A Surprise Visit

By John Comstock

Published on Jul 8, 2019


A Surprise Visit 2

If you're not looking for sex -- including authoritative use between guys (over the age of consent), then look elsewhere. Also please be of legal age and can legally read this type of work where you live

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This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal or private copies are permitted only complete, including the copyright notice. Any resemblance to people or places is strictly by accident. This is a piece of fiction in the author's mind that he wished did exist.

I welcome feedback on this story. Also, happy to receive messages on my bdsmlr page, which a few of you did. Also have enjoyed the correspondence with other faggots as well as Sirs from all over. Always try to respond to you when you contact this faggot. Please e-mail me at kcamsub@gmail.com Go to my Recon account kcam BDSMLR -- kcolderfaggot https://kcolderfaggot.bdsmlr.com/

Also have written a few other stories on here Scout Rob In Charge https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/scout-rob-in-charge/ The Truckers Inn https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-truckers-inn Haven and Hell https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/haven-and-hell/

ADDED NOTE To those that followed my earlier stories, I am so sorry that it has taken me this much time to get back into writing. Hoping to get back to some of my earlier stories as well. This story is just coming to me so I am working on this currently


It had been about 3 weeks since I visited my son Jay and his roommate Jeromy, and what a visit it was. After all that happened in the dorm, I thought the rest of the night might be more normal. I took the boys to dinner then drove back on campus to let them out. Before leaving, I parked the car (like normal) and got out to say goodbye. I gave Jay a big hug and wished him luck on his finals. Then Jeromy insisted that wasn't enough and told us to kiss passionately right there in the parking lot. I couldn't believe I was still following orders, but that is what I did...I took Jay into a big hug and kissed passionately with our tongues darting in and out of each other's mouths. I must admit it was hot. As I turned to Jeromy, he gave me a hug and I wished him luck as well. As we parted, he told me to get down and kiss his shoes good-bye. What I still don't get is that I did it without hesitation. As I left campus and drove home, I played the whole scene of the day in my head and my cock stayed hard the whole-time home. Over the past three weeks, I must have played that scene in my head at least a half of dozen times or more, each time jacking off thinking about it.

Now being Mid-May, I figured that Jay would be home for the summer and I would try to figure everything out. But then I got a text message. It was from Jeromy. All it said was for "the faggot needs to check his personal email." I was still at the office when I got this, and I knew not to open something from him here, so I finished up the days business and headed home. Once home and parked the car in the garage, I walked into the back door. I stripped naked immediately, which was something I had been doing ever since that afternoon in the dorm. I walked to the den and got on my computer to check my email. Once opened, I saw I had several emails, but they were mostly the things I delete almost immediately. Then I saw the one from Jeromy. The subject line was "Naked Faggot". Even that got my cock stirring so I opened it. The first line was in all caps..."TEXT ME NOW TO LET ME KNOW YOU ARE READING THE EMAIL BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER." I was still under his spell it seemed, because I picked up my phone and texted him. What I could not believe was what I texted..." Your faggot is reading Your email Sir." Even before I could get back to the email, I got another text, "Naked I Hope!" I replied, "yes Sir." Then came the next text, "send a pic of you at the computer naked boy."

Wow, I turned on the phone camera and placed it on a 10 second timer. Then placed it to where it could see me totally naked sitting at my desk. I hit the button, sat back down and in 10 seconds there was the pic. I sent that pic to him. He replied, "good boy, MasterJ is pleased. Now read the email immediately." I went back to the email and scrolled down to the rest of the message. It read:

Okay faggot, if you have gotten here, I am assuming you have already text me and realize I still have some control over you. MasterJ and his boi are about done with school and plan to make a quick stop at your place before heading off to visit a `friend' of mine I have met online. Faggot you need to take Thursday and Friday off this week so W/we can spend some time together. Unless there is something SO important at work, nothing else really matters. Text me now if this can be done for Thursday and Friday."

Being a slow week at work, there was really nothing that urgent for me to do, so I didn't see a problem. I sent a text stating that this will work. He replied that I was a good boy', but I needed to send him a pic of my cock. My cock was now hard as a rock and dripping and I was so turned on by all of this, I jumped at the opportunity to send a pic. I took a quick pic and sent it to him. His response again as good boy' and added there is now a new email for me to read. I went back to my in box and there it was. He must have had it ready to go before this. I opened the new email and was surprised to see a pic of me sucking Jeromy's cock. Under the pic it just had the word `remember?' Then I scrolled down to read the rest.

