A Sub Finds His Place

By Tracy

Published on Oct 27, 2012


A Sub Finds His Place Part 1 By tracy m

Terry Manter tuned out the speaker at his high school graduation. Instead he was thinking about how glad he was that high school was finally over. He had never really fit in. He was smaller than most of his male classmates and wasn't good at sports. He admired the skill, physical prowess and popularity of the athletes and tried fitting in by offering to help them out whenever he could. He would help them out with their chores around the house, tutoring, he even did some of their homework occasionally. As often as not, the guys he was working so hard to please didn't bother to show any appreciation for his efforts. Some were even openly contemptuous of him. That never failed to motivate him to work even harder to please them. Even though he considered these guys his friends, he knew he was never really part of their cliques. Still, he was delighted anytime he got some attention from them even if it was negative. He had always felt there was something missing in his life that his efforts to help his "friends" wasn't completely replacing. He was hoping that he would find his place in the world when he went to college in the fall that would give him the contentment that had always eluded him.

Terry was accepted at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln and as he waited for fall he worked at a pizza place in his home town of Aberdeen, South Dakota where he had spent his whole life. Terry was an only child and lived with his mother Lillie and step father Jim. Terry hadn't seen his real father since he was five. He had once overheard his mother telling a friend that she had divorced his dad because he was too small to satisfy her. Terry never really got along with his step-father. Jim was big and had been an athlete and thought his step son was something of a sissy.

Autumn finally arrived and it was time to make the seven hour trek down to Lincoln. The car had been packed the night before and the three hit the road at six in the morning. Terry was feeling a mix of emotions. He was excited to start his new life but apprehensive because he didn't know a soul in Lincoln and his feelings of inferiority had always made it hard for him to make friends. Still, he was optimistic that this would be a turning point in his life. The trio arrived at the school a little after two in the afternoon and found Terry's residence hall. He checked in at the front desk. A friendly clerk gave him a funny look, assigned his room and gave him an information packet which contained a room key. His mom and Jim helped him move his boxes in. The small room had two twin beds on either side along with two dressers and desks for studying and a shared closet. There was a small attached bathroom. Terry didn't know who his roommate was but he had already moved in and was away at the moment.

The roommate came in as they were working to put his belongings away. As soon as Terry saw him he felt uncomfortable. He introduced himself as Adam Tanner. While Terry was small at five feet-seven inches and about one-hundred thirty-five pounds, Adam, who had been an athlete most of his life, was a couple inches taller than Terry's step dad who was six-two . He also had almost a hundred pounds on his little roommate and it appeared to be solid muscle. He had very broad shoulders and a trim waist and it was obvious from the way his tee shirt fit his thick chest that he had very impressive pecs to go with his muscular arms. Terry's hand disappeared in Adam's when they shook and he had to open and close it when they finished to relieve the pain. Adam was the kind of guy that had always made Terry feel inferior and inadequate. Terry was shy and insecure while Adam was confident and sociable. Jim and Lillie both took a liking to their son's new roommate and were relieved that such a fine young man would be there to watch out for their immature son. Jim started talking to Adam about Cornhuskers football and Lillie stood and admired Adam's virile physique. As usual, Terry felt left out and went to work setting up his computer. Before long Jim announced they had a long trip ahead and had to be on their way. Before leaving he asked Adam to keep Terry in line. Terry was horrified that Jim made such a statement. After all, he thought, Adam wasn't his superior, they were equals. Adam laughed at the request and said he would maintain discipline. Lillie gave her boy a tearful hug and they left. Terry was surprised by how quickly he felt homesick. He had been looking forward to this day for a long time but now that it was here he was feeling a little depressed and he felt more than a little intimidated by the man in the room with him.

While Terry finished setting up his part of the room, Adam turned on the TV and watched football. Around five he asked Terry if he was hungry. They went down to the cafeteria and had dinner together. Afterwards, Adam showed him around campus and they ended up on the patio at Buzzard Billy's where they ate snacks and watched football on big screen TVs. Terry was proud to be with a man who got so much attention from everyone they encountered. Adam was accustomed to the attention and barely noticed it. Terry was feeling better about his new friend and insisted on paying Adam's tab before they left.

When they got back to their dorm room after the games were over, Terry found that Adam was not a bit shy. He dropped all his clothes on the floor and strode buck naked into the bathroom and took a noisy piss without closing the door then washed and brushed then crawled into bed. Terry again felt inadequate and inferior as he got a good look at his roommate's body in their little room. He already knew that Adam was exceptionally well built but seeing him nude left him in awe. His pecs were incredible and somewhat hairy. His abs were ripped and the volume of body hair increased below his navel. But even more impressive was his equipment. Terry had been manager of his high school baseball team for two years so he had seen plenty of male crotches before but nothing like this. Though soft, Adam's cock was long, thick and prominent. He contrasted what he was seeing with his own cock which resembled a frightened turtle. And while his sack was small and filled with marble sized balls, Adam's sack hung down low and looked like there were two eggs inside. Terry went to sleep thinking about how inferior he was to his roommate.

The next morning Terry got up first, went into the tiny bathroom, closed the door and took a shower. He was brushing his teeth when Adam opened the unlocked door and walked in without a word. Terry found it a little disconcerting when Adam sat down on the toilet two feet away and took a crap. He then got up and went into the open shower, turned on the water and stepped in. Terry was feeling nervous now but knew he was going to have to get used to being in close proximity to this powerfully built man.

When Adam came back into the room he invited Terry to have breakfast with him which delighted him. Adam finished drying himself off and dropped the towel in the middle of the floor next to the clothes he dropped the night before. Terry was already dressed so while Adam was getting dressed he took the time to straighten up the room, picking up Adam's discarded clothes and putting them in his clothes basket and hanging the wet towel in the bathroom. Adam chuckled to himself as he watched his little roommate clean up. He recognized this behavior for what it was and knew his "friend" Stan had done a good job for him.

See, Terry's assignment to Adam's room hadn't been by chance. When Adam checked in a day earlier, he recognized that Stan was a submissive fag. Adam had realized years earlier that all men were not created equal. He recognized that he was bigger, stronger and more dominant than his classmates and teammates. He saw how they wanted to befriend him and be near him. It was natural for him to be the leader of any group he was in. He was always the center of attention and he recognized that he was superior. At the same time he also observed that while most of his classmates were inferior there was another group that was ultra-inferior. There were the ones who were weak, ineffectual and insecure and they were desperate for any attention from their superiors even if it was negative attention. Stan was one of those submissive inferiors, so when Adam told him what he wanted in a roommate, Stan was eager to please. Later in the day when little Terry Manter walked in, Stan knew exactly where to put him.

End of part 1

Note: More to come. I always appreciate hearing ideas and comments from readers. Please send to: cmhsub@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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