A Straight Guy Owns Me

Published on Dec 29, 2022


A Straight Guy Owns Me Chapter 6

The following is a fictional story involving sexual acts between consenting characters who are 18+. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The story plot and characters are a creative result from the author's imagination. If you are under the legal age to read sexually explicit material or reside in a location where it is illegal to do so, then close this page immediately. If you believe that the said fictional material and topic exploration might offend you, please, do not read any further.

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I sometimes post short fictional stories with more explicit sexual content on Reddit under: u/Lein_Anders

Comments, questions, or feedback are most welcome and appreciated at: lein.anders@yahoo.com

© 2021 Lein Anders


By Lein Anders


I was downstairs in front of the basement door. This was Chris' room, an entire floor designed just for him. I was extremely anxious and evenly aroused. My dick was profusely tenting in my sweatpants. I was following instructions. They were clear. I found that I was good at that, keeping people pleased and gaining pleasure for myself from that. I had to bring Ethan back to my room upstairs.

I could hear numerous voices coming from inside my brother's room. He had probably gathered friends after school. I had to keep it cool and make it seem normal. I wasn't actually anything more than a social friend to them. Although the twinks and I had something like a parallel relationship based on my newfound identity. I was prepared for most reactions when I would ask Ethan up to my room, more like Liam had prepared me. I had to give it my all anyway.

I knocked on the door and the voices got quieter. As I opened it, I was careful not to reveal all of myself, especially the state in my pants. Peaking from the door I met the dozen stares of teenagers.

"What's up, Alec?" Chris asked me.

"Hey, all... Umm, I..." I stammered nervously.

"You can join us," Mike said.

"There's room next to me," Callum said hopefully.

"Umm, no, thanks. I just need Ethan," I quickly said.

All eyes turned to Ethan, who looked at me surprised.

"Sure, what do you need, Alec?" He didn't move and just looked at me expectantly.

This was proving to be more difficult than simply following what I was told. I thought about dropping it, was there a point in really going through with it. Still, I felt a tingle in me, curious as to how the situation could unfold. It was not just about following orders, but actively adding something of my own as well.

"Can you come with me?" I said more assuredly.


Ethan got up and walked towards me.

"We have to go in a minute or two, Ethan," Callum called out.

"I talked with Liam, he'll come get him," I pointed out, as I was told to reply. "I need Ethan's help with something and it might take a while."

"Don't be jealous now, Callum, let the big boys do their thing," Emma soothingly told him.

My hard dick was pressed against the open door and when Ethan stood in front of my half peeking body, I momentarily hesitated about continuing.

"What's up," Ethan said, all cute and unknowing.

I opened the door all the way and stood away to let him into the hallway. I was supposed to act nonchalantly, even when we stood in front of each other and his questioning face transformed into amazement at my bulging hardon.

"Come to my room," I simply said.

Ethan followed me up to my room silently. Liam had told me that his boyfriend was the submissive one in their relationship, so it would be easy to get him alone. So far it really wasn't hard to follow with the plan, but what came after that was making me tremble with excitement. I walked calmly up the stairs in front of him, but with every step my hesitation grew. I slowed down and stopped in front of my room. Would it really go the way Liam had imagined it?

Ethan bumped in me from behind.

"You wanna talk about something, Alec?" he asked tentatively.

I didn't say anything. I was gathering courage for the next step. He didn't know what was coming, but I had to be prepared not to embarrass myself. It was all an act. It was all for fun. I was sure I wanted it, even though I was guided by Liam.

I opened the door to my room and motioned for Ethan to come inside.

"Please, sit on my bed," I said.

He listened to me like a good boy and went past me to sit down. I closed the door and took a deep breath, standing with my back to him. It was all an act, I reminded myself.

"If it's about the other night, Alec, don't worry," Ethan spoke behind me.

I took another deep breath. I looked down and sure enough my dick was still hard and filling my pants. I was going to do it. I was just gathering courage. I was going to give myself to Ethan.


It was time. I grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head. With my upper body naked I turned towards Ethan. I probably looked silly with my hands dropped at my sides, biting my bottom lip, trying to appear seductive with my outlined dick clearly visible. Ethan's eyes grew wide, his mouth was open, and he seemed like he couldn't formulate an exact thought.

I made use of that moment and took a step towards him, remembering what I was instructed to do. I walked up to him and his reaction to stop me was a bit too late. Standing up he was the taller one, but now his head at chest level, at my naked chest, that was. He lifted his hands to push me away, but I grabbed his wrists and pulled them apart.

