A Stroll Through the Park

By Spike Meyers

Published on Jun 8, 2021


Preamble Author: Spike Meyers

Date: 05/31/2021

E-Mail: SpikeMeyers@gmail.com

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Notice: This story is a work of fiction and contains explicit sexual material. It may also include, incest, sex between a minor(s) and an adult male(s), and sexual fetish. If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work are not based on any known person(s).

A Stroll Thru The Park -- Part 2 of 4

It was mid-afternoon and Donny found himself thinking about Houston again. He was in the computer lab preparing to install a service pack and was having problems concentrating. "Fuck! What the hell is my problem? I think I am starting to lose it. I need to get a grip!" he said to himself.

Suddenly, in his fog, he heard a voice. "Yo, Don! Hello! Earth to Don. Please respond." He looked to his right and saw his lab partner standing there. "Sorry, Stan. Did, did you say something?" he asked sounding somewhat confused. Stan looked at Donny with an exasperated expression on his face. "Yes! I asked you if you were ready to proceed; and more than once may I ad. What's going with you Don? You look like you are stuck in a program loop. You have been acting a little weird for the last couple of days. Is everything OK?"

Donny paused for a second and kind of cleared his head. He looked up at his class mate standing there. "I'm sorry, Stan. Yes, I'm OK, thanks. I have a lot on my mind right now. I think I just need to figure some stuff out in my personal life." Stan stepped over to him and placed his hand on Donny's shoulder. "Do you want to talk about it? Is there anything I can do to help?" Stan asked, concerned.

"Thanks, Stan" Donny said. "I appreciate it. I first have to figure out what it really is that I'm feeling. Once I figure that out and what these emotions are, then perhaps , I can figure out why they are. Why am I having them all of a sudden? Where are they coming from? Once I figure out 1, what they are, and, 2, why they are, I just might take you up on your offer."

Stan pulled up a chair and sat down next to Donny. "May I make a suggestion?" Stan asked. Donny looked at him and shook his head in the affirmative. "I think you should use logic to figure this out. It has always worked for me personally."

Donny looked at Stan and said, "Emotion is not logical my friend. In fact, it is anything but logical. If only it were that easy." Suddenly, Donny's face lit up as if he suddenly figured it all out. "Stan!" he said excitedly, "In a way, now that I think about it for a couple of nano-seconds, I think you are right. Logic just might be the key to help me figure it out. If this was a program error, we would use logic to troubleshoot the problem. Once we know what the problem is, we can fix it. Why does this issue I'm having have to be any different. I will approach each emotion as if it were a sub-routine. It makes perfect sense to me."

Stan patted Donny on the back. "Exactly. That's ,my point Donny. For me personally, it hasn't failed yet. I always figure it out; it works every time. Spock would be so proud of us," Stan said laughing. "I just love Spock. He's, my hero."

Donny lept out of the chair. "Stan, I have to go. I'll see you later. Thank you, thank you, thank you." As Donny grabbed his backpack from under the desk, Stan jumped up out of his chair, "But, but, but what about installing the patch?" he asked excitedly. "Sorry Stan. You can handle it, we must have done at least a dozen already," he said, and disappeared out the door.

Houston looked forward to getting home. He was in business meetings most of the day and he loathed them. He thought that they are such a waste of his time; half of the time, they were. However, as the Director of Human Resources, his attendance was often mandatory, although in his opinion, unnecessary.

On the way home, he decided to stop and pick up something for dinner. He was in no mood to cook when he got home. He stopped by his favorite Mexican place, a little whole-in-the wall, but such good food. He ordered his favorite thing on the menu, a vegetarian burrito, extra guacamole, sauteed jalapenos, and smothered in just the right amount of queso and pico de gallo. He noticed the McDonald's on the way home and swung in the drive-thru to get Duncan a hamburger; plain, nothing on it. Duncan loved them.

As he pulled into the garage, he knew Duncan would be waiting for him on the other side of the door. He stepped thru the garage door into the laundry room and sure enough, there was Duncan, tail wagging 100 miles an hour. As soon as he saw Houston, he started barking and jumping up and down in place. "Hey Dunc!" Houston said. "How's my boy? It so good to see you too little man." Houston stepped through into the kitchen and placed his dinner bags on the kitchen counter.

