A Stroll Through the Park

By Spike Meyers

Published on Jun 8, 2021


Preamble Author: Spike Meyers

Date: 05/31/2021

E-Mail: SpikeMeyers@gmail.com Donate: Please consider donating to this website. Without your donations, Nifty may not be able to keep this site up and running for your reading pleasure. Whatever you can afford will be appreciated.

Notice: This story is a work of fiction and contains explicit sexual material. It may also include, incest, sex between a minor(s) and an adult male(s), and sexual fetish. If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work are not based on any known person(s).

A Stroll Thru The Park -- Part 1 of 4

Duncan woke me up way too early. It was my day off and I wanted to sleep in this morning. Duncan is a Jack Russel and just too cute for words. He's not quite two, and he has lots, and lots of energy. He belongs to my neighbors; I am dog sitting for them until they get back from vacation. I've known him since my neighbors got him; he's a rescue. When the guys come over, they always bring Duncan with them. He's my little buddy and I fell in love with him from the moment I saw him.

I moved Duncan off of my chest so I could get up. He loves to cuddle up and sleep on my torso. I think he likes my body heat. I had to pee really bad. Duncan followed me into the bathroom. I stood in front of the toilet with a roaring, morning hardon, and all I could manage is a few little dribbles. "Ok, little man, this is obviously not going to work" I said to Duncan, and walked out of the bathroom. I went to the kitchen to put the coffee on. I opted for the Keurig, and gave Duncan a cookie. I buy him hand-made, and baked, liver kisses from a local "healthy" dog food store. They make all of their own food products, mainly, dog and cat treats. The liver kisses are Duncan's absolute favorite; he loves them.

As I waited for the Keurig to do it's thing, I went back to the toilet. My hardon still going strong. I stood there and waited, and waited, and waited some more. Finally, I was able to pee sufficiently to relieve the feeling of having to pee pressure. I made my way back to the kitchen, my morning boner leading the way, to get my coffee. I grabbed my coffee with one hand, and my dick with the other, and walked out to my pack patio.

I sat down with my coffee and ran my hand across my chest, (still holding my coffee in the other) lingering a little on each nipple, and down my torso. Suddenly I heard Duncan bark. I looked across the yard just in time to see him bolting across the lawn (artificial grass). I released my cock and went to the end of the patio to see what he was barking at. I live in the desert and I have to be careful about coyotes jumping the wall. Duncan would make a very hearty breakfast for them. He's just a little guy; about 12 pounds.

As I stepped out onto the lawn, I see Duncan run around the corner of the house out of my view. I hurried to the end of the house to make sure he did not get himself into trouble, and I see this guy walking up the block sidewalk on the side of the house. Somehow, he had let himself in thru the side gate. I had no idea who this guy was. I did not recognize him; then I see what looks like a big fishnet type of thing in his hand.

Duncan meets him halfway up the path. The guy has headphones on and I can hear the music flowing out of the headphones. I immediately thought to myself, this guy is going to be deaf by the time he's forty. Suddenly he sees Duncan and stops dead in his tracks. Duncan is really giving him the business and carrying on like a Doberman. Duncan would never bite anyone; he does not have it in him. But his bark is awful. He sometimes kind of screams like a girl getting her ponytail pulled by the class bully.

I rushed down the path towards this guy. I called Duncan over to me and picked him up in my arms. Until now, this guy had not noticed me. He was focused on Duncan the whole time. When the guy did notice that I was standing there, I startled him again. First Duncan, and now me. He stepped back and leaned against the house, his hand to his chest, dropping this net-thingy on the ground.

"Who are you?" I asked. "What are you doing in my yard?" The guy still had the headphones on and he did not hear a word I said. He just looked at me, his eyes wide open. I stepped closer to him and repeated my inquiry. However, this time, I was almost shouting at him because he had the music cranked up so loud. The guy just looked right in my eyes. I pointed to his headphones and gestured for him to take them off.

He peeled himself off of the wall of the house while removing his headphones. After he turned them off, I said, "Who the fuck are you?" He looked right at me and said, "Man! Your little dog thinks he's a pit bull. He scared the shit out of me." Once the headphones were off, I was able to get a good look at his face. He is really, really cute. I'd place him around 19, maybe 20 at the most. He was wearing a baseball cap and his short, blonde locks were sticking out of the back of the cap. He had on a white tank top and a pair of light blue shorts that fit him perfectly.

