A Summer in the Mlb

By Ww Ww

Published on Jun 27, 2021


This story is a product of my imagination. This story describes sex between males of legal consent. If sex between men offend you, read no further. The author retains all rights to this work. I hope you find this story interesting and exciting. It excited me when I wrote it. I welcome your comments. I am WW at er14990606@gmail.com.

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A Summer in the MLB, Chapter Six

In contrast to June and July, August was a terrible month. First of all, reality hit Lucas hard. His dream-like summer was ending. After Labor Day he would be gone. Caleb will be gone. This made Lucas want to be with Caleb every moment, just as Caleb's obligations demanded more and more of his time. Caleb's success on the field required more time with the press. His agent pressed for more charity work to enhance his image. Caleb had friendships with his team mates that could not be ignored. Finally, there was Dusty Bremer. The trade deadline had been the end of July, and the Bobcats made a deal for an outstanding third baseman with a terrific arm, a solid bat, and a phenomenal ability to steal bases.

Lucas was at his usual place on the bench across the room on the first day that Bremer reported to the Bobcats. Bremer was friendly and a person easy to talk to. He made a point to speak with Caleb, the star on the team. The two hit it off immediately. They talked a lot, in the locker room and in the dugout. Time and attention to Dusty was less time and attention given to Lucas. Dusty was an addition to Caleb's social network, and thus there were times when Caleb and Dusty did things together. This diminished time that Caleb had for Lucas.

When Lucas and Caleb were together and didn't have cocks in their mouths, they talked. Talked about baseball, about what they were reading, about anything and everything. Dusty was frequently brought up in conversation by Caleb. Once on the way to eat together before a night game, Caleb was driving and pointed out where Dusty lived. It was an apartment complex about half a mile down the road from Lucas.

Lucas sensed something more between Caleb and Dusty. He wondered whether Caleb could be drawn to this new team member physically. He could understand because, to Lucas, Dusty was sexy. He had a wiry body, lean and tough. His muscular physique seemed to come from genetics and not the weight room. Most impressive was his cock. Although soft, it hung half way down his thigh. It was prominent because Dusty trimmed his pubes. It was obvious to Lucas, and he could tell even sitting across the room.

What Lucas sensed, Rusty knew. Rusty had seen Caleb and Dusty walking to the showers, and thinking no one was around, Dusty squeezed Caleb's ass with his hand. This caused Rusty to worry. It is not that Rusty disapproved. He would have gladly squeezed both their asses. But Rusty knew that Caleb had bedded Lucas, and he feared that Lucas had become emotionally attached while Caleb was moving on to a new sex partner.

Lucas spent more time alone and horny, and his fist was increasingly a poor substitute for a real sex partner. Sometimes he went looking for Johnnie, but with mixed success, oftentimes finding him not at work. Lucas also thought more about Jack.

Caleb's reaction to Lucas' confession of love only made Lucas aware of his own reaction to Jack' similar declaration. Lucas had said nothing at the time and had made no attempt to communicate with Jack since then. The silence from Jack became apparent. Lucas decided to reach out to Jack and make amends, and he texted Jack a simple, "How are things?'

Jack was quick to write back, "It's great to hear from you. Things are good. I am enjoying it. Hoping to be kept for the winter season. And you? I watch the games, and I think I saw you sitting in the dugout."

Lucas' reply was, "That's me. I am in charge of the water cooler."

Jack's next text said, "This is where I work," and included a picture of a large old hotel built with logs and timber.

Lucas sent back a picture of the ballfield from the dugout along with a picture of Lucas holding his Bobcat jersey showing his last name on the back.

Jack's return text was a picture of Jack standing in the restaurant where he served as a waiter. Jack had on a white shirt and blue shorts and the message was, "You are not the only one with a uniform."

Lucas wrote, "Nice legs. You look sexy. I think about you often and our good times in the basement."

Lucas' message opened the conversation to sex, and Jack was ready to talk. "Man, it's been difficult. I think of you every day, and dream of you every night. You are an addiction, and withdrawal has been hard. Jacking my cock has not been sufficient."