He went over to the breakfast nook, pulled out a chair, sat down, patted himself on the knees, and Duncan jumped right into his lap. " Hi little man. I'm happy to see you too. Did you have a good day? Were you busy? Did you get a lot of stuff done or were you just a lazy dog today? A little man of leisure. Is that it? Is that who you are Dunc; a dog of leisure? Houston spent several minutes giving Duncan love and attention. Talking nonsense to him the entire time. It was what they did together when he got home from work. Every day; that's their routine.

Houston sat Duncan back down on the floor. "Would you like a cookie little man?" Houston asked. "I think you deserve a cookie for such a warm welcome home. Just one though, we can't spoil your dinner." Duncan got excited and started spinning in circles. He knew exactly what Houston was saying. Houston got Duncan his biscuit and Duncan very gently took it from his hand, turned quickly, and ran out onto the back patio thru the doggy door. Houston decided to take a quick shower before he and Duncan had their respective dinners.

He stepped out of the shower, toweled off, and made his way to the laundry room. His favorite shorts, the nylon ones he was wearing when he met Regan at the park, was still in the dryer. He slipped them on, and walked back into the kitchen. He opened the McDonalds bag, removed the hamburger, and proceeded to cut it up in little pieces for Duncan. He popped his burrito in the microwave for 20 seconds to warm it up. He walked over to the breakfast nook and picked up Duncan's bowl, returned to the kitchen counter, and filled the bowl with the cut-up McDonald's hamburger. He retrieved his burrito from the microwave, placed it on a plate, retrieved a knife and fork, and returned to the breakfast nook.

"Duncan!" Houston called. "Dinner!" He heard Duncan come in thru the doggie-door. "You ready for dinner Dunc? I have a surprise for you little man." Duncan looked up at Houston, his tail wagging a mile-a-minute. "Now listen Dunc, you can't tell your dads I gave you this. This is our little secret." Duncan looked at Houston intently, tilted his head, his ears sticking up, and let out a little wine. "Good" Duncan said, "we have an understanding. I'm glad you agree. Here you go Dunc. Enjoy little man."

Regan decided to take a break from painting; he was working on cutting-out the ceiling of his bedroom. It has been just a few days since he met Houston in the park and he couldn't help but think back on the experience; it was so exciting and thrilling. He had never done anything like that before in a public place. He hoped he could do it again. He stepped down off of the ladder, capped the paint container, and cleaned his brushes.

He decided to take a walk over to the park. He took a quick shower, and put on a pair of easy access shorts, no underwear, and a T-shirt so he would be better prepared this time should he encounter Houston. He prayed he would run into him again as he reached down subconsciously and squeezed his dick. He decided to go solo and leave Gracie at home. She was conked-out in her bed anyway. As he stepped outside, he felt a nice breeze pass by. If nothing else, it was a beautiful time of day to take a walk and enjoy the beauty of the park.

Donny has been working on compartmenting his emotions following his brief conversation with Stan in the computer lab. He kind approached each emotion as a sub-routine in a way. Just the fact that he had a methodology to figure out why he has been so preoccupied gave him some solace. Although he was not having anxiety he was preoccupied about his conversation and experience with Houston. It had to be Houston, that's when it all started.

Donny has taken several computer programming classes in the past. The very first class he took, the instructor required a flowchart. He decided to flowchart his emotions and feelings. The flowchart would help him sort out his emotions and why he was having these feelings; or so he hoped. He realized that the key was honesty; he had to be brutally honest with himself and then embrace the emotion to sort it out. He couldn't let himself ignore it or be afraid to let himself have the emotion. That was the only way he was going to figure it all out. It made total sense to him; it was a logical approach to the problem.

As Regan approached the park, he decided to take the exact same route through the park as he did the day he met Houston, hoping for the best. There were several people scattered throughout the park. There was a jungle-Jim area setup for the kids, a set of swings, a merry-go-round, a large slide, a teeter-totter, hop-scotch, and a couple of other game-like areas. Right next to the play-area, was a basketball court, and opposite that, there were several tennis courts, about 8 of them, all complimentary. Anyone could play, first-come, first-serve. As he passed by the tennis courts, he noticed a sign that read, tennis courts close at 10 PM.