"Alec! What are you doing? Stop!" he said shocked.

I didn't stop however. I continued doing what I was told. I held his hands at his sides and I straddled his lap.

"Alec! I have a boyfriend!"

I ignored him. He then tried pulling his hands, but I held him tight. I even started rocking my hips, sitting in him like that.

Ethan attempted to stand up, but I was putting my whole weight on his skinny body. He couldn't get away and seeing him struggle like that brought me a bit of joy about getting back at him for taking that photo.

"Come on, what's gotten into you!" he almost whimpered. "Chris is downstairs!"

I continued rocking slowly in his lap with my dick pressing against our layers of clothes. Ethan's face was in front of my chest, but he was looking upwards in my eyes, confused and pleading. He understood that he couldn't outpower me and his choices were limited. I tried pulling his right hand and place it on my chest, but he resisted me. It could turn into a full-on wrestle, which Liam assured me we would both enjoy. If it wasn't for him persuading me that Ethan would like to be treated like this, I would have stopped when he first said no. My actions reminded me of what Logan did to me, the only difference was I cared for the other person. I didn't have to seduce him at all costs. What encouraged me was that Liam told me his boyfriend liked me.

I think Ethan finally found the whole situation and my insistence frustrating to deal with and he started to give in. He could see what I was trying to do with his hand, so he loosened his resistance, but not his fist. It made contact with my skin and it was as though an electric current passed through both of us. Even more, as I was grinding in him, I could feel something massively hard pushing in his jeans. He was now mine. I would prepare him, so he could make me his own.

"Alec, come on, don't do it," he pleaded in a cute voice.

I leaned in and kissed his fist. My hips were rubbing his own back and forth. I had circled him with my legs on the bed. He had nowhere to go. When I darted my tongue and started licking his fist, Ethan finally gave in. And when he did, it was like he fully let go of all pretenses and resistances. He opened his hand touching my chest and dug his fingers in. I instinctively let go of his left hand and he placed it on my thigh, squeezing it. He was into it and I didn't do that much at all. I wrapped my hands around him and hugged him tightly. His golden head pressed to my chest and I felt the contact of his warm and soft cheek. He moaned like that and started humping me on his own. It wasn't clear who held whom in place as I felt his rising control over the situation.

"What got into you?" he asked me, looking up.

Fuck, he was cute! Ethan was a heartthrob! He looked more charming and cuddlable than hot and sexy, but he was still desirable. His wavy blond hair was fluffy, his skin was silky, his piercing blue eyes looked innocent, and his delicate lips appeared very kissable. Liam had said he was a good bottom boy, who wasn't quite experimental and sexually open yet, but he easily followed any situation he was presented with. What his boyfriend had instructed me was to try and bring out the more dominant side of him, which surfaced from time to time. Liam had wanted to provoke that in him for a while, but Ethan had been acting too shy in front of strangers. I had instantly understood what he was telling me, as though a night course with Logan alone had beaten into me years of skipped experiences and hook up gameplay. Still, I was wondering what could Ethan be so shy and unconfident about when he had such a monster between his legs.

This wasn't a simple game of control for sure. I had really gone into it and taken an initiative. I didn't want to stop, I couldn't. I wanted to see where all this of fun could lead us. Even the simple grip on my chest and thigh were telling me I would awaken something sexually mind-blowing in him.

I gently took Ethan's hand off my chest and guided it lower, lower to my raging dick inside my sweatpants. He looked down between us and smiled. We clasped my dick together and his face gave out that he was impressed. He started rubbing it slowly through my pants and grinding up into me rhythmically. His other hand was circling around my nipple and pinching it, both strongly and lightly at random. He was playing with me, taking control of me, testing what gave me pleasure.

My arms and legs were still wrapped around him. I had now completely given him over my body and the direction we'll take. Although there was still something I wanted to add. It wasn't per Liam's instructions. It hadn't even crossed my mind at first. I didn't know if I was allowed to. But I was suddenly feeling passionate about it. I wanted to kiss Ethan!

That's why I leaned in to meet his lips as we were passionately grinding and touching all over, my dick welcoming the attention of another boy for the second time in my life. Ethan was quick to react however. He clutched my dick and moved his other hand to my throat, restraining me like that in his lap.

"I only kiss Liam," he said matter-of-factly.