Lucas pondered what to reply. Several minutes went by and then another text came from Jack. It was a picture of Jack and another guy. The guy looked 20, blond and tanned, in a tee that showed a good physique. He had his arm on Jack's shoulder. The message was, "Here is your substitute, but he is not a match for you. You're the best."

Lucas was surprised, but realized that Jack had only done what Lucas himself had done. He thought it interesting that Jack was quick to show Lucas that he could get along without him, perhaps because Lucas had ignored Jack since the first of June. With more reflection, Lucas was glad that Jack had found someone.

Again, Lucas did not know what to say back, if anything. Finally, he writes back, "Good for you. I hope he treats you nice. You deserve it."

Jack knows himself and Lucas. They are both 18-year-old sex crazed cocksuckers, and he had found an outlet. He wondered how Lucas had gotten by during the summer. Jack writes, "And you?"

Again, Lucas is hesitant, not knowing how to reply. Finally, he sent a picture with no message. It's a picture of Lucas and Caleb, standing together both in their Bobcat uniforms. Jack writes back, "If this picture means what I think it means, Holy Shit! Someday I want details."

Jack's message was followed by another one. It's just a picture of Jack's big, hard cock, laying on Jack's flat stomach.

Three minutes later, Jack gets a picture as a reply. It's Lucas' dick in the same pose but a puddle of cum on Lucas' stomach and chest.

It was Lucas' last week. The team was playing at home Monday through Thursday before going on the road for ten days. Lucas planned on packing Friday, visiting his parents Saturday, and checking in to campus on Sunday.

Caleb spent Monday night at Lucas' place. To Lucas, it was another enchanted time, and it ended with Caleb's request to be fucked by his "college boy." Lucas wanted more time with Caleb, particularly on Thursday, his last day with the team. Caleb said he could not commit, but he would try.

On Thursday, Rusty told everyone that Lucas was leaving, and the team gave him applause. Many of the guys came and spoke individually to Lucas, and he was pleased. Rusty told him to take his uniform as a remembrance. At a private moment during the game, Lucas asked Caleb if he was coming to see him later, and Caleb would only say, "We'll see."

As usual, Lucas was the last person in the locker room. Even Rusty had retired to his apartment behind the office. Lucas was anxious to meet Caleb so he decided to return the next day to clean out his locker. Lucas turned out the lights and drove to his apartment. He drove into the parking lot, and Caleb's car was not there. He drove around again to be sure. He parked but did not leave his car. There was no hurry to go into an empty apartment. Lucas was hurt and disappointed. He asked himself, "Why? Why couldn't he arrange to be with me on my last night. What could be so important?"

There was an answer to Lucas's question far in the back of his mind. An answer he did not want to consider. Nevertheless, after a few minutes, he started the car and drove a half mile down the road to Dusty Bremer's apartment. Caleb's car was in the parking lot.

Lucas crawled into bed that night, physically tired and emotionally wounded. He couldn't go to sleep. His mind was filled with images of Caleb naked and in bed with Dusty. Were they sucking cocks? Were they fucking? Who was on top? Lucas reached for his phone and pulled up the picture of Jack's hard cock. He was going to put Caleb out of his mind. Lucas jerked his dick, stared at the picture, and remembered his times with Jack. He came. It served its purpose. He closed his eyes and slept.

Lucas awoke Friday morning. He had a busy day before him, packing and cleaning his apartment before he left for a visit home on Saturday. He was reporting to campus on Sunday. By the afternoon, he was ready to go to the stadium to empty his locker. The closer he drove to the stadium, the more his despair of the previous night returned. The expression on his face revealed his emotional turmoil.

Lucas stood at the door of the locker room. It was empty and quiet. He walked to Caleb's locker. He stood in front of it, leaned forward, and his forehead pressed against the door. He spread his arms and embraced the locker as if Caleb was standing there before him.

Lucas went to his own locker and removed the few items still in it. He closed the door. All the disappointment he was feeling erupted in his fist. He pounded the door. He hit it again.

"Stop that!" Lucas heard. He turned and there was Rusty. As usual, always around and unseen, Rusty had watched Lucas act out his emotions since he arrived at the stadium.

"Come with me," and Rusty walked into his office. Lucas followed. They walked through his office into his apartment behind it. It was a large square space with a kitchen on one wall, another wall had a sofa, and another had a bed and row of lockers that served as a closet.