Now here are your instructions, faggot. W/we will be arriving Wednesday late afternoon, sometime between 4 and 7. If W/we get there first I will text you. If "it" doesn't get a text by the time you leave work, text Me that you're leaving work. If W/we get there first, "it" will pull its car into the garage and strip there; walk into the house and get on your knees in the kitchen and wait for further instructions. If "it" gets home first, again strip naked (you should be doing this all the time as a good faggot should), and text me you're home. Then when W/we arrive I will text you. At that point "it" will open the front door and wait there on its knees for U/us to enter. Once on its knees, the weekend `fun' has started. Text Me now that you understand boy.

I immediately text the word understand Sir'. His replay text said good boy. New email...read it.' I went back to in box and a new message had arrived. It was clear that I had become an object, since his reference of "it" was throughout the message. I opened it and again was stunned to see a pic of me on all fours crawling naked down the hall back to the room. I scrolled down and read the next message.

You're doing fine faggot pig. Here are the rest of the instructions for this long weekend. First it will not jack-off or play with its cock until I tell you to. Second, make sure your car is full of gas. W/we all will be leaving Thursday afternoon for a little trip to My friend's place. Third, it will be wearing to my friend's place a pair of gym style shorts (no underwear} a tank top and a pair of sneakers (no socks). It will also put in the truck of the car another pair of shorts and 2 more shirts-either t-shirt and/or tank top. There is a chance it might not come back with some of these things. Last, go to the pet store and buy 2 nice dog collars-black and 2 leashes so start the weekend off. Have these by the front door. If it understands this, send me a pic of faggot standing naked, legs spread and your hands behind your head NOW!

I immediately got up and fixed the phone so it would take of pic of me so I could send. Once the phone was in place, I set the timer and got into position. 10 seconds later, there was the pic. I immediately sent it to Jeromy. He replied once again, `good boy, see you Wednesday'.

Okay it was Monday night, and I had to act quickly. The first thing I did was to email my boss to let him know that I was using 2 of my vacation days on Thursday and Friday, since Jay was going to be here and that we needed to get some stuff done. Once sent, I got my clothes on and went to the pet store and the mall. Entering the store, I went to the dog section and found the collars and leashes. There was one pair of dog collars that appeared to be fine for my neck and I was hoping for Jay's neck as well. Then got two identical leashes that seemed appropriate with the collars. All were black as Jeromy ordered. Once bought, I went to the Target store to get a couple of pairs of the baggy sports shorts and 3 tank tops. I paid for those and went home. The problem with all this was my cock was still somewhat hard and was for sure leaking.

I barely could sleep that night and Tuesday at work was a couple of meetings out of the office, but the plan for the rest of the week was going to be working on paperwork to get caught up. On Monday I thought I would have all week, so it would be slow, but I went into high gear Tuesday trying hard not to leave too much for Wednesday. This did allow me to focus on something other than my cock, Jeromy's cock or even what might happen this weekend. Once Wednesday rolled around, I got to work on what needed to get done and with a quick lunch break, I was pretty much finished by 3. I told my boss I was caught up and heading home. My boss was usually cool about family things, since he was married with 2 kids. He is a very handsome man in his late 30s but seemed a bit prudish. He told me to have fun with Jay, almost like he knew what was going on. I just figured it was an overactive mind at work. As I was leaving the office, my thoughts went immediately to Jay being naked next to me with MasterJ in charge. It was now about 3:20 so I texted Jeromy and told him I was about to leave the office. `good boy, you know what to do,' was the reply.

The drive home was weird, since I could feel precum in my underwear already. Once home and parked the car, I got out and stripped naked in the garage. Jeromy did not say for me to put my clothes in the car, so I just put them on a stack of boxes in the garage. I popped the trunk just to make sure I had put the items back there, which I had done the night before. Once inside, I checked my mailbox; thank god my front porch has a little bit of shielding from the street between the garage and bushes out front, so getting the mail naked wasn't too bad. I just couldn't believe I did this. Going thru the mail quickly, I saw nothing of importance until I came across an envelope that had on the back `do not open until Sunday morning'. With my mind where it was, this seemed very intriguing. How was I going to open this on Sunday if we were still at Jeromy's friend's place? Then I thought this could be a test from Jeromy, so I had to come up with a way of having it in the car. I decided to put it in the toolbox I kept in the trunk, hoping he would not find it.

