A Straight Guy Owns Me

Published on Aug 28, 2022


A Straight Guy Owns Me Chapter 3

The following is a fictional story involving sexual acts between consenting individuals of different ages. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The story plot and characters are a creative result from the author's imagination. If you are under the legal age to read sexually explicit material or reside in a location where it is illegal to do so, then close this page immediately. If you believe that the said fictional material and topic exploration might offend you, please, do not read any further.

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I sometimes post short fictional stories with more explicit sexual content on Reddit under: u/Lein_Anders

Questions, comments and feedback are most welcome and appreciated at: lein.anders@yahoo.com

© 2021 Lein Anders


By Lein Anders


I got down on the dirty floor inside the cubicle and I took in the sight from my new position. Logan was standing in front of me and I was face to face with his hard dick, whose overly swelled head was profusely leaking precum. This was all new to me. I've never felt this way, this excited, this horny, this uninhibited about what was about to happen. I was on my knees on the cold sticky bathroom floor about to give Logan Braydon a blowjob! Logan Braydon who was two years younger than me. Logan Braydon who I knew from high school. Logan Braydon who had been rude and aggressive towards my brother. Logan Braydon who had acted like a jerk when I asked him to apologize. Logan Braydon whose piss I still had soaked into my pants. But also, Logan Braydon whose cock I found alluring, spectacular, and thrillingly desirable, a cock I suddenly wanted to taste, smell, and feel inside me. It was long and veiny, pointing upwards, with an even girth from the base all to the shiny bulbous head. It looked so inviting, so demanding, so suckable.

His dick was still sticking out from the open fly in his pants. I couldn't see his balls, his pubes, or any other nakedness around his crotch, besides his erect shaft sticking out. I could see his underwear showing though and it made me chuckle unintentionally. He was wearing red briefs with monkeys and bananas on them. I quickly darted my eyes upwards, meeting Logan's tough and insistent gaze. He was probably expecting me to begin sucking his dick on my own.

"I haven't done this," I said, putting a hand on his dick and still looking up at him. I probably would have done it already if my ex-girlfriend hadn't interrupted us with Mark.

"Haha, he hasn't done this!" I heard the guy outside the stall say. He wasn't a threat anymore, it seemed, but I found him annoying. Logan didn't pay him any attention though.

Without saying anything Logan put his right hand on mine so we were holding his dick together and he started to jerk himself like that. At first I was confused and embarrassed, thinking that he was showing me what I should do, but he didn't let go of my hand and I let him control me. But then he pulled my wrist with his other hand so I let go of his dick. I lowered both my hands on my thighs, awaiting.

Logan moved closer to me and his dick touched my face. I could feel the heat and wetness from the contact. Holding it with his right hand, he moved it around my face, rubbing and brushing my chin, cheeks, and forehead, while leaving trails of precum everywhere. I remained still, accepting what he was doing to me. I had my eyes open, but my lips were tightly closed. I could discern a more natural smell now coming from his dick, apart from his cologne. It made me painfully hard and I lowered my hand to adjust myself.

That's when Logan decided to smack my face with his hard cock, as if reprimanding me for touching myself. He hit me a few more times with the smacking sound echoing inside the bathroom, leaving wet marks on my face. I just stayed there, taking it, wondering when he was going to put it in my mouth, since he wasn't allowing me to act on my own.

I was ready to do it. I was going to suck his dick. That was what Logan wanted. That was what I wanted. I didn't fully realize what this would mean, but I knew I wanted his dick in my mouth. I wasn't a cocksucker though, was I? The thought that my brother and his friends were waiting for me flashed through my mind. I was quick to dismiss it. I was about to suck Logan's long cock, I didn't need any distractions. I had a hunger for it that had suddenly awakened. I haven't been so unbelievably horny in my life. But Logan was a classmate of Chris, he was eighteen, a high school senior, the thoughts passed through my head again. Yes, he knew my brother, he even harassed him. Yes, he was a teenager, horny and drunk. And yes, I was going to let him use my mouth and dominate me, because I've never felt such a strong urge to bring pleasure to someone. Logan and I were in a position where he was going to do things to me and I was going to allow myself to be used in any way he liked. Maybe it would have been better with Mark, but he got scared. I wasn't scared. I wanted this to happen. I wanted to pleasure Logan. He wanted me to give him pleasure. He wanted to pleasure himself through me, with me, in me. I wasn't a cocksucker, but Logan Braydon was going to turn me into one. And that just made me even more excited!

Logan finally pointed his dick at my mouth and slowly pushed forward. My lips parted and wrapped around the head and then the shaft. I knew I had to be careful with my teeth and I appreciated he didn't force his dick in all at once. Yet he was firm and straightforward. As my tongue made contact with the invading cock it welcomed it with a tentative lick, for which it received an unfamiliar sweet gift. I had half of Logan's dick in my mouth with no trouble when he pulled back, leaving me with a rich and desirous aftertaste. He then entered my mouth again, this time his dick coated in my drool. I just stayed down on my knees like that with hands on my thighs, not moving my head and letting Logan do all the work, the way he wanted it to be done. He moved in and out of my mouth a few times, after which he pulled out again, placing his dick covered in my spit and his precum on my face. I felt it radiate with warmth. My tongue left my mouth and I tried licking wherever it reached, but I could feel just the base of his dick as it was pushed against me.

