A Stroll Through the Park

By Spike Meyers

Published on Jun 9, 2021


Preamble Author: Spike Meyers

Date: 05/31/2021

E-Mail: SpikeMeyers@gmail.com

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Notice: This story is a work of fiction and contains explicit sexual material. It may also include, incest, sex between a minor(s) and an adult male(s), and sexual fetish. If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work are not based on any known person(s).

A Stroll Thru The Park -- Part 3 of 4

When Regan got home from the market, he was completely preoccupied with thoughts of Houston. What luck running into him, almost literally, at the market. He realized how much he really likes Houston. After placing his items down on the counter, he just stood there and fantasized about a possible relationship with Houston. At 32 years old, he was ready for a serious relationship. Houston was everything he wanted from a physical perspective; he meets every fantasy or ideal quality that he wants in a man. He is a total fucking stud. Houston is handsome, sexy, adventurous, sexual, sensual, uninhibited, and he has a great body; he is very much a man. He certainly pushed all of his buttons. The man exudes sex from every pore of his body.

Regan snapped out of his metal fantasy and found himself stroking his cock right there in the kitchen. He just had to release some pent-up sexual energy after seeing Houston in the store. He certainly could not go to dinner in his current state of arousal. He replayed the events in his mind that they had together in the store. The way Houston unexpectantly flashed him his cock right there in the grocery isle. The way Houston looked at him with sexual desire in his eyes. The want and the lust for him very obvious. In no time at all, Regan felt the churning in his ball sack, he was going to shoot. He covered his cock knob with his free hand as his cock shot off; squirt after squirt of the precious fluid.

He braced himself against the kitchen counter for support until he recovered sufficiently to stand on his own. He looked down at his cock, his hand still covering his knob, and saw the overflow puddled on the kitchen floor. Very slowly, so no more went to waste, he brought his hand up carefully and let his jizz run into his mouth. He imagined it was Houston's. He closed his eyes and relished in the flavor before swallowing it all down and licking his palm clean.

Looking Donny straight in the eyes, Houston says, "OK; so then, why don't we start at the very beginning of all of this. You said that yesterday something big happened but you did not say what that was, so, for now, lets just put that to the side for the time-being. We will get back to yesterday in a little bit. We start at the beginning. You also said that these feelings started the day that we met. Is that correct?" Donny nodded his head. "You went on with your day, servicing your brother's clients. Did anything odd or of consequence happen while you were working for your brother?" Nothing out of the ordinary like running into another naked guy with a barking dog." Donny shook his head no. "So, for the remainder of the work day, nothing happened or stands out to you that would cause these kinds of feelings?" Houston watched Donny shaking his head no. He also watched Donny's facial expression for any sign that might not agree with his response. It was something he leaned to do during interviews. It could be helpful.

"How about later in the day, after work; what did you do after work? Donny looked pensive for a second before he responded. "I went home, showered, and then watched a little TV. Nothing special. When Danny got home, he asked me about his clients and if there were any issues that he should be aware of. Nothing interesting, all just normal, boring stuff. I went to bed around 10PM."

Suddenly, a thought came to Houston's mind. "Let me ask you this, did you tell Danny how we met?" Houston asked. Donny shook his head no very sternly, "Hell no!" he said. "I was not about to tell him anything of the sort. He doesn't need to know that." Donny responded very definitively. Houston was kind of relieved to hear that.

"OK, then; so, after you talked with Danny about business and before you went to bed, did you have any of these feelings?" Houston could see Donny thinking about it. "You know, now that I think about it, shortly after I spoke with Danny is when I had the first flash." Houston held up a finger, "Um, wait. A flash? What do you mean a flash? What is that?" Houston asked.

"After I spoke with Danny, I had a flash. I don't know what else to call it. Suddenly my entire body felt warm, and my face felt flushed with heat. It was like this wave came over me. It lasted for just a second and then it was gone. I just thought it was a delayed reaction because Danny was just grilling me about his clients; question after stupid question. He can get so intense. It's so annoying when he does that. It really gets my goat; finally, I told him to back off."

"OK. That was the very first episode you can remember?" Houston asked. Donny shook his head yes. "Right. What happened after that; after the first episode?" Donny was slightly shaking his head as he thought about Houston's question. "I um... I went to bed after that. Like I said, it was almost 10 o'clock."