Rusty pointed to the table sitting in front of the kitchen and said, "Sit down."

"You are wound tighter than a spring." He went to a cabinet and then the refrigerator. He put on the table two shoot glasses and a bottle of vodka from the freezer. He poured two shots and said, "Drink."

"I drink beer," was Lucas' response.

"This will do you good. I'll give you a beer for a chaser. Go with me. One, two, three."

They both downed the vodka, and Rusty went back to the refrigerator for two beers.

They sat across from each other, and Rusty started talking.

"You look like shit. I bet you feel the same way. It's about Caleb. You two have been playing with each other's dicks all summer, and now its ending."

Lucas raised his eyes and looked at Rusty in disbelief.

"You're surprised that I know. I've been a cocksucker my whole life. I can sense these things. And also, I saw your hard-on the first time you met Caleb. I worried about you from the beginning. You two are going different ways. Caleb is staying here. You are off to college. I was hoping you could just enjoy the sex but you gave him your heart."

Lucas was looking at Rusty. The alcohol was doing its work, and the feelings that Lucas had bottled up inside him, came pouring out. Tears welled up in Lucas' eyes before rolling down his cheeks.

"I love him," Lucas uttered.

"If you tell me, I don't doubt it. Only you can decide that. But love does not have to be exclusive. Your life isn't ruined if you can't be with Caleb. Just cherish the time you had together. You can love more than one person. You love both your mother and father. I bet you will find some guy in the future and love will blossom again."

Rusty continued, "I speak from experience. I was twenty and fell hard. He was wonderful and the sex was terrific. He was also married and had a child. He followed his life's path and I was not in it. You can see his picture in Cooperstown. Can you believe it? I sucked a Hall of Famer. I won't tell you who. But I still love him. But I have also loved others. You can too if you let yourself."

They sat together. They drank. The conversation drifted to baseball, and Rusty entertained Lucas with wild and crazy stories from his years in baseball. They turned on the TV to watch the Bobcats, and Rusty cooked dinner for them. At the end of the evening, Rusty got a pillow and sheet for Lucas to sleep on the sofa. Lucas was in no shape to drive back to his apartment.

Rusty stripped down to his undershorts, turned out the light, and crawled into bed with his back to Lucas. Lucas drifted close to sleep, but just could not settle his mind. Soon he heard rhythmic breathing from Rusty and knew that sleep had taken him. Lucas lay there, thinking of the events of the summer and reflecting on Rusty's words of advice and guidance.

After an indeterminable amount of time laying on the sofa and staring at the ceiling, Lucas got up, walked to Rusty's bed, pulled back the sheet, and slipped himself into the bed, hoping not to wake Rusty. He seemed to have succeeded. Lucas spooned with Rusty, with legs against legs, his chest against Rusty's back. He laid on his left arm and draped his right arm around Rusty and held his chest.

Finally, the sense of abandonment that had possessed Lucas all day faded away. The touch of another body was healing. Lucas' fingertips could feel the fine hair that covered Rusty's chest. He wondered if it was sprinkled with grey like the hair on Rusty's head. Lucas' arm was just laying across Rusty, but Lucas still got a sense of Rusty's body. It was solid and lean, despite its age. It was not Lucas' intention, but his dick began to grow longer and thicker. Lucas slowly and carefully moved his hand and cupped Rusty's impressive pec. A few moments later, Rusty moved his own hand and laid it on Lucas' arm.

"I didn't mean to wake you up," Lucas said softly.

"I'm glad you did," was the reply.

Lucas' hand moved down Rusty's body and found a large hard cock.

"You're excited," said Lucas.

Rusty said back "So are you. I can feel your dick against my back."

They both kicked off their shorts and lay side by side on the mattress, their arms crossed, holding each other's dicks. Then Rusty got up on his elbow and looked down at Lucas in the dimness of the room. He explored Lucas' body with the lightest touch of his fingertips. It was sensual and exciting. Lucas was intrigued by their age difference. Lucas was a sex hunger youth with less than a handful of partners. Rusty was mature and experienced. He had been with countless men, and he was now feeling Lucas' body like he had done so many others. Lucas had no idea where this would end, but he decided to let Rusty lead him there.

