A Surprise Visit

By John Comstock

Published on Sep 2, 2019


A Surprise Visit 6

If you're not looking for sex -- including authoritative use between guys (over the age of consent), then look elsewhere. Also please be of legal age and can legally read this type of work where you live

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This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal or private copies are permitted only complete, including the copyright notice. Any resemblance to people or places is strictly by accident. This is a piece of fiction in the author's mind that he would enjoy if it could happen to him.

I welcome feedback on this story. Also, happy to receive messages on my bdsmlr page, which a few of you did. Also have enjoyed the correspondence with other faggots as well as Sirs from all over. This faggot does appreciate when Sirs/Masters give this faggot their insight. Always try to respond to Y/you when you contact this faggot.

Please e-mail me at kcamsub@gmail.com Go to my Recon account kcam BDSMLR -- kcolderfaggot https://kcolderfaggot.bdsmlr.com/

Also have written a few other stories on here Scout Rob In Charge https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/scout-rob-in-charge/ The Truckers Inn https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-truckers-inn Haven and Hell https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/haven-and-hell/ A Surprise Visit https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/a-surprise-visit/ San Francisco Transformation https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/san-francisco-transformation


`ASV 6' is a bit longer than before but has a couple of twist. This faggot in a couple of places tried to leave what might be happening up to the reader from His or its point of view. Hoping that Y/you are intrigued by this. Planning to start part 7 soon, but it might take a while, since real life (job etc.) has gotten hectic. But Y/you continued support and encouragement helps this faggot to write. Also want to remind readers that this faggot is American and is writing using terminology that is more American, but it feels most of you understand that. Please let this faggot know how you feel and on it bdsmlr page, can respond if Sirs require, on the thread and not just in messages. Have fun reading.


Once again, I felt a foot playing with my cock and balls as my body started swaying back and forth. This had been going on for most of the night; anytime I got close to a deeper sleep, something like this would happen. This faggot did not get much sleep on that Friday night. I still felt very confined in this sleep sack Bruno had put me in and I couldn't tell if it was morning yet or not. The thing that was different, this time, was he wanting to make sure I was awake so he could do a morning necessity; the morning pee. I could sense him moving below me, then I felt the cock head by my mouth. I opened, like any good faggot would, and he stuck his cock in my mouth. Without saying anything, he let loose a gusher of piss down my throat, so the faggot could get his morning juice. The problem was, I had to pee as well, but my cock was directly over the bed, so I had to hold it and it was getting harder and harder to hold.

Once finished, Bruno asked, "does the faggot need to take a pee this morning?"

I nodded my head the best I could and said, "Yes Master Bruno."

Only sensing what was going on, I felt Bruno get off the bed. The next thing I knew there was something surrounding my cock. It felt like rubber, but it wasn't tight.

"Let it rip faggot."

I let lose, of my bladder and pissed like a horse. I could hear splashing of my piss, so I figured he was using something to catch my pee. I finally finished and he removed the rubber item. I could again sense him moving around, then climbing back onto the bed. Feeling something was at my mouth, I opened it thinking is was his cock. It was a tube-like thing.

"Close your mouth around the tube, you dumb faggot, Uncle Bruno is going to let little Davy get some more juice this morning," stating this in the very demeaning tone.

Then I started tasting it. He had somehow rigged an enema bag to collect my piss, because what I was tasting was some very tart flavor piss and it was mine. So, what I had just emptied out, was now going back in me. He made sure the bag was empty before removing the tube. He left me there and took a quick shower. Once back in the room, I could feel myself being lowered onto the bed. Prone, he unattached the four areas that I had been hanging from all night. He picked me up and carried me into the bathroom. After letting me out of the bag, he told me to sit on the toilet and relieve myself. While doing this he told me what the morning was going to be like.

"As soon as your done here, you will go to the trough for breakfast. Then when you are done eating, go to the conditioning room and wait for me. Master Mark has indicated that he needs some more conditioning time with you faggots. While you listen to your lessons, I will make sure your body is used well. After that, you will be spending time this morning in the vineyard, but by the time you get back, I will be gone. I need to get to my next destination by 2 this afternoon. But from what I know, you're not going to be bored this afternoon or evening. Master Mark has other guests showing up. Okay get in the shower and hose yourself down and clean your faggot butt out boy. When finished get down to the trough. I'm heading to breakfast to eat with real men."

He left the room and I quickly jumped into the shower. Hosing me down, especially my ass area, I then cleaned me out. Ready for the day, I went down to the trough. Slave P was already there, so I just joined him. Shortly the other 3 slaves showed. Slave F had a pig's tail out his butt. When he came up, crawling, he snorted like a pig for us to give him some room to eat. On his ass were the words `this pig has been spit-roasted' written in black marker. He too looked like he didn't get much sleep last night, as did the others. After finishing and getting some water, we all went into the conditioning room where we were yesterday, except slave F. He went to a stall, where I saw Master Clark standing next to the gate.

Once in the room, we waited and then all four of the Masters from last night walked in chatting away, along with Master Mark. We were all told to bend over and then we could feel lube being applied to our asses. I then saw the Masters lube up the dildos we sat on yesterday. Each of our Masters walked us over and got us on the dildos. They strapped us down and put blindfolds on us. Then the headphones were put into place. Master Mark's voice came thru nice and clear.

"Morning you cocksucking, ass eating faggots, time for some conditioning. Enjoy your morning as your masters enjoy you."

With that it started; we just could hear this time, the message. No visual ideas for this round. Once we were listening, I could feel my cock and balls being played with. Also, my tits were being worked over and every so often, a nice shock up the ass. This went on for a while. I was getting better at controlling my cum blast, and it seemed that Bruno was aware of how far to edge me. The thing is, as much as I wanted to cum, I never did.

A couple of hours past, and we were released. Told to get into the horse trailer for grape duty, Bruno turned to me saying, "Faggot Daddy Davy, you have been a blast, and I doubt this will be a one and done thing. You're way too much fun to see squirm and have my cock in you. We'll start chatting more. Have fun." He gave me a quick kiss and turned around and left and I headed to the trailer.

Master Mark took us to the vineyard, where we did the same thing as yesterday. We didn't wait as long to chat with each other. I told them what Bruno had do to me last night. Peter told us that he had to sleep the whole night with his Master's cock up his ass and was woken with his master pissing in his ass. Jay filled us in on the different things, but he had one thing happen that none us had done to us. For part of the evening he was forced to have his balls tortured using a humbler. It amazed me that a few months back, I would have been appalled listening to my son telling me how he was sexual abused. Now it is just an added turn on. Sammy had several things done, but part of the evening was hanging by his cock and balls from the ceiling with no other support. He said, `I guess they're trying to stretch out what I have.' We all laughed.

We weren't out at the vineyard as long this morning as we were yesterday. When Master Mark came back to pick us up, we did the same thing as yesterday; put the baskets in the trailer and got back on aboard for the ride back. Once back, he had us take a dip in the mud pit and then hosed us off. I'm still not sure if we just did this because it felt good, or had we been conditioned to be slaves like this, but none of us were in a bad mood for having to do everything we had done.

Mark leashed us all and started walking back to the house. Once there, the four of us got down on all fours. Nate brought out the dog dishes and put the same liquid meal we had last night in there. I noticed that Jeromy and Clark were not sitting at the table with the of the other four; Master Mark and the 3 other `Masters of Last Night.' While we ate (drank) our lunches, they enjoyed their lunches with chatter about last night and what else they would enjoy doing to faggots. Master Mark told them there would be additional visitors today, some spending the night, others just here for a short time. He let them know that the afternoon would be more of a round-robin type of day. They could not have a slave for more than a couple of hours at a time. There would also be a couple of slaves here just for today, they might enjoy. All I know it sounded like it was going to be a busy Saturday, both day and night.

