few days. Being gone for several days usually means a bunch of emails, and this time was no exception. I had close to 70 emails in my inbox. I started working at going through them, seeing which ones were multi-time senders. I didn't want to keep sending emails to the same person. As I drank my coffee, I just made a list of people so I could spot those that had tried more than once. There were quite a few. Finally, I got through the list to figure out how many I was going to have to return.

"Hey Bald Eagle," I heard from my colleague Ron. "Someone really took a razor to your head."

Ron was always the one to point out the obvious, but usually he wasn't the one I had to worry about probing for questions to be answered in these things. And even with what he said, I thought he wouldn't probe too much.

"Ok Ron, so I lost a bet and I shaved my head. Don't you think I look sexy?" I said with a bit of sarcasm.

"How would I know if you look sexy. You know I'm a boob man."

We both laughed.

"We all know you're a boob man, Ron. I however think Dave looks hot," came from Cheryl, who was another of the four who shared John as a secretary. "In fact, damn hot. Mr. Manning wants to see the four of us in his office for a short meeting. I'll get Tony." Tony was the fourth of the four of us.

As Ron and I headed towards Mr. Manning's office and Cheryl got Tony, all I could think about was this was the first time I would see him, and this time I would be standing, not looking up at him. But part of me thought about that nice cock that was in my mouth Saturday when I did look up, and with that thought, my cock started stirring. I tried to quickly concentrate on what Ron was chatting about as we approached his office.

We went into the front part of his office, where his office assistant, Quincy, was at his desk. The door was open, but neither of us went in until Cheryl and Tony arrived. Once the four of us were there, Quincy announced us, and we went into Mr. Manning's office. He was standing by the window and then turned around. He still looked pretty striking.

"Morning team. I just wanted a quick report from the four of you on where we, as a company, are with the OfficeTeam Project. This is an informal update and I know I caught you off guard, but just wanted some ideas. Well team?"

He liked to call us `team' so no gender issue would come up with Cheryl in the group. In fact, Cheryl spoke up first talking about the progress she was having in the Houston area. The other two chimed in. Then he looked at me and smiled.

"Well Dave?"

"Things are progressing with the projected targets we had planned. I really can't say it is anything shocking but going in the right direction. I'm not sure what else you would want to hear Sir?"

I was able to get the `Sir' in with great confidence in the sense to please Mr. Manning and not to draw attention to me from the other three about who I was to the boss now.

"Good. By the way, nice haircut Dave. Did someone have to tie you down to shave it off?" Mr. Manning said in a sly tone.

"No Sir. Just lost a bet Sir."

"Need a better poker face I would say. That's enough for now. Let's chat later," Mr. Manning said concluding this short meeting.

I think he wanted to see how well I could handle the pressure of everything in front of fellow employees. I reflected on this by thinking what emotions did I have. Putting them into words...ALMOST ALL EMOTIONS. I felt fear, panic, excitement, joy, terror, happiness. I think I ran the spectrum. It was good.

Back in my office, I felt a sense of relief that I had made it through that meeting and no signs of being fired or being let go. Maybe I will still have my job by the end of the day. I decided to work through lunch, not knowing what was next. But shortly after the `lunch hour' I got an e-mail from the boss. It was right to the point, but it also made me feel even more secure, that my job was safe.

It said, nice cover this morning boy. Didn't think you had it in you to cover as well as you did without breaking a sweat. Remember today at 4:50 sharp. We have some late work to do, since you were busy' this weekend boy. Btw what is your cell number, Sir does not seem to have it?"

I immediately sent a message back with my number and thanking Sir for the compliment on how the boy handled himself. It wasn't even 10 minutes and I had a message on my phone. It was from the Boss. It was a very nice cock picture that it looks like he was just sitting at his chair in the office. My thoughts were what should I do. I responded with, this faggot wants to service that cock again Sir.' The response was simple, it shall.'

For the next hour or so, I tried to keep busy; getting caught up and preparing to leave on Tuesday for a business meeting in St. Louis and Springfield. I was making great progress and John kept bringing me coffee to make sure I didn't lose the momentum. However, the coffee did have a side effect, I realized I had to piss bad. My thoughts of using the normal men's room right near our offices scared me, so I decided to take the long trek down to the one at the other end of all our offices. Earlier, I had used the one by my office, but was scared to death of being walked in, so the decision seemed logical to go to the other. It was a smaller bathroom with just one stall and two urinals. Because of its design, they had to put a short wall inside it so people couldn't see directly in there. It kind of had a feeling like you were starting out going through a maze.

