A Strange Path to Freedom

By peter king

Published on Jun 14, 2022



This story is 100% fictional and any resemblance to anyone living is entirely coincidental.

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You may also enjoy my other stories: 'My Name is Samir' in Gay/Adult Youth, 'Educating Mike' in Gay/Incest 'Minding Matty' in Gay/Adult Youth 'Life Gets Better' in Bisexual/Adult Friends (this story is a sequel to Minding Matty)

Feedback is welcome at pk9000x@gmail.com

A Strange Path to Freedom

by Peter King

The last thing I remember was that I was walking back from school and a van pulled up beside me. I think someone must have bundled me into it and knocked me out or given me a drug because I can't remember anything else until I woke up here, in a dark room, lying naked on a bed.

My head ached really badly. I swung my legs round and sat on the edge of the bed. I could just make out a water bottle on the floor and I greedily drank from it, too thirsty to worry whether it might be drugged. I think it probably was because I blacked out again and this time when I awoke, I was lying on my back on the bed, my hands and feet tied to the corners of the bed so that I couldn't move at all.

A faint lamp was on and I could see that the walls of the room were brick and the floor and ceiling both looked like concrete. There was one heavy wooden door, closed. No windows. I wondered if I was in a cellar.

The door opened and I saw a figure come in. It was a man and he was naked. He looked like he was probably in his twenties, he had a hairy chest, hairy legs and a hairy cock. He stood by the bed, looking down at my naked body and as he ran his eyes over me, he played with his cock.

I looked at his cock as it got harder and bigger. He was running his hand up and down its length but his eyes were locked on my cock which was neither hard nor big. I was scared.

"What do you want" I said tremulously "Please let me go".

He laughed.

"After all the trouble I've gone to to get you?" he said "I think not".

He let go of his cock, knelt down at the side of the bed and, with one hand, started to play with my cock: stroking it, pulling it, running his fingers over the tip. His other hand stroked and felt my balls. Despite my fear, my cock responded and became stiff. He lowered his head and took the tip of my cock into his mouth and starting to lick and suck it. The hand that had held my cock started to stroke my chest and stomach, the other hand was still playing with my balls.

I'd been breathing nervously before he started and it became even more erratic as he stimulated me and I could feel my balls contract. Then I erupted, my cum shooting into his mouth, his lips tight round my cock to keep every drop.

I stopped spurting and he stayed still for a few moments, holding my shrinking cock in his mouth. The he lifted his head and moved his face towards mine, leaned down and started kissing me on the lips, forcing his tongue inside my mouth. I tried to move my head away but he held it in his hands. I could taste my cum as it transferred from his mouth to mine.

Abruptly he stood up and left the room, closing the door behind him. The light switched off and I was left in the dark, still tied to the bed.

As I lay there trying to work out what was happening, a horrific thought came to me.

I'd been chatting with someone for a few weeks on a gay sex site on the internet about my sexual fantasies. These had included being held captive and being forced to have sex with my captor. I had talked about being sucked and forcibly kissed. I had also said how I would be trained to accept his cock and how, over time, I would come to yearn for the feel of him entering my arse and fucking me. And that as a reward for him fucking me I would kneel before him and worship his cock and and taste his cum as it shot into my mouth and down my throat.

Is that what was happening? Was this the person I had chatted with online and somehow he'd discovered who I was and had decided to fulfil my fantasies?

He'd said he was my age when we chatted but he was clearly much older than my 16 years.

I pulled at the cords that fastened me to the bed but they were well tied and I couldn't escape them. I wondered whether anyone would hear me if I shouted. I tried and the sound reverberated round the room. I heard nothing in response. I tried again, louder this time, but with the same outcome.

I lay back and I must still have had some drug in my system as I fell asleep again.

The next time when I awoke, the cords had been removed and I was just lying on the bed. The dim light was back on and I could see a tray on the floor by the bed. There were some sandwiches and a bottle of water.