Regan was favorably impressed with the parks amenities. As Regan strolled thru the park, he noticed that there were a few meandering bike trails, several picnic areas that included a BBQ, and water fountains scattered throughout the park. There were also several water fountains scattered about the park. He also noticed several joggers using the bike paths. A few in pairs, but mostly single joggers.

Up ahead about 200 feet, Regan noticed a park bench. He decided to have a rest and headed for the bench. It was sitting all by itself in the grass, shaded by several majestic trees. As he approached, he noticed someone sitting on the bench. There was no one else in close proximity. When he got close enough to see the person, he noticed that it was young guy. Shaggy blond hair, shorts and a sleeveless shirt, the kind that is cut down the side so you can see the side of the torso. He was sitting back in the bench, legs spread wide, his arm resting on the back of the bench. He looked very nicely put together.

Regan felt that familiar tingle in his pants. As he approached, the guy on the bench seemed to not notice him. "Excuse me," Reagan said, "May I join you on the bench?" They guy jumped a little when he heard Regan's voice. "I'm sorry. I did not mean to startle you." Regan said. They guy looked up at Regan, a shocked expression on his face, and noticed him standing there. Regan noticed how cute the guys is. "I'm sorry. I did not mean to startle you." Regan repeated.

They guy exhaled a deep breath. "Oh, it's OK" he said. "My mind was someplace else. I did not see you." Regan smiled and said, "Do you mind if I join you or would you prefer to be alone? I don't want to intrude on your solitude." They guy gave Regan a warm smile and gestured with a wave of his open hand for Regan to take a seat on the bench.

As Regan sat down, he said, "You seem to have a lot on your mind. My name is Regan." As he extended his hand in greeting. The guy shook Regan's hand and said, "Hi Regan. Nice to meet you. I'm Donny." Regan noticed that Donny's grip was strong; he was impressed. He hates the wet dish rag kind of hand-shakes from a man. "Are you not working today Donny?" Regan asked.

"No, not today. I'm actually still in school. That will soon be over sometime this year. I work part-time with my brother. He inherited my dad's business, a pool service. But I have taken the past couple of days off to take care of some personal stuff. How about you Regan? What do you do?" Regan turned sideways to face Donny. He rested his right leg up on the bench and extended his right arm over the back of the park bench. He felt the wood of the park bench on his cock and balls. He consciously decided not to adjust himself and enjoy the fresh air on his crotch.

"At present, I'm not working. I just moved here about a month ago and am taking my time working on my place. I am close by. I bought one of those condos right down the street. I'm just enjoying taking things day-by-day." Donny turning slightly on the bench to face Regan. He placed his left leg under his right, leaned back in the bench, and hung his left arm behind the park bench. "Very nice," Donny said. "That's great that you can do that. So, what made you decide to move here?" Donny asked.

"Well, the cliff-note version is; I sold my half of my business. I have been here a couple of times before on business and liked it here. After I sold my business, I just needed a change of scenery, not to mention, a change of pace. This seemed the most logical thing to do for me personally. I did a little research on property values and here I am, talking to this handsome guy in the park."

Donny smiled, feeling a hot flush that went thru his entire body after hearing Regan's story. He also just noticed that Regan's package was hanging slightly out of his shorts. Another hot flash passed thru his face. He picked up his water bottle and took a long swig and sat it back in the grass next to the bench. He cleared his throat, and asked, "So, what kind of business did you have, Regan?"

Regan noticed the flush of pink that went thru Donny's face. He hoped that he was not freaked-out by his comment. He decided to be more careful about what he says and how he says it. "I was a software developer. My business partner and I went to school together. He was more of a nuts-and-bolts guy, more on the hardware side, and I was software for the most part. It was a perfect fit. I am, or was, a programmer. Initially, we kind of specialized in Academia. It just kind of turned out that way; it was not intentional on our part. We did a shit load of system conversions, primarily for small colleges with shoe-string budgets. Over the years we branched out and did a lot of different systems for various companies with various hardware platforms. I loved it; still do in fact. So now you know; I'm a computer geek at heart."