Mark was finally finished and told the other Masters if they wanted a dip in the pool go ahead. Nothing would start until 2 o'clock, which one guy said something about giving him a good hour to just relax.' I figured it was after noon but before 1 o'clock. Mark put leashes on all four of us and again like a dog sled team, we crawled off to the stables. This time was interesting for me as I crawled behind Peter and could see his cock and balls swaying in front of me. I must be conditioned, because all I wanted to do was to start sucking on them. Once in the stable, he had us stand up. He told Jay and Sammy to stay, and with the leash in hand, led Peter and me down the line of stalls to two open ones across from each other. We passed one stall where slave F was on a fuck bench, blindfolded with the words added, deposits here' on his ass.

"Slave D climb up in the sling and slave P you climb up in that one," Master Mark said in that demanding tone, as we reached the stalls. Both stalls had slings in them that could be raised or lowered. As we each got in, he told us to get on our backs, with our asses hanging over the end. We placed our feet in stirrups to hold up our legs. Mark walked into the other stall and lubed up Peter's ass, which included him fingering him big time. My sling was in a way where I could see into the other stall what was happening to Peter. Mark then took out his cock and lubed it up and started fucking Peter. He didn't do long and when he stopped, he indicated that Peter was ready. Before leaving Peter, he handcuffed his right wrist to the sling. Walking over to my stall, he did the exact same thing to me, in that order. I was amazed how easy it had become to take a cock up my ass. Locking me up like Peter, he stepped out of my stall and talked to both of us at the same time.

"Okay faggots. As long as you're here, any Alpha Sir can come in and fuck you or piss on you. You are not to protest, understand?"

"Yes, Master Mark," was said in almost unison.

"Now if one of my guests wants to take you up to a room, or outside, or even do more to you in the stable, they will have to check out the key to your cuffs. They can use a slave for a maximum of 2 hours, and then return the slave to Nate, where Nate will either give the slave to a new Sir or take the faggot back inside the stable to these stalls. Again, faggots no protest. You're just faggot objects for the next 12 hours plus. Okay slaves, just sit back and have fun, or should I say let the Alphas have fun," finishing the statement with a bit of a snicker in his voice.

Peter and I could see each other, and his ass looked nice. I noticed he was as hard as I was. I figured that Nate had put something in our lunches to make us hard as a rock. I saw Mark leading Sammy and Jay down the path of stalls, which both the young men had boners, even though it was hard to see Sammy's. Once they were in place, I could barely hear Mark tell them the same thing. I just didn't know what was expected for them. We were like this for at least an hour. Finally, hearing voices, I could tell that people were heading to the stables.

When the door opened, about a half a dozen men walked in. The other three Masters from last night along with Master Mark and a couple of new men. Mark showed them around the stable, including pointing out where the different faggots were. Then he told them that if they wanted to use their room, to get the key from Nate, who was in the big room. Then once done, with a faggot, the Alpha will return the key and slave to Nate. They all seemed to understand.

"Okay. You Alphas have some fun," Master Mark said as he departed the building.

It wasn't long before the one Master, who had taken Jay last night, came right to my stall. He was a slender man, but tall. He stood about 6 foot 4 inches at least, but probably didn't weigh more than 180 pounds. But what he was swinging in between his legs was probably 10 pounds of that. His cock was more than semi-hard and about 9 inches long. Walking right up to my ass he just looked at me.

"Understand you're the faggot father of slave J?"

"Yes, Sir."

"It was a mighty fine fuck last night and I just want to see if daddy is as good as sonny boy," said with an evil grin.

He spit on his cock, not using any other additional lube and proceeding to cram his cock into my ass. He was not gentle and pushed in in fast. I gave a yell on how quick it was, but I could feel the cock, go balls-deep, in my ass. I think the cock head was up in my throat with how long it felt. He just started pumping and picked up the speed quickly. He wasn't making short strokes, using the whole length of his cock to stimulate my ass and ass hole. As he was doing this, one of the new Sirs was pissing on Peter, both his body and in his mouth. As mine kept going, Peter then got his ass fucked. The Sir with Peter was about 5 foot 7 inches tall and rather homely looking, but when he had turned around after pissing on Peter, his cock was a good 7 inches long, so it looked great. Peter and I started moaning, as if we were in some kind of contest on who could moan loader. My Sir started picking up the pace and after 5 to 10 minutes, you could see he was close. Then with an `oh, god', he yelled and shot his cum up my ass. This guy had refilled his balls big time from last night with 7 or 8 huge spirts up my ass. As I was leaking, my thought was that I wouldn't need any more lube today, since he just lubed my ass big time. It wasn't long before Peter's Alpha shot a big load up his ass.

As I rested for a second, I could hear what sounded like flogging down the way. To my right, looking through the slats between the stall, I could see slave F with a guy; and slave F was giving one hell a blowjob to him, while the guy seemed to be milking slave F's tits, at the same time. Then I heard the door open. I figured it was Master Mark with more new men, but it was Master Clark and he had a couple of new men with him. They walked into Peter's stall; I could see Peter's surprise look on his face.

Clark spoke, "Hey dad, thought that Uncle Terry might enjoy the fun as well." It had to be Peter's brother; I could tell the resemblance. "And this is Rodney, who comes around looking for work from now and then on the farm. Told him he could have some fun today, so he came along. Surprise Dad!!"

Well two more slaves for the men to have fun with. Clark had both of them strip right there in front of Peter (and me), and they both had mighty fine asses. Once naked, Clark told them to put the clothes on the ground in front of him. Clark took at his cock and started piss on the clothes. Then he told both they had to piss on their own clothes as well, so all three were taking a leak and soaking their clothes.

"Okay Daddy," Clark said with a bunch of sarcasm, "I'm taking these two faggots outside so they could be used. Just enjoy your day faggot." After slapping his dad's ass, Clark walked them out.

As I looked at Peter, I could see a look of confusion on his face. I don't think he knew his brother was ever into something like this, and I am also sure, his brother didn't know how much of a faggot Peter was. As I smiled at Peter, this man walked into my stall. He was one of the two that had come this afternoon and was now completely naked. He got a foot stool and put it between my legs and then stood on in. Without saying a word, he pointed his cock at me and started pissing, what seemed like a gallon of piss. Once he stopped, he just got off the stool, moved it and walked up between my legs and smacked my junk say, "thanks I needed that fag." Then he just walked away.

For the next hour, the place had lots of movement as more men showed up. I had a couple of gentlemen come into my stall and fucked me, but didn't cum. The `lube' from my first fuck was still working. Thinking it was pretty much a fuck fest for a while, I got my next surprise. By this point there were several Alphas around, probably about 8 to 10. But what appeared in my stall shocked me. It was Jeromy walking in with Ryan from Wednesday night. It hit me that I hadn't seen Jeromy all day, so I guess he went back into town and got Ryan and brought him out. Jeromy was in harness and that black jockstrap and he looked hot. Ryan was wearing a tank top and tight shorts. His junk was outlined very nice. The bigger shock was that Ryan had a dog collar on.

"See Ryan. Like I said the other night, this faggot was going to be used big time this weekend and he has. I mean look at the stuff oozing out of its ass."

What I was realizing more and more, or it just may have been the conditioning that Master Mark had put us through, but it was clear everyone was talking around us and seldom to us, but I really didn't care. My mind was thinking that I was just a faggot, just an object. So, when Ryan and Jeromy were talking about me like I wasn't there, it didn't bother me. In fact, it probably exciting me more, because my cock was getting harder.