After walking the long trek, I entered the bathroom and thank god, no one was in there. This bathroom is not used much, only be people at this end of the offices. I walked up to the urinal and took out my cock. It was semi-hard, so it didn't want to start right away. Then I heard the door open. That is the one advantage of this restroom, you hear the door open, before the person is in all the way. I didn't look around; you know men's bathroom protocol. I heard `the' voice.

"Well look what I have found in the bathroom all by himself holding his worthless cock," Dave's boss said without shouting it, but with a strong demanding tone. He stepped up to the next urinal and looked over.

"Okay faggot, when a fag like you pisses standing up, it should drop its pants to the floor. Do it boy."

"Sir?" came out of my mouth like I couldn't believe he had ordered me to do this.

"No questions fag. Drop the pants," said with a strong commanding voice.

I undid the top button of the pants and let them drop to the ground. There I was standing half naked at the urinal with my boss fully clothed next to me. My cock started stirring.

"Good boy. No underwear and you seem to like the exposure," as he looked at my cock, which was growing by the second. "I need to take a piss fag. Unzip my pants and haul out my cock and hold it while I pee."

I reached over and undid his zipper and reached in to pull out his cock. It was semi-hard. I held it so he could piss, as I just stood next to him. He did reach over and stroke my cock for a few minutes while pissing, but then let go. When he was finished, I shook his cock for the last drops. I started to put it back into his pants, but he stopped me.

"Not good enough boy. Lick the last drops off to make sure they are all gone, then put it back in."

As I bent over to lick the last drops, he reached over and ran his hand over my ass and into my crack, fingering my hole. I waited until he was done playing before I stopped licking. Then I put his cock back into his pants and zipped him up.

"Good boy. Now faggots shouldn't stand to pee to begin with, but if they must, it should be in this position and with its hands behind its head. Faggots shouldn't touch their cocks when pissing. Stand there until you are finished pissing, then shaking your cock for the last drops, without using your hands. Don't move even if someone comes in. Once done, you can then pull up your pants and get back to work. Have I made myself clear boy?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good," as he was washing his hands. "Need to dry these off. Oh, this will work," as he reached for the tails of my shirt and used them as a towel. He then smacked my ass and left.

I stood there for what seemed like forever, then finally my cock started letting go with piss. I really had to piss and stood there a good 2 to 3 minutes just pissing. Once done, I shook my body to get the last drops off. Completed, I pulled up my pants and just in the nick of time. As I was buttoning the top button of my pants, the door opened. It was Tony this time, which seemed odd that he would use this bathroom so far from our office. After zipping up, I turned around and Tony looked at me with surprise.

"God, I needed to piss bad. Too much coffee," I said as I start washing my hands.

"Yep, it goes through me too."

And with that, I quickly left the bathroom and returned to my office.

Once back in my office, I spent most of the time preparing things I would need for this business trip. I made sure presentations were ready and had extra copies if needed. It seemed like I was a well-oiled machine getting through. I finished up all the stuff that I needed to do and looked at the clock. It was only 4:00. I decided to take all of what I needed for the trip to my car.

Upon returning to my office, I sat down and started thinking about this meeting coming up. The problem with this is my cock started get to hard. I realized I better stop, so I went online to read the news. Nothing like reading about what's happening to shrink a cock. When I looked up from my computer, it was 4:45, so I quickly closed everything out and shut down my computer. I started to get nervous thinking about this, and again my cock started getting hard. Trying not to think about, I got up and pushed my chair in. As I left my office, I told John to have a nice next couple of days, I would see him Friday. He turned and looked straight at my crotch.

"Well it looks like someone is excited about the next couple of business days." John said with a bit of sarcasm. "I guess you will have a good time for sure, either tonight or when you're away."

I looked down and realized my cock was more than halfway erect and was clearly seen in the outline on my pants. I must have blushed 20 different shades of red.

Trying to escape the embarrassment, I quickly said, "I didn't have any clean underwear this morning, so I am going commando today," with a smile on face.