Donny was so pleasantly surprised. "Wow, Regan! Me too, that's what I'm going to school for. I am working on my CNE certification. What a coincidence. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions about your professional life?" Donny asked, hoping to hear a yes. "Regan smiled at Donny, raised his hands in the air, and said, "Ask away sexy; you can ask me anything you want."

As soon as the words escaped his lips, Regan knew that he fucked up after he consciously decided to be more careful of his words. "Sorry Donny", it just slipped out. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable. Please, ask me anything."

Donny felt another hot flush thru his face. This time, it was over as soon as it started. He instantly acknowledged that the hot-flash happens each time a man compliments him on his appearance. It happed with Houston, and now, Regan. This was an instant confirmation for Donny. He realized where it was coming from. It was something that, until recently, had never happened before. He also realized that if it were a female complimenting him, his reaction would have been different. That would be "normal" by society rule and subliminal programming. But this was from a man, and he was not used to that. It was just different, a new experience for him personally. Not bad, just different. This was very obvious to him, now it was just a point of figuring out why it made him dizzy. Being complimented by a guy was not sufficient to cause him any angst. He had to figure out what the real issue is.

All of these thoughts went thru Donny's brain in a nano-second. "Man! I have so many questions, I don't know where to start. Are you sure it's OK Regan? We could be here for a while." Regan smiled ear-to-ear. He was pleased that Donny apparently did not take offense to him calling him sexy. "Ask away Donny. I have no plans or anywhere that I have to be for the remainder of the day. I love talking shop anyway; it makes my nipples perky!" Regan realized he did it again; fuck he said to himself, can you not control yourself? You're such a perv!

For the next three hours, Donny fired off question after question. Regan did his best to answer all of his questions in technical detail. Both enjoyed their conversation immensely. A bomb could have gone off in the park and they would not have noticed they were so into their own world.

After answering Donny's last question, Regan said, "I have to pee. Since you are a local, do you know where the restroom is?" Donny pointed across the park. "There are only three in this entire park. One North, one west, and the other east of the park. Nothing on the south side for whatever reason. Donny answered. I have to go too; I will show you the way."

Regan started to get up from the bench. He leaned on one leg on the bench as he got up, his entire package hanging out; his shorts fabric slipped completely to the side. "Oops he said. That's what I get from going commando." He noticed that Donny didn't move and was staring silently at his package hanging there in the breeze. He hesitated slightly to give Donny a good look before pushing himself back into his shorts.

Donny turned, picked up his water bottle, and stood up. "This way" he said, it's not that far." As they walked to the restroom, there was complete silence between them. Regan thought that perhaps Donny was having some adverse feelings about seeing his total package out in the open like that. Then he thought, if that's the case, he probably would have excused himself and moved on. He decided to play it cool until he got a better read on the situation.

Regan saw the building containing the bathrooms. It was just a cinderblock building. The windows were more like vents; 2 foot tall, 5 feet long, wired openings. There were two of them on either side of the building. Women on the left, men on the right. As they headed to the right side of the building, Donny said, "See, just a short walk." Donny led the way. The door was propped open and latched to the wall of the entrance.

Donny entered first, Regan right behind him. Immediately, Regan noticed that the windows looked exactly the same in the back of the building as they did on the front. There were two toilets, no doors; and two urinals, no privacy partitions. The urinals were the old ones that went all the way down to the floor. It smelled slightly of stale urine which made Regan's dick tingle.

Regan fully expected Donny to step up to one of the open stalls to pee. He was surprised when he approached the urinals. Regan followed and took his place next to Donny at the second urinal. Regan slid the shorts fabric to the side, exposing his package. He grabbed his dick, pulled it up and out, and pointed it at the urinal. As he waiting for the stream to start, he glanced over at Donny standing by his side. Donny had lowered his shorts to just below his butt. He was wearing a jock strap. He pulled the jock down in front, exposing his squished-up package. He held the jock down with one hand, and with the other, loosened his package, took aim, and started to pee.

Regan enjoyed the sight of Donny's cock. They were about the same size; Donny is circumcised too. He had such a desire to take Donny's cock in his mouth right then and there. Donny looked over at him and noticed Regan staring at his cock. Again, the hot flash in his face. This time however, he realized that what he was experiencing was sexual excitement. He was enjoying Regan's attention.