"Okay Ryan. I promised you that you could first get your rocks off, then Master Mark and I will make sure you get used this Saturday. But first..." and with that, Jeromy just ripped Ryan's tank top off. Then with his strength, he ripped his shorts off, and there stood Ryan, only wearing a collar and showing a hard cock.

"You do understand boy, that after what happens next, you will be just an object like this pathetic faggot. You'll be open for all kinds of fun, just like you told me you wanted to try. Is that okay?"

"Yes MasterJ, this faggot can be used in whatever way."

"Okay, go ahead and fuck this faggot so we can drain those nuts. There are several men here I'm sure who want to use those balls."

Ryan lowered the sling so he could fuck me hard. It was clear he was horned up. It did not take that long, before I heard his breathing getting shorter and heavier then with one big shove and his dick all the way up my ass, I felt the nectar of Ryan giving a second coat of cum `lube' up this faggot's fuck hole. I am sure it didn't hurt the mood that all the time he was fucking me, Jeromy was working my tits hard. As Ryan pulled out, Master Mark walked into the stall.

"Well MasterJ, I can see why you wanted to go get this fine pig. Is he ready for all the action of the day?"

"You bet. I was going to come and find you so you could tell us where to take him."

"If you don't mind, I think the two of us need to break him first. Then the rest of the gentlemen here can have some fun with that. You in the mood for a mud fuck?"

"Hell yes. Let's go."

Jeromy attached a leash to Ryan, and the two of them took him away. All I could think of was the fact that I was jealous of Ryan for what was about to happen.

Shortly after they left, Nate came into my stall and unlocked my wrist cuff and told me to get out of the sling. Like always Nate was naked and that cock of his never sleeps. He told me we were going upstairs to a room per an Alpha's orders. He had checked out slave D for 2 hours. He said to follow him, and he would tell me everything once upstairs. Following him was no problem, especially going up the stairs. He really had a very nice ass that just wiggled perfectly while he walked up the stairs in front of me. I was as hard as Nate was, which at my age is a big deal. When we got to the top of the stairs he turned right and walked down a way. The room was located right above the stalls that Peter and I were in. I could see Peter getting fucked again as we entered the room. The room was dark, so Nate went over to the window and opened the drapes. The silhouette of Nate was just hot, and I think I could have cum just watching that.

"Close the door and come over here."

Walking towards Nate, I could see like a rubber sheet on the floor in front of the window. Telling me to kneel looking out the window, I did just that. He then tied my hands in front of me. I was close to the window, so I could see the outside part of the stable and was looking directly down on the `fag's pool', also known as the mud pit. Ryan was already in the mud pit, with Jeromy and Mark on the side, both taking off what clothes they had on.

"Okay slave D. This Alpha has very specific instructions for you to follow, so listen carefully. If you don't follow them, Master Mark promised this Alpha, and I quote, `a flogging from hell for all to watch.' I hope you understand. Here are your instructions. You will watch out the window until he gets here, which should be in about 5 or 10 minutes. You will hear the door open. Once you hear it shut and latched, you are to close the curtains with your hands. You are to stay on your knees the whole time. You are never to turn around. You will feel his presence near you and at that time he will be in charge and tell you want to do. You will not look at him at all. Those are your orders and you must follow them."

I could hear Nate walk to the door and he then left the room. Apart from the outside light from the window, the room was dark. By the time Nate was done telling my orders, Jeromy and Mark were in the pit and tossing Ryan around. I could see Mark pick him up by his ankles, with his head in the mud as Jeromy was doing some major cock and ball torture on him. Jeromy started, what looked like, packing mud in Ryan's ass, which I remember the feeling when Bruno did it to me. They threw him in the mud then maneuvered him to where Jeromy was going to fuck him, and Mark was going to get a blow job. Time for spit roasting, and the two of them went after it. I was already hard, but I was sure I was dripping, if not cascading precum. Watching the two drill Ryan was hot. I sensed Mark must be getting close and then I could tell he was shooting down his throat. It wasn't long before Jeromy pushed hard, and I am sure Ryan got some `lube' up his ass for later use.

Just as Jeromy was shooting, I heard the door open. Knowing it was my time now to please this Alpha and hoping I would. The door closed and when I heard the lock, I reached for the curtains. Since my hands were tied, I could only do one side at a time, but I got them closed and the room was pitch dark. I could sense him moving closer to me, thinking he was just behind me. A blindfold was put on me, as if I could see anything anyway. He took one hand that had just put on the blindfold and slide it over my right cheek and put a finger in my mouth. I started sucking on it immediately. While doing this, a could feel his breath on my neck as he must have bent over. Then the whisper.

"Well, Dave. Are you ready for some fun and torture?"

My mind went wild thinking `how does this guy know me?' My mind was racing trying to figure it out. I knew it wasn't Jeromy, Mark or Ryan because there was no way they got up to the room that fast. It might be Bruno, but he indicated that he had to leave. Could it be Clark? I was running through names that knew me and knew I did this kind of thing. I even thought about my neighbor across the street and thought it was possibly him.

Whispering, "Now Dave, you're going to be a good boy, aren't you?" As he said this, his other hand moved to my tits and he was twisting them both.

As he continued behind me, I could feel him getting on his knees right behind me. He reached around grabbing my cock and swiping some precum off it. He put it up to my mouth and I sucked it like always. He pressed up against me, I could tell he was already naked. His cock was not completely hard, and I couldn't tell how big it was. He then stood back up and started walking around to my front. I could only sense things, since the room was dark, and I was blindfolded. What I felt on my lips was his cock head. I opened my mouth and he started pissing in my mouth. Then he started spraying me all over. Another golden shower this weekend, and again I felt like an Alpha's piss was juice for me to energize this faggot even more. I can't explain it, and not sure if it was the conditioning, but I felt degraded and honored in the same breath. Some of his piss did go into my mouth and I swallowed it, but most was on me.

After that, he had me stand up. Taking his fingers, he opened my mouth up and stuffed something in it. It didn't take long to figure out it was a sock.

Again, in a whisper he said, "but, you've been a bad boy Dave, so we will have to take care of that." His whisper was not enough for me to figure out who it was, and it was driving me crazy. However, I felt it exciting at the same. Walking me over just a little way, he seemed to be sitting down. Undoing my wrist, he then grabbing my tits suddenly, he pulled them forward, causing me to bend over. He took one hand and pushed on my back and I was now over his knees. I could fill his cock, but it was still just semi-hard, and I still couldn't tell how long it was. Then it started. It was an over-the-knee old fashion spanking and this Alpha was not holding anything back. He used his hand, then a brush, then a paddle and then back to his hand. If my ass was not bruised from this one, it will never bruise. Not sure how long this lasted, but for this faggot it felt like a 10-hour torture wrapped up in one.

After that, this Sir lifting me up, walked me over to the bed in the room. Next, he tied up my wrist to a headboard, at least I think it was a headboard. No matter, there I was flat on my back, with a sore ass and not able to see a thing. He proceeded to do a round of cbt on my junk. First just stretching the balls, and he DID stretch them. Then using a mallet like thing, hitting my junk. I know my precum was all over the place. Again, no clue on the time. After a while, he put clothes pins on my nipples, which I wanted to scream, but still couldn't. With clothes pins on, he lifted my legs and somehow attached them just above my wrist. My sore ass was now exposed.

With everything in place, he attacked my ass hole. First, he used his fingers, one then two and finally three. The next weapon was a dildo about 6 inches long, He worked that in and out for a while. He then changed the dildo, and I think the next one was closer to 10 inches, but for sure had more girth. He worked that in and out for a while. Once he finished with that, my ass felt a little empty. Oh, then the real surprise happened. He went back putting three fingers into my ass. The next thing I knew there were four fingers, then the thumb and it was pushing all the way in. I was going to be fisted for the first time. I know I had to be screaming, but no one could hear anything. He got his fist all the way in and just left it there for a while, just moving fingers from now and then. It kind of felt like an oversized butt plug.

