A Sub Finds His Place

By Tracy

Published on Nov 23, 2022


A Sub Finds His Place Chapter 3

Author's note: The last chapter of this story was published in the year 2012. Somehow, I forgot about it and didn't finish the story. I heard from a reader a couple weeks ago who asked about it. I promised him I'd get back to it and this is the result. Thank you.

A Sub Finds His Place

Part 3

By tracy m


Having finished his housework, Terry sat down at his desk and started studying. It wasn't long before Adam came in making and slammed the door. "Hey boy!" he bellowed. Terry audibly gasped when he looked up and caught sight of his virile roommate. It was hot on this late summer day in Lincoln and Adam was dripping in sweat following one of his intense workouts. His blood engorged muscles stood out in sharp relief, glistening in the light. Terry's heart rate surged and he started trembling as he took in the magnificent sight standing just feet away while his breathing grew shallow. He felt a surge of admiration and inferiority upon seeing his striking roommate.

Adam noticed Terry's reaction. He wasn't surprised by it. He had been observing inferiors' admiring reactions for years and this wasn't anything new. He knew he was exceptional and enjoyed the look of desire that so many people, men and women, couldn't conceal when they laid eyes on him. He stripped off his soaked tank and dropped it on the floor in the middle of the room. He sat on the bed and said, "Hey Terry, my legs are sore, can you give me a hand with my shoes?"

Terry looked up and said, "Huh?"

"My shoes, help me take them off."

Terry had been the "manager" of his high school baseball team for two years so this wasn't the first time he'd heard such a request. Being the submissive that he had always been, the request even seemed normal. "Sure," He responded. He deferentially knelt on the floor at Adams feet, untied the first shoe and pulled it off. He was immediately hit with the strong smell of Adam's foot. Involuntarily, he leaned in and inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with the masculine scents of the formidable man towering above him. Leaning in further, he took off Adam's other shoe. The smells from Adams body were starting to intoxicate little Terry who continued to sit at Adams feet, seemingly in a stupor, apparently absorbed in his own world.

Adam looked down on Terry and smiled. He was keenly aware of the effect the masculine chemicals in his sweat had on the inferior male. He loved the power he could exert with ease. He thought of it as a super power. He had been using it to his advantage for years. Many times had he compelled beta teachers, male and female, to change grades for himself or friends simply by wearing a tank top and "innocently" scratching the back of his neck, exposing the thick black hair of his armpit to the teacher's face. He always got a kick out of how they would routinely lean in and inhale when he did so. And after taking a deep breath they would meekly acquiesce to any of his "innocent requests." He often used it to get himself discounts on purchases he had made. He got an unbelievably low price on his car when negotiating with a beta salesman. And throughout his high school years he had enslaved classmates who took jobs and gave him their pay, and continued to do so even now that he was in college. Other slaves had done his chores at home and performed a number of other tasks that he considered beneath him. Of course, it wasn't just his pheromones that were controlling these inferior males, Adam was tall and physically imposing as well as being exceedingly handsome. People looked at him and instantly wanted to please him.

Adam watched his inferior roommate, lost in his own world and unaware how his weak mind was being transformed by the power of an Alpha Male. He lightly smacked Terry in the face with his foot that was still covered with a sweat soaked sock, waking him from his trance. "Socks too, dumb ass," Adam ordered. Without thought, Terry pealed the wet socks from Adam's hefty feet. Adam patted him on the head with his foot and said, "Good boy." Terry loved the praise. Adam stood and walked into the bathroom where he took a loud piss, intentionally dribbling on the seat and floor and, of course, not flushing.

Terry finally roused from his torpor, shaking his head. He got to his feet and automatically picked up Adam's wet gear. Unconsciously he held them to his face and breathed in deeply before dropping them in the clothes hamper. The smells were having a euphoric effect on him that he would eventually become addicted to. In due course, he was able to clear his head enough to function. He returned to his desk and resumed his studies. Adam came out of the bathroom, farted loudly, put on some shorts and started studying himself. Terry was having trouble concentrating on his work, thanks to the smells in the room but mostly because of his proximity to this Alpha Male to whom he was feeling more and more captivated.

The two young men quietly worked on their studies for a couple hours. Looking at the clock, Terry put his books aside and started getting ready for his dinner with Brad. He was about to head out the door when Adam said, "I've got too much to do to go down to dinner. Go down to the cafeteria and get us both something to eat and we will have dinner here." He didn't really have too much to do, he just wanted Terry to get used to following orders.

"But I..." Terry started to protest. Looking at his Alpha roommate melted all his resistance. His natural submission towards big men largely induced his acquiescence but he was also becoming more obedient towards Adam in particular. Like all born subs he possessed an innate need to please superior men. He was willing to blow off his new friend, Brad, in order to please his dominant roommate. "What do you want?" a disappointed Terry meekly asked. Adam gave him his order and his meal card and he headed downstairs to get him his dinner.

