A Suite Life Love Story of Imad and Cody

By Timothy Stillman

Published on Dec 15, 2007


A Suite Life Love Story Of Imad and Cody


Imad and Tim

Chapter 3

Hey folks! Zak here. Guess you're wondering where Cody and Imad are. Well, wonder a little while I wander in my head a little. There have been some strange developments Cody-wise. Not to say there haven't been some equally--let's say--unique developments Zak-wise. See, here's the thing---the night that Mom and I took in the hockey game, well, when we came home there was something a little different.

Well, Zak and Imad were sitting at the kitchen table studying on their goofy report for English about whoever knows, and that was not different. They've been like glued together this whole dam' sorry for cussin', Mom, this whole darn winter break. It was something else about them and about my room that I out of the goodness of my heart let Cody sleep in too. So I don't say anything because they think I don't think as much as they do. Which is a help when you've got to do some thinking and you are around people who know you're just trying to figure out how to plant your next whoopee cushion or let off your latest stink bomb or plant the big black plastic spider on string close to London when she's prancing with that freaky little dog in her purse, through the lobby.

But I knew something was up that night. So after Mom went to bed and Cody and Imad said a very nice good night to each other-"and to you too..ah.." ZAK. My name. God. Dorks, I let Cody trundle off the beddy bye while I drank milk--yeah, builds calcium, I don't watch TV and not get educated a lot--I think, hmmmmm....saw in Zits, that's a comic strip, how the kid's dad got some info out of his son when his son was talking in his sleep. So I thinks to myself, stroking my chin, I'm going to have a long beard some day when I can grow beard hair, and when mom says it's okay to have a beard. Though I am NOT a mama's boy.

So I finally drift off to bed and Cody's asleep in the dark room, so I sit on my bed and listen to him snore. God, he sounds like a giraffe, or like a giraffe would, I would imagine, if I knew anything about giraffes--I would say, yep, that is how a giraffe snores, and I'd be right, I know I would, my grade's aren't quite as good as Cody's but good enough and I'm far more well-rounded. Well, okay, I can stand to lose a couple of pounds, but I meant well rounded girl-wise and sports-wise and real-life wise. Cody's just book-wise. And that is that for him.

So anyways I'm getting pretty sleepy. It was a long game. We won. And it's cold as it can be out there and here in the apartment it's so warm and I could drift off. Just lie down and catch a few zzzzzzz's. But no, I have will power, wonder if I could legally change my name to Will Power? Possible. Will think about it. Anyways I was about to drop off and feel a dream of me getting a feel from Lana and I kind of shake awake and hear Cody mumbling something.

Now I know he said Imad's name. And then he said something--I misheard--I stayed awake a whole fifteen more minutes waiting for him to say it again as he scrunched up under the covers and formed that world famous cute as can be Cody ball. But I fell asleep and woke with the sun. And Cody was-okay, the word he said in his sleep was clock. Most probably. He said "Imad....mumble mumble..clock." Now I don't know what Imad and clock have to do with one another and the thing that comes to my mind is he did not say clock. He could not have said cock. We are G rated and loveable, but come on, Cody does not know the word, well, except in relation to a chicken or poultry or something.

But if he said what I think he said--now, look--I am not-that--I don't do that--I don't think that--but while Cody was in the shower and I was waiting to take mine, I sat in my briefs in the bedroom, door securely locked. And looked at my dick as I took it out of my BVDs. My dick is lots thicker round than Cody's--we're brothers, man, you can't help noticing these things--it's not that-my bro--or any boy--but my bro? And yet it kept coming back that he had said what I must have misunderstood in his sleep last night. And he had this curious little satisfied smile on his face as he said it and he licked his lips and somewhere in there there may have been a yum yum and he looked younger than what he was.

And I thought this, picturing Cody in bed and saying what I misunderstood, and it's making my dick hard, kinda fat, and I have a pretty good amount of pubic hair, nice sized balls, and I'm well-jackin'-only it's not the kind of jacking--well it's the same movement, up down, round the town, have Kleenex Tissues ready by my side and I cum a lot sticky and white and it's like, I'm, well, I'm thinking of girls, but Cody doing something with Imad's clock---well, it got me hot, what can I say? I'm a teenage. I'm allowed these weird moments.