He then removed it and even though I felt empty on the inside, but my ass felt relief. He then paddled me a bit more in this position. It was interesting that I never heard him talk in a normal volume. If he ever said anything it was always close to my ear and in a whisper, so I couldn't tell who it was. After a short paddling, there was this time of nothing happening. After what seemed like forever, I could feel the bed move, so I assumed he was climbing on the bed. With no warning, he jabbed his cock into my ass. It was probably about 8 inches long, but it went into my ass so quickly, it felt longer. He went at it and pumped long hard strokes in and out of my ass. Time meaning nothing, he finally started to pick up the pace. I could hear him breathing hard, and then I felt the cum coat the walls of my rectum. It must have been a while since this Alpha had cum, because he shot several big loads up there.

Finally, relaxing, he put a butt plug in my ass, which didn't seem that big after the fisting. Removing the clothes pins, my tits relaxed a bit. He untied the legs, then the wrist. Still with the blindfold on, he had me stand by the window. I knew it was there, since I could feel the rubber and piss, I was kneeling on early. He opened the curtains and had me bent over, so that my ass was touching the window, for the whole world to see.

Whispering again in my ear, "don't move."

He was moving around the room, and I think he was getting dressed. Feeling hands on my tits again, I could tell he was back by me, and I could feel clothes rubbing on me, so he must have gotten dressed. Having me stand back up, he then started to lead me, using his hand on my elbow to guide me. I could tell we were going to the door. Once, through the door, he took me to the stairs and we slowly walked down them. Once at the bottom we turned, and he took me to where I could hear Nate talking to someone. Then my Alpha had me get on my knees and proceeded to put his cock back into my mouth. I immediately stated to suck it. It got hard pretty fast, so I was trying to get all 8 inches in. Then I heard Jeromy's voice chatting with this Alpha, and I thought I recognized his voice, but couldn't put it in the right place.

"So, did you enjoy my faggot...better known as slave D?"

"Hell yes! Check out his ass."

"Oh my god, nicely bruised"


"Has he figured you out yet?"

"Nope, but he sucks well," as I just continued sucking on this guy's cock.

Then I felt a hand on my blindfold from behind. I assumed that it was Jeromy lifting the blindfold. Once gone, it took a second to let my eyes adjust, but once they did, I almost chocked on this guy's cock. I was looking up at my boss, the one who told me to have fun with Jay this weekend. I couldn't believe the prudish boss at work was doing this. I mean I had Mr. John Manning's cock in my mouth.

"Surprise, Dave. I'm thinking work could be a little different now."

Every emotion was running through me so fast...humiliation...excitement...degraded...joy...fear...you name it, and it was probably running through me. He just started pumping his cock in my mouth faster and faster as Jeromy started playing with my tits. Finally, he arched back and pushed his cock in deep and shot another load into this faggot. It was so hot.

"Jeromy, thanks again, and yes we will be in contact."

"John, love it when a faggot gets used like this. Drive back safely," as he removed his cock from my mouth and put it back into his pants.

They high fived each other, and then John turned and left. I looked up at Jeromy with a stunned look. He put the leash on me and had me crawl over to a couch with a coffee table there. It had a laptop on it.

"I want to show you something faggot. I made a profile for you."

He had me sit on the floor next to him and he pulled up Recon. Then he pulled up an account titled `daddyfaggotdave'. The main pic was of me with Jeromy's cock in my mouth. It had most of my stats on there.

"Go ahead and read it and look at the pics of your profile. You have about 10 messages you will need to answer tomorrow when we get home, and you have been cruised about 2 dozen times. You're hot stuff faggot."

I started to read the profile, which depicted a faggot looking for a possible master, but in the meantime, it wants to be used as often as possible. He had other things, but at the bottom, for more information contact MasterJ on here or on bdsmlr and chat with him. He can arrange things. Then I looked at the pics, and there were three subcategories. One was a set of pics from the dorm, including of me crawling back to the room. The second was of Wednesday night stuff, including me getting fucked by Ryan. You cannot see Ryan's face, but my face is plain as daylight. The last one was the current pics of the last couple of days including being fucked in the mud and Bruno cutting all my hair off. Bruno's face was blurred. I was feeling so degraded that I was out there for everyone to see.

"That's why your boss knew about this weekend. Figured it was a good surprise visit from a colleague faggot. Can't wait for you to go to work on Monday."

I started thinking about that and my heart sunk. `What have I done?' is all I could think about. Was I even going to have a job on Monday? Just crazy thoughts.

MasterJ told me to get up because it was time for dinner. He told me to help the other new slaves out at the trough and that Master Mark would come and get all the slaves at once for the first part of the evening fun. With being said, I went outside to the tough. I was the first one there, but Peter showed up shortly. I indicated to him we had to help the new slaves understand the trough and water routine and then the waiting idea. That part of the evening was okay, but when Ryan came over, you could tell he had been used for the first time. I took him over to the trough and told him to get on all four and eat like a pig. When slave F arrived, he was still grunting like a pig and had the pig tail butt plug in. When I got through eating, I went and got water and then went to the spot we had always waited. Peter came up beside me.

"So how does it feel to see your brother in the same situation as you?" I asked Peter.

"I had no idea that this was even a possibility. When you were upstairs, Master Mark had my brother come in and fuck me. Wild to say the least."

"Ain't that the truth."

Just then, Ryan crawled up next to me, and Jay was on the other side of Ryan.

"You okay?" I said with a very inquisitive voice.

"Not really sure to be honest. How do the two of you do this?" Ryan asked both of us, me and Jay.

"My head is so now wired to do whatever MasterJ or it seems almost any master orders me to do. The crazy part is the fact it fucking makes my mind explode," Jay said.

"I'm still pretty new to this, but I agree with Jay, it does make my mind explode. But for the first time doing these things, I'm really scared."

Jay, Ryan and Peter all turned to me with that look of `what?'

I continued, "I just got through with the last Alpha Sir, and it turned out to be my boss Mr. Manning. Not sure if I'm fucked now at work. Been trying to figure out how I'm going to go and face him, well maybe everyone at work on Monday."

"Shit dad. You didn't even have an idea he was into this stuff?"

"The man is married with two kids and seems so prudish. Well at the office, prudish. But not this afternoon, he was one hell of a devil. I have never been spanked and paddled like this before. The crazy thing is I loved it."

We talked a bit more about all the craziness that had happen, but then Peter saw the men on the deck moving, so we all took our position (all fours) and stopped talking. Master Mark led the group of men back out to where we were and stood there. He then told all eight of us (the original 5 plus Ryan, as well as Peter's brother Terry and Clark's farmhand Rodney) to gather really close. He kept making us get closer to each other so a couple of us, got up on our knees and let others beneath up. Once in place, the Alphas got in a circle around us. They all lit cigars and started to smoke them. They even started to flick their ashes on us.

Master Mark blurted out, "Well men, I don't know about you, but I need to relieve myself."

With laughter around us, Mark pulled his cock out and started pissing all over us. The other men just followed. Before long we were being drenched in piss. We got drenched.

"Ok men," Mark said, "I need the next 30 minutes to get things set up out here. Just go back to the deck and enjoy your cigars. If you want a quick dip in the pool, no swimsuits allowed."

The men turned and walked back to the deck. Some were only in their jockstraps to begin with. I noticed there were about ten men there, and they were all ages, shapes and colors. Mark indicated for us to go into the stable, so we all crawled back in. Once inside, he told the `shaved slaves' to go to the conditioning room, so we all crawled that way. As we started crawling, the other three were led off, so I assume Mark was going to hook them up to something in a stall. Once, in the conditioning room, Nate rolled in this strange contraption that had hoses running in different directions and different things that looked like they could be attached.