When Terry left, Adam stripped off his still damp gym shorts and stinking jock then retrieved Terry's pillow from his bed and wiped it through his crotch and ass crack then across his hairy armpits then returned it to his bed. He wanted the magic of his smells to work on Terry all night long. Then, just for fun, he dropped his nasty jock and shorts on Terry's pillow. He then took a shower and pissed again on the toilet seat that Terry had so recently cleaned, then put on some sweats.

A half hour later Terry returned with both dinners. When he gave Adam his, he responded with a "Good boy." Terry thought that Adam should have said "thank you." Terry had been taught good manners growing up and thought that Adam should show some gratitude. But, on the other hand, he knew Adam appreciated the favor even if he didn't say so. And he had always felt good about doing favors for his friends. Just then, he saw Adams dirty jock and shorts on his pillow. He was instantly angry and loudly exclaimed, "What the hell! You put your dirty clothes on my bed?"

Putting on an as innocent looking face as he could muster, but laughing on the inside, Adam said, "Oh shit, I must not have been paying attention," intentionally avoiding any kind of apology or an offer to remove them. Terry understood that Adam hadn't put them there on purpose and instantly forgave him. His years as a baseball team manager had trained him to pick up after men so it never occurred to him to ask Adam to remove his dirty clothes. He simply picked them up and carried the them to the closet where they went in the clothes hamper.

After they ate, Adam went out to hang with buds and "pick up a bitch to fuck." It occurred to Terry that Adam hadn't had time to get his own dinner but did have time to go out with his friends, but he had been conditioned throughout his life not to question men so he quickly dropped that thought. Alone, he decided to head over to the science center to see if he could find Brad and apologize for blowing off dinner. He had his hand on the door knob but hesitated. He had this sudden urge to sniff Adam's jock before he left. "That's just weird," he thought, then went out. He got all the way to the lobby before his subconscious stopped his progress and forced him to turn around and return to the room. He went in the closet and found the disgusting, sweat soaked, cum and piss stained jock. He pressed it to his face covering his mouth and nose and breathed in deeply. He instantly felt relaxed and peaceful. Still unable to control himself, he touched his tongue to it briefly. Suddenly feeling ashamed, he put the object of his impulse back and headed back out to the science center to find his friend.

Terry made it to the science center and wandered around until he found Brad. He made up some lame excuse as to why he blew off dinner. He wasn't going to tell his friend that he didn't make it to dinner because he had to serve his dominant roommate.

The rocket exhibit was extensive and fascinating, but Terry was distracted. He couldn't stop thinking about Adam and was anxious to get back home in case he had returned and needed him for anything. He spent as little time at the exhibit as he could get away with, said good bye to Brad, then headed back. He was disappointed when he returned and found the room empty but in spite of his absence, the room was full of Adam's smells and Terry subconsciously inhaled deeply, unwittingly letting the chemicals entering his lungs work their magic on him, insidiously enslaving his brain.

Terry had always been taught that masturbation was a sin but he couldn't resist. He took off his clothes and "borrowed" a bottle of Adam's sex lube. Then he had a great idea. He went in the closet and retrieved Adam's dirty jock that he had been sniffing earlier. He laid down and put it to his face, breathing deeply while licking and sucking on it. A rush of endorphins instantly invaded his brain and he quickly experienced the most intense orgasm of his life, shooting the drops of cum from his little balls into the air and onto his belly. He laid there with the jock covering his face, totally relaxed and feeling more content than he ever had before. He didn't realize it but, at that moment, he was devoted to the Alpha he was living with. Eventually, he shook himself from his bliss, showered and went to bed.

He was awakened later when Adam came back and made no attempt to be quiet for his roommate. He pretended to be asleep until Adam bellowed his name. Still sleepy, he opened his eyes with a start and said, "Yeah?"

"Help me with my shoes," he demanded.

Terry had a moment of astonishment that Adam had the gall to make such a demand of his sleeping roommate. But he dragged himself out of bed and knelt at his roommate's feet, removing his shoes and socks. Adam stood and removed the rest of his clothes, dropping them in Terry's lap and on his head. He walked to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Still drowsy, Terry obediently picked up after Adam. When finished in the bathroom, Adam came back in the room, naked, giving little Terry another opportunity to admire his magnificence, and crawled into bed. Terry dutifully went to the bathroom to clean up after his roommate, picking up wet towels, wiping up messes, and of course, flushing the toilet.

Adam laid in bed thinking about how great it was to be him. He had multiple slaves out in the world who were working for his benefit and he had another in the bathroom who was, at that very moment, taking care of his shit. He knew he was admired everywhere he went. He was a superior man and deserved everything that the inferiors of the world bestowed upon him. He drifted off into a blissful, deep sleep.

End chapter

Author's note:

I promise not to take nine years to publish the next part.

I appreciate the Nifty Archive and have contributed to it in the past and will again. I encourage you to support this resource.

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