A Straight Guy Owns Me

Published on Sep 23, 2022


A Straight Guy Owns Me Chapter 4

The following is a fictional story involving sexual acts between consenting individuals of different ages. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The story plot and characters are a creative result from the author's imagination. If you are under the legal age to read sexually explicit material or reside in a location where it is illegal to do so, then close this page immediately. If you believe that the said fictional material and topic exploration might offend you, please, do not read any further.

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I sometimes post short fictional stories with more explicit sexual content on Reddit under: u/Lein_Anders

Questions, comments and feedback are most welcome and appreciated at: lein.anders@yahoo.com

© 2021 Lein Anders


By Lein Anders


My hands were trembling with excitement at what I was about to do by my own initiative, down on my knees before the drunk and horny teenager who had felt the urge to use me for his own pleasure. Something had switched in my mind however, I didn't feel like a sexual target anymore. Whatever Logan was doing to me helped with the surfacing of deeply neglected desires. I was now getting back at him by owning what was happening to me, what he had started impulsively. If he wanted to enjoy himself with me, I was going to make sure I take an active part. I wasn't just going to let him get pleasure by being an insensitive and sexually dominating asshole. I was also going to show him that I could get off on him acting like one.

Logan's belt was actually easy to unbuckle, although he had struggled with it earlier. I managed to unbutton his pants with one hand, while I squeezed his hard dick with the other. His dick was pointing below my chin invitingly, tempting and expecting action. I tentatively licked the underside and let my tongue travel up and down a few times. Looking up I couldn't see Logan's face hidden behind the phone, but in my mind I imagined I was teasing him and prolonging the enjoyment we both shared. Something slutty had awoken in me, something I'd expect to see in girls, only that I behaved like one at the moment, delighting in the taste of teenager cock. I felt power, I felt heat, and I wanted to be a submissive slutty bitch. My newly found transformation had but one aim, to bring Logan to orgasm. It was all for Logan.

His pants dropped down like a curtain, removing another cloth layer and getting me closer to the source of the burning temptation I was overtaken by. His shirt that was tucked in his pants got in the way though, dropping down. Logan lowered his free hand and pulled it up to his chin. I was presented with his boyish underwear with monkeys and bananas tightly constricting his balls. This was how he managed to relieve himself at the urinals earlier and how his briefs had remained when he invaded my mouth. But not only that. I could now see more of Logan, his trimmed pubes, his kept treasure trail, and his toned body with well-formed abs.

I had stopped for a moment to admire the highly erotic sight I was finding a young male body could elicit. When Logan shifted towards me, pushing his dick in my face, I was reminded it was time to set him free. I grabbed his briefs with both hands and lowered them to his knees. I could finally admire all of him. His shaved balls, now out in the open, were touching my cheek, all smooth, fevered, and surely full of cum.

Logan touched his dick and held it against his body by the bulbous cock head. He pushed himself further in my face, the base of his dick and balls filling my sight, and I took a deep breath before tasting him. I could now fully inhale his other more natural smell from the source and it was intoxicating. He was a little sweaty, but clean, a bit salty, but sweet, somehow unfamiliar, but all the more irresistible. I acted on instinct, craving and overpowered. I kissed with my lips and lapped with my tongue, darting out and pushing against his skin, I slobbered and spread drool everywhere with my mouth open. I kissed his balls and I licked his shaft, I whiffed his pubes and I caressed his thighs, I traced my tongue from the base to the tip of his cock, lapping at his fingers that were holding it and taking them in my mouth. All the while I was encouraged by Logan's rousing moans and groans.

This could have happened with Mark, the thought crossed my mind in my sex-crazed hunger. If only my ex-girlfriend hadn't acted like that. So what if Mark had sucked me, what if I had wanted to suck him back, there wasn't anything wrong with that, just pleasure between guys. Nothing to freak out about like she had done. She fucking ruined everything. Mark was now scared. But what would he like though, what would he taste like? I barely remember how his mouth felt on my dick then, we were drunk. That doesn't matter. He didn't call me after my ex broke up with me. He ran away from what he found out. He ran away from what I was finding right now as well. But I was embracing it head on. I was right there on my knees taking dick and owning my slutty side, owning my newfound thirst to be owned like this. Fuck them both. They definitely couldn't give me what Logan was giving me, the same thrill, the risk, the casual encounter, the feeling of the unknown, the unknown man himself as a strange addition, everything. I definitely didn't know my game as well as Logan did. I've never even behaved like this. It wasn't my style, my way of having sex. He's had experience or he was just a natural, who knows. But he definitely knew the secret to making people want his dick. How many guys had sucked him, I wondered. How many did he seduce and use? Never mind, it wasn't important. I was the one sucking him right now. The moment was mine. And fuck Mark! Fuck my ex! Fuck our nosy friends that got involved as well!