Rusty slid down, held Lucas' cock straight up, put his lips over the head, and swirled his tongue around it. Then he lowered his lips and took the beautiful eighteen-old dick into his mouth. He sucked, and Lucas moaned approval. Rusty was an expert.

After several minutes of pleasuring Lucas' manhood, Rusty pulled his mouth off Lucas' dick and said, "I bet you think you were lucky to have had sex with Caleb, but you are wrong. Caleb was the lucky one." He then spit into his hand, wet his hole, and turned his body around, laying on his side, waiting for Lucas to penetrate him, to fill him with a big dick, to leave him full of cum.

Lucas compiled and sunk his cock deep into Rusty. They were spooning again, but this time they were joined, their bodies united. Rusty's hole was the lock, and Lucas' dick was the key. It was a glorious fuck, something that they both needed. Again, Lucas was aroused about Rusty's age, thinking of others who had shared his hole, excited that he was desired and wanted by someone so experienced.

Lucas had a tremendous climax, bucking his hips as he held Rusty tight against his chest. Lucas lay there relieved, satisfied, and content. He reached down to Rusty's crotch and found a semi-hard dick and a puddle of cum on the mattress. Lucas was pleased.

Lucas woke the next morning to the sound of Rusty in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. After eating, Lucas gathered his things and thanked Rusty for the wonderful time during the summer, adding "Thank you for last night. I needed help and advice. It was a comfort."

Rusty smiled and said, "I'm always good for a sympathy fuck."

They hugged and Lucas left. He needed only to pack the car, and then he could be on the road. When he entered his apartment, Johnnie was sleeping on the couch beside a suitcase and a big black plastic bag. Lucas still had a key under the front door mat, and Johnnie had let himself in.

Johnnie woke up and immediately started talking. He seemed frantic. "Can I stay with you? I can't go home. I have no place safe."

Lucas explained that he was leaving that day. He wasn't returning. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"The police pulled my uncle's car out of the river. He was dead with a bullet in his head. Someone tore up our apartment, looking for something. They may come back looking for me, but I don't know anything. I can't stay there anyway. I don't have money for rent. I'm afraid I will be sent to my parents. I have no other relatives in this country. I want to stay here. I just want to go to school and be a normal student."

Johnnie looked at Lucas with fear in his eyes and said desperately, "You're my friend. You have to help me."

Lucas had always thought Johnnie's uncle was a shady operator. Johnnie's story confirmed it. But what could he do for Johnnie? He was leaving. He thought for a moment and then went into the bedroom. Johnnie could hear him talking with someone on the phone. Lucas returned and said he had a place for Johnnie that would be safe. Lucas had a friend who would help Johnnie figure out what to do.

Lucas knocked on the door as Johnnie stood beside him, holding his suitcase and the plastic bag containing all the belongings that Johnnie had taken from his apartment. Rusty opened the door and invited his two visitors in.

Rusty immediately began reassuring Johnnie that everything would be alright. "You can stay here as long as you need. No one knows you are here. We can take our time and investigate your options. You can sleep on the couch, and I can get you to school. If you want, I have a part-time job for you, the one that Lucas had this summer. Things will be fine."

Johnnie finally seemed relaxed and the desperate look on his face disappeared. Lucas said that he had to go, and Johnnie gave him a hug. Lucas's departing comment was "You can trust Rusty. Just think of him as an uncle."

Johnnie smiled.

Lucas drove his car home and spent the rest of the day and evening unloading and then reloading it, stuffing it with everything he anticipated he would need as a first-year student at college. He was at the campus by noon Sunday. He checked in, got his student ID, and was issued his dorm key.

Lucas and Jack had planned on rooming together before Jack got his dream job working for the National Parks. Jack said he was going to defer attendance and work the winter season. Lucas expected he would be assigned a new roommate, but there was no sign of anyone.

Lucas's cell phone rang and it was Jack. "Lucas, are you on campus yet? Tell me your new address."

"Hey. I'm here. It's Room 201, Harrison Hall. Everything is unloaded, clothes packed away. Just waiting for my new roommate."

Jack replied, "I've got to hang up. I will call you right back."