"Who the fuck are you?" I repeated myself. He extended his hand and said, "Hi. I'm Donny." At this point, I was not about to shake his hand. I had no clue who this guy was. "OK Donny! What the fuck are you doing in my yard?" As I was awaiting his response, I see him eyeing me up and down. I suddenly remembered that I am buck naked and he apparently just noticed that fact too.

"Dude! You're naked." He says with a big smile on his face. "Yes, I am! You're very observant. Now tell me Donny; why the hell you are in my back yard?" He brought his gaze up to my face and said, "Oh man! Sorry. I'm Danny's brother. He has an appointment with the DMV this morning and asked me to cover his morning clients today. I did not expect anyone to be home this morning. You and the critter there really scared the ba-gee-burs out of me".

After hearing his response, I felt much better. I was very relieved. "Oh, Ok then. So, you are just filling in for Danny today. I'm sorry you got such a fright, but as you can see, as I extended my free hand up and out to my side, "I was not expecting company at this hour" as I glanced down at my naked self. I extended my hand in greeting and said, "Come on back Donny. Once Duncan gets used to you, he won't be a bother; and don't worry, he won't bite. "

I turned around and headed to the back yard, Duncan still in my arms. "I was just having a cup of coffee. Would you like some? I offered. "Oh man! I'd love a cup of coffee" Donny said as we rounded the corner of the house, him following behind me. "But first, let me drop my tools off by the jacuzzi."

Donny headed towards the jacuzzi and I, back to the patio. I set Duncan down and went into the house. With all of the excitement I realized that my hardon finally went down. I had to pee again though. After peeing, I walked down the hall to the bedroom. I had intended to put on a pair of shorts considering Donny boys arrival. As I reached for the dresser drawer it occurred to me that Donny has already seen me naked, and with a fucking hardon at that. Why should I put on a pair of shorts now; that's just stupid. He has already seen everything I own. Plus, I rather enjoyed being naked in front of him.

I went back to the patio and fetched my coffee mug. The coffee in my mug was obviously getting cold by now, so I decided to make a whole pot. I set the put up and flicked one the brew switch. As I stepped back out to the patio, I saw Donny over at the jacuzzi doing something or another. Duncan was right there by his side supervising.

I sat down at the patio table, and fondled my cock lightly until Donny finished whatever he was doing with the jacuzzi. I have it serviced regularly (I have it on a maintenance schedule) but I honestly don't know what Danny does to it, nor do I care. I just want it in good working order and for it to be fresh and clean. Danny makes that happen and that's all I care about.

I saw Donny close the cover to the jacuzzi and start to make his way over to the patio. As he approached, he says "Permission to come aboard sir" with a chuckle to his words. I stood up, placed my hands on my hips and said "Granted sailor. Step aboard!" As Donny approached the table, I saw him glance down at my crotch.

He sat his tools on the patio floor, and stepped up to the table. "Still interested in that coffee Donny?" I asked. He brought his hand up to his head and saluted. "Yes sir. That would be much appreciated." I motioned for him to have a seat. "Cream & sugar?" I asked. "Just cream, thanks," he said.

I went into the kitchen and retrieved another mug from the cupboard. I poured the mugs three quarters full, and retrieved the cream from the refrigerator and poured some in a small serving vessel. I placed both mugs, the cream, and a teaspoon on a small bamboo serving platter and headed back to the patio.

As I passed thru the living room, I couldn't help but see Donny sitting at the table. His cap was now on backwards, reveling more of his handsome face. I noticed the musculature of his arms, I could see a little bit of his lateral muscle, and I thought to myself. Damn! He is really cute. I'd love to see him naked. I'll bet he tastes so damn good. I made myself stop or I would definitely pop a stiffy. "Here we are handsome; fresh, brewed coffee." I said as I placed the small platter on the patio table.

"Thank you so much; it smells heavenly" Donny said. I placed his mug in front of him. "Please, help yourself to the cream. I hope you don't mind, it's half-n-half if that's alright." Donny looked up at me with a big smile on his face, "Yes, that's perfect. This is my first cup of the day. Thanks again."

I sat down across the table from Donny. "By the way, I'm Houston. It's nice to meet you, Donny. So, you are Danny's brother. I really don't know Danny that well. I am usually at work when he does his thing. I hardly ever see him." Donny took a sip of his coffee and groaned in appreciation. "Man, this is so good. Thank you, thank you. Danny is my big brother; he is a few years older than me. Our dad used to have a pool business and that's where he learned the trade. I know a lot too, but I am not in the business. I have other interests. I have been going to school to become a CNE, a Certified Network Engineer. I may look like a surfer dude, and yes, sometimes I may kind of talk like one, but I'm not. No disrespect to surfer dudes as all."