I buried my face in Logan's balls, almost pushing him back. I reached under his balls with one hand and I felt him tense and flutter. I continued devouring his balls and shaft with an even bigger enthusiasm, my tongue was thrusting and nudging eagerly and rapidly. When Logan placed a hand on my head, trying to make me move and slow down, a sudden urge took over me. Risking it, I grabbed his hand and shoved him back till his back hit the stall door with a bang. I held his free hand in a grip beside him.

"Woah, feisty!" said our uninvited guest.

I think I caught Logan by surprise by my sudden action. But I quickly made him forget about my rough pay back as I swiftly swallowed his cock and speared my throat, going directly in as far as it could reach. He tried to get his hand free and do something, but I didn't let him control me. He was still pointing his phone at me with his right hand and didn't find the need to stop. I kept his left hand pinned to the stall door and worked him with my mouth, speedily swallowing his dick, moving up and down on it.

I looked up at Logan and he seemed to return my look, not through his phone this time. All the while he was recording what I was doing to him, watching me through the screen. But now he was holding it aside and I could see his face. Our eyes locked in a carnal connection. The view from below was spectacular, his lean and hardened body, his abs and nipples. I could discern his contracting muscles as he was heavily breathing. We both knew what we wanted. We both knew our roles.

I stuck my tongue out and as provokingly as possible I circled the head of his cock while looking in his eyes. I had his full attention. I didn't care how I looked, it might have been silly. But the thought he was doing a video excited me further. Maybe he would watch it later, maybe he'd show the video to his friends and brag about it, just like I showed Mark what I did with my ex. I swirled and bobbed my head around Logan's dick. I added my other hand and started jerking him off at the same time, making a slobbering and messy blowjob.

"Oh, yesss..." he gasped loudly.

"I'm your cocksucker," I said to him lustily, as I mixed his dick juices with my drool. "I'm your slutty cocksucker," I repeated.

"Good boy, you learned your place," the guy outside spoke again.

"Fuck, I'm so close, man," Logan exclaimed, raw energy emanating from his voice.

He twisted and pulled his pinned hand, easily getting it free. He stopped me from swallowing his cock and started jerking off on his own keeping aim at my mouth. I remained close and licked the tip whenever his fist was drawn back. Him working on his dick gave me a chance to travel up his body, as far as he allowed me. I began at his pubes and went along his treasure trail to his navel. But when I extended my body like that I felt my knees hurt, so I returned down unsuccessfuly, having explored just bits. I then kept my mouth open and let my tongue play with his piss slit. Logan was beating off furiously and even smacking me in the face with his fist.

I couldn't figure out what pushed me to do it. An abrupt thought passed through my mind. Maybe I wanted further recognition, or I wanted to shock him, or maybe share this connection and make it hotter by revealing we knew each other. After the many transformations I underwent in this short time in a public toilet of all places, I still wanted to go further and maybe make the moment special. I was rushing through all these states and feelings because of an awoken hunger for dick and the love it led to. So I stopped what I was doing and looked up.

"Logan, do you remember me?" I asked him, my voice coming out too timid.

Logan continued stroking himself in front of my face as though he didn't hear me. I remained expectant, but soon I realized I did something pathetic. I didn't want to appear awkward and ruin the situation, so I got back to pleasuring him. But the thought stayed with me and I was careful not to get out of the moment we were sharing. Logan didn't remember me. I was popular back in high school, that was just two years ago. He knew me then, we were both athletes, we had close circles of friend. I could recall we used to greet each other, we've had conversations, and even partied together. He was always quiet and shy back then, still uncertain and caught up in the whole attention-seeking phase. He was nothing like the big-dicked boy who had made me blow him, who was using curse words, aggressive to anyone, and ready to whip out his dick and pee on you. How could he not remember me?

"You don't know who I am?" I asked him again.

"You were with that fag group..." he scoffed. "Just shut up and tell me where you want it!"

"Huh?" I reacted confused at his answer.

"The cum, boy, where do you want it," the unknown man said.

"I haven't nutted in anyone for weeks. Do you want me to cover your face or you want to swallow?" Logan asked me again.

The realization all of this was coming to an end hit me. We were doing it so Logan could get his rocks off and go back to enjoying his night out. It wasn't supposed to be a lasting moment, but a quick and frisky encounter. Logan was going to cum of course, he was going to give me his hot load. I was going to take his semen in me. And he was asking me, matter-of-factly, where did I want it, it wasn't a question of whether I even wanted it or not. What would it have been with Mark? How and where did I cum with my ex? What did I even like before Logan ran into my life? Not swallowing wasn't an option at all, I was going down on Logan after all. I was curious to taste his cum. I wanted him to see me and record me taking his straight boy load, be it on my face or in my mouth. But thinking that Logan did the opposite of everything I wanted until now I was prepared for surprises. Actually, him asking me like this was pretty exciting on its own, it added to the play, to our endgame.