Mark entered shortly after that. He told us to get in a circle around the machine with our asses touching the metal part of the machine. The five of us did that, so we were all facing out, with our asses touching the machine. In the circle we really couldn't see the others unless we turned our heads. Then Nate and Mark started hooking us up. They put a suction cup on each of our tits. Then they started the machine. They were like breast pumps for women nursing, our tits were being suctioned out.

"Be back in 10 guys."

So, there we were with these machines doing the suction on our tits. I could hear all of us moaning, but slave F was really sounding like a cow who loved to be milked. Mark came back in about 10 plus minutes and turned the machine off. Then told us to go to our stalls. We all crawled to our places. As I was going there, I saw Ryan in a stall that had him strung up by his feet. Peter's brother, Terry, was stretched out on a rack. Once back to my stall, I got up in the sling. It wasn't long before Master Mark had our wrist locked again; now set for more hours of the `Alpha fun.'

What happened for the next few hours were some of the same things that had happened earlier. Shortly after Mark locked me up, a black man in his late 20s, about 5 foot 10 inches tall came up to me. Slapping my junk, he made a snide comment of it will do.' Then taking out his cock, which was about 8 inches long, he started fucking me. He was one of the men that had pissed on us a little while ago. He fucked me for about 15 minutes. I guess I was started to think of myself as just a thing' so that real men can have `fun' at my expense. Finally, he was close, but instead of coming in me, he took his cock out of my ass and shot about 4 big streams of cum on me, covering my cock and up my chest. He then finally spoke to me.

"Leave it so other true men can see what you really are, boy."

The weirdest thing to happen to us is when Peter and I were both taken by Nate outside. We were hooked up to the fence in a spread-eagle manner. When four guys walked out, they were carrying grocery bags. After putting down the bags, two of them reach in and got out something. Then walking up to us, they poured the stuff on both of us. It was molasses and it was sticky. Before long, the other two joined in and proceeded to dump all this sticky stuff from pancake syrup to chocolate syrup on us. Stepping back to admire their work, they reached into the bags and pulled out tomatoes and started throwing them at us. Before long we were covered in all this stuff. I could see someone taking pics of all of this, which I am sure they will be on the internet before long. The topper to this episode was when they each got a trash bag full of something. Two of them got behind us while the other two in front, then dumped the stuff in the bag on us. It was feathers, so it looked like we were tarred and feathered. They all were laughing at the two older men (us), and knowing that it would be on the internet, if not in my Recon profile for my boss to see, I felt so degraded.

Untying us, they first walked us over to a place then turned on the hose which of course had cold water and started spraying us down. Then they told us to get in the faggot pool (mud pit), which we both did. They had us roll around in the mud for them, and then got us out and hosed us down again. Most, if not all the stuff they had put on us, was off now, so they returned us to Nate.

There were two Alphas sitting near Nate in the big room, which we found out were waiting for us. One of them I didn't see at the after-dinner piss, so I assumed he just arrived. Average height and weight, he looked like a soccer (futbol) player. He was the one that took Peter upstairs. The other was at the piss party, but I couldn't remember how big his cock was, since I was getting drenched at the time. He had a cigar and wore only leather pants and boots. Nate hooked a leash to me, and this man walked me towards the stalls of the stables. He took me into one of the stalls that had a St. Andrews Cross. He strung me up there and then proceeded to flog me for the next 30 or so minutes, with little breaks. Unlike MasterJ, he didn't stop to rub and feel me, just kept flogging for the most part. After a while, he stopped and took me off the cross. Making me get to my knees, he opened his pants. He pulled out his cock and told me to suck it without any comments. This was a disappointment, sort of; this Alpha's cock was maybe 4 inches long hard, but nice girth. I was so worn out from the flogging; all I could do was suck it. It took little time, and he shot his load down my throat. It again confirmed to me that Alphas and faggots are a mindset more than a cock size, because even with a short cock, he was all Alpha.

As he walked me back to Nate, I noticed there were a couple of more slaves in here. The one that got my attention was a dwarf who was hanging upside down, while the Alpha was playing with his ass. The dwarf's cock was not that long, but for some reason it was a turn on to me. Back with key, Nate then took me back to my stall and locked me up again. The only thing that happened the rest of the evening was one guy fucked me and a couple pissed on me. But around 11:30 it all got quiet. Mark and Nate came around and unlocked each one of us and put us in a line. By now there were 10 slaves; the five originals, the 3 from earlier this afternoon, the dwarf and a guy who was about 6 foot 7 inches tall and shaved from top to bottom including eyebrows.

Mark put us in a row. The really tall guy was put right in front of the dwarf, so the dwarf's face was looking right at the guy's butt. I was behind the dwarf and Jay behind me. Jay got close enough to me that I could feel his boner. I could barely see the dwarf's boner it was so small and yes, I was sporting one as well that was hitting the dwarf in the back of his head. I assume we all had boners. We were then given blindfolds to put on, which we all did. Telling us to put our right hand on the shoulder of the slave in front of us we would walk in. I almost started to laugh, thinking how the dwarf got his hand on the tall guy's shoulder, but I knew not to, so I didn't laugh.

I could tell we were walking into the big room where I could smell cigars and hear the men chatting with each. He had us walk up onto the platform in front, then we turned. The room got quiet as Mark began to speak.

"Okay, Masters. We have ten fine slaves up here tonight, and the way we'll find out where these things end up tonight is more by a lottery chance. I remind you Sirs of all the rules. Now first, our three Masters who brought slaves will pick first. Nate, let's mark the slaves again please."

It didn't take long to figure out that Nate was putting a letter on each of us, since I felt the letter `D' was put on my chest.

"Now, Master Clark, MasterJ and Master Tony, you may choose first. Who wants to go?"

Master Clark spoke up, and I could hear him saw, "if the other two don't mind, I want slave R."

The other two said sure, they had no problem.

Master Tony then spoke. "If it okay with you (I assume looking at Jeromy) I would like slave D."

"No problem," I could hear from Jeromy. "In fact, I was thinking about slave W."


"Will those three slaves step forward," stated Mark.

I assumed slave R was Ryan, but then I wondered. You see as I stepped forward, so did the dwarf next to me. I was really surprised that slave R might be the dwarf, since I never saw a letter or heard a letter associated with Ryan. I was even trying to figure out if it was Clark or Jeromy who was taking the dwarf. All I know is I heard three clicks and we three slaves were now on leashes and being led out of the stable. The men chatted on the way to the main house, but nothing of importance. We were taken upstairs, and I was led to my room of the evening fun. Making me kneel on a rubber sheet, I could hear my Master doing something.

"You're such a good faggot, it's time for your bath."

The next thing to happen was another golden shower. Up to this weekend, I didn't know what I was missing, but now because of these different golden showers, I do. He got some in my mouth, but most on my chest and especially on cock. Once done, I heard the zipper of his pants. I felt a ball gag go into my mouth. Shortly after that my wrist were cuffed together, behind me. He then told me to put my face on the ground, which left my ass exposed. Seeing I had a butt plug up there from my earlier time with Mr. Manning, he had me stand up and took me to the toilet. There, he told me to take it out. After relieving myself and doing a quick rinse out and clean up I was back with Master Tony.

He had me resume the position I was in, so that my ass was exposed. I felt a butt plug go up there, and again I was amazed how easy that was happening now. This butt plug was larger than the one before. While in that position, I could hear the Master getting undressed. After a while I could smell a cigar burning. He then took the blindfold off and told me not to lift my head.