Suddenly I felt dumb and embarrassed. The situation cooled down. I made a mistake.

"Aww, that's so sweet, babe," we both heard Liam's voice.

I had completely forgotten after I sat in Ethan's lap that I had left my phone with the video call on my desk, so Liam could be able to watch us. It was all part of his plan for joint fun between us.

"I wouldn't blame you if you kissed him. I mean, Alec is hot! Haha!" he added.

The phone was placed opposite the bed and I think all of my room could be seen.

"You fucker! You planned this!" Ethan reacted grinning, after initially being perplexed.

"It's okay, babe," Liam continued with a laugh, "thanks for not breaking your word, but I told Alec what he could do. Well, most of what happened."

"...do you want to have some fun :)" Liam had written me, after which he video called me.

We were both already horny and I was more or less ready to do whatever he told me. He could guess from what I told him that happened in the public toilets what my sexual preferences would be, or at least those that I would like to explore. He explained how to get Ethan alone and what to do to him after that. It was clear he was the dominant type and I gave in to his idea of seducing his boyfriend and letting myself get used by him. Of course, just before I was supposed to go downstairs and get Ethan, Liam couldn't resist and wanted to prove his power over me, or just see me naked first.

"If you're wearing underwear, remove it now," he had ordered me.

I hadn't questioned him, but I couldn't keep my dick soft at all, which worried me. I had removed my sweatpants and my briefs for him anyway.

"If I was there, we would have even more fun, you know," he had told me.

I had stood like that for him and had turned to different angles, so he could have a good look of me. I had felt pleased and intensely sexy.

"So, he made you do this," Ethan said, sounding a bit dejected.

"No, I... I actually got really into it. You felt it!" I tried assuring him.

"Is he blushing? So sweet!" Liam teased me. "Don't be mad, babe. I asked him to have some fun with us and he agreed. I haven't used what we know about him. Shit! It was really hot watching you going at it!"

"I'm not mad, babe. I trust you! And it was really hot seeing you like that in the public toilets," Liam told me.

"Is that why you took the photo?" I raised an eyebrow, imitating a stern face.

"Uhh, yeah, sorry about that," he blushed and went into back into his shy persona.

"Don't worry, I also trust you guys," I told them. "Unlike Logan, whom I didn't," I thought to myself.

I stood up from Ethan's lap. My dick hadn't been down in more than an hour and my balls almost ached for release now. I stood between Ethan and Liam watching from my phone.

"Alright, it was really fun, indeed," I said joyfully.

They were quiet for a few seconds, looking at each other. Then they grinned and turned to look at me again.

"But why stop?" Ethan said.


"It'll be hot to watch you two together. Just continue!" Liam said from my phone.

"Continue?" I repeated.

"I think Alec likes being told what to do," Ethan made a guess.

"No shit, babe! And you've had a major crush on him since he was a senior," Liam remarked.

"Liam, shut up!" I saw Ethan's face get all read again. "How could you say that!"

"But it's true. I'll be happy for you. I planned it this far, it's up to you now."

"Umm," I tried to say something in between them.

"But you're not here, Li."

"I'll still watch you from here. Fuck him over, mess him up, turn him into a hungry college bitch with your big dick!"

"Umm, guys," I tried saying something again.

"He's not very experienced, is he?" Liam asked him, ignoring me.

"He's fresh. Getting him initiated would be hot, right?"

"Yeah!" they both jeered.

"I just don't think it's the right time, guys. My brother and your friends are downstairs," I reasoned.

"Alec!" Liam said in an assertive voice, silencing me.

They were both looking at me insistingly. I felt like a deer caught in headlights. There was no running away from the sexually charged situation. I had no excuse not to do what they told me.

"Yeah?" I meekly said.

"Get naked!" Ethan commanded.

"But..." I mumbled.

"Now!" Ethan's voice grew firm.

My dick twitched in my pants. I stood there in front of the two boyfriends. I was wearing just socks and sweatpants. Ethan leaned back on my bed and was watching me breathlessly.

"Drop your pants!" Ethan repeated.

I obeyed the blond angel teen. I tucked my fingers in the waistband and carefully, but surely, pulled my pants down. I was now exposed for the twinks to see and do whatever they wanted with me.

Thank you for reading my work! Comments, questions, or feedback are most welcome and appreciated at:


I sometimes post short fictional stories with more explicit sexual content on Reddit under: u/Lein_Anders

© 2021 Lein Anders

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