"I want to swallow it," I tried sounding dirty. "Give it to me in my mouth."

"Good, the boy wants to swallow it," said the man.

Logan didn't disappoint and did exactly that, he fed me his cock. It felt swelled and extremely hard, like a steel rod that would be pumping a load down my throat very soon. He placed his free hand behind my head and forced me to swallow as much of his cock as I could. He moved his hips and fucked my mouth urgently and almost brutally, caught up in the heat of the moment, wanting to bring himself to climax. He was rough and animalistic in the last few moments before release. He was reaching way past the limit of my throat, breaching further in. I was taking it, suppressing any reflex to gag or throw up. I knew this would have an end any second now and I just hoped I could take whatever was coming and still manage to breathe.

"Fuck, here it comes!" Logan roared.

"Give it to him!" the man encouraged him.

I felt his cock expanding in my mouth and sure enough without warning he pulled out, intending to blast in my face after all. I had expected something different to happen, so I quickly assumed position, opened my mouth, and nested my tongue under his glans. Just as soon, the first shots of hot cum, thick and lengthy, shot from his cock and covered my face from mouth to hair. There were four big jizz blasts, a few small ones, and at the end I felt the last eruptions from his orgasm flow onto my tongue. I had already closed my eyes, knowing all too well that was best, holding them tight. I could feel my whole face coated in semen. It was warm, wet, and I could smell its scent. I felt him smear the cum on my face with his now softening dick. He then touched my lips with it probably intending to get it clean. I sucked on it, savoring real teenage cum for the first time in my life.

Logan was quick to pull out however. I could hear him panting and breathing hard above me. But the next thing I heard was the sound of him pulling up and zipping his pants and the clinking of his belt. He didn't say anything. I felt him move and open the stall door. He was going to leave me like this, I realized. I didn't have time to ponder on my feelings. I needed to quickly wash and get out of there before anyone sees me. But what about the unknown guy who was outside the stall till the end?

With my eyes still closed I searched for some toilet paper but there wasn't any. I had to walk like this to the sinks. As I tried to stand up, being careful with my numb legs, someone stepped in front of me and pushed me down by the shoulders.

"Nah, not yet, man," Logan said.

Something in the way he was calling me 'man' or 'fag' when he was just two years younger than me kept exciting me even now. He grabbed my face by the cheeks, with cum still on them, and squeezed me.

"I don't know who you are, but if I called you a fag, that's because your group of friends are fags. And don't you ever assume you know anything about me or I'll fuck you up good!" he stated very close to my face. "Take care, man." He let go and ruffled my hair, wiping his cum-covered fingers.

"Fuck, he's pretty with all that cum on him," I heard the man say. I realized the stall door was now open for anyone to see.

"Yeah, he is," I heard Logan laugh as he was walking out.

Logan's final touch was for him to put me on display, it seemed, with a face painted in cum. I heard the guy approach me and enter the stall. He could see me, but I didn't know what he looked like. The thought excited me, but I was also nervous. I could only imagine what he was seeing. By the sound of his voice I could guess he was a middle-aged man. I tried to open my eyes and could see his silhouette above me. He was jerking off rapidly. A moment later I heard the man grunt and a spray of cum landed on my face. The unknown guy added his load to my face!

"Good boy. I kept it safe for you here, no one came, you know. Now you are free to go," he said and walked away.

He didn't wipe his dick one me, touch me or anything like that. I didn't even know who he was or if he took pictures. He just left me like that.

I finally got up. My legs were unsteady, my heartbeat was still fast. The adrenaline from the highly sexual experience was now because of the fear of getting caught. I somehow found the sinks with eyes closed. The cum on my eyes started to get in and sting. My pants were still wet with piss and not only that. I was still unbelievably aroused! I hadn't taken care of my own dick and now wasn't the time for sure. I needed to fix myself, think of a good excuse, and return back to my brother and his friends. My phone hadn't rang, but who knows what they were thinking.

In that moment when I was just starting to wash the cum from my face I heard the door to the toilets open and someone call my name.

"Alec, there you are!"

Thank you for reading my work! Questions, comments and feedback are most welcome and appreciated at:


I sometimes post short fictional stories with more explicit sexual content on Reddit under: u/Lein_Anders

© 2021 Lein Anders

Next: Chapter 5

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