Regan looked up and saw that Donny was watching him looking at his cock. Regan knew he was busted. He expected Donny to say something or get pissed. Instead, Donny looked down at Regan's cock and smiled. Regan stepped back just a little to give Donny a better look. Donny mimicked Regan's movement. Regan started to slowly flip his cock up and down as the stream continued. Donny just watched as Regan put on his little show. Regan looked over at Donny's cock and noticed that it was now fully extended but not quite hard; the stream diminished to just a little trickle.

Regan turned very slightly towards Donny and started to slowly jerk his fast-hardening cock to full mast. Again, Donny copied his movement. With his jock up under his balls, it forced Donny's package upward. Regan looked down; Donny's piss slit looking directly up at him. He saw a piss drop sitting on top of Donny's cock knob. He reached over, ran his index finger over Donny's cock head, and inserted his finger in his mouth.

Donny's knees literally went weak; he thought that he was going to collapse. He was both repulsed and excited by what Regan did. Why would anyone want to taste his piss? How bizarre he thought. His cock, however, immediately responded. He got so hard. Regan wrapped his hand around Donny's dick and squeezed lightly. A pleasure gasp escaped from Donny's mouth. Never before has any other man, other than a doctor, touched his dick. It was so thrilling. He realized that he loved it; it was so exciting. He reached over and grabbed Regan's hardon. His hands were literally shaking. He very nervously, started to jerk Regan off.

"That feels so good Donny," Regan whispered, as they were jerking each other's cocks. "You have such a nice cock Donny! I'd love to suck you off. What do you say? You want to shoot your load in my mouth sexy?" Inside, Donny was now just about ready to explode he was so worked up. In fact, as soon as Regan asked to suck him off, his cock exploded, shooting his load over Regan's crotch.

"Oh fuck! I'm sorry. I did not mean to do that," Donny said with embarrassment. "No worries sexy." Regan said. "It's perfectly OK. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. I wish your cock was in my mouth when you shot off but that's OK. I can still taste you." Regan, looked down at his cum-covered crotch, the then to Donny's softening cock; a string of jizz hanging from the tip of his dick. "Waste not -- what not", Regan said. He reached over and scooped up the cum from the end of Donny's cock and licked it off his finger. He then proceeded to scoop up all of Donny's load from his own crotch and licked his fingers clean.

Donny was just gob-smacked at what he was witnessing. Never in his life, up until now, had he ever witnessed such a thing. Regan was eating as much of his cum as he could. He was disgusted, surprised, amazed, excited, appreciative and a host of other things all simultaneously. He just stood there watching Regan chow down on his jizz; thoroughly enjoying it. He saw Regan's cock throbbing with each heartbeat as he cleaned his cock off and licked his fingers.

Regan heard voices approaching. He stopped and listened intently. "There is our cue" Regan whispered. "We had better get out of here fast." Donny tucked himself back in the jock and pulled up his shorts. Regan had a more difficult time putting himself back together since he still had a raging hardon. He pulled up his dick tight against his body as best he could and placed the elastic band of his shorts over his cock knob to help hold it into place. He then pulled his T-shirt of the elastic band to help conceal his erection.

Regan nodded at Donny and they headed for the door. They had plenty of time to avoid the approaching people. * * * *

Houston looked at Duncan. "Sorry little man. I have to go to the market and you need to stay here. I promise I won't be long. When I get back, we can take a W A L K to the P A R K." Duncan, as usual, was jumping in place because he wanted to go bye-bye; he loves going in the car. He stopped jumping and looked up at Houston intently.

Houston new if he said walk or park, Duncan would become extremely excited and would have to take him out immediately. So, when talking to Duncan, he would spell the two words. As of yet, Duncan has not caught onto that. Instead, Houston gave him a biscuit. Duncan took the biscuit and ran out of the kitchen, thru the doggie door to the enclosed back patio.

Houston grabbed his keys and made a B-line to the garage, quickly closing the door behind him. He felt silly; scurrying out the door to avoid seeing Duncan's disappoint when he could not take him with him. He knew Duncan had him wrapped around his finger. He'd do anything for that dog.