"Well I can see that your little man is excited about something."

I smiled and turned to walk to Mr. Manning's office. I tried to hide my hard on by putting my hands in my pockets. Entering his office, Quincy also noticed my cock, but just raised an eyebrow. The door was open to Mr. Manning's personal office, so I asked Quincy if I should go in.

"Let me see for you." Pushing the button to the intercom Quincy asked, "Mr. Manning, your 4:50 is here. Should I send him in?"

I heard, "please do."

"Go on ahead Dave. He is expecting you," he said with the sound of something sinister.

I walked in and was told to shut the door. Mr. Manning was sitting at his desk working. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do, so I stood in the middle of the room, facing his desk with my hands behind my back. Finally, after a few minutes, he spoke.

"Can't believe a faggot doesn't know to strip immediately when in the presence of a superior."

Knowing what he meant, I immediately started stripping off my clothes. As each piece came off, I folded it neatly and stacked them on the chair near me. Once I was naked, I really felt like a faggot and couldn't believe I was naked at my workplace, especially in the boss's office.

"I got some things to finish up, so stand with your hands behind your head and legs spread boy."

I did this without a question. There I was with an erect cock in the middle of my boss's office naked in a standard position for a faggot. I felt so controlled, yet so energized by this.

Pressing the intercom button, Mr. Manning said, "Quincy, can you bring in those letters for me to sign."

I couldn't believe he was summing his Office Assistant in while I was naked. The door opened wide and Quincy walked in with four letters for him to sign. He left the door open wide, and at the right angle, someone could see me standing naked in the boss's office. I was so humiliated. Quincy hardly looked at me as I stood there. He waited for the signatures. Once signed, Mr. Manning told him he could head home now, so he would have time to drop those at the post office. As Quincy walked out, his eyes looked in my direction as he turned up the right side of his lip. He closed the door as he left.

Mr. Manning just finished his work quickly, then got up and went to the door to lock it. Walking back to me, he came up from behind and started to put his hands all over me. First, he ran his fingers over my pits, then came to the front rubbing my nipples, before squeezing and twisting them. Going further south, he grabbed my balls and squeezed them before running his hand up and down my cock. With a finger, he swiped some precum, from my cock and brought it up to my mouth, which I immediately sucked it off his finger. Walking around me, he grabbed my junk and walked over to behind his desk, with me in tow. Sitting down in his big chair, he worked over my cock and balls with some force behind it. I tried not to wince, but probably did a couple of times.

"Wow. You're such a good little faggot Davy. Come here and take a seat so we can talk," as his patted his hand on his knee.

I am sure I gave a strange look, but with his other hand, which is still on my junk, he yanked downward and there I was sitting on the boss's knee like I was his little 10-year-old son or something. He started playing with my cock and balls as he spoke.

"Now let me explain to you how your life is changing today." I was sure that meant a job change or firing. "You see about 5 months ago, my wife filed for divorce, stating we were no longer compatible. What she meant is that we were no longer having sex, which is true. See what had happened is that my bisexuality, that no one seems to be aware of, started emerging on the gay side about a year ago. I went to `our' bathroom one day and walked in on Quincy giving your secretary a blow job. Caught off guard a bit, I just stopped, but that didn't stop Quincy, since John was about to cum. After shooting his load they both looked at me with a little surprise. John quickly zipped up and left, but Quincy just stayed on his knees. I thought what the fuck, so I let him blow me, and he did a great job. How do you think he got promoted from a techie in IT to my office assistant, so quickly?"

Mr. Manning stopped for a second and looked at me, then took a drink from his mug.

"Since then, I have been exploring my gay side more and more, by going to that bathroom off and on. I have even given a couple of blow jobs myself. I enjoyed it, but soon discovered I enjoy it more when I was in charge. I started to explore other possibilities by visiting the mall bathrooms and parks. One time at the park, I met a faggot who enjoyed being controlled. After our encounter, I took him for coffee so we could talk. He turned me on to a website called Recon."

My eyes must have perked up, because he realized what I was talking about. He picked up his phone, turning on the camera and took a selfie of the two of us in this position. I felt so degraded being a picture like that.

"Obvious you know about Recon; how did you discover it boy?"

