A Sub Finds His Place

By Tracy

Published on Nov 4, 2012


A Sub Finds His Place Part 2 By tracy m

When they got back to the room after breakfast Adam said "Hey kid, thanks for picking up. I'm kind of a slob. It's good to have a roommate who's willing to keep the place in order. I appreciate it." Terry beamed with delight at getting those words of praise from his dominant roommate. Adam was well aware of the effect his words would have on his little sub. He had been controlling subs since high school. He knew how their needy minds worked and that Terry would be desperate for his approval.

He was right. Terry wasn't aware that he was a born submissive or that he was addicted to attention from his superiors. But Adam's approval was like a drug to him and in time there would be almost nothing he wouldn't do to get the high that "drug" provided. With a big smile on his face he cheerfully responded "No problem Adam. I'm glad to do it."

Adam had a lot on his plate for the day. This was the last day before classes began and he had a number of errands to run. He was also meeting a bud at the Osborne complex for one of their intense workouts. Terry had much the same to do, minus the workout, so they soon headed out the door and went their separate ways. Terry didn't know the area very well and wanted to explore the retail areas around campus. He spent the morning exploring and shopping. He loved being in such a "large" city. Around lunch time he passed a Vietnamese restaurant called Vung Tau. Aberdeen didn't have any restaurants so exotic and he was feeling adventurous so he decided to give it a try. The restaurant wasn't anything fancy but the prices weren't bad and the food was pretty good.

After lunch, he consulted his map and headed to the bookstore to get the books required for the classes he was taking. Being the day before classes started Terry wasn't surprised the store was packed with students and he had to wait in line over an hour to get them. By the time he got out of the bookstore he was nearly broke and nearly exhausted so he headed back to his dorm. He walked in and dropped the books on his desk. He knew Adam had been there recently because there was a pile of his sweat soaked gym clothes on the floor where he had dropped them. Terry wondered why Adam didn't just drop his clothes in his laundry basket. It was only a few feet away. He had no idea that Adam was continually leaving his clothes on the floor to train him. The feeling of Adam's sweat on his hands along with the smells had something of a hypnotic effect on him when he picked them up. He stood there and inspected them briefly then picked out the jock and held it to his face and smelled it. The strong masculine smell made him feel a little dizzy. He shook himself out of his stupor and dropped the clothes in Adam's laundry basket.

Hoping to make Adam happy again, he proceeded to straighten up the room. He started in the bathroom and wasn't surprised to find Adam's usual mess. He hung up the wet towels, picked up the bar of soap on the floor of the shower, flushed the toilet and closed the lid and dried off the area around the sink. Satisfied there, he moved to the bedroom where he picked various pieces of litter lying around, dusted and made both beds and did some general tidying up. He looked around and was pleased at how much better it looked. Just thinking about how happy his cleaning would make Adam gave him a good feeling.

Cleaning done, he sat down and leafed through his new text books. He was getting hungry but put off going down to the cafeteria to get dinner. He hadn't seen Adam since morning and was hoping he would come back so they could have dinner together. Finally, his hunger wouldn't let him wait any longer and he went down to eat. After dinner he went back to the room hoping to find Adam but the room was untouched. He had a flyer he picked up in the cafeteria advertising an outdoor concert on campus. The price was right, free, and it looked fun, plus he was getting a little bored. Since Adam wasn't around, he went to the concert.

Terry returned to his dorm after nine o'clock. He was perplexed as to why there was a towel wrapped around the door knob outside his door. He figured he would ask Adam if he knew anything about it. He opened the door and was shocked to find Adam having sex. The girl was shrieking in ecstasy as Adam was violently pumping this giant cock into her. In the throes of passion, neither one noticed the innocent boy standing there with his mouth hanging open. Fascinated, Terry watched momentarily, but fearing he would get caught, noiselessly retreated and gently shut the door. He stood here for a minute and realized the significance of the towel hanging on the doorknob. He could still hear the rambunctious love making inside and thought about Adams impressive cock. The girl currently impaled on it was clearly enjoying it. He briefly wondered what it would be like to be virile like Adam and felt a little envy. He didn't want to loiter in the hallway so he went down to the lobby to wait for the conclusion of the festivities. He had an early class the next morning and was hoping it wouldn't take too long.

He returned just over an hour later to find the towel gone and let himself in. Adam was lying on his bed, still naked, hands behind his head watching TV. Terry admired his massive biceps and hairy armpits and, as usual, was in awe of his roommate. "Hey man," Adam said jovially. "Your timing is great. I just finished fucking a bitch I picked up this afternoon."