"OK, so, you go to bed at 10. What did you think about while you were falling asleep?" Houston asked. Donny looked down at the ground and mumbled something in response. "What was that? I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you said Donny. Say again." Houston requested. Donny looked up into Houston's eyes. "It's embarrassing Houston. It's totally humiliating." Houston rested his hand on Donny's back. "Remember what I said earlier Donny. I'm not here to judge you. I'm just trying to help."

Donny looked back down at the ground. "You. I thought about you." Donny said sheepishly. "I see. Can you elaborate a little and tell me what exactly were you thinking about?" Still looking at the ground, Donny said. "I was remembering what you looked like naked. There. I said it. I was thinking about you naked Houston. That's it. Just you. You happy now!"

Houston could not only see but feel Donny's embarrassment and confusion. Houston threw his leg over the bench. As he straddled the bench, he pulled Donny into his torso and hugged him. "Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" Houston said. "That's nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. Is that why you are in such turmoil? You feel guilty or ashamed of being physically attracted to me; another man?" Donny extracted himself from Houston's embrace. "No Houston, you don't understand. It's not just that; I got hard. I was lying in bed and my dick got so fucking hard. Hard like it's never been before. I can't believe I'm fucking telling you this shit."

"Donny, come on. Is that really such a bad thing. Personally, I think its fucking awesome! I'm very flattered that you find me attractive. You make me hard when I think about you. You didn't know that did you? When I think about you, it makes my dick hard. I'm not ashamed of that. In fact, just the opposite. I want you to know that you make my dick hard. I hope it makes you feel good about yourself. You are a really hot, sexy guy. I'm gay; of course, you're going to make my dick hard. Duh!"

Look Donny. What you are feeling right now is perfectly normal. It does not necessarily mean that you are gay. Right now, it just means that you are attracted to guys, and perhaps, that may just mean me at the moment. Perhaps not. It doesn't matter. Please don't let this freak you out. It's not the end of the world. It's OK if you are attracted to guys. It's OK if you are attracted to girls. It's OK if you are attracted to both guys and girls. It doesn't matter. It's all OK. It's just attraction. You don't necessarily have to do anything about it right now. But for fuck sakes, don't feel ashamed or deviant because of it. We are all who we are, and frankly, if you can't learn to accept and embrace who you really are, you are probably not going to have a happy and fulfilled life.

Look, I can tell that you are struggling with this. It's a new and foreign feeling to acknowledge. It can be very difficult to accept. Just know that you are not alone and know that I am here for you. We can talk whenever you want, no matter when, day or night. You have my number, call anytime, or better yet, come to my house. You know where I live. You are always welcome Donny. Day or night, rain, or shine. All I ask is that you think about what I have said. Just think about it. And for fuck sakes, don't beat yourself up about it. You have done nothing wrong. At least believe that. Take my word for it. You have done nothing wrong Donny. Absolutely nothing."

For a long time, about 10 minutes at least, they sat together on the bench together and did not say a word. Houston wanted to make sure that Donny was OK before moving on with Duncan. "Houston, what if I'm gay? Then what? What do I do then? Houston wrapped his arm around Donny's shoulder to comfort him. "Donny, if it turns out you are gay, they you are gay. No matter what, gay, straight, bi, it doesn't matter. I promise you; I will be there for you. You are not alone. We will take it day-by-day. Baby steps Donny. Baby steps.

"If you ultimately realize that you are gay, it's nothing to be upset about. I know that is easy for me to say. I have already been thru all of this. I promise you though, you will see, you will learn to be proud of who you are."

Donny sighed heavily, "I'm worried most about my family. What if they disown me or something? What if my dad kicks me out of the house? I mean, my dad is a real hard-ass. He's never been a loving or demonstrative person, but he is my dad; I love him. All I have is my dad and my brother. I can't lose them Houston."

Houston cupped Donny's face in his hands, and looked directly in his eyes. "If that should happen one day, then you call me. You come to me Donny. But for now, try to not focus on the negative, that may not happen. Remember, one day at a time. For now, just for now, no more than that. "

Houston could tell that his words gave Donny some degree of comfort. After another couple of minutes of total silence, Donny says, "Houston, I really think that I'm gay." Houston looked at him and gave him a warm smile. "What makes you think that you are gay?" Donny straddled the bench and faced Houston. Houston did the same so they are now face-to-face.

"I have been thinking a lot since I have started to have these flashes or feelings; whatever they are. Now that I think about it, it happened most of the time when I thought about you. It always happened when I saw you naked in my head. I could not get your naked image out of my head.