"I didn't know about Recon until after you left Saturday Sir. MasterJ took me over to a computer and showed the profile he had created for me and I read through it and saw I had messages and cruises. But up to then I didn't know it even existed, Sir."

"Well I didn't find your profile until a few weeks back, as I was cruising through the different profiles of fags at 90 to 100% passive in the area. There you were sucking away, and I knew I had you. I contacted MasterJ and we started to chat about different things. I told him I was your boss, but I was about 7 years younger than you yet wanted to have `fun' with you. He was the one that talked about something more permanent. You see Saturday was the trial run, and you passed fag."


"Let me lay it out on what is going to happen. A couple of months ago, the divorce became final and I have been living in a hotel for the last 2 months. No one, except Quincy, knows I have been living there, in fact I am not sure anyone knows I'm divorce. That doesn't matter. You see amazingly YOU found out and offered ME a place to stay," saying this with a bit of sarcasm, "since Jay is away at school and I decided to graciously accept your offer. This is not up for negotiation boy...I'm moving into our house," saying this last part in that demanding tone.

The blank look on my face probably said how stunned I was. A few months ago, I thought I was a straight divorced man with a grown-up son. Now, I am going to be my boss's in-live faggot...at my house. I had a hard time fathoming this.

"It starts tonight boy. Now let me tell you more, and these things are not up for discussion either. One, you are now my faggot. I have discussed this with MasterJ, and he stated that he did not `own' you, but thought it was good for me to take control of you. Understand?" he said as he slapped my balls.

"Yes Sir."

"Second, you will address me as Sir' in the office all the time, and at home it is either Sir' or Master'. I will address you most often as faggot' but might use other terms to fit my whim. Third, when in town faggot will drive me to work and home as my personal chauffer. Fourth, at home, faggot will make me breakfast and dinner when faggot is in town, as well as do the laundry and cleaning around the house. Understand?" with a slap to my cock this time.

"Yes, Sir."

"For now, you are not my slave, but if that times come, we will draw up a slave contract that we both will sign. You are just a faggot. I hope this comes with the understanding that I make the decisions of when we have any sexual play at home or here at the office. That includes if I want to bring in friends, I will decide on who you see. But when out of town, I will expect my faggot to be used by others of its choice."

He then lifted me up off his knee and scooted back his chair. Patting both knees, I wasn't sure what he wanted me to do. He did it again, and I know I still had a question mark on my face. Then he grabbed one of my tits and pulled towards him, making me fall onto his lap.

"When I do that faggot, Master need to release a little stress and your ass will be used for that."

He moved me around until I was in position for an over-the-knee spanking, which he proceeded to do.

"Count boy."

I started counted as hit harder and harder with each one. When he reached 15, he stopped and started to rub my ass like Jeromy did after a flogging. He then proceeded with ten more and me counting. As he rubbed my ass again, I was hoping it was over. He lifted me off his knees and told me to get dress.

"Tonight, I want lasagna and salad for dinner. I know you will have to pick it up on the way to our home boy. If you get home first, pull into the garage, strip in the car and walk in with the food, with the garage door open. Leave it open for me. If I get there first, I will text you. When you pull in, open the garage door, again strip leaving the garage door up and walk in behind me. Once in I will close the garage. You will need to be ready to get dinner on the table quickly. Now hurry up and get going, I am going to stop by the hotel to get some of my stuff to bring over."

"Yes, Sir. I will see you at home Master," I said scurrying out of the office.

Once in the parking lot, I got to my car. As I got into the driver's seat, I felt how sore my ass really was from the spanking. I knew where I could pick up some lasagna and salad at the Italian restaurant near my...I mean our home. I got the phone number and called in the order, so it would be ready when I got there. The drive was making me horny again, I mean with a sore ass and no underwear, I was boning up again. Getting to the restaurant, I got out of the car and realized I had a cock that was more than half-way hard. I really didn't care and went in and got my order. Paying for it, the cashier looked at me, then my crotch then back at me. He just smiled and thanked me.

Back in the car, I headed home. As I was getting closer, I thought about if my Master/boss knew my address. He seemed to be aware of it and didn't ask me, so I wasn't sure what I should do. Once at the house, I opened the garage door and drove in. I stripped in the car but decided to text him the address with the statement about wanting my Master to know my address in case He didn't have it.

He texted back, "thank you boy, glad faggot cares."