I walked to the door and tried it. I pressed the door handle down but it must have been locked as it didn't open.

I wondered whether anyone would be searching for me. Would anyone have alerted the police to my disappearance? I suspected not. I'd only been with my latest foster parents for a few weeks and I'd run away from previous homes where Children's Services had placed me. They'd told me that if I ran again I'd be placed in a secure home which sounded more like a prison and, ironically, I'd decided that I would make an effort to put up with these FPs and see if I could somehow make a go of it. Now that I'd vanished, they would just tell Children's Services that I'd run away again and it was unlikely that anyone would be searching for me very hard.

I realised I was both starving and thirsty and I decided to eat and drink. They might be drugged but I had no choice.

I ate and drank and then used the bucket that had been placed in the corner of the cellar. Then I lay on the bed again and fell asleep.

Chapter 2

When I awoke I was again tied to the bed and my captor came into the room and repeated what had happened last time. I was still scared but less so since I knew what was likely to happen. Being less scared, my cock was more responsive and I felt some pleasure as he touched me, aroused me, sucked me and then kissed me.

This pattern of events continued for some time -- it felt like three days with him sucking me off twice per day but it could have been longer or shorter. It was difficult to judge the passage of time.

The next time I woke up, he was standing in the room. He had a bowl of water, a sponge and a towel with him.

He ordered me to stand facing the wall and to lean on it with my hands raised. I thought of resisting but he was quite a lot taller and more muscular than me and I didn't think I stood a chance. So I did what I was told and he started to wash my back with the sponge. The water was soapy and he ran the sponge over my shoulders, down my back, over my bum and down the backs of my legs. Then he pushed my legs further apart with his foot and I felt his hand slide between my bum cheeks and he rubbed and washed my hole. He also reached between my legs and cupped my balls in his soapy hand.

He told me to turn round and face him. His touching me had giving me a boner and my cock pointed out at the man. He put more water on the sponge and started to wash my front, again starting at my shoulders and working his way down my body, this time skirting my middle. He knelt down to finish my lower legs and feet and then leaned towards me and took my cock into his mouth. He dropped the sponge and grasped my bum cheeks with both hands, pulling me towards him, sliding my cock further into his mouth. I put my hands on the top of his head as he knelt there. Although I wasn't there by choice, I was starting to enjoy the sensation of being blown. He released my cock and, looking up at my face, licked the tip of my cock. I watched him, my breathing getting deeper. Each time he licked me, my cock twitched and my balls contracted further. After a few minutes of licking me and watching the reaction on my face, he took me back into his mouth and sucked. I came almost immediately, spurt after spurt of cum shooting into his mouth.

He stood up and lowered his face towards mine. This time I welcomed his kiss and put up no resistance as he pushed his tongue between my lips and, forcing my mouth wide, he licked me, sucked my tongue and let a mouthful of cum pour into my mouth.

He stood back and with the towel dried me all over, gently rubbing and patting me.

Ridiculous though it may seem, but this was the gentlest treatment I could remember ever having in my life. My parents had been horrible to me, never hugging me, often forgetting to feed me, not caring whether I went to school or not. That's how I ended up in care.

My first foster parents had probably been OK -- they fed me, made sure I was clean and properly dressed, sent me to school. But I was angry that my life was so messed up and I had run away.

The next foster family were a nightmare. Their idea of discipline was that I did everything I was told immediately and I would be slapped any time I didn't obey them. I had to go to church on Sundays and sit through long boring sermons. They had a son a couple of years older than me and he made me suck him off every evening after lights out. He told me he'd tell his parents that I was jerking off all the time if I didn't do what he wanted and that they'd beat 'my evil thoughts' out of me.

I put up with them for a couple of months but then ran again.

I was next placed with some really nice people. They treated me like a son and I thrived and stayed for three years. But then their ill health meant that they could no longer look after me and I was returned into the system.