After completing this task, I doubled checked everything around the house and made sure the collar and leash were by the door. It was now just 4 o'clock. My thoughts went wild with the idea that this was going to happen anytime now. About 10 minutes later I got a text message. It read; W/we are still about 45 plus minutes away. Assuming it is home, so it needs to go to the refrigerator, empty an ice tray, piss in the tray so W/we have piss cubes for the faggots tomorrow.' I immediately replied; it will be done MasterJ". So, I went to the fridge and empty a tray. What was really interesting is the fact I needed to piss; how did MasterJ know? Once filled, I put the tray back and texted; `task completed Sir.'

There was not an immediate reply, which was okay. But when I did get the reply it kind of surprised me. The first was a pic of Jay driving naked and yes, he had a boner from hell. Then came the message; it seems to understand that this weekend session is already underway. Boi here is already excited, is it?' I took a selfie of me standing naked by the front door with my boner, and then sent it. Then I followed it with the message; it is Sir." There was no doubt that MasterJ had complete control of me even before he got here.

The next 50 minutes seemed like an eternity, but finally the text came through; `W/we are pulling into the drive'. I sprinted to the front door, opened it up, then stepped back and got on my knees. I had no storm or screen door, so I was exposed to the outside, even with some protection of bushes and the garage itself. Wasn't really sure where to put my hands, so I decided to spread my legs a bit, sit on my heels, head down and my hands behind my back. I felt so exposed as well as a bit degraded, but my cock was showing I was really enjoying this.

Not looking up, Jeromy walked in without Jay. He came up to me and using his shoe, bounced my balls around a little. Some precum got on his shoe. Lifting his shoe, he just said, "lick it up boy," which is did immediately. He walked around me several times, touching me or patting my head like a dog. Finally, he got the collar and put it on me, then with a padlock, he had the collar locked on me which meant Jeromy had the key. He then grabbed the leash and attached it. He gave a gentle tug, so I raised off my heels and was now on all fours. He started walking to the kitchen, leaving the front door open. Opening the door to the garage, he said, "good fag, you left room for boi's car in the garage. Stand up and go stand in the garage in the place to help guide the boi in. I don't care if neighbors see you. I will open the door for him to pull in." He put the leash over my shoulder and indicated for me go out there.

Once in place he pushed the garage door opener and there I was naked for the world and Jay to see. He started the car and pulled it in with me `guiding' him. Once in, Jeromy ordered, "get tonight's luggage out...both of you." I looked at him waiting for him to close the garage door, but he just stared at me. "I said do it fag." Jay popped the trunk and both of us went to the back 100% naked and Jay handed me a bag and he grabbed one as well. We both walked to the door. What happened next was hard to believe. Jeromy said, "front door" and closed the door. Both of us naked and now having to walk in front of the house to the front door was so humiliating. We looked at each other then Jay just turned around like this is normal and I followed, birthday suite and all.

Luckily only the neighbor across the street was outside and he just smiled at the two of us. I still was embarrassed as hell. When we got to the front door, Jeromy was standing there.

"okay fags. So, you both know who MasterJ is referring to throughout this weekend, you will be known as boi (as he looked at Jay) and you are know as fag (pointing to me). Do you both understand?" We both nodded, standing naked on my front porch. "fag take both bags in and return to the porch." I grabbed the other bag and walked both in, setting them down in the living room. Returning to the front porch, I saw Jeromy holding the other collar. "good job fag, on your knees." I immediately got on my knees, still not believing this was happening on my front porch. He then walked over to Jay and put the collar on him and locked it like mine. This is the first time I could see the padlock being used, which was a normal size one for a locker, not something small. "Ok boi, on your knees."

There I was naked along side of my son ready to service MasterJ, just like my thoughts were when leaving the office. I just didn't envision being on the front porch. "Now slaves, which is how MasterJ will refer to you collectively, from this point on until Sunday evening, my slaves will do whatever I say. If you understand, say `yes MasterJ."

We both in almost unison said, "yes, MasterJ."

He then hooked the leash to Jay's collar and taking both leashes, tugged on them for us to crawl inside the house. Getting through the door almost at the same time was interesting, but exciting at the same time as naked body touched naked body. After closing the door, Jeromy walked over to the couch and sat down. He pointed to the floor and we both went and sat by him.