I walked into the house, fully naked with garage door open, not even thinking about it and went inside. I put the lasagna in the oven to keep it warm, and prepared the salads, keeping them in the refrigerator. I had some wine, so I got a bottle out and set the table for two. I wasn't sure if I would sit there, but just in case he let me. Putting dishes and silver on, it was all set. About five minutes after that, I heard his car pull into the garage. Getting out I could hear the door slam shut and walking towards the door. Listening to the garage door closing, I decided to be on my knees when he walked in. I immediately was there when he opened the door.

"Good faggot. I see I won't have to teach it how to greet his Master when he arrives," patting me on the head while putting down his briefcase. "Go out and get my things from the car and take it to our bedroom."

I was amazed how quickly he took ownership of everything, from the bedroom to me. I went out and got the small suitcase and the clothes that were hanging. I brought them in and took them to my bedroom, hanging up the clothes and putting the suitcase on the dresser bureau. Going back into the main part of the house, Master was already sitting in what used to be my chair, smoking a cigar. I usually didn't like smoking in the house, but it was `our' house now.

"I put your clothes up and your suitcase is on the bureau Sir. I did not open since you did not tell me to do so Sir."

"Good boy. Sit by me for a second."

I knew that meant for me to sit at his feet.

"My feet hurt boy, take my shoes and socks off and massage them for me boy."

I did that immediately and gently massaged both feet as best as I could. I probably did this for 20 to 30 minutes as he smoked and relaxed.

"Do you have a robe for me boy? I would like to get comfortable."

"Yes, Sir, let me get it for you Sir."

I quickly went to the bathroom where the robe was hanging on a hook on the back of the door. When I returned, he was starting to take off his shirt.

"Help me boy."

I quickly got over to him and helped him off with his shirt and t-shirt. He immediately shoved my face into one of his arm pits. All I could do was to inhale the aroma of that manly scent of his. Letting me go, he put his arms out to the side. Looking down at his pants, I assumed he wanted help with his pants and underwear. I took his pants off, revealing a nice pair of boxer briefs. I started to remove them, but he stopped me.

"Only a faggot is naked at home all the time. I will decide when I need to be naked boy. Put the robe on me and go get dinner ready."

"Yes, Sir." I put the robe on him, asking if he wanted wine or something else to drink for dinner.

"Wine will be fine for me. Thanks boy."

I went into the kitchen and proceeded to take out the lasagna. I cut it and placed it on the plate. Luckily, I had some Italian bread I put into a small basket and set on the table. Then I placed the salad. I uncorked the bottle of wine and informed him dinner was ready. As he came in, I pulled out his chair for him, then I went and brought in the lasagna for him and place it in front of him. Getting the wine, I brought it in and poured him a glass. I then put the bottle down and stood with my hands behind my back.

"Good boy. I see you know to wait for instructions. Go get yourself a plate of lasagna, but you don't need salad fag. Also bring in a regular glass."

I put a piece of lasagna on a plate and set in down. Then got a regular glass. As I approached the table, Master stood up, to my surprise. He took the glass, opened his robe and pulled out his cock and pissed in the glass. Then he sat it next to my place. He sat back down.

"There you go fag. Sit down and enjoy your pasta and my special wine for you."

Without even thinking this was weird, I sat down, naked and started eating. Whenever he took a sip of wine, I would follow shortly after with drinking his piss. A year ago, I would have never guessed I would be sitting naked in my house with a man younger than me, clothed and he was controlling me. As we sat eating dinner we chatted on different topics.

"Boy, understand when we are in this type of situation, you can speak more freely. However, remember to include Sir or Master as you speak. I want my faggot to have brains."

"Thank you, Sir."

"So, if I am right, you have a 3-day business trip ahead of you."

"Yes Sir. St. Louis tomorrow afternoon, then Springfield Wednesday morning then back to St. Louis for one meeting in the afternoon and one in the morning on Thursday Sir."

"Have you already made your reservations for a hotel for the next two nights?"

"Yes Master," trying to change it up a bit.

"Well, you're going to cancel those reservations, because I have made reservations for you boy."


"Yes. You will be staying at the St. Louis Bathhouse both nights. I have already paid for the room boy."

"Okay Sir," said with a question in my throat.

"You are going to have a goal both nights there. I figured we can chat about this now, so you understand boy."