My last foster parents were as strict as the nightmare lot. Everything had to be done their way, at their convenience and I should be grateful they were letting me live with them. I'd been there a few weeks, and had thought about running away, when I got kidnapped.

My captor (I still didn't know his name) picked up the bowl and towel and left the room, locking the door behind him.

I lay back on the bed wondering what was going to happen next. I'd fantasised about being fucked and had told him that in the chat room. Was that what he had planned? I was a bit frightened at the prospect but also a bit excited. I'd seen his cock -- it was longer and thicker than mine -- could it really fit inside me?

I slept some more and woke to find more food by the bed. I ate it.

Shortly after I'd finished, he came back into the room. He had a plastic bag full of water with a tube attached to it. He told me to go over to the wall next to the bucket and to bend over, leaning against the wall, exposing my bum to him. I didn't like the idea of this and said no.

He put down the bag with the tube and grabbed me by the arm. I tried to struggle but he was much stronger than me. He pulled me over to the bed, sat on it and forced me face down across his knees. And then he started spanking me.

At first I thought I could bear it -- it hurt but not too much. But as he continued, repeatedly slapping the same spots, the pain got worse and worse and I started begging him to stop. He paused and asked if I was ready to do what I was told. I said I would.

He repeated his instruction to bend over by the wall and I complied.

I felt him insert the tube into my hole and then felt a warm pressure as he squeezed water from the bag into my arse. He ordered me to hold the water inside me and after a minute told me to squat over the bucket and expel it. I did as I was told. He then repeated the process with the remaining water and I expelled it again.

I then felt his fingers pushing in between my bum cheeks and they started to rub against my hole, stroking and lightly pushing inwards. His fingers were slick -- he'd put some lube or cream on them. I then felt him push one finger further in, slowly reaching inside me, stretching my hole. He pushed and twisted and partially withdrew before pushing back in. After a couple of minutes I felt him position another finger at my entrance and it too slid inside me. He carried on finger fucking me. Finally he added a third finger and this time it hurt as he started to enter me with it. I gasped and he stopped for a short while but then, telling me to press down hard as if I was having a dump, he slid the third finger in.

He played for a short while and then withdrew his fingers. I tried to look behind to see what he was doing but he growled "look at the wall" so I did.

I then felt something bigger pushing at my arse. He pressed hard and I felt the head of his cock pop inside me. He paused for a while, allowing me to get used to it. Then he pushed in some more and I gasped again. He reminded me to push hard. I did so and as I did, he slid further inside me. Again he paused a bit and then finally pushed all the way in.

It felt amazing! I had this monster thing inside my body, I could feel his hairy body pressed against my bum, and he wrapped his arms round my chest and hugged me. He started fucking me, sliding in and out, a small amount at first but then with longer, faster strokes. I was panting and whimpering at the sensation of this thing entering and withdrawing, entering and withdrawing, fucking me. He carried on for a while and then I heard his breathing getting shorter and he started grunting as he shot his load inside me. I didn't feel the liquid at this point but I did feel his cock pulsing with each squirt of his cum.

He stopped, his cock fully embedded in me, while he regained his breath. I stood still, enjoying being hugged, enjoying having him inside me.

He stepped back, his cock sliding out of me. I could feel his cum dripping out of my hole, running down my leg.

"Turn round and get on your knees" he ordered.

I did so and he stepped up to me so that his cock, now flaccid, was in front of my mouth.

"Clean me" he said

I licked his cock and sucked it into my mouth, tasting his cum and a slightly sour taste that was, I guess, my bum juice. With my fingers I pulled his foreskin back and licked his glans clean.

He pulled back and walked to the door. He brought in a clean bucket and swapped it the one I had used. Then he left the room, locking the door behind him.

I lay on my side on the bed, curled up, and thought about what I was feeling. I felt slightly bruised, both my hole and my insides. But I also had this memory of him having given me his cock, given me his cum, he had wanted my body and he had hugged as well as fucked me. I fell asleep with this thought in my mind.