I looked at Donny and I said, "Wow! You are both handsome, hot and smart." After I realized what I just said, I had this wave of regret pass through my whole body. I don't want to wig this kid out. He could tell his big brother and I could potentially have to find another service company. It would just be a hassle. I looked at him and the silence was deafening. It seemed like such a long time just sitting there and looking at each other in silence.

Finally, I said, "Look, Donny. I'm sorry. I meant no offense. I apologize for what I said." Initially, Donny had nothing to say in response to my apology. He just looked at me as if he was in a bit of a daze. He took another sip of his coffee, and very gently, set the mug back down on the table. He looked up at me and said, "You think I'm hot; really?" with this quizzical look on his face. "No. I mean. Hey; no offense taken Houston. You just surprised me again. I have never been told that I'm hot, not even by a woman let alone a man. But, thank you. I appreciate your kind words."

I felt relief that he was not offended and sat up closer to the patio table. "Kind words perhaps, Donny. However, true they are. You are a very sexy man. You are handsome, you have a nice, lean, proportionate body, nice legs, and a beautiful smile. Besides, I'm a total sucker for dimples. They get me every time." I leaned back into the chair and adjusted my cock under the table. I decided to wait for his reaction.

"Wow! Thank you again. I don't know what to say. I am so flattered; it makes me feel good to hear that. I have to admit, I really don't have much experience when it comes to intimacy or relationships. I have spent most of my time in school and taking advanced courses as much as I can for my certification. I just don't have a lot of free time. I have a week between courses right now which is why I can help Danny out today, but next week, it's back to the grind for me."

I was really surprised to hear that he apparently does not date much or perhaps at all. "Donny, may I ask you a personal question?" He looked at me and said, "Um, sure." As he took another sip of his coffee. "Are you a virgin?" I asked. Donny shook his head no. "I have had sex a few times, but they have been just a one-off thing. Nothing special for me and nothing I would be interested in doing again, not with the same girls anyway."

"I see" I said. "So, you have had sex with a girl before. Did you enjoy it?" This time it was Donny leaning closer to the table. "Honestly, no. Not really. I mean, it was OK, we both got off, but I can't say that it was something that I really enjoyed. I was seventeen the first time and I just wanted to have sex. I just wanted to not be a virgin anymore.

It was sort of disappointing. None of the girls were a virgin and two of them were a couple of years older than me. My first time was with one of the older girls. I thought she was a good choice for my first time. We had already known each other for a little while before we had sex. Don't get me wrong, it's not that she did something wrong or anything like that, it was just not what I expected, I guess.

The other couple of times it was kind of the same for me. They were all pretty girls, and I liked them. Perhaps it's just not my thing; sex I mean. I don't know. The last time I couldn't even keep it up. It was basically mechanical. I just wanted to get it over with shortly after it started. At this point, I just jerk off a lot. Fortunately for me, I love jerking off. I can't believe I am telling you this. I just met you and I'm spilling my guts about my sex life."

I looked at Donny and smiled. "Well, you know what they say. It's a hell of a lot easier to open up to a total stranger than it is to someone you know. Besides, I'm not going to judge you Donny, that's just not my thing. Plus, I'm buck naked. You see everything there is to see. Nothing to hide. In any event, I had a similar experience when I was your age; actually, I was a little younger than you were when I started. I was 16 the first time I had sex with a girl. I was 14 the first time I had sex with a boy."

Donny's jaw almost dropped to the table. "You had sex when you were 14? Damn, you were jail bait. Man, you have to tell me that story!" Suddenly, Donny's eyes widened and his jaw dropped as if he was startled. " Oh shit! I completely forgot. What time is it?" I motioned for him to give me a second while I go in the house to check the time. "It's almost 8:40 AM" I told him when I returned.

"Shit! He exclaimed. I am going to be late for Danny's next customer. Danny's going to be pissed if I'm late. I'm sorry Houston, I have to go. I really want to hear your story though. Can I come back later and we can continue our conversation. For some reason, I feel really comfortable confiding in you. I've never talked to anyone about this stuff before. Never."