I just looked at him with some strange look on my face, but he continued.

"Have you ever been to a bathhouse before boy?"

"No Sir."

"Well this is one that has lots of cruising action. I chatted with other Masters on Recon from St. Louis and they told me you should have no problems finding action. Doesn't that sound like fun boy?"

"Yes Sir."

"When you arrive, you will show them your driver's license to get in. Everything has been paid for. You see in this bathhouse there are the private rooms, like you will have, but most of the time when someone is there, they leave the door open for people to come in for sex. That is what you will do all night, both nights, no matter what the time."

I am sure I had a real puzzled look on my face. I really wasn't sure about this. Being in a strange place, where no one will know me to use me really scared me.

"When you first get there, you will go to your room and strip. I would only take in real basic stuff, not a big suitcase boy. I will help you pack tonight. After stripping, you will not put a towel around you, as most of the people will do this. You will scout out the territory and the people in there to look for possible Alphas to use your pathetic faggot body."

That statement was a bit humiliating to me, since I felt somewhat proud of my body. But I could see Sir smiling, so I guess that was the point.

"This scares me Sir. I won't have anyone there as my back up like I did at the farm Sir?"

"No fag. And yes, you should be a bit scared. I went there about 3 weeks ago to scout it out myself and found it very interesting. You will be a prize there even though these two nights are weeknights."

My mind stated racing thinking about the fact that I would naked all night with the door open for anyone to come in and have fun with me. However, as I was thinking about that and my cock started growing to the excitement of the possibilities this could be in store for me.

As we continued to chit-chat, he would bring up some of the possible things that might happen. He also reminded me not to be late for any meetings or appointments either. He explained that on the way to each city that I would have to text him that I was leaving or arriving at end of the trek. Telling me even further, that while on the road, he might have special instructions for his faggot to do, so I was to check frequently to see if I had a new text message. I was not to look at text messages while in a meeting or with an appointment. It was amazing how specific he was on what and what not to do, like I had no common sense or reasoning going on. My boss was taking control of not just my work habits, but my life.

As we finished dinner, and I finished the last of the piss, he told me to clear the table and clean up the kitchen, indicating that he would not be using the kitchen while I was away except for getting something to drink or grabbing a snack. Once that was completed, he ordered me to crawl to the bedroom so he could show me what to pack for this trip. Again, he was in total control. In the bedroom, he told me to find two pieces of luggage, one for the nicer things that would in the car the whole time and one that I would bring into the bathhouse. Both were to be on the smaller side. In the one for nicer things, I was told it would have in this, my dress shoes, socks undershirt and dress pants. Also, a toiletry supply of things, since this would not be taken into the bathhouse. The other, again being told (almost ordered), would have in it lube, a dildo, anal beads, a dog collar, a cock ring, mouthwash, a couple of extra smaller towels, a black think Sharpie, a blindfold, six bungie cords, a ball gag, tit clamps and a paddle. These things would be emptied out in the room on display for any Alpha to use on you while at the bathhouse. I wasn't sure how he knew I had all these things, but I just figured that he had talked about these things with Jeromy. I had acquired over the short time since I was under his control as his faggot. After he told me all this, he left the room and I quickly started to put this together.

While I was doing this, I could hear the TV going on in the other room, so I figured he was just relaxing watching TV. As I finished each item, I went through my mind to make sure I had taken everything he ordered. Finally completed, I crawled out to the living room and stood up on my knees with my hands behind my head.

"All through faggot?" he said with a deep voice.

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. Bring out the two bags and put them into the car now, so you're ready for tomorrow and then come back in, crawl in here and get back into this position."

I got up and retrieved the bags and took them to the car and then walked back inside, got on all four and crawled into the living room where I took the same position as before. What amazed me is that my cock was as hard as a rock right now, yet I never touched it. It was obvious that I was turned on by being bossed around. I was a submissive by nature.

After a few minutes, he finally looked at me and said, "get into the bathroom faggot. We need to make sure you're clean shaven to start this trip."

