A Straight Guy Owns Me

Published on Dec 16, 2022


A Straight Guy Owns Me Chapter 5

The following is a fictional story involving sexual acts between consenting characters who are 18+. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The story plot and characters are a creative result from the author's imagination. If you are under the legal age to read sexually explicit material or reside in a location where it is illegal to do so, then close this page immediately. If you believe that the said fictional material and topic exploration might offend you, please, do not read any further.

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I sometimes post short fictional stories with more explicit sexual content on Reddit under: u/Lein_Anders

Comments, questions, or feedback are most welcome and appreciated at: lein.anders@yahoo.com

© 2021 Lein Anders


By Lein Anders


It had been a week since I came back to my hometown. It did me good to see my family and spend some time together, although the circumstances were unusual on my side. They welcomed my stay without any questions or above-average curiosity. I also did my assignments for college distantly and I even got in contact with some of the professors from the classes I had. They were actually helpful without demanding an explanation.

I still didn't get any word from Mark or my ex-girlfriend and I didn't try reaching out either, the choice was theirs. I chatted with some college friends about general stuff. It usually got to the point of them asking me where I was, to which I replied I was on a trip. The conversations stopped after that.

My brother Chris acted as everything was normal too, but I could sense he wanted to talk about something. He was just caring like that, though in my mind I imagined there were other things he wanted to tell me. The good thing was he didn't ask me about the other night at the amusement park when I was gone for more than an hour, blowing Logan in the public toilets of our little town. I didn't know what his friends that found me had told him, but I assumed he thought I felt free enough to enjoy myself on my own. And I sure did! Still the question lingered on my mind whether he's gay and what was his connection to Logan.

Although we had a good relationship as brothers, a more pressing matter arising from my surprise visit was who would get to use the car during the day. He was kind enough to let me drive during the first few days. In the mornings though I had to get up early and drive him to school and in the afternoons I was there to take him back. It wasn't just the two of us on these trips. We had to pick up some of his friends on the way to school. Two of them were Liam and Ethan, of course, and it was really awkward for me being around them, knowing one of them saw the state I was in that faithful night. Still they acted normal, without giving any hints or remarks about why Chris' big brother would disappear and be found with an overly cum-covered face.

On the fourth day however Chris saw that my unintended appearance back home restricted his mobility and freedom for things he wanted to do, so he asked me to have the car back. It happened when I went to pick him up after school, but instead of going straight home, he wanted me to drive him and his friends to the mall. The problem was there were more people than seats and when I refused to have seven people in the car sitting into one another, he reacted negatively.

"Usually we don't use the services of a personal driver," he remarked sarcastically.

Anyway I drove Chirs, Liam, Ethan, and some new guy I didn't know to the mall, while the rest got there with another car. Chris was quick to apologize for his passive-aggressiveness, but I had realized the problem and I assured him that it all happened because of my impulsive decisions and it's a perfectly normal reaction. He invited me to come to the mall with them and spend some time together. The guys on the back seat cheered and started telling me how much fun I'd have with them.

"Yeah, we could do a TikTok video together in front of the bathroom mirrors, if you're into that," one of the twinks on the back seat said.

I instantly tensed up, but it didn't seem like he implied anything.

"That would be cool. I learned a new dance," said the new boy. "I could teach you, Alec."

I mumbled something back at the boy whose name I didn't know, though he seemed to know about me.

They were typical teenagers, though I was actually just two years older than them. They joked with each other and talked bullshit, but they were a friendly and close group. They dragged me through almost all of the shops at the mall, trying and looking at clothes mostly. They made TikTok videos along the way and made sure to include me in them. The group was bigger this time. There were Emma, Michael, the twinks, and a dozen others who introduced themselves to me, but I couldn't remember all of their names. However I remembered the boy's name who rode with us in the car and wanted to teach me a dance move. We struck a conversation while we were going around the mall. He was shorter than me and had blond hair, trimmed at the sides. He looked skinny in his tight jeans and hoodie, but when he asked me to come help him with choosing a shirt in the changing rooms, I got another impression of him. He said I had a good taste in clothes and wanted my opinion. I got dragged to a changing room, but instead of closing the curtain he started undressing just like that in front of me. And I had to admit, after my awakening experience the other night, I found the sight of a well-formed and athletic older teen body arousing. The boy's name was Callum and he was hot.

Finally we sat to eat at the food court. Feeling me close and comfortable to be with, the group's jokes turned to me.

"We won't let you out of our sight this time, Alec," Michael said to me.

"He might have went after a girl, he's not tied to us," Emma teased.

"Or after a cute boy," one of the twinks pipped in and the whole table, even Chris, laughed.

It was Liam who said it. He was tall and he had dark spiked up hair. The nails on his right hand were painted black. His other arm was almost entirely covered by a tattoo, something like the tentacles of an octopus. He was eyeing me curiously, as though provoking a reaction out of me.