I stood up from the table, my cock slightly tingly, but flaccid. "It's because I'm naked and you have seen my cock" I joked. Donny gave me a big smile. "Absolutely we can continue this conversation. Can I get you a coffee for the road?" I asked. He thought about it for a split second and said, "Yes, please. That would be great".

"Come on in I said, gesturing with my hand. I'll get you a fresh travel cup. I have several." I stepped aside as Donny got up from the table. As he stood, I snuck a very quick glance at his crotch. I could not help myself. Although I did not see anything obvious, the fabric folded nicely around his package until he stood upright. Donny stepped over and picked up his bag of tools and the net things. As we entered the house, I placed my hand on his shoulder as we walked thru the house to the kitchen. He did not flinch or attempt to step away. I was very pleased about that.

"Are you sure it's OK if I come back and we can continue our conversation?" he asked almost bashfully. "Of course, you can. I am off for the next three days. You know where to find me. Stop by anytime. Let me get you that travel mug. "

As I handed him the travel mug, I said, "Come on, you can leave out the front door. Next time, Duncan will not give you such a hard time." I placed my hand on his shoulder and walked him to the front door.

I closed the door behind him, refilled my coffee mug and returned to the patio. I have to admit, I was somewhat aroused and definitely horny after my conversation with Donny. However, if he does return, I decided that I was going to behave myself, and be as helpful and supportive as I can. I remember what I went thru when I was his age trying to figure things out on my own. Perhaps in some small way, I might be able to make things easier for him.

Donny's head was a blaze with thoughts, feelings, and emotions. He was also a little confused about what he was feeling. He repeated Houston's words in his head over and over. He thinks I'm hot. He thinks I'm handsome. He thinks I have a nice body. As he remembered Houston's words, he admitted to himself that it made him feel really good. Subconsciously, he broke into smile. He glanced in the rearview mirror on autopilot and noticed his dimples Houston spoke of. He's really never paid any attention to his smile. His dimples are something he's seen every day his whole life and thought nothing of it.

When he scooted back into the seat and sat firmly upright, he felt a bit of pressure in his crotch. He reached down to adjust his package in the jockstrap he had on under his shorts, and realized that he was chubbing up a bit. He grabbed the mound in his pants and lightly pulled up just a little for comfort. Ten minutes later, he pulled up to the next customer of the day. This was a pool account so it was going to take a little longer to service.

He grabbed some of his gear out of the back of the truck and made his way up the driveway towards the house. As he approached the front of the house, he saw his reflection in the floor to ceiling windows. He paused, just for a couple of seconds, and studied his reflection in the glass. Instantly, he again remembered Houston's words; beautiful smile, cute, nice body. A smile came to his face as he thought to himself, maybe I really am all of those things Houston said I was. He immediately dismissed the thought feeling a bit conceited.

He walked around the garage, just as he did at Houston's house, and let himself thru the side gate. When he approached the pool, he bent over to place his equipment on the pool deck and felt a little drop of moisture escape from the head of his dick. He was a little surprised that he was leaking; he usually does not leak unless he's jerking off. He turned to go back to the truck for the suction hose to clean the pool. As he turned the corner of the house, out of sight, he reached down and gave his mound a light squeeze.

He serviced the pool completely on autopilot. He was so focused on his earlier conversation with Houston. He remembered everything they talked about, almost verbatim. He wanted to finish his brother's customers as fast as possible, so he could return to Houston's house. As he remembered Houston's naked image in his head, his dick started to twitch a little. In his mind's eye, he remembered everything about Houston's body. It's as if he took a picture of him and stored it in his brain.

He remembered seeing Houston's firm, round ass flexing as he followed behind him to the back yard. He remembered the light splattering of dark, silky looking hair on his chest, and the happy trail leading down to his pubes. His pubes neatly cropped, but not shaven, and his smooth, pinkish balls hanging due south. He remembered Houston's cock, flapping about as he walked. Donny realized that he was probably most impressed that Houston seemed to have no problem being naked in front of him, a total stranger.

Donny envied that. He could not imagine doing something like that himself. He'd be too embarrassed and self-conscious. Houston didn't seem to mind in the least that he was buck naked the entire time he was there. He made no attempt to hide or cover up his nudity. Perhaps, Donny thought to himself, I, too, may one day be as carefree as Houston seems to be. He also acknowledged that he was excited about seeing Houston again; anxious to see him again in fact. He thought to himself, I wonder if Houston will be naked the next time I see him.