I slept well and awoke to find another tray of food and drink by the bed. There was also a bowl of warm water, a sponge and a towel.

I washed myself, removing the encrusted cum where it had dried on my skin. Then I ate.

I lay back on the bed and thought about what might happen next.

Chapter 3

Some hours passed and then I saw the door handle move and he entered the room. He was naked and his cock was fully erect, his balls hanging below.

"On your knees" he commanded.

I rolled off the bed and knelt before him. He stood close in front of me holding his cock in his hand. He slapped me across the face with it and then pushed it into my mouth. I gagged on it and he pulled back a bit.

"Suck it, and play GENTLY with my balls while you do"

I lifted my hand and cupped his ball sack. I could feel the delicate orbs inside it and rubbed and lightly squeezed them. I was running my tongue over his cock in my mouth and, with a nodding motion, was sliding him in and out between my lips.

I must have squeezed his balls a bit too hard as he suddenly yelped and pulled back. He grabbed me by the hair and he pulled me over to the bed where he sat down and forced me across his knees. He started spanking me and gradually the pain built up and I was squirming and crying out. He carried on for what seemed ages until my bum felt red hot. Then he stopped and started rubbing my bum cheeks, soothing them. He slid a finger onto my hole and gently rubbed it. I was rock hard as a result of all this.

After a while he stood up again and pushed me to my knees. I took his cock back into my mouth and this time I was more careful as I played with his balls. He fucked my mouth and after a couple of minutes I heard a change in his breathing, his balls contracted and his scrotum went hard and wrinkly. Then he came, shooting his cum into my mouth and down my throat. I gagged a bit and some of the liquid split out of my lips and dripped onto the floor. I swallowed the rest.

"Wank yourself" he instructed me stepping back and withdrawing his cock from my mouth. I spat a mix of saliva and cum onto my hand and started jerking off. He watched me intently. The sexual tension built up inside me and I erupted, my cum shooting out onto the floor.

He turned round and left the room.

He returned a while later, bringing some food. While I was eating, he brought a padded bench into the room and put it between the bed and the floor. It had metal rings on the legs. He also brought the water bag and tube. I knew he was going to fuck me.

Once I had finished eating, he ordered me to bend over the bench. He proceeded to insert the tube and to squeeze water into my arse. Then he told me to empty myself into the bucket. He repeated this and told me to return to the bench.

He had brought some rope and he tied my wrists to the legs of the bench. He then poured some lube onto my hole and then stood in front of me, put some lube on his cock and stroked it until it rose to it's full hardness and length.

He moved behind me and I felt him put the tip of his cock against my bum hole. He started to press inwards and this time, as he'd made no effort to widen my hole first, it hurt. I gasped at the pain and he paused a moment and then pressed some more. It hurt like hell and I cried out. He slapped my bum cheeks with his hand and told me to shut up. And he pushed in harder until he had slid fully inside me. I was crying at this point from the pain but he stayed still and waited until the pain diminished and my crying stopped. It had hurt a lot as he entered me but now it felt like the first time, my arse stuffed by a large warm cock, filling me and arousing me. My cock hardened.

He started fucking me and I loved it, the memory of the pain fading as the pleasure of feeling him inside me took over. He fucked me with long, slow strokes, running his hand up and down my back stroking me. He grasped my shoulders with both hands and started to speed up. I could feel him swelling and then I felt him cum, shooting his juice inside me.

He stopped moving and, bending forward, rested on my back. We stayed that way for a while and I could feel his cock shrinking inside me. Then he pulled back and slid out. He walked round the bench and stood in front of me, his cock in front of my face.

"Suck me clean" he ordered and I obeyed, using just my lips, tongue and mouth as my hands were still tied to the bench.

Once I'd finished, he untied me and removed the bench and everything else from the room, leaving just the bed and a clean bucket.