"Yeah, right, the guy can play sports," Michael remarked.

"What is that supposed to mean, Michael?" the other twink feigned an offended reaction.

His name was Ethan and he was the one who stumbled upon me two nights ago. He was taller than me as well and he had wavy blond hair. He was wearing a pink hoodie with the hood on. He also had pink socks with bunnies and otters on them that could be clearly seen. If I didn't know, I wouldn't say he was really eighteen. He was definitely the cuter of the two though. When he found me in the public toilets he was quick to help me clean my face from the two shares of cum that prevented me from seeing and were running down my face and neck. Ethan was nonchalant about it and didn't ask me anything. The lack of response however was putting me on edge more than if it got mentioned somehow. Understandably, I dreaded both.

Michael and Ethan were now arguing back and forth about gay stereotypes. They were loudly teasing each other and laughing about it. Everyone's attention was on them and some even joined in, adding a thing or two of their own. But during this friendly banter I caught Liam's intense look. I stared back at him questioningly. He then smiled at me and poked his tongue against his cheek a few times. The gesture made me blush furiously and I suddenly realized how dangerous the situation was. I was at the twinks' mercy with my secret. I had to talk to them. Chris mustn't know.

"And he has a girlfriend from what I've heard," I heard someone mention me.

All eyes on the table turned to me. I was still thinking about the unforeseeable consequences of sucking dick for the first time and getting partly found out.

"Chris told me you broke up," Emma asked me sincerely, though it definitely wasn't the right moment.

"Hey, that was a secret!" Chris scolded her. "I'm sorry, Alec," he turned to me.

"Well, we haven't..." I tried to deny it, thinking about when did I really tell Chris that we broke up. My voice died down though, unsure what exactly to say.

"He's one of us now, no secrets," someone said.

"Ah, I'm sorry, babe," Callum, who was somehow sitting next to me the whole time, said for only me to hear. He then placed his hand on my inner thigh.

Overtaken by so many thinks in my head, I quickly gripped his hand and threw him a stern look. He had clearly crossed a line, hot or not, even if he was biting his lip and then mouthing sorry when I let him go. After my initial reaction however there was only one clear thought in my head, I wanted to put his hand back on me. I knew I could be his slutty babe, for sure.

Most of all though during this one week, with everything happening around my family, Chris' friends, my college work, my thoughts were intently focused on Logan and that overwhelming night at the amusement park. I still couldn't process all that had happened, all that he had done to me, all that I had let him do to me, all that I had wanted to be done to me. What I felt was desire, not shame. I feared the twinks might reveal something or even Logan himself could show the video to someone, so he was the riskier one. But what kept me fair-minded was that I still had the privilege to be away at college, even though I was currently away from college because of quite the same situation. On the days I drove Chris and his friends to school and back I was secretly hoping and dreading to meet Logan again. But I didn't see him. I wondered if he even visited school during his senior year. What would I even do if I saw him though? I think it put me at ease that it didn't happen, but it still made the whole experience from that night seem surreal. Had I really been on my knees in a public toilet letting another guy mouthfuck and gag me with his cock? Had I really stood down there like a slut with an expectant face that got covered with two thick loads of young cum. And what about the other guy? I didn't know his identity. Had he seen me since then somewhere in town, keeping quiet and smirking at what he had witnessed and what he himself had done.

It was two days later after Chris got his car back that I was laying in bed, alone in the house for the afternoon. Logan was occupying most of my thoughts and I had been permanently horny every day. I was jerking off and cumming only to get hard again at the memories of how Logan tasted and how he smelled, how he acted like a jerk and how he made me do what he wanted. I was secretly hoping he would remember who I am and come seek me, but I didn't dare reveal myself on my own. I had found his Instagram profile and I further lusted after his pictures. There was nothing there to suggest he was into other guys. Quite the opposite, there were plenty of pics with girls. Those I drooled over were pics from the gym, beach, or casually taken selfies with no shirt on. I also entertained the thought of whether I could write him, but that seemed like a crazy idea.

What I usually replayed in my mind that kept me constantly aroused was Logan maneuvering me into the stall just with his body, then placing his hand and trying to bend me to his own desire. Added to the whole dynamic of my transformation into a cock slut through the display of dominance by another male, a teenager at that, was the vivid memory of his straight veiny cock buried deep in my throat. All of the sensual input I remembered, like the taste of cum, the scent of a boy, the slap of a cock on my cheek, just further boosted my orgasm to the likes of which I've never had before.

I had my hand inside my sweatpants and was ready to go for another round. I was rock hard and Logan's pics were proving to be irresistible. If I gathered enough courage and followed my crazy idea to write him, I should definitely avoid doing it in this state of excitement. My mind should be clear, but then what would I say to him?

Just then a notification for a message request appeared on my phone, together with one for a new follower on Instagram. I saw that it was one of the twinks.

"hey, is Ethan there yet?" Liam had written me.