Lucas sat in a chair, planning tomorrow' schedule: New student orientation, buy textbooks, scope out eating options. There was a knock on the door. Lucas opened it, and there stood Jack with a big grin on his face.

"Fuck! What are you doing here?" was Lucas' response.

Jack said, "They didn't want me for the winter. I am unemployed, so I decided to go to college."

Lucas grabs Jack and pulls him into the room, closes the door, and embraces him, giving Jack a lustful, passionate kiss. It was their second kiss ever. Jack was momentarily surprised, but responds with the same passion. There are two single beds in the room. Lucas pulls the mattresses off the beds into the middle of the room.

"Take off your clothes," Lucas commands, as he strips off his own clothes as fast as he can. Lucas is first to be naked, and he kneels on the mattresses, waiting for Jack, waiting for Jack's cock, a long, hard pole that Lucas nicknamed "Big Boy" years ago.

Jack stood and watched Lucas suck his dick. Lucas' head went back and forth as wet lips traveled the length of Jack's cock. Jack put his hands affectionately on Lucas' shoulders and then the top of his head. It had been three months, and it was wonderful to feel Lucas' mouth once again. Lucas was just as excited.

After some minutes, Jack puts pressure on Lucas' shoulders, indicating that he wanted Lucas to lie down. Lucas lay on his back on the mattress with Jack kneeling between Lucas' spread legs. Jack proceeds to make love to Lucas with his lips and tongue and hands. He sucks cock and licks balls. Jack, like Lucas, had had new sexual experiences during the summer, and Jack added what he had learned as he pleasured Lucas's body. He ran his finger tips up and down Lucas's legs and inter-tights, not touching the skin but just brushing and stimulating the fine hairs there. After working his wet tongue up Lucas' stomach and chest and sucking nipples, he pushed his face into Lucas' armpits. Then he kissed Lucas' shoulder, then his neck, before nibbling his earlobe and sticking his wet tongue in Lucas' ear.

They traded places, and Lucas did the opposite, starting with kissing and then working downward to nipples and pecs and abs and cock. There he lingered, alternating between dick and balls and dick again. He returned to Jack's balls, taking each orb into his mouth before taking his wet tongue to that space between the ball sack and the ass crack. Then he put his hands behind Jack's knees and raised his legs, making his bottom move upward and accessible.

When Lucas' tongue first touched Jack' crack, Jack gasped. No tongue had ever touched it before. When Lucas pushed his face between Jack's ass cheeks and tongued his puckered hole, Jack emitted a long "Ohhh" of pleasure. Lucas was pleased and continued to kiss and lick Jack's hole.

Lucas lowered Jack's legs and placed them together as he straddled them. After thoroughly wetting Jacks' cock, Lucas climbed over his hips, pointed the cock skyward and lowered himself. Jack went in easily and completely. Lucas was sitting on Jack, impaled with Jack's dick deep inside him. Jack was surprised and in disbelief, but immediately accepted the wet tight hole offered to him. It felt incredible.

Lucas fucked himself, raising and lowering his bottom, letting Jack's cock slid through his tunnel. Next, he sat down again and rocked back and forth, again moving Jack's cock in him but in a different manner. Finally, Lucas raised him ass several inches above Jack, and said "Fuck me. Fuck my hole."

Jack raised his hips and his cock went in deeper. He bucked his hips again and again and faster and faster. His hands were on Lucas' arms that braced him above. He squeezed and his grip grew tighter and Jack called out, "I'm going to cum." He did, and Lucas could sense the squirts of cum that Jack was depositing inside him. Jack's hips slowed and then stopped. He grabbed Lucas's dick and began to jack it. Lucas was close, and within moments, Lucas' cum was shooting all over Jack's chest. A drop hit Jack's chin. As they sat there motionless, Jack takes his finger, wipes his chin, and sucks the cum into his mouth. Lucas, looking down, opens his mouth, and Jack scoops cum up with his fingers for Lucas to eat.

The two sat there, not wanting to move. Lucas looked at Jack with affection and smiled. It was a joy to be with him. Lucas said, "When we were last together, you made a comment to me, which went unanswered. I want to answer you now." There was a pause, and then looking into Jack's eyes, Lucas says, "I love you too." And they kissed.


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