I obviously had a bug in my sub-routine I was running. "Houston looked at him like he was speaking a foreign language. "A what?" Houston asked. Donny waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter. There was a major flaw in my logic. Do you remember me telling you about my sexual experience with the girls? Donny asked. Houston shook his head yes, "I remember" he said.

"As I am processing all of this information, and considering everything that you have said to me, it sheds some light on my limited experience with the girls. You see, the truth is that I was not physically or sexually attracted to those girls. Even though, they were all very pretty and had nice bodies. They did not turn me on sexually or physically. I am sure that is why the sex was not meaningful or exciting or pleasurable for me. Don't you see, it was me. They did nothing wrong. It was me with the problem.

When I look at you, or when I see you naked in my head, it's an entire universe of difference. You turn me on, I am physically and sexually attracted to you. Until just a few minutes ago, I did not want to admit that to myself, or anyone else for that matter. But it is a fact. I have to be gay; I must be. I'm attracted to men. I like looking at your body, I like to see your cock flapping around when you walk. I liked seeing the dimples in your ass flex when I was walking behind you that morning we met. That's the loop in my head. I now realize that I was constantly rewinding your tape in my head and watching it over and over.

God! I can't tell you how relieved that makes me feel just telling you about that. Saying it out loud. It's as if this ginormous weight has been lifted from my shoulders just admitting that to someone else. Especially to you Houston; I feel safe to admit that to you."

Houston felt this flush flow thru him as he listened to Donny's words. It made him feel so good; not the flush, that was rather disconcerting, but Donny's words. He really did not know how deeply Donny was attracted to him until that very moment. The hot flush helped him to better relate to what Donny has been experiencing the past several days. Houston could just imagine how alarming that must have felt in conjunction with the fear, for the lack of a better term, that Donny has been going through for days now. His heart hurt for him.

Houston hugged Donny again. "I'm glad you told me all of this Donny. I'm even happier that you are admitting these things to yourself. That is a major, major accomplishment. Well done. I'm proud of you for doing that. I know how hard it can be to finally admit that to yourself, let alone, someone else. "You know, if you keep complimenting me like this, you're going to make me hard. And then what do I do if that happens, right out here in the open, and a public street at that."

Donny looked at Houston, smiled, and then looked down at his crotch. "Would that really be such a bad thing?" Donny asked, a little devilishly. Houston reached down and pulled the fabric of his shorts to the side, exposing his growing cock for Donny's benefit. "Is that what you want to see sexy?" Houston asked rhetorically. Donny looked down at Houston's cock. He reached over and wrapped his hand around Houston's shaft. "First, I think I should tell you what happened yesterday. I feel so much better about it now. I'm not afraid of you judging me anymore."

All though dinner, Regan was rather preoccupied thinking about Houston. "Damn!" Regan said to himself. "Houston has definitely got my knickers in a knot." as he felt his cock expanding in his pants. Thank God I wore underwear. He also wrapped his cock head in a tissue, just to be on the safe side. He is a big pre-cummer; he can sometimes leak excessively when he gets hard.

The dinner went quite well; he really enjoyed himself and their company. Really nice folks. He can certainly and very realistically envision becoming friends. They are both professionals. He is a chef for one of the local hotels in town, and she is an OR nurse for Eisenhower Hospital. Really nice, down to earth, people. It helped that the husband, Jeff, was a cutie-pa-tootie. Beautiful dark hair, blue eyes, nice smile, thin with a seemingly, perky little butt. Regan was undressing him in his mind throughout the entire evening. There was no bulge though; perhaps he wears his meat straight up against his body. When he was still in school, Regan used to date a guy with a big pecker, but you would never know that because he wore his dick straight up. No bulge whatsoever.

Regan never did care about cock size anyway; as long as it worked, it tasted good, and it was clean, it did not matter to him if it was 4" or 8". It was never a factor for him. He loved to suck them all dry. He's always been a cum pig and a slut at heart.

When he returned home after dinner, he took a very quick shower, and headed to the park with Gracie. As he and Gracie stepped out of the front door, he thought to himself, maybe, just maybe, we will run into Houston and Duncan tonight. I should be so lucky he heard himself say out loud.

Houston was listening intently to Donny's recital about his experience with Regan in the park. Donny relayed each and every detail as they unfolded in sequence. They only detail he left out, was Regan's name. Although, it was not intentional on his part. It just never occurred to Donny, for whatever reason, to refer to Regan by name. Other than Regan's name, he left out no detail.