"Okay let's go over some of the rules this weekend. The first rule, unless told otherwise, slaves will be naked most of the time until Sunday. Second rule is very basic. Unless told otherwise or in a physical condition that you can not do this, each of you will be the urinal for the other. You do not need permission to do this, just learn the look of needing to piss then take the cock of the other in your worthless mouth and drink the piss. Third, neither of the slaves will be allowed to talk unless spoken to directly. You will not talk with each other at all. If talking to any other Alpha male, you will address them as Sir' unless they have instructed you to call them something else. When talking with THIS Sir, it is important to remember that if we are in the presence of any other Alpha Male, the slaves will call me MasterJ'. Slaves can use Sir' within a sentence so long as MasterJ' is in that same sentence. If it is just the three of us together, then just Sir' is acceptable. The last one for now is about safe words. Using the normal red' and yellow' is fine. If a slave says yellow', the intensity of the activity will not increase and possible decrease. If a slave says red' we stop that activity completely and the slave will go to a time out corner and think while recovering. Nothing will happen to that slave for at least 60 minutes. We have added one more and that is orange'. If at anytime a slave says orange', they are stating they want to stop everything 100%. That slave will spend the rest of the weekend in the car safe from any activity until we go home. Do these rules make sense? If so say yes MasterJ".

We both again almost in unison said, "yes, MasterJ".

"Ok, boi. Get in the bags and pull out the breast enhancements."

Jay crawled over to one of the bags. He seemed to know which bag. What amazed me is the fact of how much luggage the two had, knowing Jay was going to wear nothing most of the weekend. I was interested in these `breast enhancements' that Jay was getting out. Jay pulled out a smaller bag and brought it to Jeromy.

"Good boi," patting him on the head. Jay reassumed the position of sitting next to me.

My eyes must have given away my excitement when I saw what Jeromy was pulling out. They almost looked like clear women's falsies, but they had something extra attached. I had looked at a lot of porn, but never saw these before. Snapping his fingers and pointing at Jay to come over, Jay stood up on his knees. Jeromy started to put these on. First the inside thing looked like nipple suction cups, which is what I found out it was. He attached it to Jay's left nipple and twisted a little knob on top. I could see Jay's tit being pulled out. Then Jeromy put some type of lotion around the bigger part of the `falsies'. Pushing down on his whole breast, it was suctioned on. There was a second knob thing on the top, which he turned it and I could see Jay's whole breast starting to rise up. These were to help make man boobs for us. He did the same thing to Jay's right boob, following the same procedure. He turned Jay around to show me. There he was with these clear falsies, but you could see the breast was being stretched and the second thing inside was stretching the nipple even more. I know I must have been dripping precum big time, because Jeromy looked down and smiled at what he saw.

"Kind of turns you on fag, doesn't it?"

He made Jay go crawl over by the entertainment center in the living room and snapped his fingers at me. I crawled over and then stood on my knees. He went through the whole thing again. I have always enjoyed playing with my nipples, but this was something new. As he put the first nipple suction cup on, I could feel my tit hardening. That was followed by big suction cup and the feeling of my whole breast being lifted and enlarged. This was a whole new feeling. He had me crawl over to Jay and we were both up on our knees and hands behind our heads. Jeromy took out his phone and took a pic of this. Then he seemed to send it to someone.

"Fag where's your phone?" All of a sudden, I didn't know where my phone was. "Are they in your pants you wore today to work fag?"

"yes, Sir"

"and where are the pants fag?"

"out in the garage where I took them off Sir."

"where in the garage fag? I hope not in the car?"

"no Sir. They are on boxes next to this faggot's car Sir."

"okay, don't move slaves."

Jeromy got up and went to the door going to the garage from the kitchen. I could hear him out there, first closing the garage door, then hearing a big rip. When he walked back in, he had my pants in his hands with a big rip through the crouch.

"oh, I'm sorry fag, but I must have ripped you pants trying to fish out your phone, wallet and keys," said in a very condescending voice. "We can use these later for some fun." He then took my phone out and took a pic of us with my phone. "I know some of your contacts in here, so I could send them this pic anytime. This is my safeguard for the weekend fag."

At that moment, the doorbell rang. My mind went racing thinking who could be coming over tonight unannounced.

"Don't worry slaves, I just ordered pizza for dinner to be delivered. Here fag use this to pay for it," as he handed one of my credit cards to me. "Go ahead an answer it slaves and give him a good tip. And don't hide anything slaves."