As Houston stepped out of the shower, Duncan was waiting for him right outside the shower door. Houston looked down at Duncan. "Yes! OK little man. I know what you want." Duncan started to get excited and jump up and down in place as he often does when he's happy. "Just give me a minute Dunc. I need to get dressed first and then we can go. OK?"

Duncan started barking, and ran out of the bathroom into the dressing area. He was so excited he started spinning in tight circles as fast as he could. "You are going to make yourself dizzy Duncan!" Houston announced in light laughter. Houston toweled off and placed the towel back on the hook in the bathroom. "Come on Dunc; let's go." Duncan stopped spinning and followed Houston into the bedroom.

Houston thru on a well-worn tank top and a pair of nylon shorts. The kind that has a little split up the side. He decided to go commando. He grabbed the retractable lead, a roll of poop bags, and headed for the front door. "Come on boy!" Houston said. Duncan needed no encouragement. He was right on Houston's heels. When they reached the front door, Houston bent down and attached the lead to Duncan's collar. Duncan was so excited that Houston had to grab him to put the lead on because Duncan continued to jump up and down in place.

Houston usually spent about 45 minutes whenever possible to give Duncan a good walk. The long walk helped to burn off some of his energy. He only lived a block and one-half away from a huge public park. People often walked their dogs there; it was beautiful. Duncan loved it. He often got to meet and interact with other dogs.

About 20 minutes later, Houston decided to sit down in the well-manicured grass and let Duncan off of the lead. There was no one around as far as he could see. It appeared as if he and Duncan had the park to themselves. He never worried about Duncan running off. Although Duncan had a lot of energy, he was very responsive to command.

Duncan trotted off to explore and Houston leaned back on his elbows in the grass, spreading his legs and enjoying the fresh breeze on his crotch. He leaned his head back slightly and enjoyed the mid-morning sun on his skin. His mind wandered off thinking about all kinds of things and then Donny popped into his head.

As he watched Duncan roaming about and smelling everything in sight, he thought of his conversation earlier that morning with Donny. He undressed him in his mind and fantasized about what he looked like naked. Donny has beautiful, muscular, tan legs, covered in fine, silky, golden-blonde hair. He longed to run his hands up his legs and over his inner thighs, up to the promised land.

He imagined running his hand slowly up and under Donny's shorts, and across his crotch, feeling the mound of young manhood contained within. He would give it a light squeeze and feel his cock start to harden. He imagined the soft moans of pleasure that would emanate from Donny as he lovingly, caressed, and fondled his package. He saw Donny's legs and thighs tighten and flex as he thrust his crotch up into his hands.

Houston bent down, opened his mouth, and placed it over the growing bulge in Donny's shorts. He slowly and deliberately started to exhale his hot breath thru the shorts as Donny continued to apply upward pressure against Houston's mouth.

Duncan's bark snapped him back to reality. Suddenly Houston was aware that he felt the grass on the tip of his cock. His cock was responding to his thoughts about Donny and he did not realize it until he felt the grass on the head of his dick.

He scanned the open park in the direction of Duncan's gaze. At first, he could not see what Duncan was barking at, and then he saw what looked like a male approaching the area where Duncan was located at that time. He noticed a little dog about 15 feet in front of this guy. The dog was stationary and looking across the park at Duncan. They were no more than 100 feet apart.

Houston gave a short, but loud whistle. It got Duncan's attention. "Duncan! Come!" Houston yelled, and Duncan responded on Command. Houston sat up as Duncan came trotting towards him. "Good boy! You are such a good boy!" Houston praised him for following his command. He reattached the lead to Duncan's collar, leaned back on his elbows again, and waited to see what the guy and his dog were going to do.

He saw the guy turn and start to amble in his direction. Duncan just sat there and watched them too. Houston immediately realized that they guy was going to approach him. He did not think anything about it. Often, at least in this park, that is what dog owners and walkers do. They form park relationships and get to know each other and their dogs.

As the guy got closer, Houston noticed that the guy was cute; probably mid to late twenties he guessed. The guy stopped, called his dog to him, attached the lead, and continued his approach. When he got about 10 feet away, Houston smiled and said good morning. He did not bother to change his position, continuing to lean back on his elbows in the grass, legs bent and spread, feet flat on the ground.