It seemed like forever, but then I heard, "Lift your faggot head up and look at your superior, slave D."

I pulled my head up, feeling the plug in my ass. It was a good thing that I had a ball gag in my mouth, because I would have dropped my jaw to the ground. What I saw shocked me. What was standing in front of me was another dwarf, between 3 and 4 feet tall. With a nice gym-toned body and hair on his pecs, he had a beautiful cock, that was soft, which was probably 6 inches in length. The only other thing he had on was a leather harness and a `captain' leather cap. I couldn't believe I was going to be controlled tonight be a midget.

"Surprise you motherfucker. You're going to be taken down a few notches. MasterJ has my slave right now, but I thought it would be fun to take one of his. You look more of a challenge then your son faggot. So were going downstairs to the stable so Master Tony can show off his flogging skills."

With that said, he attached the leash and told me to follow. When we got to the stairs, I looked at him and he said, "crawl bitch." This was the first time I had to crawl on all fours to go downstairs and it was hard to do. But somehow, I managed to make it without falling all the way down. He had me crawl all the way to the stable. It was dark outside, but there were enough lights for people to see me being led to the stable by this midget. Master Mark was on the deck and did some hooting and hollering as we went out there.

Once in the stable, Master Tony walked to one of the stalls with a St. Andrews cross. Unleashing me, he told me to get up against with my stomach to the cross. I did this as he started to move around a crate-like thing. He stood on it to tie me to the cross. Once secure on top, he secured my legs. Then he came up and put a blindfold on me. I started to here camera phones taking pics of me. Now in place, he gave on last order.

"Listen you worthless slave," in a very deep voice and very commanding, "you will count out each on, with a `thank you Master Tony' following each. If we make it to twenty with no slip ups, we'll stop the flogging and go to our next fun."

With that he got back on the crate and started with the flogger. I was able to get `one thank you Master Tony' out quick. I was doing well until about the fourteenth one, where I stuttered a bit. Fifteen and sixteen were okay, but I was having tears come down my face. We got to twenty and Master Tony stated, again in a demanding tone, "You kind of made it, but you need a few more. Five more with the single tail whip should take care of that. No need to count slave, I can keep track."

He then got the other whip and started up again. My back was killing me, and the single tail whip I am sure left marks. I got through it and he told me I did good this time. Then he undid my ankles, with a smack on my ass with his hand. Then moving the crate, he got my wrist undone. He told me we going to go and play a little cowboy now. He attached the leash and we walked out of the stable, but not back to the main house. Instead, he took me around to the mud pit, unleashing me telling me to get into the pit. As I crawled into the pit, he told me to stop. By this point he had his harness off and the cap was lying next to it. He walked into the pit where I was and told me to crouch down more. He then got on my back, like he was going to ride me. He reaches around and put a bit in my mouth which had reigns on it and then said, gitty-up'. I crawled into the pit further and then saw flashes from a camera. The mud was up to me chin as he rode me around the pit. After about 10 minutes, he had me take him horseback' to the hose to rinse off. He got off me and got the hose and sprayed me down with nice cold water. He was still muddy thou.

He picked up his cap and put it on, since his head wasn't muddy, then picked up the harness. Putting the leash back on me, after removing the bit, he told me to stand up. We walked back to the main house, a midget with a leash pulling a 6-foot 1-inch tall faggot along. We got there, instructing me to get in the outdoor shower. I got in and got on all fours. He then got into the shower, turned on the water and ordered me to bath him perfectly. I did just that, but it really felt humiliating that I was doing this to a man 2/3s my height. As I was doing this, my thoughts went back to my boss and thought if he saw this, would this be the thing that could get me fired. My brain was all over the place. Once clean, the Master Tony had me rim him to make sure he was clean back there.

I dried him off, then with leash in hand, we went back upstairs. Back in the room, he had asked for a small step ladder in the room. He had me stand under a beam that had hooks in them. He hooked me up to I was almost spread-eagle for him. He took out the larger butt plug, again making my ass feel empty. When I felt him lubing up my ass, I figured he was about to play with some other adult toys. Boy was I wrong. With little warning, I started to feel his fingers working my ass. By now, with all that has happened this weekend, my ass opened up pretty easily. It took no time for him to have three fingers in. Even less time for the fourth and then thumb to get in. The final push came, and he was fisting me. In this position, he didn't have to sit or bend over, I could tell he was standing and enjoying the fisting.

He stopped, and I thought it was over and we were moving on to the next thing. Again, wrong. Tying up my junk, he took the rope and ran it through a pulley in another beam and down where he tied it off. Now on my tip toes barely able to stand, he went back to fisting me. Every time he shoved his fist in me or I jumped, it pulled on my cock. This was a wild sensation. Again, not knowing the time, he finally stopped. But instead of letting me down, he just walked out of the room lighting a cigar on the way. He left the door open and I heard him go down the stairs.

Then hearing steps back up, I thought that was quick. Again...wrong. I just wasn't guessing correctly tonight. It was Master Mark and he walked right in. He didn't even close the door.

"Well, looky here. Fine piece of meat here."

He proceeded to start playing with my cock and balls. He played rather rough with them, but I must have liked it, because I got hard again. I mean this was not just a little hard, but a full fledge hard boner. He kept playing for about 10 minutes.

"Master Tony told me to take care of you while he smoked a cigar faggot. Hope you enjoyed the little diversion."

With that Mark left the room, and went back downstairs. Then I could hear more steps and Master Tony showed up at the door. He took me down, first lowering the cock stress then unhooking my arms. Telling me to get on all fours, I immediately got back down on the ground. What happened next was no surprise. Having to crotch down a bit, he proceeded to fuck me raw, right there. He just stood behind me and started. His cock grew about another inch, making it about 7 inches total, and for a midget, he was hot. He pumped me hard and for quite a bit of time. Finally he shouted something and I could feel my rectum walls coated again. Now for the surprise. He left his cock in there as it started to soften, then I felt it. He started pissing in my ass. I had never even thought about something like this happening and was shocked. I wasn't sure I could hold it once he took his cock out.

Feeling the last of the piss, Tony said, "Okay slave, clench your ass hard and don't let any of my golden nectar out until I tell you to." He slapped my ass as a reminder, then slowly removed his cock. I was trying so hard to clench so I could keep it all in. Tony then got on the bed and lit up another cigar as I was on all fours, with a piss full rectum. It was getting harder and harder to hold, but finally he told me to stand and go to the shower and let loose. That was such a relief.

The rest of the night was uneventful for me or at least I thought. What I didn't know is what was under the bed. Tony lifted the skirt of the bed to reveal that below the bed was a cage. He got off the bed and told me to crawl in. Being as short as he was, he was able to get in there without a great deal of trouble. He tied my junk up, he took the rope and tied it to the bars so I couldn't move. He then left, closing the cage. He said good night faggot and dropped the skirt. I was in the dark with my cock and nuts tied off for the rest of the night. It did take some time to find a comfortable position, but I finally managed to fall asleep.

After a couple of hours, there was a stirring in the room. I couldn't see anything, but I felt there were more people in the room besides Tony. Out of nowhere, the bed skirt lifted, and Tony opened the cage door. I just thought he wanted another round, but instead I had a surprise visitor. It was Tony's slave, the one I thought might be slave R, but was really slave W, I think. He put him in the cage with me. He moved the two of us so that his slave's cock, as small as it was, was right by my mouth. I was told to open, which he then pushed his slave forward and his cock went into my mouth. Then I heard duct tape being ripped and handed to Tony. He was duct taping the two of us together in this position. So, there I was with this small now erect 4-inch cock in my mouth for the rest of the night...or at least I thought for the rest of the night.