I couldn't believe I was about to answer the door naked with my naked son. We both got up and walked to the door and opened it, dreading who it was on the other side. I couldn't believe it; it was Jay's assistant swim coach from high school. He was no more than 30 years of age. I knew he did odd jobs on the side to make ends meet.

"Hey Mr. Durham, how's it going?"

"Fine Ryan."

He then saw Jay. "What's up Jay? Looks like you boys are having fun."

"Doing okay Coach."

Then we all heard from the inside, "Boys invite your friend in," stated with an authoritarian manner.

"Would you like to come in Ryan?" I blurted out in my embarrassment.

"Okay," which we stepped aside and let Coach Ryan in.

Jeromy was still sitting on the couch as Ryan walked into the living room. Once seeing Ryan, he got up and put his hand out and said, "Jeromy's the name. Glad to meet you Ryan."

Ryan was about 5foot 3inches tall but had a great well-kept swimmer's body. I felt so embarrassed standing there naked with a collar on and two suction cups on my breast, but I couldn't tell if Jay was. He looked like this was almost the norm for his life now. All I know is that this made my cock get even harder and dripping more than before.

"Boi, take the pizza into the kitchen and fag, let him have the credit card to finish business," came out of Jeromy's mouth. Jay took the pizza to the kitchen and I stepped forward handing the card to Ryan to charge it for the pizza. "I think Ryan deserves a good tip," taking the phone from Ryan and putting a tip down.

"Who's signing for this?" Ryan asked.

"Hand it to the fag there to sign."

He handed me the phone and I saw that he had put down a $30 tip for a $15 pizza. I just went on head and signed it standing there, while Ryan kept look at me. The next set events sort of took me off guard. Jeromy stepped in next to Ryan, but with in arms reach of me. He then reached down and grabbed my cock and with his finger got a clump of precum on his finger. He then took it to my mouth, which I opened and started sucking on his finger. I was so turned on being made to do this in front of someone I knew. Ryan just kept watching it all, especially as I took Jeromy's finger into my mouth.

"Ryan, you look a little thirsty, here have some," as Jeromy reached down again and got some precum and this time took it to Ryan's mouth. Trying not to look shocked, Ryan opened his mouth and took the finger and sucked it clean. "Good?"

"Yes, it is."

"Why don't you sit down Ryan, for just a second. Slaves back over there" (pointing to the entertainment center). Jay and I both went back to the spot and got on our knees with hands behind our heads. I was kind of following Jay's lead here, since I wasn't sure of total protocol. Ryan sat down next to Jeromy as they both looked at the two of us.

"So, what do you think Ryan? Have you ever seen two faggots follow orders so well?"

"Not really," as Ryan adjusted himself. It was clear he was excited by this.

"Do you think you want to join us tonight for some fun?"

"Would be interesting for sure, but I have to finish my shift first."

"Well it could be fun for sure. What are you into?"

"Not really sure."

"Let's find out. Fag come over here." I crawled over to the couch and stood up on my knees. "You see, I like playing with faggots' balls when I can." With that he reaches down and grabbed my sack right above the balls and started to pull them down. Ryan's eyes were fixed on my cock and balls. I moaned a bit. "Love to see a fag strain not to yell." He pulled them down pretty far, then let go. "Why don't you try. Here let me show you." With that he took Ryan's hand and brought them down until he grabbed the sack right above the balls. With guidance from Jeromy he started to pull them down, with a big smile on his face when I again moaned a bit. "Good job. So, what do you think?"

"Wow, very interesting."

"The question I put to you is this, `do you want to be the one pulling, or do you want your balls pulled'?"

"Not really sure."

Jeromy reached down again a got a clump of my precum and took it to Ryan's mouth. "Well you need to think about that before you come back over. What time are you off work?"

"I have about 2 hours left on my shift."

"Good. Now here is how I will know what you want to do tonight. If you want to be the one pulling or in charge, just come back and ring the down bell. One of the slaves will answer it, and they will get on their knees right there. But if you want to be the one who's balls are being pulled, when you come back, strip naked, then ring the doorbell. Again, one of my slaves will answer it, but this time he will still stand and take your clothes. Wait there until I come to the door. Sound good?"

"aahhah.... okay I guess."

"I'd say you'll have the answer by then, but you are ready for something looking at your package."

Ryan's pants showed a bulge in them like it was trying to restrain a tiger behind a cage.