As the guy approached, he suddenly stopped, almost as if he heard something and it startled him. The pause lasted just a split second. Houston noticed it but did not think anything of it. "Good morning," they guy said. This is such a beautiful park. I just moved here from Boston. My name is Regan," as he knelt down on one knee at Houston's feet and extended his right hand. Houston briefly sat up, and shook Regan's hand. "Welcome Regan! My name is Houston, and this little, handsome man is Duncan. Duncan belongs to my neighbors. I just dog-sitting for them until they get back from vacation. Nice to meet you."

Houston returned to his reclining position in the grass. He noticed that Regan kept glancing down at his crotch. Houston then realized that he must still be hanging out of his shorts. The guy could see his dick. Houston decided to have some fun with the guy. At the very least, the guy had to be curious or bi. If he was totally straight, they guy would have probably been freaked out seeing another guy's junk and would have run in the opposite direction. It felt pretty safe for him to do a little bating.

"So, Regan, tell me, who is your little companion?" Houston asked, as he spread his legs further open. "This is Gracie. She is a rescue. I got her at the pound in Boston; she was just a puppy. Of course, she is spoiled rotten. I love her to pieces. She's my baby girl." Houston smiled, pressed his legs together, giving his cock a squeeze, and opened wide again for Regan's benefit.

"Good for you, Regan! I think that more people should adopt from pounds and shelters. I think they, meaning shelter dogs, are the best. Every dog I have had over the years has either been a stray or from the shelter. As they continued to talk, Houston continued to slowly open and close his legs, stimulating his cock sufficiently to hold Regan's attention. Houston was enjoying the attention. As the conversation continued, they both took the leads off so the dogs could chase each other around the park. As of yet, it appeared that they were the only people around. At least in their area of the park.

After about 10 minutes or so, Regan looked at Houston and said, "You have a really nice, cock!" without permission, Regan reached out and took a hold of Houston's cock. "You have been teasing me since I arrived." Houston smiled and reached down, pulling the thin, flimsy nylon fabric aside, exposing his entire package; balls and all.

"Fuck!" Regan moaned. As he slowly started to stroke the hardening cock in front of him. "Eat me, Regan! I'll keep an eye on the kids. Suck my cock!" Houston spread his legs as far as they would go, keeping his legs bent. Regan quickly scanned the park. Houston could tell he was hesitant. "Go ahead; there is no one around. Suck the sweet juice right out of my cock. I'll give you a nice load!"

Regan tossed any remaining caution to the wind, he sprawled out on his stomach in the grass between Houston's legs, wrapped his hands around Houston's upper thighs, close to his ass, and swallowed his entire cock in one gulp. Houston let out a loud moan as he felt the hot, wet mouth completely engulf his cock. "Fuck! That feels so good Regan! That's it baby; suck my cock. Show me how much you want my load!"

Regan had a hard grip on Houston's hips. He pulled Houston into him as hard as he could. His nose buried firmly in Houston's pubes, trying to get even more of his cock down his throat. Regan was moaning and groaning as if his very life depended on getting as much cock down his throat as possible. His own cock, rock hard in his pants.

Houston was amazed at the length of time his cock was buried in Regan's throat. How could he hold his breath that long? This guy was a wonder. He obviously was a cock lover. Houston reached down and slowly started to move Regan's head up and down the entire length of his shaft. As the tip of his cock was right on the edge of Regan's lips; Regan would work his tongue over and around the glands and then bury his tongue in the piss slit as far as it would go.

Houston loved it. "That's it stud; show me how much you love sucking my cock. Lick the goo out of my piss slit. I know you love it. Take it all the way down. Swallow my cock; deep-throat me you fucking cock sucker! You want my cum; I know you do!"

As Houston continued to talk to him that way, he could tell that Regan fucking loved it. The more verbal and demanding Houston was, the more excited Regan became. Regan was groaning and moaning so loudly as he humped the ground. He was humping so hard it had to hurt. It was as if he was in a frenzy. Houston never experienced anything like it before but he was certainly enjoying Regan's enthusiasm for his cock. However, if anyone was in ear-shot, Regan would have definitely got their attention.

Houston kept an eye on the kids, they were a little further away than he was comfortable with. He gave a quick whistle. Duncan stopped immediately and looked over towards Houston. Regan completely ignored the fact that Houston whistled or did not hear it at all. He gave another short whistle. Duncan responded and started to make his way back towards Houston; Gracie following behind Duncan.

Houston reached down and grabbed Regan by the head pulling him off of his cock. Regan licked the head of his cock and attempted to dive back down on it. Houston grabbed him by the hair on the back of his head and stopped him, holding him in place. He grabbed the base of his dick and started to rub his cock all over Regan's face. Regan stuck out his tongue and Houston slapped his cock repeatedly against his tongue.