I was confused at the message. His profile was the typical influencer wanna-be. Almost all of the pics were of himself and on some he was together with his boyfriend. They looked cute together, I gave them that. I checked Ethan's profile as well. Everything looked the same, but one pic caught my attention. They were at the beach. Wearing just trunks, I could see their skinny, but defined, bodies. I also saw Liam's tattoo in full, he was standing in the front while Ethan was behind him with arms wrapped around him, smiling cheerfully with his wet hair hanging down in blond locks. I'd say Ethan almost shined under the sun, while Liam was dead serious in the photo. Hugging in that position I could see that Liam's tentacles tattoo on his arm extended to Ethan's left shoulder into the head of an octopus.

"Hey! He's not here, why?" I accepted the message request and replied.

"ok, he's on his way then," Liam wrote back.

It was a strange exchange of messages. I guessed Chris had invited some friends over, but why was he asking me?

"Aren't you coming as well?" I asked him, just to not let the conversation die like that.

"nope," he replied instantly. "It would be nice to see you, but I have a project to work on :)"

What did that mean? Was he hitting on me, teasing me or insinuating something? I wasn't dumb, there were the looks he threw me and the thing he did while we were eating at the mall. I got anxious talking to him, he was playing at something and it probably had to do with what he knew about me. I wanted to avoid talking about that.

"What project?" I asked, trying to direct the conversation to another topic.

"nothing much, I just have to do it," he messaged me back instantly.

The conversation stopped after that, I didn't ask him any more questions and he didn't write anything back. What was the point of writing to me at all? Still there was something else on my mind and I thought I could ask him.

"Liam, can I ask you something? Is my brother gay?" I wrote after fifteen minutes of silence.

"ask him that yourself," he saw it and replied right away. "the question is are you, Alec? :)"

"What, no!" I wrote quickly, jumping upwards in bed. "I'm not gay, Liam," I wrote to him again.

Right then he sent a replaying photo. When I opened to see it my jaw dropped and I panicked. It was a photo of me in front of the public toilets mirror wiping the visible cum from my eyes with toilet paper. Fuck! Ethan had taken that!

"the pic says otherwise though," Liam smartly replied.


"hey, chill, Alec," he calmly replied. "my bf thought it would be funny, I wouldn't have believed him if I didn't see it :)"

"LIAM! DELETE THE PHOTO NOW!" I insisted angrily.

"don't worry, we know what it's like, Alec," he continued just like that. "good thing we were the ones to find you. kinda brave for you to do it so openly in this shithole of a town. how did you do it, grindr, random hook up, old schoolmate? that sure seems like a lot of cum, makes you look cuter :)"

I was still uneasy, ready to jump and go to wherever he lived. I felt that I had made a big mistake and things were getting out of control. Still his assurance and teasing made me see the situation as close to normal as possible.

"hey, you still there, Alec? Relax, we're not gonna do anything with the pic, promise. we can talk."

My phone started ringing for a video call just then, but I hanged up.

"hey, come on," Liam wrote.

I ignored him, trying to gather my thoughts.

"Can you believe it was my first time," I messaged him after a few minutes.

"no way! so how was it? I'm not gonna ask with who?"

"It was more than I expected I could handle," I felt like telling him truthfully.

"tell me more," he wrote.

So told him, skipping all the details. I told him how I met a guy at the urinals, how we felt a connection, and how he had asked me for a blowjob and I had felt like I could experiment. I had blown him in the cubicle and he had nutted all over my face.

"slutty boys are the best!" was Liam's reaction. "Ethan and I experiment, sometimes we do threesomes," he shared.

"Oh, yeah? I've done a few with girls," I related.


We talked some more. Liam was actually a decent guy and made me feel comfortable with what I had done. I wasn't freaked out that much now and I felt like I could trust him. He was one of my brother's close friends after all. I understood that I have a new side of me to explore and talking to Liam certainly helped. Funnily, my point of departure for all of this was my hometown.

"can I send you something else :)" Liam wrote after a while.

"Yes, what?" I was curious what could it be this time. Was there another photo of me?

He sent another photo and what I saw this time made my dick fully hard.

"what do you think, Alec, do you like our cocks?"

I replayed the photo again and stared at the two enormous cocks, whose tips gently touched. The photo was taken from below so it made you imagine you were beneath them, waiting to be taken and used. I felt my mouth was eager to taste them.

"do you like :)" Liam wrote again.

"I'm rock hard," I couldn't deny it.

"let me see," Liam wrote.

Just then I heard the front door to the house open and voices downstairs. Chris was home and he was with friends. I told that to Liam, making it an excuse not to send him the pic right away.

"perfect, do you want to have some fun :)" was his reply just before he made another video call.

Thank you for reading my work! Comments, questions, or feedback are most welcome and appreciated at:


I sometimes post short fictional stories with more explicit sexual content on Reddit under: u/Lein_Anders

© 2021 Lein Anders

Next: Chapter 6

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