Houston collected all of the things on his list. As he was approaching the self-check-out queue, he ran into Regan. They almost collided as Regan came around the corner of the isle pushing his trolly. "Hey Houston", Regan said, pleasure in his voice. "Hi Regan. How are you stud?" he asked in a soft voice, as he was reversing to let Regan into the isle. "I'm good. I'd be better if my face was buried in your crotch" he said softly as he stepped towards Houston. He reached down and cupped his crotch, feeling it twitch with just the thought of sucking Houston off again.

Houston reached down, and pulled the fabric to the side and exposed his cock to Regan very quickly. At that moment, they had the grocery isle to themselves. "Do you always go commando?" Regan asked with a sly smile. "Always" Houston responded, "Except when I go to work. For work, I wear underwear." He reached over and quickly grabbed Regan's crotch. "Jock today? Houston asked.

Regan nodded his head in the affirmative. "I was hoping and praying that I would see you in the park again. Have you been there lately?" Regan asked. This time, it was Houston nodding his head. "Oh sure! As long as I have Duncan, we go every day. He loves the park; I take him every day. Houston looked directly into Regan's eyes. I have a confession; I look for you too. My cock tingles whenever I think about our encounter in the park. It was so much fun and naughty."

Regan started to grab Houston's crotch just as someone entered the isle at the opposite end. Houston turned around to see what Regan was looking at. "What are you doing tonight?" Houston asked. "I'm having dinner with one of my neighbors. They recently invited me over as a welcome to the neighborhood kind of thing. They are a young straight couple in their late 20's. They are both beautiful. "How about yourself?" Regan asked.

"I was planning on curling up on the couch with Duncan and watching Netflix. Duncan's dads come home tomorrow. It's our last night together for a while. I always get sad when I have to give him back. I love him as if he's my own; he's my baby boy. It's always an adjustment for me when I have to give him back. I'm a dog person and I fell in love with Duncan when the guys brought him home from the pound; he was just a puppy. This is the first time in a long, long time that I haven't had my own dog."

Regan could feel Houston's emotion, his sadness about giving Duncan back. He stepped forward and gave Houston a hug. "I'm sorry it makes you so sad. I totally understand though. I have Gracie and I love her to bits. I get it."

Regan released his hug on Houston and stepped back. "When can I see you next?" Regan asked. Houston composed himself and said, "I don't have any cards on me so why don't we do this. I'm at 19634 Jamison Street. Its just a couple of blocks east of the park. Just stop by when opportunity permits. If I'm not home at the time, leave me a note with your number. I'll call you back. Just remember, I work Monday thru Friday. I generally have weekends off, but depending on business, I sometimes work weekends too."

Donny was totally consumed in thought since his experience with Regan in the park. His head has been going 1,000 miles an hour since then. He decided to go for a long bike ride to help him clear his head. He was going thru all of those sub-routines in his head like wild fire. He felt guilty, dirty, naughty, excited, sexy, desirable, horny, happy, and even scared. At the moment, his fear was probably the strongest of all of his emotions and feelings. His feelings were bouncing all over the place.

He never experienced anything like that before. The thought never even occurred to him that he would participate in this kind of activity. He was not like that. He was also surprised that he let this happen. How could he do this and in a public bathroom of all things. How low-class is that he thought to himself. For a second, he almost started to hyperventilate. He was completely on auto pilot and for a second, did not realize where he was.

He stopped the bike, got off the seat, and stood there, straddling the bike for several seconds until he got his breathing under control. "OK Donny-boy. Get a fucking grip!" he yelled at himself in his head. Once he recognized where he was, being just a few miles from his house, he started to calm down a bit. He knew that just up ahead, there was a small condo complex, only about 12 units in size. A complex that he had passed by countless times in the past without a second thought or notice.

The front or entrance to this complex had a beautiful grassy area with flower beds and a couple of seating areas. A space that technically belonged to the homeowners of the complex to share. He sat back up on the seat and decided to stop there for a rest before continuing on. He had to think. As he approached the complex, he was pleased to see that the space was vacant of people. He walked his bike up to the first sitting area he came to, put the kick-stand down on the bike, and took a seat on the bench. "OK Donny-boy," he said to himself, "No more bullshit. What the fuck is the problem? Seriously, this shit has to stop; enough already!" Donny sat there on the bench, barely moving, his head in his hands, his elbows resting on his knees, deep in thought for about 40 minutes.