I thought Logan was about to finally get serious, because he took his cock in one hand, while with the other he grabbed the back of my head. He then forced my head forward while feeding me his dick at the same time. As I swallowed more than half of it, he let go of his dick and joined hands behind my head. He tried to go deeper this time, testing my limits. He would ease back when he saw I couldn't handle it anymore. He was considerate at least, though I suspected he was just preparing me for what was about to come.

He started slowly fucking my mouth, going in and out, holding my head in a tight grip and controlling the pace. I could fit more than half his dick in my mouth, but not all of it, it was too long. At first he would control us and pull out before he hit the back of my throat. But as he felt I was getting more used to it, he started going deeper with every thrust. He was speeding his movements, hitting the back of my throat.

I found it was getting harder for me to breathe like that and I was trying to figure out how to do it. I was still keeping my hands low and I would have used them if Logan got too rough. My eyes were open the whole time and I realized they were teary from his mouth fucking. I tried looking up at him and saw that he wasn't looking at me at all, he even had his eyes closed. He might have been imagining something and someone else entirely. But the thought that he was using me as a hole made my dick even harder.

"Yeah, I'm fucking your mouth, fag," he said for the first time since putting his dick in me.

I listened to some more and I could hear him moaning and panting above me. He was clearly enjoying himself. And I was the reason for that.

"Fuck his mouth," said the unknown guy in a raspy voice.

I could tell Logan was trying to get his whole cock inside me, but it was my first time and it was getting more and more uncomfortable. I couldn't control my breathing properly, my jaw started getting tired, my legs were becoming numb, and the position on my knees like that was proving difficult to maintain for so long. Still, I was trying to keep up with him, not wanting to stop him from enjoying himself with me. I found out I could use my tongue and welcome his cock head every time he entered my mouth, making a trifling resistance to his intrusion that proved to be pleasurable, as I could hear him groan. I also noticed that Logan seemed to like whenever I moaned with his dick inside my mouth, it either made him feel appreciated or he was getting off on the slight vibration. I was extremely rock hard myself and I could feel my dick oozing precum in large amounts, adding cum to my piss soaked pants. I also had spit and precum all over my face as my mouth was drooling, but I didn't care. I was in an oversexed haze.

All of Logan's sexual energy and frustration had concentrated on me. I had accepted to be its way of release as a willing participant. I distantly knew how it was going to end, but I also knew Logan surely had more on his mind. He was unpredictable as I came to know his grown up self. Sure enough, my hunch was right, only that I didn't know what he was going to do.

Logan slowed down but kept his cock in my mouth. His left hand remained behind my head, holding me in place. He moved his right hand to his pocket and searched for something. I looked up at him curiously, bobbing on the tip of his cock.

What he took out from his pocket was his phone which he pointed at me from above. My eyes grew wide when I realized what he was doing. I immediately tried to back off from his dick, but his left hand tightened behind my head, keeping me in place. He pushed his hips forward and I tightened my lips, not letting him slide in my mouth. He got frustrated and he let go of me.

"No pictures, Logan!" I said angrily, trying to catch my breath.

He kept the phone pointed down at me and smiled cockily. He took his dick in his left hand and started slapping me on the face again, while probably catching it on video. I turned my head and tried to hide my face, protesting and hoping he would just agree to put his phone away, so we could continue. But this was Logan, he didn't listen to me at all. He didn't even stop smacking my face wherever he saw a slit in my defense.

"I guess I'll just piss on you again," I heard him say with a sneer.

When I heard that I instantly turned around and tried to get up on my feet with my hands reaching for his phone. Logan was quick to react however, clenching a fistful of my hair and putting me down in my place. He pulled my hair back, my head following. I saw him lean over above me, still shooting a video.

"Do you want my cock or not, fag?" he asked me, his face very close to mine.

I didn't say anything. I felt a bit of pain from the hair pull. My heart was racing. Logan was not just unpredictable, he was dangerous as well. I might have never been this horny, but I've also never felt so embarrassed and fearful in my life. I could only do this because I not just wanted, but needed his cock.

"Open your mouth wide," he said, still above me.

I felt him ease his restraint and he traced his fingers through my hair. Then he held me again, but this time more lightly. He knew the dynamics of how to make me listen and be obedient. I opened my mouth, as he asked, I even extended my tongue. I saw Logan's face get closer to mine and he formed a long and sizable drool that dropped in my opened mouth.

"I'm really horny and I need to finish," he said, standing up. "You're doing great, you're a good cocksucker." Logan Braydon, an eighteen year old, assured me I was a good cocksucker.

"You need to finish what you started, boy," the guy outside didn't miss to add a comment.

Logan let go of my hair, but he didn't put away his phone. I was watching him awkwardly from below, before I gathered enough courage and reached for his belt.

"You said you needed a bitch to do this for you, right?" I tried sounding as seductive as possible.

Thank you for reading my work! Questions, comments and feedback are most welcome and appreciated at:


I sometimes post short fictional stories with more explicit sexual content on Reddit under: u/Lein_Anders

© 2021 Lein Anders

Next: Chapter 4

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