"Nice and slow now baby; easy does it. You want that cum, don't you?" Houston asked. Regan almost growled in response. Houston slowly lowered Regan's head back down on his cock. "Nice and slow baby. Take me all the way down and back up again. Nice and slow now." Regan did exactly as instructed. Houston maintained a grip on his hair as he controlled the decent of Regan's mouth down his cock and up again.

"Yes baby. My cock feels so good in your hot mouth. Houston grabbed Regan's head in both hands as he moved his head up and down on his cock. After just a couple of minutes, he was getting close to cumming. He could feel it in his balls. "I'm getting real close baby. You want my load? You want me to cum in your mouth?" Houston moaned.

Regan increased his grip on Houston's upper thighs and let out a slow, long moan. Houston brought Regan's head up his shaft so just the head of his cock was in his mouth. "Here is comes baby! You are going to make me cum right in your mouth!" Houston growled as his cock erupted.

Regan could feel Houston's cock throbbing and spurting copious amounts of sweet, creamy, ball juice in his mouth. He was loving every second of it. He swirled the sweet nectar around in his mouth, savoring the taste, before swallowing it down. As soon as he swallowed, his mouth would fill up again. After the third time, Houston's cock stop spurting and the cum just sort of oozed out onto Regan's tongue.

Houston collapsed backwards in the soft grass; totally spent. Regan swallowed one last time and took Houston's cock back down his throat, and let it rest. He did not want to release that delicious cock just yet. Although Houston was a bit sensitive after he shot his load, he enjoyed the feeling of his cock resting is Regan's warm throat as it softened.

After just a minute or two, Houston started to sit up, but leaned back on his elbows once again, and gazed down at Regan. A smile came across his face as he saw Regan so content with his cock completely engulfed in his mouth, his eyes closed as if he were falling asleep.

He looked at Regan for several seconds, then over at the dogs lying side by side in the grass about 5 feet away. It appears as if everyone is completely content. Houston reached down and ran his hands thru Regan's hair. "Hey stud. Are you awake?" Houston asked. Regan opened his eyes and looked up at Houston. He released Houston's cock and smiled from ear-to-ear. "That was so freakin awesome. I've never done anything like that before in public. It was such a total rush. I fucking loved every second!" He took Houston's cock back in his mouth for any remaining drops and slowly released him again. "I think you got it all stud" Houston said with a smile. I should be getting back home, but next time, I'm going to be swallowing your cock."

Regan stood up and brushed the grass off his clothing. Houston could not help but notice the huge wet spot in his jeans. "Did you cum too?" Houston asked. "Regan looked down and smiled, flashing his beautiful, pearly whites. "Twice!" he said. Houston was just amazed. "But you did not even touch yourself! Not Once! I haven't even seen your dick."

Regan smiled, and scratched his forehead. "The truth is. I don't always have to touch myself. I love sucking cock. It sends me right into orbit. I get so fired up, I can cum just sucking cock. Your cock, my new friend, is fucking beautiful! Your cum is the best I have ever tasted; it's delicious. No bullshit. I'm being very serious. You gave me a really big load too, and already I want more. I could suck you off 10 times a day.

Houston believed him. At first, when Regan was blowing him, he thought that perhaps Regan was just a cock-hound or maybe even a sex fiend. He felt the intensity during their playtime. Houston appreciated his kind words; it was nice to hear.

"Thank you, Regan. I really appreciate that. You can suck me off anytime. But I still want to suck you off too. Next time it's my turn. I love it as much as you do. Whenever I see a good-looking guy, the first thing I think about is burying my face in his crotch. For me, there is nothing better. That's just me. Different strokes as the expression goes."

"So, did you want to bury your face in my crotch when you first saw me?" Regan asked. Regan stepped closer to Houston, standing over him, straddling him. Houston looked up at Regan and didn't say a word. He pushed himself back a little thru Regan's legs and repositioned himself so he was on his knees. His cock still hanging out of his shorts. He reached around and cupped Regan's firm buns in his hands and placed his mouth over the wet spot in Regan's jeans.

This time, Regan was the one who took control. He reached down and grabbed Houston's head in both hands and pushed his crotch against Houston's face. "How does that wet spot taste in my jeans stud? Can you smell my cum? Does it taste good?" Regan asked in quick succession.