Halfway thru Donny's story, Houston's cock was pointing due north. Precum was slowly running down his shaft to his balls. Donny would on occasion, reach down and squeeze the mound in his jock as he was telling his story. As Donny told the story, Houston realized that he was slightly jealous of the guy in the park. He would have preferred to be Donny's first man on man experience. However, since it was just a jack-off thing, he got over the feeling very quickly. Then he felt silly. He thought that he was over such childish emotions like jealously. He made a mental note to do a little more work on himself.

After Donny finished his story, Houston was actually somewhat surprised that Donny did this, considering the turmoil that he has been experiencing recently. Nevertheless, he was happy for Donny. He also realized that perhaps Donny was more prepared to let himself experiment with things that scare him even if he was not conscious of it himself. That's a really good sign he thought.

Houston looked at Donny and smiled. "Wow! Good for you stud. I'm glad you had a good time and it has now become a positive experience for you. Just look at my dick; your story made me hard." Donny looked down at Houston's hardon. "Will you jerk it off for me so I can watch you shoot? Donny asked. "I'd really love to see you cum Houston. I've never seen another man cum before."

Houston reached down and grabbed his cock. "Jerk off with me Donny. I want to see yours too. Let me see your hard cock. I have wanted to see you naked since we met. Show me your sweet cock baby." Donny was leaning back slightly on the bench; his arms behind him his weight. He sat upright, then he reached down and pulled his shorts to the right, exposing his jock. "That's it stud." Houston growled. "Now the jock. I want to see that sweet cock." With a little effort, Donny slipped jock to the side exposing his package to the air. His cock jumped out and up, pointing due north, just like Houston's.

Houston let out an audible sign. "Fuck! That's such a nice cock. Look how hard it is stud. It's leaking too. Your jock is probably soaked." Houston fought the urge to bend over right there and take Donny's cock in his mouth. He wanted to suck him off so bad he could hardly control himself. "Stroke it for me baby," Houston said. Donny wrapped his hand around his hard cock and slowly started to stroke it. As he brought his hand up the shaft, Houston could see the clear fluid seeping out of the piss slit. He could not help himself, he reached over and scooped up the precious nectar and brought it to his lips. He moaned in pleasure as he savored Donny's cock juice.

This time, Donny took extreme pleasure in seeing Houston eating his precum. A very different reaction than he had just the previous day when Regan did the same thing in the park loo. Donny felt empowered. He reached over and scooped up the ooze that flowed readily from Houston's knob. He brought his finger up and shoved it in his mouth. He was pleasantly surprised that he liked the taste. Never before has he ever tasted precum, not even his own. This was definitely something that he wanted to do again.

"Have you ever tasted cum before?" Houston asked. Donny did not reply verbally. With his finger still in his mouth, he slowly shook his head no. "Do you like it?" Houston asked. Donny withdrew his finger from his mouth, reached over, and scooped some more up from Houston's cock. This time, he collected much more. As he went back for the third time, he looked at Houston and said, "I really like it. It's sweet and gooey. It tastes good. I can see why so many gay guys love to suck cock. I get it now."

"If you really want a good taste, bend over and take my cock in your mouth." Donny looked rather hesitant, but Houston could feel that he really wanted to." Donny took a quick look around, then quickly bent over and took the head of Houston's cock in his mouth. Houston's eyes rolled back in his head it felt so good.

"Yeah, that's a boy. Suck Daddy's cock baby. Suck the sweet juice out of that cock." Houston placed his hand on the back of Donny's head as he felt Donny's tongue working all over the glans. He slowly started caressing Donny's head. He resisted the urge to thrust up into his mouth. He was kind of surprised that Donny was doing such a good job for a newbie. "It's my turn stud. I want to suck your cock now."

With one last dip into Houston's piss slit, Donny sat up. His cock was throbbing it was so hard. Donny leaned back on the bench, his arms behind him supporting his weight. Houston could see the need to cum in his eyes. He was so, so ready. He dove down on Donny's cock. Donny almost growled as Houston took him completely in one gulp. Houston started to bob up and down on Donny's cock. Finally, his fantasy of this blonde Adonis has come true. He was actually sucking his cock. Suddenly, Donny started to moan. "Fuck! Houston, I'm gonna cum. Your gonna make me cum!" he whispered urgently. Houston grabbed a hold of Donny's thighs just as he felt Donny's cock explode in his mouth. His mouth filled quickly with Donny's deposit. Donny started panting heavily. Houston swallowed again and again, and still, he wanted more.