Well, whatever was up (Yes I know what a pun is, and there you have one heehee) between the Codeman and Imad, I thought I had better stay attuned. So that morning later, after I had had my shower and played with myself some more and cum again in the hot sexy water, Cody said he was heading over to Imad's. Mom asked how long he would be. He was gathering his books and notebooks and pens and penis--sorry, couldn't resist--and saying Imad's folks would be out at their jobs till late tonight. So Mom said okay, back home by seven at the latest. Cody started his world famous little boy pout, which he should have grown out of by now, I haveJ, but Mom was insistent.

So everybody was startled, including moi, when I asked if I could go too. Cody asked why. Mom asked why. I asked why not? I do pick up things in school sometimes, wish I could pick up Lana but there are other girls in the school bus and there are always new school bus stops or something like that, new fish in the sea or whatever. Anyways, I said I just wanted to go and jokily I put my arm around Cody and said "Just wanna hang out with mah bro for a while" and I knuckled his arm and he said watch out, I'm warning you and I asked warning who? And Mom laughed and we did too.

So I'm sitting in Imad's parents' digs, nice place, on the sofa, watching TV, which I'm not watching, man, "As the World Turns" must have been on for a thousand years. Heard Mom say once she watched it as a little girl, which I must say gives a person pause. Any hows..Cody and Imad are-you got it-studying in Imad's room--and I'm keeping one ear peeled for an "oh baby" or something equally grotesque. But I'm hearing nothing, so I turn the TV volume even lower, throw the remote on the couch, play my Sega game for a while, so I wouldn't die of intelligence over here while waiting for the thing about Imad's clock yum yum thing to be explained as just one of those daffy mix ups like on TV sitcoms.

To hear better, my version of Sherlock Holmes, just getting to the bottom-haha--of things, I go over to Imad's door and listen intensely, pretending I am looking through my Sherlockian magnifying glass till I realize that is dumb, using a magnifying glass for listening, so I put my magnifying glass back into my pocket and then slap my head remembering I don't really have one. And then-I-hear-then-I hear-words--whispers---words-god what a time not to have super hearing. It's Cody and he giggles real high like he hasn't done that, being serious man time and everything and forgetting about having fun and being a kid in the process.

And then I hear what I hear a lot personally--with girls I mean, of course--and I wish I could hear it all--I wish--fade to black---

Cody and Imad were sitting on Imad's bed and Cody was saying it got pretty intense last night, and Imad said yeah it was way too heavy for me too. Then they turned the pages of "Moby Dick" which was part of their English report due Jan. 2 without fail or excuse. Then they both started to talk at once. Then they laughed. "I got too much last night--Imad--I mean I read a lot and watch movies and I just got scared and you were just so hot--and you know, I mean ass fucking-just so new to me--"

And that was when Cody put his hand on Imad's jeans crotch. And Imad did the same to Cody. And they sat there like that and felt each other get a boner.

Cody said, giggling, " `I've grown accustomed to your face, you almost make the day begin..' "

Imad said, "What?"

Cody put his arm round Imad and said, "It's some show tune. Mom sings it a lot in her act."

Imad said, "Oh."

Cody said, "I really wish--" And then he got up and acted like a monkey. He hopped around and scratched his armpits and danced and made monkey sounds and said he was a boner monkey and asked Imad, "Aren't you a boner monkey too?"

Imad hopped up and began to imitate Cody who while in mid-hop unzipped his cords and said, "There's a banana in there." So Imad unzipped his jeans and said, "One in here too."

So Cody stopped monk eying around and said, "I don't believe it, sir. I simply do not." The he turned his face from Imad and in imitating women in old movies, put a hand to his chin, sighed, and said "You wish to have your way with me."

Imad danced over to Cody and put his hand to Cody's opened fly and said, "That's a mighty one, sir. May I have this wank off with you?"