Houston responded with a throaty moan and squeezed Regan's firm ass in his hands. He licked the wet spot for so long, Regan could feel the saliva seeping thru his jeans. Regan released Houston's head, reached up and popped the button open on his jeans. He leaned back slightly, pull down on the zipper, and lowered his jeans just enough to expose his crotch in his white Calvins.

Houston was quick to respond and dove back onto the growing mound in Regan's Calvins. He sucked the wet spot with ferocity. Regan grabbed Houston's head again and pulled it tight against his crotch. After about 30 seconds, Regan leaned back and pulled down his underwear and stuffed it behind his nut sack. His hard cock, smacking down across Houston's face.

Houston wasted no time and swallowed Regan's cock in a single gulp. He savored the taste and the smell of the cum that seeped into Regan's pubes from cumming in his pants earlier. Houston grabbed his bare ass in both hands and sucked Regan's cock like time was running out. Like Regan, Houston loved the feeling of a hard cock in his mouth. Regan began thrusting his cock in and out of Houston's mouth until he felt the churn start in his sack. He stopped thrusting and without a single word, emptied his balls in Houston's mouth.

Houston moaned loudly as he felt Regan's cock explode in his mouth. He reached down, grabbed his hard cock, and started pumping furiously. Within 15 seconds, he was shooting his second load of the day all over the grass. Houston swallowed slowly. He continued to lovingly suckle Regan's softening cock until there was nothing left oozing from the piss slit. Finally, he released Regan's cock and struggled to stand up. His legs felt like cooked spaghetti. Once Huston got to his feet, they held onto each other's arms for support.

After just a few seconds, they both stabilized. Houston looked at Regan and said, "I can't believe you came 3 times in what, 30, maybe 40 minutes at the most. You are a total fucking stud!" Regan started to laugh, "Well, you came twice don't forget. What about that?"

"Well, I guess we pressed our luck long enough fucking around in a public park. Perhaps we better pack it in. Regan sighed, "Yeah, you are probably right. I would like to do this again if you are agreeable to that." Houston reached behind and rubbed Regan's ass. "You bet I am stud. I can't wait to eat that sweet, little ass of yours. It fits so nicely in the palm of my hands." Regan returned the gesture and said, "As long as we can take turns. Better yet, 69ing would be absolutely perfect. I'd love to do that with you."

Suddenly Houston looked over his shoulder. Regan followed suite. Way off in the distance, they saw people approaching. "Look at that," Houston said. "We finished just in time. Perhaps next time, we should go to one of our houses to play. Yours or mine, it doesn't matter to me. I live alone so it's no problem. I am only about two blocks from the end of the park in that direction." his finger pointing the way.

Regan pointed in the opposite direction, "I am about three blocks that way. I bought one of those condos on the other side of the park. I really want to suck you off again. I would do it right now if I could, but I also would very much like to get to know you too. Your interests, your hobbies, what you do for a living, your family life, your childhood, where you went to school, previous boyfriends."

Houston smiled, "All in good time stud. I will tell you something about me after each time you suck me off and swallow my load. How does that sound? We can switch off; take turns." Regan leaned in and kissed Houston quickly on the lips. Houston smiled, looked at Regan, placed his hand on the back of his head, and pulled him in for a longer, more passionate kiss. "Fuck Houston! I'll give you about 30 years to stop that. That was so nice, thank you. I love to kiss. It makes me so hard."

Houston looked back over his shoulder. "I better get going before you get me all worked up again."

Regan huffed, "I get you worked up? That's music to my ears, but you were the one lying in the grass with your cock hanging out of your shorts. You're the one that started this stud," he laughed. Houston gave him a big smile, and bent over to pick up the lead lying in the grass. As he stood up, he tucked his package back in his shorts, and smoothed the fabric out. Regan looked down at Houston's crotch. "You do know that those shorts leave nothing to the imagination. You can clearly see everything you own." Houston gave him a sly smile, "You don't say. Hum, imagine that." Regan shook his head, "You are such a naughty boy, Houston. I for one, am so glad you are. I think I'm really going to like it here."

Houston reached down and grabbed Regan's package, his pants and underwear still down around his thighs. "You had better put that beast away or we will get into trouble." Regan kissed him again quickly and pulled hist underwear up, and then his jeans. The wet spot still quite visible. Houston looked down at his jeans, "You do know that your wet spot is quite visible; it's pretty obvious."

Regan smiled, "You don't say. Hum, imagine that."

To be continued ...

Next: Chapter 2

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