Completed, Tony left, closed the cage door and dropped the curtain. My little friend must have been told to hold his piss until he was in this position, because he let out a bucket full of piss into me. I swear there was as much piss in weight as this guy weighed himself. He whispered `sorry', but I just mumbled something.

I didn't even realize that there were now several people in the room. All I could do was listen and image. Clark was the first voice I could make out.

"I tell you MasterJ, you were so right about this faggot. It might be a novice, but it can learn quickly."

"Wednesday night at our house was such a blast," I heard from Jeromy. "He was pretending to be a Dom that night, but I saw thru the whole thing. That's why I wanted him up here. Hard to believe it's a teacher and coach."

I finally figured something out. Ryan was with Clark because Jeromy had taken the dwarf. They had planned for some group `fun time' for them. But I do remember Jeromy saying this weekend was all about HIS fun, not ours.

Tony chimed in, "Fuck look at this cock and those balls. They are so nice and perfect." As he was talking, I could hear Ryan moaning from above us, so I assumed Tony was playing hard with Ryan's junk. "What a shame to find these on such a pathetic faggot."

For the next hour, they used Ryan in several ways. By the sounds, someone spanked him over their knee, tit torture and some cock and ball torture for sure. They may have even flogged him by the sound of something hitting a body. I think even Master Mark came in for a while to play with him. Finally, after several hours (time is still escaping me), the bed skirt was lifted, and Tony came in to undo the two of us. I could see Ryan on the floor with cum on his face. He looked at me with a smile, so I knew he had enjoyed the exhausting experience. Slave W was taken out and I was left there with my stuff still tied up, waiting to hear everyone leave. Once gone, Tony jumped back on the bed and I guess went to sleep.

I finally got some sleep, or at least it seemed that way, but the bed skirt lifted, and Tony came back in and untied my junk. He slapped my ass saying, "come on faggot, we need to get a move on." I crawled out of the cage and stayed on all fours. Tony told me to crawl to the bathroom, where he had me get into the shower. He stood on the shower seat in there and then let loose a gallon of piss on me. This weekend had turned into one golden shower after another, but it seemed no master's piss went to waste down the drain. It was either sprayed on or drank by some faggot. Once that was taken care of, he told me that I was to clean him top to bottom in the shower. He first turned on the water, which of course was cold and hit me. That was my second wake up call. Then it warmed up, so he let me clean him. It was so strange to clean a dwarf, but I stayed on my knees the whole time. Just weird.

Once completed, I had to dry him off. Now he was ready to do a couple of things. First, he had me rim him, to make sure I had cleaned his butt well. Now satisfied with that, the second task. He wanted his morning blow job. This time, we walked into his room and he told me to lie on my back. He then squatted over my face, with his 6-inch cock hang there for me to take into my mouth. I opened and he slid it in. At first, he just went up and down with his hips, then he bent over and stuck his cock all the way in, down my throat. I gagged, but was quickly drawn away from that, feeling him play with my nipples. He played with them hard while he fucked my face. After about 10 minutes, he picked up the pace of both, the with one big shove down my throat, he shot a huge load for my morning breakfast.

With that done, he leashed me up and we walked downstairs to the main part of the house. It still felt weird to have me in tow on a leash by a guy who was so short. It was humiliating and degrading, but also erotic at the same time. In the room, were the other two masters and slave W and Ryan. Ryan looked exhausted from the workout he was given last night. They unleashed us all and told us our breakfast was at the trough. We all went out there and saw most of the other slaves from last night already eating.

With breakfast out of the way, we were led into the big room in the stable and lined up on the platform. All the Alphas entered before long and took seats, just looking at us. Nate, who was still naked and hard as a rock, got us all to kneel. Mark finally entered the room and took center stage.

"Sirs," looking at all the Alphas, "I see you have returned all the slaves in the condition that was expected. Some a bit used more than others, but it seems that you all followed the rules. I want to first thank MasterJ, Master Clark and Master Tony for bring their slaves for us to use this weekend. It sounded like last night was excellent for the three of you."

There were smiles from the three as all of them looked at them.

"I know you will be leaving soon, but again thank you. The exciting thing is the fact that Doug here will now be Master Doug. We signed a contract a few weeks back dealing with slave F. You see last night was the final trial for slave F and now today, he will be handed to Master Doug for complete ownership. Here is the contract. Let' have the slave sign first so it knows its place."

With that the guy who was about 5-foot 7-inches tall, that had fucked and pissed on Peter, got up and walked up to where Master Mark was. Slave F crawled over and then signed the paper. Doug then signed it and had a new metal collar with a dog tag attached to it. Once signed, Doug put the collar on slave F. It was almost ceremonial in action. Doug indicated that he had to go and thanked Mark. With leash in hand, they left and went out of the stable.

"At this point, Sirs, I have nothing else to say or do. I know most of you need to get going, so we will adjourn now and say our good-byes. Thanks again."

Clark immediately came up on the platform, with four leashes, and attached them to all four of his slaves. They crawled behind Clark as he started to leave. I was kind of sad to see Peter go, but maybe we would catch up some other time. Clark stopped and talked to Jeromy and it seemed the two of them have bounded as fellow Masters, so maybe it would happen. Then Clark had them stand, but still leashed, the left.

I could see Master Tony and his slave walking out of the building. The tall guy got up and walked over to Master Mark. They chatted for a while, then Master Mark turned and went over to a locked box. After unlocking it, he opened and pulled out some clothes. He gave it to the tall slave, and he put them on and left. I guess he just wanted the experience, which fascinated me.

As this was going on, Jeromy looked at the three of us and with one hand gesture, he wanted us to crawl over to him. For some reason we understood and did this. He then told us that we didn't need leashes since it seems we know how to behave. He turned and we started to crawl behind him. We went back to the main house. Instructing Jay, he told him to go get his things out of the bedroom and take them to the car. Jay got up and left.

He then looked at me and asked the strangest question. "Where's the letter boy?" I had totally forgot about the letter I was supposed to open Sunday morning. It must have been from Jeromy, just like I thought. I was so proud to have put in it in the car. He told me to go and get it, which I did. I thought should I open it here or should I do it in front of Jeromy? I decided to wait and do it in front of Jeromy. I started to walk back but saw Jeromy with Ryan behind him walking towards me.

"Well boy, what's in the letter?"

"I waited for you MasterJ."

"That's great but go ahead and open it."

I opened it quickly. It was a short letter. It read; Davey, You are to report to my office at 4:50 pm sharp on Monday to discuss the situation. Do not cum until Monday night boy. Mr. Manning Oh my god, it was from my boss. He said, `the situation' and I was sure that meant I was getting fired. This sent shock waves through me. I quickly was brought back to reality when Jeromy said something about good news, huh?

He took the letter and folded back into the envelope. He stuck it on the dashboard, he looked at us as he opened the back door to the car. Indicating he wanted us in the back seat, he got us into a 69 position with Ryan on top of me. His cock was put into my mouth and my cock into his. By the time Jeromy had buckled us in, Jay was there with the clothes. He put them in the trunk and was told to get in the front seat. Just like the two of us, Jay was still naked, and we were about to drive off. Jeromy then tied rope around Jay's junk and then to the steering wheel. It was not real taut by what I could tell, but when Jeromy had to turn the wheel, it would pull on his cock and balls. All very interesting.

Jeromy and Mark talked a little longer, but I couldn't hear them. Finally, Jeromy got into the car and started driving. On the bumpy road leaving it was a strange feeling having Ryan's cock in my mouth and even stranger with his mouth on my cock. After a while, we were close to the interstate highway. Jeromy pulled off the road into a small roadside park. It had the old restrooms and some bushes. He then got out and told Jay to get his clothes and walk to the men's room and sit in the stall with the door open. If anyone comes in and wants service, you will do it. Jay got out of the car and took his clothes. I assume he walked to the men's restroom. What I could see was limited because of what was on my face.