Terry didn't know exactly how to respond. It was a subject with which he was unfamiliar. Terry hadn't known Adam very long but had developed and admiration of him that bordered on worship. The sexual prowess he witnessed earlier made him admire him even more. "Wow, that's awesome Adam," Terry responded with enthusiasm. As he approached the bed he could see that Adam hadn't even had time to clean up. His crotch hair was matted down with drying fluids and his cock, though still impressive, was spent. He was staring at Adam's crotch in silent wonder. He was a little embarrassed when he realized what he was doing and even more so when he realized Adam was watching him admire his crotch.

Tearing his gaze away, he wasn't surprised as he looked around the room that it needed his domestic attention. In addition to Adam's clothes on the floor was a very recently used condom. Terry automatically started cleaning up again. He was a little disappointed that Adam didn't acknowledge his earlier effort but was sure that Adam appreciated that the room was clean when he brought his girl in. Adam watched Terry work and was very satisfied with the progress of his project.

The progress wasn't surprising though. Adam had turned subs into slaves tw times in the past and knew they had a nearly insatiable need to serve superior men which was almost as strong as their need to eat.

He first turned a sub into a slave when he was just a freshman in high school. It had been a couple years since he had come to realize that there were natural inferiors and in that time had developed the ability to identify them. He enjoyed how easily he could control them with a simple word or gesture or flashing some pit hair. He got a kick out of how a "Hi" from him made them light up with happiness. He knew they craved attention from him and he often used that need to amuse himself. One of those subs, Tom, tried to present himself to the world as a regular straight guy. He just couldn't hide his reverence from Adam though. Adam knew that he had a need to serve at a man's feet that went beyond desire and into desperation. Watching him one day, it occurred to him that a slave could be pretty useful. He started asking Tom for little "favors" which he was thrilled to grant. Those little favors soon became bigger favors and it didn't take long before Tom was coming over to his house and doing his chores after school. White Tom was working Adam was working out, fucking his girls or just enjoying life. Eventually he made Tom, who he addressed as Tommy, get a job. Each week Tom thanked Adam as he turned his uncashed pay check over to him. That continued even after he started college. In his junior year in high school Adam wanted some more money so he used roughly the same process to turn another sub into a slave with the same result. Adam's parents didn't have a lot of money so the money provided by his slaves provided him with a nice car, expensive clothing and money for dates and recreation. Letting inferiors work while he enjoyed life seemed like the most natural thing in the world to him. And not just to him, his slaves regularly thanked him for using them and confessed that they loved serving him. Adam learned valuable lessons through his early slaves which would serve him well for the rest of his life.

Terry picked up the nasty used condom lying on the floor. As he carried it to the bathroom he was riveted by the volume and weight of the cum it contained. He dropped it in the toilet which as usual, contained Adam's unflushed waste. Adam had decided early on that flushing the toilet was the job of a slave so he would never flush again as long as Terry was living with him. While Terry did his chores Adam got up and took a shower. The two roommates were getting along well.

The next morning Terry had an early class and had to get up early. As he was getting ready he looked down at his handsome roommate who was still asleep. He reached down and lightly ran his hand across Adam's chest feeling the soft hair and the powerful muscles beneath. He was feeling a strong bond to his roommate and despite his initial reservations was thankful they had been assigned to the same room.

Terry shook his head to break the spell. He had four classes that day and needed to head out. He had studied a map the night before and knew where to go. That afternoon when Terry got to his Econ 101 class he discovered the fellow sitting next to him was from Rapid City, only about three-hundred miles from Aberdeen. They were practically neighbors. Terry was glad to meet someone else from his home state. His name was Brad and his grandmother lived in Aberdeen so he knew the city well. As they were walking out of class, Brad mentioned that there was a rocket exhibition at the science center that he wanted to see and asked Terry if he wanted to go. Brad thought it sounded interesting so they agreed to meet for dinner then go to the exhibition.

Since Econ was his last class of the day he headed back to his dorm. Since he just made plans for the evening he thought he should get back and get some homework out of the way. When he got in, he automatically started some cleaning. He paused briefly to consider why he was doing all the cleaning. It didn't seem fair that Adam wasn't doing his share. After all, most of the mess was usually his. But he concluded that Adam didn't like cleaning and he didn't mind so there wasn't any reason to make an issue of it. Besides, he liked doing things for his friend. It didn't occur to him that doing things for Adam made him feel good. He did have a fleeting thought that he was repeating his behavior from high school but he quickly dismissed that thought.

Notes: I'm supposed to ask everyone to make a donation to Nifty so they can maintain this site.

Feel free to contact me with comments, suggestions, etc. - cmhsub yahoo mail or instant messenger.

Next: Chapter 3

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