Donny collapsed backwards on the bench, completely spent. Houston swallowed one more time, and released Donny's cock reluctantly. He could have stayed like that forever and died a happy man. He sat up, and pulled Donny's shorts over him to cover his crotch, just in case someone was to come by.

After just a few seconds, Donny struggled back up to a sitting position. He looked over at Houston and smiled. That was fucking awesome. I have never cum that hard in my life. Suddenly he noticed that Houston was just covered in cum. "On man, you came. I wanted to see you shoot." Houston shrugged his shoulders, "Sorry, I just couldn't stop myself. As soon as I felt you cumming in my mouth, my cock erupted all over the place. No worries stud. Next time you can see me shoot."

Donny reached over and ran his finger across Houston's cock head and stuck his finger in his mouth. "Humm. Cum is a little stronger tasting than precum, but it's still sweet with just a hint of salt. It taste's good though; I like it." Houston stuffed his cock back in his shorts. "I'm really glad to hear that, Donny. I think I would be devastated if you didn't. I hope this experience, such as it was, was a good first-time experience for you. How are you feeling right now?" Houston asked.

"Well, honestly. I feel great. I can't tell you how relieved I feel. I have not had a flash since we started to talk. I absolutely loved, loved, loved having your cock in my mouth. I think I have secretly wanted to do that from the moment I stepped foot on your patio the morning we met. You just standing there nonchalantly all naked and sexy. Honestly, I can't wait to do it again. I loved it when you let me cum in your mouth, and when you swallowed my load, it made me feel so good. No one has ever done that to me before. You are the very first. Really Houston, I absolutely loved all of it. Everything. The topper for me is, I got to do those things with you."

Houston scooted over closer to Donny and kissed him. "I'm so glad to hear you say that. I was a little concerned after you came. I am incredibly relieved. I loved it too. I especially loved it when you came in my mouth. You can do that whenever you want from now on. Just walk over to me and stick that sweet cock of yours in my mouth. You will never hear me object to that. Even if you just want to get off, have a quick cum. Don't waste that precious nectar, give it to me. You can feed me anytime. I love it."

Donny was just glowing listening to Houston's words. Never has anyone complimented him so much as Houston does. He was loving every second. It was such a new experience for him. "You say that now, but be warned, I can cum 5 or 6 times a day. And, each time I cum, I cum a lot. You might want to reconsider your offer." Houston looked at him and said, "Promises, promises, stud. I'll take that challenge, and raise you 2 bits." Houston said jokingly. Donny pointed down at his crotch. "Accepted Daddy." He pulled the fabric to the side and exposed his growing cock. Do you want me to feed you again right here and now? I can if you want it." Houston scooted back on the bench, leaned over, and took Donny's cock in his mouth. In less than three minutes, Donny gave him another yummy load."

Regan found himself singing out loud with the Adele CD he had going on the stereo. The previous owners had installed speakers throughout the entire condo. He was extremely appreciative for that. The best thing of all was that each room had its very own volume control. How fucking awesome is that he thought to himself.

"Gracie, I'm going to have dinner with Houston tonight baby girl. I'm so excited. Maybe I'll get to share his bed too. Have some real quality time together. Keep your fingers crossed for me Gracie. Someone else is coming too. I don't know who it is. He said it was someone with whom he has recently become good friends. I hope he's at least cute. If he's a friend of Houston's he must be cute. I'm just saying. You know, Houston is such a total fox, his friend is probably cute too."

As Houston was preparing dinner in the kitchen, Donny approached him from behind and wrapped his arms around Houston's waist. He rested his head on Houston's shoulder and pressed his groin into his bubble butt. "You smell good Daddy" Donny whispered. "I'm surprised you can smell anything except this garlic; it's really strong," Houston responded. Houston set the knife on the carving board and turned to face Donny. He rested his arms over each of Donny's shoulders and gently kissed him on the lips, his hands and forearms extended in mid-air so the garlic on his hands does not touch Donny's skin.

Donny looked in Houston's eyes and said, "Thank you, Houston. I don't know what I would have done without your help and guidance. I want you to know how much I appreciate it and I love you." Houston could feel the sincerity in Donny's words; it warmed his heart. "You are very welcome baby. I have to admit, I have really enjoyed having you here with me. It's something I could very easily get used to. Tell me, have you had any more "flashes" since we talked?"

Donny shook his head and said, "Nope. Not a single one. They have completely gone away. I don't really know why. At this point, I am just so grateful that they're gone." Houston smiled at Donny and said, "I can tell you why they are gone sexy. I mean, if you really want to know." Donny looked at Houston with surprise in his eyes. "You know why?" Donny asked. "Tell me then. Tell me why they're gone."