"Okay, go back to work and we will see you in 2 hours or less," as Jeromy got up and helped Ryan up. Once standing he grabbed his bulge and Ryan smiled. Jeromy then pointed back to where I was earlier, so I crawled there and got up on my knees again. Jeromy walked Ryan to the door then turned him around, grabbed him and planted a big kiss on him. Ryan seemed shocked at first, but then got into the kiss as the two not only grinded their mouths together, but their whole bodies; especially their crotches. Jay didn't look at all, but I couldn't help but look some. They finally parted and Ryan left.

"He'll be fun later...one way or another. I know you two slaves are hoping for a second alpha, but I'm better on a third slave. Okay boi, go set the table for us to eat. I want a beer with my pizza."

Jay got up and went into the kitchen and started to get plates out as well as anything else needed. Jeromy came over to me, then adjusted to the suction cups more. I looked down and could see my man boobs coming out. Then he took the leash off my shoulder and started walking. I immediately went down on fours and followed like his faithful puppy. All this time, my cock was hard as a rock and dripping. As we got into the kitchen, Jay pulled out the chair at the head of the table for Jeromy. The table was set for all three of us, but only Jeromy had a drink on the table and a salad. Jeromy then pointed to me to go under the table, so I crawled under the table. What I could see is just the legs of both. Jeromy then lowered his shorts and underwear and began to sit down as Jay slid the chair under him. Now what I could see was Jeromy's big cock over halfway hard. I wasn't sure if I should take it in my mouth of not, not knowing the protocol here.

"boi, I don't need to piss yet, so get two glasses of water for you and the fag."

I heard and kind of saw him getting those drinks. I could hear him put them on the table. He then turned around and seemed to bend over. That's when I heard the smacks of a spanking on Jay's ass. It had to be at least a good half a dozen or more, but each time, Jay responded with a `thank you MasterJ'. He then stood up and I could tell they were kissing passionately. Usually a parent doesn't like to watch as their kid gets kissed this way, but it was turning me on.

"Damn, you are a good boi. You understand that it takes more than one good boy to please an Alpha like me. Sit boi and eat your dinner. All I know is that I am horned up and hungry. I do admit your faggot father is good. He is probably drooling at my cock right now." He was talking like I wasn't even there. "Maybe I should let him have a taste of some sausage. Okay fag start sucking on my cock," which I immediately took it into my mouth. They just ate while I sucked.

After a while, I heard Jeromy say, "okay boi, I think it is time to let the fag out." Jeromy pushed back his chair and stood up. He pulled his pants up, then signaled for me to come out. I crawled out. He yanked my leash and I stood up. Pointing to the other chair, I sat down. Then he grabbed two pieces of the pizza and put them on my plate. "Eat up fag." Then grabbing Jay's leash, he stood up and moved over to where Jeromy was standing. Jeromy started to sit down. Not pulling his chair in, he took Jay and put him over his knees and began to spank him. Watching your own son's ass get red was such a turn on for me. Jay finally started to have tears running down his face, but with exception of a little whimpering didn't say much. Then he stopped and pulled him up and put him on his knee. They began to make out with Jeromy's hands all over Jay's body. He played with his cock and balls a great deal, then reached further and started to finger Jay's ass. Jay just kept moaning and kissing his master, all the time while I was eating.

Once I finished my meal, Jeromy said, "okay slaves, you need to clean up the kitchen. This is good time for me to take a quick nap before the rest of the evening. Once you have it all cleaned up, come into the bedroom and lay down next to me, with each other's cocks in your mouth. We will need to be ready by 7 for our friend Ryan." He could tell I was still hoping Ryan was going to be a second Alpha tonight. "Ah...fag is still thinking Ryan is an Alpha. I'm still betting the other way." He got up and left.

Jay and I went to work, without talking to each other. At one point, while Jay was washing the dishes, I could tell he needed to take a piss. I got down between him and the sink, took his cock in my mouth and waited. I was not disappointed; he let loose a ton of piss down my throat. My cock again got very hard.

Once we got everything completed in the kitchen and put everything where is was supposed to be, we both walked into the bedroom. Jeromy was asleep, so we were as quiet as possible. I got on the bed first with my feet towards the headboard. Then Jay got on, going the other direction. We then both put each other's cocks into our mouth, like it was a normal thing to do. I was pretty hard, and Jay must have been enjoying this, because his cock was pretty hard as well. I don't know about Jay, but I couldn't sleep. All I could do was think about servicing both MasterJ and Ryan.

Next: Chapter 3

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