Jeromy got the two of us unbuckled. Once out of the car, he told Ryan and me to go over to a picnic table (he pointed at it) and sit on the table with our backs to the road. Again, he told us, like with Jay, that if someone wanted to be serviced, we were not to resist or protest. We stood there for a second, thinking he would give us our clothes to walk over there with them, but he pointed at the table again and for whatever reason, we obeyed. Ryan and I sat on the table with our feet on the bench part of the picnic table, buck assed naked. I looked over my shoulder and saw Jeromy just leaning on the car admiring it all. I remember as we were walking, I did see one car towards the other end of the park just sitting there. This had to be a pick-up, anonymous sex park.

It wasn't long before I heard a car door open and close. I figured it was the car at the far end. I could then hear the door of the restroom open and close. It wasn't long before the famous cry of `oh my god', which meant the guy was close to cumming. I could only image what was going on, but Jay was doing his job.

Before the climax, another car drove into the park and stopped near my car. Trying hard not to appear that I was looking, I glanced over my shoulder and saw someone chatting with Jeromy. I guess he was telling him the set up. Before long, the sound of footsteps approaching were happening. The guy that had been talking with Jeromy appeared in front of us. He was about 6-foot 8-inches tall and had what I call a farmer's build.

"Well look what I see here. Two city faggots wanting some country man to use them. Well let's see what you got. Stand up," with the last part as a command.

We both stood up on the bench. Ryan started to step down, but the guy said to stay there. This way, he had a good eye-level view of our bodies. He grabbed both of our junk and started to squeeze and twist them. We both moaned some, but we let him do it.

"Think I want to have some fun with you boy," as he looked at Ryan. "Step down boy."

Ryan stepped down. Spinning Ryan around, he bent him over and took his finger and shoved it up Ryan's ass. Ryan gave a little yelp.

"Oh, we need to take care of that sound. Faggot, sit on the table in front of this one," pointing to me to sit in front of Ryan. "You are pathetic. Such a true faggot. Look at that hairless dick. Does it still work? Don't answer fag."

I slid in front of Ryan. He had Ryan get on his knees on the bench seat and now his face was right next to my cock. The man grabbed Ryan's hair, pulling it back and saying, `open and suck fag.' Ryan did just that and started sucking on my cock so he wouldn't scream. I then realized why this guy was worried about noise. He took his cock out which was semi-hard and already about 7 plus inches and started stroking it. It was not just long but had girth to it. It looked like something that would wreck a hole, either with a man or a woman. He spit on his hand and rubbed it on his cock. Then he spit on Ryan's ass. All I know this wasn't going to be pretty.

The man took his cock and jabbed it into Ryan, not really taking it easy. Ryan tried to yell around my cock, but it did help keep the noise down. As the man started fucking Ryan, I could see Jeromy with his phone taking pics of this. I thought, `oh boy more pics for the internet. My job was ruined.' He started pumping faster and faster. I could tell Ryan was hurting from the size of this cock and yet he never bit down on my cock.

"Damn, fag. My women can't take this cock this long. You must really like having cock up that faggot cunt, huh?"

As he kept pumping, I could see two more men heading into the men's room. Then another car pulled up close to the picnic table. At first, he didn't get out, but after a few minutes he got out and walked over to our action. I couldn't believe how public this was. He was just under 6-feet tall. He dropped his shorts to reveal a nice cock about 6 inches hard. He climbed on the table and straddled Ryan. He shoved the cock in my mouth and started fucking. He was hot to go, because it did not take long for him to cum. As he came, the man in Ryan's ass came about the same time with a big scream. I didn't cum, but I looked down and saw that Ryan had cum without even touching his cock. The man who was straddling Ryan hit his cock on my face a couple of times, then patted me saying `good faggot' and left. The other man finally pulled his cock out of Ryan and stuffed it back into his jeans. Slapping Ryan's ass, he stated, "damn boy, you're better than any women I've had. Nice and tight."

I moved over and Ryan got back up and sat down next to me. Jeromy finally came over with our clothes and told us to go into the men's room and help Jay. As soon as all three of you are done, get dressed and we'll leave. We took our clothes and walked over, naked, to the men's room. What I hadn't noticed up to this point is the number of cars in the parking area. Once inside the men's room, we found Jay was being spit roasted right in the middle of the room, with about 5 other guys standing around with their cocks out.

One guy said, as we entered, "Hey look, more faggots. Let' use them as well."

With that, two men grabbed me, and bent me over. One started fucking me, with no extra lube or anything while the other shoved his cock in my mouth. Ryan was grabbed by two other men and the same thing happened to him. As one of the guys on Jay finished, the last guy started to fuck Jay. Then the first guy started to piss on Jay as he was still spit roasted. The guy in my mouth came pretty quick but didn't take his cock out. Then I felt the piss in my mouth as he had me drink from the tap. As I finished the drink, I could feel the cum up my ass. Before long, they all finished this crazy orgy and left. Now the three of us got dressed and walked out to where Jeromy was.

"Fun day, huh fags?"

We all just smiled. He told us to just get in and we would be home in an hour. Once home, we parked in the garage. Jeromy told us to strip in the car then get out and get everything out of the car. Again, the garage door was open, and the neighbor was watching us the whole time. Once inside the house, Jeromy took Ryan to the bathroom, I assumed for one last piss; either from the tap or a nice shower. That didn't take long and they emerged. Ryan, being naked, was told he could leave. He was given his clothes to dress on the front stoop. He did this and left. It was beginning to seem all so natural now to me. I must have been brainwashed a little over the weekend.

Now being about 4 in the afternoon, Jeromy ordered me to start the grill outside. What amazed me is that I didn't even think twice to ask for my clothes, I just went and did it. I was on my back patio, naked, lighting up the grill. When I came back inside, Jay was preparing small steaks for us. Again, it all seemed so right and natural to me and yet, a few months ago this would have never even crossed my mind.

After dinner and cleaning up the kitchen, Jeromy told me, that they were going to leave. However, I was to sit down at the computer and go to my Recon account and answer all messages. He even showed me a private file within my account that I could pull pics from to send in my messages. I was to also thank all for the cruises with a pic. Then I was to go to my bdsmlr account, which I didn't know I had. He had all the log in stuff for me to use. I was also told not to change the password, and I was not to go to bed until I completed all the correspondence. The last instructions set me on edge. I was to report on bdsmlr what occurred in the boss's office Monday for the whole world to know. So much to think about. He made sure I understood all this before he left.

As they were leaving, he had Jay and I kiss good-bye again, with tongues and bodies pressed hard to each other. This was now seeming more normal than ever. What was amazing is I was getting the same vibe from Jay. Once done, Jeromy stood there, like I knew what I was supposed to do. Then without thinking I got on all fours and started kissing his shoes good-bye. He smiled and then finally said that I had done a good job. He gave me a quick kiss and a squeeze on the ass.

Once, they were gone, I got busy with the computer. I was on the computer for the next 6 hours, answer messages on both sites. Some messages would reply, so I answered the replies. It was a wild night, but all the time I was thinking about my boss. The one last e-mail came to me saying, did you read the letter?' I figured it was from my boss. I looked at the profile. It had only torso pics and a few cock pics. Since most of the time with him I was blindfolded, I wasn't sure it was him. But what I was sure, the pics were looking very sexy. Other than master & slave' and a couple of comments, nothing was there for me to figure out things. I replied, yes Sir'. Immediately the reply back was, good boy, see you work.' I didn't sleep much that night think what was going to happen.

Next: Chapter 7

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