He left, locking the door again.

I curled up on the bed and fell asleep.

Chapter 4

I awoke to find him standing by me. His cock was hard and he was fingering and stroking it. When he saw my eyes were open, he told me to get up and follow him. He walked out of the door and up a flight of concrete steps. I followed him. Through another heavy door at the tops of the stairs and we arrived in a small hallway. He opened another door and led me into a shower-room. There had been no windows in the hallway and there were none here so I couldn't even guess where we were.

"Kneel in the shower" he ordered me.

I did so and looked up at him, wondering what he had planned for me. He stood in front of me, his cock at the height of my head and just held his cock, pointing it at me. I was wondering whether I should lean forward to take it into my mouth when he started peeing.

The first stream hit me in the face and my eyes smarted from the salty liquid. My mouth had been half open and I could taste his pee as it splashed between my lips. He moved his cock, spraying my hair, my face, my ears, my shoulders, my chest and my cock.

As the stream diminished he told me to open my mouth. Instinctively I obeyed and he pushed the end of his cock between my lips. The last of his pee went straight into my mouth and down my throat.

"Suck me" he instructed.

I did and had the dual sensation of his cock between my lips and the taste of his urine on my tongue.

He grasped my head and held it as he pushed forward and then withdrew, fucking my mouth. He quickly reached climax and shot his load, spurts of his cum hitting the back of my mouth. I swallowed it all.

He stood back and turned the shower taps. Warm water streamed out of the shower head and over me as I knelt there. He told me to stand up and then washed me. He was very thorough, washing every bit of me, but also very gentle. He left my bum, cock and balls to last and as he washed them I sprouted an erection. He rubbed it with one soapy hand while the other played with my bum, stroking me, running his fingers over my hole. It didn't take long before I erupted, my cum shooting out onto the shower floor.

He rinsed me and draped a towel over me. Then he washed himself and I stood and watched him. Once he was clean, he dried me with the towel, again very gently and finally dried himself.

He then led the way and took me back downstairs and locked me in.

He clearly was the person I had chatted with on the internet, or else he had somehow intercepted our chats, because this latest experience was another of the fantasies I had mentioned.

Chapter 5

I didn't know it at the time but the next experience was to be the last.

I'd been asleep on my bed when I heard the door open. I opened my eyes and saw the man come in. He was, as ever, naked but this time his cock was flaccid. He brought the padded bench with him, the water bag and a tray of food which he placed on the floor.

"Kneel" he ordered and I did.

"Suck" and I did.

His cock hardened as I held it between my lips.

He pulled back and told me to bend over the bench. He washed me out twice and then applied lube to my hole and to his cock.

He came behind me and forced his cock into my arse. As per the previous time, it hurt like hell and I was crying and yelling. I tried to slide away from him but he grasped the back of my neck and held me as he pushed further in. He achieved full penetration and paused for a brief while. The pain of his entry diminished and the pleasure of having his cock inside me took over. He started to fuck me. After about 5 minutes he withdrew and ordered me to kneel and suck him.

I did and he fucked my mouth until he erupted, shooting the streams of his cum into my mouth. Then he pulled me up and forcibly kissed me, pushing his tongue into my mouth, licking the inside and, presumably, tasting the blend of my spit and his cum.

He released me and left the room, taking everything with him but leaving the food.

I ate it and it must have been drugged as I immediately fell asleep on the bed.

The next time I woke up, I was fully dressed in the clothes I had been wearing when I'd been kidnapped. I was seated in a bus shelter which I recognised as being in the centre of the town where my foster parents lived. My clothes were clean and there was a something bulging in my jeans' pocket. I pulled it out and discovered that it was £1000 in twenty pound notes. This was more money than I had ever seen before and I just stared at it for a short while, before stuffing it back into my pocket in case any passersby saw it.

I headed to the bus station, bought a ticket to London and started the next phase of my life.

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