Houston leaned in and whispered in Donny's ear. "You just needed permission baby. That's all."

Houston leaned back and saw the confusion on Donny's face. "Permission? Permission for what?" Donny asked. "Permission to be gay baby. You needed someone, for whatever reason, to tell you that it's OK to be gay; you needed approval before you could accept the fact yourself. That's all. Once I told you it's OK, everything changed, didn't it? Everything. You completely accepted the fact that you are attracted to men and that having sex with men is OK. And, it's OK to enjoy it and admit that you like it. It's as simple as that."

Donny's eyes got as big as saucers and his mouth dropped. He suddenly realized that Houston was spot-on. "Oh my God, Houston. Do you really think so? It's as simple and complex as that?" Houston shook his head and smiled, "I know it is baby. There is no question in my mind. You are a completely different person now than you were two days ago. Not only did you step out of the closet, you blew the door off of the closet. It's obvious. You are so much more comfortable in your own skin now. You are happy now. You must see that don't you?" Houston asked.

"I'm happy now because of you Houston." With a big smile, Houston said, "I'm just a part of that Donny. If you had not accepted the fact that you are gay, do you really think that we would be standing here in my kitchen, buck naked, with half hardons? I think not. You have completely embraced and accepted the gay part of you, and that sexy, is a very, very good thing. That's all I'm saying. I for one, speaking for myself, am so, so happy about that. I get to suck your dick whenever I want, and you always feed me well," Houston said jokingly.

"I also feel the need to share something else with you, and try not to take this the wrong way. I am much, much older than you are. You are so young, and all of this is new and exciting. It is very easy to get carried away. I want you to understand that if you want to see other guys, spread your wings if you will, experiment, I'm OK with that. All I ask is that you be careful and protect yourself. Do not cast caution to the wind and do something stupid. There is a lot of nasty stuff out there; protect yourself!"

Donny looked at Houston and said, "I am so into you Daddy, at this time, I have no interest in spreading my wings. You are all I think about Houston. You really, really turn me on; you excite me. All I have to do is look at you and my dick gets hard." Houston smiled at Donny again and said, "Yes it does and I love that; it makes me feel so good. I feel the exact same way as you know.

But my point is, for example, if you were to run into that guy from the park you told me about, the one from the bathroom, I would not have a problem if you wanted to play with him again. It's OK. I just don't want you to feel that you can't do what you want to do, or that I will be angry with you. The other possibility is that we play together. I am open to that too baby. I just want you to understand that this will not be a problem for me or for us. I never want you to feel trapped or limited because of me. I was young once. You have your whole life ahead of you gorgeous. I want you to live it fully. That's what I want for you."

Donny grabbed Houston and pressed their crotches together. "I understand Houston. The thought of us doing something together kind of turns me one. If something like the park thing happens again, I will let myself enjoy it. I was still a bit freaked out the first time. Now I know better." Just then, Houston's cell chimed out. He kissed Donny quickly and extracted himself for the embrace. He quickly wiped his hands on a towel and picked up the phone to read the text. "It's my new friend I told you about; the one from the park. He is just confirming that we are still on for dinner." Donny stepped back and leaned his backside up against the counter, his cock still half-hard.

As Houston was pressing buttons on the phone, he said, "I am sending him a yes; dinner is still on." Donny stepped up to Houston and said, "I am looking forward to meeting your friend, but I have to admit, I am a little nervous about it."

"Don't be nervous. He's a really nice guy, he's very laid-back, easy going, and easy to talk to. Plus, he's very cute and very sexy. He is going to love you. I have no doubt that as soon as he sees you, he's going to want to suck you off. I told you what an awesome cocksucker he is. He has no gag reflex and he sucks like a Hoover. He's a cum pig too. We will all get along just fine. I promise."

Although Donny did not say anything, he was aware that Houston fancies this guy. He felt a little flush of jealousy, however, he recognized what he was feeling immediately. He decided that he was going to keep an open mind about this guy. He did not want to get possessive with Houston.

"Hey baby, do you have any objection to him bringing Gracie, his dog?" Houston asked. "Donny was so surprised that Houston asked him about the dog. It made Donny feel very good and secure with Houston. "No, not at all." Donny responded. "Good, I am going to text him and tell him to bring Gracie."

To be continued ...

Next: Chapter 4

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