In all that time, no one walked by, came out of the complex, or for that matter, drove by in a car. He had all of this time to ponder his thoughts in complete silence, other than the birds carrying on in the trees around him. As he looked up, and out of the corner of his eye, he noticed someone walking down the sidewalk in his direction. As the person got closer, Donny thought that he recognized the guy. He looked somewhat familiar but he could not place him. The guy had a dog, and looked over at him and smiled. The dog paid him no mind; he was too busy smelling everything in sight. The guy stopped directly in front of him. "Hey Donny!" the guy said. "Good to see you again." Donny looked up at the guy but was still having trouble remembering placing him. "Hi," Donny said questionably. "Do I know you? You look familiar." At the moment, the dog attempted to approach him. "It's Houston, Donny. You probably don't recognize me because I have clothes on. I was naked when we first met."

This time, Donny was the one with an immense smile from ear-to-ear. "Oh my God! Houston, it's so good to see you again. I did not recognize you with clothes, yes, but I think the sunglasses is what threw me really. "How are you, and how is the little pit-bull there? Houston started to approach, "Do you mind? May we join you?" Houston asked.

"Please, yes, by all means, please join me. I'm so happy to see you. What a nice surprise. I have wanted to stop by and see you and continue our talk. I've just been going thru some personal stuff that has kind of consumed most of my time. I have been complete preoccupied; I have not even attended class for about 2 days. My friend Stan has called a couple of time, but I have not even called him back. He is my lab partner is school."

Houston could tell that whatever was troubling Donny, it is serious. "Do you live here?" Houston asked. Donny shook his head and said, "No, I live a few miles from here; with my dad and of course, you already know my brother, Danny. I was just taking a breather from my bike ride. I just stopped here to think." Houston placed his hand on Donny's shoulder. "Is there anything that I can do? I'm a really good listener handsome. Perhaps it will help to talk about it."

Donny looked at Houston and smiled. The handsome comment did not escape his ears. "I don't want to burden you Houston, but I appreciate the offer." Houston, squeezed his shoulder, and then rubbed Donny's back to comfort him. "Donny, trust me. It's no burden. Talk to me, perhaps I can help. You won't know unless you try. Right? Don't worry about me judging you. I don't judge. Different strokes for different folks as the expression goes. Judging is not my job. So, lets here it. What's going on in that handsome head of yours?"

Donny felt much better after hearing Houston's words. For some reason, he felt safe with Houston. He suddenly felt the urge to lean into Houston but resisted the temptation. "Are you sure, Houston?" Donny asked on last time. "I'm 100% sure; spill the beans baby!" Houston said, trying to life Donny's spirits.

"OK" Donny said, "But remember, you asked for it," Donny said with a forced smile. "Do you remember last week when we first met, you invited me to stay for a coffee?" Houston looked at Donny, "Yes, I remember that morning very well. Go on," Houston said. "Well, from that time on, since then, I have been having these intense feelings or emotions. They are not panic attacks, but more like a preoccupation of thoughts or feelings or whatever the fuck these things are.

I have not been able to quite put my finger on it exactly. It's driving me crazy because I can't figure it out. I think I get close, and then it all goes to shit and I have to start all over again. And then, as if that's not enough, yesterday, something really big happened. I still can't believe that I did it. And I am often relaying those things in my mind too. It has become an endless loop; it's like being stuck in a program loop for me. That probably doesn't mean anything to you, but, in my future profession, it's not a good thing."

For the next 10 minutes or so, Donny continued to explain in as much detail as he could put words to what he was feeling. There were several times that he had difficulty finding words to explain what he was feeling or thought he was feeling. After Donny stopped talking, Houston waited for several seconds to make sure Donny was completely finished. He did not want to interrupt him. "Is that it?" Houston asked. Donny shook his head yes.

"OK, then. Let's try to break this down in little pieces. One fact at a time. I want to make sure that I understand everything correctly as you have described it. If at any time, I get my wires crossed or I have misinterpreted anything, however small, you let me know. Agreed?"

Donny looked at Houston, almost with a hopeless expression on his face, and nodded his head. Houston felt so bad for him, he just wanted to take him in his arms and promise him that everything was going to be alright.

To be continued ...

Next: Chapter 3

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