I crawled into the bathroom, following my boss. Once in there he told me to stand in the tub. I didn't see that he had brought an electric razor with him into the bathroom, but he produced it quickly. He first shave around my crotch, then my chest and armpits. Making me kneel, he then did my head; all of it, except my eyebrows and eye lashes. Applying shaving cream, he then carefully did a close shave of my head. Making me stand again, he did the same thing with my crotch. Making me turn around and bending over, he did the same to my ass. Now I was clean shaven again, like I was at the beginning of last weekend. Telling me to shower everything off, I do so quickly, with him just watching me. This was very weird to have a man watch me shower, while he wore just a robe. Loved it.

Now clean of hair, the boss made me kneel again. He stood on the ledge of the tub and proceeded to give another golden shower, pissing from my head down. He told me he want to make sure everything was rinsed off with his superior piss. Handing me a wash cloth, he told me to light dry, because his piss should somewhat soak into my skin. He left the room, leaving me to do a drying without getting rid of all his piss.

Completing that task, I crawled back into the living room where he was sitting in my chair, which appears to be now HIS chair, smoking a cigar. Pointing to the ground next to the chair, I knew to kneel next to him. A couple of minutes into the smoking, he moved his cigar close to me. All he said was `open', which I opened my mouth. Now he was using me as a human ashtray. After finishing his cigar, he told me to turn around, which I did. With the cigar no longer being lit, he stuck in my asshole and then said for me to go to the kitchen and get rid of it properly. Crawling to the kitchen with this stuck back there, I some how made it to the kitchen without losing it.

I stood up in the kitchen, taking the cigar (or what was the butt of the cigar) and doused it with water to make sure that it was totally out. Then I took that out to the garage and threw it away in the trash out there. Coming back inside, I crawled to the living room again. Kneeling in front of him, he took his right foot and brought it up to my mouth. I opened my mouth and he stuck it in there.

"Clean faggot," was said in that demanding tone.

Doing my best to please him, I tried to do an overall cleaning, then took each toe and separately cleaned each. Once finished, he changed feet, and I did the same to the left. I was getting use to degrading myself this way and my cock was rock hard the whole time, which stuck out very clearly with no hair around it.

"Before we turn in, I need to have a little fun. Go prep yourself cumbag, so I can fuck you."

"Yes Master."

I crawled to the bathroom and tried to clean out my ass as best as possible. While cleaning I heard him move from the living room to the bedroom. I did the best I could do in such short notice, and felt I was pretty clean. I crawled to the bedroom and once in there I stopped and just knelt there waiting for the next order.

"Good boy. Get yourself on the end of the bed with your feet on the floor so your faggot ass is sticking out. I think it needs a little reddening before the scumbag gets the pleasure of this superior cock."

I moved and bent over the bed. I didn't see that he had a paddle out, so I was a bit surprised when the first hit came. He proceeded to smack my ass 10 times then walked up and rubbed it feeling the hear.

"Good. That ass has been tenderized for use."

He walked up behind me. He put no lube on or in my ass. I felt the head of his cock at my hole, and panicked a little, thinking he was going to fuck me raw with no lube to help. As he started to push in, I could feel his cock had been lubed up and was the only lube he needed. Slowly he entered, then started to fuck me faster and faster. As his breathing was picking up, my own cock, hard as a rock, was leaking precum right and left. Finally, I could tell he was close. As he shoved one time extremely hard, I felt the cum hitting the walls of my rectum.

"Oh fuck ya, that is one fine ass," he hollered, hold his cock deep inside.

After a minute of two and the cock deflating, he withdrew his cock. But it was quickly replaced by a butt plug.

"You need to keep that seed in there boy. That way it has time to become part of your DNA fag. Now turn around and clean my cock now."

I quickly turned and got on my knees and took his cock into my mouth. I could taste the leftover cum, the lube and my own ass juices, mixed together. It was so humiliating to be doing this for my own boss, but now he was becoming my Sir' or Master' for my life. With that completed, he crawled into bed and indicated for me to crawl in next to him. Once there, he held me close and kissed me on my forehead. Heaven for sure.

"We had a busy day boy. Tomorrow you will need to get up and fix my breakfast and have it ready for me by 7. I plan on leaving for work a little after 8. Just be ready for extra orders and duties in the morning boy. Now let's get some sleep."

He let go of me and kind of pushed me to my side, rolling me so my back was to him. I fell asleep pretty quickly, thinking how my life had changed, but for whatever reason it had changed in a way that felt more right than ever before.

Next: Chapter 8

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