To which Cody turned and put his hand to Imad's opened fly, and said, "Well, since we're both obviously boned-up, Herman will have to wait."

Imad said, "Herman who?"

And Cody said, "Melville. You know the Great White Sperm whale."

To which Imad said, "Oh there seems to be two great sperm whales right here and they need a hand job, to which Cody smiled that devilish grin and said the magic phrase, "Let's get naked." So they did. And were on Imad's bed, jacking each other off and kissing on the lips and tongue sucking, when Zak burst into the room, they having forgotten to lock the door.

"AH! HA!" said Zak, "Whatever do we have here?"

The boys froze and turned to stare at Zak.

"Yeah. I thought so. So, Cody, what time does Imad's yum yum clock say it is? Weiner time????"

Imad and Cody were too shocked and too scared to think about covering up. They were frozen there with their dicks hard and Imad's dripping pre-cum.

Zak leaned against the door.

"Well," he said, "I might have known. I can just see you doing my homework for the next fifty years."

There was dead silence for a long time, till Cody broke the ice by saying, "I think you are being too generous, Zak. I imagine it will take you at least sixty years to graduate to high school and after that hundreds of years to make it to junior year..."

Nobody laughed save Cody, and that was nervous laughter.

Then Zak said, "You're leaking, Imad."

Imad looked down at his cock and the standing pool of pre-cum. Cody said, "Come on, Zak. Just don't tell anyone okay? I mean you and I fooled around once and we even measured each other's----" Cody was unable to say the word to his brother.

Zak came over to the bed and said, "The word, Codeman, is clock, and that is cock and we were, what?, seven? For heaven's sake, I never...."

To which Imad said, "Never? Maybe we should solve that right now."

"I like girls, dude," Zak said, though his eyes were riveted on Imad and Cody's cocks, as he remembered last night and this morning and having jacked twice imagining what was--well, actually what was right here before him.

"Then take your eyes away from our joy sticks." Imad said, getting braver for it sure looked like Zak was interested in spite of himself.

"You guys suck each other?" Zak asked.

"I got fucked last night, Zak," Cody said. "And it was fun and I liked it." And Zak lifted his eyes from his brother's cock to his brother's eyes. "We don't suck. But we can jack you off with ourselves. You can pretend you are pretending we are girls."

Imad said, "Though we most assuredly are not."

"Well," Zak said as Cody stood up and walked to his brother. As Zak reached tentatively for Cody's dick. As Imad stood up and went to stand at Zak's back. As Zak began to peel, clothes-wise in front of Imad and Cody who were dancing, naked, monkeys once more. So Cody kissed Imad as they tumbled to the floor and started rubbing each other all over. As Zak stood naked over them and started masturbating. As Imad got the Kleenex box and handed everyone a tissue--"Hey, give me three, dude," Zak said, "I'm a heavy-duty cumer. As the three naked boys jacked as Zak bent down to touch his brother and then to touch Imad. And they were together then three bodies tightly bound, Zak on the left, Cody in the middle, and Imad on the left.

They seriously looked at the first one to cum, then the second, and then the third. And then their Kleenexes full, including the three for Zak, the heavy-duty comer, Imad disposed of them. And they just lay around naked feeling each other's dicks and butts and pinching nipples and holding balls and kissing and it was totally free and cool and not heavy or too much like last night. So last night occurred for a reason. The reason brought them to today.

Finally, Zak went out naked to the living room and resumed playing one of the Sega games he had brought over. And Cody and Imad went back to working on that damned, sorry, darned paper without which they would never have become boyfriends. Good paper. Goood paper.

They only put on their clothes later on after another make-out session and then time for heading home.

"Nice dick, bro."

"Your's is hot too."

"Hey Imad, man you are one hot hot dude. Greatest dick in the world."

It was snowing heavily and was bitter cold as the brothers stepped out onto the sidewalk. They looked at each other in perhaps a little different way or a lot different way, they would have to think on it for a while.

Then Zak put his arm around his brother and they walked in the snow toward home.

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